Pregnancy counseling can help you to decide what choices are best for you and for your unborn baby. Also sometimes called pregnancy counseling, it is advice and guidance given to a female in helping her prepare for all that expecting a baby entails. This advice can come by way of a family physician, an obstetrician, a nurse, a certified midwife or a childbirth educator. The most appropriate way to describe the sage advice is to say that it is a checklist to help you to figure out how to make the most suitable choices for yourself and your baby.

When you receive pregnancy counseling it can help you to make changes (if required) to ensure that you will be as healthy as possible during the nine months that you will be carrying a baby. It also helps to support the health and development of the fetus growing inside of your womb.

As a mother-to-be you want to have a healthy, successful pregnancy and you want to bring a healthy full-term baby into the world. The pregnancy counseling and education you receive are very important because there are lifestyle habits that can do your baby harm. Examples of these include smoking and alcohol consumption.

There are precautions that some women who wish to have babies need to think about. This is something that pregnancy counseling will address. For instance, females who suffer from diabetes need to speak with a diabetes educator, obstetrician and registered dietitian about how to prevent miscarriage in the early stages of the fetus' development and possible congenital malformations that are sometimes seen in infants born to diabetic mothers.

Women who are aware that they have a family history of genetic disease(s) may opt to be safe as opposed to sorry by having genetic tests done before they decide to try to get pregnant. This can be an aspect of counseling and education. Women in this situation can ask their family doctors or obstetricians for referrals to specialists.

Ladies over the age of 40 years are considered to be mature mothers and tend to have higher rates of caesarean births than women who give birth earlier in their life. These women are also more likely to suffer from high blood pressure and to give birth to infants who suffer from genetic disorders such as Down's syndrome.

Women who wish to become mothers should do everything possible to stay away from hazards that can hurt their chances of getting pregnant and can also harm their unborn babies. Avoid exposure to smoking (and second hand smoke), alcohol, any illicit drugs and chemicals. Cut back on caffeine and keep your body temperature at a normal range as much as possible.

The purpose of pregnancy counseling is to communicate many important elements that need to be in place to get pregnant and to ensure that all three trimesters are healthy for you and your infant. Nutrition will be discussed, as will be exercise, and use of medication.

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Congratulations on becoming a mum!

Months of pregnancy followed by labour have taken its toll on your body and it will take time to recover from all the events of the last 9 months. There is no rush to push your body to its limits right away; however it is time to gradually regain your strength and fitness.

1. During pregnancy your body adapts to accommodate your growing baby. You have a piece of soft tissue called the linea alba which attaches itself to the pubis symphesis (centre of the pubic bone) and the xyphoid process (the bony bit at the bottom of the sternum between the top of the rib cage). Its purpose is the connection of other muscles around the abdominals. As you grow during pregnancy this tissue can separate and the abdominal muscles spread away from each other. This is a perfectly natural thing to happen. However, before you anticipate exercising after giving birth you must wait until this tissue has returned almost to its original form. It is therefore import that you get clearance from your GP before starting a training programme. If you delivered your baby via caesarean section then you will take a little longer to heal. Also the remaining scar tissue in the muscles renders them slightly inactive and they will take time to start working properly again. It's important to communicate with your GP/obstetrician who will be able to advise you when you have recovered sufficiently from the surgery to begin an exercise programme.

2. It should be noted that for a few weeks after giving birth hormones are still racing around your body. There are still residual amounts of relaxin in your body. This hormone is released during pregnancy to allow soft tissues to become more elastic to allow extra space for the baby. Because of this, for a short while after birth you need to take care when stretching to avoid injury by stretching too much.

3. Are you breast feeding? If so then it is advisable to plan your workouts around feeding times. Some research suggests that if a mum breastfeeds straight after very rigorous exercise, her milk may contain high levels of lactic acid that can temporarily affect its taste. However, this only applies to truly strenuous exercise.

4. Once you are ready to start getting back into shape, take care which exercises you choose to begin with. The pelvic floor has been put through a lot of strain during labour which can cause stress incontinence, however the good news is that you can start pelvic floor exercises almost immediately after giving birth.

5. The core muscles have also been put through a lot of strain during pregnancy and labour. These muscles need activating to get them firing properly and help improve posture. This will help with any lower back pain too. Try this simple reverse breathing exercise to get them working again:

- Place yourself on the floor on your hands and knees.
- As you take a deep breath in push your belly towards the floor and hold for a couple of seconds.
- As you breathe out slowly, pull your belly in towards your spine as tight as you can. Breathe out as far as possible and again hold for a couple of seconds.
- Repeat the exercise.
- Make sure you take long slow deep breaths; you may even feel the pelvic floor lift as you breathe out.

As you improve you can make this exercise more challenging by extending out your arm and/or opposite leg. This places more tension on the core to stabilise.

6. Progress at a steady pace. After your 6 week check up, don't try and run a marathon the next day (unless you are Paula Radcliffe!). Start working at around 5 out of 10 (10 being maximum effort) and after a couple of weeks increase to 6 out of 10 and take care with high impact exercises. When your lochia (post natal bleeding) has stopped you could try swimming, although it's best to wait for at least 6 weeks to avoid infection.

7. Finally, eat good quality fresh organic food and drink plenty of water, which will be good for you and the baby if you are breastfeeding.

So here's to your good health and wellbeing. Good luck!

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Bleeding Or Spotting In Early Pregnancy-Some Statistics And Facts

Bleeding or spotting in early pregnancy can be very worrying, although it is often not a signal of a problem. However bleeding can be the sign of a miscarriage, yet on the other hand it doesn't mean that one is imminent.

20% to 30% of women do experience some type of spotting or bleeding in early pregnancy, of which approximately 50% result in miscarriages and the other 50% don't. These facts and stats have been proven in studies.

The two other potential reasons for bleeding during the first trimester are ectopic pregnancies or molar pregnancies. More detailed information is included in the sections below about miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and molar pregnancy.

What You Should Do If You Experience Bleeding Or Spotting

• Use a pad or panty liner so that you can be aware of the level and type of bleeding you are experiencing

• Do not use a tampon, or have intercourse, have a douche, or introduce anything into the vagina while bleeding

• Contact your health care provider immediately.

Possible Reasons For Bleeding Or Spotting In Early Pregnancy/First Trimester

Apart from the possible complications mentioned previously, other reasons for bleeding or spotting in early pregnancy are:

Breakthrough bleeding - happens when the pregnancy hormones cover up the menstrual cycle but the cycle still continues for a short while. So it could be that you do get what appears to be your period around the same time it was due but it could be breakthrough bleeding.

Implantation bleeding - this can happen between six and twelve days after a potential conception. Different women will have different variations of implantation bleeding; some will have light spotting for a few hours whereas others will have this for up to a few days.

After intercourse - bleeding may be experienced by some women as the cervix can be sensitive and tender. Do not have intercourse until you have seen your doctor.

Infection in the pelvic cavity or urinary tract - can cause bleeding.

Early Pregnancy/First Trimester Possible Complications Signalled By Bleeding


Miscarriage - is experience by 50% of the women who have spotting or bleeding during the first trimester.

Why Does A Miscarriage Occur?

Miscarriage is nature's way or your body's way of dealing with a pregnancy which was not continuing as it should. The majority of miscarriages occur during the first 12 gestational weeks of pregnancy. (Gestational weeks date from the first day of your last period.) There is normally nothing that can be done to prevent a miscarriage. Somewhere between 15% and 20% of pregnancies will result in miscarriage.

Miscarriage Signs/Miscarriage Symptoms

• Vaginal spotting or bleeding

• Passing tissue via the vagina

• Cramps which are generally stronger than menstrual cramps, felt in the lower stomach area

Miscarriage Support

Experiencing miscarriage can be extremely distressing for many women and can bring up undeserved feelings of being a failure and this mixed with grief, as well as dealing with a possible flux of hormones can make this a difficult time. Do get support if you ever experience a miscarriage.

For support in Ireland go to The Miscarriage Association of Ireland and in the UK it is the Miscarriage Assocation.


An Ectopic Pregnancy - is when the pregnancy implants somewhere outside the uterus, such as one of the fallopian tubes. In rare cases it can occur in the ovary, cervix or stomach area. Approximately one in sixty pregnancies will be an ectopic pregnancy.

Why Does An Ectopic Pregnancy Occur?

Ectopic pregnancies can occur due to a condition that blocks or slows down the fertilised egg moving through the fallopian tube to the uterus; such as a previous ectopic pregnancy, previous pelvic surgery or an infection in the tubes. Sometimes the cause is not known.

Ectopic Pregnancy Signs/Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms

• Vaginal spotting or bleeding

• Sharp pain in the abdominal area

• Cramps which are usually stronger than menstrual cramps, felt in the lower stomach area

• Low levels of hCG (pregnancy hormone)

• Shoulder tip pain

• Collapse

• Bladder or bower problems

Ectopic Pregnancy Support

An ectopic pregnancy is not only a very tough physical condition to experience but it affects our emotions hugely. It is good to get support if you are either going through the experience or after you have had an ectopic pregnancy.

Search for the term Ectopic Pregnancy Support and in whichever country you are in the organisation should show up.


Molar Pregnancies - are a very rare reason for early pregnancy spotting or bleeding and the "mole" or molar pregnancy is when abnormal tissue has grown instead of an embryo. A molar pregnancy occurs 1 in 1000 pregnancies.

This is also known as GTD - gestational trophoblastic disease.

Why Does A Molar Pregnancy Occur?

It is the result of a genetic error; an abnormality of the placenta which occurs when the egg and sperm joined during fertilisation.

Molar Pregnancy Signs/ Molar Pregnancy Symptoms

• Spotting or bleeding

• Increased hCG (pregnancy hormone)

• Vomiting and nausea

• High blood pressure

• No heart tone or fetal movement can be detected

• Sometimes a rare complication such as thyroid disease can occur

Molar Pregnancy Support

At the time of writing there does not appear to be an Irish support organisation.

In the UK the name of the website is simply Molar Pregnancy, just search for this.

There is a website called My Molar Pregnancy. I mention this one as it is quite a personal website set up by someone called Jennifer Wood that has experienced a molar pregnancy. On this website there is also a link to a Facebook Group.

This information is meant only as a guideline and always be sure to contact your healthcare provider as soon as you have any concerns.

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New mothers sometimes experience "postpartum blues." This is understandable. Pregnancy and birth are very dramatic events for your body - both physically and emotionally. So, it's common to feel a little weepy, irritable or moody in the first few days after birth.

If you eat well, supplement your diet with high quality whole food supplements (especially omega-3 oils and B vitamins) and get enough rest, mild cases should pass quickly.

But, if "the blues" continue for more than just a few days, or if you're feeling really depressed and down, please don't try to tough it out. Get professional help. Ask your midwife or doctor to connect you with someone who can give you appropriate counseling.

Here are some tips that can help prevent or ease the symptoms of postpartum depression:

1. Ask for help after the birth. Here are some things friends and family could do for you during the first few weeks that might work better than giving the traditional baby shower gifts. They can:

Bring you a complete dinner (hot and ready to serve);

Volunteer to do your laundry;

Take care of your house cleaning;

And/or entertain older children with a day of play.

2. Get yourself out of the house - if only onto the deck or front steps - for at least a few minutes each day. Set up a lawn chair, wrap up yourself and your baby in a blanket and take a break. Set aside this time for you and baby.

3. Take it easy. Play with your baby. Visit with friends and family. Listen to relaxing music. Watch some old "feel good" DVD's. Get someone to take you and baby for a long ride in the car. Baby will probably fall right off to sleep and you'll get a chance to shut your eyes and relax for a few moments too.

4. And most importantly, eat really well and get yourself on a complete whole food nutritional program including pure omega-3 oils with EPA and DHA. I've seen high quality whole food supplements, combined with wholesome eating, consistently succeed in overcoming postpartum depression.

This is a special time for both you and your baby. It's important to relax and enjoy it. And remember, if your depression continues for more than a few days, please don't be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. Support is only a phone call away at the National Post Partum Depression Hotline 1-800-PPD-MOMS (773-6667).

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Healthy pregnancy is the first and for most thing which the every mother desire for. This could only be achieved through proper regimes. This is very much required to sustain a fetus growth properly and to nourish the mother's body during the time of pregnancy. It is quite simple to follow these regimes if you are a bit cautious. A mother should be educated and aware of the tips needed to be followed during pregnancy. The tips for the healthy pregnancy are as follows.

  • Pregnancy plan organization: One must ensure to make daily check ups with gynecologist during this time. As through this you would get aware of the necessary vaccinations required. Moreover you must clear all the doubts and questions you have on your mind regarding child's birth and pregnancy. This would help you to get more confidence.

  • Nourishment through food: For a healthy pregnancy a proper nourished diet is always recommended by the doctors. One must include folic acid into the diet. As this reduces the risk of neural tube defect on the fetus. Other than this fish oil could be another essential food. This helps effective brain development of the baby as it contains omega fatty acids.

  • Balanced diet: A complete balanced diet is also required apart from some chosen nutrient food. Your diet must comprise of nutritious foods. Always ensure to have a well maintained balanced diet comprised of fibers, and green vegetables. In order to hydrate drink adequate water. Junk foods, sugar, salt and high fats should be avoided as this might contribute as unhealthy additive for the body.

  • Restriction on alcohol and smoking: Alcohol and smoking both are two injurious for mother and baby's health. The consumption of tobacco or alcohol might lead to several complications of the fetus like physical or mental disability. The health of the mother can also have adverse effect and complications due to this.

  • Fitness through exercise: Exercise is one of the key for healthy pregnancy as well. This reduces the stress from mother's body and makes delivery easier during the time of child's birth. But one might be aware of the exercises that are needed o be done during pregnancy. Consult gynecologist before beginning any exercise regime. Yoga is another way through which you can heal your pregnancy pains and could have relaxed mind and soul. Meditation could also be a better way to combat against fear or anxiety during the time of pregnancy.

  • Proper care and good rest: Sleeping is a better way to heal your pregnancy pain and helps the baby to grow. Adequate sleep is very much essential in order to fulfill the requirement of your body. Proper care is also needed to be taken so that it does not affect the baby or mother.

  • Happy lifestyle: Stress or anxiety could affect the healthy pregnancy and can cause low birth weight of the baby. It is very much essential for a mother to stay cheerful and stress free. For this a pleasant lifestyle has to be maintained by the family members.

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For some women, the first days of breastfeeding are easy and effortless. For others, it's a time of learning, practice, patience, communication, and experimentation. Every woman, every breast, and every baby is different. One thing, however, remains constant; creating a healthy feeding relationship promotes physical and emotional well-being for you and your little one.

Your babe has a physical need for milk, of course, and breast-milk contributes to the health of almost every physical system that your little one has. On an emotional level, creating a healthy feeding relationship will help you meet your baby's needs of love, safety, and nurturing. Whether or not these emotional needs are met will have a huge impact on your little one's emotional well-being throughout his or her life.

By consciously creating a healthy and loving feeding relationship, you are providing your baby with their first experience of a healthy intimate relationship. This gives your little angel the feelings of safety, security, and nurturance that will impact all of their future relationships.

Breastfeeding allows you to read you baby's cues and to develop trust in your mothering instincts. This one act is responsible for a plethora of physical processes that help your post-baby body recover. In addition, breastfeeding also releases the hormone oxytocin (a.k.a. the love hormone), which is responsible for feelings of contentment, pleasure, and love. All of these wonderful feelings will contribute to your well-being and postpartum recovery.

Breastfeeding, and feeding in general, plays an important role in bonding. Bonding is the intense attachment that develops between a mom and her little one. It's what makes her want to shower her baby with love and affection, and it's what drives her to protect and nourish her little one. We psychologists are still learning a lot about the bonding process, but one thing is certain: breastfeeding (and feeding in general) is an important component in the bonding process.

If you're unable to breastfeed, not to worry, you will still be able to bond with your little one and create a loving and healthy feeding relationship. Here are some tips that can help you create a great feeding relationship with your baby no matter what the experience is like for you.

Be Flexible

If you're anything like I was as a new mother, you probably have an expectation about what successful breastfeeding should be like. From my experience, "shouldering" on yourself is never a good thing. Being flexible in your expectations about what breastfeeding will be like for you is critical when it comes to creating a great feeding relationship. Various unexpected circumstances often present themselves in breastfeeding (and in life). How we handle these circumstances can mean the difference between a great feeding relationship and a difficult one. If we're not flexible when unexpected things happen, we can end up feeling regret, blame, grief, and guilt. We can be hard on ourselves, and that negative self-talk can destroy our self-esteem and potentially harm our relationship with our infants.

Release the To-Do List

When feeding, put your to-do list on hold. I know it can be really difficult to sit down and relax when you have a hundred things that need to be done. Our overscheduled busy lives often create unhealthy amounts of stress, thus causing us to feel anxiety, tension, and irritation. Babies have the ability to sense these emotions, which can interfere with the feeding and bonding process. As a new mom, it is imperative for the well-being of you and your baby that you take this time to relax. In addition, when you release the to-do list, it's much easier to feed without schedules or restrictions. When your little one is permitted to feed without a schedule, it provides her with an opportunity to absorb all of the nourishment and love that she needs.

Get Naked (well, sort of)

Providing your little one with as much skin-to-skin contact as possible has huge emotional and physical benefits. Skin-to-skin contact helps to regulate a baby's breathing and heart rate, increases oxygen levels in the blood, stabilizes body temperature, keeps blood sugars higher, improves sleep, and improves brain development. Skin-to-skin contact also contributes to improved postpartum recovery for you, so it's a win-win situation. Find a favorite warm fuzzy blanket, strip down your little guy, and let him snuggle in close while you wrap the two of you in a cocoon of warmth.

Get Comfortable

When you settle in for feeding time, make sure that you are comfortable and supported. It's helpful to learn about different nursing positions so that you can find the one that makes you and your baby feel most comfortable. Also, take the time to make yourself a Zen-like space that promotes feelings of relaxation, calmness, and peace. Make sure everything you need is at your fingertips. I personally liked having a glass of water and lip chap nearby with a nursing pillow supporting my little guy and a blanket on my feet.

Ask For Help

Getting support from family, friends, older children, and professionals is the key to creating a great feeding relationship with your baby. Help the people around you to understand that you and your little one need a calm and quiet environment while breastfeeding. If you have older children, you may ask for their help (e.g., "can you please bring me a glass of water?"). This is an excellent way to help them feel needed and involved. If you feel like something isn't quite right, then seek assistance from a professional. For example, if you feel emotional distress, talk to your physician or psychologist. If you're feeling pain or are having a hard time getting comfortable, La Leche League is a great resource for breastfeeding support and education.

Be Present

Once you've released your to-do list, you'll find it much easier to be present with your little one. Focus on making eye contact, humming, singing, talking softly, or rocking your babe gently. Your voice is soothing to your little munchkin, and your loving attention provides her with feelings of love, safety, and nurturing. In the long run, this will have a positive impact on her self-esteem and confidence.

One final thought. When approaching these strategies, focus on one at a time in the order presented. Once you feel like you've mastered one, move on to the next one. Trying to do everything all at once is a trap that many women fall into, causing stress, anxiety, and feelings of not being good enough. Here's a bonus strategy for you.

Be gentle with yourself, and approach feeding with an open heart. Set your intention to do the best that you can, be flexible as unexpected circumstances arise, love yourself and your body, and all will turn out just fine. This approach will benefit you and your little one more than any other strategy.

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As a mother or parent, the healthiest fetal development is probably at the top of the list of your concerns. That may be why you are considering using fish oils to benefit your unborn baby.

But getting simple and direct information on what can and what won't benefit your child during fetal development is difficult. I hope to help with that in this article by giving you five tips.

But here's some little information to get the ball rolling first.

EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) are so "essential" as they help oxygen transport through our bloodstreams, they improve the development of cells and of the brain, and they also increase organ and tissue health.

The most beneficial EFA is DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). This omega 3 fatty acids is one of the main foundational materials of the tissue of the brain.

But finally, here are the 5 big tips which can benefit your child:

1. DHA is important for your child's brain function.

The aforementioned DHA is important in many parts of your child's development -- its brain, its eyesight and correct development of the nervous system. It can also improve your child's early hand-eye coordination.

2. All the DHA you consume will be naturally transported to your fetus

This really substantiates the idea of a mother's instinctive protectiveness over her children. Your body naturally diverts helpful nutrients from itself to the fetus. Deficiencies in DHA for mothers can result in post-partum depression.

3. Babies may be more intelligent

A case study took place in England. It included 11,000 pregnant women who consumed more omega 3s whilst pregnant. Their children were more likely to have higher IQs and also managed social interaction a lot better than other children. The children were also observed to be more focused and less likely to develop ADD.

4. The baby will continue to develop whilst breastfeeding

You are the only source of nutrition if you breastfeed. A baby's development is always racing and so it is essential that you can supply him or her with the nutrients it needs to grow and develop properly, without reducing your own use of DHA.

5. There are no omega 3 fatty acids in prenatal vitamins

As prenatal vitamins are unlikely to have DHA in them, it is important that women acknowledge this deficiency and do something about it themselves -- by adding a fish oil supplement to their own diet. This could go a long way in preventing post-natal depression too.

But while fish oils bring a range of benefits, there are also risks. Some women try and eat lots of fish to supply themselves with omega 3 fatty acids, but this can be dangerous.

Some fish contain contaminants like mercury, which can cause mercury poisoning.

It is much safer to consume a fish oil supplement which is of pharmaceutical grade and which has undergone molecular distillation. This process removes impurities and will make for a healthy and safe fish oil supplement.

And the end result of this will be a healthy and safe fetal development, which is what every single parent desires.

Your next step? Consult your physician on the dose you would require and find a fish oil which is properly purified to boost your child's fetal development.

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Being lonely is a normal part of our everyday lives. We get sad when we fail in our exams, when we're rejected by the person we love, or when someone very close to us passes away. Depression, however, could be more fatal than just plain loneliness. It could render life-long consequences that could ruin your self-esteem, health, and well-being.

Here are some superb tips to conquer the melancholy mood and get the most bliss out of your daily activities.

1) Get Enough Light and Sunshine.

Lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which could trigger a dispirited mood and a lethargic condition.

Melatonin is only produced in the dark. It lowers the body temperature and makes you feel sluggish. If you are always cooped up in your room (with the curtains closed), it would be difficult to restrain yourself from staying in bed.

This is the reason why many people are suffering from depression much more often in winter than in the other seasons. It's because the nights are longer.

If you can't afford to get some sunshine, you can always lighten up your room with brighter lights. Have lunch outside the office. Take frequent walks instead of driving your car over short distances.

2) Get Busy. Get Inspired.

You'll be more likely to overcome any feeling of depression if you are too busy to notice it. Live a life full of inspired activities.

Do the things you love. If you're a little short on cash, you could engage in simple stuffs like taking a leisurely stroll in the park, playing sports, reading books, or engaging in any activity that you have passion for and would love to pursue.

Set a goal - a meaningful purpose in life. No matter how difficult or discouraging life can be, remain firm and have an unshakable belief that you are capable of doing anything you desire. With this kind of positive attitude, you will attain a cheerful disposition to beat the blues.

3) Take a Break.

I mean it.

Listen to soothing music. Soak in a nice warm bath. Ask one of your close friends to massage you. Take a break from your stressful workload and spend the day just goofing around. In other words, have fun.

4) Eat Right and Stay Fit.

Avoid foods with lots of sugar, caffeine, or alcohol. Sugar and caffeine may give you a brief moment of energy; but they would later bring about anxiety , tension, and internal problems. Alcohol is a depressant. Many people would drink alcohol to "forget their problems." They're just aggravating their conditions in the process.

Exercising regularly is a vital depression buster because it allows your body to produce more endorphins than usual. Endorphins are sometimes called "the happy chemicals" because of their stress-reducing and happiness-inducing properties.

5) Get a Social Life.

No man is an island. Your circle of friends are there to give you moral support. Spending time and engaging in worthwhile activities with them could give you a very satisfying feeling. Nothing feels better than having group support.

Never underestimate the power of touch. Doesn't it feel so good when someone pats you on the back and gives you words of encouragement during your most challenging times? Hug or embrace someone today. You'll never know when you have saved another life.

Get intimate. Establish close ties with your family and friends. The love and care expressed by others could tremendously boost your immune system and fend off illnesses. Best of all, you'll live a more secured and happy life.

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It is not surprising that there are pretty many contraceptive means to consider when a couple prefers to avoid pregnancy in own interest. Though it is with own choice for some reason or other, taking prescription pills may have some unwanted consequences when frequently used. While there are wonderful foods to avoid pregnancy, why should you go for searching a gynecologist and drain your pocket savings? It is suggested here to choose eating certain foods as under mentioned as a safe way to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Papaya: Papaya is one of the naturally available contraceptive foods. It is a traditional remedy that can help to avoid pregnancy naturally. It contains an enzyme called papain that interacts, as a catalyst, with progesterone and produces contraceptive effect to avoid getting pregnant. There is fair chance that a woman aborts when she chooses to eat large amounts of ripe papaya. A teaspoon of Papaya seeds taken daily can show excellent effect of contraception in both male and female.

Sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds have high potential to offer contraceptive and abortive effect. If the seeds are consumed within three hours before or after coitus, you can see the amazing effect of avoiding pregnancy.

Garlic: The cuttings of garlic pieces have excellent role of killing the sperms. If 5 pieces of garlic and 10 sun flower seeds are consumed during coitus hours, the expected result of contraceptive effect can be surprising.

These are just some natural ways to avoid pregnancy by consuming medicinal foods. Over eating can make the fertility potential poor that cannot be recovered in a short period when you want to get pregnant. So taking of home based contraceptive foods just to the need is good and harmless. It is suggested in good will, if you are particular, that you choose to prevent pregnancy rather than going for abortion.

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The most frequent question asked by most young couples is how soon they can have a baby. Once they are ready for parenthood, they are eager to get pregnant. For some couples, it needs around 5-6 months to conceive whereas others might need several years for a successful conception. The time it takes to get pregnant depends on some factors like lifestyle, body weight and naturally the frequency of having sex. If you and your partner develop a healthy lifestyle, maintain an ideal weight and have sex regularly especially before and during ovulation, you have a much higher chance of conceiving. You can improve the chances if you can predict your ovulation accurately. So, what can you do to improve the chance of getting pregnant? The following tips may help you to get started:

1. The initial step you take is visit your doctor to undergo preconception tests for you and your partner. The required tests include a sperm count, an ovulation test, a Pap smear and a Hysterosalpingogram test. If you show any reproductive problems, discuss them with your doctor so important steps can be taken to improve your chances of getting pregnant.

2. It is important that you read some good information about how to get pregnant fast. There are some crucial things that you need to know before starting to conceive such as how to develop a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy foods, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol as well as limiting your caffeine intake. Doing these things will help you improve your fertility. Besides, a healthy lifestyle will minimize the risks of birth defects. Obtaining information on how to make love in order to get pregnant quickly is also important to do. You should gather information on the frequency, the optimum positions and the best time to have sex. In order to achieve the desired result, you need to clearly understand the signs of ovulation. Ovulation is your most fertile period and having sex within these several days of the monthly cycle will increase your chances of getting pregnant.

3. To conceive successfully, you need to be relaxed. Try to get rid of stress as they can interfere with your ovulation and reduce your partner's sperm production. There are many things that you can do to reduce stress. You can do yoga, get acupuncture treatments or join a stress management program to relax.

4. Dental care is important during your pregnancy. If you have gum disease and you don't treat it properly, it can affect your pregnancy such increasing the probability of having a premature birth. A dentist will examine your teeth carefully to check their conditions. To keep your teeth healthy, you can do regular flossing and brushing at home. Your dentist may also prescribe antiseptic oral rinses for maximum protection.

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