A lot of people incur medical costs during the year, but do they know they can receive medical tax deduction benefits from this? If they did they would be able to save huge amounts of money when it comes to medical expenses. As long as the cost is more than 7.5 percent of their gross income they can begin to qualify for tax reduction.

Of course as with other deductions there are a few rules and such in regard to the medical tax reductions that can be used. One was already mentioned in regards to 7.5 percent of the gross income. To fully take advantage of this you should count every medical expense of those listed on your tax return. This includes any dependents such as children. This even allows you to calculate and include amounts spent on anyone who may have died during that year, to get the full advantage of the tax reduction. Even dental bills are included under the header of medical tax deduction benefits.

Including the cost of transportation can even be considered part of tax deduction entitlement. This means if you calculate your cents-per-mile according to the Internal Revenue Service website in regards to your transportation for any medical treatments you can save money. Other things that can be included in tax reduction include long term care insurance (depending on your age), uninsured treatments (eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc.) and even some weight loss programs can all be included in the reduction benefits.

Special needs can also be included under these benefits. This includes wheelchairs, crutches, and the like. If your doctor tells you, you need to add a ramp or widen doors on your house to accommodate a wheelchair the cost of this can be included in your tax benefits. These may only be partially deductible.

There are several other things that can be deducted as well. These can include anything from drug rehabilitation to nursing homes to prescriptions to ambulance service. If you keep careful records you can deduct anything related to medical use and save money. That is except for a few exceptions that include, cosmetic surgery, gymnasium payments, hair transplants and electrolysis, bottled water, dancing lessons, teeth whitening, maternity clothes and diaper services which cannot be included in the benefits.

Once again if you keep careful records of your bills and receipts you can take the most advantage from this tax deduction. With the high cost of most medical treatment, who wouldn't benefit from the tax deduction benefits that are available?

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Are you feeling sick inside yet simultaneously wracked with guilt at the amount of jealousy you are actually feeling from news of yet another pregnancy. Here you are, struggling to get pregnant when everyone around you seems to be, maybe feeling disgusted with yourself for feeling this way yet unable to change it.

There can come the endless barrage of questions and hurtful statements such as:

"when will it be your turn?"

"don't you want any children?"

"you're not getting any younger."

Or even perhaps, "why did you wait so long to try?"

The list is endless. How have you even coped, when all you have ever wanted was to become parents and hold your own baby in your arms.

Then can come possible negative emotional aspects such as:

- are you beginning to feel inadequate as a wife, unable to give him a child?

- do you even feel the same about having a child anymore and does he even want a child?

Possible facts:

- you are ovulating regularly each and every month.

- your blood tests have come back absolutely normal.

- there are no apparent signs of endometriosis.

- a laparoscopy has concluded no underlying abnormality that could be preventing you from conceiving.

- his sperm count is excellent, as is the motility.

- you are both healthy with no underlying problems in either one of you.

So why are you struggling to get pregnant?

These are some of the questions and emotions you may be going through but what about things you can do right now?

- Read as much as you can about infertility, ignorance is certainly not bliss, you are struggling to get pregnant yet inadvertently at the mercy of the information and advice that is being bombarded at you, due to lack of awareness.

- Never forget both you and your partner are in this struggle together, he knows what is happening because he is on exactly the same path as you. Feed from the comfort and reassurance from each other.

In your struggle to get pregnant it is very easy to lose sight of one another, they can become invisible, why not suggest a movie, perhaps a night out, things that you can do together as a couple.

- It is not about denying the pain of infertility but if you cannot express it outwardly why not try channeling your emotions by writing them down. It is a great way to release all the anger and disappointments.

After you have written them down burn the piece of paper if it helps. This is symbolic and very therapeutic as it can help release built up emotions.

- Let people into your world, give family and friends a chance to help you instead of shutting them out. On your own you are but one person, however, if you put one and one together it becomes eleven, remember that there is definitely strength in numbers.

- However, if nothing is helping, seek professional help, there is no shame in confiding with a stranger, that is what they are there for.

These are just some issues couples may face regarding infertility but my belief is just because you have been struggling to get pregnant and been told you are infertile does not mean another will also.

No one can predict the future but you can do everything in your power to change it for the good.

It might simply just mean the method needs to change.

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The health insurance marketplace is certainly challenging, but count your lucky stars that at least you have choices. To that end, this article is going to explore the pros and cons of group health insurance.

Group Health Insurance Pros

  • Group health premiums are subsidized by the employer. Generally, an employer must contribute at least 50% of the "employee only" premium. As such, if you are the employee, you can likely get a richer health plan for less premium than you would pay in the individual health marketplace. However, the cost to add your dependents to the employer's plan, may be cost prohibitive. In this case, and assuming that your dependents can qualify, then you may want to put them on an individual health plan.

  • Group health premiums for large families are the same as for small families; whereas in the individual market, you pay a separate premium for every family member. So, if you have a large family, you may be able to get a better deal by adding them to your employer's plan. As with any insurance change though, don't make any changes without consulting with an experienced insurance advisor in your state.

  • Group health insurance in most states is guaranteed issue - meaning that you can't be turned down because of pre-existing health conditions. This is a real blessing if you or a family member has a medical condition that prevents you from qualifying for a individual plan. But, this is a double-edged sword. While being guaranteed issue is a huge benefit for those with pre-existing medical conditions, it does come at a price. This one feature alone accounts for most of the disparity between group and individual insurance premiums. Yes, that is right - in most states, individual health premiums are almost always less expensive than group health premiums.

  • Most group plans cover maternity. So, if you are planning on having more children, you should definitely consider hopping on to a group plan. While you can add a "maternity rider" to individual plans, these riders tend to be expensive, restrictive, and otherwise provide less value than the coverage you can get in a group health plan. That being said, if you are considering having more children, we recommend that you contact a health insurance advisor in your state for advice about what is best for your family. The right answer is different for each unique family.

  • Economies of scale can benefit employees of large employers. It is true that the larger the group, the larger the risk pool is in which to share the risk which CAN result in lower premiums than are available in the individual health market. However, the guaranteed issue "issue" CAN wreak havoc on this type of plan. For example, a large employer with good benefits tends to retain employees for long periods of time. Eventually, the average age of the group starts to creep up and so do premiums. In addition, people with large medical needs (expensive medical conditions) tend to be attracted to large plans because they are guaranteed issue with good coverage. And so, over time, not only is the group's average age increasing, but the group is also attracting employees with large expected health costs. This is the dilemma that we see with large health plans like the U.S. auto-makers and even government plans. Eventually, those with lots of medical needs begin to outnumber those with little or no needs and so premiums are driven higher and higher.

Group Health Insurance Cons

  • Group health insurance can be more expensive than individual health insurance. ln fact, if you don't factor in the employer's contribution towards premiums, then individual plans are almost always more affordable than group plans. However, as we discussed earlier, not every one can qualify for an individual plan.

  • What happens if your employment is terminated (by you or your employer)? Yes, you will likely have some benefit continuation rights (through COBRA or state continuation programs), but these benefits can be very expensive and the term limited. So, eventually, you either have to secure another job with benefits, an individual health plan (assuming you are insurable), or possibly join a government health insurance program for the uninsured (if you are not insurable). Let me emphasize, that you should NEVER be without some form of major medical health insurance. Being without this insurance puts you and your family in serious financial jeopardy. In fact, a recent Harvard University study found that 50 percent of all bankruptcy filings were partly the result of medical expenses.繒 To the same point, every 30 seconds in the United States, someone files for bankruptcy in the aftermath of a serious health problem. Don't let this happen to you.

  • Group health insurance premiums are rising faster than individual health insurance premiums. Why? Because most group plans are guaranteed issue and since they accept "all comers", they tend to attract those with high medical costs. On the other hand, most individual health insurance plans are medically underwritten. This means that the insurance company can say "no thanks" to any application that it deems to not be in its interest. Put yourself in their shoes - would sign a contract to provide $30,000 in annual benefits to someone that was only going to pay $3,000 in premiums (for a net loss of $27,000) if you didn't have to? Hmm...let me me think about that one. The answer is a resounding "NO!". Because of this underwriting process for individual health insurance, insurance companies can control their risk and more effectively manage their profitability, resulting in more stable prices.

As you can see, there is no clear cut answer as to which type of insurance is the best. The answer depends on a number of factors and is different for every unique situation. The best advice I can give you as you consider your health insurance options -- get good advice from an experienced health insurance advisor.

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New mothers can learn how to reduce unwanted postpartum belly fat and improve overall health in only 4 steps. Read about some healthy living information you can start using right away.

Step 1: Nutritional Supplements

Good nutritional supplements are a wonderful insurance policy, especially when combined with healthy eating habits. In today's modern world we can't all be farmers and grow all our own food fresh in our back yard. Almost all of our food goes through some sort of processing, or at the very least, some waiting around before getting to our table.

Especially for fruits and vegetables, waiting means losing nutrients. For this reason it's very difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs through food alone, but combining proper nutrition with nutritional supplements is very powerful.

The one supplement everyone including new moms should be taking for sure is a good multi vitamin and mineral. Eating well is crucial, but a quality multivitamin and mineral supplement can assure you that you're getting all the nutrients your body needs. This is especially important if you are nursing your new little one.

Step 2: Nutrition

Most people these days know that good nutrition is important, but it's especially important for new mothers to get the right nutrition. You really are what you eat, and if you're a nursing mom, your baby is what you eat too.

Make the commitment to gradually improve your eating habits, eating more fresh and unprocessed foods and less of foods that are processed. It sounds overly simplistic, but it really works. Sweets don't have to be completely off your list, but reserve them for special occasions, and then, keep your indulgence to just a taste or a small serving.

Develop the habit of reading the labels of the foods you're buying. Avoid anything that's more than 50% fat, and watch out for salt. Even some innocent-looking crackers can pack quite a wallop in the fat and salt department, so be sure to educate yourself.

You may think it requires superhuman willpower to avoid all those delicious unhealthy snacks, but you'll be amazed at what how much better you'll feel when you start to eat better. Your body will love all the sweet fruits and good foods it's getting, and it will want you to keep improving your nutrition. Your body will reward you with greater energy and vitality in a very short period of time.

Step 3: Exercise

When it comes to improved health, many people leave out the final piece of the puzzle - exercise. There are so many benefits of exercising. Some of these are stronger bones, increased vitality, improved sleep and higher libido - so it's a very simple choice to start doing it.

Make it your goal to exercise 3-5 times a week with a combination of strength work and cardio exercise (but make it less than 1 hour per workout session). Work at a moderate pace. You should still be able to carry on a conversation while exercising, so don't overdo it, especially when you're just beginning.

Unfortunately, you can't spot-exercise away that postpartum belly fat and flabby abs. In fact if you work your abs too much you'll actually make your stomach bigger. Do some crunches and other traditional abs exercises, but in moderation.

A more effective abs exercise is to draw the stomach all the way in towards the spine, hold for 10 seconds, and let it out slowly. Repeat this 10 times. This will tone those muscles so that when the fat is gone, you'll reveal lovely, flat ab muscles.

If you add 3 pounds of muscle to your body, this added muscle will burn as many calories as if you ran 1 mile. Muscle burns calories, even at rest! So the more lean muscle your body has, the faster you'll burn off the fat. Grab those weights and start lifting!

Step 4: Stress Management and Sleep

Getting a good night's sleep each night, plus managing stress, are essential for good health. With a new baby, getting a full night's sleep can be pretty difficult; so make it a point to nap when the baby naps. If that's not workable for you, recruit someone to care for the baby while you get your rest.

Your body uses its sleep time to repair itself, and your mind needs that time to rest as well. Try to get 7 to 9 hours' worth of sleep per night. Two good ways to help ensure you get all the shut-eye you need are to get plenty of exercise, and avoid eating late at night. Your body can rest much better when it doesn't have a heavy meal to contend with as well.

Until you find a way to manage your stress, it will continue doing damage to your body. Here are two tips that should help: Every morning, prioritize your day. Plan to accomplish what's most important. If something isn't critical, it can wait. Your main focus right now is the baby. The other tip is to practice deep breathing exercises. Just stopping and focusing on deep breathing for a few minutes can work wonders for stress reduction.

Now that you have the basics, you can find out more for yourself. Find out what works for you, and build upon those findings. If you're consistent and have a little patience, that belly will shrink away in no time. Good luck and enjoy that beautiful baby.

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The entire journey of pregnancy until you deliver the baby consists of the surfacing of several symptoms nausea; pregnancy constipation is one of those. Usually constipation refers to irregular bowel movements. This tends to linger through the early stages of pregnancy to the post delivery phase.

What Causes A Painful Constipation During And After Pregnancy?

The causes of constipation before and after delivery are different. Post delivery, the episiotomy or the torn rectal issue that was repaired after delivery, may lead one to experience an agonizing constipation. Women, who have undergone a caesarian delivery, may find themselves afflicted by ileus or the condition in which the bowel movements are deferred for a short period. Pregnancy constipation symptoms are caused by other factors too. Following are the reasons that cause pregnant women to complain about unnerving constipation -

  • Changed diet habit

  • Side effects of medicines

  • Increased stress level

  • Low intake of fluid

  • High consumption of dehydrated fluids like caffeine enriched tea, coffee, and alcohol

  • Insufficient amount of sleep

  • Some diseases induce constipation like Parkinson's disease, stroke, diabetes, uremia, scleroderma and diseases of GI tract et all.
  • For relief from pregnancy constipation, consult with your physician. Besides, the medical experts' advice, you can try some measures of your own to stabilize your bowel movement.

    Tips To Cure Pregnancy Constipation

    To remove pregnancy constipation symptom, take special care and follow tips provided for you in this article. Among all the remedies for constipation problems, exercise has been seen to be a constipation reliever. Avoid heavy exercises, instead expectant mothers could be advised to go for a walk. A light or moderate practice of walking can be effective in the reduction of pregnancy constipation and will lessen the bloating for pregnant women.

    The second solution will be adequate consumption of fluids including water as constipation hardly takes place in the presence of sufficient hydration in the body. Some calcium and vitamin supplements, especially composed for pregnant women can be taken to obtain relief from pregnancy constipation. Some women also seek relief through stool softeners. Though these stool softeners are useful to bring relief within a short time, it is not recommended that you make a habit of use of it. You may also use homemade or natural remedies that include lower risks of side effects. You can take homemade remedies during the interval of consuming foods and drinks. Beat constipation with the help of a sensible diet and exercise program.

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    Looking for the help to become pregnant? Take into account that women over 35 may take longer to be able to conceive. There are so many positive things about having children when we are older. On the other hand there are some risks you have to take into account. I know exactly how you feel, because that's just how it was for me. When I tried to get pregnant I was nearly 33 years old. I married my second husband and we both yearned to have a baby...

    1. Women over 35 may take longer to be able to conceive.

    This is related to those eggs we have had since birth. We don't make new eggs as men make new sperm. Our eggs are with us almost from conception. They don't always age well. They can lose quality and there can be fewer of them. This is one reason to seek help to become pregnant from your health care provider if you have been unable to achieve pregnancy after trying for 6 months.

    2. There is an increase in spontaneous miscarriage.

    There is an increase in spontaneous miscarriage with an approximate risk of 25 percent in women age 35-39 and 51 percent in women 40-44. If you look at this another way, women 35-39 have a 75 percent chance of not having a miscarriage.

    3. Down Syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities

    The concern many women over 35 hear about most often is Down Syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities. At 35 a woman's risk of any clinically significant chromosome abnormalities is about 1 in 200. Her risk of a baby with Down Syndrome is about 1 in 365. In other words, the odds of having an absolutely normal baby would be about 99.34 percent.

    Have you tried so many things to help get pregnant? Are you frustrated... disappointed... or truth be told, even a bit angry that you're not pregnant yet?

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    If you have never heard of blue eye drops you are really missing out. This type of product is not new it has been around many years however until recently it was never approved for use in the United States.
    They have been in use by French Women for years to enhance and intensify the intensity of their eyes color and bring out the beauty. While the rest of the world was ignorant, make-up artists have kept this fabulous beauty secret to themselves. But now the secret is out and thousands of women are clamoring for this amazing product that will naturally and effectively enhance their color while at the same time work on increasing the appearance of alertness, beauty and intensity.

    Manufacturers have heard the cries of American women and have answered that call bring these blue drops to the United States under the names of Collyre Bleu Laiter, Innoxa Gouttes Bleues and Eye-Brite. Women have fallen in love with this amazing product and are loving how it magically and easily enhance their color without the risks and discomfort that colored contact lenses can cause.

    While this is a great product it is limited. You cannot use it on contact lens wearers. However, you can use them if you have any color, like Blue, brown, Green or Hazel.

    They have many benefits for the user:

    繚 They can make you look clear and bright.
    繚 Help you increase the appearance of alertness and awakeness.
    繚 They enhance your colors intensity for photographs.
    繚 Plus they also eliminate the appearance of redness.
    繚 They also can eliminate yellow-ness in your sclera (the white part) for a bright white color.

    In conclusion, if you can find these amazing eye drops you should definitely use them. They will add a little sparkle and clarity to your face that will stun everyone you meet. If a first appearance can make or break you, shouldn't you look the best you possibly can.

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    As women get older and closer to menopause, they experience a variety of symptoms in their bodies - symptoms that can make life unpleasant and sometimes downright difficult.

    These symptoms include; heavy periods, forgetfulness, fatigue, insomnia, headaches as well as symptoms like bloating associated with menstruation.

    There are a number of herbs that can help make life a whole lot easier for women who are experiencing peri-menopause as well as women with symptoms of PMS. Three of these herbs are Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus castus) and Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis).

    Black cohosh has been used for menopausal symptoms as well as menstrual cramping, headaches, water retention, lessened or absence of menstrual bleeding and uterine/bladder prolapse. Since black chohosh is anti-spasmodic, it tones the female reproductive tract.

    However, it is also good for toning and sedating the nervous system. Many women have emotional ups and downs associated with their cycle, so black cohosh is especially useful for problems such as nervous irritability and depression. The herb also helps aching muscles and chilliness associated with the menstrual cycle for the peri-menopausal woman.

    Black cohosh should not be used on its own. It is best used in a formula along with other herbs that support the female reproductive tract.

    Chaste Tree is another excellent herb good for a variety of female reproductive concerns. These include uterine fibroids, endometriosis, chronic menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding, mid-cycle spotting and irregular cycles which are due to a deficiency of the corpus luteum. Chaste tree can also help with other hormonally related symptoms, such as acne, breast tenderness, fibrocystic breasts and pre-menstrual symptoms including water retention, headaches and depression.

    Chaste Tree is useful for younger women as well as it has been used traditionally to treat infertility and prevent miscarriage, as well as to alleviate post-partum depression. It has been used traditionally to relive muscle spasms and pain.

    Dong Quai is often used in many women's formulas. It is a warming female tonic as it enriches the blood, promotes blood circulation as well as regulating and normalizing menstruation and the menstrual cycle. Dong Quai is also a mild laxative, an anti-inflammatory and an analgesic.

    Dong Quai can be used for PMS, cramps, menopausal-related symptoms, anemia, bleeding of the uterus due to stagnation as well as chronic pelvic infections. In Chinese medicine, Dong Quai is seen as a herb that 'dissolves stuckness,' which means it reduces blood clots, fibroids and other masses.

    Dong quai is useful for gynecological complaints when there is pain with spasms, chills, dryness of skin and constipation due to dryness. Dong Quai is often considered the female version of ginseng and it helps women feel good.

    Women who take Black Cohosh and Dong Quai should be aware that these herbs should not be consumed during pregnancy and nursing.

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    Women who have undergone childbirth usually have stretch marks. It is expected in a pregnant woman that along with nausea, morning sickness, mood swings, and other pregnancy discomforts, development of stretch marks is of great possibility. These red lines usually appear in your belly during the latter part of your pregnancy usually during the 7th or 8th months. But, do not stop there, for there is also great chance that the marks will develop in areas that tend to get larger during pregnancy, such areas are the thighs, buttocks, breasts and even arms. Try to check these areas and you will see! But, it also depends on your weight gain and genetic history and whether or not you make efforts to prevent such.

    Beating the odds against stretch marks and preventing them from developing is not difficult nowadays. There are a lot of stretch mark removal products that can effectively remove them. But as scientist argue as to the prevention, it is contended that one thing is absolutely certain- that is, genetics do play a role in determining whether or not you are prompt to getting such. Meaning, you are more likely to get them yourself when your mother had stretch marks during her pregnancy. However, there are ways that you can limit the possibility of getting them. Here are some guidelines that could help you:

    1. Eat a healthy and balance diet that keeps your weight gain within the recommended range. The healthy foods that you are eating are vital for the development of the baby, and it also contributes to the health and strength of your skin.

    2. Massage the areas where there are stretch marks and to areas that you feel they are likely to appear because this will help increase the circulation of blood in those areas.

    3. Drink plenty of water to hydrate the skin. It is also important to the baby and it is critical to the health of the skin.

    4. Take your vitamins. Vitamins are helpful to the development of your baby and to your skin!

    5. Apply moisturizer to your skin, before and after giving birth, because this serves as the supplement (or you may say "food") of your skin. There are products created out of natural vitamins and oils which will help enhance collagen production in the dermis, and will repair the damage of the extreme stretching. You can buy these products in the internet.

    Remember that you must take care of yourself in the postnatal period as well because weight loss can make your skin susceptible to stretch marks again. Also, you must keep yourself strong to cope with stresses from childbirth and the duties of motherhood.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy and best wishes for a healthy baby!

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    Paying for any type of medical treatment can be separated into three basic options.

    o Healthcare plans usually offered by your employer or professional organization.

    o From your own savings or other private arrangement such as a bank loan.

    o Grants and other programs offered by some patient advocacy groups and clinics.

    Unfortunately, with many healthcare plans limiting coverage the second option is often the only option for many couples wanting to conceive their own child. Couples will pull funds from many sources to cover out of pocket expenses in treating their infertility as well as attempt to gain coverage through their health insurance coverage. The most common out of pocket solutions are cash reserves, home equity lines of credit, secured or unsecured loans, and retirement savings plans. Section 125( c) medical savings plans, employer sponsored savings plans, are a type of hybrid of these two funding sources.

    Even though flexible medical spending accounts are limited in what types of treatments the account can be used to pay for and amount of money that can pass through them in a single year, they are excellent venues to pay for some medical expenses. Health savings accounts have two big benefits.

    o Pre tax dollars set aside

    o Non taxable withdraws

    Even though these are many slightly different programs which your employer may offer the idea behind them is basically the same. Employees can set aside a limited amount of pre tax dollars from their paychecks into a savings account, and then use those funds to reimburse yourself once you have paid out of pocket for medical care. Each plan has limitations on the amount that you can set aside, what constitutes a reimbursable medical expense, and the time frame (usually these need to be used annually).

    The IRS has defined what is allowed to be reimbursed from these accounts, and some to most fertility treatments do qualify. Exactly what is allowed for reimbursement depends upon the type of account. The rules for these accounts and eligibility are complex and should be discussed with your Human Resources or Benefits department. Speak with your Financial Advisor or Accountant to make sure you understand all of the possible tax implications of using the health care flexible spending account.

    Of all of the ways to personally fund infertility treatment Section 125 ( c) plans offer the most benefits with the least restrictions and penalties. Why dip into your cash reserve and risk your financial well being, or whittle away at your retirement when other options have not been exhausted. Ask your Infertility Consultant to point you to a financial expert if you don't already have one. Often just reducing the stress that finances put on infertility treatment can help increase your chances of success.

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