目前分類:postnatal depression (302)

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Broadly depression can be classified in two categories:

Major depression:

Major depression is one of the most serious forms of depression. It is also referred to as clinical  or unipolar depression. Some Clinicians call it major depressive disorder. It is not an illness since it can be treated very easily once diagnosed. Major disorder can be cured even at the severe stage with the help of good care and medication.

Major disorder means a prolonged feeling of sadness. Sufferer doesn't show interest in any activity or pass time. Loss of appetite, loss in weight, hopelessness, lack of concentration, low self esteem and isolation are the common symptoms of this disease. The negative feelings are very common in the patient suffering from major depression. Patient is always occupied with thoughts of suicide. A person with this type of depression needs good care and attention as he can harm himself anytime. This type of disorder is not short term, it lasts for years.

Minor depression:

This type of depression is just contrary to the major depression. Minor depression means ordinary sadness which doesn't need any medication. A person himself can cure it by taking action. He has no need to be dependent on drugs and doctors. In the cases of major depression people need drugs. But mild one can be cured by being active and creative. People take prescription drugs and then lay dormant. Only drugs can not remove depression. If you have minor depression, you are suggested to take some actions like - read good books, see nature, call friends or relatives and listen to good music.

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Gender Disappointment has sadly become a recognised condition among new parents whose desire for a child of a given sex has not been fulfilled. Its symptoms have been likened to that of post-natal depression, and in some cases, can be part of its cause. Feelings of grief, despondency, depression and an inability to bond with the new-born baby are common symptoms of the condition.

Thankfully, most new parents never encounter such feelings as they are too busy being overjoyed at having a healthy child of either sex. For some though, the need to have a boy or girl, depending on circumstances, is overwhelming and can have devastating effects on the dynamics of the family. In the developed world where sexual equality is the norm, this is less of a problem, but for couples still wanting to influence the gender of their unborn child, there are certain methods available, but often at a price.

Wanting a baby of a particular gender is nothing new - for centuries, societies and cultures across the world have taken certain attitudes to the sex of their children. The custom of primogeniture in many Western countries has favoured the birth of male babies. Disappointment at the birth of female child was never disguised and the pressure on women to produce a male heir was intense, often leading them to continue having children until a boy was eventually produced. Only in recent times has this attitude changed, but in many other countries, the value of one sex over another is still inherent.

The issue of gender selection among babies is a bit of a hornet's nest. The use of gender selection in an in-vitro environment is becoming more common to couples willing to pay for the benefit. This does, however, involved invasive, medicalized procedures to remove eggs, fertilise and then implant the chosen embryo. This creates the potential for unwanted embryos - an issue that has caused controversy in the recent past.

Alicia Pennington, a midwife with many years hands-on experience has developed Prince or Princess, a guide to influencing the gender of your baby using non-invasive and completely safe methods. She test-ran her methods on a control group of couples before releasing the guide which boasts a 94% success rate. Her guide, available as an eBook, covers the following aspects of influencing gender:

Having sex at specific times of a woman's menstrual cycle. This has been widely proven to affect the gender of a baby. Male-producing sperm tend to move fast but live only short lives, (but jolly ones, apparently!), and female-producing sperm are less motile but have greater longevity. The point of the woman's cycle at which the sperm meet the egg, and the position of the egg at the time of fertilisation can have a great effect on which sperm are more likely to have done the job.

For men, the pressure is often on to create the right type of sperm in the first place. It is widely known that wearing tight underwear and taking hot baths can reduce the production and survival of sperm, but slight changes in temperature of the testicles can create significant changes in the ratio of male/female-producing sperm.

Dietary changes can have a huge effect on the production of sperm and the conditions within the uterus. It is common knowledge that smoking an alcohol have a detrimental effect on sperm production, but less well known that certain foods can alter the pH balance of the uterus and vagina to favour survival either male or female-producing sperm. Women have long known the effects of having a healthy diet throughout pregnancy, but it is only in more recent years that pre-pregnancy nutrition has become considered as being just if not, more important. Trace elements, vitamins and other nutrients all have their part to play in gender influencing, and making simple dietary changes can make significant differences to conditions for egg and sperm.

Having sex in certain positions has long been understood to affect baby gender. The guide covers this in detail and provides an interesting, (and fun!) aspect to the whole business of having a boy or girl. The cumulative effect of applying each of the recommendations in Pennington's guide apparently dramatically increases the potential for conceiving the baby of a chosen gender. This is no mean claim considering all the recommendations are natural and safe with no side-effects.

For most couples, trying to have a baby of a preferred gender is more of a fun exercise regardless of the outcome. For couples who have had several babies of a single sex and want the opportunity to have variety in their family, it can be a more serious quest. The spontaneity of jumping into bed or being romantic can be given up for strict timing, temperature-taking and dietary control with little joy in the process - don't forget that making a baby should be fun! Whatever the agenda of couples, knowing that there are positive and effective steps that can be taken prior to conception can be no bad thing in fulfilling the desire for the baby of their dreams.

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We have now reached a level of obesity in the US, South America, Canada, and throughout Europe which is unprecedented in recorded history.

It is also accepted that the lifestyles we lead are often very high stress.

It is no coincidence that these new peaks of obesity and stress correlate directly with an increase in the occurrence of "modern" or "new" diseases of Western society, including heart disease, the cancers, and others including the rheumatic and fatigue spectrum, specifically in our case Fibromyalgia and CFS.

At least we have moved past the era when debate was so Neolithic as to suggest that these conditions don't really exist or are a subdivision of psychology and now we can concentrate on the science and biology of these diseases and the reality of life and recovery for Fibromyalgia and CFS patients.

Carrying extra weight will exacerbate small anomalies in musculoskeletal balance.

These anomalies in conjunction with a certain genetic predisposition appear to underlie the onset of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in certain individuals, while other individuals who suffer the same initial "trigger" infection, trauma or exposure recover relatively unscathed.

Post-onset, carrying extra weight may cause your condition to be maintained longer and exacerbated more than in patients of normal weight.

The Autonomic Nervous System, damaged by the initial trauma of your condition controls homeostasis, digestion, and the organs of elimination to name but a few of its functions.

The ANS will be under additional stress in individuals who are overweight or clinically obese.

I do appreciate that the last thing you need to hear when you are struck with the early stages of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is that you need to lose weight.

In the early stages of the illness weight loss is NOT advised. I advise sufferers to eat a well balanced diet.

At a later stage as overall toxicity reduces, lymphatic flow improves, immunological modulation begins and digestive stress is reduced weight loss strategies can be considered and undertaken.

However due to the causal factors involved in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome it is essential to avoid programs which require strenuous exercise regimes, due to the onset of post-exertional malaise which is a defining feature of Fibromyalgia and CFS pathology.

Any program involving sustained aerobic activity that induces cardiovascular debt or strenuous muscular exertion such as weightlifting, can seriously damage sufferers of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Patients suffering "true" CFS should never attempt to waste what little energy they have on strenuous exercise, whether it be weight bearing, graded, aerobic or anaerobic.

The only energy you should be expending is on your essential daily activities, and relaxing walks or pastimes which will reduce your susceptibility to depression.

What I am about to say I am sure will open a veritable Pandora's Box, well so be it.

My research has lead me firmly to the conclusion that the evidence supporting "graded exercise" as a strategy for CFS and Fibromyalgia treatment is wholly unfounded.

Clinical trials I have investigated which were used as supporting evidence for the use of graded exercise as an establishment response to CFS and Fibromyalgia were deeply flawed as inadequate distinction was made with regards to the actual medical cause of fatigue in these sufferers.

The definition of Chronic Fatigue was basically that a subject should have suffered pronounced fatigue for 6 months or more.

From our own research we all know that there are a thousand and one different causes of long term fatigue. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome being just one of these.

Similarly it is a recognized fact that patients diagnosed with mild, post-natal, or clinical depression and/or Seasonal Affective Disorder often respond well to graded exercise regimes, particularly if undertaken outdoors in daylight.

Not only does graded exercise improve stamina via increased RBC production and oxygen uptake, it provides a lux (unit of light) boost in SAD sufferers, and provides a new purpose and routine to depressed patients.

Exercise also produces endorphins which help to boost and modulate brain chemistry with respect to serotonin and dopamine balance.

Naturally, it stands to reason that all these factors will benefit patients with fatigue of DEPRESSIVE origin.

However, damage to the Autonomic Nervous System in patients with "true" Fibromyalgia and CFS mean that energy production via the Sympathetic Nervous System in response to exercise is impaired.

More importantly, removal of toxins and lactic acid produced by the muscles in response to exercise via the lymphatic and venous systems is seriously compromised and as a result causes toxic overload and rapid symptomatic decline after exercise.

This results in the "post-exertional malaise" that Fibromyalgia and CFS sufferers who have attempted an exercise regime WILL have experienced.

A cruel twist in the tale which has lead the establishment down the psychological path so many times is that often the most obvious physical sign of illness in Fibromyalgia and CFS patients is that they are suffering depression.

It is only now being acknowledged by the establishment that patients with these syndromes display depression as an environmental CONSEQUENCE of living with their illness.

It is NOT THE CAUSE as is so often dictated by well-meaning healthcare providers.

I am putting together a manual of dietary advice which I will be posting soon, but in the meantime I recommend a diet that is balanced and safe, rich in nutrients and will produce sustainable results with regards to maintaining or reducing your weight while you are still in the recuperative phase of a chronic disease.

I do admit reservations about recommending calorific restrictions but our illness is not caused by a lack of calories, and excessive consumption due to depression or comfort eating will only serve to overload organs which are already disturbed and congested.

From a dietary perspective, I advise a pretty standard protocol:

o Eat 5 or more portions of fresh, raw fruit and lightly boiled or streamed vegetables per day, with a good balance of protein and carbohydrates.

o Avoid red meat more than once a week. Eat chicken and fish instead.

o Avoid too much sugar. Fruit will contain all the sugars you need in a more useable form.

o Avoid dairy products due to the almost universal immune over-reaction to cow's milk.

o Avoid alcohol consumption. This should be a given if you are reading this anyway. The immune response is excessive and the toxic load on the eliminatory organs such as the liver, kidneys and stomach are also excessive.

o Take a daily high quality multivitamin/multimineral supplement.

With this balanced diet you will not be deficient in any nutrients which could possibly be causing your fatigue, or that could hinder your recovery from your condition.

Also, you will not be putting undue strain on your digestive system, which is currently disturbed and malfunctioning.

I DO advocate taking a high quality multivitamin/multimineral supplement to top up any slight deficiencies you may have on a daily basis. They will certainly do you no harm and for a small price will eliminate any worries you might have over dietary deficiencies.

There have been notable cases where sufferers who have been misdiagnosed have responded remarkably to high doses of the B-Complex family. It seems malnutrition is still far from being confined to history in the US and with the rise of fast food is making quite a confident and remarkable comeback in our own backyard.

The quality of foods you consume should hugely outweigh the quantity.

All foods consumed should be natural, unprocessed, and highly rich in vitamins, minerals and micronutrients.

If I must recommend a particular "fashion" diet that meets these criteria it would probably be "The South Beach Diet", but I do not recommend any dietary restrictions till you are past the 3 month stage of your recovery protocol.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Postpartum or postnatal depression is mainly caused by hormonal changes brought about by the pregnancy. The onset of this type of depression can occur as late as 18 months after labor.

An estimated seventy percent of women experiences postpartum depression. Many of these cases are fairly mild and last only a few days, while others are more severe and can last much longer. The latter types will typically require medical treatment. It is believed that the more severe cases tend to affect women who have lower self-esteem, or women who have had prior history of depression, or single mothers who lack the necessary support from close ones.

The symptoms of postpartum depression are similar to most other types of depression. The symptoms include irritability, inability to focus, sleeping problems, headaches, feeling a sense of dread or sadness and a loss of interest in pretty much everything.

Postpartum depression is not easy to overcome. The depression feeds on itself, growing stronger as the woman's self-doubt grows. She believes that the way she is feeling isn't "right"; she may think that the "proper" feeling she should have is joy at her newborn, and may wonder why she isn't feeling that way. As a result, she begins to think she is a bad mother or a terrible person, and doesn't deserve to have a child. These feelings of guilt and self-doubt worsen the depression, and can make it difficult or impossible for the mother to bond with her newborn child.

It is important to note that such feelings are common. A newborn will no doubt lead to huge lifestyle changes, and no amount of preparation will seem enough to handle them. Lack of sleep, tiredness from taking care of the newborn, and general doubt whether you're being or will be a good mother or not all contribute to postpartum depression.

Consider depression as a kind of speed bump in your journey through life. In the grand scheme of things, it is but a temporary hurdle that you will overcome; it just seems extremely foreboding at the current moment. A newborn is a gift, and you may find it hard to believe that in your state of depression at the moment, but never give up trying to fight the depression.

If you are severely depressed after birth, then do consider seeking treatment. Remember that postpartum depression is fairly common, and does not reflect badly on your motherhood skills. Do not doubt yourself, and do not be ashamed to get professional medical help, or support from your loved ones.

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Given the extreme popularity of fish oil supplements, there are countless women who would like to continue taking their fish oil supplements during pregnancy, but they are concerned that doing so may have a negative effect on an unborn child. Many are also unsure as to whether or not they can take these supplements while breastfeeding.

Now, I am not a doctor, so I am not going to say outright that it is safe to use fish oil supplements when you are expecting. I'm also not going to say that it is unsafe. Instead, I am simply going to discuss a few studies which have been carried out over the years.

To begin with, people take fish oil supplements because fish oil is the number one source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. It also has high concentrations of the fatty acids which are of the most interest to us, such as DHA and EPA for example.

If you have ever had a child before, and you gave the child baby formula, you will have noticed that most top end brands have added DHA and EPA, since these two fatty acids play an important role in terms of brain development. Manufacturers add these in order to try and match the DHA content of breast milk.

Unfortunately, even the top brands of baby formula contain insufficient DHA, especially when compared to the breast milk of women that eat a healthy diet. Of course, if a woman's diet does not contain much DHA; neither will her milk, since omega-3 fatty acids cannot be produced by the body.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), women who are breastfeeding require approximately 300mg of DHA. This dosage will ensure both mother and child receive the correct amount. Interestingly enough, low DHA intake has also been linked to behavioral problems such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

Low concentrations of DHA in the brain have likewise been linked to depression, and it is widely believed to be one of the main causes of post-natal depression. Scientific studies have also proven that a decrease in omega-3 fatty acids within the brain leads to a decline in normal brain function.

What you have read in the above paragraphs does not come from me. Instead, it comes from experts in the field, so in my opinion, taking fish oil supplements during pregnancy is a wise thing to do, and I think you will find many doctors who will agree. With that said, if you are still concerned, then you should first discuss your intentions with your own doctor.

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1.Remember that it is an illness:

Clinical depression often requires medical supervision as well as professional treatment. Clinical depression is treatable and requires commitment, understanding and patience from all those involved.

2.It is not your fault:

Clinical depression is usually a combination of chemical imbalance and learned behaviors. There may be times when the depressed individual is extremely sensitive, argumentative and/or blaming towards you, the children, the in-laws, the boss and even the world. All the above mentioned are not the cause. What you are responsible for is how you choose to take on the outward symptoms and how they affect you, your home and your relationships.

3.Be well informed:

Educate yourself on what type of depression is present and if there is a dual diagnosis
IE: chemical dependency and depression or personality disorders and depression. Know what the symptoms, treatments and follow-ups are. There are suggested guidelines for communication and setting boundaries. Though the illness is not your fault; it benefits you and your family to remain open minded and willing to learn new ways of doing things.

4.Make sure to have a support network:

Depression and dual diagnosis affects the whole family. There are many ranges of emotions from anger and fear to hopefulness and hopelessness. Having others that have experienced it before can help eliminate unhealthy coping mechanisms such as isolation, shame, control and low self-esteem. There are many national and local support groups available on line. For more information check with your favorite search engines or call a local and/or national mental health hotline.

5.Make time for yourself and your children:

Don't fall into the trap of not taking care of yourselves. Misery and fear love company. Living with and loving someone who is clinically depressed can be incredibly draining. Do not become a hostage or enabler. Remember your flight instructions: "For those traveling with small children; place the oxygen mask on yourself first and then assist the children."

6.Be a victor not a victim:

Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional:
We are all going to feel pain in life never mind a home with mental illness. Surround yourselves with knowledge, self-care, experienced support and nurturing. There are no such things as victims only volunteers.

7.Recognize that clinical depression is episodic
Clinical depression comes in waves. People with clinical depression do get better!

8.Understand that medication takes time to work:

In most cases, improvement takes as long as 6-8 weeks. Even early responders require about 3-4 weeks before they notice mood improvement. Even after a person with clinical depression feels better, she or he needs to stay on medication at least six months. People should never stop taking medication on their own; medical supervision is a must. There can be serious physical and emotional complications from sudden withdrawal such as increased depression and suicidal tendencies.

9.Medication alone is fairly ineffective:

Research shows that medication in combination with cognitive behavioral therapy is more effective than medication alone. Combined with therapy, the person who is clinically depressed may need to make lifestyle changes, including dietary and exercise changes. The family needs to find ways to reduce stressors by simplifying their lives.

10.Get a written relapse prevention plan:

Make a list of early symptoms such as sleep, appetite and mood changes. Early intervention is the key to stopping a downward spiral. Determine what worked in the past to get the person with clinical depression back on track and do the things that worked before.

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Tight stomachs and fine looking bodies have become an obsession for some people. Of course this is due to the society that we live in. People are not considered attractive unless they look a certain way. This can be difficult for many people as obtaining one these kinds of bodies is not a short road. It is actually something that will take some time and dedication on the part of the person as well as some simple skills.

Many wonder how to get washboard abs. They have always seen them on the television and tried to find some kind of method that will help them. This is especially true of the women that have had children. The reason being is that the stomach becomes extremely loose following a standard pregnancy and trying to tighten it up and get some definition is the main concern that they have.

So how to get washboard abs after pregnancy weighs heavily on the minds of a lot of people. Taking into account the necessary changes that must be made we will look at a couple of tips that will help you achieve this goal and continue with your plan for an attractive post pregnancy body.

Dietary Changes

One of the most important aspects of the ability to get washboard abs is dietary changes. A person generally does not have a great diet during pregnancy and that has to change for this part of your life. You should avoid lots of grains and other bread or flour based products. Concentrate on the proteins and vegetables.

Exercise Daily

Daily exercise is important for this cause. You need to be willing to put in as much exercise as you can. Crunches and other stomach based exercises are going to be the best to begin with as they will help burn off that post-natal flab. This will help you more than anything if you want to know how to get washboard abs.

Setting a goal to achieve washboard abs is also a great deterrent of postpartum depression. Since your mind will be focused on something else, depression will not have time to set in. Not only that, but you will be improving your health and your baby will appreciate to have a healthy mom.

Laying on your back and doing crunches and sit-ups is not the best way to get back into shape. It does help, but there are other exercises that are easier to do and much more effective at burning fat and strengthening your abs.

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Why Does Postpartum Bleeding Occur?

When it comes to postpartum bleeding, many people do not know how to control it or why it occurs. Postpartum bleeding is a normal process during which the human body cleanses itself after pregnancy. According to Mayoclinic.com, postpartum bleeding is the heaviest immediately after delivery. After a few days, it should let up. If you experience heaving bleeding, you may have done too much. Relaxing with your feet elevated usually slows the bleeding. However, if you feel like your bleeding is becoming bothersome, and you have seen a doctor to rule out other medical problems, there are herbal remedies that can help.

What Happens When Postpartum Bleeding Becomes a Problem?

With each of my four children, I bled for over seven weeks. I thought this was normal, but I soon found out that my prolonged bleeding was because of a hormone imbalance. After the delivery of my fourth child, I received an extra bag of Pitocin. This was a great help. My immediate bleeding was lighter. Pitocin helps contract the uterus, shrinking it back to normal. Breastfeeding also helps, but I still experienced prolonged bleeding along with moodiness and low sex drive. I chalked it up to being a mother of a newborn and lack of sleep. However, after taking an herbal remedy, I felt like myself after a few days.

With each consecutive child, postpartum bleeding becomes worse and it is not uncommon to experience postpartum hemorrhaging. I was fully prepared for this, but thankfully I did not hemorrhage. I did turn to a homeopathic doctor after several weeks of continuous bleeding. I discovered that prolonged postpartum bleeding occurs because of hormonal imbalances. Usually, low progesterone and high levels of estrogen are the culprits. Along with bleeding, hormonal imbalances can also cause a low sex drive, moodiness, and postpartum depression.Natural herbal remedies that are found in herbal remedies such as Provestra can help balance hormones, restore sex drive and stop continuous bleeding.

How to Control Postpartum Bleeding and Balance Hormones Naturally

There are many herbal remedies that work to balance hormones and control bleeding. However, there is one herbal remedy that balances hormones, restores sex drive, wards off postpartum depression and controls heavy bleeding. Provestra is a natural product that incorporates herbs such as:

  • Black Cohosh- helps with bleeding and vaginal dryness

  • Red Raspberry- naturally balances estrogen, tones the uterus and helps PMS symptoms

  • Vitamin C- Aides in the creation of sex hormones, reduces heavy periods, decreases vaginal dryness, helps control postpartum hot flashes

  • B- Complex Vitamins-(Includes B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, and B-12.)-All maintain a healthy sex drive and synthesis of sex hormones while balancing hormone levels

  • Calcium Carbonate- reduces risk of osteoporosis, helps with the normal clotting of blood, induces uterine muscle contraction for hearty ORGASMS!

  • Iron- Regulates heavy menstrual periods

  • Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C)- If your diet lacks the daily recommended vegetable intake, you may benefit from this herb. Naturally balances estrogen. Estrogen overload is the leading cause of loss of interest in sex!

  • Ginseng- Aphrodisiac that is proven to increase mood, physical performance, concentration, fight depression, lower glucose levels

Besides balancing hormones and controlling heaving bleeding naturally, Provestra also is a great female libido booster and multivitamin. Of course there are many other natural remedies available. Taking any of these herbs will help. Contact your local homeopath and/or natural health store. Both may be able to point you in the right direction and help you feel like your normal self soon. After all, your new family's happiness depends on your well being.

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You are probably here either because you heard about postnatal depression but is unsure what postnatal depression is about or you're probably suspecting that you have this illness. Whatever the reason, here are some facts that you should know. First of all, this illness affects one in ten women and usually begins in the first six months after childbirth. However, postnatal depression can begin in pregnancy for some women. Besides, an important thing to note is that postnatal depression can occur at any time within the first year after the birth of a baby and can last for longer than a year if no help is seek and received. Therefore, do seek help before it worsen as untreated postnatal depression can lead to the breakdown of relationships with your partners or children.

Are you being unsure whether you've contracted this illness? Fret not, here are some of the usual symptoms of postnatal depression.

You are anxious and fearful- You may feel very anxious and may even become obsessed with unjustified fears of your baby, yourself or your partner. Besides, you may feel unsafe when no one is by your side and you need someone to be with you all the time. Another postnatal depression symptom also include you having overwhelming fears for example you or your baby dying.

You worry a lot- You have unjustified worries about the things that you normally take for granted. Everyone have worries from time to time, but something is definitely wrong when worrying become more than it would be usual for you. Therefore, you may have postnatal depression. Consult your doctor before it worsens.

You have uncontrollable feelings of panic- Your heart beats faster, your palms of your hands becomes sweaty and you may feel sick, even that you are going to faint. These attacks can happen at any time but are most common in new or stressful situations.

You feel tense- You feel tightness in your neck and shoulders and may be unable to unwind and relax yourself no matter how hard you try. Instead, you feel more tense up the harder you try to relax.

You have more physical aches and pains- This is another symptom of postnatal depression that includes headaches, blurred vision and stomach pains. These are however, signs of tension and that your body is telling you that you are not feeling well.

You are easily irritated- You may find yourself shouting and snapping at your children, baby, partner or other for no good reason at all. In fact, they can't understand the reason of you shouting at them and why they deserve your anger.

You feel sad-There are a different level of sadness that vary from just feeling low, to utter despair which you feel as if your world is an empty space. Besides, you think about negative things that focus on your failures all day long. In worst case, you might even feel that your baby and partner will be living better without you.

If you have any symptoms or similar symptoms, do consult your doctor immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment of postnatal depression will result in a faster recovery. Therefore, don't lose hope too soon!

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The practice of kangaroo mother care, where there is regular skin to skin contact between mother and child, helps naturally promote breastfeeding. The benefits of nursing are multiple, for both the new mother and her infant. You can increase your likelihood of successful nursing by using the kangaroo mother care technique, and see many other benefits as well.

Breastfeeding is a natural and healthy way to provide the nutrition your baby needs. It provides your newborn with the antibodies needed for a healthier life, and has been shown to reduce the risks of obesity and type II diabetes. Breast milk has been referred to as the perfect food for infants because it is easy to digest and contains the right combinations of nutrients for your baby. Babies who are born prematurely can also tremendously benefit from breast milk, and if natural feeding is not possible then manual expression can allow you to still provide breast milk for your preemie. This natural food source also helps create a loving bond between you and your child, and can even help new moms by reducing their own risks of certain breast and ovarian cancers.

This wonderful and healthy method of feeding your child can sometimes be difficult or awkward to begin, especially for new moms. There are several things that mothers can do to encourage their infants to nurse, and to help themselves feel more relaxed and confident about the choice. Nursing an infant takes patience and practice, and rarely does it happen instantly after birth and continue without issues.

The first step to take is to relax and enjoy the special bond with your newborn. Using the kangaroo mother care approach can help to provide a natural way to do this with your baby and be able to successfully nurse. Even if you are unsure about whether or not you will exclusively breastfeed or formula feed, taking time for skin to skin contact will help create that special connection between you and your child. It may even lead you to nurse when you see the reaction from your newborn.

As soon after birth as possible, have the baby placed on your chest, providing that important skin to skin contact. Your child will be comforted by your heartbeat, your warmth, and even your scent. It will create a natural and cozy environment for nursing. Kangaroo mother care will also help provide ways for you to learn hunger signals from your child, as most will naturally root around looking to suckle when cradled in this loving way.

If breastfeeding does not occur easily, don't give up. Continue to use the kangaroo mother care approach and bond with your baby, frequently placing her on your chest. If you have preemie or baby with a health concern, speak with your doctors and request that you still be allowed to use kangaroo mother care for all of the benefits it provides.

The benefits of breastfeeding are many, for both mother and child. Increase your chances of successfully using this natural feeding option by implanting kangaroo mother care. You and your child will have a healthier, happier connection.

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There are times in every parent's life when sleep deprivation becomes a problem and it's pretty much accepted that for the first six months or so, it'll be a way of life.

But, babies and toddlers need sleep and you might be surprised how much! The most common problems are when they can't settle themselves to sleep (perhaps it takes hours for them to drift off, or they can only sleep if you're cuddling them, or if they're in your bed), or when they can't sleep through the night without waking.

But bear in mind that your behaviour influences your child's actions and you hold the key to improving sleep behaviour you just need to learn how to use it. It might take a while; I'm often surprised how quickly problems can be turned around, but don't worry if it doesn't happen in a week. Be consistent and you will succeed.

Safe & successful sleep techniques

Try swaddling

Young babies often wake themselves by flinging their arms and legs about, and swaddling them tightly enough so they are comfortable but can't move their limbs too much can help prevent night waking.

Lay a square blanket so the corner points upwards. Fold the corner down and lay your baby so her head is resting on the top edge of the blanket. Bring one of the side corners over her body and tuck it under, then fold the bottom corner up over her feet and legs and then wrap the other side of the blanket over tightly, leaving her room to be comfortable.

The eau de mummy method

The scent of you can help your baby relax into sleep. Putting something like an old T-shirt near (but not actually in) the cot can help her drift off while you're in another room.

Gradual withdrawal

This is a really effective technique for getting your older baby or child to settle herself to sleep. It's especially useful for toddlers who aren't used to sleeping in their own bed, or who need to be physically close to get to sleep.

Every night, tuck her up in her own bed or cot, say good night, but then stay in the room. This doesn't mean you continue to talk, touch or play with her, you just provide a comforting presence. Don't even make eye contact.

As the days continue, gradually move further away from your child, until you're able to move away from the bed and right out of the room altogether.

Rapid return

This is a 'tough love' approach for toddlers but works well when there are chronic sleep problems, especially when these involve aggression or tantrums. It's the night-time equivalent to 'time out', and you need to be really, really strong and clear about what's going to happen. It's hard to implement, but it's worth it. You can start using the gradual withdrawal method if that's easier.

The rapid return technique means you tuck your toddler into her bed, turn out the light, say good night and leave the room. If she gets out of bed, take them back gently and straight away, without speaking and without losing your temper (which is very difficult when it's the 20th time that night). Repeat this process promptly and assertively as often as needed, until she eventually falls asleep.

It can be exhausting, so wherever possible, try to enrol the help of your partner and swap shifts, but make sure you're in complete agreement about what to do, so as to avoid sending confused messages to your little one.

Incentives, praise and reward

However you decide to tackle your child's sleep problem, some bargaining will probably be required in the early stages. It's okay to negotiate a deal that promises a treat the next day, but don't make a habit of it. If your child has met the goal you set, whether that's sleeping through the night or staying in her own bed, lavish her with praise. Then set new goals and this should help her form a link between being good, and being in your good books.

Stickers rarely fail as a means of showing children how well they're doing. If your child is old enough to grasp the concept of a night-time fairy, then tell her that the fairy will be waiting to see how well she goes to sleep, and then the fairy will add a sticker to her chart.

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Alicia Pennington is the author and creator of Plan My Baby (also known as prince or princess). Alicia has been a midwife for over twelve years and worked with many expectant mothers.

She found that many couples had a preference for a boy or a girl when trying to get pregnant. Many of them were frustrated over just how little control they had over what was very important to them. Although these parents were happy as long as they had healthy babies with all their fingers and toes, had they been given the techniques to sway mother nature towards their gender of choice they would have used them.

Alicia found this desire to have a baby of a specific gender even greater for couples with multiple children of the one gender (say boys) who desperately want a baby of the other (say a girl). Leaving it to chance can lead to having yet another child of the same gender. This can often lead the mother feeling disappointed and inadequate and greatly increases the chances of postnatal depression. In her work she came across a number of mothers who had gone through just that.

So Alicia turned her attention preconception gender selection techniques and is now a full-time gender selection consultant. She started by testing it on herself. Alicia and her husband wanted to have two children a girl first and then a baby boy. She was able to achieve exactly that. She now has a daughter Marie who is six, and a boy Dylan who is two.

Once she knew the techniques worked she started recommending them to her clients and was astonished by the results. 94% of her clients had a baby in the gender of their choice. Word of Alicia amazing gender selection techniques spread and more and more people wanted to get on board. Her phone started ringing off the hook, including a phone call at four in the morning. So she combined her years of research to deliver the book Plan My Baby so she could share the joy of having the baby of your dreams with everyone.

Plan My Baby is broken up into three easy to follow sections. First Alicia covers ovulation and what time of your cycle has the best conditions for conceiving a boy or a girl. This section covers pH levels and basal body temperatures among other conditions that vary throughout your cycle. Second she covers diet and changes you can make to ensure correct conditions for X or Y chromosome sperm. And last but not least she covers sexual positions.

While nothing in life is 100% guaranteed, this gender selection system, when using things from all three sections, is close to it with a 94% success rate. Try it out for yourself you have nothing to lose.

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After nine months of pregnancy, your body has been put through the wringer. Aside from the obvious weight gain associated with pregnancy, there's a pretty strong chance you'll also be suffering from a weakening of your core muscles and improper posture and alignment. Pregnancy recovery and restoring your body to the state it was once in can be tough.

What's more, your little bundle of joy now requires your full attention. Between the constant feeding, nursing, bathing and changing nappies, it's difficult to find even a moment for yourself -- let alone enough time to commit to an effective training regimen. Lack of sleep and general fatigue will also make it difficult to exercise, and postnatal depression can also be a factor making it even tougher to find the motivation.

It's a great thing, then, that around Australia there are now many services available where mums can exercise along with their little ones. Mums and bubs physio and Pilates classes are specially designed to help mums recover from the rigours of pregnancy while also allowing time to feed and care for the baby during class. In fact, many of the exercises even incorporate your child into them, allowing for constant interaction.

Weight loss

Many new mums are disappointed to discover that their body isn't returning to the way it was before they became pregnant. This is totally normal. With time, the body will naturally do some of the work in helping you return to the way things used to be. However, exercise is important too. It's crucial, though, that you ease back into exercise -- after all, your body has been through quite an ordeal and you will not be ready to jump straight back into the kind of training regimen you kept before pregnancy. Physio for mums and bubs programs are designed to cope with postpartum stresses.

Core strength

After pregnancy, it's important to restrengthen core muscles which may have grown weaker due to the rigours of pregnancy. This is why many of the classes for mums and bubs use Pilates techniques. Pilates is a method which focuses on completing precise movements from the body's core -- basically, the area between the lower back and the pubic bone.

Correcting posture

Posture is one area that obviously suffers as a result of pregnancy, as your body's centre of gravity moves forward causing your lower back to sway. While there are steps that can and should be taken to maintain posture during pregnancy, it's rare to escape without some sort of change. Mums and bubs classes tend to focus on movements that correct body alignment and help restore proper posture.

Improving sleep and removing fatigue

One of the most widely accepted benefits of any type of exercise is that it helps with sleeping patterns and eliminates fatigue. And let's face it -- in the weeks and months following child birth, mums need all the help they can get. With your baby requiring your full attention 24 hours a day, gaining exercise without having to leave your baby at home is a way of killing two birds with one stone.

Helping postnatal depression

Recent studies have shown that exercising in the first three months after the birth of your child has a positive effect in helping to eliminate the 'baby blues'. Around 15 per cent of mothers experience significant postnatal depression, and generally that occurs in the first three months, so it's important to begin exercising as soon as possible.

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C-section, natural birth, or water birth? Each future mom has a number of options to choose from. Sometimes, these options are limited because of medical conditions or the specifics of the lady's anatomy. Still, the majority of moms-to-be have to make a rather complex decision.

Many ladies believe that natural is always the best. Those, who fear the pain of giving birth naturally go for C-section. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. If medical conditions are not there to demand one option or another, the future mom will have to weight the pros and cons before making a final decision.

All About Natural Birth

The natural birth, also known as vaginal birth, is the one that involves no surgical intervention. Many women prefer this method, since it gives them the chance to control the situation and to be an active part of it.

Proper preparation and understanding can make vaginal birth truly beautiful and enchanting. Still, new technologies are starting to change the view of people on natural birth.

The main advantages of natural birth is that the mom can be participating. The same applies to the father of the child, who will be there to encourage his loved one. During natural birth, the mom-to-be is free to move and change bodily position. Such motion will ease the discomfort and pain.

Natural birth that sees no use of anesthesia establishes an instant bond between mom and her newly born child. On the other hand, anesthesia can be used to ease the pain.

Natural birth, however, is connected to various disadvantages. In the case of a complication, the baby could suffer severe damage due to the lack of oxygen. Such complications demand surgical intervention.

Postnatal depression is more common among women, who have given vaginal birth.

During natural birth, the pain and discomfort could become too extreme, especially if the mom-to-be refuses the use of anesthesia. The process can also lead to vaginal tearing or infections.

All about Having a C-Section

The Caesarian section or C-section for short is a procedure during which the baby is taken out surgically through the abdominal region. A C-section can be performed on the basis of a request from the mom-to-be or because of medical conditions that make natural birth dangerous.

This procedure is connected to various advantages, as well. The procedure lasts about 12 minutes, in case no complications occur. This surgical intervention is relatively painless.

C-section gives the couple a chance to decide when the baby is born. It diminishes the risk of the baby being deprived of oxygen due to the complications that can occur in the process of natural birth.

A mom who has had a C-section could start nursing immediately after the procedure.

The risk of an infection is much smaller and vaginal muscles remain strong. The health of mom and baby are easier to monitor and guarantee during this procedure.

On the other hand, this intervention is significant and associated to certain dangers. Certain complications could occur.

The hospital stay after C-section is longer. The overall recovery process takes more time and the pain experienced after the procedure could be significant. Movement is more difficult and the mom will have to relax and remain motionless for some time.

It is important to know that natural birth becomes impossible after having a C-section.

Evaluate the pros and cons and make sure that you have realistic understanding of each procedure before making up your mind. As long as you know what you want and how to achieve it, you will be safe and happy with the choices being made.

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If it is the week before your menstrual cycle and you see your family cringe when they are around you, it is evident there is a problem. Nearly 5% of women have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder or PMDD, and experience this scenario monthly. Less than 3% seek PMDD treatment advice.

If you are one of the 5% with this condition, there is help available. At one time, the medical establishment did not recognize this illness as real, believing the symptoms was in a woman's head. That theory has changed over the years and it is now a recognized illness.

The cause of the disorder is unknown, but many sufferers have risk factors in common. The onset of the disease is usually between the teenage years and the twenties. The most common risk factors is a personal history of depression or anxiety, a family history of the illness, and women who suffered from postnatal depression.

Symptoms range from feelings of worthlessness to uncontrollable anger and emotions. Physical symptoms include breast tenderness or swelling, headaches, joint pain, and bloating. The symptoms start the week before your menstrual cycle. The week of your cycle, symptoms decrease and by the week after, your symptoms are gone. If this sounds familiar, and happens every month, you should seek PMDD treatment advice.

If you look back on your behavior wondering what happened, you are not alone. While you realize your behavior is irrational, you are helpless to change it. The stigma attached to this disorder still contributes to a woman feeling that it is all in her head, leading her to avoid seeking medical help. After an episode, a woman may feel ashamed of her uncontrollable behavior, promising it will not happen again, only to repeat it the following month.

You no longer have to feel like a leper watching your family and friends avoid you. The illness is real, but you do not have to continue the emotional upheaval. There is no diagnostic test so symptoms lead to a PMDD diagnosis. Existing treatments are drugs, diet, exercise, behavioral therapy, herbal remedies, and holistic therapy.

Treatment may include one option or mixture of several. No woman has to continue to suffer the monthly agony. Only a woman that endures the debilitating illness knows how miserable the condition is. Research your options, so when you seek PMDD treatment advice you are aware of the successful treatments available.

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Here are some common risk factors:

o Depression or anxiety runs in the family. If you have experienced depression or extreme anxiety, (to a lesser extent is that someone in your family had a history of depression), then you are more prone to suffering from depression when you are pregnant. Even if you did not win first prize of depression or anxiety, but only in certain tension or uncertainty when frustrated or worried, now you are more vulnerable to be attacked by depression.

o The relationship between husband and wife. If you are suffering from relationship problems with your other half and can not be solved through normal communication, you can try to consider a common trust to do a mediator. If there is a marriage advisory service near you, you can also find professionals for help. Do not mistakenly believe that the arrival of a newborn baby will solve all problems. The emergence of a newborn baby will only make your relationship tenser, especially when you are the victim of domestic violence.

o Infertility treatment. If you have had infertility problems, you may feel great pressure. If you had a number of infertility treatments, the months or even years of waiting for the treatment could affect your mood and cause anxiety and depression. In addition, even if you are pregnant, for fear of losing the hard-earned baby, it is also a very common sentiment. All of these will make you prone to depression.

o Previous experience of abortion. If you had abortion before, it's natural to concern more of the baby inside you. If the abortion happened recently, or in the past year, or you had several abortions, then your body and spirit will need long time to recover. Like the treatment of infertility, if your physical health not good, you will be more vulnerable to depression and anxiety attacks.

o Pregnancy problems. If you have pregnancy complications or high-risk pregnant, your mood may also be affected, in particular, you need to stay in bed for many weeks or multiple checks.

Pregnant women who carry twins or multiple births often fall into this category.

Stress from complex inspection process, combined with concerns about the safety of the baby, you will find it difficult to cope with. In addition, not working or doing normal things will make you feel more difficult to maintain a healthy state of mind.

o Stress from life events. You have to worry about the financial situation? Moving house? Changing a job? Becoming a full-time mother after many years of working? Similar to a major event or turning point in life, such as divorce, a close friend or family member's death, or unemployment, and so on, can all make you feel depressed and low.

oA history of abuse. In the emotional, sexual, physical or words, have been subject to ill-treatment of women will not have their own self-confidence and a sense of helplessness or a sense of isolation - all of which will increase your risk of depression. During pregnancy, they will recall the painful history of abuse, which will once again make them suffer from depression, anxiety, and panic attack.

o Other risk factors. If you are young, single, or unwanted pregnancy, your chances of suffering from depression and anxiety will be much higher.

For more information on how to stop anxiety during pregnancy, please click here.

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Most conflicts occur when the people are in low moods. We don't realize the connection between low moods and relationship problems. Once you realize how to deal with low moods, you can learn how to avoid damaging your relationships.

It's important for you to support your partner when feeling low. The best way to help a person in a low mood is to be understanding and overlook the effect the mood has on his or her behavior. Never try to talk or reason someone out of a bad mood, you will probably make them angry - to the person, a mood is a self-validating, complete reality.

As weather changes from day to day and hour to hour, so do our moods. We may be sitting on a park bench pondering the beautiful possibilities of life. Moments later we are depressed and thinking about problems. What changed? Who knows? Change is the nature of being human.

Understanding how moods affect our thinking protects us from being conned by them. It is our thoughts about our moods that cause us distress. We fear the moods are "real" that they will last forever. When people don't realize they have moods, they are hoodwinked into thinking reality is changing, not just their thoughts. What is the proper response? Be grateful when your mood is high and graceful when it is low.

Everyone's moods travel up and down, all day long - our perceptions of life go along for the ride. Nothing in the world looks identical from one minute to the next.

HIGH MOODS - we feel relaxed, energetic, in good humor, patient, carefree and compassionate.


  1. Mental activity-or thinking-increases.

  2. Thinking gravitates to problems, dissatisfaction and pessimism.

  3. We experience a heightened but distorted sense of immediacy. For example, we think we must do something right away about our circumstances.

  4. We have a pessimistic outlook. We notice limitations and are blind to possibilities.

  5. We entertain many negative thoughts, emotions and concerns.

How we experience low moods differs from person to person.

  • Some get aggressive and belligerent.

  • Others become quiet and distant.


  1. Low moods contribute to our lives.

  2. They tell us to slow down and recover our bearings.

  3. Low moods offer us humility, when we realize we don't know as much about life as we thought we did.

  4. When low moods end, we realize that our thoughts and fears were blown out of proportion.

Quick Reminders and Tips on Moods

  • They come and go on their own. The less attention we give them, them the better.

  • When you are in a low mood, don't make important life decisions. Your thinking is not as sound as it is in a higher state of mind.

  • When others are in a low state of mind, put everything they say or do in that context. Don't hold it against them or try to argue with them.

  • Keep your spirits up and be understanding will help others to feel better.

  • As you begin to see others moods, you will see how to stay out of their way when they are low. You will also learn to what extent you can trust what they say and do.

  • Resist the temptation to either fight moods or resign yourself to them. Stay open to the possibility that your mood might change at any minute. Realizing you are "in a mood" usually raises your spirits

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Sometimes even though we grow in confidence as we get older we do have times where we lack confidence. This might be when meeting with new people, going to a job interview, presenting to a group of people, meeting with people you haven't seen in a while and even when making decisions.

Confidence is not something we have or don't have it is state of being; it is a state we attain and can have control over once we know how.

Confidence is what makes us feel good; when we feel confident we can produce excellent results in whatever we do. This is due to confidence giving us the right frame of mind, focus and passion to help us complete the tasks we set ourselves. Lack of confidence affects our results negatively and is usually caused by a negative emotion or limiting belief about ourselves. Having a lack in confidence can lead to negative self talk and self doubt which will really limit the quality of our day to day life as these are all unresourceful and can drain our energy.

So, how can you instantly boost your confidence? By practising the seven confidence boosters so they become second nature to you. Read, practice, get the feeling and apply for instant confidence!
Quick confidence boosters

1. Power stance

Stand straight and with your shoulders back with feet at shoulder width apart. Ask yourself how would you breathe if you were feeling confident right now? Then as you are breathing take three deep breaths in and out. Then notice how different you feel when you are standing in the Power Stance.

2. Adjust auditory SubModalities

This is a quick fix for negative self talk.be playful and change the voice of the negative self talk into the voice of Donald Duck. You can also triple the speed or make the voice really really slow

3. Look through the eyes of the new you.

Stand, breath, talk, play as if you are totally confident. This behaviour will be enforced over time

4. Afformations

These are empowering questions that we can ask ourselves out loud three to four times a day. By asking these questions our unconscious mind will look for the answer. For example
'Why am I so confident?' or 'Why do I feel confident all the time?'

5. Just do it!

Think I'm going to do it anyway and enjoy it! Did you know there are many different ways to do things right and not so many ways to do things wrong? Getting out of your comfort zone will reward you with more confidence instantly

6. Achievement diary

Write down three things everyday that you have done well, they do not have to be big things.

7. Gratitude

Practice the attitude of gratitude! Every morning thank the universe for what you have. Write it down or sing it out aloud which ever you prefer.

What if you started using these tips today? We can utilize the tips quickly and effectively anytime and in any given situation. Where will instant confidence take you today and tomorrow? Enjoy the new instantly confident you!

Sally Pettitt
The Mother Factor

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Postpartum depression in men has since long been dismissed as a myth, but most new fathers might heartily disagree. While it is true that women tend to be more depressed after childbirth owing to all the biological transformations they go through, it has lately been concluded that up to 11 percent of new fathers complain of depression after the baby has been born. Depression in new mothers is associated with the hormonal imbalance they go through during pregnancy and even after childbirth. While men have no such hormonal fluctuations, after the birth of a baby there is much that can render a father depressive.

If you have just become a father recently, and you have noticed slight withdrawal, stress, feelings of panic, loss of appetite and increasing irritability, you are most probably suffering from postpartum depression for men. Having a baby is a big step, not to mention a life-changing one. This on its own is enough to slow a man down for a while and make him panic. Most men complain of feeling pressurized for a while after the baby is born, for now they have to provide not only for a wife but also for a child. This additional responsibility takes a little long to come to terms with, and during this time new fathers feel upset and depressed. Another contributing factor is the lack of sleep. With a wailing infant who needs to be fed and changed eight times a night, the new parents are up most of the night. Lack of sleep is enough to stress anyone out after a day or two, making one cranky and unreasonable. And after a long night when the exhausted father heads to the office and finds himself unable to work or do much of anything, he more often than not succumbs to depression and a feeling of worthlessness. Not only this, after the birth of a baby, the mother is always occupied with the baby, for it is a full-time job. Many men may feel left out and lonely, having to fend for themselves all day while the wife is busy managing the baby.

Postpartum depression in new fathers is completely normal. What all men with symptoms of this depression should do is to focus on the sunny side of things and be patient for a while; the good times are just around the corner. If the symptoms seem severe and nothing helps, one should get help from a professional.

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Walking, hiking, rambling or roaming: whatever you call it - it's free, it's enjoyable, it takes you through some of the most scenic countryside on offer and it is good for your physical and mental health and well-being. Walking has long been recognised as a gentle yet extremely effective means of exercise, accessible to all ages and levels of fitness. Cardiovascular and calorie burning is only one part of the health benefits it offers. Explored here are some of the beneficial properties of putting on those hiking boots and getting you and little one outside.

Happy feet, happy heart

Walking has long been recognised as an aid in improving cardivosacular health, reducing blood pressure and decreasing the risk of heart disease. Even a short stroll each day can have major benefits and it is never too late to start. A study by New England Journal of Medicine found that walking was inversely related to coronary events with women walking 3 or more hours a week at a brisk pace were 30-40% less at risk. The study also showed that sedentary women who became active later in life also reduced their risk of heart related illness compared to other women who remained sedentary - so get those boots on ladies! Men too can benefit, with the Honolulu Heart Study showing that mortality rates of non-smoking retired men who walked 2 miles (3.2km) or more a day were half that of those who walked less than 1 mile (1.6km) (New England Journal of Medicine, Jan 8th, 1998)

Fighting fit

Walking has been linked to reductions in diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. A study carried out at University of Glasgow suggested that 30 minutes of walking a day could significantly reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes, with a high level of physical activity associated with a 20-30% reduction in the risk of developing the disease. '(Physical activity and the prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus'; Gill & Cooper;Sport Medicine, 1st October 2008). The World Cancer Research Fund recommends the equivalent of 30 minutes brisk walking a day in order to help reduce incidences of cancer, with greater length of exercising yielding greater benefits. They have found convincing evidence that increased activity reduces the risk of colon cancer and probable evidence that it has an impact on reducing breast and endometrial cancer. Getting walking also helps in the fight against osteoporosis. Weight bearing exercises like walking, helps produce an increase in bone mass, with Dr Rozental of Harvard's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre recommending 20-30 minutes of walking 3 times a week to help maintain good levels of bone density. Walking outside also helps boost levels of Vitamin D - itself linked to playing a role in the prevention of a large number of major diseases.

Get out in the green to beat the blues

How many times do you hear people say they need to get out for some fresh air to clear their thoughts? Walking has an undeniable therapeutic effect on the mind. Research backs this up with those staying active benefiting from reduced depression and anxiety and an increased sense of well-being. 'Ecotherapy: The green agenda for mental health' (Mind, 2007) report looked at the effect of green exercise such as walking and gardening on mental well-being. 94% of participants in the study reported an increased feeling of well-being after taking part in green exercise, with 90% of participants commenting that the combination of exercise with the natural environment was important in determining how they felt. A further 71% reported feeling a decrease in depression after walking through a country park, 90% said they felt increased self-esteem and 88% felt an overall improvement in their mood after the walk. The Mental Health Foundation even promotes the use of gentle exercise as the equivalent of a mild anti-depressant in treating depression, as set out in their information leaflet 'Up and running' (MHF, July 2005).

Spice up your sex life with a stroll through the fields!

No - this is not a recommendation to heat things up al fresco but you may be interested to know that research indicates that walking by day can liven up the bedroom by night! A nine year study of 600 men undertaken by Dr Irwin Goldstein of Boston University School of Medicine showed that those men who continued exercising or started exercising from middle age reduced the risk of impotence. Unlike smoking, alcohol consumption and other factors, it is never too late for men to benefit from increased exercise with Dr Goldstein's study suggesting an invigorating 2 mile walk a day would go a long way to prolonging men's sexual life. Numerous other studies also reinforce the link between exercise and sexual health and activity, with factors such as improved energy, circulation, and feeling good about yourself all resulting from exercise and boosting sexual activity.

Still not hit that hiking trail yet?

As if all the above were not reason enough to grab your coat and your baby and head out that door, walking is also fantastic postnatal exercise. It is gentle enough to ease postnatal ladies gently back into exercise whilst at the same time helping to lift spirits and provide increased mental well-being. The existence of parent and baby walking groups also plays an important part in helping form support networks for new parents and an outlet for sharing experiences and socialising. Walking is also great for baby. The great outdoor helps to stimulate the senses. Social contact with others can help to speed along speech and other social development and any parent can attest to a good walk helping to settle a restless baby! Walking also helps increase baby's levels of vitamin D - an important factor in their development and qualitative research has shown that parents feel taking children out for a walk regularly can reduce crying and moody behaviour. Whatever you call it, the health benefits of walking and hiking are undeniable for all ages.

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