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Increasing your chances of conceiving a baby does not mean you have to have complex procedures and/or costly hormonal treatments. Some of the simplest tips like avoiding unhealthy habits and carefully watching your ovulation calendar can go a long way toward helping you fall pregnant. Here are a few pregnancy tips that you can get started with.

Tip One: Stay away from cigarette smoke - even second hand smoke

Studies have shown that smoking decreases fertility. According to the British Medical Association, female smokers are 40% less likely to conceive than women who do not smoke. Researchers hypothesize that some of the hundreds of chemicals found in cigarettes initiate an imbalance of hormones, which can create irregular menstrual cycles or lack of ovulation. In addition, chemicals in cigarette smoke may also cause abnormalities in mature eggs. A final note about smoking: if a smoker does get pregnant, she's still at a higher risk of an early miscarriage than her non-smoking friends.

Just because you are a non-smoker does not necessarily mean you are in the clear. Passive smoking, or inhaling secondhand smoke, has also been linked the increased likelihood of infertility or miscarriages. To protect yourself simply stay away from cigarette smoke. This is true even if your partner smokes. One thing you can share with him is that cigarette smoke has been linked to lower sperm counts.

Tip Two: Use foreplay to liven your sex life up

A normal problem for couples that are trying to conceive is a lack of excitement in their sex lives. With the stresses of work, the pressure of a ticking biological clock and busy daily routines, sex simply may not be as juicy as it used to be. So, instead of going straight to intercourse, experts recommend spending time in foreplay. Foreplay has been shown to increase your fertility in a couple of ways. First, foreplay will help you relax more. Second, longer foreplay also encourages natural vaginal lubrication. This is especially important if you are on fertility drugs as they tend to cause vaginal dryness.

Tip Three: Use sex positions that help conception

When trying to fall pregnant experts also recommend that you use a position to make conception easier. The traditional sex position with the male on top is one of the best because sperm need only to travel a short distance to the uterus. Another positive position for conception is the rear entry position, with the woman either on her hands and knees or on her stomach. One final suggestion from fertility specialists is that women lie down on their backs after intercourse and "bicycle" for several minutes. This is reported to help the sperm arrive faster.

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Do you have a problem in giving birth? In this our day and society there are quite a lot of challenges that most women have in making babies. And quite a lot of expecting mother is not aware of the things that affect them. While some are busy working here and there and therefore unable to look out and settle to find out where the problem is coming from and what can be done to get rid of it. In this article, we will be discussing on the conception tips to help you get pregnant.

There have been a difficulty in giving birth for the modern mother and this is because of stress. Stress is a very dangerous element and it comes in different form, some are physical, emotional, mental stress. And also certain foods that are been consumed are not nutritious enough to enable a baby to be formed in the womb.

I would advice that the first thing that you should do is to get in touch with your doctor as there are lots of health issues that can cause infertility in a woman. There are two type; Thyroid issue and the imbalance in the sugar level. With the assistance of the doctor, you will be able to get off from your body.

But in a situation where stress happens to be the issue of infertility, then you have to get a very good method that is most suitable by you to get rid of it. Some methods that you can apply is the relaxation methods which includes the Meditation, yoga, hypnosis, exercise. Like I said earlier the choice is yours, you can take which ever one you prefer among the listed ones.

Also if you notice that the problem came due to malnutrition, then you will have to do something about it by changing the diet and as well taking lots of vitamins and mineral supplements to help you acquire the right nutrition to get pregnant. Certain vitamins that can b e of help are: Vitamin c, folic acid, B vitamins, zinc, Herbs like raspberry leaf, stinging nettles. They all can serve as conception tips that can enable you get pregnant.

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Exercise is frequently recommended as a natural method to induce labor. Exercise is especially helpful in getting your baby to descend, and in encouraging him or her to engage better. There are at least five types of exercise you could do when your pregnancy is full term, to encourage your baby to get born.

Walking as a method for natural labor induction

Walking keeps you upright and helps your baby to descend. This exerts downward pressure on the cervix, taking you closer to cervical effacement and dilation. The pressure your baby's head places on your cervix also increases local release of oxytocin, which in turn brings on labor.

In addition to helping your baby to get into the right position, walking is also good for you. Walking is excellent cardio-vascular training, and can be done by most people; besides it doesn't require a gym or any special equipment. Walking improves blood circulation, respiration, as well as muscle tone. It keeps you fit to cope with the onset of labor, and be ready to welcome the newborn.

If you can, walk in the mornings when the air is fresher and less polluted. Wear comfortable shoes and also carry a big umbrella. It's good to have one, in case you want to lean on something to relieve any strain on your back. And of course, it's useful if it gets too sunny, or starts to rain.

Does climbing stairs really help to start labor?

It's often said that in hospitals midwives ask you to walk upstairs and down, in order to get the early stage of labor to go faster.

Climbing stairs has the same effect that walking does. It helps your baby to engage better, your cervix to dilate, and also increases the oxytocin level in the cervical area. Additionally, lifting your legs, one after the other, in order to move on to the next step opens up your pelvis. This makes more room for your baby and helps in bringing on labor. The slight swinging motion and small accelerated movements while going up, and the little bumps while stepping down, all help your baby to position himself or herself better for the labor.

Remember, it is important that you don't exhaust yourself climbing stairs, trying to get faster into labor. You should know your own limits, and must listen to your body signals.

How about swimming in order to bring on labor?

Swimming is another excellent exercise that helps bring on labor. The breaststroke especially is said to have this effect.

Remember to wear goggles and follow proper swimming techniques. If you keep your head above the water all the time while swimming, your spine will curve unnaturally. This is likely to strain your back, which is already coping with the extra weight of your belly.

If you don't know the right techniques, don't let that stop you! If you can swim a little bit, it becomes surprisingly easy to learn the proper technique for swimming breaststroke. Contact a swimming teacher for a lesson.

Immersing your body in water, when you are heavily pregnant, is truly a joyous experience. The water supports your body and takes off weight from your feet and joints. If you are suffering from swollen feet at the end of your pregnancy, the slight pressure of water will relieve this common problem comfortably.

It is indeed worth going to the pool or to the beach to enjoy the benefits of water and of swimming, to help bring on your labor and to get relief from swollen feet!

Does squatting help in starting labor faster?

Squatting opens your pelvis and makes labor easier, because it helps your baby to move down the birth canal and also creates more room for him or her to be born. Squatting can help you to get to labor faster, in case it doesn't start because the baby is too high.

The squatting position helps your baby to descend and engage into your pelvis. After your baby has engaged well, it's less probable that she or he will be able to turn anymore. This means that you should squat only when your baby is in the right position for birth. This position is called the anterior position in which the baby is head down and facing your back. If your baby is in a posterior position -- back against your back -- or in the breech position head up, it's important not to encourage him or her to descend. Your baby has to turn into the optimal, anterior birth position before you do any squatting.

Swinging -- could exercise for natural labor induction be more convenient?

Using a swing results in a small G-force that encourages your baby to descend. To try this type of physical exercise in starting your labor, find a safe swing in which you can be stably seated.

All these exercises can be the last bit of natural encouragement your full term baby needs to be born. It's always good to exercise. It's never too late, and even a little of physical exercise goes a long way, and is an improvement on doing nothing at all. Exercise helps your labor to start and also keeps you fit. When you are physically in good condition, you will feel great and are able to resist stress and illnesses much better. So, go for a walk around your block, or to the nearest park to use a swing!

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Hemorrhoids occur when the rectal area's veins becomes enlarged. Though minor and can be treated via a change in lifestyle, it can cause significant discomfort especially when sitting down. Some symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as rectal bleeding, are also indicators of more dangerous illnesses. Once this occurs, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Though an embarrassing condition, hemorrhoids are actually experienced by most people at least once in their life. Hemorrhoid and Pregnancy is even more common.

Why is hemorrhoid during pregnancy more common?

Hemorrhoids are triggered by an assortment of causes whether or not one is pregnant. Some factors that bring about this ailment are genetics and your natural body makeup, your lifestyle, the weakness of your rectal walls and yes, pregnancy.

Pregnant women are prone for similarly varied reasons. These are listed below.

1. Constipation regularly occurs to pregnant women. This is due to the increase in progesterone a pregnant woman has. Progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles in the body. This would result in more sluggish digestion because the food moves through the intestine more slowly. Hemorrhoid in the third trimester is even more common because the uterus is impressing upon the rectum which also increases the occurrence of constipation. The strain caused by constipation irritates the rectum which causes the vessels to swell.

2. The enlargement of a pregnant woman's uterus. The pressure the uterus exerts on the inferior vena cava, which is the large vein that transports the deoxygenated blood from the base are of the body to the heart, and the pelvic veins cuts of circulation to the bottom part of the body and triggers the swelling of your rectal veins.

How can a woman who is pregnant evade hemorrhoids?

Though common among pregnant women, there are still ways to reduce the risk mainly by doing activities that would help increase the speed of your digestion. Start with your diet. You can circumvent the acquisition of constipation by eating food that is chockfull of fiber. Fiber rich foods include whole wheat, grains, fruits and vegetables. Ingesting water constantly helps speed up digestion by keeping the body hydrated. Chewing food thoroughly and slowly also decreases the work your body needs to do to break down the food. Even just eating moderately can aid digestion. Over eating would lead to your body working overtime to break down the food which often results in constipation. Exercise can also help prevent hemorrhoids as a known method of increasing the speed of digestion. For pregnant women, slow walks and various exercises are available. Sitting down for really long periods of time also contributes to the presence of hemorrhoids so avoid doing so.

What can I do if I already have hemorrhoids?

Using sitz baths, which is when you sit on a basin of water or soak in a bathtub, helps in relieving hemorrhoids. You can also press an ice to the concerned area to decrease the swelling. Alternating the two methods also eases the discomfort. If all the above home remedies did not cure your ailment, your doctor can best suggest a pregnancy safe cream or other treatment.

Although hemorrhoid and pregnancy are common partners, in most pregnant women, hemorrhoids disappear shortly after giving birth.

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If you are hoping to have a baby in the next year or so, you may be considering what could help you achieve this quickly and whether there are any foods to help you get pregnant fast.

Our diet plays a huge part in determining our overall health and as far as pregnancy is concerned, what we eat can make a big difference. The consumption of a poor diet is a contributory factor in a lower rate of conception, whereas eating a healthy balanced diet can improve your chances significantly.

Fruits and vegetables are great to eat for overall good health and this is particularly relevant when you are hoping to conceive. It is always best to eat organic produce and if not, ensure they are well-washed or peeled to remove traces of pesticides. Our bodies ideally require a high level of vitamins and minerals to help both with conception and with the developing pregnancy.

Iron rich foods are required too and this group includes lean red meats and chicken, green leafy vegetables such as cabbages, broccoli and kale. If you feel you are short of iron, this is a good time to seek your doctors advice, who may advise you to take a supplement. Protein should be eaten in the form of soya, nuts, seeds and cereals along with lean meats, eggs and dairy products which are all good foods to help you get pregnant fast.

Folic acid is considered essential for women trying to become pregnant and very often breakfast cereals and bread are fortified with this nutrient. Orange juice is also a good source as are dark green leafy vegetables.
Other foods to help you get pregnant fast include milk, yogurt and cheese, all of which are good sources of calcium.

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In an ongoing effort to get pregnant fast there are a number of tactics you can use to improve your odds of getting pregnant sooner rather than later.

#1 Understanding your cycle:

Your cycle is fairly regular and usually on the 14th day of your cycle your ovaries will release an egg that if fertilized, you will become pregnant. Once the egg is released, this is the opportune time to become pregnant. Getting this time right is of the utmost importance.

#2 Frequency of Sex:

Having sex during this time frame is crucial. There is no such thing as too much sex during the ovulation cycle. Sex once a day for about one week will ensure that you improve your opportunity to get pregnant. Sex three or four times a week will also increase your chances of getting pregnant fast, and this needs very little planning.

In actual fact the more spontaneous and fun it is the better.

#3 Living healthy:

Maintain a healthy weight, eat foods that are free of Trans fats and have a low fat content associated with them. Women's once a day type vitamins are also recommended as a crucial part in staying healthy and getting pregnant fast. Additionally make sure you are taking folic acid.

#4 Planning:

Consider any preconception planning if you or your partner has any health issues. Staying healthy, eating well, an active sex life and knowing your bodies signals, are all factors that will help you to get pregnant.

In conclusion, keep it simple and let nature take its course.

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While trying to conceive, there are many options to make it happen. There are actually fertility vitamins that can be taken to help speed up conception. Using these vitamins and herbs will cause you no side effects and be non-invasive as compared to other techniques of conception. These vitamins are also less expensive.

Studies have proved that using vitamins, herbs or other natural means are safer and much more effective in helping the pregnancy happen. If necessary, they can also be used in addition to any medical treatments that may have already been started.

There are several supplements for women to try. A good multivitamin is a good start. Iron is important to prevent anemia. Anemia can prevent fertility. However, a low dose should be used, such as 10-20mg per day. Vitamin C, 500-1500mg per day will protect the cells and boost the immune system. Vitamin E in 400-800i.u. per day is possible to increase the quality of the egg. It can definitely increase fertility. Co-enzyme-Q10 is also known to increase egg quality, and it belongs in the important list of fertility vitamins. Folic Acid may not contribute to fertility, however, can prevent birth defects and will protect the heart. Paba at 400mg per day can increase the estrogen to induce fertility.

Women not only need supplements to become pregnant. Men should be taking them, too. One of these is Vitamin C, which helps protect against damage to the sperm, and can actually increase the sperm count. Vitamin E increases sperm potency. Zinc, 15-60mg per day could not only raise the sperm count, but help the sexual function, also. A zinc deficiency can actually lower the sperm count. This supplement is very important. Other supplements for the man to consider is Vitamin B-12 and B-complex supplement, selenium, co-enzyme-Q10, L-Carnitine, a good multi-vitamin, especially with Vitamin A, and L-Arginine.

Before taking any vitamin supplements or herbs, it is still best to consult with your doctor first to be sure that they are safe for your individual needs.

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You are eager to pursue the things you always wanted to do while you are growing up. You want to own a home, have your own career, marry a good man, raise a family, or manage your own business. Then a bomb dropped in front of you. You are pregnant.

Unplanned pregnancies are no longer uncommon. A lot of women are currently in a dilemma, wondering how they would manage the situation they are in.

Know, though, that the world does not end and that there are plenty of things you can do to go through it. Here are some of them:

Come up with a decision. What do you want to do? Do you want to keep the baby after birth or give him or her up for adoption? Both are actually very hard to do, as each carries its own benefits and disadvantages. It would help if you can imagine how your life would be if you choose each of the options you have. Which one of them you would feel happier?

Seek professional help. You are young, and the pregnancy is unplanned. It is normal for you to be very confused on what to do. The problem is confusion can lead to very bad decisions later-things you may only regret later on. That is why it is always recommended to talk to a professional such as therapist or a counselor, especially someone who specializes in unplanned pregnancies.

Join support groups. There are hundreds of girls out there who are going through what you are experiencing today. By participating in support groups, both offline and online, you will find that you are not alone in your issues and challenges. You can also get plenty of pointers from those who have raised great families despite their young age.

Tell yourself that things are not over. Unplanned pregnancy does not have to spell the end of your dreams, though you may place some of them on hold. You may want to utilize the various subliminal messages or affirmations to remind you of that. When you are feeling really down and so alone, remind yourself that

The pregnancy is not the end of my dreams.
I can still continue dreaming even if I am pregnant.
I can still be my own person despite the pregnancy.

See it as a blessing. When it feels like you are throwing so many things out of your life, it is hard to consider pregnancy as a blessing. However, in the long run, you'll realize that it is. Moreover, by rewiring the way your mind thinks, by being more positive, any unplanned pregnancy becomes a more beautiful journey.

Every day as soon as you wake up or whenever you want to remember, tell yourself that "This baby is a blessing to me" or "I have to cherish this precious gift in my life."

Take things one step at a time. You'll be less stressed, depressed, and anxious if you don't think a lot about what the future holds. Instead, live every moment of your life.

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If you want to start a family with your partner, there are a number of hints that you should know in order to speed up conception and to heighten your ability to get pregnant quickly.

When you are planning to conceive, you should visit your doctor to have your health checked out and ensure that there is no infection or issue that could affect your baby. They will also run tests to check that your nutrition levels are good and you are high in essential vitamins and minerals. Taking a pregnancy vitamin with enough folic acid will also prevent birth defects in your child. Your partner can take zinc supplements to increase their sperm count.

If you smoke or use any illicit drugs, you should stop right away do not wait until you actually become pregnant to do so. Cutting out alcohol and limiting your caffeine consumption are also important to maximize the chances of conception and increase fertility as well as protecting the health of an embryo.

Taking the fun out of the process and executing each time you have sex like it is a military exercise will not increase your chances of becoming pregnant, in fact, it will likely reduce them. You should not only have sex when you are ovulating, you should do it at least three times a week especially in the week leading up to ovulation since sperm is able to survive up to five days before dying.

Relying on a calendar to predict when you are ovulating and planning sex around that is likely to limit your chances of conception. Even though women are commonly most fertile on day 14 of their cycle, each woman is different and not all of them have the typical 28 day cycle. You can often tell when you are at your most fertile as your vaginal discharge will differ becoming slicker and more slippery to allow sperm to pass into the uterus more effectively.

People are more fertile and conception is much more likely if both partners enjoy the sex. Making it into a clinical process is unlikely to help the situation, so you should relax and enjoy making love with your partner. It has been shown that when women orgasm during sex conception is more likely because vaginal contractions effectively pull more semen into the uterus and helps it to travel there faster. When men orgasm more powerfully, they release more sperm and it travels further into the vagina.

The position that you use during sex can affect fertility levels. The woman on top position is less likely to result in pregnancy since the sperm have to struggle uphill to the female. Missionary or other positions where the vagina is tilted slightly downwards facilitate more sperm getting into the uterus and increases the chances of conception.

Relaxing and enjoying the entire process is one of the most important things that you can do in order to ensure you get pregnant. Knowing that most couples will naturally fall pregnant within 6 to 8 months of trying should make you feel more in control of the situation. If after that time you have not yet conceived you can visit your doctor to seek out further advice.

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Supplements, which may include vitamins, minerals, herbs, and even over-the-counter medicines, can help you get pregnant with a girl. The range of choices available and what "really works" or not is confusing, however. This article will cover some common supplements to consider. Remember, do careful research any time you consider adding a dietary supplement to your day.

You want to look for supplements that make the body more acidic and lower testosterone if you'd like a girl. It's also good to have your husband take supplements for the same reasons.

Supplements to Consider for a Girl

Cranberry is one of the most recommended supplements. It has been shown to help make the cervical fluids more acidic, which is favorable for a girl. You can get cranberry by taking a standardized supplement or by drinking unsweetened cranberry juice. The calories from the juice quickly add up, so the supplement may be better for you. Some women find it hard on their stomach, so adjust your dosage if you have this problem.

Another favored supplement for conceiving a girl is Saw Palmetto, which is an herb. Many women trying to conceive have found saw palmetto helpful because it can help overcome the effects of polycystic ovarian syndrome (or PCOS). Testosterone is a major culprit in PCOS and it's where saw palmetto shines. The herb helps to lower testosterone levels in both men and women -- what you want for getting a girl.

You may want to consider some of the traditional "girl" vitamins and minerals. There's some debate about supplementing heavily with vitamins and minerals. Research suggests that high vitamin and mineral levels increase boy conceptions all around, so some are recommending against high supplementation if you want a girl.

It's definitely advisable to get these nutrients via a supplement rather than food -- foods come with calories and a lot of other nutrients which will boost the chances of a boy. It's best to eat a bland, low-fat, low-calorie diet.

If you'd like to supplement the "girl minerals," though, you can take them in a sensible pill every day. Calcium and magnesium are what you want to look for, and fortunately there are many cal/mag blends available to give you a small, balanced daily dose.

B-vitamins have also been thought to increase the chances of getting a girl in the past, but raising vitamin levels too high may be counter-productive. All women trying to conceive should take vitamin B6 and folate (folic acid). These are vital for your baby's health and may help with morning sickness.

Morning sickness doesn't indicate baby gender -- you'll get it regardless of boy or girl. If you have issues with it, the B6 should help.

You can take a B-complex with moderate levels of the B vitamins, and you should if you've had a history of depression, especially during and after pregnancy.

There are some other herbal supplements, like Vitex/Chasteberry and Lydia Pinkham that may increase your chances of getting a girl. These potent herbal blends can influence your menstrual cycle, so watch very carefully how your body reacts to them. You generally only use them before ovulation, then take a break until your next period.

Peppermint is a final herb to consider. Like saw palmetto, peppermint may lower testosterone levels. It makes a delicious tea to sip on throughout the day.

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Experiencing miscarriage is both a physical and emotional challenge for the mother. To try getting pregnant after miscarriage again would mean accepting the harsh reality that another miscarriage might happen the second time around. Don't let yourself down, though. Help yourself improve your chance of getting pregnant by eating right.

There are many causes why you had a miscarriage then. It could be because of a dreadful disease, an infection, an abnormality, or just plain misfortune. But you can reverse the negative thing that has happened to you by eating right. Your lifestyle affects the healthiness of your body. The healthier you are, the more ideal your body becomes for a developing fetus.

Generally, eating healthily like having more vegetables and fruits and lesser fats in the diet will be helpful. You can try a better diet also--a diet that is ideal for those who try getting pregnant after miscarriage. Here are the important nutrients for that diet:

- Zinc. Researches have proven the connection of zinc to healthy pregnancy. Experts suggest that taking enough or more than enough zinc will promote a conception-ready body. Make sure you don't have deficiency in zinc because if so, your ability to get pregnant will be impaired. The father should also have enough zinc so he can produce healthier sperms. You can take zinc supplements or eat foods rich in zinc like whole grains, egg yolks, and lean meat.

- Vitamin C. Whether you try getting pregnant after miscarriage or not, including Vitamin C to your diet is very important. For pregnant women, Vitamin C strengthens the womb lining, making it stronger for getting pregnant and staying pregnant. Citrus fruits like berries, lemons, grapefruits, and limes are great sources of Vitamin C. You can also take Vitamin C supplements as an alternative.

- Folic Acid. Chromosomal damage is one of the common reasons for miscarriage. By correcting this, you will dramatically improve your chance of getting pregnant after miscarriage. More than helping you get pregnant, folic acid will assist you to stay pregnant, too. Doctors usually recommend taking 400 micrograms of folic acid everyday. You can also eat foods rich in folic acid especially the green leafy vegetables.

These three nutrients are must-haves to a diet of trying-to-get-pregnant couples. Aside from folic acid, Vitamin C, and zinc, you should consider eating sensible foods, too. Sensible here means no to sugary or oily foods. Stick to a balanced diet. Everything should be in moderation and you will have balanced diet.

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Pregnancy is a very difficult stage, especially for first-time mothers and if you are looking for things to make your life a lot easier, then you can start looking for the best pregnancy pillow. There are different types of pillows and if you are looking for the best ones, you may try getting a Comfort-U Body pillow (since it's one of the most reputable ones in the market) or you might want to read some pregnancy pillow reviews to help you find other nice buys.

Naturally, you would want to get the best bang from your buck. For you to do so, here are some of the qualities that you should consider when considering getting one of these specialized cushions:

Size - These specialized cushions come in many different sizes. It is important that you choose one according to its size so you would be able to use it properly. Look for one that can accommodate your belly or even your entire body. This is definitely going to make you feel a lot better when you sleep.

Components - There are different filling materials that pillow manufacturers use in making their products which is why it is important that you know these things. Of course, the prices also vary depending on the type of filling that's used in the pillow. You have to pick the filling that you are comfortable with or look for hypoallergenic ones in case you are sensitive. This might be a lot expensive but it is always worth some extra cash.

Level of Comfort - The main reason for buying of these is because you would want something that could provide enough support on your belly or back when you sleep. The U-shaped ones are becoming a favorite among pregnant women since they no longer have to switch their pillows in case they switch positions. This is definitely something that you might want to take a look into.

Dual-Purpose -This means that you should get one that would provide you support when you are pregnant and even after you have given birth. This is definitely something that you might want to check out. You can certainly find different types of pillows so be sure to consider this quality.

These are the main qualities that you should look for when considering on investing in a pregnancy pillow. Make sure that you also consider the brand as this plays an important role in providing you comfort and support.

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Unless you're familiar with a range of massage techniques, the term "massage for pregnancy" may seem a little unclear. What exactly is it and how is it different from "regular" massage? The short answer is, pregnancy massage is a program of therapeutic treatment including both prenatal massage and postpartum massage that is designed to support, promote, and improve the health and well-being of mother and baby. The specifics of the treatment will vary from client to client, but the overall benefits--reduction of pain, stress, and discomfort--are shared by all.

In light of all the changes that a mother's body undergoes during pregnancy, pregnancy and massage are a natural combination. Pregnancy puts a whole new set of physical demands on your body and fundamentally changes the way you move. Even in the most physically aware and active people, these demands can cause a fair amount of strain, stress, and discomfort. Specially trained massage professionals can help alleviate these symptoms through a safe and non-intrusive program of massage. These experts know how to property position and support the expectant mother's body for optimum relaxation and safety during massage treatment and can focus on the specific areas of distress described by the client. Many pregnancy massage clients report finding relief from back pain, joint discomfort, and even sore feet and swollen ankles.

In terms of what benefits can be gained from a massage pregnancy program, the physical relief already described is a major component. However, the mental and emotional rest and relaxation achieved through massage is equally important. Numerous research studies testify to the connection between mind and body, and to the importance of cultivating health and balance both mentally and physically. This balance is especially important during pregnancy, when one's emotional and psychological state is changed so much by both hormonal and situational factors. Massage treatment provides a structured time and place for an expectant or new mother to relax and let go of both mental and emotional stressors in a safe and supported environment. With prenatal and postpartum pregnancy massage, many women describe lowered anxiety levels, decreased stress, and an all-around improved feeling of well-being following their treatment sessions.

Massage and pregnancy are a natural combination. When practiced by a knowledgeable professional, pregnancy massage is a safe and effective way to alleviate the physical and emotional stress of pregnancy in a way that benefits both mother and baby. Offering a natural solution for relieving the discomforts of pregnancy and facilitating lowered stress and increased relaxation, pregnancy massage therapy provides a non-invasive route to a healthier, happier pregnancy and even into the postpartum period.

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If you are a woman, overweight and finding it difficult to get pregnant, you must lose at least 66 pounds to aid your getting pregnant. You can achieve this quickly and naturally without taking diet pills or drugs. This article will address how to lose weight naturally to help you get pregnant.

If you weigh over 220 pounds and you are a woman, this is frightening. It will not only inhibit pregnancy, but it is also very dangerous for your health.

You must eat healthy foods to lose weight naturally. This will give your body the needed nutrients to help you get pregnant. The following foods will help you burn off the excess body fats. Almonds, grapefruit, raw banana, cold potato, navy beans, pears, oatmeal, lentils, cold pasta, dark chocolates, wholegrain bread, apples, avocados, olives, nuts and seeds.

Get a handful of almonds and eat as much as you can every day, with a healthy diet. This will help you to lose weight naturally. You should always have almonds handy and snack with it.

You should eat half a grapefruit before every meal. Grapefruit helps regulate insulin and thus will help you to lose weight and aid your getting pregnant. Grapefruit alone can help you lose over one pound a week, even if your diet remains the same. But, if you are on blood pressure medication, grapefruit may cancel the effect of your medication.

Learn to drink about 16 - 24 ounces of water before every meal. Drinking plenty of water will make your body to release the water in your muscles, and you will start experiencing weight loss.

Try to increase your physical activity. You can start an intensive exercise you enjoy doing. Exercise that makes your heart pump more blood. Make sure you devote at least 45 - 60 minutes 6 days a week in doing the exercise. This will help you to burn some calories.

You can work on your metabolism by doing a detox to flush out accumulated toxins from your body. There are foods like cayenne pepper, fish, fruits, vegetables, cinnamon, whole grains, etc all help to speed up your metabolism. Ensure you eat a healthy breakfast every day. Do not eat any heavy food before you sleep.

Ensure your body is not deficient of the right amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Eat healthily and exercise regularly. Once you can stick to these, you will lose weight naturally and get pregnant.

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So you want to get pregnant? You may be wondering what's taking so long. "Why does it seem so difficult?" you may ask. "Why can't I seem to get pregnant?"

I had all these questions and more. I wanted to know how to get pregnant fast.

First, let's talk about the odds of getting pregnant in any given monthly cycle. One study cited a couple's chance of getting pregnant within the first month of trying at about 25%, while 60% will get pregnant within 6 months, 75% within 9 months, 80% within 1 year, and 90% of couples get pregnant within 18 months of trying.

Now let's talk about the factors that may be affecting your fertility and your partner's fertility. In other words, what's hindering your chances of getting pregnant fast?

Here are the 10 most likely causes of infertility issues followed by some conception tips to help increase your odds of getting pregnant faster.

1. Smoking. If you or your partner smoke cigarettes, this will greatly hinder your trying-to-conceive efforts. Women who smoke are 60% more likely than non-smokers to be infertile. Medical research indicates that egg depletion and sperm damage caused by smoking is the cause for this decrease in fertility. Smoking is very bad for your health anyway, so this should give you a worthwhile incentive to quit for your own health and those around you. An unborn baby is at a high risk for many complications if the mother is a smoker. Also, if your partner smokes around you, you are affected by the second-hand smoke, which is very harmful as well. Remember that with over 2,000 different chemicals in tobacco smoke, not one of them is nutritious or enriching for you or your baby.

2. Illicit Drug Use or Alcohol Use. This may seem like a "no brainer" for most of us, but some women and men need to be reminded that illicit drug use is a no-no for those trying to conceive. Marijuana use specifically suppresses hormone production, which can cause decreased sperm count and possible erectile dysfunction in men and irregular periods in women. Alcohol in moderation may not significantly affect fertility, but if you want to definitely increase your chances of getting pregnant sooner rather than later, it's best to avoid alcohol completely (both the woman and the man).

3. Caffeine Intake. Caffeine is believed to reduce fertility. It also is believed to be risky during pregnancy with an increased risk of miscarriage with more than very mild use. Caffeine's effect on fertility and pregnancy is controversial - some believe it to be harmful in even small quantities and others believe it is fine with moderate use (up to three cups of coffee per day). But why take a chance, especially if you want to conceive quickly and avoid a potential miscarriage? Caffeine is in chocolate, coffee, tea, and most sodas. Even decaffeinated coffee and tea (black and green) has a small amount of caffeine, so be aware of this when drinking. If you truly want to get pregnant more quickly, you should give up caffeine altogether for a better chance of increasing fertility. If it's too hard and you have a caffeine addiction, then wean down gradually in order to make it easier on yourself.

4. Poor Diet. What you eat or don't eat is crucial to your overall well-being and reproductive health. Getting pregnant is a complex process, one that requires many different body organs and glands to function properly to have proper hormonal balance and functioning. Most people don't get the recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables and water per day. This is very basic, but it's crucial to pay attention to in order to help increase your fertility and your chances of getting pregnant more quickly. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables (leaf lettuce, kale, collard greens, etc.), whole grains (oatmeal, whole grain breads, brown rice, etc.), raw nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, cashews, etc.), and a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Organic is best, and fresh is better than canned or processed. (Note that Brazil nuts are especially good for sperm health).

5. Lack of Exercise. If you're sedentary, get moving. It will help you feel better, lose weight if needed, and will improve your fertility and chance of getting pregnant. Walking, swimming, biking, or aerobics are great forms of exercise. Do something that you enjoy, and it will be easier to keep up. Exercise at least 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes at a time.

6. Obesity or Being Overweight. If your BMI is greater than 25, you are considered overweight and are prone to health risks. A BMI of 30 or more is considered obese. Avoid fad diets or skipping meals. It has been proven that starving yourself only makes things worse. Do eat, but eat smaller portions more often, and cut out the junk food. Start slowly if you need to, but definitely start.

7. Stressful Lifestyle. If you have a stressful work environment, consider changing jobs. Stress will not only affect your fertility, it will affect your overall health and place you at greater risk for heart disease and many other health problems. Also, do what you can to relax often (at least once a day). Practice deep breathing to help relieve stress. What I do is inhale as deeply as I can with my mouth closed. Then I exhale slowly through my mouth. This is an instant stress reliever for me. Try it and see what it does for you! Another stress reliever can be a leisurely walk, especially if it's something you enjoy and is in a beautiful environment. Go with your mate and use it to catch up on events of the day or just to dream of your future together. A warm bath can also be a great stress reliever, just don't make it too warm, especially for the males, as it could affect sperm quality and quantity.

8. Advanced Age. Advanced age is widely considered to be age 35 and older. Women who are 35 years old and older do have somewhat of a disadvantage when trying to conceive. It is said that a female is born with the total amount of eggs she will have her entire life. Thus, at age 35 and beyond, her eggs are considerably "older" than they were in her 20's, making it more difficult to conceive. That said, those of us who are older need to be even more diligent to be optimally healthy in order to increase our changes of getting pregnant faster. Men can be affected by age as well, especially as libido tends to decrease with age. I have found maca to be a wonderful libido enhancer and also fertility promoter. It is said to improve the quality of a woman's eggs as well. I believe it helped me to get pregnant at 39 and carry my beautiful, perfectly health baby boy to full term.

9. Poor Intercourse Timing. In order to conceive, a couple needs to have intercourse near the woman's ovulation time - the closer the better. If a couple just has intercourse "whenever", their chances of getting pregnant are not as good. Especially for the older couples in their late 30's to 40's, timing is crucial to getting pregnant faster. To get the timing right, you need to determine your ovulation date.

I like to track my cycles by using a basal thermometer. This thermometer is different from the regular thermometer used to determine a fever. A basal thermometer is an ultra-sensitive thermometer that tracks your body's most minute temperature shift and helps you calculate ovulation. Another means I like for determining ovulation date is an ovulation predictor kit (OPK). There are two kinds - the urine strips and also the fertility monitors. The strips are like a pregnancy test stick, only they measure LH (or luteinizing hormone) instead of the pregnancy hormone. The fertility monitors use saliva to determine your most fertile period by showing a ferning pattern when you're most likely to conceive.

10. Physical Issues. There are many physical issues that can hinder your chances of getting pregnant. Eating right, exercising, losing weight, and quitting bad habits can greatly help to heal many of these conditions. Sometimes medical intervention is necessary, though. These conditions can include irregular menstrual cycles, anovulation (lack of ovulation), PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), endometriosis, low sperm motility or mobility, low sperm count, or luteal phase defect, among others.

I suggest that you get some prenatal tests done for you and your partner. If you've been trying to get pregnant for six months or more, especially if you're 35 or older, see a reproductive endocrinologist. He or she will help you to decide which testing is best for you and your partner. Semen analysis will most likely be helpful to determine sperm health. And the woman's symptoms will help to determine what tests are performed for her. Prenatal testing is very beneficial even if you want to get pregnant naturally. If you know what your condition is, you're more likely to be able to overcome it.

If this article has helped you, please consider sharing it with someone you know who would benefit also.

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The major cause of infertility is due to poor health. So, if you are planning to have a baby, it is essential to take care of your health even before pregnancy itself. In order for you to give birth to a healthier and stronger baby, you need to ensure your health is in optimum condition as this will improve your fertility levels. Ideally, this should be done at least 4 months before trying to conceive. You are what you eat. So, if you have not been eating healthily, for sure your blood is circulating toxins instead of nutrients in your body, making it conducive to many ailments, including infertility.

To obtain optimal health condition, our bodies need to attain a healthy level of pH balance, essential for both the reproductive and general health. Our body's normal pH is slightly alkaline. A perfect body pH is 7.4, above is alkaline and below is acidic. You can test your pH levels using pH test strips available from the pharmacy. It is important for you to ensure that your daily dietary intake of food naturally balances your body pH. If you want to improve your fertility, you may benefit by adding more alkalizing foods to your diet. A healthy diet should consist of 70-80% alkaline-forming foods and 20-30% acid-forming foods. Alkaline forming foods include nearly all vegetables such as lettuces, lentils, onion, sweet potato, sprouts, tomatoes, celery, peppers, cauliflower, green beans, broccoli, cucumber and garlic. It also includes most fruits such as honeydew, olives, mango, lemons, pears, avocado, pineapple, apples, blackberries, apricots, bananas, blueberries, currants, raisins, cherries, peaches and papaya. For the sake of you and the baby, you should cut down on foods that are highly acidic such as sugar, meat, seafood, poultry, white vinegar, processed soybeans, cheese, MSG, coffee and alcohol.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is an alkaline forming food. It is a non-alcoholic beverage extracted from apples. It can work to balance the pH and therefore can help improve fertility. You and your partner can take 2 teaspoons of ACV, sweetened with 2 teaspoons of honey in a glass of water, 3 times a day. If taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, it can increase sexual desire and make the female's egg more receptive to sperm, thus increasing the chances of pregnancy. In fact, it can be used as a remedy for curing many other ailments and it is a good source of nutrition.

By drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day can help cleanse your body of toxins and wastes to prepare it for conception. This will also make it more effective for your body to absorb all the nutrients from the food you eat essential for the reproductive success. So always stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. Adding lemon juice to water can boost your fertility. Antioxidants in this drink helps to remove the free radicals in your body which can harm the sperms and eggs, thereby increasing your fertility. However, water cannot be replaced by coffee or sodas because it can deplete you of water instead.

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The most important tip anyone can give you about getting pregnant is when you should have sex. Many women ask them selves why can't I get pregnant. Today many women think they will get pregnant the first month they go off the pill, unfortunately this is just not the case. For many women it takes over a year to get pregnant.

To get pregnant you need to make sure you are having sex at the peak of your ovulation cycle. Having sex around your ovulation cycle will greatly increase the chances of getting pregnant.

There are several methods that you can use to determine your ovulation cycle. The best method for determining the peak time to conceive a child is an ovulation kit. An ovulation kit helps you chart your body's temperature, charting the exact time of peak fertility is the key to getting pregnant.

Many women also use an ovulation calendar that charts the days since their last period. The normal cycle for a women is 28 days, 14 days is the peak of the ovulation cycle for most women.

Many couples believe the key to getting pregnant is to have intercourse all the time. This is really a bad idea. When a man has sex all the time he reduces his sperm count and will actually have a lower the chance of fertilizing the women's egg. When trying to get pregnant it is good idea to have sex three times a week during the women peak ovulation cycle.

It is not a good idea for the man to save up his sperm just for the one shot of fertilizing the female. Over time sperm that is not used can become lethargic and slow. It is best to have sex two to three times a week to keep the sperm fresh and give the sperm the best chance to reach the women's egg.

The best chance to get pregnant is to have sex a couple days before, during and after the women's peak ovulation cycle. Spacing out the times you have sex will give the women best chance to get pregnant.

Most couples really don't understand ovulation cycles and the timing involved in conceiving a child. For a non scientific method you may want to try having sex every other day for a month. This will keep the sperm count high and increase the odds of getting pregnant and having the baby you have always dreamed of.

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Sadly, not all women get pregnant easily. But the good news is that certain causes of infertility can be reversed. I am an ex-infertility sufferer who tried to get pregnant for 6 years but to no avail. I tried getting pregnancy help from different doctors and people.

Before going to have an in-vitro fertilization, I was able to hook up with another ex-infertility sufferer who got pregnant after 7 years of trying. And I must say that getting pregnancy help from her taught me a lot. I was able to conceive a few months after talking to her and applying the tips that she gave me. Now, I would love to share these tips with you.

For women aged between 35 to 43, more often than not, kidney problems are causing the infertility. I had my kidney checked and my doctor prescribed supplements to make sure that my kidneys were in tip-top shape.

Weight problems can also hinder you from getting pregnant. If you are underweight or overweight, you have to work on achieving your ideal weight. Obesity leads to excessive fat deposition which can cause ovulation problems. Being underweight, on the other hand, causes amenorrhea. You must learn how to maintain your ideal body weight through proper diet and exercise.

While I was getting pregnancy help, the ex-infertility sufferer also told me about the importance of stress management. Stress results in imbalanced hormones which causes infertility. Aside from that, stress also causes passion to decrease. If you are stressed out, your hormone levels will be in disarray. And you will not be making love as often as possible because you are stressed. For stress management, you can try different methods like yoga, meditation exercises, acupuncture, exercise, and others.

After intercourse, do not go to the bathroom right away. When you stand up, semen will leak. This is not good because there will be decreased amount of semen in your cervix. Also, you must remember that some sexual positions increase your chances of getting pregnant because the semen is deposited near your cervix. These positions are spooning, woman on hands and knees, and missionary position. Avoid other positions if you want to conceive.

Like my OB-GYN said, certain lifestyles also decrease the chances of getting pregnant help. We also discussed this when I was getting pregnant help. Smoking and alcohol consumption hinders conception. A life without exercise is also unhealthy. A well-balanced diet is also very important. Green leafy vegetables and fruits must always be eaten. Foods high in trans fats must be avoided. Soy products must also be avoided while intake of milk and milk products must be increased.

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The first trimester of pregnancy can be a confusing and difficult time for some women. Your body is experiencing so many changes, physical and hormonal which impact you in a way like nothing else. Though most women are not showing until well after the first trimester there are massive unseen changes going on inside your body. Some of these changes can cause extreme discomfort. You have to be careful about using over the counter medication to relieve symptoms like morning sickness, cramping, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and heartburn. Normally these would be simple to cure, but now not only do you have to contend with the discomfort, they are more difficult to relieve because so many things can affect the growth of the fetus during the first trimester. Professional health care providers list the following guide lines for relief of bothersome and uncomfortable symptoms that are common during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Morning sickness: Everyone knows about the commonly experienced nausea and vomiting associated with the first trimester of pregnancy. To eliminate morning sickness don't let your stomach get completely empty. Try to eat small meals throughout the day. Ginger tea is recommended as a natural herbal remedy to relieve symptoms of nausea and vomiting and is considered safe to use during the first trimester. Sucking on hard candy can also help relieve nausea because it keeps the saliva glands active in between meals and helps reduce acid build up in the stomach. Avoiding smells and foods that increase the feeling of nausea helps as well as eating a few non salted crackers or pieces of toasted bread which help keep something on your stomach and soak up excess stomach acid.

Heartburn: The evil twin of morning sickness, heartburn is a common symptom during the first trimester. First avoid any foods that you have previously experienced heartburn with before the pregnancy. Ginger tea and lemon tea are recommended for natural heartburn relief and are considered safe to use during the first trimester. Try to avoid eating anything about two hours before bedtime since this is when most patients report the worst time for heartburn due to the fact that they are lying down prone which increase heartburn. Avoid lying down immediately after eating. Eating yogurt or milk may help relieve symptoms of heartburn. Drink plenty of fluids and avoid heartburn inducing foods such as caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, fried foods, garlic and onions. Also try to avoid foods high in natural acids such as tomatoes and peppers. Try sleeping with your upper half of your body slightly raised to keep acid down in your stomach. Another commonly used remedy is a tablespoon of honey mixed with a glass of warm milk. Avoiding smoking as this increases stomach acid content.

Fatigue: Many women report increased fatigue during the first trimester of pregnancy. Try to get extra rest whenever possible by taking short naps or going to bed a few hours early. Cut back on strenuous physical activity and keep a steady short exercise routine. Cut back or eliminate extra responsibilities and unnecessary social commitments. Eating properly is also a great help to fight fatigue. Some fatigue is due to improper diet while pregnant. Eat foods high in iron and protein and avoid stimulants such as foods and drinks with caffeine in them. Severe fatigue may be due to anemia, a lack of iron in the blood and the health care provider may prescribe iron tablets. Also remember to take your prenatal vitamins, they help ensure you have the nutrients you need in your body to support the fetus in its growth and help you to avoid fatigue due to nutrition deprivation.

Tender breasts: Breast tenderness is due to your body preparing itself to care for the new baby. Wearing a supportive bra or sports bra may help to alleviate some of the tenderness.

Constipation: During the first trimester of pregnancy constipation is a commonly reported symptom by many women. To avoid constipation drink plenty of clear fluids especially early in the day. Try to eat on a regular schedule and eat balanced meals. Eat foods that are high in fiber such as high fiber fruits, leafy vegetables and whole grain breads and cereals. Also ask your doctor about fiber supplements. Mild over the counter medications and laxatives may be useful but should be discussed with your health care provider first.

Lower back pain: This is almost a given for women during any stage of pregnancy, but especially so during the first trimester. This is because the body is experiencing tremendous physical change in perpetration for pregnancy and delivery. The abdomen muscles are stretching and pulling and joints and muscles throughout the body are loosening to adjust for the additional stress of carrying the baby. Maintaining good posture is important towards avoiding lower back pain. Sitting straight, walking straight and avoiding slumping helps with preventing lower back pain. Sit with your feet slightly elevated off the floor, uncrossed legs and try to get up and stretch frequently. Avoid lying on your back when sleeping. Try laying on your side with a pillow between your legs for support. This will reduce pressure on your back. Wear low heeled or no heeled shoes to avoid stressing muscles in your lower back caused by your center of gravity shifting to adjust for the newly added weight. Do not lift heavy objects and if you must lift something use proper lifting techniques by bending the knees and keeping the back straight while lifting. Avoid lifting items over your head as this may strain back muscles. Some over the counter medications that contain acetaminophen are probably OK to use while pregnant, but before self medicating always check with your health care provider and discuss the medication. Severe back pain can be treated with a visit to a chiropractor or massages and the use of certain oils. Make sure to check with your health care provider before using oils or having massage therapy.

Nasal problems: many women report nasal problems during their first trimester, snoring, runny noses, congestion, sinus problems, coughing and sneezing. This is called pregnancy Rhinitis and occurs in about 20% of all pregnant women. The nasal passages become inflamed and irritated causing symptoms that are similar to an allergy though with no apparent environmental factors. To avoid or alleviate symptoms of pregnancy Rhinitis, drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration which irritates the nasal lining and sinuses, increase the humidity of your home by using a humidifier, avoid environmental irritates like cigarette smoke, try sleeping with your head propped up and exercise moderately. Over the counter nasal sprays, antihistamines and oral decongestants can be used but always check with your health care provider first to make sure the product is considered safe for use during pregnancy.

Swollen feet and ankles: Often a comment ailment during the first trimester of pregnancy, alleviate swollen feet and ankles by sitting with your feet propped up for 10-15 minutes before resting, wear low heeled or no heeled shoes and try to limit long periods of time spent walking or standing. If problems with swollen feet and ankles continue this should be discussed with your health care provider because they can be symptoms of other serious health problems.

Increased Urination: Pregnancy comes with quite a few changes to the body. One of these changes is the expansion of the uterus which puts pressure on the bladder and can cause a need to urinate more frequently. Drink fewer fluids in the evening to avoid frequent late night trips to the bathroom and urinate whenever you feel the need to avoid urinary tract infections.

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When you're pregnant, one of the first things that may come to mind is how best to care for yourself and your precious little package.  Of course you want your baby to be healthy, and you want to be healthy to care for your baby.  What should you eat?  What should you avoid?  You may have heard that acai berries are great to take during pregnancy, but if you don't know enough about them, you may be reluctant.  So what do you need to know about these berries and pregnancy?

What are acai berries?

The fruit that comes from the palm, which is found in Central and South America.  It's a fast-growing plant, but produces only two crops of fruit a year.  The fruit is similar in size and appearance to grapes, but the color is usually darker, and there is less pulp.  Usually, you can find the berries in drinks like juice, smoothies, and even sodas.  They're also found in bars, as capsules, or in powdered mixers that you can add to drinks on your own.

What are the health benefits of acai berries?

They have a lot of nutritional benefits.  The fruit has fatty enzymes and oleic acid that help lower the levels of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) in the body.  The berries also have high amounts of calcium and vitamin E, as well as high concentrations of polyphenols.  All these things make acai berries a strong antioxidant for the body.  It's also used as an anti-inflammatory, an antibacterial, and a cardiovascular system supporter.

Are the berries safe during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is known to increase oxidative stress, which can lead to reduced calcification and placental efficiency.  Antioxidants are often recommended to pregnant women to combat this oxidative stress.  The antioxidants in the fruit can help in this area.

Another benefit is the circulation-supporting factor.  When pregnant, a woman's blood volume increases to make sure the baby gets all the nutrients it needs while it's growing.  With acai berries, circulation is improved even more, which can help make sure your baby is getting all it needs to be healthy.

Of course, before you decide whether or not to take acai  during pregnancy, it's important to consult your care provider.  Different women have different pregnancy experiences, and you may need specific diet restrictions to keep yourself and your baby healthy.

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