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Although the exact cause of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is unknown, researchers do know that during PMS, hormone levels are fluctuating, estrogen levels are lower than at any other time of the month. Whether low levels of these hormones circulating in the blood stream causes the "PMS blues" or if chemicals in the brain are to blame is being investigated. As with many medical conditions, we may never know exactly what causes PMS.

"But you know we can't help it... we don't even know the cause...But as soon as this part's over then comes the menopause, " sings Dolly Parton in the song titled PMS blues. And, Dolly's right. We don't know the cause. And, for many of us, menopause is just around the corner accompanied by hot flashes, more mood swings, weight gain and decreased sex drive. Once menopause is over, we have increased health risks unique to post-menopausal women. Is it really any wonder that we're depressed?

According to the Cleveland Clinic Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, women are twice as likely to become depressed as men, due in part to PMS hormone levels and changing hormone levels that occur throughout a woman's life. Around 75% of all women deal with the PMS blues each month. Some sources say this number is around 85%. So, what is different about those lucky 15-25% that do not have PMS symptoms? Once again, no one knows, but it is likely that a number of different factors are involved.

Stress, Diet and Exercise

Researchers have conducted numerous studies about the effects of stress, nutrition, special diets and exercise on PMS symptoms, without arriving at any definite conclusions. The most that anyone can really say is that "sometimes" exercising helps. "Sometimes" dietary changes help and sometimes supplementation with B-vitamins, calcium or vitamin E help. The effect that any of these have on PMS hormone levels is unknown.

Relaxation techniques are recommended for a number of different health conditions. The condition in which it appears to be most effective is PMS, according to a study that evaluated a large number of other studies. Yoga and the relaxation response technique seem to be the most helpful.

Yoga is great, but when a woman's schedule is already full, time may be an issue. Relaxation response is something that any woman, regardless of physical condition, can practice every day or numerous times a day. To achieve maximum levels of relaxation 15-20 minutes of "quiet time" are needed. It is a deep breathing exercise that involves focusing on each muscle group of the body and purposefully relaxing those muscles, followed by breathing in deeply and exhaling completely while you say the word "one".

A complete description can be found in the book The Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson, MD. Focusing on breathing normally as a treatment for the PMS blues is further supported by a study that showed that symptoms similar to PMS are observed in patients with chronic hyperventilation.


If PMS hormone levels are not to blame for the majority of the symptoms, then serotonin, or the lack of it, may be. Serotonin is a compound that helps to transmit signals among nerve endings in the brain and body and is believed to play an important role in the regulation of mood, sleep, sexuality and appetite. Studies have shown that women who suffer from the most severe form of the PMS blues (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) have lower levels of serotonin circulating in the blood stream.

If you visited your doctor, because you were concerned about the way that PMS symptoms were affecting your quality of life, your relationships, your job, etc., he may have recommended or even prescribed an anti-depressant known as a Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitor or SSRI. You are probably more familiar with the brand names Celexa, Zoloft, Prozac and Paxil.

Rather than focusing on changing PMS hormone levels, these drugs focus on allowing the body to use serotonin more efficiently. Mostly because numerous unwanted side effects are associated with SSRI usage, researchers have investigated the effects of natural substances used by the body to create serotonin, thus, increasing the levels of serotonin circulating in the blood stream. So far, 5-HTP has yielded the most promising results. Some study participants have seen even better results than they did when using an SSRI.

PMS Hormone Levels: Low Estrogen

Because PMS hormone levels are a possible cause of the PMS blues, many doctors suggest low-dose birth control pills, which contain synthetic forms of the hormones estrogen and/or progesterone, to stabilize hormonal levels, prevent ovulation and thus eliminate most symptoms of PMS. Of course, these are not an option for women who are trying to become pregnant or cannot take birth control pills for other reasons.

Phytoestrogens are considered by many to be a natural substitute for synthetic hormones. Phytoestrogens are simply plant components that have an estrogen-like effect on the body. Found in soy beans, red clover and other plant foods, researchers believe that in women who have less PMS symptoms and a diet high in soy and other vegetables, phytoestrogens are responsible.

Relief from the PMS Blues

Soy isoflavones, red clover and 5-HTP are all available without a prescription. Herbal supplements including black cohosh and sarsaparilla may help to correct hormonal imbalances. If PMS hormone levels are to blame for the PMS blues, then they may help and are also available without a prescription. Researchers have not determined exactly what compounds in black cohosh and sarsaparilla are active and effective, but they have concluded that they relieve symptoms related to changing hormonal levels in the majority of women. For more information about natural products that relieve PMS symptoms, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide.

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Are more and more of your friends talking about the medications they used in labor? Have there been more Cesareans (aka "C-section") that you've heard about then say 5, 10, or 20 years ago? Are you pregnant and hearing your provider freely talk about medications that you may be encountering during your labor? Have you asked your provider about his/her Cesarean rate? Or how often he orders Pitocin and Epidurals? It might just be a good idea to ask.

Medical interventions and risky drugs are a huge factor in the increase of the C-section rate to 30.2% (Statistics compiled by CDC in 2005 up from 29.1% in 2004). You have to figure it is much higher now in 2008.

During labor in hospitals today there is an increase use of risky drugs and unnecessary medical interventions. With the use of Epidurals, Pitocin, and unnecessary C-sections many providers are making unsafe decisions for their convenience of shortening the labor. Some providers perform unnecessary C-sections in fear of malpractice if they continue the laboring process naturally and the slim slim chance that something MIGHT go wrong. The Phrase "once a section, always a section" is never truer then right now AND is to the advantage of the provider. If you birth your first baby by C-section than all your other babies can be scheduled and birthed by C-section in 20 minutes of the provider's time. How snappy is that for health care professionals who just want to get the laboring process over with?

As an RN, and midwife I have witnessed the use of risky drugs and unnecessary medical interventions in hospitals in almost epidemic proportions. The hospital I'm currently working at in San Diego has an epidural rate of 98% and a C-section rate before the weekends way over the national average of 30.2%, some Fridays I've seen it as high as 75%. Hey, for the provider, that means no laboring women over the weekends. You might ask why the concern on the use of Epidurals when most of your friends have used and loved it? Epidurals have many more complications then the provider is willing to tell you about.

    For the mother in labor it can:

  • Drop her blood pressure to a dangerous low

  • Cause uncontrollable shivering

  • Allergic reaction like itching to the face and body

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Postpartum backache that can last for years

  • Maternal fever that could result in her baby getting unnecessary lab work

  • Spinal headaches

  • Feeling of emotion detachment

  • Inability to move about freely during labor

  • Stopping labor and needing other medications to resume labor

  • Loss of sensation and sexual function

  • For Your Baby

  • Fetal distress, abnormal fetal heart rate (needing C-section)

  • Drowsiness and poor sucking and breastfeeding

  • Poor muscle strength and muscle tone in the first few hours

  • In Labor

  • Prolonged first and second stage labor

  • Increased incidence of malpresentation of baby's head

  • Increase the need for Pitocin to accelerate labor

  • Decrease the ability to push effectively

  • Increase the likelihood of forceps or vacuum extraction

  • Increase the need for episiotomy

  • Increased the likelihood of C-section

With the use of an Epidural there is a higher chance that an IV drip of Pitocin will be ordered, which is a synthetic form of oxytocin (which causes the uterus to contract). The risk of Pitocin is that it can cause your uterus to contract so hard and so rapidly that it stresses you and your baby to the point that it is safer to perform a C-section then to let you continue labor and birth your baby vaginally.

Some providers during your prenatal visits promise natural childbirth but sing another song when you enter the hospital in labor. They jump at the idea of medical interventions and risky drugs before they suggest the birth ball or shower for increasing your labor. Some L&D nurses don't give you a lot of chances to use the natural methods you were hoping for because, having you on an Epidural sleeping is a lot less work for them then having you in the shower, on the birth ball or walking the halls in labor.

As an RN watching all this, and wishing pregnant couples knew what was happening in hospitals has inspired me to write "Hey! Who's Having This Baby Anyway?"

"Hey! Who's Having This Baby Anyway?" shows the laboring couple that during their pregnancy, they can find the right provider, know about the medications in labor, alternatives to their use, how to create a birth plan that works, about labor management, yoga and other ways to stay in control of their baby's birth.

Also in this book you will find why the increase of C-sections has haunted our hospitals and laboring couples and how easy it is to insure that it can be prevented in your birth.

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Most have heard the expression that when you're pregnant, you're eating for two. That should clue you in to the importance of practicing good nutrition during your pregnancy. There is an endless stream of information out there and a lot of it is good information, but some of it is not. To be safe, the best way to develop a good nutrition program for your pregnancy is to seek out the nutritional counseling services of a fertility clinic or doctor's office. These individuals are specially trained in nutrition during pregnancy and will help ensure that you are getting enough nutrients for both you and your baby.

While pregnant, folate and folic acid are good to prevent birth defects. Folate may be found in leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and dried beans, while folic acid can be found in certain cereals. Calcium is also important to strengthen bones (yours and your baby's). Dairy products are the best source of calcium, while certain cereals may be good sources as well.

Lean meat, poultry and fish (that does not contain mercury) are good sources of protein, which helps to promote growth for your baby. Iron to prevent anemia is also good during pregnancy. Lead red meat, poultry and fish (without mercury) are good sources.

Perhaps equally as important as learning what you should eat during your pregnancy is learning what foods you should avoid. Seafood that is high in mercury should be avoided, as well as raw, uncooked or contaminated seafood. Undercooked meat and poultry, including eggs, should also be avoided. Unpasteurized foods, unwashed fruits and vegetables and excessive caffeine are also to be avoided while pregnant. Alcohol and herbal tea should not be consumed, and pregnant women should not consume too much liver.

When you become pregnant or are thinking of becoming pregnant, having a sit down with a nutritional counselor may be helpful. Many professionals often recommend certain nutrition regiments before you even become pregnant. The goal of any pregnancy is for a healthy child and making sure that you eat right for you and your child are both very important.

Certain supplements may also be recommended in addition to a healthy diet. Some recommend taking a prenatal vitamin about three months before conception. Vegetarians are encouraged to speak with their doctor about vitamins that will help to supplement their diet with necessary nutrients they may miss by not eating meat. All pregnant women are strongly encouraged to discuss their diet and nutrition with their doctor upon learning of their pregnancy.

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The use of the bidet can help in many for woman dealing with different ailments. Here are some ailments that the bidet can treat when it comes to Female Hygiene. Using the bidet daily can aid with these ailments but it won't cure them.

Vaginal Discharge:
Some mucous secretion from the walls of the vagina and neck of the cervix is normal in women of reproductive years. This varies considerably amongst women and at different times during the menstrual cycle. Birth control pills can increase or decrease the discharge and secretions and are particularly greater during pregnancy. Sexual stimulation, with or without intercourse, also produces increased vaginal discharge.

Discharge may be abnormal if it is excessive, offensive smelling, yellow or green in color or if it causes itching. Abnormal vaginal discharge often occurs in Vaginitis. Infection with the Fungus: Candida Albicans causes a thick white discharge.

All of these secretions and discharges can be offensive. Constant use of the bidet, while not being curative of these various afflictions will, dramatically reduce discomfort and most importantly diminish risk of offensive odors to those around the afflicted woman, especially in warmer weather.

Pregnancy and postpartum hygiene:
As soon as the woman is pregnant, her systems and bodily functions start changing, more so the need for the bidet's intimate cleansing and therapeutic benefits to keep her fresh, clean and odor-free. Giving birth is a painful process, be it the first born or the last new arrival to the family. Especially when there's an Episiotomy involved. The Mother being very uncomfortable during the painful healing process. Risk of infection anally or vaginally, odor free hygiene at any time of day or night, as well as being there available to soothe her various perineal afflictions during post partum recovery period.

Chronic Urinary Tract Infections (Cystitis and Urethritis):
Physicians believe in women these problems are largely due to the closeness of the Urinary Meatus (the opening though which urine leaves the vagina) to the anus, where there are fecal bacteria capable of causing infection. Feces are believed to be the main source of bacteria responsible for urinary track infections in women. The bidet provides fresh water wash on a non irritating, thorough cleansing and additional therapeutic benefits for the rectum, perineum, fabina and urethra Avoiding contamination of the urethra is recommended as a preventative measure when dealing with Cystitis and Urethritis. The bidet provides a non irritating fresh water wash and cleansing not achievable through use of dry paper. Irritated skin is soothed and comforted until medication eliminates the yeast infection. Regular use of the bidet immediately upon elimination and urination, of both anus and vagina, should totally eliminate this potential cause for urinary tract infections.

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Communication is the cornerstone of our lives. It is how we are able to express our needs and desires to ourselves and others. It is the foundation of relationships. Relationships exist in many forms between people. Communication is key to the doctor-patient relationship, which is the focus of this article. It is the art of medicine. The extremely low birthweight premature baby in the NICU is able to use nonverbal signs to communicate his or her needs to the medical team and to his or her parents. For that premature baby, not one word is spoken, yet volumes are heard, understood, and acted upon. This demonstrates the power of effective communication when the listener is able to understand the message clearly.

Using these 3 steps allows you to connect and influence others in an effective way.

1. Know your audience.
Knowing your audience is not new information. The problem is that we seldom take the time to know to whom we are speaking. In medicine this is vital because the emotions, the perceptions, and the knowledge that a patient and his or her family have, greatly affects what they are willing to hear from the healthcare provider. Sharing test results to a family anxiously awaiting better news from the doctor becomes challenging when the news is not good. Everyone listens through filters. Awareness of the listener's filters and possible objections will allow you to address them in the conversation. Acknowledging and validating the listener's experience allows you to meet them where they are and provide the listener with what he or she really needs.

2. Know your yourself.
What is your agenda? What is the outcome you are hoping for when speaking to another? Again, this is not new information, yet it is seldom applied. When we do not take the time to become detached from the outcome, our own agenda shines through in the conversation. A truly effective communicator is able to provide the necessary information the listener needs in order to make the best decision for himself, herself, or the family member. In the medical setting, this preserves the patient's autonomy. Before engaging in a sensitive conversation with a patient, ask yourself: How are your previous experiences influencing your message? How is your agenda and the patient's agenda similar or different? What emotional response are you having toward the information to be delivered? How can you detach from the outcome to yield the best result for the listener? How can you be even more objective?

3. Know the content of the conversation.
Be prepared. This may seem like a simple step, but people often come to conversations unprepared. Do you need a few minutes to gather information to communicate effectively with your colleagues, patients, parents, and even to have more clarity for yourself? A great listener listens for what is being said and what is not being said. They are 'reading between the lines'. The effective communicator knows this and is able to fill in the lines for the listener. Mastering the content and delivering it in a confident manner builds trust and a foundation for understanding. This allows for the listener to truly hear what is being said, rather than focus on what they are not being told. When a listener is focusing more on what is not being said, doubt creeps in. When this occurs, the lines of communication are broken.

These 3 steps are the foundation to enhancing your communication skills. The steps shift the focus away from the speaker and towards the listener who is hungry for vital information and support on their medical journey. Be an effective communicator. You empower others with knowledge.

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The thyroid gland consists of two lobes that look similar to the wings of a butterfly. The thyroid is able to absorb iodine from food you consume. It is the only gland in your body that can do this. Your thyroid takes the iodine and uses it to produce two main hormones, triiodothyronine also known as T3 and thyroxine known as T4. These are the hormones that regulate the rate that your body uses carbohydrates and lipids or fats. The thyroid also helps control body temperature, heart rate, as well as the creation of proteins. Calcitonin, yet another hormone the thyroid manufactures, is a hormone that regulates calcium level in the blood.

Though we have no definitive knowledge as to the cause of most nodules and their onset, it has been found that there a certain factor that are associated with the onset. The list includes:

- Low amount of iodine in the diet

- Hashimoto's disease, associated with hypothyroidism

- Genetic defect in the receptors responsible for releasing TSH or thyroid-stimulating hormone

- Radiation treatments that were undergone at an early age such as in child hood to the head or neck area

Various Nodule Types

There are different types of nodules that may develop in the thyroid gland:

Colloid nodule - The type of nodule is noncancerous or benign. It manifests itself as an overgrowth of normal thyroid tissue. It is possible to have one colloid nodule or several. Though it is possible for these nodules to become larger in size, they do not spread to other parts of the body and are contained only in they thyroid gland.

Follicular adenoma - This nodule type is also noncancerous or benign.

Thyroid cyst - These can be benign or malignant depending. These are fluid-filled areas of the thyroid glands that can differ in size. They can measure from less than 1/3 of an inch in diameter to over one 1 inch. Thyroid cysts are usually filled with fluid. Some thyroid cysts have solid components. These are called complex cysts. Fluid-filled cysts are generally benign. Complex cysts can at times be malignant.

Inflammatory nodule - This nodule type may at times develop resulting from chronic inflammation of the thyroid. This condition is called thyroiditis. There is a rare form of thyroiditis called subacute thyroiditis, which is accompanied by severe pain within the thyroid gland. There are other types of thyroiditis that are painless and sometimes happen after pregnancy. This is called postpartum thyroiditis.

Thyroid cancer - There is only a small chance that nodules are cancerous if a physician determines that you have any. If you have a family history of thyroid cancer or any endocrine cancer, you will be at higher risk. Also, if you are a man younger than 30 years of age or older than 60 years of age, with a history of head or neck radiation, you would also be at risk. Cancerous nodules are generally large in size and firm to the touch often causing neck discomfort and/or pain.

Multinodular goiter - "Goiter" refers to any enlargement in the thyroid gland. The appearance of several nodules can lead to a goiter. This is referred to as multinodular goiter. This condition causes tightness in the throat accompanied by difficulty in swallowing and breathing.

Hyperfunctioning thyroid nodule (toxic adenoma, toxic multinodular goiter, Plummer's disease) - TSH is released by the pituitary gland, which regulates the production of thyroid hormones. Hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules that become larger and actually produce thyroid hormones separate from the influence of TSH or thyroid-stimulating hormone. Hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules create a situation where there are high blood levels of thyroxine accompanied by low or even nonexistent levels of TSH. A genetic defect of TSH receptors may be a reason for overactivity of nodules.

The Risk Factors

Thyroid nodules are quite common. In fact, up to 50% of people may have one. The exact cause of thyroid nodules is still unknown although there are some factors that seem to increase the risk of having one. This includes:

Heredity - Family history such as the existence of nodules in parents or in siblings tends to put an individual at a higher risk of developing nodules.

Age - The chances of developing thyroid nodules grow higher as you increase in age. Changes may happen in your thyroid as part of the aging process.

Gender - Statistically, women are more likely to develop thyroid nodules when compared to men.

Exposure to radiation - In the 1940s and 50s, many persons were often treated with radiation for conditions that were noncancerous such as in the case of acne or enlarged tonsils. If you, as a child, experience this type of treatment or experienced any therapy employing the use of radiation to your neck or head for the conditions mentioned above, then you have a higher risk of developing thyroid nodules. You would also be at a higher risk if you were exposed to radioactive particles that became airborne during any atomic weapons testing or if you were exposed to radiation resulting from a nuclear power plant accident.

Specific thyroid conditions - If you've had thyroiditis or a chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland, this would also put you at higher risk.

What Are The Complications?

In general, thyroid nodules are non-cancerous or benign, but at times, they can lead to serious problems. Larger nodules or a number of nodules appearing together can lead to multinodular goiter. This condition can interfere with swallowing or breathing. In can become even more of a serious problem when these nodules or goiter produces thyroid hormone, which can lead to hyperthyroidism.

Along with assorted symptoms such as unexplained weight loss, muscle fatigue, intolerance to heat, and high anxiety, hyperthyroidism can lead to other complications:

Heart-related complications - This type of complication includes a rapid heartbeat, heart rhythm disorder and even congestive heart failure. Congestive heart failure is the condition of the heart being no longer strong enough to circulate blood throughout the body.

Osteoporosis - This is when your bones become weak and brittle due to a lack of calcium. The overall health of bones depends to a certain extent on the amount of calcium and minerals found in them. An excess of thyroid hormone or hyperthyroidism, can disrupt the incorporation of calcium into the bones. In the situation where a patient develops hyperthyroidism, the bones are the first to display the sign or symptoms of the disorder before anything else. This is the case with postmenopausal women who are in the group of individuals with a high risk of developing osteoporosis.

Thyrotoxic crisis - This is the term used to describe the sudden and possibly life threatening intensify of the above signs and symptoms. This requires immediate medical care should this occur.

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The excitement of the positive pregnancy test, for most expectant mothers, can be clouded with concern for a healthy pregnancy and baby. But, if you have RA or Lupus, it can be multiplied. You also have to worry about if your pregnancy will cause a flare-up, what medicines are safe for your baby, and whether or not your condition will affect your growing fetus or your own long-term health.

This article addresses the issues of two, out of many, rheumatic conditions: rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus).

RA and lupus are autoimmune diseases and in autoimmune diseases the immune system, which is suppose to protect your body from any foreign substances that may harm it, malfunctions and attacks your own body's tissues. If you have RA or lupus you are probably taking medication that reduces the immune systems activity to a greater or lesser degree. But pregnancy has its own impact on the immune system and your system must make some adjustments so that your body won't attack what it perceives to be foreign, the genes that come from the father of your baby. These adjustments make it possible for your baby to grow safely. But there are other effects which can impact your rheumatic conditions such as RA and lupus in different ways.

Something to think about.

It can be hard to determine whether the changes in the way you feel are from the pregnancy or your RA or lupus. Unfortunately when you are pregnant you can become anemic, which can cause you to be tired and have a lack of energy, this also happens when you have RA or lupus. Your pregnancy will also affect certain markers of inflammation, doctors use blood test to measure your inflammation called a erythrocyte sedimentation rate or ESR, which is often high if you have RA or lupus. These markers can also be high when you're pregnant so measuring ESR may not be the best way to gauge how active your RA or lupus is. Also, your pregnancy may make blood clots more likely, but if you have lupus, there is also an increased risk that you will have blood clots because there is a protein called antiphospholipid antibodies in your blood, and these proteins is what increases your risk.

Your pregnancy can also cause musculoskeletal problems because as your baby grows, your ligaments will relax to allow the pelvis to stretch. You will also put on weight, which is a healthy thing but this can cause your posture to change which can result in joint aches and back pain. Another thing is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), which causes wrist pain and numbness, is a common complication of your pregnancy, especially during the second and third trimesters but is is also associated with RA and lupus. All these things can make it tricky to figure out whether or not they are problems with the pregnancy or are a part of your rheumatic conditions.

Things to do if you have RA.

RA mainly affects the joints and it will make them stiff, painful, swollen and sometimes, unstable and deformed, but it can also cause fatigue and you may have problems with your heart and your eyes. There is between 1% and 2% of the United States population that have RA, and it is most common among women than men. It will usually appear when you are in your twenties or thirties, the child bearing years, so finding women with RA who are considering pregnancy is not all that surprising.

The first thing you will want to know, if you have RA and are considering having a baby, is whether or not your arthritis is going to flare-up during your pregnancy. The thought of carrying around an extra 20 - 30 pounds of weight on replaced joints or on joints that are sometimes swollen and sore can be a bit discerning. Luckily there are about 70% - 80% of women who have RA that go into remission during their pregnancy, another words their symptoms go away. For the rest of those women with RA who don't go into remission, their symptoms may become milder and easier to manage. It's hard to predict just who will go into remission but despite this uncertainty, some doctors will tell their patients to stop taking their RA medications when they become pregnant because of the high likelihood that they will go into remission and not need treatment. But there are some steps you can take before you get pregnant that can help you during and after the pregnancy.

Work out a plan with your rheumatologist for what medication you will take if you do have a flare during your pregnancy.

You will also have to consider the type of delivery you will have. Most women with RA can safely go through the labor and vaginal delivery, but if your RA affects your pelvis and legs extensively, a vaginal delivery may not be what you want to do. Your doctor may opt for a planned cesarean section.

For some of you with RA, you may find that after you have your baby your arthritis flares up. Because arthritis flares can make it difficult to care for a newborn, you will want to plan very carefully just how you will manage this period. By planning you can ease the adjustment of this postpartum period.

If you are planning on breast feeding you will need to discuss this with your rheumatologist, obstetrician and pediatrician ahead of time. There are some RA medications that are compatible with breast-feeding. Try to decide which one you want to take just in case you have a flare after your baby is born.

If it's possible, try to have someone to help you at home during the transition time. If you are unable to, there are some things you can do to make it easier on yourself, such as; having some extra meals stashed in the freezer so that all you have to do is to pull them out of the freezer when things get difficult.

Planning is the key and it will go a long ways to helping you ease the stress of your worst flare. The good news is that RA doesn't have a negative impact on the baby, it doesn't increase the rate of miscarriages, and it doesn't cause any problems in the baby.

What if you have lupus

If you have systemic lupus erythematosus, it's a bit more complicated. The reason it's more complicated is that lupus can affect many parts of the body, such as the skin, joints, kidneys, blood cells, heart and lungs. The most common symptoms are a rash on the face, pain and swelling in the joints and a fever with kidney disease being the most serious symptom. Lupus is more common in women then men and it will usually show up when you are between the ages of 15 and 45.

Doctors of the past would often counsel women with lupus against getting pregnant based on the assumption that pregnancy would always cause lupus flares, possibly serious flares, and that babies would do so well. These were and are valid concerns, but there is now a better understanding of lupus and how to treat it that has made pregnancy very realistic and a safe option if you decide to get pregnant.

There are several studies that have shown that being pregnant may increase your risk of flares and yet other studies that have found that it doesn't. This confusion in part lies with how the different researchers measure and define a flare. And also, during any nine-month period you may have a flare or flares whether you are pregnant or not, so flares during your pregnancy are not exactly related to your pregnancy. Headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath and joint pain are all symptoms of a lupus flare as well as the possibility being a part of your pregnancy. The most likely risk is that women with lupus have a slightly higher chance of having a flare-up but for many women it can be controlled with medication.

You will most likely flare and not do so well during pregnancy if your lupus was active at the time of conception. This will be the case if your lupus has affected your kidneys because pregnancy will also stress your kidneys. Most doctors will generally not recommend getting pregnant until you have been in remission from kidney disease and active lupus for six months.

The most ideal situation is if when you have decided to become pregnant, that you see your rheumatologist ahead of time so he can run blood tests that will determine just how active your lupus is. The blood test will also establish a baseline that your doctor can refer to later during your pregnancy in case there are any difficulties. If you don't get these test done before you get pregnant then definitely get them done shortly after. You will also want to consult with an obstetrician who has experience with treating women who have lupus or possibly an obstetrician who specializes in high risk pregnancies. It is also a good idea if when you become pregnant, you are taking medication to control you lupus and that you can continue to take them safely during your pregnancy. Although, if you have RA you are able to stop taking your medications during your pregnancy, this may not be the case if you have lupus. You and your rheumatologist will need to plan for what medications you can take if you have a lupus flare during your pregnancy.

If your blood tests show that you have the antibodies called anti-RO (SSA) or anti-La (SSB), you will have a small risk of having a baby born with a rare condition called neonatal lupus. The main symptom of neonatal lupus is a skin rash, and it will usually disappear in six months. There is a very small percentage of babies with neonatal lupus, about 2% to 5%, who will develop heart block, which causes the heart to beat abnormally. If you are known to have the anti-RO or anti-La antibodies, you will probably have an ultrasound at 18 to 24 weeks into the pregnancy to see if there is heart block. The doctor may prescribe a corticosteroid in an attempt to treat the heart block if there is one. Although, research doesn't show a clear benefit of doing this. It may become necessary to deliver the baby early but most babies born with heart block need to have a pacemaker implanted, wither at birth or later in life.

There are other complications that come with lupus and that includes preeclampsia, premature rupture of the membranes, which means the baby will be born prematurely, and low-birth-weight babies. In preeclampsia, or pregnancy-induced hypertension, you will have high blood pressure and retain fluid among other symptoms. Preclampsia is thought to be more common if you have lupus and most often it can be hard to distinguish between preeclampsia and a lupus flare. But if it's not treated appropriately, preeclampsia can damage your kidneys and liver as well as increase the risk for a miscarriage and premature birth or even cause the baby to be very small. If you have preeclampsia your doctor may recommend that you deliver the baby early, either by induced labor or a C-section.

The same advice that applies if you have RA applies to you if you have lupus as far as the period after the birth of your baby. Planning makes all the difference and having help lined up in case you have a lupus flare prevents you from taking care of your baby. As with RA, you will want to have ready-to-eat meals in the freezer and be sure to know what your options are in terms of breast-feeding and medications.

As you can see, there are some very special considerations for you if you have lupus and are considering having a baby, but if you have a clear understanding that your chances are good that our outcome will be nearly as good as someone who doesn't have lupus. Remember that the best approach is to have your health care team, your rheumatologist and obstetrician, working hand in hand and also good communication and close follow-up with this these team members is the key.

Your medications

There are many medicines that are used to treat RA and lupus that are relatively safe during pregnancy, but some of the drugs used for rheumatic conditions increase the risk of birth defects, and it's also important to remember that birth defects occur in about 3% of pregnancies where the mother doesn't take any medications. When you are considering if a medication is safe during pregnancy, you should determine if the risk of birth defects is greater than 3%. Your doctor should be able to help you figure it out.

NSAIDs: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs treat the pain and inflammation of arthritis. These NSAIDs include the COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib (Clelbrex) and traditional NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn) and the many other, both prescription and over the counter. There are studies in animals that have shown that NSAIDs can cause birth defects, but there hasn't been any findings in humans. It is possible to take these medicines safely during your pregnancy up to the third trimester. Taking NSAIDs during the third trimester, will increase the risk that one of the baby's heart vessels will close prematurely, a good reason to stop taking them at 24 weeks of pregnancy. If you are trying to get pregnant you may want to stop taking the NSAIDs, including COX-2 inhibitors, from the time of ovulation until their next menstrual period because there is a hypothetical risk that these medicines will interfere with the implanting of a fertilized egg.

Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids decreases the inflammation throughout the body and these drugs are often the mainstay of treatment for people with inflammatory conditions such as RA and lupus. Prednisone and prednisolone are the most commonly prescribed drugs that your doctor will give you and you can continue to take these medicines during your pregnancy if you need to. But before you do, remember that if you take the corticosteroids during the first trimester of your pregnancy, your baby could be born with a cleft palate. This risk is still fairly low, with cleft palate happening in roughly 1 in 300 babies exposed to the drugs in the womb compared to 1 in 1,000 when there is no exposure. Babies born to mothers who take corticosteroids during pregnancy are also more likely to be smaller and born prematurely. They also will raise your risk of pregnancy induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, a form of diabetes that happens only during pregnancy, and pregnancy-induced osteopenia or bone thinning. Corticosteroids are often a reasonable choice during pregnancy for the management of both RA and lupus despite the potential side effects.

Hydroxychloroquie: It was thought that hydroxychloroquine or Plaquenil, was not compatible with pregnancy but over the past decade that idea has changed. Right now most rheumatologists in the United States and elsewhere with patients who need hydroxychloroquine to keep their condition stable will keep them on it during their pregnancy. Studies have been done to substantiate the claim that the medicine might cause problems with the development of the fetus's visual and hearing systems, but the studies didn't prove it.

Sulfasalazine: Sulfasalazine or Azulfidine, is considered to be safe to use when you are pregnant.

Azathioprine and cyclosporine: These drugs are immunosuppressive drugs that are used mainly to maintain organ transplants. Doctors will also subscribe them to treat RA and lupus. There is information from world wide transplant registries of literally thousands of babies that were exposed to these medications in the womb. This information shows that there were no increased rates of birth defects, but the babies do seem to be smaller and to be born earlier. There are many doctors will use these medications if they need to control RA or lupus activity in women who are pregnant.

Methotrexate, leflunomide, mycophenolate mofetil, cyclophosphamide: These medications can cause early fetal death and birth defects at a rate higher than what you would expect. You shouldn't take them during your pregnancy and also if you are planning a pregnancy you should stop taking methotrexate or CellCept at least one menstrual cycle before trying to get pregnant. If you're a man taking these medications then you will want to stop taking them three months ahead of time. If you are taking leflunomide you will need to to stop taking it two years before you try to get pregnant, or you could under go a two-week procedure to wash the medicine out of your bloodstream.

Biologics: There isn't enough data to conclude whether or not this newer type of drug is absolutely safe during pregnancy. However, we do know that TNF-alpha blockers, etanercept (Enbrel), infliximab (Remicade), and adalimumab (Humira) may contribute to birth defects according to recent evidence. You will want to stop taking biologic drugs before trying to become pregnant.

In just about all circumstances, if you have RA or lupus, you can be sure it is safe to become pregnant as long as you are sure your RA and lupus are under control and your pregnancy is planned. If you have lupus it is particularly important to keep the communications open with your rheumatologist and that you have an obstetrician that is experienced in dealing with women with lupus or high risk pregnancies. With careful monitoring and the appropriate use of your medicines, it will be possible to successfully manage your pregnancy when you have RA or lupus.

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What is preeclampsia? It is a syndrome that occurs in pregnant women who are hypertensive, that is, those who have high blood pressure. They get swollen legs and a considerable amount of protein spillage into their urine. They may even get convulsions, particularly in the second part of the pregnancy.

Preeclampsia is also known as pregnancy-induced hypertension or toxemia. It is more common in women who are pregnant for the first time and those pregnant by a new husband. However, a second or third pregnancy does not guarantee a preeclampsia-free term. According to a study in Aberdeen, Scotland, almost 1 in 150 women who has had a normal blood pressure during their first pregnancy can get preeclampsia during their second.

The risk is heightened for those who have previously experienced high blood pressure and women who also suffered from preeclampsia before the third trimester.

A family history of diabetes is also cause for concern; women whose sisters, mothers, aunts or grandmothers got preeclampsia should also be careful. Moreover, the possibility of getting preeclampsia increases relative to the woman's age; the older she is, the higher the risk, particularly if the woman is over 40. However, early pregnancies are just as at risk as late ones. Teenage mothers--girls younger than 18--are not exempt.

Other significant factors that may complicate a pregnancy and induce preeclampsia are ovarian cysts, lupus and arthritis. Women who do not have or have never had the aforementioned illnesses should not be so complacent. If symptoms of preeclampsia start manifesting, they should consult their doctor straightaway.

While pregnant women feel all sorts of sensations that are common for their delicate situation, there are certain occurrences that may point to preeclampsia. All these symptoms should never be ignored:

- Frequent dizziness and drowsiness.

- Getting massive headaches.

- Unbearable nausea.

- Hearing incessant buzzing or ringing.

- Throwing up blood.

- Frequent and prolonged vomiting.

- Getting impossibly swollen feet and hands.

- Seldom urinating or not at all.

- Having blood mixed in the urine.

- Irregular, rapid heartbeat.

- Having a high fever.

- Getting blurred or double vision.

- Sudden loss of vision.

It is important to be on the guard because the exact causes of preeclampsia is largely unknown. It does not have one easily identifiable cause, and there is not one test that diagnoses the problem.

When women go to the doctor, the first thing their doctor will do is to take their blood pressure. A large rise is indicative of preeclampsia. Urine tests are performed to measure the protein in the urine. A blood test may also be done. If the woman is exhibiting signs of preeclampsia, the doctor will want to conduct checkups at least once every week, if not every day.

What preeclampsia does is to hinder blood going to the placenta, which is what provides air and food to the baby. Less blood in the placenta means less air and food for the baby, thus a low weight for the newborn.

A good advice to keep in mind for pregnant women is to control their blood pressure. When one is not pregnant, the way to do this is to cut down on her salt intake. If one is however pregnant, the body will need the salt to aid in the flow of fluids. Doctors may recommend aspirin and calcium for preeclampsia prevention or tell women to lie on their left side while taking rest.

If preeclampsia does occur in one pregnancy, it does not entirely spell doom for the mother and child. Women can still deliver babies with perfect health but it is rare. So all these precautions are advisable and will prove that mothers know best if they do heed both the warnings and preventive measures.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

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I know what you are probably thinking when you see the photos of Jillian Barberie in a bikini or Marie Osmond wearing a dress with a cinched, tiny waist, because I think the same thing. Both women have lost over 40 pounds on the Nutrisystem program. And, I want so badly to be happy for and inspired by them. Really, I do. But sometimes I can't help thinking that these celebrities probably have chefs and trainers and all kinds of folks to help them through this - which are luxuries that I just don't have.

But, one recent day after I had a particularly nice weigh in myself, I started to think about this a little more deeply. The truth is, no chef is needed to prepare nutriystem food. You are really only assembling it and this takes about two minutes. If you can use a microwave and blender, this is all you really need.

Now, everyone saw Marie Osmond shaking it on "Dancing With The Stars," so we know she had a strenuous work out regimen. Jillian Barberie has said that she never really worked out until she had trouble losing postpartum weight following the birth of her baby. So, she did take up power walking and lifting weights, and if you've seen the photos of her in a bikini, you know that she's been quite successful. She's thin all right, but she's also very toned.

Admittedly, it's really easy to look at these celebrities and feel a slight bit of envy and discomfort. But, if you think about it, it really comes down to eating less calories and carbs (Nutrisystem takes care of this and the "celebrities" have no advantage here, as we all eat the same food) and moving our bodies more.

Sure, Marie Osmond got to have all kinds on fun on "Dancing With The Stars" and Jillian made friends with some hand weights, but couldn't we normal folks also work out more? If we enjoy dancing, we shouldn't need "Dancing With The Stars" to dance a mean mambo. If we'd like to hit the weights like Jillian, we can do so pretty easily. Hand weights are readily available and quite cheap.

I think the major difference is that celebrities are being watched and are therefore under intense pressure to follow the plan to the letter in order to succeed. If I am honest with myself, this kind of immediate pressure would likely kick up my efforts.

So, maybe it is not the celebrity pampering we need to emulate, but the spotlight. Because, if I knew someone was going to be zooming a tight lens in on my body for all the world to see, I'd be much more motivated to get moving.

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Appropriate pregnancy exercises are beneficial to both moms-to-be and the fetus. Firstly, it helps to maintain muscle tone and make the progress of labor easier; Secondly, it helps to control body weight within a healthy range, and helps postpartum mothers recover their body shape easier as well. However, pregnant women should keep in mind that you can only exercise during certain stages of pregnancy, providing adopting suitable exercises for different stages and individual physical condition. In this article, we will discuss the ways that are not suitable for moms-to-be.

(1) Fit pregnancy - exercises that are not suitable for expecting mothers

If you are in pregnancy 3 months to 28 weeks, you should pay attention to the exercise types you choose. It is wise to do some leisure exercises such as swimming, tai chi, walking, yoga and other relatively simple sports. Do avoid strong abdominal exercises, or movements that require lots of jumping or sprinting such as badminton, tennis, horseback riding and scuba diving. Among these, diving is the most dangerous as it can easily make pregnant women in hypoxia state and thus cause fetal malformations.

Moreover, exercises that cause fatigue or over-sweating are not suitable to pregnant women. In addition, you should drink plenty of water during exercise, and it is best to add some fruit juice instead of drinking plain water. Cola and sports drinks are definitely a big no-no to a healthy pregnancy.

When you experience vaginal bleeding, fluid flow, unusual pain or sudden pain, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, severe or persistent headache or dizziness and other issues, you must stop exercising immediately and visit your doctor.

2) Fit pregnancy - exercises for different stages of pregnancy

You must be very careful in choosing exercise types during the first trimester. Strenuous exercises must be avoided during this period. In pregnancy for 3 months to 28 week period, pregnant women can do some appropriate exercises. But after 28 weeks in pregnancy, it is not advisable to do sports because the fetus has grown very large at this time, and inappropriate body movements may cause allergic contractions, leading to premature delivery and other issues.

(3) Fit pregnancy - how to exercise during pregnancy

Breathing exercises are often the best for pregnant women as it can help pregnant women relax, being present and also help in the delivery process with the contractions.

Shallow breathing: sitting on the floor, crossed legs in the front, back straight, exhale with mouth breathing.

Deep breathing: sitting on the floor in a comfortable position, crossed legs in the front, keep your back straight, deep breathing and then slowly exhale, repeat the exercise.

Other than breathing exercise, pregnant women can also do some muscles exercises including pelvic muscle and thigh muscles exercises. Pelvic muscles are likely to be weakened during pregnancy. Strengthening these muscles is very important for pregnant women to have a smooth delivery. You can do pelvic muscles exercise 300 to 350 times a day. This exercise is very simple, you just need to hold back as hard as possible to tighten the muscles (just like holding back when you feel like urinating) and then relax. Repeat this exercise 30 times and take a break when you feel tired.

Thigh muscles exercise is quite simple as well: sitting straight on the floor, keep soles of your feet tight and opposite to each other. Use your hands holding the ankles, and try to move them closer to your body. Then use your elbows pressing down your thighs, keep this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 15 times.

Overall, it is advisable to keep your doctor informed if you want to engage in any regular exercise. For pregnancy exercises, warm-up activities are very important. Aerobic exercises such as walking and gentle stretching are good exercises for a full warm-up.

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Female patients of mine often ask whether having a child will affect their ability to undergo Lasik eye surgery. Actually, pregnancy can affect the eyes in many ways so it is important to understand what considerations should be made for pregnant women who are considering Lasik. These things should also be considerations even if a woman is not pregnant at the time but may be planning it in the near future.

First, it is always important to establish the total medical and structural health of the eye prior to proceeding with any kind of eye surgery. Pregnant women are known to be at risk for the development or worsening of diabetes and can develop significant blood pressure problems such as preeclampsia. These blood pressure or diabetes related problems can manifest in the eye, and therefore a complete dilated exam of the eye to look for any changes or pathology in the retinal blood vessels is extremely important. Patients can potentially present with bleeding or leaking blood vessels which can cause distortion of vision. Any changes of these kinds need to be handled very carefully to prevent long-term damage to the eyes. These conditions can lead to an acute medical or surgical situation and the patient would definitely be precluded from having Lasik eye surgery. Other rare pregnancy related eye disorders can occur that induce swelling of the optic nerve or retina and can also be detected with a complete eye exam by an ophthalmologist.

But not all eye changes during pregnancy are necessarily pathologic. In some otherwise healthy women, it has been observed that their glasses prescription actually changes during pregnancy. Similar changes can also occur after the baby is delivered while the woman is breast-feeding her child. In some cases, these changes may be temporary but in others they can be permanent. Unfortunately there is no way to distinguish which cases are temporary. Actually, the majority of women never have these prescription changes during pregnancy at all. The exact mechanism of action is unknown although it has been shown that changes in the corneal thickness and curvature occur, possibly due to swelling. Some have postulated that the same hormonal changes which allow for bodily changes to accommodate for growth of the baby within the woman's body also allow for growth of the eye as well. Usually, growth changes of the eye leading to nearsightedness come to a conclusion when a person stops growing in their late teens or early twenties, but perhaps the hormonal changes of pregnancy allow for some of these changes to re-occur later in life.

Of course, when this situation arises, the woman's glasses prescription and nearsightedness are no longer stable and predictable. Performing Lasik on someone like this is unwise because the exact final prescription cannot be known. It's like shooting at a moving target. It is a general rule that a patient should have a stable glasses prescription for about one year prior to having Lasik eye surgery. If my patients go through pregnancy and experience no changes, then I feel it is okay for them to proceed at any point thereafter when they feel ready. However, if changes in their prescription have occurred, I do advise them to wait on Lasik surgery until we have observed that it does not change any further. This waiting period applies to the postpartum breast-feeding time as well.

I also talk to many of my patients that are young women who are not planning on pregnancy in the near future but feel they may have children in the distant future. In these people, there is no way to predict if a future pregnancy will change their glasses prescription. I advise these people most women have little or no change during pregnancy so it is reasonable to proceed with Lasik as they have no immediate plans for having children. They should be aware of the small possibility of developing regression of their near-sightedness in the future in the event they do become pregnant. In those cases, it is possible to do additional treatment after pregnancy is completed and once their prescription is stable. However, if the visual changes are small, many women feel that their vision is adequate and may not need additional treatment or might choose to wear glasses only under certain conditions, eg night driving. Those are personal decisions each individual must make for themselves.

The bottom line is to make sure that any health issues of the patient which can be related to pregnancy are stable and that the overall glasses prescription is stable and predictable prior to proceeding with Lasik eye surgery. Once all of these things are stable and the pregnancy is complete, that is the best time to proceed with the procedure. Although performing Lasik just prior or during pregnancy is technically possible, there remains the small chance of a prescription change induced by the pregnancy which might require additional treatment later. To avoid multiple procedures, I recommend waiting until after the baby is delivered and breast-feeding is completed.

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Addressing Thyroid Disease Naturally

Classic signs of thyroid hormone deficiency include fatigue, memory loss, cold hands and feet, muscle and joint pain, depression, high cholesterol, and constipation. Over the past 2 years, I have seen a large influx of patients that had been placed on thyroid hormones to treat the above symptoms. Many of these individuals responded well to thyroid hormone initially, but were no longer receiving as much benefit from its use. Furthermore, many of them continued to develop additional symptoms such as dry eyes, dry and bleeding nasal passages, and dry hair and skin. Most of them were also experiencing greater loss of hair.

What you should know about Thyroid Hormone Production:

Thyroid hormone production is under the influence of a chemical called thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). TSH is made by the pituitary gland. When circulating levels of thyroxine (T-4) are low, TSH sends a message to your thyroid gland to start producing more T-4. The building blocks your body uses to make T-4 come from food constituents that we obtain from the diet (tyrosine - an amino acid from protein and certain minerals - iodine, zinc, etc). Once your body makes T-4, it must be activated by other nutrients (vitamins and minerals) into something known as T-31. T-3 is the active form of thyroid hormone that works to increase the body's metabolism. However, certain nutrient deficiencies and stress can lead to a reduction in T-3 and instead the production of Reverse T-3. This form of T-3 is not as effective and leads to symptoms of hypothyroidism. Unfortunately, Reverse T-3 is cannot be distinguished from T-3 in traditional thyroid lab reports and this is a common oversight by many physicians. Once T-3 is made it will attach to the nucleus inside your cells and increase the body's metabolism appropriately. Once again, however, certain nutrient deficiencies can decrease the responsiveness of our body's cells to T-3, causing symptoms of hypothyroidism. For these reasons lab reports commonly performed by physicians that look at TSH, T-4, and T-3, can be misleading. A simplified diagram of thyroid hormone production is listed below:

TSH Stimulates the thyroid gland to make T-4. T-4 Converts to either T-3 or Reverse T-3 (RT3). RT3 is inactive. Normal T-3 attaches to the cell nucleus. Once attachment of T-3 occurs the body's metabolism increases.

As if the above information were not complicated enough, there are also environmental factors that can also effect thyroid hormone production. Oral contraceptives and estrogen containing medications have been shown to reduce the conversion of T4 to T3. Many herbicides and pesticides contain estrogen mimicking compounds known to effect thyroid hormone production. Soy foods and sodas can cause a reduction in thyroid hormone. Certain food allergies and selenium deficiency are linked to autoimmune thyroid dysfunction3,4. Heavy metal exposure through air, water, dental fillings etc. have been linked to poor thyroid function.

Remember that thyroid disease is never just as simple as taking a medication whether it is bio-identical or not. Thyroid dysfunction has a cause. An astute physician will take an active roll in care and seek to perform a comprehensive exam and laboratory work up that will identify the cause. Keep in mind that your body has the ability to make its own thyroid hormone providing that all the essential nutrients necessary are present in the diet or through supplementation, providing that the environment is conducive to the expression of good health, and providing that the individual is properly educated in the care of his/her body. Many patients that come to me initially are taking some form of thyroid medication. Many were instructed that the medication was a life long necessity. And in many it is very common that the medication becomes unnecessary.

1. Moncayo R, et al. The role of selenium, vitamin C, and zinc in benign thyroid diseases and of selenium in malignant thyroid diseases: Low selenium levels are found in subacute and silent thyroiditis and in papillary and follicular carcinoma. BMC Endocr Disord. 2008 Jan 25;8:2.

2. Pansini F, et al. Effect of the hormonal contraception on serum reverse triiodothyronine levels. Gynecol Obstet Invest 1987;23:133.

3. Mazokopakis EE, et al. Effects of 12 months treatment with L-selenomethionine on serum anti-TPO Levels in Patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Thyroid 2007 Jul;17(7):609-12.

4. Negro R, et al. The influence of selenium supplementation on postpartum thyroid status in pregnant women with thyroid peroxidase autoantibodies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007 Apr;92(4):1263-8. Epub 2007 Feb 6.

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You have probably heard the term "it takes a village to raise a child," but this should be rephrased to match motherhood in the modern world. It should be "it takes a nanny to raise a child," since most new mothers do not have access to a village worth of help. In many cases, new mothers do not even have friends or relatives that can help them recover from childbirth and learn how to properly care for their new babies.

The Distant past

There was a time when new mothers had built-in support when bringing home their new babies. They had neighbors bringing hot meals and pies to the door and older members of the community available to give the baby baths and make sure there were no problems with breastfeeding. If a new mother was weak and struggling to recover, she would have many women surrounding her and nursing her back to health.

These were the days when the village, or local community, did in fact raise the children right from birth. A naughty child could be punished by a neighbor then sent home to be punished again by their parent. Mothers didn't have to worry about their children when they were out to play because they knew many other women were looking after them.

You may remember these times from your own childhood. It's a shame that times have changed, but there are always some negatives that come with progress, right?

Modern Motherhood

Today, many women are too busy chasing careers and putting food on the table for their own families to watch out for anyone else's family. Women around the world now have more responsibility outside the home, which means they have less energy and time to invest inside the home. This means the surrounding village or community has disappeared. Most new mothers no longer have that constant support around the clock to make sure they recover from childbirth and care for their new babies efficiently.

Some women may still have the support of their mothers and other women in their families, but these people often cannot drop their own lives to give the amount of care needed by a new mother. This leaves modern mothers with two options: do everything on their own or hire a confinement nanny.

It is incredibly hard to take care of a newborn and recover from delivery alone. This is especially true for first-time mothers who don't know how to properly care for a newborn. It is also true for mothers recovering from a cesarean section, since they will not be able to lift their baby and move them around as much as other mothers.

Therefore, most mothers are now hiring confinement nannies to come into their homes and give a helping hand around the clock. A confinement nanny will now take care of everything that the village or community might have done for a new mother in the past. This includes meal preparation and help with older children as well as bathing, changing and feeding the new baby. The nanny looks after the health of the new mother and makes sure she gets adequate rest and food to recover from childbirth. She also looks after the baby to make sure they are properly cared for and growing at the proper rate.

It still takes a village to raise a child, but today the village has been replaced by the confinement nanny.

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Remember the last time you were depressed because you really wanted something but there was no money or you were short of the money it required? Remember the disappointment you felt in yourself? Did your mind start to tell you that you somehow fell short of your own self-goals and self-worth?

If you relate to those questions, I am with you. I hate not having money for something that is important to me. I hate not having money for something I simply desire! I am not going to hide it, because it is the truth and only the truth has brought me to the point that I have now reached. I want to help you reach your financial goals by teaching you how to work from home on the internet and make money. I want to help you feel good about yourself.

I love to be around happy people. Sad, depressed and broke people have low self-esteems and tend to have the magical dark powers of bringing others down around them. I have learned to not hang around those people, in particular.

That is my first suggestion: Get AWAY from losers, who always want a handout, abusers who always try to pull others down to feel good about themselves, and users who only come around when you have something that they can get--and get around people who love life, make money and if not making money at this time are seeking ways to do so, and people who are giving. These will be the backbone of your success when you need encouragement of any kind. I know you are a winner, otherwise you would not be reading this article. You have already determined that poverty is an ugly enemy to you and your loved ones and you have decided that it being broke is No Life For You! Financial Success is For You!

Good for you! That realization is the first step in obtaining the financial success that you deserve for a healthy and prosperous lifestyle and mentality. You have to decide to change your life if your self-esteem is lacking and is in direct proportion to a lack of money.

The question is how? It starts with direction. You would profit from sitting down with a pen and paper and make a list of exactly how a lack of finances is affecting you and directly relate the list to Where it affects your life. You can start by making a column list. It can be ten columns long and in each column you write down a name for the depression. Here is an example:

1. Income
2. Appearance
3. Friendships
4. Romance
5. Fun
6. Bills
7. Charity
8. Goals
9. Education
10. Family

Then, you would write under each subject how not having money is affecting your overall life in this area and how it makes you feel. By doing so, you will pinpoint the source of your depression deep down within and simultaneously treat it. Being able to recognize the problem is the first step to a resolution.

Under income, for example, you would write down that you feel as if you failed in life because you are living paycheck to paycheck. Because I feel as if I have failed myself, I feel depressed. And under the subject of Appearance: I do not care about my appearance and have let myself go. I cannot even afford to buy makeup. This makes me feel bad about myself on the outside, I am embarrassed to go around people and so I stay alone. This makes me feel depressed.

So, you go down the list and pinpoint the exact way that a lack of money affects you in all aspects of your life with honesty. Do not be easy on your feelings--trying to protect yourself from sadness. The entire task is done to change the sadness and to do so, it has to be honestly addressed.

There is no embarrassment for you at this point, because no one else has to ever see it! This is for you to make a change! If money has kept you from getting and education for anything that will bring you success, you should address it. It can simply be a self-help book, article, publication or online class about goal-setting. Search your memory for something that you did not get because you felt that you could not afford it. When you passed the opportunity up, you did not get the help that you could have given your own self.

So, now that you have a few examples of how having no money affects everything about you, you can work on your remedies. There is a remedy for depression just as there is a remedy for poverty!

Once you have completed your task of identifying the problems that a lack of finances has caused, you attack the problem vigilantly! You become a roaring lion and the prey is depression and poverty. You will win!

The way to attack, is to now set goals to correct each identified source of depression. In the matter of education, since we have used it as an example previously, you would set a goal to get some knowledge in ways to make money! So, you buy a Making Money Training Course! It must be AFFORDABLE for you! IF you start out with the thought that you CANNOT AFFORD to spend money for education, you will never get the self-help you need to overcome poverty. Education has changed the lives of countless people who even started out as bums on the street and are now millionaires! These are the types of education you might want to focus on because going to college right now might not be the avenue you want to start at. For some, that is perfect, but it is very costly.

Since your pockets are to let, you want to start out with something that is not too much money. But, the main point is to GET Some Knowledge on making money! If you have a computer, you can use it to get online training in making money. You will kill two birds with one stone here. You have gotten some education and you have gotten education that will show you how to make money. Money will start coming in as you learn.

If you are extremely desperate and need extra money really fast just to be able to get the education, you can help the economy by recycling. If you do not have any bottles and plastic to recycle...start keeping it for future income. Also, you can do an even greater service and go to your neighbors and let them know that you have started a neighborhood recycling effort to combat global warming! Let them know that you will pick up any recyclables for them each Saturday and if they would leave it outside at the sidewalk, you will be happy to dispose of it for them! You have done a service to your community(and you can also put this under charity), to your earth, your health, and your income! You can feel good about yourself---you are making some major progress against depression! Be sure to use some of the money to invest in your financial future and get some education on how to make money. The internet offers you the easiest, fastest and most profitable way to do this AFFORDABLY!

Would you like to be the person that you know in your heart that you are? Would you like to have money to be generous to those who need help, the brokenhearted, the hopeless, those whom you love and even like? Heck, even to be a LITTLE generous to those you do not like? I have learned in my years that a major source of self-esteem is not only in my success, but to be good to those who tried to make me lose. That is a real picker-upper! When you help someone who meant you harm in the past, they are put in their place forever! You can feel good about that!!

Raise the bar on your self-esteem for your health, for obtaining goals, for your family and friends and simply for being able to feel good about making a lot of money.

You can help others that you know need help to make money too, once you learn how. That alone will raise your self-esteem, because helping others is an excellent character trait to possess. You know how it feels when you really need help and you know not a person in the world who can or will help you. So, all I ask in return for helping you to achieve the financial freedom and self-esteem you deserve, is that help someone else who is DESERVING of a chance to succeed by sharing this article with them. They may need it even more than you! Success To You and Enjoy Doing Great Things For Yourself and Others! Get Started on That List and Change Your Life!!

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Moms are so much more powerful than they realize. How they are feeling on a particular day can have significant effects on the entire family. A Mom can and does influence so many things in her environment. And that can affect how she feels, and in turn how the other family members feel.

When she is feeling good, happy, relaxed so are her kids. They have more energy, laugh more and get along better. On the other hand, if she is feeling frustrated or bogged down by all the things going on, the kids seemed to know that, and they argued more, were hard to keep busy and were less focused.

What Mother hasn't felt at her wits end with her kids? The colicky baby who won't stop crying, the kids who won't stop arguing, the lack of time she has to herself and the limited adult interaction. She'll call a girlfriend or her own mother to talk for a few peaceful minutes to vent or to get advice. She will put the kids' favorite movie on so they're occupied and we can have a few minutes to ourselves. It would never fail, after a few minutes into a conversation the kids will start to call for Mom. They need to ask a question or they need a referee because, "he hit me," or they want some juice. On it goes when a few minutes ago, they were fine. We try to appease them, even leave the room or multitask in some manner. When nothing seems to work we hang up feeling irritated and frustrated. Low and behold, all's well and the arguing stops. It's as if that big white device in our hand was a signal to start vying for mom's attention, and in a way, to our children it was. Yet the feeling of frustration lingers for the mom, long after she has hung up and peace is restored. It can affect the rest of the day, and by the time our spouse comes home, she's more than ready for them to help, even takeover.

It only makes sense then that our thoughts affect our relationships as well. Take this example, with a stay at home mom in mind. Their husbands are off at work, and their kids are off at school, so these moms spend their time doing as much as they can around the house. They will straighten, pick up, put away, clean or whatever needs to be done. If they walk around with negative thoughts, such as; "I am always picking up after everyone else," and "no one puts anything away," and "I always have to do everything myself" and "this house is such a mess" and "I never get to do anything I want" and on and on. By the time these people get home, they will be so worked up and upset, that they might yell about it, or want nothing to do with them. Either way it affects the entire rest of the day, for the whole family and in a very negative way. The frustration produces more frustration in others, spreading it around and bringing more of it into the home.

Being a mother and raising a family is one of the, if not the hardest thing a woman will ever do. It would be helpful if kids came with instructions, but they don't. Therefore, a solid support system is essential for every mother because taking care of your home and your family is hard enough without leaving much room for self care. There are often feelings of frustration, isolation and an inability to do what they want. There are simple and effective things you can do to make all this easier and to feel more like 'a happy mom.' I have listed three of those ways below:

1. Schedule me time in to every day. Time for yourself is so critical because moms are called upon to give so much and to sacrifice so much that we need to replenish our energy 'supply.' We can be very quick to drop what we are doing for someone else that having ME time scheduled in to our day makes it more likely to happen. It is important for these activities to be quality, things that bring us joy and nurture our spirit.

Treat this time like a doctor's appointment, one that you wouldn't cancel on a whim. It is okay to say that you are busy or that you have other plans when others make requests during this time. I would also like to promote that moms don't feel guilty for taking time for themselves either. You need to be cared for and nurtured in order to fully care for others, and feel good about it.

2. Connect with friends every day either in person, or even over the phone.Making an effort to connect with a close friend who is nurturing, positive, encouraging and supportive can help moms feel more connected and more supported. Mothers are often referred to as the center and heart of the home. They are usually the ones who take on the majority of the parenting and household responsibilities. The demands of parenting and running a home can be overwhelming and even isolating. An increasing amount of time is spent on the needs of the family; home, spouse, kids on things such as running errands, driving to activities, helping with homework. Moms work long hours, on a daily basis. It is not uncommon to feel isolated and disconnected.

3. Learning to say 'No'. It is okay and even encouraged to say no to things you really do not want to do. Saying 'yes' to tasks or activities simply because we are asked is an easy trap to get in to. Stay at home moms for instance, often feel that they have to volunteer their time because they do not have an income and therefore do not have money to donate, so they donate their time. In addition, we want others to be happy and for people to like us so we quickly agree to what is requested of us. Unfortunately, when this has nothing to do with our priorities or what we'd really prefer to be doing, it is just another obligation and makes us feel unhappy, powerless and lacking control.

One way to avoid this is to take some time to think about the request before answering and committing to it. For some a few minutes are all that is needed, for others it is better to give it 24 hours, and 'sleep on it.' The key is to follow through with what is important to you. So the next time you are asked to chair that committee or volunteer in a classroom, respond with "I really appreciate you thinking of me and I need some time to think it over and check my calendar and get back to you. Would it work if I let you know tomorrow?"

Then take some time to ask yourself, "Is this really in line with what is important to me?"And make your decision with this in mind. This allows you to take more control of your time and your choices, feeling more in control and empowered to make the decisions that are in line with your priorities and your own wants.

Try implementing at least one of these suggestions this week, and see what difference it makes for you and your family.

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So you came home with your baby. Whether it is the first-born or not, it's always an exhilarating experience and an opportunity to learn new things everyday.

Your baby probably already had the first Hepatitis B vaccine and the newborn screen at the hospital. Also, he or she already passed the hearing test. Congratulations! This article reviews what you need to know about your newborns developmental milestone, feedings, elimination, and safety.

There are some essential things to know when you bring your neonate home. First of all, per the hospital's recommendations, set up a follow-up appointment with your baby's health care provider (usually 3-4 days post delivery). It is important to evaluate your infant, i.e. check the weight, listen to the heart, etc. Also, you may have questions that need to be answered: prepare a list before the visit so that nothing gets forgotten! Most health care providers like when patients come to the appointment well prepared. It helps us address all of your needs!

Below, I outlined some important things to know about your baby from the very first day.


Your baby should respond to noise. For example, she should startle at the sound of a slamming door or a barking dog. By one month of age, she should be able to distinguish between the mom's voice and voices of other people. However, some babies have this ability from the very first days after birth. Your baby's vision is intact, but right now she can best see objects and faces placed 8-12 inches away from her face. Also, she does not like bright lights. Babies like to open their eyes in dim light by the adult standards.


During the first few weeks, don't worry about schedules: your baby should eat on demand, on average every 2-4 hours. However, babies experience rapid growth spurts from time to time, and during those times they may be hungry every 1-2 hours. Just play it by ear. Also, keep in mind that your baby's stomach is very small (about the size of her fist), so it can't hold more than a couple of ounces at the time. If you feed your infant formula and notice excessive spit ups, decrease the amount of the formula but feed your baby a little more often. Don't let more than four hours pass between feedings. You do not want you baby get frustrated with hunger and make the feeding experience unpleasant. At any time, your breastfed or formula fed baby spits up excessively, talk to your health care provider. She may suggest a formula change or, on rare occasions, medication.


A healthy newborn should pass the first bowel movement (BM) within 36 hours after being born. After establishing a healthy BM pattern, your baby may go to the bathroom once or a few times a day, or every other day, or so. One thing to keep in minds is that not everybody has a BM every day! As long as you infant is comfortable between BMs and they do not look like pebbles, there is no reason for concern. Also, keep in mind that breast milk has much less waste than formula. Therefore, your baby may have less frequent and malodorous BMs than a formula-fed infant.
Urination is a good indication of hydration. A few days old baby should have at least 4-5 wet diapers and work her way up to more than 6 a day!


The safest sleeping position for your baby is on her back. It decreases the chance of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) (See Box 1). Co-sleeping of infants and parents is no longer recommended. Such sleeping arrangements create an unsafe environment for the baby who can suffocate on bedding or be crushed by a sleeping adult. Every baby should sleep in her own bassinet or crib. Smoking should not be allowed around your baby as well. Cigarette smoke exposure not only increases the risk of SIDS, but it also increases your baby's susceptibility to catching upper respiratory tract infections.

Practice measuring your baby's temperature. Should the temperature be 100F or above, undress the infant and let her cool off. Small babies overheat easily! After 15 minutes, check the temperature again. If the temperature is still 100F or above, your baby needs to be examined by a health care provider right away. That is true until the infant is 3 month old, because until then the immune system does not know how to work efficiently and fever may be a sign of a serious illness.

The series on newborns will cover in the future issues topics, such as jaundice of the newborn, the senses, primitive reflexes, six states of consciousness breastfeeding, reactions of older siblings to the newborn, postpartum depression, and infant's social development. If there are other topics that you would like to read about, email me at health@pluggedinparents.com

Box 1. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

SIDS is a sudden and unpredictable death of a seemingly healthy infant younger than 12 months of age. The diagnosis comes only after other causes of death are ruled out. You can take steps to reduce your baby's risk of SIDS by placing her to sleep on her back even though she might prefer to sleep on her belly! Make sure that the mattress in her crib is firm! Also, offering a pacifier to your infants (only if she does not reject it!) may decrease the risk of SIDS. Avoid cigarette smoke exposure and do not overdress your infant as overheating may contribute to SIDS.

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Alfalfa health benefits are numerous and it has a plethora of nutrients. Its taproot extends down as deep as 20 feet, seeking out nutrients and minerals deep in the soil while its leaves collect large amounts of chlorophyll through the process of photosynthesis. Alfalfa is high in protein and contains eight digestive enzymes.

Nutrients found in alfalfa include calcium and phosphorus, as well as chlorophyll, bioflavonoids, trace minerals, and vitamins A, C, E, & K. Alfalfa is one of the most nutritious foods known. Reputable suppliers will use special harvesting equipment to insure the greatest concentration of nutrients and also use no fungicides, bacteriocides, growth regulators, special hormones, or chemicals. Be sure the alfalfa you use is pure and toxin-free.

What kinds of health issues can be helped by alfalfa? Lots! Here are a few: pain & stiff joints, arthritis, ulcers, stomach ailments, colon problems, gas pains, hiatal hernia, water retention, swollen ankles/feet, sinus problems, allergies, hayfever, gout, body odor, smelly feet, and bad breath, to name a few.

Some of the benefits of taking alfalfa are: helps body detoxify, natural antihistamine, natural diuretic, digestive aid, provides fiber & chlorophyll, rich source of trace minerals, aids diabetics, lowers cholesterol, anti-tumor activity, and anti-bacterial activity.

Here are some testimonials about using alfalfa:

"My midwife recommended alfalfa as an alternative to vitamin K shots. Many pregnancy discomforts are alleviated by alfalfa, including morning sickness, heartburn, constipation, and anemia. Alfalfa raises the vitamin K level of pregnant women, reducing postpartum bleeding." LP

"Alfalfa is my favorite nutritional supplement. The deep root system provides many trace minerals that are not available in our foods today. My allergies and headaches are a thing of the past. It is also a great detoxifier." JO

"When my wife was pregnant with our first child, she got a sunburn that triggered a lot of edema in her legs. Alfalfa took care of it." BF

"I couldn't live without alfalfa! I had chronic sinus problems but thanks to alfalfa, no more headaches or infections. I stopped for a week and the headaches returned. I faithfully take 15 a day." BK

I absolutely love alfalfa too. You can swallow them as whole tablets or crush them for a natural and refreshing tea. I faithfully take alfalfa every day.

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Any eating disorder is extremely dangerous for the body. Anyone suffering from an eating disorder is at risk for malnutrition, kidney failure, heart attack and even death among many other problems. During pregnancy, a fetus must receive proper nutrients to grow - that an eating disorder will inhibit.

Pregnancy is an extreme stress on the body. It can drain energy and be emotionally overwhelming. When a woman is pregnant it is of the utmost importance that she eats a well balanced diet, stay hydrated and get plenty of exercise. Pre-natal vitamins are a great benefit. Usually, a woman with an eating disorder is not properly nourished.

Eating disorders make women more prone to miscarriage, complications throughout the pregnancy and even birth defects that are so severe they could result in the baby's - or even the mother's - death. If a woman has suffered from anorexia, bulimia, or compulsive overeating for too long, it could even diminish her chances of ever becoming pregnant.

More serious risks to the mother, aside from the problems from the eating disorder alone, are an increased risk of gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia (also known as toxemia), breech birth and spontaneous abortion.

If a woman with an eating disorder does carry her pregnancy full term, the baby is at very high risk of delayed fetal growth, low birth weight, fetal abnormality, death within one month of birth and serious birth defects that may not even be noted until much later.

After the birth, it is crucial to both mother and baby that the treatment for the eating disorder continues. A healthy, well-balanced diet keeps the mother's strength up, fights off postpartum depression and increases the ability for the mother to produce viable breast milk. Remember, breast milk is the infant's only way to receive nutrition and any deficiencies are passed from mother to baby.

For any woman fighting an eating disorder, it is extremely difficult. She is already undergoing high amounts of emotional, mental and physical stress. Adding a pregnancy or baby to the mix could heighten this stress and hinder; or even halt recovery. Having a baby is a big step; make sure you are well into recovery and ready. Remember, a baby will not just bring you additional joy and laughter in your life, but they also bring a lot of responsibilities and duties. Do not get pregnant just because you need to be loved by someone. A baby will need your care and attention and he/she will need you to be strong and healthy.

So if you think that you are ready to get pregnant, or if you are pregnant, you should inform your doctor as soon as possible. Follow closely all the instructions from your doctor to increase nutrition requirements for a healthy pregnancy. This will increase the chance that your baby will be born healthy. You should also seek a counselor to help you deal with your fears and worries as you proceed with your pregnancy. Enroll in childbirth and child development classes. This will give you additional information that can make you feel comfortable throughout your pregnancy and prepare you to a raise healthy child.

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In vitro fertilization can be an emotionally, physically, and financially exhausting experience for many couples, natural health can support you along the way. Couples, who choose in vitro fertilization as a way to have a baby, go through a lot financially, physically and emotionally. Natural health can assist in all three areas. By following very cost effective natural therapies you can increase your chances of success, which in turn will save you money. By following a healthy life style you can achieve a healthy pregnancy, prevent miscarriages and have an easier birth and postpartum experience. By learning how to deal with stress you will be able to manage parenting and adjusting to your new life with a baby.

Eat only organic fruits and vegetables. These are rich in minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Also they offer a wide range of anti-oxidants which will protect the eggs and sperm from damage. You can supplement with the following minerals and vitamins which have great anti-oxidant properties and also aid in fertility.

During the six week prior to starting your in vitro fertilization treatments. Try an herbal detox, which will eliminate toxins from your body. A detox is also useful in between cycles to aid your body cleanse after taking fertility medications. If you get pregnant avoid cleansing until after you stop nursing.

Acupuncture has been used for a very long time to treat women's health conditions. Today, it is gaining popularity very rapidly as an effective natural health therapy to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine for the treatment of infertility. Acupuncture helps reduce the side-effects of fertility medications. It also helps produce better quality follicles, enhance uterine blood flow and prevent miscarriages. For men, acupuncture helps improve the quality of sperm in morphology, motility and count.

Your weight plays a very important factor in your fertility. Before your in vitro fertilization cycles make sure your weight goals are reached. Infertility results from either weighing too little or too much. The relationship between weight and fertility lays in the fact that estrogen is stored in fat cells. If you have too much body fat, the body produces too much estrogen limiting your odds of getting pregnant. A woman with too little body fat can't produce enough estrogen and her reproductive cycle begins to shut down. In both cases the menstrual cycle is affected leading to anovulatory cycles, irregularities, luteal phase defect, and more.

Fertility Yoga helps you relax and increases calmness to assist you when dealing with the stress of invasive in vitro fertilization treatments. If you are new to yoga either take a beginner's class or follow a DVD that teaches simple relaxing poses with meditation and visualization. Talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program. Certain yoga poses create hormonal balance and are especially designed to increase fertility. Also, make sure the pose you are executing is not contraindicated during pregnancy and menstruation. To not do poses that can compromise implantation like inverted poses. Talk to a qualified yoga therapist or to your fertility health care specialist. Learn the yoga breathing and practice it every day!

Massage Therapy
Massage therapy can be wonderful before and during pregnancy. It helps to alleviate the tension caused by stress through touch and pressure by sending positive impulses to the spinal cord. It reduces excess nerve activity within muscles and helps with the removal of toxins, which contribute to pain and stiffness in the muscles. Besides increasing muscle relaxation, massage therapy contributes to increase blood circulation to the reproductive organs stimulating the body's natural ability to ovulate. Make sure to look for a registered massage therapist who specializes in fertility and pregnancy massage.

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Confinement is tradition in several cultures and recommended by doctors for women who have recently given birth. Restrictions are placed on the mother during this period for at least six weeks in the United States and about forty days or more in other countries. Regardless of whether you are in good shape or not, it is important for the body to have adequate time to regenerate so you can resume your normal activities before you were pregnant.

Confinement after birth is one of the main purposes of allowing the uterus to shrink back to its pre-pregnancy state which takes about four to six weeks. Unless requested by the mother that the baby will be formula fed, breastfeeding is encouraged to help the uterus contract faster. Other techniques such as firmly massaging the uterus in a circular motion also helps release any extra bleeding that a woman experiences from giving birth. Since she already loses a lot of blood during childbirth, resting during the confinement period will keep her hemorrhaging or losing too much blood which could land her right back in the hospital. This is also a good time to have family or friends who are able to help because your stomach, torn skin, or stitched areas may be sore and so you will not have to get up unless it's necessary.

Fatigue is another factor that should be taken into account after childbirth. Confinement is absolutely a must because of the trauma that the body goes through during childbirth. Since you should be resting until your six week checkup, then it's a good idea to get sleep and drink plenty of water especially if you are breastfeeding to keep your energy up. A woman can also monitor any overtiredness or sleep deprivation to report to the doctor. Single mothers and mothers with little help with a baby should seek any extra support from trusted people if they have other small children because they may overexert their body to care for their children.

Confinement is beneficial to not only the mother but also the newborn emotionally. It gives both of them time to further bond from the birthing place and for the mother who may suffer from postpartum depression, it may help to build a bond between them. This is another time to monitor any overwhelming feelings or depression like symptoms which you need to immediately relay to your doctor or nurse. Confinement after childbirth does so much for your mental state away from any chaos, people or active lifestyle that may have been physically draining so you can enjoy motherhood in the best state of being.

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