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It seems that many women are trying to get pregnant and finding it isn't as easy as they thought. It takes more than having a lot of sex to conceive, despite beliefs otherwise. The truth to the matter is that each healthy couple really only has a 20 to 25% chance of falling pregnant each ovulation period. However, some tips and tricks may help improve your chances.

Anything that is going to make it harder for the sperm to reach the egg is something that decreases your chances. When trying to make a baby, leave the lubricants, oils, and other similar products out of the lovemaking. Even saliva may slow saliva down, so hold off on oral sex. Although some products do not contain spermicide, they may have something else in them that could affect or harm sperm.

Take your vitamins and herbs. Certain herbs can help a woman who has problems with her ovulation cycle by regulating it. In addition, some can improve sperm count and quality. A healthy body is a body ready for pregnancy, so eliminate all the unhealthy habits like drinking and smoking to give your body the best chance possible to conceive.

Stay out of the hot tub if you want to have baby making sex. Spicing up the lovemaking is a good thing, but doing it in hot water is not. That can decrease the production of the sperm and slow it down. Plus you have to think about all the water you are in; you want the sperm swimming in the uterus not the hot tub.

Choose your sexual positions wisely. While you avoid sex in the hot tub, also avoid sex in the shower. The reason behind this is simple gravity. You are standing, so sperm doesn't even have a chance to get to the egg before gravity pulls it out. The same can go for woman-on-top sex and sitting sex. Choose positions that increase your chances like doggy-style, side-to-side, and missionary.

After the sperm has been released, the man needs to keep his penis inside for as long as possible, and as deep as possible. The woman must also continue to lie on her back for five minutes or so. Both of these actions keep sperm from leaking out, increasing the chances of conception. For an added boost, the woman can lift her pelvis, keeping it elevated to help sperm stay in.

Timing is everything. You can eat all the right foods, use all the right positions, and tilt the pelvis for hours, but none of it matters if you are not having sex on the right days. The woman's cycle must be determined to find out which are her fertile days. Once that is determined, then sex needs to begin two or three days before ovulation and continue right up until the period arrives. This makes sure that there is always sperm inside waiting and ready for the egg.

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to get pregnant, but sometimes you do need to increase your odds with a few tips and tricks. Using a combination of the tips mentions, like a healthy diet, the right sexual positions, and timing can help improve your odds of conceiving. It is important to remember that while you do things to increase your chances, you avoid those things that don't.

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Are you feeling sick inside yet simultaneously wracked with guilt at the amount of jealousy you are actually feeling from news of yet another pregnancy. Here you are, struggling to get pregnant when everyone around you seems to be, maybe feeling disgusted with yourself for feeling this way yet unable to change it.

There can come the endless barrage of questions and hurtful statements such as:

"when will it be your turn?"

"don't you want any children?"

"you're not getting any younger."

Or even perhaps, "why did you wait so long to try?"

The list is endless. How have you even coped, when all you have ever wanted was to become parents and hold your own baby in your arms.

Then can come possible negative emotional aspects such as:

- are you beginning to feel inadequate as a wife, unable to give him a child?

- do you even feel the same about having a child anymore and does he even want a child?

Possible facts:

- you are ovulating regularly each and every month.

- your blood tests have come back absolutely normal.

- there are no apparent signs of endometriosis.

- a laparoscopy has concluded no underlying abnormality that could be preventing you from conceiving.

- his sperm count is excellent, as is the motility.

- you are both healthy with no underlying problems in either one of you.

So why are you struggling to get pregnant?

These are some of the questions and emotions you may be going through but what about things you can do right now?

- Read as much as you can about infertility, ignorance is certainly not bliss, you are struggling to get pregnant yet inadvertently at the mercy of the information and advice that is being bombarded at you, due to lack of awareness.

- Never forget both you and your partner are in this struggle together, he knows what is happening because he is on exactly the same path as you. Feed from the comfort and reassurance from each other.

In your struggle to get pregnant it is very easy to lose sight of one another, they can become invisible, why not suggest a movie, perhaps a night out, things that you can do together as a couple.

- It is not about denying the pain of infertility but if you cannot express it outwardly why not try channeling your emotions by writing them down. It is a great way to release all the anger and disappointments.

After you have written them down burn the piece of paper if it helps. This is symbolic and very therapeutic as it can help release built up emotions.

- Let people into your world, give family and friends a chance to help you instead of shutting them out. On your own you are but one person, however, if you put one and one together it becomes eleven, remember that there is definitely strength in numbers.

- However, if nothing is helping, seek professional help, there is no shame in confiding with a stranger, that is what they are there for.

These are just some issues couples may face regarding infertility but my belief is just because you have been struggling to get pregnant and been told you are infertile does not mean another will also.

No one can predict the future but you can do everything in your power to change it for the good.

It might simply just mean the method needs to change.

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Looking for the help to become pregnant? Take into account that women over 35 may take longer to be able to conceive. There are so many positive things about having children when we are older. On the other hand there are some risks you have to take into account. I know exactly how you feel, because that's just how it was for me. When I tried to get pregnant I was nearly 33 years old. I married my second husband and we both yearned to have a baby...

1. Women over 35 may take longer to be able to conceive.

This is related to those eggs we have had since birth. We don't make new eggs as men make new sperm. Our eggs are with us almost from conception. They don't always age well. They can lose quality and there can be fewer of them. This is one reason to seek help to become pregnant from your health care provider if you have been unable to achieve pregnancy after trying for 6 months.

2. There is an increase in spontaneous miscarriage.

There is an increase in spontaneous miscarriage with an approximate risk of 25 percent in women age 35-39 and 51 percent in women 40-44. If you look at this another way, women 35-39 have a 75 percent chance of not having a miscarriage.

3. Down Syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities

The concern many women over 35 hear about most often is Down Syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities. At 35 a woman's risk of any clinically significant chromosome abnormalities is about 1 in 200. Her risk of a baby with Down Syndrome is about 1 in 365. In other words, the odds of having an absolutely normal baby would be about 99.34 percent.

Have you tried so many things to help get pregnant? Are you frustrated... disappointed... or truth be told, even a bit angry that you're not pregnant yet?

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Typical weight loss after pregnancy plans always ingrain the need to eat right and have daily routinely exercise. This seems so typical that many people fail to consider its merits and they therefore concentrate more on the new and updated weight loss methods.

There is a reason why fad diets, even though they are not really considered healthy diets, are still in existence today. Many women who are desperate to lose weight resort to the use of fad diets in order to lose extra fats in their body.

It is a sad state, this health mindset we are in. However, this is the best time to start going back again to the typical weight loss after pregnancy plans.

Eating Lots of Nutritious Foods
This advice is overused, I must admit, but it has to be said a thousand times in order to be fully assimilated by people. This is the safest way not only in slimming down but also in ensuring that your systemic functions are in good condition.

Fad diets usually consist of eating only one type of food. Naturally, you will slim down if you stick to it but because the body does not have a well-balanced nutritional intake, it can lead to hormonal imbalance, malnutrition and even food cravings that will then trigger weight gain. The best way to start losing weight is to not deprive your body of nutritious sustenance. Eat often but eat in small portions only.

Try incorporating 3 small healthy meals. Get a smaller plate and load it up with low in fat, high in protein lean meat, fibrous carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits. Eat slowly so you can fill your gustatory senses up. Most of the time, hunger is just a trick of the mind. When you trick your senses into eating slowly, it will taste the food better and you will be satisfied longer.

All-body Workout
Even experts have to agree that a new mom does not have to enroll to the gym just to lose weight. All you have to do is try to allot an hour of your time everyday for workouts. Choose low-impact activities first. If you have a treadmill, use it. If you don't you can purchase jump rope so you can do a few jump sets in a day after waking up. Better yet, just pick up your baby and place him or her in a stroller and have a nice brisk walk in the park.

You would be surprised that a typical weight loss after pregnancy plan can actually help you lose more weight in a safer and more effective way than any other weight loss plans out there.

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Many of you might be familiar with how hypnosis can help with weight loss and smoking cessation. But, did you know that hypnosis can also be used during pregnancy to help relieve anxiety and aid in a calm, natural birth?

Hypnosis has been used for quite some time to help in numerous health-related issues, from relieving IBS symptoms to preparing for surgery to alleviating fear of dental procedures. Many pregnant women are now enjoying the benefits of hypnosis, allowing them to experience natural births with little to no pain.

In order to better understand how hypnosis can help pregnant women, it helps to gain a better understanding of hypnosis itself. To put it in simple terms, hypnosis is intense focus and concentration. Many people have likened the concentration with getting lost in a good book or television program. Utilizing that intense focus, hypnosis can actually slow down your brain waves.

Right now you're probably in your waking state, which is Beta consciousness. But, by altering your conscious state through hypnosis, you are able to enter Alpha consciousness, where your brain waves actually slow down. And, when you slow down your brain waves you lose the "critical chatter" of the conscious mind and are able to slip in positive suggestions to the subconscious mind. These positive suggestions can be about any behavior you'd like to change, or any outcome you'd like to see take effect, such as having a natural, easy birth.

In addition, when you're in a relaxed stated and imagining a desired outcome, the brain can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy, and reacts as if the desired outcome was a reality. This phenomenon can be seen in pain management, when hypnotherapists use hypnosis and imagery on pain sufferers to help them lessen the intensity of their pain.

Hypnosis can aid pregnant women in so many different ways and in so many different stages of their pregnancies.

Hypnosis Can Aid in Fertility

Where inability to become pregnant is not due to a medical condition, many women have found relief with hypnosis. There are many who believe that if you can imagine it you can create it, and hypnosis is often paired with imagery to "visualize" oneself becoming pregnant and imagining a baby coming into one's life. Hypnosis is also used to alleviate stress, which may be inhibiting a woman from becoming pregnant. Of course, women aren't the only ones whose stress and anxiety may be inhibiting pregnancy. Many men feel the pressure to help their partners conceive. This stress can affect men's sperm quality.

Hypnosis Can Aid in Helping a Woman Become More Comfortable

Many women experience discomfort from being pregnant, such as morning sickness, the intensity of which can be lessened through hypnosis. In women with high blood pressure, hypnosis can be helpful in helping them to relax, which in turn can help control the symptoms.

Hypnosis Can Help in the Actual Birth Process

Many women are now using hypnosis to help them have their baby naturally with no drugs. Utilizing hypnosis, women can help themselves relax during the baby's birth. Since pain responses are greatly enhanced with fear and anxiety, creating a sense of calm helps in reducing the sensation of pain. The women will be awake and aware of everything that's happening, including the contractions, but will be able to dictate to a great extent the intensity of the sensations she feels.

There are numerous hypnosis tapes and CDs available which can help reduce the fears and anxieties associated with pregnancy and the birthing process. If at all possible, it's preferable to meet face to face with a hypnotherapist who can tailor the hypnosis to your specific fears, anxieties or needs.

How to Find a Hypnotherapist

The first place to look is your own doctor. (It's always good to have your doctor's input before beginning any treatment programs). Ask him or her for a recommendation to a good hypnotherapist. If your doctor does not have a recommendation you can utilize internet hypnotist referral networks to find one in your area. One good referral website is http://www.registeredhypnotist.com, where you can look up hypnotherapists in your area.

Another good internet resource is http://www.hypnobirthing.com, which lists practitioners across the country who've gone through the HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method, a program specifically tailored to natural birthing.

Whether you plan on a natural birth or not, hypnosis can still help you relax more about the entire birthing process. Becoming more relaxed can help you gain control over your pregnancy, rather than have your pregnancy gain control over you.

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Pregnancy exercises make a great way to make labor a smooth experience. If you practice the right exercises throughout the pregnancy period, it can significantly reduce pain during labor. You get more energy and your body becomes stronger. Regular exercise does not only prepare your body for labor, but it also helps you lose that extra weight faster after childbirth. You can get back in shape very quickly. Following are some of the exercises that will prepare your body to cope with the labor pain.

Kegels can be one of the best pregnancy exercises to help with labor. These exercises include the strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles through contractions, which eventually prevents hemorrhoids and improves circulation. Besides that, it also reduces the time you are supposed to push during the delivery. What is more, strong pelvic muscles also promote fast recovery after childbirth. In order to do this exercise, all you have to do is to tighten the pelvic muscles - it should be like stopping the flow of urinating midstream. Hold this position for five seconds and then release. Repeat the process for at least ten times. Relax for some time and then do it for ten times again. You have to do the set of 10 for at four times with some relaxation after every set. Do it once in the morning, once in the evening, and once at night right before you sleep. The best thing about kegels is that, you can do it anywhere - while standing in line at the store, sitting in your office, or even while watching television.

Pelvic Tilts
When it comes to pregnancy exercises for labor, pelvic tilts may also make a good choice for you. This exercise eases back pain during labor by strengthening your stomach muscles. In order to do it, you will have to get down on your knees and hands - with your knees hip-width apart and hands shoulder-width apart. Arms should be straightened without locking your elbows. As you round your back, tighten your abs muscles while breathing in. now, get back to your initial position while breathing out. You just have to follow the rhythm of your breath. You can do this exercise as many times as you want, but as long as you are comfortable doing this. Don't do it just for the sake of exercise. Stop when you start feeling uncomfortable.

Tailor's Pose
Tailor's pose can also be a good form of pregnancy exercises to help labor and delivery. This loosens your hips and helps in opening your pelvic, preparing your body for the labor. This exercise can also be very helpful in easing the tension in your lower back. In order to do this exercise, you have to sit against the wall while touching the soles of your feet with each other. Now, start pressing your knees first down and then away from each other.

Regardless of the type of pregnancy exercises you are doing, make sure that you are not forcing yourself. Try to be gentle. Practice these exercises as long as you are comfortable doing so.

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What are the type of foods to avoid if you wants to increase your chances of pregnancy. In fact, there are many types of foods that you must eat during or before conception. But this article, I will be touching on avoid some foods that you must specifically take note.

Let us look at this issue from a broad point of view. To be conceive of a baby, you have to take into consideration many factors, like for example, the food that you eat, the environment you are in, the stress levels you are facing, your hormonal levels, the period of the month, the number of times that you have successful intercourse, and etc.

Let's discuss on what types of foods to avoid.

First type of food to avoid to increase pregnancy

It is important that you are drinking plenty of water, juice, and milk rather than caffeinated beverages.

Some research shows that large amounts of caffeine are associated with miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and withdrawal symptoms in infants. If you wants to conceive a baby, it is advised to avoid drinking alcohol.

It is also a toxin which kills off the sperm-producing cells in the testicles. As sperm takes at least 3 months to develop, you should try a semen analysis again after 3-4 months of having cut out alcohol from your diet. Improper use of caffeine, alcohol and saturated fats have been shown to decrease fertility and increase the chance of miscarriage.

Second type of food to avoid to increase pregnancy

Caffeine: Your cup of coffee could stay in your baby's blood-stream for 100 hours. It could take you three times longer (up to six hours) than usual to metabolise caffeine.

Therefore, if you are strictly following healthy pregnancy nutrition, then completely avoid caffeine in any form. Moderate intake (less than 300 mgs a day) may be considered only after a doctor consultation, if you are a coffeeholic. To be on the safe side, avoid taking coffee or tea if you wants to conceive a baby.

Third type of food to avoid

Some doctors know, some do not know that this chemical can reduce your chances of pregnancy. They advises against using processed foods as they often contain xenoestrogens which can disrupt your hormonal balance.

In particular, xenoestrogens, a type of estrogen, found in environmental chemicals and pesticides may disturb the hormonal balance in women and lead to infertility. Choosing organic foods whenever possible will help you to avoid this chemical as well as others.

Fourth type of food to avoid

You should try not to take refrigerated meat spreads because it may contain the bacteria Listeria. Canned meat spreads can be eaten. Toxoplasmosis can also be found in raw meat or meat that has not been cooked thoroughly.

This type of organism is usually in the feces of animals, particularly outdoor cats, but is present also in soil and in raw and under-cooked meat and poultry.

Fifth type of food to avoid

Try preventing taking in processed foods - also referred to as "sweets and junk food" contains high amounts of sugar and refined flour. They have no quality and add nothing to a pregnancy, except for weight gain (wrong kind).

Also, taking in excessive seafood can show an increase mercury levels. Mercury has been linked with some serious birth defects including autism. If you eat seafood - it's advisable to keep consumption to a minimum. Avoid albacore tuna, which has been shown to have high levels of mercury.

In conclusion, I hope this information will give you some insights on how to avoid foods that can really affect your chances of pregnancy. Also, with proper planning before your pregnancy, I am sure you will have an opportunity to carry your own baby very soon.

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A vast majority of women who are expecting are very unsure about what to expect during the time that they are pregnant. On top of this, they are strongly concerned with the health and delivery of their coming child and this all equates into some stressful months. Read on to learn tips and suggestions how you can better care for not only yourself but your baby, also.

If is important for pregnant women to be stress-free, as much as they can. Not only does stress bring about a variety of issues to a pregnant woman, but it may also have the baby feeling stressed. In some cases, you will see the baby being born prematurely due to extreme levels of stress.

A lot of people don't know this but women who are in their third and second trimesters only need around an extra 300 calories in a given day. Gaining too much weight during a pregnancy can increase the duration of labor, cause hypertension, and increases your risk of gestational diabetes. To prevent gaining excess weight, eat a healthy diet, and stop eating when you are full.

To get a good night's restful sleep, establish a regular routine. Sleeping can sometimes be difficult during pregnancy and a routine will make it easier to fall asleep. Eliminating stress in the evenings can make it easier to get to sleep. Hot water can often help you relax. You may enjoy hot showers or decaffeinated tea towards the end of the night.

Try to get a bedtime routine going when you are pregnant, as this will help you to sleep. Creating a consistent bedtime routine will ease your body into relaxing in expectation of bedtime and help sleep come faster. Other things you may find very soothing include a warm bath or shower, quiet music, and/or massage.

Wear clothes that are well fitting. Many women endure the discomfort of wearing regular clothes because of the chagrin of buying maternity clothes that may not be as stylish. Wearing clothes that fit your body will make you more comfortable and happy.

Learn what the signs of premature labor are. Read about this, so that you can learn when to talk to your doctor.

Visit your doctor before you become pregnant! Be sure you consult with a doctor if you are thinking about conceiving a baby, as you want to make sure you are healthy and have the ability to produce a healthy baby. If any changes need to be made, they should be made now in order to enhance your chances of conceiving.

Gentle exercise when you are pregnant is a beneficial thing. Exercise can reduce your risk of miscarriage, decrease the length of time you spend in labor, and make your post-partum recovery and weight loss easier.

There is the risk of experiencing heartburn during pregnancy. Some suggestions to prevent heartburn are to avoid foods high in acid, fat, spices, and sugar.

If you have a cat, make sure you are not the one who is changing the litter box. While litter can contain chemicals harmful to a pregnant woman, the danger actually comes from possible contact with cat feces. If possible, have your spouse or a neighbor help you out with doing this task for the duration of your pregnancy.

You need to know about tracking your cycles when you are attempting to get pregnant. By finding out when you are ovulating, you can increase your odds of becoming pregnant. Once you are pregnant, the fact that you kept a close schedule of these cycles will allow you to locate the date you would have conceived with near-pinpoint accuracy.

Make sure to incorporate a birth plan. Include everything that you need the people that are closest to you to do while you are giving birth. You should include your birth plan as well as your insurance card and a camera in an overnight bag.

Think about swimming when you are pregnant. Sometimes you might not want to put on a swimsuit in the later part of your pregnancy, but the benefits from swimming make it worthwhile. Swimming will help soothe any aches and pains you may be feeling, while making you feel almost weightless. Not only that, it is a great way to get some exercise in.

Pregnant ladies are advised to wear sports bras. They support your breasts as they swell with milk and help to relieve back pain. Furthermore, do not wear underwear that is too tight around your waist. This can make you feel uncomfortable and can potentially restrict oxygen from getting to your baby.

Many moms-to-be aren't fully sure of the best way to take care of themselves during pregnancy. As society gains more knowledge on the subject, what's best practice tends to change. However, if you bring to bear the sensible advice in this article, you will have made a major contribution to your health, your baby's health, and the enjoyment of your pregnancy.

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Women are especially vulnerable during pregnancy and that is why they must take extra care of their bodies during that period of time and up until they are nursing. It is not enough that a pregnant woman stays away from alcohol or smoking, everything that has to do with her body such as eating or even proper personal care habits must be watched vigilantly as it may affect the baby.

In terms of using personal care products, a pregnant woman must place careful scrutiny over the items she chooses for the wrong personal care products might contain substances that could be harmful to her and to the baby as an after-effect. To help mothers-to-be out there who have no idea what personal care products to choose and what they should avoid and what they should look for in a product, here is a break-down of the most commonly used items by pregnant women and the substances they should and shouldn't contain.

1.) Soap - Soaps are the most commonly used product, not just by pregnant women but by everyone so the contents of the soap we use are especially important. We are exposed to it at least 5 times a week and frequent use of the wrong soap can cause harm to your skin-and to the baby for pregnant women. So what should soaps suited for pregnant women contain? Shea Butter, Palm Oil, Coconut Acid and Evening Primrose Oil or Lavender Oil, are good products to be found on a soap- ingredient list. What it shouldn't contain are Isoeugenol, Hydroxycitronellal, D&C Violet 2, Linalool, Geraniol, Limonene, Coumarin, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate and Benzone derivatives such as Oxybenzone, or Benzophenone-3, Benzyl alcohol, Paraben chemicals and Eugenol as these chemicals are known contributors to cancer, endocrine and organ system toxicity. One should also stay from soaps with added fragrances as they can contribute to skin irritation.

2.) Toothpaste - For something we put into our mouths daily, toothpaste should be especially safe. Contents like Myrrh, Water, Propolis, a Calcium Carbonate Base are good while Papain, Alumina, Propyene Glycol and Methylparaben can cause allergies, neuro and organ system toxicity as well as developmental and reproductive toxicity, which can be really harmful to the baby.

3.) Shampoo - Even shampoos can be harmful so it is good to also watch out for what you wash your hair with. Calcium Oxide, Sunflower Extract, Cinnamon scent, Rosemary Oil, Provitamin B5, Vitamin F, Wheat Proteins and Lemon are safe ingredients while shampoos containing Parabens such as BUTYLPARABEN, PROPYLPARABEN, METHYLPARABEN and Benzenes and Acids like Lactic acid, Salicylic Acid and Benzoic Acid are harmful to your hair and general health as they can cause the same health hazards such as cellular and biochemical mutation, developmental and reproductive, organ and neuro toxicity as well as certain cancers.

Careful inspection of an over the counter item's ingredient list is very important whether one is pregnant or not. With this knowledge that you now have on personal care items, you can be sure that you'll be staying away from all the harmful substances you might be putting on your body.

Buying from a credible store also helps prevent items containing suspicious ingredients from getting into your shopping cart. Make sure you are buying from a trust-worthy store before trying out any product.

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Yoga is already known through out the world, but some people still doesn't know what is allowed and what is not allowed when you are going to do yoga. One of them is, " Are Woman allowed to do Yoga when they are pregnant ? ". The answer is Yes of course. Yoga will even help you during your pregnancy and the birth of your baby.

In yoga there are many poses, for pregnancy it is best yo practice Yoga Asanas. By practicing yoga asanas, it have a tremendous effect to your pregnancy. It could ensure you to have a smooth pregnancy. It also helps you to have a natural childbirth. And a lot of women after giving birth will gained a lot of weight, Yoga Asanas could also help you to reshape your body after childbirth.

I will tell you some of the benefits while doing Yoga in pregnancy,

  1. In the last month during pregnancy, usually woman will have cramping and fluid retention ( edema ) almost all the time. If you are doing Yoga, it will relieve your edema and cramping.

  2. Yoga could help you slowing the metabolism to restore your calm and focus, by Raising the level of energy.

  3. While pregnant, a lot of woman experiencing nausea, morning sickness and mood swings. Doing yoga with the combination of pranayamas ( yoga breathing ), it will help you reduce all of them.

  4. You could influencing the baby position and turning it in advance, if you want to do that. Massaging and strengthening the abdomen, will help you to stimulate your appetite and bowel action.

  5. It will also help you to relieve the tension around your cervix and birth canal. It also help you to opening your pelvis in order to make your labor quicker and easier.

  6. After giving birth, Yoga will help you to restore your abdomen, uterus and pelvic floor. And will help you to relieve the upper back tension and also breast discomfort.

These are some of the benefit in doing Yoga for your Pregnancy. It is advised to do this while having an expert guidance by taking a prenatal yoga class. And you could find some books to help you doing the practice. Some of them even have a picture to help you doing all the yoga exercises. So, for those who are pregnant, Yoga is a good exercise for you. Yoga will help you a lot during and after the pregnancy.

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Pregnancy is one of the most anticipated stages of a woman's life. However, this will also be a challenge for women especially when it comes to sleeping. The good news is that a pregnancy support pillow has been developed to help pregnant women to sleep comfortably.

Women can have a lot problem when it comes to sleeping during pregnancy. It's difficult for them to find the right position they must sleep because of their pregnant belly. This will cause pain both on their backs, sides, hips, and even thighs and legs so they need a pregnancy support pillow to help them be at the best position for comfort.

If you are a pregnant woman who has pain problems, you must know that there are different types of pillows that you can use. You just need to get the right pillow suitable for your pain problem from the following options.

1. Body pillow. Side sleepers may feel a lot of pain on their backs since they have additional pressure due to their bellies. They can use these pillows as back support while lying down by placing them on their back side while they sleep. This will keep their back at the most comfortable posture that they want to have.
2. Belly pillow. When a pregnant woman sleep on her side, the weight of her belly will move lower and can also cause back pain and belly discomfort. They can use these pillows to support their bellies' weight. This pregnancy support pillow has the right contour that is suitable for the belly's shape and is soft enough for comfort.
3. Nursing support pillow. This type of pillow can do two things for pregnant women. First, they can serve as support pillow for the back and body. After birth, they can use this pregnancy support pillow for support while nursing their kids. This will allow them to lay their arms and their baby comfortably on the pillow and prevent arm strain. They will have frequent nursing sessions so this pillow will come in handy in carrying their babies on their arms.

There are many options in looking for a pregnancy support pillow so you just have to look online for the most reputable company so you will get those that will last for a long time. This will help you get the right comfort that you are looking for and make it as good investment for your home.

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Acupuncture is a natural, safe and effective way to relieve common pregnancy discomforts by rebalancing the various systems in the body.

A short explanation of how acupuncture works: the surface of the human body is a map of its internal functioning. The meridian channels that run up and down the body are connected by acupuncture points. Pain means that chi is blocked along these channels. Acupuncture is a method used to clear the flow and create opening.

Acupuncture has been found to be especially useful in treating these common pregnancy complaints:

  • Pain (e.g. lower back)

  • Nausea

  • Insomnia

  • Headache

  • Skin problems (e.g. eczema)

  • Digestive problems (e.g. constipation)

  • Sciatica

Here are a few pressure points that are useful for relieving some common pregnancy discomfort that you can try at home:

  • Apex of the head - massaging the top of the head in an uplifting motion lifts the chi and helps hold the pregnancy. It also treats hemorrhoids and prolapsed organs.

  • Point at two fingers above the wrist (P6) - applying pressure to this point help alleviate nausea because it helps to hold the stomach chi down.

  • Outside of leg - using a foam roller to massage and release the muscles can help ease sciatica.

There are a number of pressure points that are contraindicated during pregnancy - they are the same points that are used to induce labor, so make sure yourself, your loved one (who has the good intention of giving you a massage!) or your massage therapist do not stimulate these points. Most of these points when stimulated move too much "chi", and therefore are not suitable for pregnancy. Points to avoid during pregnancy:

  • Points on sacrum - stimulation may be too opening and can cause baby to descend

  • Point between the thumb and forefinger - it's used to treat headache, and courses the chi through the body which can be too stimulating

  • Point located four fingers above the ankle - this point connects to the uterus and is used to increase contractions

  • Points in the shoulder area around the trapezia - these points are considered downbearing and very opening, and can also be used during labor

Always go to a licensed acupuncturist (LAc) who has a degree from an accredited school and a license from your state. Most education programs do not provide specialized trainings on pregnancy, so ask if the acupuncturist has treated pregnant clients before, or if s/he has received any post-grad training on prenatal care.

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Gaining weight is a normal part of pregnancy. A lot of women take pregnancy as an opportunity to eat what they want and not worry so much about their weight. However, once baby is out and into the world, women start to panic and desire losing pregnancy weight fast!

This can be difficult. We have gotten so used to eating a lot more during pregnancy and going back to normal amounts of food can be difficult. It doesn't help when you see celebrity moms back into shape a week after giving birth; making you feel like you should be able to lose your extra pounds just as fast and just as easily.

You don't feel like you can exercise either - you have been so used to waddling along slowly and feeling exhausted, that now with the sudden weight loss of baby you feel lighter but not really up to the challenge. So how can one tackle this? What are the best ways to lose pregnancy weight fast?

Well of course you need to look at what you are eating. Your diet is a crucial part in losing pregnancy weight fast and can be the one thing that prevents you from doing so. Unlike celebrities who have lots of money to pay nutritionists and cooks to make up their daily meals, we have to tackle this relatively on our own. The good news is there are some great diet programs out there that offer meal plans so you don't have to think too much about what you are eating. I used a diet program and this is the number one thing that helped me lose my weight quickly. The plan I used had simple meal ideas and was just easy to add to my life. I think this is extremely important when making healthy diet choices. You need a plan that is simple and easy to follow, so you don't have to worry about it while you are looking after your new bundle of joy. Sorting your diet out and looking after a baby would be too much of a challenge for me, so a diet program worked wonders.

Exercise is also an important factor in losing pregnancy weight fast. You should take this slow though. Start with going for walks everyday - fresh air is good for you and your new baby. You could even use a sling to carry your baby for resistance. You should do what you feel up to and not push yourself too hard. You have just had a baby and your body can take a good while to properly recover. So take it slowly and then incorporate new things as you go along. Make sure what you add in will be enjoyable so it is easier to stick to. I love running and this is what I stuck to as a result. I also enjoy bike rides too, with my son and husband. For toning you could do some Pilates or yoga or have free weights at home. I wouldn't recommend joining a gym, unless you think you will enjoy it. To me the gym is very boring - when I run I get to be surrounded by beautiful scenery not four walls and TVs.

Enjoying the process of losing your weight is also important. It essentially can make or break your ability to lose weight and keep it off. If you don't enjoy the food you are eating or the exercise you are doing, you are more likely to quit or give up. You may end up doing the 2, not enjoying it and reaching your weight loss goal, but as soon as that goal hits you are very likely to quit and end up putting back on the weight you lost. All your hard work and motivation sticking to a boring diet and exercise program wasted!

Lastly, we all slip up. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Embrace your slip up and learn from it. If you beat yourself up you will only make matters worse, and slipping up isn't really that big of a deal - so try to think of it that way and you will be less likely to completely fall of the band wagon so to speak!

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The other day, I received an email from a woman who was trying to get pregnant and was looking at a few things that she was going to try to be successful with this.  Mainly, she was working on timing intercourse to coincide with ovulation.  But, she had also heard that certain foods can help or hurt the process and can sometimes affect baby gender. She was looking for more specifics as to which foods help with pregnancy and are best for each gender.  I'll share some of the advice I gave her in the following article.

Foods To Help You In Getting Pregnant: I have to tell you that most times that I write about this topic, I focus on foods and the genders that they help produce (which I will get to later) but I can tell you that generally, woman who have fertility issues or health concerns (like PCOS) are told to focus on making sure that they are not insulin resistant when they are trying to conceive.  The recommendations are things like getting your fats from mono saturated sources like olive oils rather than processed trans fats and to consume more fruits and vegetables and less animal protein.  You're supposed to steer clear of processed and convenience foods and use dairy in moderation.  Of course, this advice is for folks who know that they have ovulation and / or fertility issues or those that don't care which gender they end up with. Now, I'll talk about the foods that can help if you know whether you want a boy or a girl baby.

Foods That Help You To Get Pregnant With A Girl Baby:  If you're wanting a girl, then you want for your body to have a high PH (or to be acidic) because this state is not as friendly to boy or Y sperm.  There are certain foods that help with this and others that hinder you from reaching this goal.  You're going for the high PH foods here, but you'll only need to do this until little PH testers show that you've reached optimal levels.  Of course, each month that you aren't pregnant, you'll want to continue to check and then to tweak your diet as necessary to raise it again if needed.

In general though, you're advised to eat a lot of low fat / high calcium dairy products and lean protein.  Both of these are high in PH.  You'll also want to include fruits and vegetables to make sure that you are getting enough nutrients, but these have to be acidic fruits and vegetables. (Most fruits and vegetables are alkaline so you will have to tread lightly here.)  Examples are corn, watermelon, potatoes, and blueberries, plums, etc.  This is just a general guide. There are food lists that are pretty exhaustive and I really recommend using the PH strips after consuming foods that you are uncertain about because this will tell you exactly how these foods are metabolized in your body.

Foods That Will Make It More Likely That You'll Conceive A Boy Baby: So if a boy is your goal, then you will want to go the opposite way.  You're trying to make yourself alkaline and you want a low PH rather than a high one. This is a very necessary step because as I alluded to before, a high PH is going to deteriorate Y or boy producing sperm much faster.  So at least for a little while, you're going to want to avoid that dairy and meat protein that I told you was good for getting pregnant with a girl. The focus on conceiving a son is more geared toward fruits and vegetables, except for those that are acidic (corn, cranberries, plums, and those examples mentioned above.)

You're often told to eat bananas. This is because it's said that you need potassium to get a son.  (Magnesium doesn't hurt either.) The truth is, you also need sodium with these things and bananas aren't all that high in this. So there are better options, like apricots and raisins to name just a few.  Again, there are food lists that tell you which are better for getting pregnant with a girl or a boy.

Are These Foods For Only Around Ovulation Time?: The person who wrote to me asked the question in terms of around ovulation.  In truth, you want to be trying to get pregnant before ovulation if you want a daughter and on the day of or after if you want a boy.  And, you really do not want to wait until you approach ovulation to start worrying about your PH. Depending on how high or low you are or where you want to be, you want to give yourself enough time to use the diet or douching so that you won't need to rush yourself (or settle for less than optimal levels) when the time comes.

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Pregnancy and childbirth are an essential period for any mother. Experiencing a difficult birth can really put both, the mother and the child at risk. However there are actually methods to deal with this situation and to ensure that you and your child will remain safe. An antenatal class is one such program that is used to help the mothers to undergo healthy pregnancy and a trouble-free childbirth. But with the removal of this service, the NHS has put the mothers and children lives at risk. Now only people who are able to afford them can get this benefit from this program. But there is one alternative which is not going to cost you anything and will assist in an anxiety free pregnancy and a deeply relaxed childbirth.

Hypnotherapy is usually used for a stree-free and sometimes pain free labour. The pain connected with the childbirth and pregnancy sometimes become unbearable and consequently have to be taken care off. Hypnotherapy for pregnancy or as regarded by experts "HypnoBirthing" has been recognized as an easy technique to deal with the difficulties associated with childbirth. Self hypnosis can also be learned by professional hypnotherapists. Hypnotherapy has been recognized as a very effective way to reduce pain and there have been a number of cases of completely pain free delivery.

Hypnotherapy for pregnancy is absolutely not a new therapy; in fact people are using this for over centuries. It's a completely natural therapy with no negative effects at all. Some of the benefits that hypnotherapy offers in pregnancy and childbirth include:

* Reduced the severity of morning sickness
* Improved sleeping patterns
* Shorter, pain-free and more controlled labour process
* Reduced anxiety
* Reduction of tension and discomfort
* Positive thinkings regarding pregnancy and Childbirth
* Stronger bond between the mother and her baby
* Less likelihood of further medication
* Quicker and better recovery
* Happier and calmer babies with better sleeping patterns.

Hypnotherapy is a fantastic choice when getting rid of pregnancy related problems. It's a very popular and useful technique of managing pregnancy. Especially with the removal of free service of antenatal provided by the NHS, hypnotherapy has turned into even more popular than before. It is an inexpensive choice and for some women it is completely free of cost.

With the arrival of "Health in Pregnancy Grant" pregnant women in the UK are eligible to a 190 tax free payment. This payment can be used for the pregnancy and childbirth related issues. You are eligible for this grant if you have reached your 25th week of pregnancy before the 1st of January, 2011 and are still pregnant. This 190 grant is enough for you to see a highly experienced hypnotherapist. What better to spend on than on your own and your child's health. Using the grant will cost you nothing to have hypnotherapy treatments from a specialist. With hypnotherapy, mothers can be learnt to self-control their bodies and minds, with which they can effectively have a fast, relaxed and safe childbirth.

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Newly married couples often wonder on how soon they can have a baby. Well, on average, it takes up to 2 years for couples to conceive. However, you may feel that this is too long for you to wait. If you have been waiting for two years and you haven't gotten pregnant yet, don't worry. It doesn't mean that you can't have a baby; it's just a matter of time. Keep trying and think positively so that the process of getting pregnant will be easier and more enjoyable as well. Besides, study the factors that can improve or worsen your attempts to conceive. Learning about these factors will minimize all of your worries and stresses. Then, you can take the needed steps to get pregnant.

Factors That Make you need to Wait Longer to Conceive

It is important for couples to know the factors that can reduce the chance of getting pregnant. By avoiding these factors should help them to conceive easily. Below are some factors that can interfere with your fertility:

1. Reproductive problems. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is one of the reproductive problems that can affect your chances of getting pregnant. This disease involves an infection on the upper genital tract that finally can spread to the uterus, womb and fallopian tubes. However, women with PID still have a high chance of getting pregnant if the disease is treated early.

2. An unhealthy lifestyle is another factor that can reduce your chance to conceive. If you eat a poor diet, smoke or take alcohol, you had better stop these habits early. You also need to maintain your ideal weight; make sure that you are not overweight or underweight. Regular exercise is the solution to achieve an ideal weight as well as to keep your body healthy.

Factors to Improve your Chance to Get Pregnant

To conceive successfully, you and your partner should be in a tip-top condition. Make sure that you have sex regularly, preferably once every two or three days. Some experts believe that having sex every other day will reduce your sperm quality. To maximize the chance of conceiving, you can have intercourse some days before the expected date of ovulation or during your actual ovulation. Ovulation is your most fertile period and having sex at this tine greatly improves the likelihood that you will conceive. How do you know if you're ovulating? There are some obvious signs that tell if you are ovulating. When you feel changes in the consistency of your cervical mucus, have a rising basal body temperature and increase in libido, you are probably ovulating.

Last but not least, make the effort of getting pregnant as much fun as possible. You don't need to be in a hurry to have a baby. Take the required steps to conceive and have a positive outlook to make the entire process less complicated.

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Getting pregnant is the most pleasant moment in all the women's life. Nowadays many couples are there who wants to pick the gender of their unborn baby by their own choices. Now it's becoming very widely popular that there are several natural ways that can improve the chances of conceiving the boy/girl by your choice. If you want to conceive a son, the first and most important thing is you need to have full information about how to get pregnant with a boy. There are some very easy natural ways which can help you in getting pregnant with the gender of your choice or a son.

• Change your diet- after deciding to conceive a baby boy the first thing you need to change your daily diet. You should eat that foods which are rich with alkaline. Eating alkaline rich foods helps to create an environment that helps to grow your son inside the mother's womb. You need to eat plenty of vegetables, cabbage, lettuce, beets and lentils. It will help you to get pregnant with a baby boy and it makes your unborn son healthy also.

• Positions of intercourse- when you take care of your diet to grow baby boy inside the second thing you need to focus on the position of intercourse. Positions of sex may help you to conceive the gender of your choice naturally without any difficulty. Most of you know that time of intercourse influence the gender of your unborn baby. The sperms that produce the girl and boy are different from each other. When you are trying to conceive baby boy, you need to use that sexual position that allow for deep penetration.

• Put your all efforts together- however, you can see that these steps are not so difficult. You can use these steps at home to conceive a baby son.

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Unbelievable as it may sound, scientific studies have shown recently that moms who eat certain types of food actually lose more weight than those who don't eat the same foods, all other factors being equal.

Science has proven that these foods would help you lose weight fast after pregnancy:


Beans are the preferred protein source for most dieters, as it contains a good mix of both carbohydrates and protein. Beans take longer to digest because of their high fiber content. This is a good thing, as it helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels and also helps you stay full longer.

The true power of beans as a fat burner lies in their high fiber content. Dietary fiber is like a workout for the digestive system. It helps de-clog the system, and it also prevents your blood sugar level from rising too high. Always remember: go for plain beans. Baked beans and fried beans (sugary and fatty, respectively) can actually prevent you to lose weight fast after pregnancy, as it provides too many calories and carbs.

Skim Milk

Calcium is probably the most well-known metabolism booster. Studies have proven that calcium can help weight loss after giving birth. In a study, the test subjects were divided in two groups. Both groups did the same activities, but one group was given several servings of calcium more than the other group. The amazing result was that at the end of the test, the group that received extra calcium lost weight almost three times as much as the group that did not receive extra servings.

Calcium is abundant in vegetables like broccoli, but most people get their source from dairy products. Just make sure to choose products made from 2%, 1%, or fat-free milk, as these products give you the highest amount of calcium in as little calories as possible.

Green Tea

It's been widely known for many years now that green tea is the "miracle product" for dieters. Tea contains many antioxidants that can fight cancer-causing free radicals in the body. Its caffeine content is a mild stimulant that doesn't cause undue stress to the body. Tea is also a diuretic, which will help flush out retained fluid in the body.

Besides these, green tea has also shown properties as a fat burner. Tests results were encouraging: Drinking 4 to 6 cups of green tea each day could help you lose weight fast after pregnancy.

Drink Water to Lose Weight Fast After Pregnancy

Though it doesn't contain any nutrients, water is still on the top list of "foods" that breaks down fat. Water lowers sodium levels to reduce bloating, it flushes retained fluid from the body, it promotes cell repair, and satisfies the appetite. In addition, water also keeps metabolism at optimum levels.

Both the kidney and the liver (the body's primary filtration centers) need water to function properly. The liver sometimes functions as a backup to the kidney, especially when the latter is deprived of water. But in performing a role as a filter, it becomes less efficient at its primary function - to burn stored fat for metabolism. So in order to maintain metabolism and fat-burning at optimal level, you should drink plenty of water.

For a diet overhaul, start eating these foods that burn fat. Add 64 ounces of pure water - and you'll be on your way to lose weight fast after pregnancy.

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Do you desperately want a baby boy? Do you have not enough money to be spent on clinical treatments that determine the sex of the baby? If your answer is yes then the following reading would be of great help to you.

It is becoming increasingly famous there are many natural ways that influence the sex of the unborn baby. The easiest method that is free of cost as well is the adoption of some specific intercourse positions. Here we will discuss some sexual intercourse positions that will help you to get pregnant with a baby boy. This article will also explain the science that works behind this.

How Does The Sexual Intercourse Position Affect The Baby's Gender:
Most of us have an idea that sexual position used for conception that can determine whether the couple gets a baby girl or a baby boy; however only few of us are in a position of understanding that how does it takes place. The gender of the baby is determined by which type of sperm fertilizes the egg. There are Y chromosomes (boy) and X chromosome (girl). Both these chromosomes race towards egg. Each chromosome has different set of characteristics. Y sperms are extremely fast but at the same time they are weaker. X sperms are slower but at the same time they are stronger.

It is important to have this information to conceive for a baby boy. As you have to downlay the weakness of Y sperm. These Y chromosomes start to die off and deteriorate very quickly. There are many things that can be done for compensating this. The best idea here is to choose the sexual positions.

The Best Intercourse Sexual Position For Getting Pregnant With A Baby Boy:
For getting pregnant with a baby boy those positions are helpful that place the sperm closest to cervix. This close positioning help the little week guys to make their short trip and stay alive in the vaginal environment.

The famous position known for the closest deposition of cervix is rear entry. In this position the woman has to lie down on her stomach with her knees in sitting position. Another sexual position for conceiving a baby boy is that woman sits up with her knees on floor or on the edge of the bed. The pelvis can be raised even further with the help of a pillow.

It is generally believed that missionary position is helpful for conceiving a baby girl, this is true but slight variation can help the couple in conceiving for a baby boy. If the woman puts her legs on the shoulder of the man then it allows deeper penetration closest to the cervix.

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Have you forgotten any important information lately? Telephone numbers? Names? Appointments? Places you've put things?

If so, you're probably experiencing PREGNANCY BRAIN!

For those of you who, in the past, might have laughed at your girlfriend who suggested it was a REAL excuse - let me tell you, pregnancy brain is a REAL phenomenon and it affects over 50% of women.

There is research out there that suggests that a woman's brain does SHRINK during pregnancy! The question is - does it grow back? (Keep reading for my opinion on that one!).

Research or not - I know I had PREGNANCY BRAIN! I could hardly remember where I parked my car never mind where I actually put the keys for it (and normally I'm very responsible with things like that!).

I also found that not only was I forgetful, I was also clumsy and sloppy (every time I drank water I had a hard time finding my mouth!)

So, worry no more, cut yourself some slack, and chalk your "forgetfulness" up as yet another pregnancy symptom!

In fact, with all the changes you've got going on in your body, not to mention all of the important decisions you've got to make (pregnancy tests, cloth diapers vs. disposables, epidural or not, color of your baby's room etc.), it's no wonder you're not 100% mindful!

And what happens to your "shrunken" brain after delivery? Based on my personal experience, I am sorry to say it, BUT the forgetfulness doesn't completely go away the moment you deliver (nuh-uh!). Take it from me - my daughter is 19 months and I still often find myself going to the grocery store for diapers, coming home and THEN realizing I have bought everything else BUT what I went in for!

On a more serious note - I really believe that your degree of Pregnancy Brain (or not!) is reflective of the level of stress, overwhelm, and/or "busyness" in your life. So, here are some TIPS to help you take charge of your life:

8 Ways to Reduce the Pregnancy Brain Drain...

1. Keep a small notebook - jot down reminders, names, appointments;

2. Write a daily "to-do" list - this will help you remember what you need to get done (like buying diapers!);

3. Relax - plan time every day to do things like read a book or take a bath (lukewarm, of course!);

4. X-or-size (if you can) - move your body and breathe in the fresh air, O2 does wonders for your body and your mind. Check out my pregnancy and post pregnancy exercise program

5. Take a break - "time outs" work wonders for gathering your thoughts;

6. De-stress - unload that negative energy with a treat, like a massage or a mindless movie;

7. Grab a few winks - rejuvenate with a little sleep; and last, but not least...

8. Put your car keys in the same place each day (sound like a familiar frustration?)!

Pregnancy brain is real. It's also a great excuse - so have FUN using it for the next 40+ weeks!

For lots more TIPS to on HOW to take charge of your pregnancy, specific exercises you CAN and CANNOT do safely, and which foods are beneficial to eat and which to AVOID, read my kit at...

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