Vitex agnus-castus, also called chaste berry, is becoming more and more popular with women trying to fall pregnant. But what does it actually do and will it really help?

The key to falling pregnant is having regular menstrual cycles and ovulation. Of course general health and well being also play a part, but for those women whose fertility is due to hormonal imbalances that cause irregular menstrual cycles or ovulation then Vitex has been used for centuries to help correct these problems.

The most common hormonal problem with women is insufficient progesterone during the luteal phase. The luteal phase is the time between ovulation and your period and should be around 14 days long. If your luteal phase is less than 10 days (called a luteal phase defect) then the egg, even if it does get fertilized, doesn't have time to embed into the uterus and is expelled with your period.

Vitex acts by balancing the hormones thus shifting the ratio of estrogen to progesterone. It doesn't actually produce progesterone itself, just helps your body increase its ability to produce more. It is also helpful for reducing high prolactin levels which are also commonly associated with a luteal phase defect.

It has been shown to be especially beneficial for women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) as they often have hormonal irregularities that mean that estrogen, which is dominant in the first half of a women's cycle, continues to dominate in the second half thus not producing enough progesterone to sustain a potential pregnancy.

It is safe to take Vitex throughout your whole cycle until you fall pregnant but many women choose to take it either in the first half or second half of their cycle thinking that this will be more beneficial. However this doesn't allow enough time for the herb to build up in your body and many women give up too soon thinking that the herb is not working for them.

It usually takes at least 3 - 6 months for Vitex or Chaste berry to begin working so if you have just started taking it, continue for at least six months to make sure you get the full benefit.

Vitex can be taken in capsule, tea or tincture form, so talk to your naturopath about which is best for you.

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Some devices for maternity support, such as maternity belts, shoulder supports, and hip belts, may be covered by insurance when recommended or prescribed by a health care professional. It is advised to consult with an obstetrician before purchasing such belts and girdles, as most physicians are more than willing to arrange for insurance reimbursement when possible.

When choosing such devices, make sure that they are of high quality and provide comfort as well as support. They should be made of stretch fabric and have adjustable bands so that they can conform to the belly as it grows, as well as being able to move along with the wearer so as to properly redistribute weight when she walks or otherwise engages in daily activities.

Maternity pillows are available in full body styles as well as in styles that provide maternity support only for the belly and back. The latter are ideal for the first stages of pregnancy, whereas the former are recommended in order to prevent pregnancy pain that is caused by sleeping in uncomfortable positions that create pressure on various parts of the body as the uterus grows.

Maternity support belts and pillows are safe and natural ways of preventing and relieving discomfort during pregnancy. Taking advantage of these natural methods that make pregnancy a more pleasant experience is very highly recommended by experts as well as by women who have successfully used maternity support devices. Some of these devices continue to provide relief and comfort after delivery, as support helps a woman return to her usual level of fitness and health once the baby has been born.

A wide selection of maternity support devices is available from retailers who specialize in pregnancy comfort products, and they make great gifts for yourself or for loved ones.

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As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 million couples alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of unawareness of treatments, only 10% seek help from professional specialists. We have spent most of the time in this series discussing the conventional and Chinese medicine in treating fertility. I believe, it is the best time to change the subject by discussing how Minerals--Copper effects fertility.

1. Immunity
Copper is vital in maintaining the production of antibodies and white blood cells as well as antioxidant enzymes, thereby increasing the immune system in fighting against infection and inflammation and preventing the immune abnormal function of antibody antigen production.

2. Enzyme production
Low levels of copper may alter enzyme systems in regulating the reproductive function in offspring production, leading to decreasing of the chance of fertility caused by sexual libido and low quality sperm production.

3. Nervous symptoms
Since our brain requires certain amount of copper in transmitting information. Deficiency of copper increases the risk of stress, resulting in over production of certain hormones ( adrenaline and serotonin), leading to nervous tension including emotional and physical stress.

4. Anaemia
Although zinc is important for the reproductive health, overdose of zinc may cause copper deficiency, leading to low red blood count and decreasing the blood function in oxygen absorption, thus increasing the risk of blood and nutrients deficiency, causing irregular ovulation in women and lower quality of sperm in men.

II. Side effects and risks
1. Over dose of copper is toxic and may cause unexplained infertility
2. Intake of copper supplements may increase the levels of gastric acids.
3. Over dose of copper for prolong period of time may cause liver and kidney diseases.

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Given the extreme popularity of fish oil supplements, there are countless women who would like to continue taking their fish oil supplements during pregnancy, but they are concerned that doing so may have a negative effect on an unborn child. Many are also unsure as to whether or not they can take these supplements while breastfeeding.

Now, I am not a doctor, so I am not going to say outright that it is safe to use fish oil supplements when you are expecting. I'm also not going to say that it is unsafe. Instead, I am simply going to discuss a few studies which have been carried out over the years.

To begin with, people take fish oil supplements because fish oil is the number one source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. It also has high concentrations of the fatty acids which are of the most interest to us, such as DHA and EPA for example.

If you have ever had a child before, and you gave the child baby formula, you will have noticed that most top end brands have added DHA and EPA, since these two fatty acids play an important role in terms of brain development. Manufacturers add these in order to try and match the DHA content of breast milk.

Unfortunately, even the top brands of baby formula contain insufficient DHA, especially when compared to the breast milk of women that eat a healthy diet. Of course, if a woman's diet does not contain much DHA; neither will her milk, since omega-3 fatty acids cannot be produced by the body.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), women who are breastfeeding require approximately 300mg of DHA. This dosage will ensure both mother and child receive the correct amount. Interestingly enough, low DHA intake has also been linked to behavioral problems such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

Low concentrations of DHA in the brain have likewise been linked to depression, and it is widely believed to be one of the main causes of post-natal depression. Scientific studies have also proven that a decrease in omega-3 fatty acids within the brain leads to a decline in normal brain function.

What you have read in the above paragraphs does not come from me. Instead, it comes from experts in the field, so in my opinion, taking fish oil supplements during pregnancy is a wise thing to do, and I think you will find many doctors who will agree. With that said, if you are still concerned, then you should first discuss your intentions with your own doctor.

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An online discount health insurance plan can be worth investigating if you find the insurance costs offered to you through your workplace, association or chamber of commerce outside of your range. It is important

to find something that works for your needs as well as your family requirements.

What is important? Do you think you'll be needing maternity care , physicals for your family, regular prescription drugs refilled or Are you considered high risk ?

Ask friends about the policies they use, but keep in mind that their own needs may be different than yours.

Don't pick a plan just based on your friend's recommendation but see if it will cover the types of services you require or if it may have more features than you would normally use.

One nice thing about looking for an online discount health insurance plan is that a lot of insurance companies are aware of the competition and you can compare rates to get the best deals. It is important to look via your zip code as counties even 10 miles from each other can have huge differences in the monthly premium charges. This can be based on cost of living or other factors.

When you fill out an online form you will be asked some question and it is a quick process where you can then get a comparison. They will be looking at your age, degree of risk and you can see what each has to offer in terms of the premium and benefits. By keeping in mind what services you'll be using you can make an informed decision and choose a health insurance plan that will speak to your needs. Some are comfortable for example with catastrophic insurance that would protect them from expensive hospital bills but not have coverage for doctor's visits until a high deductible is met.

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The first time I hear someone say that bitters can boost fertility and cure infertility, I thought it was unscientific. I dismissed the folk-remedy philosophy that bitters can make a woman conceive. Not until I started researching the causes of unexplained infertility. Bitters work so well because they boost fertility and combat infertility through different mechanisms. This range from boosting your overall health and toning reproductive organs specifically. Yes, bitters balance the hormones, tones the ovary and makes the ovary release healthy eggs.

The problem with many infertile patients is that they do not associate infertility with 'fertile nutrition.' Good nutrition is the foundation a healthy body. Remember a healthy ovary is to be found in a healthy body. When the ovary is healthy, it produces healthy egg (ovum) and healthy egg produces healthy pregnancy leading to the birth of a healthy baby.

How does bitters boost fertility? Well, bitters tone and tune-up the five pillars of health: mind and mood, ingestion, digestion, circulation, immune system.

Bitters stimulate the bitter receptors at the back of the tongue to shut down the craving for refined sugar. This in turn stimulates the vagus nerve (the 10th cranial nerve) responsible for release of digestive enzymes. Any time your digestion improves, your overall health improves. Note also that sugar is the cause of 250 diseases including causing auto immunity and free radical damage which can retard the reproductive organs including the ovary.

Bitters also helps the detoxification work of the liver and the kidneys. Estrogen is eliminated in the liver which is also responsible for balancing all reproductive hormones. The liver pushes to the kidneys the wastes that are water soluble to be eliminated through the urine. The force of the kidneys rules the reproductive organs according to Chinese medicine. Detoxification also help the body to remove pollution of the antibodies that fight disease and initiate tissue repair and degeneration. This can boost the fertility of the ovaries and eliminate ovarian cysts and premature ovarian failure. Bitters have been known to correct irregular menstruation which is a sign of anovulation and hormonal imbalance.

Once infertility is diagnosed, stress tend to kick in. The body is not designed to handle excessive stress. Mental stress releases stress hormones which cause oxidation, immune depletion, inflammation and fibrosis. Bitters are adaptogens that helps the body cope with stress. Adaptogens tend to tone the the internal organs and bring them back to normal physiological function.

Bitters also eliminate estrogen dominance by eliminating excess estradiol (the bad estrogen) while boosting the level of progesterone and testesterone secretion. Without hormonal balance, the ovary, the immune system and ovulation is thrown off balance, too. In fact hormonal imbalance causes majority of the women fibrosis diseases that has been blamed for unexplained infertility. These include uterine fibroids, anovulation, polycystic ovary disease, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, adenomyosis, irregular periods, and luteal phase defect. Bitters helps eliminate growths or tumors including falopian tube blockade due to adhesions.

Specifically not only does bitters help mature eggs, they also help ovulation and propelling the released eggs to the falopian tube to be fertilized by the advancing spermatozoa. Note that once pregnancy test is positive, bitters are no longer needed.

The bitters that are effective (used in combination of other herbs) are gentian (called bitter root), bitter leaf (common in African-folk medicine), golden seal, dandelion greens and watercress. The Chinese bitters are a form of gentian or bitter root found in Europe.

You take bitters consistently for one month to regularize the menstrual periods and stop if period starts again. Then take for the second month and stop if pregnancy occurs. By then it is no longer necessary. If there is no pregnancy, take after your period is over for six days and stop just before ovulation starts. Continue the cycle if there is no pregnancy. It takes an average of two months to get pregnant with bitters.

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An Umbrella Company is simply a company that is structured to employ temporary agency workers permanently to work at a variety of temporary workplaces, stating in the workers contract that their permanent place of work is their home where they carry out the duties of finding work and keeping records of expenses incurred and contract assignments. The Umbrella employee should be able to claim a tax free amount each week of 瞿3 for the use of their home for an office. The benefit of this employment structure is that (mostly) travel related expenses from home to temporary workplace can be claimed as well as temporary accommodation and incidentals like replacement tools and a certain amount of subsistence. The expenses are taken from the gross receipt (the amount you would have been paid as gross salary if employed directly by an employment agency) and after being subtracted whatever is left is taxed as gross salary. It should be stated in the "overarching" employment contract that the workers salary is variable for this reason, but will never be less than the national minimum wage (NMW). Once the salary is taxed the net pay is then added to the tax free expense amount and paid to you. There is usually a fee or "margin" that is taken from the gross receipt as the Umbrella Company is in business to make money. Different Umbrella Companies have different "margin" rates; you would need to enquire with them at the time you sign up. Some companies quote gross fees and some quote net fees.

At the end of each working week you let the Umbrella Company know where you have been working, the name of the client (agency or contractor) and the hours and rates at which you agreed to carry out the work. The Umbrella Company will invoice your client (agency), collect the money, and when you have submitted your work related expenses they will calculate your pay and transfer it to you.

A well structured Umbrella Company will cover you under their employers and public liability insurance, give you access to a pension and cover all of your statutory rights like Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), Maternity and Paternity Pay and paid holidays. The most compliant Umbrella Company's will take their responsibility so seriously that they will provide you with an employee handbook which should outline their Diversity and Equal Opportunities policy as well as give you guidance on their disciplinary and grievance procedure.

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The Natural Path To Skin Care During Pregnancy

Expectant mothers are becoming much more aware of the products that the apply to their skin to protect the fetus growing inside of them. During pregnancy a number of changes occur that impact on the emotions and body due to an increase in circulation and hormonal functions designed to assist with the birthing whilst supporting the new baby's growth.

Changes in oestrogen, progesterone and melanin stimulating hormones can lead to skin changes including sensitivity, dryness, stretching, itchiness and darkening in a variety of areas. During pregnancy nails could become more brittle and thinner and sometimes harder. Usually they return to normal within 6 months post birth. This is when a first class luxuriant body lotion and stretch mark oil should be used often.

The ovaries release a large amount of oestrogen throughout pregnancy and to proportion this there is an increase in androgens which affects the hair. Abnormal hair growth on the upper lip, chin and sides of the face can be caused by this. Don't be troubled it only accelerates vellus hair, a fine peach like fuzz, which as a rule disappears after childbirth.

In my experience, once pregnant, expectant mum's should instantly start using luxuriant body lotions or body oils to assure the skin is deeply moisturised to prevent the itching sensation caused by stretching skin as the baby grows. Sudden stretching of the skin can result in scars know as stretch marks due to the underlying connective tissue rupturing.

Reducing the probability of stretch marks that appear also on the hips, breasts, rear of thighs is to keep the moisture level up by use of oils, plant butters or rich moisturisers. Stretch marks are very common in a broad percentage of women who become pregnant. As elasticity and stretching are a biological matter, using on a daily basis applications can significantly improve the skin's flexibility and suppleness to help decrease chance of stretch marks.

Due to more pollution in the atmosphere, it is important to do what we can to avoid the increasing toxin load in our bodies. A knowledge of the nature of skin and how ingredients in pregnancy skin care products might actually permeate the skin and be delivered into the blood stream, can assist us see why, it is fundamental to avoid synthetic ingredients at all costs.

The skin's responsibility is to permit substances in as well as keeping them out. This function depends on the environment in which the skin finds itself.

Below is more detail on transdermal (across the skin) absorption...

The skin consists of several layers. The epidermis (what we can touch) the dermis (contains most of the blood vessels), the subcutaneous tissue are the basic divisions of the skin. The external layer of the epidermis, is called the stratum corneum, comprises of several layers of keratinised epithelial cells tightly jammed together which aid in keeping the skin hydrated. Keratin contributes to the composition of a semi waterproof barrier.

Substances must have a low molecular weight to permeate the skin. Pure essential oils, are concentrated essences with a small molecular structure that allows them to penetrate the skin easily and work into the body by mixing with the fatty tissue. They are regularly added to high quality skin care products. Because of the small molecular structure of essential oils they have a lower weight to fixed oils. therefore all the excellent beneficial properties associated with essential oils are absorbed into the bloodstream quite quickly. Fixed oils act as a carrier for essential oils and because they have a higher molecular weight they lie on the surface, acting as a lubricant. It is important to note that some essential oils can cause irritation for some skin types so it is worth having an informed discussion with your skin care supplier when buying. A lot of mainstream lotions contain ingredients other than fixed or pure essential oils - namely, synthetic fragrances, and preservatives. Sorry to say, most of these synthetic substances can penetrate the skin and promptly deliver into the bloodstream.

The information about the nature of the skin helps us understand how ingredients in skin care products actually penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream. If we are attempting to maintain a toxin free body, it is obvious that we would select natural organic skin care products.

The real benefits of natural skin care products vs mainstream is that they comprise all natural ingredients free from artificial colouring, preservatives, fragrances and is cruelty free.

Medicinal plant essences and herbs have been valued for thousands of years for their therapeutic giving properties. Modern science now has confirmed the has many varied offerings that can support expectant mothers from childbirth and beyond.

To know they are doing the very best for their unborn baby and their own bodies women find this knowledge comforting.

It goes without saying that to maintain a healthy pregnancy and skin it is vital to have a good whole food diet, plenty of water, exercise, sleep and daily applications of body oils, lotions, and avoidance of any chemical exposure. All this will ensure enormous benefit for the mother and new baby.

Summing up the fundamental difference in terms of natural maternity skin care is sound awareness. It is about being more informed about the products you use on your body, as soon a new baby is coming into the world and what you do before they arrive is just as important as what you do after.

'Love is the sound of a new baby's cry','

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1.Remember that it is an illness:

Clinical depression often requires medical supervision as well as professional treatment. Clinical depression is treatable and requires commitment, understanding and patience from all those involved.

2.It is not your fault:

Clinical depression is usually a combination of chemical imbalance and learned behaviors. There may be times when the depressed individual is extremely sensitive, argumentative and/or blaming towards you, the children, the in-laws, the boss and even the world. All the above mentioned are not the cause. What you are responsible for is how you choose to take on the outward symptoms and how they affect you, your home and your relationships.

3.Be well informed:

Educate yourself on what type of depression is present and if there is a dual diagnosis
IE: chemical dependency and depression or personality disorders and depression. Know what the symptoms, treatments and follow-ups are. There are suggested guidelines for communication and setting boundaries. Though the illness is not your fault; it benefits you and your family to remain open minded and willing to learn new ways of doing things.

4.Make sure to have a support network:

Depression and dual diagnosis affects the whole family. There are many ranges of emotions from anger and fear to hopefulness and hopelessness. Having others that have experienced it before can help eliminate unhealthy coping mechanisms such as isolation, shame, control and low self-esteem. There are many national and local support groups available on line. For more information check with your favorite search engines or call a local and/or national mental health hotline.

5.Make time for yourself and your children:

Don't fall into the trap of not taking care of yourselves. Misery and fear love company. Living with and loving someone who is clinically depressed can be incredibly draining. Do not become a hostage or enabler. Remember your flight instructions: "For those traveling with small children; place the oxygen mask on yourself first and then assist the children."

6.Be a victor not a victim:

Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional:
We are all going to feel pain in life never mind a home with mental illness. Surround yourselves with knowledge, self-care, experienced support and nurturing. There are no such things as victims only volunteers.

7.Recognize that clinical depression is episodic
Clinical depression comes in waves. People with clinical depression do get better!

8.Understand that medication takes time to work:

In most cases, improvement takes as long as 6-8 weeks. Even early responders require about 3-4 weeks before they notice mood improvement. Even after a person with clinical depression feels better, she or he needs to stay on medication at least six months. People should never stop taking medication on their own; medical supervision is a must. There can be serious physical and emotional complications from sudden withdrawal such as increased depression and suicidal tendencies.

9.Medication alone is fairly ineffective:

Research shows that medication in combination with cognitive behavioral therapy is more effective than medication alone. Combined with therapy, the person who is clinically depressed may need to make lifestyle changes, including dietary and exercise changes. The family needs to find ways to reduce stressors by simplifying their lives.

10.Get a written relapse prevention plan:

Make a list of early symptoms such as sleep, appetite and mood changes. Early intervention is the key to stopping a downward spiral. Determine what worked in the past to get the person with clinical depression back on track and do the things that worked before.

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If you're looking for some information on what you should or shouldn't do during pregnancy, then this short article could probably help you. Here, we're going to talk about three things which are commonly related to pregnancy. First, we will talk about the importance of having a good diet. Next, we're going to discuss about some activities that a pregnant woman can do to fill her extra time. The last thing we're going to talk about is some types of clothing which you can wear that can compliment your appearance.

First, let's talk about a proper diet which can improve both of you and your baby's overall health. The types of food you consume should contain 2 or more of these certain nutrients such as iron, folic acid, fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, protein, calcium, and magnesium. An example of such food is orange juice, yogurt, and broccoli. You also need to avoid cigarette, alcohol, excess caffeine, and raw seafood. If you can, instead of eating three times a day, try to split your meals into five or six smaller meals a day. This will make your metabolism works faster and you will burn calories more efficiently. On top of that, to help your body absorbs food more quickly and avoids dehydration you need to drink a lot of mineral water.

Next, let's talk about some activities you can do to occupy your free time. I believe there are lots of fitness program you can follow. Try to look for free exercise training on television; they usually air it in the morning. If you can afford it, you can hire a good yoga instructor to come to your house and teach you basic technique and movement on yoga meditation. Another thing you can do is choosing a name for your baby. Think and discuss it with your husband. Try to pick names which have a good meaning behind it. Besides picking names you can also try other activity that doesn't involve much physical movement, such as learning a new recipe and how to cook a new gourmet. Another interesting routine activity that you can do is writing a journal during your pregnancy and maybe adds some photos on it to track your progress.

Finally, let's talk about your maternity clothing that suits you during pregnancy. You should consider whether you really need to get a new set of clothes or not. If you're a working wife, then you probably need to get some new set of maternity clothing because you will be going out more often compared to a house wife.

These are some information and activities you should consider during your pregnancy. Create a proper diet which you can easily follow, make yourself busy by doing some fun activities which can help you feel better, and try some new set of clothes if you want to. Keep these in minds, and you'll be able to easily endure your hard times until you see your new born baby.

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