What is the one decision that influences most peoples' choices when enrolling in a plan for health insurance:

High deductible versus high monthly premium.

Annual out-of-pocket deductible expense limits typically vary with inverse proportion to your monthly premium payments. So the higher your deductible limit, the lower your monthly premiums will be. The lower your deductible limit is, the higher your monthly premiums will be.

So when does it make sense for you to have, under an insurance plan, high deductible limits?

Typically, if you and / or your dependents are generally healthy and rarely ever need to go to the doctor, it would be more cost-effective in the long-run to opt for the plan that has the higher deductible. Your monthly premiums will be much lower. And whenever, if ever you do need to go to the doctor, you will have to pay for your doctor visits and your prescriptions out of your own pocket (unless you have a set copay amount.)

On the other hand, if you and / or your dependents have a frequent need to visit the doctor, are on chronic medication, or if you have a need for maternity coverage, then it might make more sense to opt for plans with a higher premium and lower deductible.

Yes, you will be paying a higher health insurance bill every month. But you will have to pay less money in out-of-pocket costs. In other words, your medical expenses will be more fixed every month. This makes budgeting your medical expenses much easier. If you have less of a need for health insurance, high deductible plans make more sense, since your medical expenses would be variable and less frequent.

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Most women today are worried about ways to succeed in preventing pregnancy. There are different ways in which one could achieve this but they don't always work. Down below you will find tips and advice that will help you maximize your chances in preventing pregnancy.

Let's look at some common urban myths that must be debunked:

You can get pregnant just from the first sexual intercourse or never! After the first period, women are completely vulnerable.

The chances do not decrease just because this is the first time you've had a sexual intercourse. Once a female gets her first period, she is able to get pregnant from any sexual intercourse and at anytime.

You can prevent pregnancy if the male removes his penis before ejaculation.

If a man decides to do so, it may reduce the chances of pregnancy but it still doesn't affect it enough. All you need is just one sperm to reach the ovum and the pregnancy process will immediately begin! Sperm can actually be released even before ejaculation so this whole idea is completely irrational.

You can prevent pregnancy if the male decides to wash the sperm after intercourse.

This technique is called douching (http://www.womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/douching.cfm) and it's also not a very successful technique. As state before, sperm can be released before ejaculation. It is not possible for someone to successfully wash away the sperm because millions and millions of sperms are released. They would have already gotten far into the womb before they can be washed out. There are some better and more successful alternative ways for preventing pregnancy.

Contraception and Pills

There are all sorts of methods of contraception for both women and men to use. They do not promise 100% protection, but still provide protection.

Pills are probably the most unnatural way to prevent pregnancy. There are birth control pills available and you can obtain them through prescription. The morning pill is another emergency pill that can be taken within 24 hours of sexual intercourse.

No Sex During Ovulation Period.

This is a natural way for preventing pregnancy. Instead of using artificial contraception, you can decide to avoid having sexual intercourse during your ovulation period, which occurs around the 14th day of a normal 28 day cycle. This is the time when the eggs are released. So if the eggs are hanging around when the sperm comes in, there is higher chance of getting pregnant.

Despite which method you choose to follow, they will only work if you follow them properly and do not try to avoid cutting corners. Doing it so may lead to a potential unwanted pregnancy and if that ever becomes the case, always remember that it is not the child's fault that he or she was brought to this world and indeed was due to your careless actions. This brings up a subject that requires a lot of time and dedication to be covered, which is abortion.

Deciding to Avoid Pregnancy With Care: Talking About the Issue

Deciding to avoid pregnancy involves much more than just taking medicine and applying techniques which are implemented during, before or after sexual intercourse. Depending with whom you are trying to avoid a pregnancy issue this matter will require a good conversation between you and your partner.

Some man will treat this issue with ease and will support you every step of the way, while other guys will not understand at first and will want you to explain to them exactly what is on your mind and how you came with such a decision to avoid pregnancy or the other way around. In the end a good conversation will leave you both satisfied and there will be nothing else to worry about.

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Did you know that taking prenatal omega 3 supplements is not only good for the baby but good for the mother as well? Omega 3 fatty acids are very important throughout every stage of your life and in pregnancy, taking prenatal omega 3 supplements is one way of ensuring proper health and nutrition for you and your baby.

Most pregnant mothers think that multivitamins and minerals are the only things that their baby needs. Omega 3 is often overlooked which is why a lot of mothers tend to be deficient in this essential fatty acid. What is the role of prenatal omega 3 supplements during pregnancy?

For the developing fetus, omega 3 fatty acids, specifically DHA and EPA are very important. For one thing, omega 3 contributes to the normal development of the central nervous system, which includes the brain. It also promotes a healthy retina which is important for good eyesight and visual acuity.

Studies also show that mothers who took increased levels of omega 3 during pregnancy had babies who had higher levels of intelligence, had better hand and eye coordination, and had better problem solving skills. Omega 3 can also protect the fetus from allergies later on in life.

Prenatal omega 3 supplements are not only beneficial for the baby but for the mother as well. Aside from providing proper nutrition, omega 3 is known to reduce complications like preterm birth, pre eclampsia, and cesarean delivery. Studies also show the value of omega 3 in the prevention of postpartum depression. Postpartum depression affects about 12-15% of women after giving birth and can interfere with the mother's ability to care for the baby.

So, why should a pregnant woman take omega 3 supplements instead of eat fish? While fatty fish like tuna, hoki, salmon, and sardines are rich in DHA and EPA omega 3 fatty acids, there is also the risk of these fish being contaminated with toxins and heavy metals which could be harmful for the baby and the mother. Instead of eating the fish itself, taking supplements made with the oil of these fish is advised.

Fish oil supplements that have undergone molecular distillation should be the top choice as you can be sure that it is free from mercury, lead, and other pollutants found in the oil. It should also have more DHA than EPA and the oil used should be fresh in order to avoid side effects like burping and bloating.

Taking omega 3 supplements during pregnancy is good for the mother and the baby. If you are pregnant or plan to get pregnant, then be sure to take omega 3 for your health and that of your baby as well.

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Preterm birth remains a major cause of newborn and infant illness and death. If its causes were better understood and prevention or treatment more effective, fewer babies would die every year. For a pregnant woman, prevention of preterm birth requires knowing the early signs of impending labor and seeking prompt care should any occur.

There is no exact physical or physiologic point at which a fetus ceases to be premature and becomes mature, no matter how precisely the pregnancy is dated. All the changes that occur are gradual, especially in the latter two-thirds of the third trimester. There are no great leaps forward in baby behavior from one day to the next. In general, however, 37 weeks completed gestation is considered mature. Any labor occurring before 37 weeks is considered preterm labor and any baby born before 37 weeks is considered preterm.

Today, a distinction is made between premature babies and preterm babies. "Maturity" refers to how well the baby is able to function outside the womb, with the most emphasis on the respiratory system, as breathing is a crucial function the baby must assume. A baby whose lungs cannot function is "premature." A "preterm" baby is one whose gestational age is less than 37 completed weeks gestation. Some "preterm" babies may not be "premature" from the perspective of their ability to breathe.

Acknowledging the difficulty in precisely dating a pregnancy, particularly prior to ultrasound, experts in the early part of the twentieth century suggested defining prematurity by weight, not gestational age. Any baby weighing less than 2,500 grams (2.5 kilograms), or approximately 5½ pounds, was considered premature. However, using weight imposes its own imprecision, as weight varies greatly with many other factors. We now make a distinction between birth weight and gestational age.

A baby's birth weight may be said to be appropriate for gestational age(AGA) or small for gestational age(SGA). Small babies may be small because they are preterm or small because they are "growth retarded," or "growth restricted." A baby may be both preterm and small for gestational age.

If two babies are the same birth weight, but one is born at 33 weeks and is the appropriate weight for this gestational age and the other is a growth restricted baby born at 38 weeks, in general, the older infant will have an easier time adapting to life outside the uterus. If a baby is large, but born early, it may still have the problems that accompany early birth. The baby who will have the most trouble is the one who is both premature and small for gestational age.

Prior to delivery, when the baby can physically be examined to determine its gestational age, the date of the first day of the last menstrual period is the best single piece of information regarding the duration of the pregnancy. When a woman does not remember this date, when she has irregular periods or gets pregnant after discontinuing a birth control method that made her periods stop, such as Depo-Provera(the "shot"), an ultrasound determines the duration of pregnancy. Ultrasound may also be relied upon when the uterine size does not match the dates. The ultrasound may need to be repeated to ascertain if the difference in uterine size and menstrual dates(called a size-dates discrepancy) is due to the baby growing excessively or not growing adequately, or if in fact the baby is growing as expected, just older or younger than the dates suggest. Serial ultrasounds, done several weeks apart, can measure the fetus's rate of growth. Proper growth may also be determined by using a variety of ultrasound measurements to assess the relationship of the size of the head, for example, to the size of the abdomen. If there is a big discrepancy between these two, the baby may be growing improperly.

Although 37 weeks gestation is considered mature, a fetus can reach maturity as early as 35 weeks. This does not mean that younger or smaller babies cannot survive. Today, they frequently do. With neonatal intensive care, highly sophisticated equipment for assisting babies to breathe, a recently developed medication called surfactant, which helps the lungs stay expanded, and round-the-clock attention by expert staff, premature babies have a better chance of survival than they did a few decades ago. Newborns can survive with birth weights as low as 500 grams(just over one pound) and a gestational age of about 23 or 24 weeks. Such tiny infants, however, often have developmental problems in childhood.

Most of the difficulty in functioning among preterm babies is seen in babies less than 34 weeks gestational age. Government statistics today make a distinction between moderately preterm births(32 to 36 weeks) and very preterm births(less than 32 weeks completed gestation). Distinctions are also made among low birth weight(less than 2,500 grams or 5½ pounds), very low birth weight(1,500 grams or less, approximately 31/3; pounds), and extremely low birth weight(1,000 grams or less, approximately 2¼ pounds).

In 1998, the overall percentage of premature births in the U.S. was 11.6. This rate has been on the rise. In 1990, it was 10.6 percent; in 1981, 9.4 percent. Most of the increase in 1998 was in the moderately preterm group-babies born between 32 and 36 weeks gestation.

One major reason that preterm births are rising is that multiple births have become more common. Pregnancies with more than one baby are more likely to end prematurely than are pregnancies with only one baby(called singleton pregnancies). Multiple birth babies are also more likely to be low birth weight.

Two trends account for the recent increase in multiple births. One is the greater number of births to women in their thirties, who are naturally more likely to have a multiple birth than younger women. The other is the proliferation of fertility treatments, some of which result in multiple fetuses. About 80 percent of births of triplets or more were due to fertility treatment in 1996 and 1997. In 2000, 18 percent of births to women aged 45 to 49 years was a twin, triplet, or higher order multiple birth. In 1999, one out of every 3 births to women aged 50 or older was a twin or triplet or higher-order multiple birth.

We cannot discuss the rate of prematurity in the United States without noting the difference between the rate for Caucasian women(10.2 percent) and for African-American women(17.6 percent). A small part of this difference is due to the slightly more common occurrence of multiple births among African-American women. Socioeconomic background (poverty, inadequate nutrition, and lack of access to health care) accounts for another part of the difference. Even among African-Americans who have achieved a high socioeconomic status, however, there is a difference in the preterm birth rates compared with Caucasians. We can only reflect that racial inequalities in this country continue to have effects even when aspects of inequity are overcome.

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The birthmother experiencing an unplanned pregnancy has made the difficult decision to place her baby for adoption with a family that she has chosen. She may or may not have the support of her parents and her siblings or even the birth father. You want to help her but are not sure what to say and what not to say. Here are some helpful ideas:

  1. Be sure to tell her that you are beside her 100% and that you are here for her whenever she needs someone to talk to. There nothing more difficult than making the decision to place your baby for adoption and then to have everyone judging you, criticizing you, and rejecting you.

  2. Let her know that she can be open and honest and you will not judge, criticize or give advice unless she asks for it. Sometimes she just needs a listening ear to bend.

  3. She is still a young woman having a baby. The baby is a part of her. It's o.k. to ask her questions like: How is she feeling? Does she feel the baby moving? How does that make her feel? You can be excited with her about the child growing within her. Take your lead from her.

  4. It's o.k. to talk about her baby's future...who will they look like? Will they have her temperament? Will they love what she loves?

  5. Talk about the relationship she is having with her adoptive family. How do they get along? What are they like? What makes you happy about them being the parents of your baby? This new family will forever be a part of her.

  6. Talk about her future. What will she do after the baby has been born? What are her goals and dreams? What is she doing to prepare for her future while she is preparing for her child's future? How can you help her get ready for that time? Internet search together or visit colleges together...go to the library and do some research.

  7. Hang out with her! She still loves shopping, movies and munching on yummy food!

  8. Think of ways to celebrate this baby who is being formed within her. Ask her if she would like a baby shower...to give gifts that can go home with the baby and that would provide connection and meaning for the baby later in life. Make something special together like a blanket that can be given to the baby and her family at the hospital.

  9. Offer to help her make a family photo album to give to the adoptive couple for the baby when he or she is older.

  10. Encourage her to write letters for the baby that can be kept for them when they can read or want to know more about their biological family.

  11. Be a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on and laugh with. It's o.k. to still have fun and laugh together.

  12. After the birth, be there for her. Sometimes no words are necessary. Sometimes the best thing to say in nothing. Just be there.

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Unborn children are one of the biggest concerns for anyone that is carrying one around with them. Pregnant women are one of the most in need of health insurance for pregnant women and this is to ensure they get regular examinations for them and the baby and proper care in the event of any complications. While everyone hopes their pregnancy goes well, there can be unforeseen and unsuspected complications.

Statistically speaking, babies born to a mother who was uninsured and unable to get necessary health care are more likely to have higher incidents of SIDS and/or low birth weights. There was a time when a mother might be able to afford going to the doctor regularly uninsured, but times have changed. The cost of health insurance has risen with wages and the cost of health care. The American Health Association has determined that 41 million Americans have no insurance and among these is 13% of the population that happens to be pregnant. That is far too many people and unborn babies at considerable risk.

Consider the cost of prenatal check-ups which can run an upwards of $200 each the fact that most births cost $10,000 or more. This is without complications. As soon as complications arise with the pregnancy and/or the birth costs can easily triple or quadruple or more. It is extremely important for pregnant women to try and find a way to get health insurance for pregnant women to help cover these costs.

It's possible that your pregnancy was unplanned, that your insurance policy had no maternity coverage, or you didn't have insurance because you never actually needed it before. Unfortunately, the insurance companies often treat pregnancy as a pre-existing condition and aren't very sympathetic to your health care needs after the fact. You can still get insurance for pregnant women, but it will cost a lot more if you can get it at all. Here are some tips to help you obtain insurance for pregnant women if you find yourself pregnant without maternity benefits:

• Comparison shop online for companies who provide discount programs or pregnancy health coverage.
• Check out federal and state programs that offer coverage for low income people regardless of any pre-existing condition.
• Contact advocacy groups for pregnant women - they sometimes have access to emergency coverage programs if you meet qualifications.
• Before deciding on any of the available coverage, weigh your options carefully and make sure you enroll in one or all of them that will cover both prenatal visits and hospital care.

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Have you been trying to get pregnant but don't seem to be succeeding? Are you wondering if there is anything that could give you insight as to how you could get pregnant faster and without medication? Well this article is exactly what you are looking for. Read on to find out about the things to help you get pregnant faster.

The first thing to do is to get a thorough checkup when you and your partner decide to have a child. This will give you an insight into the areas that may pose a problem while trying to get pregnant.

The second thing to help you get pregnant is to figure out when you are ovulating so that you could time your sexual intercourse. This increases the chances of getting pregnant. If you do not know the exact days of your ovulation, you may miss out on the chance of getting pregnant that month. When you are ovulating the odds are high that the sperm would reach the eggs.

Although it is advised to have sex only once in 48 hours, another thing to help you get pregnant faster would be to ask your husband to ejaculate once every two or three days. This is very important for men as this helps them to keep up their sperm supply.

Another aspect that will help getting pregnant is to maintain a healthy life style. This goes for both men and women. Not only will it help in you getting pregnant faster, it also affects the quality and health of your offspring.

One more thing to help you get pregnant faster is to choose the right position while having sexual intercourse. The so calling missionary position is said to be the best while you are trying to get pregnant.

Another important point to note is to enjoy your sex life. Do not have intercourse with the ordeal that you have to get pregnant because then there is so much tension while having sexual intercourse that sometimes it may result in counter productivity.

One more important thing to help you get pregnant faster is the elimination of stress in your day to day life. Try to be happy and calm all the time. Due to this women may stop menstruating.

You must also stop consumption of alcohol and drugs. Quit smoking if you are a smoker. Also do not use lubricants and medication while having sex or even after that.

Take your time in bed. There is no hurry to get out and rush to the bathroom. You could also try putting a pillow under your hips after sexual intercourse to prevent sperm leakage. Also ask your husband or partner to keep his testicles closed as heat can cause the death of sperms.

These are a few things to help you get pregnant faster. However not always is the possibility of getting pregnant faster in our hands. So the best thing we can do is to do everything right.

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This is really true. The only way to survive is to be strong physically and mentally. Are you strong enough to get yourself out of a jam? Is your physical and mental fitness enough? Or are you weak in one or both areas?

In ancient times it was mostly physical, kill or be killed. You had to hunt for food you and you had to work extremely hard.

Today we don't live as physical as we should, we take it easy, we eat way to much.

Stress is a killer. We work to many hours. We are on all types of medication. We have so many physical and mental diseases we can't count.

We have brought these things on ourselves. We are softer physically and mentally. We are taught nowadays to stay in school go to college so you can get a great job.

Work with your head not your back. What do you think is killing us the physical labor or the non-physical labor? The way I see it, it's the white collar workers that wind up highly stressed, overweight and diseased.

Not that this doesn't happen to physical laborers, it does, but not as nearly as much as the man who gets no exercise except to get out of his chair for lunch or to go to the bathroom.

Look around most of the sick, fat and weak are living a sit down lifestyle. We were never as sick as we are now and with all the advancements in science and everyone eating better food and taking better care of themselves and we are still getting more and more diseases. Men and women are looking older and sicker and it seems that it will only get worse.

So to survive in this high pressure world of work, bad nutrition, physical and mental stress we need to be no our A game, we need to care a little more about out health and fitness.

We need to eat right, exercise and find ways to keep stress low.

Because Only The Strong Survive!

Try this quick 10 minute workout:

Jump Rope for 1 minute then drop down into a pushup position and just hold the position for 1 minute. Then repeat back and forth for 10 minutes.

Toughness Builds Winners

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As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role in treating all kinds of disease and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term. Immune system plays an important role in protect our body against forming of free radicals and bacteria and virus, but for what ever reasons, sometime the immune system attack sperm in the women reproductive organs or sperm in the testes in men, leading to infertility In this article, we will discuss how anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) affects fertility in conventional perspective.

1. Definition
Antinuclear antibody is defined as specific class of auto antibodies that have the ability to attack structures in the nucleus of cells instead of performing the normal antibody function. It can be detected through blood sample withdrawn from the patient's vein.

2. Causes
a) Infection and inflammation
Infection and inflammation caused by bacteria or virus speeding up the body immune system function, but in some cases, bacteria and virus induce the immune system to produce antibodies which directed against the tissues of the body.
b) Medication

i) Phenytoin
Pheytoin may increase the risk of production of antinuclear antibody, leading to increasing the risk of malformations and birth defects.
ii) Antibotics
Long term uses of antibody may increase the rick of the production of antinuclear antibody as the medication causes abnormal reaction to the immune system.
iii) Methyldopa
The medication is used to dilate blood vessels for treating high blood pressure, but long term use of this type of medication may decrease the risk of immune disorder in production of antinuclear antibody.

c) Aging
As we age, the levels of antinuclear antibody increases and in some older adults (5% to 40%) may have mildly elevated levels caused by weakening immune function.
d) Diseases
Some diseases such as lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis may also increase the rick of the production of antinuclear antibody.

3. How antinuclear antibody effects infertility
Under normal conditions, when a woman becomes pregnant, the white blood cells in her uterus produce protective, blocking antibodies. In case of antinuclear antibody, the white blood cells recognize the fetus as a foreign invasion and attack it, leading to miscarriage.

4. Treatment
a) Heparin
Heparin is a member of anticoagulants,it is a purified preparation derived from animal tissue. It helps to increase the blood in transportation of nutrients to the reproductive organs leading to high chance of fertility and lessening the risk of pregnancy loss.
b) Aspirin
Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory and blood thinner agent, it helps to increase the blood circulating to the reproductive organs, thereby reducing the risk of antinuclear antibody attacking the fetus or the women reproductive tissues. It is recommendation to take 80 mg per day, which is equivalent to a baby aspirin. if necessary.

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Sleep shouldn't be a problem for anyone. But for pregnant mothers who are expecting their babies, sleep can be a quite troublesome and difficult matter. Everyone knows that having enough and good sleep is important, especially for pregnant mothers. Anyone who doesn't get enough sleep knows that when they don't have good qualified sleep, they may get cranky and get depressed in the end. Sleep is mostly important for expecting mothers since they need to get all the rest they can have.

Being pregnant mothers is difficult. As time passes and the belly is showing, they may have problems concerning their back and neck because of the increasing weight inside their belly. Most mothers would prefer to lie down most of the time so that they won't have more problems about the constant tiredness and the heavy burden. But another problem arises when they can't find the right support that can make them lie comfortably on their back. Most pillows are designed for regular use; for sleeping and supporting the head and neck. But for them, they would expect special pillows that could support not only their back, neck, and head, but also their belly. Having the right one would help them achieve the good quality sleep they've been wanting for long times.

There are three kinds of maternity or pregnancy pillows that people may wonder which to choose such as full-length body pillows, bean shaped pillows, wedge pillows and simple maternity pillows. The full-length body pillows are ideal for those who suffer from back and neck strains. Bean shaped pillows are ideal for mother by taking the strain off her stomach and knees. Wedge pillows are help the pregnant women relax sleep better. Whereas simple maternity pillows re help to prevent pregnancy complications such as lower back pain.

Snoogle is a kind of maternity pillow that could help mothers achieve relaxing and comforting sleep. A good maternity pillow should have special feature that could support the back, neck, hips, and belly well. It should be strong but soft enough. A good maternity or pregnancy pillows should be able to follow the body contour and shape perfectly so mothers could relax, as if they're lying on soft cotton candy or on the clouds.

Maternity pillows are must have necessities during pregnancy. This pillow is a useful item that can be given as a gift to pregnant woman. Pregnant women has to be made as comfortable as possible. Sure it is more expensive than any ordinary pillows, but when comfort is the issue, money shouldn't be any problems. After all, the comfort is worth the price.

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