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Before thinking of having a baby the parents must be mentally prepared. Because once they decide to have a baby every decision they take will also affect the baby. Giving birth to a child brings a major change in individual's life into a parent life. Women play a major role carrying the baby and protecting the baby carefully. It is the responsibility of the mother to protect the baby.

And even the health of the mother will affect the child. So the mother must take care of her properly while carrying the baby. The husband must take care of his wife and make her happy while carrying because even a small depression in the mother will affect the child inside. Becoming a mother is a sheer joy. Every woman's life is fulfilled only after giving birth to a child.

First of all a new mother must be advised by her friends and family members. A new mother requires a hundred percent support from her family members and husband. During the early stage, the baby must be taken care of properly. The mother must be in complete rest during the early stages of the baby's growth. As the child grows inside there will be some changes in body of the mother.

During pregnancy period the lady must have in mind that she is not one person but two. The mother must in take all nutritious food for those nine months for good health of the baby. Maintenance of good health, proper rest and exercises that are advised by the doctor must be carried out properly.

Proper food habits must be practiced during pregnancy like milk products, fruits, vegetables, grains, fish, and beans etc. which will add vitamins and minerals that are required for the development of the baby. Folic acid is a vitamin that is very much essential for the women during both before and after pregnancy. Foods that contain iron are more important for the growing baby. Vegetables like cauliflower, potatoes, and tomatoes contain iron content.

Both the men and women must practice a well balanced diet once they plan for baby. Both must take vitamins and minerals rich food like vegetables, fruits, and green leaves. Vitamin E and Vitamin C are very important. The men must be away from drugs, alcohols and cigarettes. Proper vaccination before pregnancy is very important. Both must be mentally prepared and should follow the advice of the doctor properly to give birth for a healthy child.

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Staying beautiful during pregnancy need not be difficult. It is easy to stress over hormone induced spots and whether your beauty products are safe for you and your unborn baby to use, so I have come up with a quick guide to staying beautiful during your child bearing year.

During your first trimester you may experience an increase in acne. This is due to all of the extra hormones you are producing. It is advised that you avoid cleansers targeted at ridding you of spots, this is due to the majority of them containing salicylic acid, which when absorbed in to your bloodstream could do harm to your baby. Instead you should opt for a softer cleanser and increase your water intake. If your skin problems persist, visit your doctor and he may prescribe you with an anti-bacterial topical cream.

Still wanting to battle those wrinkles and lines during your pregnancy? Well you may want to reconsider continuing with your anti-aging beauty routine. Creams designed to tackle or prevent wrinkles usually contain retinoid's, and much like salicylic acid they are a big no-no for your maternity skin care routine. Instead, just take advantage of that pregnancy glow, you will see a youthful radiance that no anti-aging routine will ever be able to give you. There are many other natural measures you can take to enhance your pregnancy beauty. Indulging in some yoga, ensuring you get enough water each day and eating well will enhance your natural beauty.

One of the biggest worries during pregnancy for any image conscious woman is whether or not she will develop stretch marks. The majority of stretch mark prevention creams are not safe for maternity use due to their chemical content, but there are friendlier products available for you to use, such as Bio Oil or a product from the Mama Mio range. Couple a great cream with some yoga and plenty of water to see optimal results. Doing all of this will ensure your skin remains supple and will help it stretch.

Worried about your boobs losing a battle with gravity? There are creams for that too! Pregnancy does not affect the direction everyone's chest points in, but you can ensure yours stay firm by using a bust boosting cream pre and post-natally.

Switching to mineral make up will also do you a lot of favours. Aside from reducing any shine, it is less likely to contain nasty chemicals that will harm your un-born baby.

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