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Reproduction is a natural and complicated process. Sometimes it's as easy as having a one night stand with a stranger, but for others, it can be so hard. So many couples have had trouble conceiving after trying for ten years. So many couples yearn to have and raise a child on their own, but conceiving is not as easy as it seems.

In vitro fertilization is a conception method in artificial means that allow the ovum fertilized by the sperm outside the womb. The fertilized egg is planted into the infertile woman's uterus for gestation. In vitro is usually the last means for couples to conceive a child and is best for treating multiply IVF infertility problems for both men and women. Babies born through in vitro fertilization are sometimes called test tube babies-but in reality, babies are combined in a Petri dish and not in test tubes.

The first successful in vitro fertilization was performed in 1978, wherein 3 test tube babies were born. IVF infertility has thus been solved most of the time through in vitro fertilization. It allows couples to become pregnant when they normally can't due to several problems: low sperm count, low sperm quality, polycystic ovary syndrome, menopause, and more. Even same sex couples have opted for in vitro fertilization to have a child of their own DNA. Success rate for this method is 30%, which is quite high for artificial conception methods.

Despite its good success rate, in vitro fertilization comes with its own risks and disadvantages. The biggest risk is chance of having multiple births. This could be a boon or a bane, depending on how you see it. Another risk is that test tube babies have higher chances of being conceived underweight. Remember that the natural means is always the best means, so be sure to exhaust all other natural methods before resorting to IVF infertility methods.

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First of all, congratulations to your baby! Now that you are a mommy you will have a lot to keep track of: Breast-feeding your new born, figuring out why she is crying, keeping her clean, warm and comfy, and... losing pregnancy weight - stubborn, annoying post-pregnancy weight.

Of course, this shouldn't be your main concern right now, but let's face it, we're still women, aren't we? So, what is the best way in losing pregnancy weight and becoming a sexy mommy in no time?

There are a couple of DON'Ts you can't do in your current situation, because it could be very harmful to your exhausted body.

The first thing is, don't go on a crash diet or even decide to fast. I know it sounds obvious but many women are so frustrated after a while that they decide that they're all better and go on a diet that deprives their bodies on nutrients it needs badly right now, for you AND your baby. Things like low-carb diets or eat-only-this-and-that diets are a big, big no-go.

The second thing you shouldn't do is jumping into more-than light exercising. Until your body is recovered and balanced again, you should stick to light cardio exercises at most.

After about 8 weeks you should be fit enough to increase your work outs. But don't take my word on it. For your exercise program you really should consult a doctor. Just make sure he understands why it's important to you to lose weight right now.

Okay, fine. You have to wait until you can exercise, but what can you do right now that will result in you losing pregnancy weight?

I mentioned that you shouldn't go on some diet, but what you can do is control what you eat. Your baby is born and now you can eat food that will aid your fat loss.

Sit down and create a healthy and balanced meal plan. It will help you kick-start your post-pregnancy weight loss and later you can add in cardio exercises. This is where you will see results very fast and become a sexy mommy.

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There are over four and half million births in the United States each year. And any woman who has gone through the stages of pregnancy and development can attest to the significant changes their bodies make throughout that time. The nine months leading up to the birth of a child is an extremely delicate time emotional, physically, and spiritually and often requires lifestyles changes.

The changes that women undergo include making changes to their diet and the introduction of essential vitamins, minerals, and additional supplements to ensure they receive all the necessary components that help nurture a new life.

In the latest Doctors Showcase call with Drs. Lee Laney (Gastroenterologist), Tonia Farmer (ENT) and Abdul-al (Ob/GYN) they all spoke about the importance of a wrap-around care for pregnancy that can help supplement your doctors' care and help ensure you have a smooth, healthy pregnancy experience. These leading medical professional are part of the growing Ardyss International business team that utilize the products in their independent practices throughout the country.

As doctors they have all been involved in some capacity with pregnant women and have offered medical advice and assistance throughout pregnancy. They have recently decided to explore the importance of how the Ardyss products both nutritional and garments can benefit pregnant women. Dr. Laney has delivered well over 50 children in his career and although his emphasis is in Gastroenterology he has profound insight into the needs of women including the essential products pregnant women should be including in their daily diets.

There are essential vitamins Dr. Laney advocates that all women need pre-pregnancy and throughout that can help make for a much more comfortable maternity experience. He suggestion during pre-pregnancy that women build up on Calcium, Omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, and water-soluble (Vitamins B and C) and fat-soluble(Vitamins A, D, E, K). These will be helpful to the mother prior pregnancy and the health of the fetus and will help with gastro and intestinal problems.

Those supplements can be addressed in the Ardyss nutritional products line by consuming Ardyss Plus, Coral Calcium, Le Vive, Green 29, and Omega 3, 6, 9 supplements, and the delicious Nutrishake for additional protein support. A recent study by a team from University of South Carolina found the women taking the highest dose of Vitamin D were 50 per cent less likely to suffer from problems including premature labour, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes and infections, than those on the lowest dose. Dr Carol Wagner, lead author of the study, said: "The spectacular part of the study was it showed women replete in vitamin D had lower rates of preterm labor and preterm birth, and lower rates of infection."

As a pregnant physician preparing for her third child, Dr. Farmer is aware and attested to the most challenging problem women face during pregnancy-Back Pain. The overall consensus is among medical professionals is to encourage use of a non-restrictive maternity garment which will help alleviate back problems. In addition to the suggestion of getting ample exercise, the benefits of chiropractic care and acupuncture can be used linked to effective treatment for back pain. Because the body is experiencing weight gain and the developing fetus is changing the shape and posture of the body it is vital to have support around the abdominal region and back.

Dr Abdul-al understands the complaints new mothers as a highly respected doctor he often hears the complaints of new mothers and he first line of defense for his patients are the use of Ardyss International's maternity girdles from the second trimester to birth. These garments are medical grade garments designed by an Orthopedic Doctor Lionel Kelly who designed the full product line of Ardyss garments with the intention of overall body support. These particular garments are of particular benefit to pregnant women because they are designed to help alleviate fluid build-up and provide comfortable and support in this areas where women have new contours and additional weight gain.

The Ardyss maternity garments are just being discovered by medical professionals all over the world because of their benefits to patients. You can engage your own physician to seek out more information about these product especially if you wan to use them throughout your pregnancy. The statistics are staggering for low-birth weight and premature babies born in the United States it can be likened to living in a developing country with little to no medical care throughout pregnancy. Even more surprising is how these issues affect African American women regardless of socio-economic status. These issues can be halted by having access to important information and alternative care products.

The Ardyss Doctors Showcase will continue to host webinars on different topics I would encourage anyone interested in learning more to stay connected via email. This article is here to provide information on Ardyss International products to help improve your quality of life. This information presented here does not diagnose or treat any illness, you should always check with your physician before using any new products.

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Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and in a part of traditional Chinese medicine. Many women that are having trouble getting pregnant are turning to acupuncture and holistic methods to help them fall pregnant. If fertility issues are a concern for many men and women, turning to acupuncture and other holistic methods may be the answer that is needed. Will acupuncture and holistic methods help with getting pregnant for you? Find out in this article.

The traditional Chinese medicine practice has been accepted into western practices and continues to spread globally as a way to cure common ailments. Fertility issues are an area that is being helped by acupuncture. The needles used in acupuncture shall not get you pregnant. The needles are used to eradicate the level of negativity in the patient to allow the body to open up and allow conception.

Acupuncture has been found to help men and women struggling with infertility and has helped them conceive. It is usually older women who have decided to try to have a child that are turning to this more and more because of the success rate. Acupuncture in conjunction with other holistic methods such as the addition of certain herbs, lifestyle changes, diet changes, etc, have proven successful with helping with conception and getting pregnant.

For women that have fertility issues resulting from hormone imbalance or blockages in the fallopian tubes, acupuncture and other holistic methods may help with conceiving. Men with low sperm counts that hinder conception are commonly treated with acupuncture. In this case, along with herbs, acupuncture treats the kidney energy levels.

Negativity affects the body in many levels and may lead to various illnesses and diseases such as infertility. Instead of treating the symptoms such as infertility, acupuncture and other holistic methods seek to get to the bottom or root of the problem. Once the root is dealt with and treated, the problem should no longer persist. If only the symptom is treated, the root can continue to produce more and more symptoms which is why traditional medicine does to effectively treat the problem because it only seeks to address the symptoms.

Acupuncture and holistic or natural methods can also be used to create a healthy body. Although there is no guarantee that fertility issues will be cured despite the success rates of acupuncture and holistic remedies, you are guaranteed to become healthier with less stress and anxiety, etc, which may allow traditional infertility treatments to work because your body is in a much healthier place. These traditional methods may include being artificially inseminated, in vitro fertilization, etc.

Even after you conceive, other types of acupuncture can be performed to relieve cravings, back pain and to continue to promote a healthier body to allow the fetus to thrive until delivery. Giving birth may throw your body's energy levels off and an acupuncturist can help you deal with negativity as well as postpartum depression that a lot of women deal with after giving birth so that you can be in a better place to bond with the baby.

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Studies show that 50% of women experience chronic back pain during pregnancy. Aside from this, they experience pain in the pelvic area. Pain disrupts their daily life. It prevents them from carrying out their daily activities. In some cases, severe pain results in incapacity. Women become bedridden in the entire pregnancy duration. Approximately 8% of women have experienced severe disability because of back pain. Therefore, manufacturers of garments have made clothing items to support the body during pregnancy.

The most common maternity garments are belts, girdles, and support bands. Maternity belts are elastic fabrics wrapped around the waist and hips. Maternity belts push belly the upward, easing the weight needed to be carried by the back. There are three types of maternity belts. These are standard pregnancy belt, prenatal cradles, and abdominal support pregnancy belt. Standard pregnancy belt provides moderate support on the abdominal and back area. They are the simplest kind of belly support belt for pregnant women.

Prenatal cradles provide the maximum support on the abdomen and back. A prenatal cradle has a crisscross design on the chest, extending towards the shoulders and back. Side expanders provide a firm support on the waist and back. The support points lift the weight from the pelvic cradle, relieving the back from heavy weight.

Moreover, abdominal support belt functions like prenatal cradles. It provides maximum support on the abdomen and back. It has an abdominal strap that wraps the upper abdomen. This envelops the entire abdominal area, decreasing belly movement during exercise. They are recommended for active pregnant women who love to exercise. Straps of pregnancy belly support belts are fastened by Velcro adhesives.

Pregnant women have distinct needs. The degree of pregnancy back support depends on the heaviness of the abdominal area. Likewise, this depends on one's pregnancy duration. Women need maximum support on the third trimester of pregnancy. The womb is expanding enormously, causing maximum protrusion of the upper and lower abdomen.

Belts for pregnancy belly support lessen back pain during pregnancy. There are support belts that resemble a camisole. This type of abdominal inner wear is a combination of maternity bra, maternity belt, and support band. Now, heavy belly mass is not a problem for pregnant women. Maternity undergarments provide adequate support for a woman's body.

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Why Do Pregnant Women Need Chiropractic Care?

During a pregnancy there are several physiological and endocrinological changes that happen, when preparations are made for the developing baby. Due to these changes, a pregnant woman could suffer from misalignments of the spine or joints that can result in any of the following:

  • Prominent curve of the back

  • Enlarged abdomen

  • Changes in the pelvis

  • Postural changes

A large part of chiropractic care is focused on relieving intrauterine constraints by establishing proper alignment and balance of the pelvis. When the pelvic bone is misaligned it could reduce the room available for the baby, causing unnecessary pressure on the baby as well. Also, a misaligned pelvis could cause difficulties in the delivery process. Breech and posterior positions can interfere with the natural ease of labor and lead to interventions such as C-Sections.

5 Benefits of Receiving Chiropractic Adjustments during Pregnancies:

  1. Counterbalance of the Relaxin Hormone: During a pregnancy a natural hormone called Relaxin is released, which is necessary to be more flexible and malleable. Relaxin helps relax the ligaments and muscles in the body. However, there is a negative side effect to Relaxin. There is a higher possibility of the joints to become misaligned. Therefore, chiropractic adjustments will assist in bringing the joints back in alignment.

  2. Offsets Weight Distribution: As we all are aware women gain weight during their pregnancy and due to the weight gain her posture changes. These postural changes can cause joint stress as well as fatigue on the muscles and ligaments. As the baby grows the uterus expands outwards causing the mothers center of gravity to shift forward. Due to the shift of the center of gravity the mother's biomechanics puts more pressure on the pelvis and the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae. A chiropractic adjustment can be done to offset the movement and pressure.

  3. Prevent Intrauterine Constraint: As mentioned above chiropractic care can help establish proper alignment in the pelvis by relieving intrauterine constraint. Intrauterine constraint occurs when normal movement of the developing fetus is restricted. Problems that can arise from intrauterine constraint are growth defects and long-lasting neuromuscular challenges. Another problem caused from this constraint is it could cause the baby to breech, causing the birthing process more excruciating and unsafe. Chiropractic adjustments can reduce the chances of requiring a C-section and improve the alignment in the pelvis.

  4. Relieves Spinal Subluxation: Spinal Subluxation is when the vertebrae moves out of position putting pressure on the spinal nerve and causing malfunction. This many not seem like that big of a deal but when you consider that the spinal nerve is the highway of your body. Regardless if you are pregnant or not a chiropractic adjustment can reduce and correct spinal subluxation. During a pregnancy, spinal subluxation can add additional stress and pain to the nervous system. A pain-free happy mother is most likely to create a happy healthy child. With this in mind, correcting spinal subluxation is crucial during chiropractic adjustments.

  5. Low Back Pain Relief: The most obvious benefit of receiving chiropractic adjustment during a pregnancy is reducing lower back pain. Many pregnant women have lower back pain due to the shift in their biomechanics and a spinal alignment can help improve the pain.

As you can see chiropractic treatment can be conducted safely throughout a pregnancy. Regular adjustments can offer numerous benefits for the mother and the developing child. Throughout their pregnancy women tend to learn different lifestyle habits that will continue to promote and enhance their wellness potential.

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Getting Pregnant

Getting pregnant and having a baby is something that many of us want. In spite of the fact that we were born with the capacity to bring forth new life, getting pregnant and staying pregnant can be a challenge.

Your Fertility

If you have been trying to conceive for some time, you may have begun to doubt your fertility when yet another menstrual cycle arrives. Perhaps you have already received a diagnosis of Unexplained Infertility or maybe you are engaged in fertility treatment of some sort. In any case, Vibrational Infertility (Morris, 2009) might apply to you.

The Law of Attraction and Fertility

Understanding Vibrational Infertility requires an appreciation of the Law of Attraction and how this operates in our lives. Everything in the universe including thoughts, feeling and babies are vibrations of energy and information. The Law of Attraction explains that like attracts like. Your thoughts and feelings (which make up your vibration) attract experiences that match them.

So for example, when your dominant vibration is one of concern that you won't get pregnant or that you might lose your baby then that is what you are attracting... more worry and reasons to be anxious with regard to pregnancy and fertility.

I discovered with my three miscarriages that thoughts and feelings that seem to be irrelevant to pregnancy and fertility also have a huge influence on whether your pregnancy will be successful or otherwise (because they contribute to your vibrational output).

Vibrational Infertility

From my personal experience and my coaching work with women and couples around their fertility it is clear that many women and men who are having difficulty conceiving a baby have what can be called Vibrational Infertility.

Vibrational Infertility is a term I have coined to illustrate what is really happening when you are having difficulties in getting pregnant and/or staying pregnant. This explains that there is a difference between the vibration you are emitting and the vibration you want to attract (success in fertility). It happens when you are not (yet) a match for success in pregnancy.

This is great news for anybody trying to conceive because your vibration is not static. It can be changed and once you start deliberately shifting your vibration (using a process like the one I write about in my book 'Get Pregnant and Stay Pregnant with the Law of Attraction'), you can bring yourself into alignment with the pregnancy you desire so that it must manifest in your reality.

It worked for me and it can work for you too.

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Vitex agnus-castus, also called chaste berry, is becoming more and more popular with women trying to fall pregnant. But what does it actually do and will it really help?

The key to falling pregnant is having regular menstrual cycles and ovulation. Of course general health and well being also play a part, but for those women whose fertility is due to hormonal imbalances that cause irregular menstrual cycles or ovulation then Vitex has been used for centuries to help correct these problems.

The most common hormonal problem with women is insufficient progesterone during the luteal phase. The luteal phase is the time between ovulation and your period and should be around 14 days long. If your luteal phase is less than 10 days (called a luteal phase defect) then the egg, even if it does get fertilized, doesn't have time to embed into the uterus and is expelled with your period.

Vitex acts by balancing the hormones thus shifting the ratio of estrogen to progesterone. It doesn't actually produce progesterone itself, just helps your body increase its ability to produce more. It is also helpful for reducing high prolactin levels which are also commonly associated with a luteal phase defect.

It has been shown to be especially beneficial for women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) as they often have hormonal irregularities that mean that estrogen, which is dominant in the first half of a women's cycle, continues to dominate in the second half thus not producing enough progesterone to sustain a potential pregnancy.

It is safe to take Vitex throughout your whole cycle until you fall pregnant but many women choose to take it either in the first half or second half of their cycle thinking that this will be more beneficial. However this doesn't allow enough time for the herb to build up in your body and many women give up too soon thinking that the herb is not working for them.

It usually takes at least 3 - 6 months for Vitex or Chaste berry to begin working so if you have just started taking it, continue for at least six months to make sure you get the full benefit.

Vitex can be taken in capsule, tea or tincture form, so talk to your naturopath about which is best for you.

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Some devices for maternity support, such as maternity belts, shoulder supports, and hip belts, may be covered by insurance when recommended or prescribed by a health care professional. It is advised to consult with an obstetrician before purchasing such belts and girdles, as most physicians are more than willing to arrange for insurance reimbursement when possible.

When choosing such devices, make sure that they are of high quality and provide comfort as well as support. They should be made of stretch fabric and have adjustable bands so that they can conform to the belly as it grows, as well as being able to move along with the wearer so as to properly redistribute weight when she walks or otherwise engages in daily activities.

Maternity pillows are available in full body styles as well as in styles that provide maternity support only for the belly and back. The latter are ideal for the first stages of pregnancy, whereas the former are recommended in order to prevent pregnancy pain that is caused by sleeping in uncomfortable positions that create pressure on various parts of the body as the uterus grows.

Maternity support belts and pillows are safe and natural ways of preventing and relieving discomfort during pregnancy. Taking advantage of these natural methods that make pregnancy a more pleasant experience is very highly recommended by experts as well as by women who have successfully used maternity support devices. Some of these devices continue to provide relief and comfort after delivery, as support helps a woman return to her usual level of fitness and health once the baby has been born.

A wide selection of maternity support devices is available from retailers who specialize in pregnancy comfort products, and they make great gifts for yourself or for loved ones.

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The first time I hear someone say that bitters can boost fertility and cure infertility, I thought it was unscientific. I dismissed the folk-remedy philosophy that bitters can make a woman conceive. Not until I started researching the causes of unexplained infertility. Bitters work so well because they boost fertility and combat infertility through different mechanisms. This range from boosting your overall health and toning reproductive organs specifically. Yes, bitters balance the hormones, tones the ovary and makes the ovary release healthy eggs.

The problem with many infertile patients is that they do not associate infertility with 'fertile nutrition.' Good nutrition is the foundation a healthy body. Remember a healthy ovary is to be found in a healthy body. When the ovary is healthy, it produces healthy egg (ovum) and healthy egg produces healthy pregnancy leading to the birth of a healthy baby.

How does bitters boost fertility? Well, bitters tone and tune-up the five pillars of health: mind and mood, ingestion, digestion, circulation, immune system.

Bitters stimulate the bitter receptors at the back of the tongue to shut down the craving for refined sugar. This in turn stimulates the vagus nerve (the 10th cranial nerve) responsible for release of digestive enzymes. Any time your digestion improves, your overall health improves. Note also that sugar is the cause of 250 diseases including causing auto immunity and free radical damage which can retard the reproductive organs including the ovary.

Bitters also helps the detoxification work of the liver and the kidneys. Estrogen is eliminated in the liver which is also responsible for balancing all reproductive hormones. The liver pushes to the kidneys the wastes that are water soluble to be eliminated through the urine. The force of the kidneys rules the reproductive organs according to Chinese medicine. Detoxification also help the body to remove pollution of the antibodies that fight disease and initiate tissue repair and degeneration. This can boost the fertility of the ovaries and eliminate ovarian cysts and premature ovarian failure. Bitters have been known to correct irregular menstruation which is a sign of anovulation and hormonal imbalance.

Once infertility is diagnosed, stress tend to kick in. The body is not designed to handle excessive stress. Mental stress releases stress hormones which cause oxidation, immune depletion, inflammation and fibrosis. Bitters are adaptogens that helps the body cope with stress. Adaptogens tend to tone the the internal organs and bring them back to normal physiological function.

Bitters also eliminate estrogen dominance by eliminating excess estradiol (the bad estrogen) while boosting the level of progesterone and testesterone secretion. Without hormonal balance, the ovary, the immune system and ovulation is thrown off balance, too. In fact hormonal imbalance causes majority of the women fibrosis diseases that has been blamed for unexplained infertility. These include uterine fibroids, anovulation, polycystic ovary disease, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, adenomyosis, irregular periods, and luteal phase defect. Bitters helps eliminate growths or tumors including falopian tube blockade due to adhesions.

Specifically not only does bitters help mature eggs, they also help ovulation and propelling the released eggs to the falopian tube to be fertilized by the advancing spermatozoa. Note that once pregnancy test is positive, bitters are no longer needed.

The bitters that are effective (used in combination of other herbs) are gentian (called bitter root), bitter leaf (common in African-folk medicine), golden seal, dandelion greens and watercress. The Chinese bitters are a form of gentian or bitter root found in Europe.

You take bitters consistently for one month to regularize the menstrual periods and stop if period starts again. Then take for the second month and stop if pregnancy occurs. By then it is no longer necessary. If there is no pregnancy, take after your period is over for six days and stop just before ovulation starts. Continue the cycle if there is no pregnancy. It takes an average of two months to get pregnant with bitters.

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If you're looking for some information on what you should or shouldn't do during pregnancy, then this short article could probably help you. Here, we're going to talk about three things which are commonly related to pregnancy. First, we will talk about the importance of having a good diet. Next, we're going to discuss about some activities that a pregnant woman can do to fill her extra time. The last thing we're going to talk about is some types of clothing which you can wear that can compliment your appearance.

First, let's talk about a proper diet which can improve both of you and your baby's overall health. The types of food you consume should contain 2 or more of these certain nutrients such as iron, folic acid, fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, protein, calcium, and magnesium. An example of such food is orange juice, yogurt, and broccoli. You also need to avoid cigarette, alcohol, excess caffeine, and raw seafood. If you can, instead of eating three times a day, try to split your meals into five or six smaller meals a day. This will make your metabolism works faster and you will burn calories more efficiently. On top of that, to help your body absorbs food more quickly and avoids dehydration you need to drink a lot of mineral water.

Next, let's talk about some activities you can do to occupy your free time. I believe there are lots of fitness program you can follow. Try to look for free exercise training on television; they usually air it in the morning. If you can afford it, you can hire a good yoga instructor to come to your house and teach you basic technique and movement on yoga meditation. Another thing you can do is choosing a name for your baby. Think and discuss it with your husband. Try to pick names which have a good meaning behind it. Besides picking names you can also try other activity that doesn't involve much physical movement, such as learning a new recipe and how to cook a new gourmet. Another interesting routine activity that you can do is writing a journal during your pregnancy and maybe adds some photos on it to track your progress.

Finally, let's talk about your maternity clothing that suits you during pregnancy. You should consider whether you really need to get a new set of clothes or not. If you're a working wife, then you probably need to get some new set of maternity clothing because you will be going out more often compared to a house wife.

These are some information and activities you should consider during your pregnancy. Create a proper diet which you can easily follow, make yourself busy by doing some fun activities which can help you feel better, and try some new set of clothes if you want to. Keep these in minds, and you'll be able to easily endure your hard times until you see your new born baby.

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Expecting a baby is an exciting time in someone's life, but pregnancy can also be uncomfortable as well as cause back pain and sleeping problems.

Some sleeping problems associated with pregnancy are due to just having to sleep in an unfamiliar position. Doctors now recommend pregnant women sleep on their left sides to ensure proper oxygenation of the fetus. If you're a back sleeper this can cause major issues when trying to find a comfortable position.

Expectant mothers have tried many methods to find a comfortable side sleeping position most of the time using multiple pillows to support them and their growing bellies. The problem with the multiple pillow theory is the unfortunate reality that pillows slide and won't stay in the proper place to give you support.

Pregnancy pillows solve that problem. For many a maternity or pregnancy pillow is a great choice to support and cradle them comfortably in a side sleeping position during their pregnancy.

Pregnancy pillows come in many shapes, many shaped as full body pillows in a "J" shape or "C" shape. They also can be wedges or doughnuts. These pillows also help reduce the aches and pains associated with pregnancy.

Pregnant women have more aches and pains as the pregnancy progresses. More weight and pressure are put on the lower back and pelvic area sometimes causing anything from back pain to leg aches. These annoying aches and pains make it hard to rest comfortably without the proper support.

A maternity pillow can help alleviate the leg aches and back aches associated with the added weight of pregnancy and the increased pressure on the back and pelvis. They are a great gift for a baby shower as well, later stages of pregnancy increase the aches and an expectant mother will appreciate the gift of a pregnancy pillow in their last few months and weeks of pregnancy.

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Pregnancy is a very demanding and stressful time for any women. There are a whole range of new physical and emotional challenges that in many cases are difficult to cope with. One of those challenges is having a skin condition called eczema. Although, eczema can appear at any time it can be quite common during pregnancy as many of the conditions that can trigger eczema such as stress, dry skin or diet deficiency can result when a woman is pregnant.

Eczema is a skin condition that causes dry, red itchy rashes on the skin. The itchiness of the rash can become so intense that the sufferer can no longer resist scratching the rash. This can lead to the rash becoming cracked and infected. The condition can disappear soon after pregnancy however, in certain chronic cases the condition can continue. At the moment there is no cure for eczema however, it can be controlled with the proper treatment. Obviously, great care has to be taken when treating pregnant women with eczema as certain treatments can have side effects.

With a pregnant woman a doctor will have to determine the appropriate treatment that can alleviate the discomfort of eczema during each trimester. This will require a delicate understanding on the part of the doctor to ensure the pregnant woman is not given added stress. The process can begin by trying to identify the possible triggers that caused the eczema. By identifying and assessing the triggers the doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The doctor can try a number of different tests to identify the triggers. A common one is a skin test where a number of different chemical substances are applied to the skin. This is to determine if there is any allergic reaction. If there is an allergic reaction the doctor can determine if it was caused by a reaction to a certain chemical contained in a baby product or a specific food ingredient such as wheat. The doctor can advise the woman to avoid using certain skin products or change specific foods in her diet.

Further treatment can involve mild creams that can soothe the symptoms of eczema. It is important to prevent the skin from becoming dry and creams that contain B12 applied after washing should help. It is also important to keep the skin moisturised and this can be helped by drinking water or natural juices throughout the day.

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Nausea, vomiting, and a heightened sense of smell, are all symptoms of morning sickness in pregnant women. Though morning sickness is the general term used to describe all these symptoms, in actuality the "sickness" can happen at any time of day or night. For most women, morning sickness usually starts around the 4th week of pregnancy and tapers off around the 12th week, or after the first trimester. There are several different ways to find relief from those queasy feelings, but the most fun and tasty way to do this is to suck on pregnancy pops.

Pregnancy pops are lollipops made with all natural ingredients and are a drug free way to help ease morning sickness. There are several different brands of these sweet treats, but the most well known are Preggie Pops by a company called Three Lollies, LLC. Being in the health field, the founders saw how nausea could create such a negative impact on people's lives and upon doing some research, found that many women wanted a more natural ways of dealing with symptoms. The product they came up with was Preggie Pops and they have received great feedback from both health care professionals and their patients.

Preggie Pops come in several different boxes, each containing seven lollipops. The flavors in each pack are as follows:

  • Variety Pack - Peppermint, Spearmint, Lavender, Ginger, Sour Lemon, Sour Tangerine, Sour Raspberry

  • Sour Fruits - Sour Lemon, Sour Tangerine, Sour Raspberry

  • Natural Ginger

  • Natural Mint - Peppermint, Spearmint

It is highly recommended that first time buyers, get the Variety Pack as it allows you to sample each flavor to decide which one works best for your symptoms.

You may be wondering how such a seemingly simple product can help with morning sickness. The answer is in the high quality ingredients used in the lollipops. They are designed to soothe the stomach, alter negative taste sensations, and they smell good which may help those with a heightened sense of smell that may be contributing to morning sickness. Ingredients like mint, lavender, and ginger have been used throughout history to help digestion and ease stomach distress. A lot of women also find that sour flavors help to ease nausea.

All the hormonal activity during pregnancy as well as the need to eat more can cause low blood sugar in pregnant women. Sucking on pregnancy pops can help with this symptom as well, because the natural sugars used in the lollipops are slowly delivered to the system.

Many women have found relief from morning sickness with pregnancy pops, but as with anything, what may work for one person may not work for another. If morning sickness continues to plague you or if in doubt, please do not hesitate to consult your healthcare professional. For many pregnant women, pregnancy pops may be the answer and it just goes to show that lollipops aren't just for kids!

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Many expectant moms ask "how can I have a healthy pregnancy?". This is not a surprise to anyone as being healthy before, during and after pregnancy is very important for both mom and baby. Fitness is a significant factor in being healthy and there are a wide range of resources you can take advantage of to get fit, including everything from pregnancy exercise videos and DVDs to individually tailored exercise programs.

Being pregnant is such a wonderful time for you isn't it? But it's not without potential complications, not to mention a few side effects. And so, while you are pregnant you must follow your doctor's or your family's health care provider's recommendations about getting enough sleep, managing stress, eating the right kinds of food in the right quantities, and keeping fit.

And it goes without saying you should avoid things that may be harmful for you and your baby such as alcohol, cigarettes and illegal drugs. Caffeine is a stimulant, not good for your developing baby so it's time to cut back on your favourite cuppa or other caffeine rich drinks.

Exercise to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

OK I hear you, "I'm pregnant I have this extra weight to carry around, cope with morning sickness, mood swings and YOU want me to exercise!"

Yes, but not me exactly, you need to want to do exercise to help you have a healthy pregnancy. We are not talking about running a marathon, just a few pregnancy-friendly exercises.

Pregnancy-Friendly exercises, what are they? Well just click the link in the resource box below to find out more.

Sure you can get a pregnancy fitness video or DVD, just make sure they are right for you. Mothers are all different; your pregnancy is personal to you so make sure that whatever exercise program you choose is appropriate for your present condition. The important thing is that you are safe, comfortable and healthy with the program instead of comparing yourself to others.

I cannot emphasis this enough; you MUST consult your Doctor or your family's health care provider BEFORE you begin ANY exercise program, only they will know enough about you and your pregnancy to give you the right professional advice.

Benefits of a Well-Structured Exercise Program

If you get the OK from your Doctor then you would be better off with a well-structured exercise program that has varying intensity levels so you can tailor it to your personal needs. We emphasize a well-structured exercise program, because of the many benefits it can bring. For one thing, your body will be healthier all throughout your pregnancy. And the benefit is that you can experience less of the discomforts, aches and pains, the adverse side effects of pregnancy, an easier delivery and regain your figure more quickly.

If you are fitter you will enjoy a boost in your self-confidence. Exercise makes you feel better in yourself, not to mention that exercise releases endorphins - the happy hormones - in your body. Indeed, exercise makes for a healthy pregnancy.

Finding an Appropriate Exercise Program

So where do you find a well-structured exercise program that your doctor will approve of? You could try pregnancy fitness videos or DVDs just make sure they include warm up and cool down sessions and have a range of intensities or get a well-structured exercise program tailored for you.

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Indigestion during pregnancy is unfortunately a very common, normal, and annoying condition. Because of the delicate situation that your unborn child is in, there are few medications that you will be permitted to use when indigestion pain strikes. And, unlike common indigestion problems in those who are not pregnant, indigestion during pregnancy can be brought on by almost any type of food at any time of day. This unpredictability makes prevention a very difficult goal to reach, but there are ways that we can make it a bit easier on ourselves. The following are a few safe and effective methods that you can use to prevent and curb the symptoms of indigestion.

Indigestion during pregnancy is brought on by two different issues, the first being the added weight and pressure that the growing womb places on the internal organs, including the stomach and intestines. With space dwindling within the abdomen, the stomach becomes more squeezed and therefore sensitive. Also, there is sometimes an abundance of stomach acids created by the hormonal changes during gestation, and this can add to the possibility and the severity of indigestion during pregnancy. Smaller meals that are more bland will need to be chosen over large, spicy dishes, and you will need to eat 5 or 6 times each day rather than 3 or 4. Also, avoid eating anything aside from crackers or bread within 2 hours of bedtime.

When indigestion during pregnancy does occur, there are ways that you can help it to subside more quickly. Keeping in minds that baking soda and antacids are not an option for you at this time, you will want to keep a few special spice remedies at hand and on the ready. These will include cinnamon, peppermint, and cumin. Also, having a few fresh lemons laying around is never a bad ides. With your cinnamon or with a touch of peppermint leaf, steep a relaxing tea that you can drink after each meal or snack, and again if the pain of indigestion begins. The same can be done with your fresh lemon squeezed into hot water. These brews will be best consumed while you move around and stay mobile. You don't have to move fast, but the walking will help to push the gases up to the top of your stomach and out, relieving pressure, bloating, pain, and burning.

If you are having extreme indigestion during pregnancy, you can try to eat some bread or crackers, and possibly sip on some warm milk to help absorb and cut the acids which are hurting you. Remember to remain upright for up to 30 minutes after the pain subsides if you aren't too tired, as this will keep the pain from recurring.

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Motherhood brings in lot of responsibilities towards yourself and the unborn. Your responsibilities start from the day you get pregnant. The article congregates few tips for taking special care during this special period of your life:

  • Regular exercise, even walk during pregnancy can benefit a pregnant woman. The discomfort and fatigue can be combated. If you do a permissible amount exercise during pregnancy, the labor is much easier and recovery is faster too.

  • Don't keep your stomach empty. Keep some crackers with you and eat some of it as you wake up. This will take over morning sickness.

  • Take a shower with warm water during labor to relax your body.

  • Eat several small meals each day but avoid rich, spicy, acidic and fried foods. They may cause heartburn.

  • Drink lots of liquids to prevent dehydration during labor. Drink at least 8 - 10 glasses of water each day but special care should be taken in summer pregnancy.

  • When a woman is going through labor pain, gently rubbing the back will relax her and feel good to making contractions more effective.

  • Not many times have it been taken care of. Don't ever change a cat's litter box when pregnant as it can contain toxoplasmosis that can cause birth defects.

  • Walking in between contractions facilitate easy labor.

  • Regular popping a prenatal multi-vitamin supplement along with dinner checks nausea.

  • Pregnancy makes you more sensitive to odors, strong fragrances and sudden motion, etc.

  • The body needs to be more relaxed during pregnancy so take enough rest! You feel sleepy and drowsy all the time. If you are working, short naps of few minutes or half an hour during the day at regular interval help you fight fatigue.

  • Diet is very important this time. Mother should take a healthy diet for she is also providing nutrition to the unborn.

  • It is important that the women must be active throughout their pregnancy, so that she can soon regain muscle tone and lose weight after childbirth.

  • Laying on left side, drinking lots of water and reduced intake of salt will avoid high blood pressure during pregnancy.

  • Usually the pregnant women's feet and legs swells. So walk often and sit with your feet up supporting them on a stool.

  • Cramps in feet are common problem so to reduce cramping place pillows under your knees and feet while you are sleeping.

  • Wearing seat belts while driving or traveling by car is must. Care should be taken while wearing it. The bottom strap of belt should be worn across your hips instead of your abdomen.

  • Add an additional 300 calories to your food when you are pregnant, or even more while exercising.

  • Getting pregnant does not end up your sex life.....though your sexual desire may reduce. Until and unless your doctor does not cautious about any risk in pregnancy, you can enjoy your sex life.

  • Always take utmost care before taking any medication or medicine. Consult and check with your gynecologist if they are safe for you.

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Are you trying to get pregnant? For some women this can be a difficult journey. At times it can even become frustrating. Trust me the last thing you want to do is get really stressed out as this will not help your cause.

To begin with - that bundle of joy that you want to have so desperately is going to need a good home for nine months. So your first goal is to take care of yourself. Good health is imperative. Let's start with the obvious and work our way down.

In terms of diet you will want to start eating good healthy fresh foods. I call these foods living foods. Eat lots of good fruit and vegetables. Prepare and eat fruit first thing in the morning. When you are preparing meals and cutting vegetables up, put a plate aside for yourself and put some of your raw cut veggies on it.

This way you can nibble on some raw food as you prepare dinner. Eat lots of leafy greens. Cut out caffeine and alcohol. By no means do any drugs. Drink lots of water maybe eight glasses a day. Get in some exercise even if it is just a brisk walk for 30 minutes.

Add vitamins especially B9 and increase your intake of folic acid. In your vaginal area do not use any lubricants during sex as this can kill of sperm. In terms of sexual positions missionary is deemed to be the most effective.

After sex relax. Try and pop your hips up. This can help the sperm on its trip to the egg. Don't just jump out of bed lie there for at least five minutes.

Always engage in sex before ovulation not after. In terms of predicting ovulation you can use an ovulation predictor kit. Secondly you can monitor your body temperature. You will notice a rise in temperature of about .4 degrees during ovulation.

In terms of cervical fluid when you are most fertile your cervical fluid will look like raw egg whites. If you're comfortable with your own body you can check this throughout the month.

Last but not least if all else fails you will need to consult with a doctor.

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The first week sign of pregnancy ticks the alarm that you have started blooming a new life inside you. The pregnancy symptoms are not so visible in the first week of pregnancy. Both your physical and mental health undergoes certain changes after you become pregnant. Make a note of all these changes that start surfacing as early pregnancy symptoms within a couple days from conceiving. Onset of these symptoms at the first week of pregnancy marks implantation of fetus in the uterus and gradual development of it in your body. Drastic hormonal changes take place during this phase to support growth of the baby and the symptoms are just your body's reaction to these changes. Hence, take care of your body and monitor each first week sign of pregnancy and add to your pregnancy journal to create a week by week pregnancy calendar till the end of nine months course of pregnancy. Pregnancy journals or calendars help women to observe if they are making healthy progress towards childbirth.

How To Determine First Week Of Pregnancy

Now many women wonder how to calculate their pregnancy. Which is the first day of their nine months course of pregnancy? Usually, the first day of the last menstrual period commences the nine months duration of pregnancy. That means the day on which the last normal menstrual period ends is the day when you have become pregnant.

Usually, the ovulation is a thirty-day period and during this time, egg from ovary travels gets into fallopian tube where it is fertilized by a sperm and then descends to uterus for getting developed. The period when the fertilized egg gets into the inner lining of the uterus is considered the first week of pregnancy. Implantation of the fertilized egg at the inner lining of the uterus can be perceivable by slight bleeding and other symptoms. Take care to notice each first week sign of pregnancy for the right calculation of the pregnancy period and to be prepared for the childbirth, gradually.

First Week Pregnancy Symptoms

Following are the most probable changes pregnant women are supposed to undergo at the first week of pregnancy -

  • When you are suddenly experiencing a degree of enhanced exhaustion even If you are a full-fledged healthy, active workingwoman, you should take it seriously. Women many tend to feel a heightened level of exhaustion and may even faint due to low blood pressure.

  • Feeling nausea in the morning or throughout the day is a prevalent first week sign of pregnancy. Often your stomach may prone to feel queasy and feel aversion to foods.

  • Frequent urination is another first week sign of pregnancy. If you are expecting pregnancy, you may rush to bathroom more frequently than ever. Enlarging of your uterus to accommodate growth of the fetus inside it pushes your bladder and cause frequent urination.

  • Implantation bleeding is a significant first week sign of pregnancy. Because this bleeding results from implanting of egg in the uterus, it is termed as implantation bleeding. This light bleeding may accompany slight abdominal cramping.

  • Your breasts will show significant changes such as varicose veins, getting larger, more tender, sore and sensitive.

  • You will undergo dramatic mood swings and depression, anxiety, sudden onset of joy etc. This drastic transition of mood is an outcome of hormonal changes.

  • Gas is an embarrassing first week sign of pregnancy. However, you can reduce such discomforts by enriching your meals with adequate fibers and cutting down on spices. Constipation can accompany this gas symptom of pregnancy.
  • To reduce discomforts of first week sign of pregnancy, consume proper diet containing vitamin, mineral and folic acid as per charted by your doctor.

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    There are several ways in which a woman takes care of herself (or, neglects to) that can minimize the inherent dangers of pregnancy or, increase the dangers. Of course, when a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she needs to do the best that she can in order to take care of her body (as well as her unborn baby) in preparation to carry a child to full term.

    A couple generations ago, there was no accurate way to positively determine if a woman was pregnant. A couple of missed periods would seem to indicate conception but many times it was not a clear indicator, as there are other reasons for missed periods. Today with the fairly accurate tests that can be administered at home, a woman has the opportunity to adopt a healthier lifestyle much earlier in the pregnancy -which is good for baby.

    By consulting early on with a physician to ensure that she is on a proper diet, is exercising, is consuming vitamins and does not smoke, drink or partake in any substance abuse, a woman can help eliminate, or at least control, some of these risks that could make her pregnancy more difficult. Proper care by a physician throughout pregnancy should include, as a minimum, regular check-ups as the pregnancy progresses.

    Being in close communication with a physician will help to catch any anomalies early and will ensure the highest success rate in dealing with them. If a woman has had a difficult time in becoming pregnant before or has had issues with her reproductive system in the past, she may find it very hard to conceive. This could not only impact the process of conception but also hinder the ability of carrying a fetus to full term.

    Throughout pregnancy, a woman must be fully aware of two very common issues that can complicate pregnancies: hypertension (high blood pressure) and blood sugar in case of gestational diabetes. These two problems are very common in pregnancies and will be monitored closely early on in pregnancy to note changes. It will help if a pregnant woman improves her diet to eliminate any potential dangers she may have when carrying her child. Additives found in many processed foods are deemed unhealthy whether you are pregnant or not. Many women rightly do not wish to subject their developing unborn child to the dangers posed by these adulterated food-like substances.

    Becoming pregnant at either a very early age or at a later age in life can also contribute to complications during pregnancy. At a young age, a pregnant girl's body may not quite be fully developed to carry a baby. Additionally, at an older age, it will not only become more difficult to become pregnant (as women approach menopause) but there are higher risks involved that could result in a baby born with health issues or a condition of some sort.

    Regardless of the dangers involved, as long as a woman does the best she can to stay fit and healthy, stays on a nutritious diet (preferably organic with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables) she is doing all she can do to protect her unborn child. Nature will take its course.

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