
In its natural format St John's Wart is a flowering plant that originally originates from Europe. The plant flowers from June to September allowing the herbalists to collect and obtain large quantities ready to prepare and sell on the herbal remedies markets to all world wide distributors.

What is St John's Wart usually taken for?

St John's Wart is popular for those persons suffering from mild- to serve depression. It is used as an anti-depressant by people who do not need or wish to start on a dose of Prozac. Prozac is known to become very addictive and hard to wean off once started on a course.

Other reasons people may take St John's Wart are problems or events such as:

  • Post Natal Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Obesity

  • Anorexia Suffers

  • Deaths

  • Divorces and many more.

Some people use it to calm nerves and help keep balanced day to day. It is also well known for its calming properties great for those with anxiety and public problems. It is said by scientists who test this remedies that it helps to realise chemicals from the brain causing a happier lift in a personal mental state.

Benefits of Taking St John's Wart:

  • It is great for helping people feel calmer and relaxed in situations they usually feel uptight and uncomfortable with.

  • Letting people re-gain their life by giving them a boost of confidence and self worth.

  • Help with signs of stress and exhaustion

  • Help with insomnia and people who feel restless and unable to settle on a night-time.

  • It can also reduce stress and confusion for people with mental health problems.

Risks of Taking John's Wart:

  • St John's Wart may reduce the effectiveness of the contraception pill.

  • It may affect pregnant or breastfeeding women

  • It may cause blood thinning dangerous to those people already taking medications.


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