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Using Morning Sickness as a Baby Gender Predictor.

Women who have bad morning sickness during pregnancy are more likely to have girls than boys. This was found to be the case by scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. The study of women who were pregnant found that out of the women affected with severe morning sickness 44 percent conceived boys compared to the 56 per cent who conceived girls.

The research found that women carrying girls have a higher level of a hormone which is called human chorionic gonadotropin, this can cause morning sickness.

Smoking as a Baby Gender Predictor

There was a study performed in Scandinavia which looked into parents who smoked. The study found that if couples smoked it would lower their chances of conceiving a boy.

It was discovered that (Y) male sperm are more sensitive when introduced to a smoking environment than the (X) girl sperm.

Using Physical characteristics as a Baby Gender Predictor

A study was done at Liverpool University which looked at the length of couples fingers! It was found that couples who both have long ring fingers have a greater chance of having a boy. Long ring fingers is an indication that there is a higher than average testosterone levels.

Another study in New Zealand at the Auckland University found that assertive women are more prone to conceiving a boy (80 per cent). Assertive women have higher levels of testosterone.

Family situation as a Baby Gender Predictor

A study performed by the US National Bureau of Economic Research discovered that couples who were living together or married before conception were slightly more prone to conceiving a boy than those who did not.

A theory for this may be that (Y) male sperm are not as boisterous as the (Y) female sperm. The male sperm need more nurturing and caring for during pregnancy to survive. Therefore, a woman in a solid relationship may be better equipped to care for her child more during pregnancy.

Careers as a Baby Gender Predictor

A survey performed at the London School of Economics discovered that women with more 'masculine' jobs, such as engineering had a greater chance of conceiving a boy while women with a more caring or 'feminine' career, such as nursing or teaching, were more likely to conceive a girl.

Folk lore theory as a Baby Gender Predictor

There are a few mathematical theories according to folk lore. The more popular one combines the mother's age when conception took place with the month number (for example: May is 5, for fifth month on the calendar) she conceived.

If the resulting number is even, then the baby is a boy, while odd indicates a girl.

The Old Wives' Tales as a Baby Gender Predictor

There are so many old wives tales out there. Here are just a few: More likey to be carrying a boy if carrying the baby low, craving protein or salty food, have dry skin and be more prone to headaches.

On the other hand women are more likely to be carrying a girl if they crave sweet foods, carry high, suffer with mood swings, have dull hair during pregnancy.

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President Obama wiped out maternity leave income for thousands of self employed women with the stroke of a pen - only he didn't know it. And neither did anyone else, except for maybe this writer. In April, 2011 President Obama signed legislation repealing a controversial segment of the year old Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Under the terms of this law, all businesses would have been required to issue a 1099 statement to all vendors of goods and services during the year which total more than $600.

Unknown to almost everybody in the world - except those lucky few reading this article - the repeal hurt self employed women needing maternity leave income. Allow me to connect the dots: short term disability insurance creates maternity leave income, coverage is available to groups offering voluntary benefits, 1099 workers can comprise a group, but the legislation inadvertently winnowed the population of 1099 workers.

Short Term Disability Insurance Creates Maternity Leave Pay

Short term disability insurance helps women create maternity leave pay. It replaces a portion of income for injuries and illnesses that cause you to miss work. Normal delivery after a normal pregnancy is a covered illness. Vaginal delivery pays a six week benefit, and a c-section delivery pays an eight week benefit - less the elimination period. The benefit for normal delivery may greatly exceed the premium paid, plus the policy covers mom in case of missed time due to complications prior to delivery, and postpartum disorders which may extend the time needed to recover.

Only Available Through Groups

Women planning a pregnancy can buy a short term disability policy and expect to receive a benefit when everything goes according to plan: get pregnant, have a healthy pregnancy, delivery a happy and healthy baby. In addition there are four other ways the policy may pay a benefit: pregnancy complications, postpartum disorders, accidents, and illnesses. It's a great deal for any women planning to get pregnant.

It's not such a great deal for the insurance carrier. The insurer stands to lose a significant sum on a planned event. Insurance is meant to protect against the unexpected. So these policies are only sold through group as voluntary employee benefits. Employees pay the premium through a payroll deduction.

1099 Workers Help Form a Group

Many self employed women need short term disability coverage for the reasons listed above. But they find it difficult to find coverage because they are not part of an employer group - or so they think. Some insurers who issue short term disability will include 1099 workers as part of the group definition. Many self employed women already get paid as 1099 workers. Others may not, but pay vendors and other providers during the course of the year. A "self employed" women issuing two or more 1099 statements may qualify as a group

Fewer Small Groups after Repeal

The greater number of 1099 statements that are issued, the great the number of employer groups qualified to offer coverage there might be. Had the legislation remained in effect, there might have been an explosion in 1099 statements, and a corresponding growth in 1099 based groups that might be able to purchase short term disability insurance as a voluntary employee benefit program. Alas, the repeal reduced paperwork requirements for many; but dashed the hope for maternity leave income for others.

Meanwhile, a little publicity surrounding 1099 worker relationships may help a few self employed people find coverage they qualified for already - but they just didn't know how insurers define groups. Now they do.

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The European Health Insurance Card or EHIC is a must have item for all UK resident travelling to anywhere in Europe. In the event that your holiday takes a turn for the worst, the card allows you access to state provided healthcare, similar to that provided by the NHS in the UK, in all countries designated as in the European Economic Area or EEA.

These countries are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Leichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the UK. Switzerland is a country also included in the scheme.

Not all countries' healthcare systems are the same, so you might not be covered for everything that would normally be free from the NHS in the UK. In many cases, you will be offered a choice of either private or state provided care. To avoid potentially costly private medical bills, always seek out state provided care and where possible present your EHIC before treatment.

There are certain rules that apply to using your European Health Insurance Card should you require medical treatment during your visit abroad. Most accidents are covered but you are not permitted to go abroad to use the card to receive specific medical care. However, maternity care, renal dialysis and looking after the symptoms of a pre-existing or chronic condition that crops up while you are abroad are all covered by the card.

Broadly speaking, you will receive the same treatment as a resident of the country you are visiting. That said, many overseas countries expect the patient to pay towards the cost of medical treatment anyway so even with the EHIC you may still be expected to pay. It is also worth bearing in mind that you may be able to recoup this cost when you return to the UK if you are not able to do so in the country you have visited. Always remember to keep receipts and paperwork as they may be needed to apply for reimbursement.

Applying for a European Health Insurance Card is free and is valid for five years. Finally, it should be pointed out that the card is not an alternative to travel insurance. It does not cover you for private medical care or the cost of such things as a rescue from a mountain in a ski resort. Neither, of course, does it cover lost or stolen property, repatriation to the UK or flight related problems. It is therefore essential that you have a travel insurance policy as well as your EHIC.

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You simply cannot go without a reliable health insurance plan. You need to know that you and your family are getting the healthcare you require. However, most people do not know much about this type of coverage. They often get policies that cannot adequately meet their medical care needs. Thus, it is best for you to learn more about the features and benefits you can expect from a standard plan before requesting free health insurance quotes. In this way you can compare the different offers adequately based on your personal needs, requirements and budget.

The standard health insurance plan covers all the basic care and treatments you may require regularly or at one point in your life. All your visits to the doctor's office are covered and you do not need to pay for them. You will not have to make on the spot payments for all standard medical tests including lab and X-ray ones. The maternity care is also normally included in every standard policy. This is includes all the monitoring of the future mother as well as the actual delivery. You will get adequate coverage for hospitalization and any surgeries you might need.

When requesting free health insurance quotes it is essential for you to keep in mind that the pediatric care should also be covered in a standard plan. All families have to pay special attention to the benefits they can expect to get for their youngsters. More importantly, you have to check whether the number of children in your family will affect the amount of money you have to pay for the coverage. Normally you can expect to pay more if you have more kids so it is best to research all the aspects related to pediatric care in advance.

One of the main types of medical care that is often not covered in the plans is the preventative one. This means that any immunizations and specific tests such as mammograms are excluded from the insurance. You are highly recommended to perform a more thorough research and find a plan that offers preventative care even at a slightly larger cost. Generally, the health maintenance organization plans have a greater emphasis on this type of services, but they also have specific restrictions that you have to take into consideration.

The standard policies do not provide dental care coverage. If you have serious problems with your oral and teeth health you should request separate health insurance quotes that contain only dental plans. It is worth having such coverage since this type of care is quite expensive as well.

Any insured individuals that need eyeglasses or hearing aids have to pay for these separately as they are normally not covered for. The same is applicable to any cosmetic surgery that is not necessary due to an accident or another medical intervention. Experimental and alternative treatments are often excluded as well even though more and more insurers are starting to offer them.

You have to consider all the benefits that you will get and the ones that you will not when requesting and evaluating free health insurance quotes.

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Pregnant women are famous for having extraordinary food cravings. We have all heard the pickles and ice cream story. It may seem strange to someone that has not experienced it, but to the mom-to-be, it is a very real and very powerful urge.

Many pregnant women report food tasting different during pregnancy. Food that you used to hate, you might crave. Food that you used to love, might make you sick just to think about it. No one is sure, but most experts agree that these cravings are nature's way of helping you to eat what you and your growing baby need. For example, if you are craving ice cream, then you might need calcium. If you are craving hamburgers, then you may need protein. But, there is actually little to no evidence to support this theory.

Another school of thought is that hormonal changes intensify your sense of taste and smell. This could affect your impressions of certain foods. Some things can taste like the best thing you have ever had in your whole life, while other foods will send you running for cover.

Some believe that pregnant women are just more likely to comfort themselves and take advantage of this precious opportunity to get what they want. They are tired, heavy, hormonal and that hot fudge brownie every night seems to take the edge off. But, many women report being repeatedly inconvenienced by their cravings and they are definitely not trying to get any extra attention or comfort themselves by having to drive to buy a candy bar in the middle of the night when they would much rather be sleeping.

There is actually a condition called pica that you should report to your doctor if you experience. Pica can cause women to crave non-food items such as sand, rocks, soil, paper, feces or clay. Some women even want to eat ingredients such as plain flour or cornstarch. These types of cravings should not be entertained and can actually harm your baby or keep your baby from receiving the nutrients that it needs. This condition is usually only diagnosed if it lasts for more than a couple of weeks. Let your doctor know if you are experiencing any types of these cravings, especially if you have indulged in any of them. Actions such as eating dirt can introduce dangerous parasites into your body. Eating some of these other substances can give your body dangerous levels of lead or iron. Flour and other food ingredients eaten plain can block your intestines and inhibit absorption of nutrition needed by you and your baby.

Most cravings that you have for normal foods are okay and quite common. It is usually okay to indulge every now and then. Just talk to your doctor if you are having any consistent cravings that could give you or your baby too much of one vitamin, iron or sugar.

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Ready to shop for health insurance quotes online? Maybe -- maybe not. Shopping for any type of insurance usually requires the shopper to make a number of on-the-spot decisions, so it helps to have your priorities firmly in mind before you begin. If you want to avoid a mind-numbing shopping experience, you may want to write down the answers to the following 3 questions -- before you fire up your computer and start shopping for online quotes.

1. How flexible are you? Do you have your heart set on seeing a specific doctor, or receiving medical care at a specific hospital? If so, you will want to start your shopping process by ruling out all Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO's), which are very restrictive about using their "in network" health care providers.

On the other hand, if you have been referred to a particular HMO, ask them up front whether or not your favorite providers are included in their network. If not, you'll want to look elsewhere -- perhaps a PPO that provides more flexibility.

2. How healthy are you? Are you looking for a specific kind of coverage? Keep in mind that health insurance coverage comes in all shapes, sizes and flavors and what is necessary for your neighbor isn't necessarily the right kind of coverage for you. Think about your lifestyle and decide whether or not any of the following optional benefits are important to you -- prescription drug coverage, mental health benefits, maternity care, vision care, dental, or chiropractic care. If you don't expect to need these benefits, there is certainly no point in paying for them in your policy.
On the other hand, make sure you are including optional coverage that you are likely to need. For example, if you have any thought of starting a family in the near future, maternity benefits are an absolute necessity as they will be prohibitively expensive or impossible to purchase once a pregnancy has occurred.
3. How much deductible can you afford? Early in the quote-seeking process, you will need to declare the amount of deductible you are seeking. Remember, the higher the deductible, the lower your premiums. It is generally advised that you accept the highest deductible being offered, even if it seems like a financial stretch -- the lower premiums will usually out-weigh the deductible over time.

Once you have a firm grasp of the flexibility, coverage and deductible that you're seeking, you're ready to begin shopping for health insurance quotes online [http://www.shop-health-insurance-quotes.com/health-insurance-quotes-online.html]. If you need help finding the right quote provider, please visit the website recommended below.

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Advanced delivery and maternal and neonatal emergency simulator is a comprehensive education system, which consists of a delivery maternal manikin and a normal newborn, according to the basic requirement of obstetrics, providing a complete birth experience and emergency skills operation. Simulator features includes automatic delivery system, fetus and placental expulsion, prenatal cervix examination and postpartum episiotomy, prenatal gravid and fetus and postpartum maternal and neonatal care, removable stomach cover, multiple fetal heart sounds auscultation and CPR operation etc.

The model is made of imported PVC material. The stomach wall is injection - molded. Perineum is made of sponge emulsion material, features soft texture, good flexibility, realistic operation, reasonable structure and durability. It is one of the ideal teaching aids for clinical obstetrics practice training.

Product Features:

1. Advanced delivery maternal manikin can practice maternal care

2. Life size maternity, soft and removable stomach cover can be replaced for a auscultation stomach cover and c-section stomach cover

3. Maternal tracheal intubation

4. Automatic birthing system to simulate the entire birthing process. This model can simulate normal delivery process via occiput right interior position; demonstrate engagement - descent - flexion - inner rotation - extension - reset and external rotation -- fetal shoulder expulsion etc. This model can also simulate difficult labor and midwifery course. Simulate normal and abnormal fetal position (head birth and breech delivery).

5. Can carry out multiple fetal heart sound auscultation

6. Provides prenatal cervix examination; simulate 6 stages of cervical dilation

7. Can measure fetal head descent and cervical dilation

8. Simulate normal placenta location, multiple placenta locations and placenta chips residue

9. Vulval incision and suturing modules can be inserted into perineum to practice perineotomy,suturing and wound nursing after perineotomy

10. Postpartum uterine bleeding and fundal massage

11. Venous injection on maternal arm, drug treatment and liquid infusion

12. Maternal carotid artery pulse

13. Maternal blood pressure measurement

14. Maternal CPR

15. Articulating normal birthing baby with umbilical cord and normal placenta, life size. Can practice umbilical cord legation and placental expulsion

16. Neonatal transfusion simulator, providing newborn baby nursing, tracheal intubation, venous injection

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Health insurance is not just for those with a six figure income, and it should not be a right but rather it should be a privilege. This might not be reality in South Africa at the moment but this is the vision of One Plan Health Insurance, a newcomer to the South African health care industry.

With One Plan medical aid everyone can afford to have health care at a price that will fit their pockets. And with the most basic plan starting at R100 a month, this can truly become a reality.

One Plan Health Insurance offers valuable services and products ranging from hospital plans, to cover in case of death and also cover for dread disease and HIV/AIDS cover. This means that One Plan Health Insurance truly is a one stop shop for all your health care needs, for you and you loved ones. Here is a look at what their comprehensive and affordable Blue Plan can offer you in the time that you will need it most.

What the One Plan Health Insurance Blue Plan Offers You

With the One Plan medical aid Blue Plan as a primary member you will receive R 5?250 worth of medical cover per year, excluding hospitalization, dread disease cover, and other benefits. This means that R 5?250 will go towards your average medical needs, like visiting a doctor, receiving prescription medication, pathology, radiology and maternity care.

Besides just covering your day to day medical needs One Plan Health Insurance will cover other crucial medical needs, such as accident cover, illness in hospital, emergency illness and natural birth and emergency caesareans.

Furthermore you will also receive accidental disability cover for up to R 130?000 for the duration of the policy. You and your family, if they are members, will also be covered in case of death, both accidental and from natural causes.

Optometry needs will also be covered and you will be able to have a comprehensive eye test, frames and specially cut glasses for your frames at any Eyenet optometrist nationwide. What more could you want from a health care provider?

But there is still more. As a member of One Plan Health Insurance you will also be able to take hold of amazing deals and goodies on offer from their online shopping mall, OneLiifestyle. Through the exclusive offers on their website you will be able to get discounts on over 300 trusted brands. So what have you got to lose?

Who can benefit from the One Plan Health Insurance Blue Plan

Those looking to cover themselves and their family in case of any medical emergency that might arise will benefit from the One Plane Health Insurance Blue Plan. And with low monthly rates it is not just the rich that can afford to look after their health. And with great value added bonuses there is no reason why you should not SMS them on 31644, and they will call you back.

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The tip of the stick turned pink right on schedule as you took the home test. Congratulations! Now that you know you are pregnant, you are shouldered with the very important task of ensuring that both you and your baby stay in top health for the next nine months. If this sounds easier said than done, relax. To keep you and your baby healthy and happy until the big due date arrives, there are some simple tips that you can follow from that very first pregnancy symptom.

You are What You Eat

This may be true throughout life, but it is especially true during the months of pregnancy. Many women find that eating five or six small meals a day is much easier on an already stressed digestive system. Make sure you are loading up your plate with plenty of fresh produce and whole grains for the biggest bang for your nutritional buck. It is also important to take the prenatal vitamin that your doctor prescribes without fail, since the nutrients found in this simple pill will make all the difference in a healthy pregnancy. Don't take any type of additional supplements, medications or herbal remedies without checking with your doctor first to ensure their safety.

The List of Don'ts

For your health and the safety of your baby, yes, there are a few things you should refrain from during those important nine months. Smoking, drinking alcohol and taking street drugs are all prescriptions for disaster during pregnancy, since overuse of some of these substances can result in birth defects or a less than healthy newborn. Since accidents can and do happen, it is also important that you never ride in or drive a car without your safety belt. It is also important not to overdo physical activity during this time; when your body tells you to stop and rest, listen to it by all means. The resources that your body needs to do this job properly may not leave you with as much stamina for other things, as it is lot of work growing a baby inside your body.

Take Care

If there was ever a time to indulge in a little extra pampering and care, this is the time. Since your body needs sufficient rest to care for that little life inside, don't skimp on your sleep during pregnancy. Take time to exercise, even if it is a moderately paced walk around the neighborhood at night. This will help to keep your body in shape during pregnancy and prepare it for the work of labor and delivery that lies ahead.

Pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting time, but it should also be a healthy time. By following these important tips, you can do plenty to help ensure that both you and your baby remain happy and healthy until the big birth day arrives.

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Women are affected by a number of different health issues that normally do not exist until they become pregnant. One of the most common problems associated with pregnancy is swelling or edema, which affects about 75% of all pregnant women.

Added weight increases the burden on legs, feet and ankles. Swelling of the lower part of the body reduces the blood circulation. Even before it becomes uncomfortable, pregnant women should prop their legs up to reduce edema and improve circulation in the legs and feet before it becomes a risk for blood clots and other health problems.

Leg Swelling
As the natural process of gaining weight occurs, the body's gravity center changes. Rather than standing with legs together, it is easier to keep balance with the feet standing slightly apart. This puts more pressure on the feet and knees. The arches, heels and balls of the feet may be affected by this shift, causing pain and some swelling.

For those that already have circulation issues before the pregnancy and are wearing compression hose or support stockings, they may need to consider an increase in size. On the other hand, maternity pantyhose are one product that can provide relief for tired, swollen legs. Some types are available with a special, expandable panel over the abdomen. This helps to maintain general leg health and improves the flow of blood. An expandable waistband makes them comfortable to wear. Look for types that feature breathable and anti-microbial fabric.

Varicose veins
According to the American Pregnancy Association, pregnant women produce 50% more blood. This has a number of effects on the body. Extra blood flow through the body that involves the baby may cause varicose veins. These blue veins sometimes rise above the natural skin surface and are very visible to the naked eye. Wearing support stockings can reduce the chances of getting them. Propping up feet and avoiding standing for long periods of time will also help. Increasing intake of vitamin C is also effective in prevention or decreasing varicose veins.

Swollen Feet
Some pregnant women find increasing foot swelling makes it difficult to wear shoes. Rather than going barefoot or wearing flip-flops, some wear a larger shoe. Increasing a half size or whole size is helpful in putting them on taking them off, especially if they have laces.

Changes in mobility during pregnancy can also make it difficult to maintain a proper weight. As it becomes more difficult to maneuver, some women reduce their exercise regimen. While this should be done to some degree, a woman should consult her doctor for the best types and amounts of exercise during this time.

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Creating viable maternity leave benefits is a vexing problem for many small businesses. Helping female workers fund their maternity leave is a noble goal. But funding maternity leave is very costly, and creates a favored employee class: working women in the growing family life stage. Voluntary employee benefit programs help employers create maternity leave benefits that fund maternity leave, treat all employee classes equally, and come at no direct cost to the employer.

Maternity Leave Benefits

Women in the growing family life-stage will gravitate to employers offering maternity leave benefits. Having and raising children is quite expensive, and to begin the journey with six to eight weeks of unpaid leave is a burden to many couples. Plus, there is also the chance that mom may miss additional time from work prior to delivery due to complications, after work because of postpartum problems, or to take care of a sick or prematurely delivered baby. Any employer offering solutions to this wage gap problem has a leg up on recruiting and retaining workers in this category.

But how can a small employer offer maternity benefits without driving up costs, or unfairly favoring one employee segment over another? Providing six to eight week of paid leave is an option many small employers can not afford. When you add on the need to replace income for complications and/or care of a sick infant the costs can quickly spin out of control. Plus, employers need to consider how male employees and older female employees may feel about the extra benefits provided to one small segment of the employee population. Many employees will never use maternity benefits, and may seek an alternative form of compensation - raising the stakes yet again.

Voluntary Employee Benefits are the Answer

Voluntary employees benefits provide answers to these employer dilemmas. Voluntary benefits allow working women to create maternity leave income for their normal labor and delivery, plus provide protection in case of pregnancy complications, delivery complications, and premature birth. Employees pay for the programs themselves by payroll deduction, so there is no direct cost to the employer. Make the options available to all employees, and no special favors are being done for any single employee segment. Women in the growing family life stage will have their maternity benefits, and the remaining employees will have expanded options to protect themselves and their families in case of unexpected accidents and illnesses.

The most common forms of voluntary benefits are flexible spending accounts, and supplemental health insurance. Flexible spending accounts use pre-tax dollars to help lower a variety of maternity related expenses. A healthcare flex accounts can lower the costs of infertility treatments, pregnancy expenses, and left over medical bills associated with a long NICU stay for a sick infant. Dependent care flex accounts help lower the costs of child care, making it easier for women to return to work. Supplemental health insurance helps women create maternity leave pay for their normal delivery, plus it provides additional protection in case of pregnancy complications, delivery disorders, premature birth, accidents and illnesses.

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Pregnancy can be the happiest and also the most daunting moments in life. A woman goes through many changes physically and emotionally during her pregnancy. It is good to take good care during pregnancy so that able to make this experience a happy one. In this article, we are going to learn about 5 important tips you must be aware of when you are about to become a mother.

First is smoking. Everybody knows that smoking is not good for health. It's even more important when it comes to smoking during pregnancy. The only way the foetus receives the nutrients is from the mother, therefor as a mum it is not good to pass on toxins in tobacco to the baby. Tobacco smoke not only damages the mother's health, but also puts the baby at risk for serious health problems during and after birth.

Secondly, please avoid drugs and over the counter medicine during pregnancy. Aspirin might be useful when a headache comes but taken a lot can cause low birth weight, weaken a baby's nervous system, impair neurobehavioral development and cause other abnormalities.

Third thing to be careful is not to go for extreme sport or activities. Whether you are thinking of bungee jumping, mountain climbing, water rafting will have to wait as it is obvious that a pregnant woman's are not fit for these as well when having a bulging tummy.

Stress is harmful for pregnancy. This is another thing to look out for. Stress increases heart beat rate, raising body temperature, can cause nervous breakdown. Therefore it's a must to manage stress well during pregnancy. Sign up for yoga classes catered for pregnant ladies or meditation classes will help too. Listen to music as it soothes the soul, remember that doing happy things will chase stress away.

Lastly, junk food, fatty food and yoyo diet have to go. What is better than having a healthy, chubby, cheerful baby? Healthy diet is a must for mothers to be so if you have been eating badly all the while, its time to cut down on those fried, over processed food. Go for fresh, organic vegetables and fruits instead of the bag of Doritos if you have a tendency to snack whenever the cravings come.

Above all, enjoy the pregnancy. If you have done the right things, reward yourself by getting yourself some great maternity wear that looks good and always remember not to be stressful as it can be harmful to your health and future baby.

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What are some of the best Illinois maternity health insurance plans? What is the average cost of pregnancy in Illinois? How do I find the best Illinois health plan with maternity benefits? These are all important questions for anyone in the state of Illinois that is considering becoming pregnant to ask.

Many females will eventually experience the miraculous 9 month period of pregnancy, possibly more than once. Approximately 4.1 million children were born in the year of 2005. It is an important thing to have maternity insurance during these wonderful 9 months so you can make sure that bundle of joy will be healthy and delivered safely. If you are a part of the 13% of women who are without maternity added onto their health insurance or that simply do not have any health insurance at all, then don't wait any longer and do something about it as soon as possible.

Having a child is a very big financial burden, that's why every pregnant or soon to be pregnant female should have this much needed coverage. There are hundreds of health insurance companies that don't automatically cover maternity. As soon as you have the intentions of becoming pregnant, make sure to check that it is included in your plan. If it is not, then you have to contact your insurance company as soon as possible to add it on. The state of Illinois has an estimated 12 million in population and there has to be some women out there who do not have this type of coverage. For this reason it is important to understand what choices are out there when it comes to Illinois maternity coverage.

One great Illinois health insurance company which is rated to be an "A" (Excellent) by A.M. Best and that optionally provides maternity care to their customers is, United Healthcare (known as Golden Rule Insurance in the individual market in many states including Illinois). United Healthcare has been in business for 40 years providing customers with great health coverage. It is for this reason that they are one of the largest insurance companies in the United States serving an estimated 18 million people.

Another wonderful Illinois medical insurance company that gives you the option of maternity care is Humana. The official sponsor for health care of the PGA Tour is one of the largest publicly traded health benefit companies in the nation. The company founded in 1961 has kept growing through the years and today they have approximately 6.4 million members. Usually with Humana you will have the option of maternity care if you pay an extra $1,000 in deductible and then you will be subject to the co-insurance.

Lastly another great IL medical insurance company that should be looked at is Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois which was founded in the middle of the Great Depression in the 1930's. It is an independently operated health management company from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Insurance Company and for this reason they offer different plans that what other states do. They also offer a maternity coverage, but although you won't have to pay a deductible on it; it will raise your monthly premium.

If you're a women that might have gotten pregnant unexpectedly and now it is too late to sign up for maternity insurance, or if you simply cant afford it. Don't worry, because there is still hope. There is a pregnancy and maternity coverage provided by Affordable Health Care Options (AHCO) called the "Maternity Card". AHCO has been giving customized non-insurance health care benefits since 1994 and they have become very famous around the United States.

The Maternity Card is a discount card that could save you up to 60% in pregnancy related expenses. Some of the services given to you if you apply and are accepted to receive this discount card include doctor visits, hospital stays, lab works, sonograms, new born tests, new born immunizations and prescription drugs.

You have to pay a small monthly fee of course, but applying to this card will in no way harm you considering they have a "certificate of guarantee." This certificate states that "you will save at least the cost of your yearly membership or we will pay you the difference plus $200, if you are expecting a baby". That's really something you can't turn down, because it is a guarantee that you will save money if you sign up.

As said before maternity care is very important in a woman's everyday life. An unexpected pregnancy can happen very easily since not even condoms are 100% effective and you must be prepared in every single situation. If you do not have Illinois health insurance and you become pregnant then there is a good chance you will be in debt after you have your baby, plus pregnancy brings prenatal tests, doctor visits and much more.

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Half a century ago, new mothers resuming their jobs while leaving their children in the care of others was mostly unheard of. Traditionally, the father was the one who worked outside the home and was the breadwinner while the mother stayed at home to care for the kids. However, many women of today find that staying at home with their baby is far more difficult that it was decades ago when the income of one spouse was usually enough for providing a comfortable living. Nowadays, two incomes are usually required just to keep things afloat. Another reason for going back to work is that many women do not want to give up their careers after starting a family.

Maternity leave is a common option available to new mothers who want or need to keep their full-time jobs. Although not a long term solution, it is helpful for a couple of reasons. Bonding between mother and child during the first few weeks after birth is necessary for the baby's healthy mental and physical development and for the mother's recovery.

What should you know about maternity leave in the United States? First and foremost, there is no federal law which guarantees paid maternity leave. This makes it difficult for mothers to stay at home without worrying about monthly bills.

According to a federal law, the Family & Medical Leave Act, women are guaranteed up to twelve weeks of maternity leave. This law is in place to allow mothers to enjoy time off from work without worrying about the loss of their jobs. Another federal law states that it is illegal to fire or refuse to employ a woman because she is pregnant or to terminate her because of maternity leave.

Unfortunately for some women, the FMLA law only applies to businesses with more than fifty employees. Furthermore, you must have worked for the same company for a minimum of one year and for at least 1250 hours. This means that if you haven't had the same job for at least one year or only worked part-time, you cannot be guaranteed maternity leave. Even women who are eligible often can't afford to take twelve weeks off from work.

So, what options are open to you? If you are determined to stay at home with your baby, working from home may be possible. Your company may allow telecommuting. If not, you may want to look into other career paths that do allow you to work at home, such as medical transcription. You may try doing an online search for such jobs. Some of the common freelance jobs that allow you to make money at home using your computer with an internet connection include writing articles, editing, proofreading, website design, graphic design, illustration, etc. The great thing about our computer age is that more mothers than ever before in history can now make money while staying at home with their babies.

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Pregnancy brings together quite a number of discomforts in most women. The underlying fact is that the discomforts vary from individual to individual. Some may experience nausea, vomiting, heartburn, dark pigmentation, stretch marks, Back ache, nasal congestion, etc. Apart from these physical changes, behavioral changes may also be noticed during pregnancy. But some lucky women will have no problems at all.

Below are some of the common behavioral changes that could be seen during pregnancy. They are not to be worried, but will disappear with the birth of the child.

Mood extremes- Due to the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, mood swings are very commonly observed. Even the strong women might feel high at spirits at one moment and low at the very next. Often working women feel lack of interest in their job and related matters during this time. Depression found in pregnant women is not a surprising change in behavior as it can be expected at this phase. Thus the life partner needs to understand the pregnant woman so that she gets good care and comfort.

Tiredness- Tiredness seen during pregnancy is a signal shown by the body that one has to take it easy and relax. It is advisable to have sleep for at least ten hours a day so that the body and the mind get enough of rest. If sleeping ten hours continuously is not possible, then one can have some short naps in the afternoons. Pregnant women are normally recommended to go to bed early. Before going to bed, it is wise to recite a prayer, poem or sing a favorite song so that the unwanted stress level could be kept away. But in some cases, tiredness may also be caused due to the reduced count of Hemoglobin in the blood.

Sleeplessness- Sleeplessness is seen common in pregnancy. This mainly happens due to the stress or worry. During the course of pregnancy, women might have a fear or worry regarding their pregnancy or child birth especially when they are nearing their due dates. Sometimes, it also happens that one may get satisfactory sleep at the time they retire to bed, but later may wake up in a few hours. This may be due to the desire to pass urine or sometimes by the baby's kicking. This waking up at the midnight could be controlled to an extend by not taking fluids just before going to bed or in the late evening.

Abnormal cravings- Some people may feel abnormal cravings for unusual things like soil, coal, etc. The medical background of this abnormal craving is due to the lack of minerals like calcium or iron. In such a case, doctor can detect and see what misses out in the body what supplements should be added.

It should be noted that indiscriminate use of certain medicines may cause harm to the pregnancy and the baby inside. Thus medication should however be kept to minimum and should be taken only under doctor's prescription.

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The Senate version of the recently enacted health care reform does not provide any obvious, direct relief for couples looking for infertility health insurance coverage. Upon closer inspection there are areas where our friends in Washington have taken away, and places that show a glimmer of hope. Much will change over time as more details begin to emerge. Take a look at what can be learned from a high level overview of the bill.

I was interested to see what help the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" offered, if any, to couples facing infertility. One can learn very interesting things by downloading the 2,409 page PDF document available online. Adobe Acrobat provides a handy word search feature that allows us to quickly see what, if anything was done to address the needs of couples trying to conceive.

So I typed in a number of keyword phrases, and got the following results: Infertility: 0, IVF: 0, Fertility: 0, In Vitro Fertilization: 0, Assistive Reproduction Technology: 0

Okay so it seems that the new law does not provide any obvious direct help for couple trying to conceive. Is there indirect help? Let's try typing in "pregnancy" as see what comes up. We find twenty one entries; now we may be onto something! The entries break down to these categories:

  • Establishment of a pregnancy assistance fund to help pregnant and parenting college students.

  • "A sense of Congress" to study the mental health consequences of women "resolving" pregnancy.

  • Funding tied to state-established goals to reduce teen pregnancy rates.

  • Personal responsibility programs designed to educate adolescents on abstinence, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases.

  • Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) as it relates to oral healthcare.

  • Removal of cost share for counseling and pharmacotherapy for cessation of tobacco use by pregnant women.

It seems we are out of luck once again. Funding and attention are allocated to preventing pregnancy, and keeping already pregnant women healthy, but nothing about helping get people pregnant.

Flexible Spending Accounts can be very useful for infertile couples. Pre-taxing helps lower costs for the very high level of unreimbursed medical expenses associated with infertility treatments. Let's see if the bill provides any help in this area? The news is not good. Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts contribution limits have been capped at $2,500 for any plans with tax year's beginning after December 31, 2010. It still makes sense to utilize your FSA to keep costs low, but a $2,500 limit does not make much of a dent in a $15,000 IVF payment.

Let's not give up yet. There are those state run health exchanges to examine. Their principle purpose is to provide some level of coverage for individuals with pre-existing conditions. The funds by nature lose money for the states that currently run such programs; which means your benefit may exceed your premium. Each state is given some level of flexibility it how it will set up and run its exchange. Perhaps there may be something for infertility hidden amongst these exchanges.

And then there is prescription drugs: 136 mentions, and a few that aren't related to Medicare (the program for people over age 65). Perhaps we can explore these topics in another article. Stay tuned.

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Picking the right prenatal care provider/birth attendant is one of the most important decisions you will make during your pregnancy. While the process does not have to take a lot of time it is important that you give some focused energy to your choice since the person you choose has the power to affect your entire experience.

Once you have an understanding of the type of birthing experience you desire, it's time to move into The Investigation Phase of choosing your provider. The goal of The Investigation Phase is to create a list of providers that you believe may fit your needs and desires. There are four basic steps to the investigation. Each step will bring additional information.

Step 1 Ask your friends, family and coworkers what providers they used. Ask what providers they recommend, which they don't recommend. Be sure to ask WHY? While their choice of provider may not be your choice what they tell you can give you good baseline information.

Step 2

Visit the websites of the hospital, birth center, or OB/GYN offices in your area. This will provide good baseline information. While you can't make a decision about choosing someone simply from an internet profile you may be able to eliminate someone from the search. As an example: If you are absolutely adamant about having a female provider you can eliminate some providers once your internet search reveals their gender. Perhaps you are absolutely sure you want to birth with a Midwife. If the practice you investigate does not have any midwives, you can eliminate them as well. If you are planning a hospital birth and there is more than one hospital in your area find out how you can get a tour of the maternity area including the nursery and post partum units.

Steps one and two are the basic investigation. Its possible you will eliminate a few providers with those two steps. Moving forward, you want to intensify your investigation and obtain more specific information about your remaining options.

Step 3

Make more use of the internet. First do a basic internet search. You may be surprised at the amount of information, personal and professional, you can find through a simple internet search. Then make a visit to The Birth Survey a national non-profit organization with a goal to create more transparency in maternity care. Women from all over the country can visit the website and provide insight, feedback and opinions about a provider they recently used for a delivery. Check out the site and see if the providers you are considering have been mentioned.

Step 4

If you are planning a hospital birth, call the hospital and talk to the staff about the providers. Call more than once and at a different time of day since a different person may provide different information. (Saturday and Sunday afternoons/evenings are often good times.) A great question to ask the staff is: "If you or a family member were pregnant, what provider would you use?" If it is possible, speak with different levels of staff on the unit. They see the providers differently and often have varying opinions. If it would make you feel more comfortable don't hesitate to call anonymously.

Remember, at this stage of the game, you are simply investigating and gathering information. You are NOT making any final decisions. At the end of the investigation phase, you should have a list of providers that you will interview to determine which provider is right for you. Also remember, during this process you should make an appointment with someone and start your prenatal care. You can always change providers later.

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Health insurance has proven itself of great help and financial aid in certain cases when events turn out unexpectedly. In times when you are ill and when your health is in grave jeopardy and when finances seem to be incapable to sustain for your care, health insurance is here to the rescue. A good health insurance plan will definitely make things better for you.

Basically, there are two types of health insurance plans. Your first option is the indemnity plans, which includes the fee-for-services and the second is the managed care plans. The differences between these two include the choice offered by the providers, the amount of bills the policy holder has to pay and the services covered by the policy. As you can always hear there is no ultimate or best plan for anyone.

As you can see, there are some plans which may be way better than the others. Some may be good for you and your family's health and medical care needs. However, amidst the sweet health insurance plan terms presented, there are always certain drawbacks that you may come to consider. The key is, you will have to wisely weigh the benefits. Especially that not among these plans will pay for all the financial damages associated with your care.

The following are a brief description about the health insurance plans that might be fitting for you and your family's case.

Indemnity Plans

Flexible Spending Plans - These are the types of health insurance plans that are sponsored when you are working for a company, or any employer. These are the care plans inclusive in your employee benefit package. Some of the specific types of benefits included in this plan are the multiple options pre-tax conversion plan, medical plans plus flexible spending accounts, tax conversion plan, and employer credit cafeteria plans. You can always ask your employer of the benefits included in your health care/insurance plans.

Indemnity Health Plans - This type of health insurance plan allows you to choose your own health care providers. You are given the freedom to go to any doctor, medical institution, or other health care providers for a set monthly premium. The insurance plan will reimburse you and your health care provider according to the services rendered. Depending on the health insurance plan policy, there are those that offers limit on individual expenses, and when that expense is reached, the health insurance will cover for the remaining expenses in full. Sometimes, indemnity health insurance plans impose restrictions on services covered and may require prior authorization for hospital care and other expensive services.

Basic and Essential Health Plans - It provides a limited health insurance benefit at a considerably low insurance cost. In opting for this kind of health insurance plan, it is necessary that one should read the policy description giving special focus on covered services. There are plans which may not cover on some basic treatments, certain medical services such as chemotherapy, maternity care or certain prescriptions. Also, rates vary considerably since unlike other plans, premiums consider age, gender, health status, occupation, geographic location, and community rated.

Health Savings Accounts - You own and control the money in your HSA. This is the recent alternative to the old fashioned health insurance plans. These are savings product designed to offer policy holders different way to pay for their health care. This type of insurance plan allows the individual to pay for the current health expenses and also save for untoward future qualified medical and retiree health costs on a tax-free basis. With this health care plan, you decide on how your money is spent. You make all the decisions without relying on any third party or a health insurer. You decide on which investment will help your money grow. However, if you sign up for an HSA, High Deductible Health Plans are required in adjunct to this type of insurance plan.

High Deductible Health Plans - Also called Catastrophic Health Insurance Coverage. It is an inexpensive health insurance plan which is enabled only after a high deductible is met of at least $1,000 for an individual expense and $2,000 for family-related medical expense.

Managed Care Options

Preferred Provider Organizations - This is charged in a fee-for-service basis. The involved health care providers are paid by the insurer on a negotiated fee and schedule. The cost of services are likely lower if the policy holder chooses an out-of-network provider ad generally required to pay the difference between what the provider charges and what the health insurance plan has to pay.

Point of Service - POS health insurance plans are one of the indemnity type options in which the primary health care providers usually make referrals to other providers within the plan. In the event the doctors make referrals which are out of the plan, that plan pays all or most of the bill. However, if you refer yourself to an outside provider, the service charges may also be covered by the plan but the individual may be required to pay the coinsurance.

Health Maintenance Organizations - It offers access to a network of physicians, health care institutions, health care providers, and a variety of health care facilities. You have the freedom to choose for your personal primary care doctor from a list which may be provided by the HMO and this chosen doctor may coordinate with all the other aspects of your health care. You may speak with your chosen primary doctor for further referrals to a specialist. Generally, you are paying fewer out-of-pocket fees with this type of health insurance plan. However, there are certain instances that you may be often charged of the fees or co-payment for services such as doctor visits or prescriptions.

Government-Sponsored Health Insurance

Indian Health Services - This is part of the Department of Health and Human Services Program offering all American Indians the medical assistance at HIS facilities. Also, HIS helps in paying the cost of the health care services utilized at non-HIS facilities.

Medicaid - This is a federal or s state public assistance program created in the year 1965. These are available for the people who may have insufficient resources to pay for the health care services or for private insurance policies. Medicaid is available in all states. Eligibility levels and coverage benefits may vary though.

Medicare - This is a health care program for people aging 65 and older, with certain disabilities that pays part of the cost associated with hospitalization, surgery, home health care, doctor's bills, and skilled nursing care.

Military Health Care - This type includes the TRICARE or the CHAMPUS (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services) and CHAMPVA (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affair). The Department of Veterans Affair (VA) may also provide this service.

State Children's Health Insurance Program - This is available to children whose low-income parents were not able to qualify for the Medicaid.
State-Specific Plans - This type of plan is available for low income uninsured individuals.

There are many different types of insurance plans that you may have the prerogative to know about. By learning which health care insurance fits your situation, you can avail of the many options that will likely be of great assistance to you in times when you will need it most. Insurance costs have typically become one of the common draw backs in choosing for an insurance quote. However, weighing the benefits will really matter. Make sure that you always read the benefits, terms and conditions before landing to whichever type of health insurance you choose.

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An online discount health insurance plan can be worth investigating if you find the insurance costs offered to you through your workplace, association or chamber of commerce outside of your range. It is important

to find something that works for your needs as well as your family requirements.

What is important? Do you think you'll be needing maternity care , physicals for your family, regular prescription drugs refilled or Are you considered high risk ?

Ask friends about the policies they use, but keep in mind that their own needs may be different than yours.

Don't pick a plan just based on your friend's recommendation but see if it will cover the types of services you require or if it may have more features than you would normally use.

One nice thing about looking for an online discount health insurance plan is that a lot of insurance companies are aware of the competition and you can compare rates to get the best deals. It is important to look via your zip code as counties even 10 miles from each other can have huge differences in the monthly premium charges. This can be based on cost of living or other factors.

When you fill out an online form you will be asked some question and it is a quick process where you can then get a comparison. They will be looking at your age, degree of risk and you can see what each has to offer in terms of the premium and benefits. By keeping in mind what services you'll be using you can make an informed decision and choose a health insurance plan that will speak to your needs. Some are comfortable for example with catastrophic insurance that would protect them from expensive hospital bills but not have coverage for doctor's visits until a high deductible is met.

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The Natural Path To Skin Care During Pregnancy

Expectant mothers are becoming much more aware of the products that the apply to their skin to protect the fetus growing inside of them. During pregnancy a number of changes occur that impact on the emotions and body due to an increase in circulation and hormonal functions designed to assist with the birthing whilst supporting the new baby's growth.

Changes in oestrogen, progesterone and melanin stimulating hormones can lead to skin changes including sensitivity, dryness, stretching, itchiness and darkening in a variety of areas. During pregnancy nails could become more brittle and thinner and sometimes harder. Usually they return to normal within 6 months post birth. This is when a first class luxuriant body lotion and stretch mark oil should be used often.

The ovaries release a large amount of oestrogen throughout pregnancy and to proportion this there is an increase in androgens which affects the hair. Abnormal hair growth on the upper lip, chin and sides of the face can be caused by this. Don't be troubled it only accelerates vellus hair, a fine peach like fuzz, which as a rule disappears after childbirth.

In my experience, once pregnant, expectant mum's should instantly start using luxuriant body lotions or body oils to assure the skin is deeply moisturised to prevent the itching sensation caused by stretching skin as the baby grows. Sudden stretching of the skin can result in scars know as stretch marks due to the underlying connective tissue rupturing.

Reducing the probability of stretch marks that appear also on the hips, breasts, rear of thighs is to keep the moisture level up by use of oils, plant butters or rich moisturisers. Stretch marks are very common in a broad percentage of women who become pregnant. As elasticity and stretching are a biological matter, using on a daily basis applications can significantly improve the skin's flexibility and suppleness to help decrease chance of stretch marks.

Due to more pollution in the atmosphere, it is important to do what we can to avoid the increasing toxin load in our bodies. A knowledge of the nature of skin and how ingredients in pregnancy skin care products might actually permeate the skin and be delivered into the blood stream, can assist us see why, it is fundamental to avoid synthetic ingredients at all costs.

The skin's responsibility is to permit substances in as well as keeping them out. This function depends on the environment in which the skin finds itself.

Below is more detail on transdermal (across the skin) absorption...

The skin consists of several layers. The epidermis (what we can touch) the dermis (contains most of the blood vessels), the subcutaneous tissue are the basic divisions of the skin. The external layer of the epidermis, is called the stratum corneum, comprises of several layers of keratinised epithelial cells tightly jammed together which aid in keeping the skin hydrated. Keratin contributes to the composition of a semi waterproof barrier.

Substances must have a low molecular weight to permeate the skin. Pure essential oils, are concentrated essences with a small molecular structure that allows them to penetrate the skin easily and work into the body by mixing with the fatty tissue. They are regularly added to high quality skin care products. Because of the small molecular structure of essential oils they have a lower weight to fixed oils. therefore all the excellent beneficial properties associated with essential oils are absorbed into the bloodstream quite quickly. Fixed oils act as a carrier for essential oils and because they have a higher molecular weight they lie on the surface, acting as a lubricant. It is important to note that some essential oils can cause irritation for some skin types so it is worth having an informed discussion with your skin care supplier when buying. A lot of mainstream lotions contain ingredients other than fixed or pure essential oils - namely, synthetic fragrances, and preservatives. Sorry to say, most of these synthetic substances can penetrate the skin and promptly deliver into the bloodstream.

The information about the nature of the skin helps us understand how ingredients in skin care products actually penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream. If we are attempting to maintain a toxin free body, it is obvious that we would select natural organic skin care products.

The real benefits of natural skin care products vs mainstream is that they comprise all natural ingredients free from artificial colouring, preservatives, fragrances and is cruelty free.

Medicinal plant essences and herbs have been valued for thousands of years for their therapeutic giving properties. Modern science now has confirmed the has many varied offerings that can support expectant mothers from childbirth and beyond.

To know they are doing the very best for their unborn baby and their own bodies women find this knowledge comforting.

It goes without saying that to maintain a healthy pregnancy and skin it is vital to have a good whole food diet, plenty of water, exercise, sleep and daily applications of body oils, lotions, and avoidance of any chemical exposure. All this will ensure enormous benefit for the mother and new baby.

Summing up the fundamental difference in terms of natural maternity skin care is sound awareness. It is about being more informed about the products you use on your body, as soon a new baby is coming into the world and what you do before they arrive is just as important as what you do after.

'Love is the sound of a new baby's cry','

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