目前分類:maternity insurance (461)

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The birth of a child should be a time of enjoyment and celebration, one that should not be interrupted with unpleasant surprises regarding the payment of medical bills. Maternity insurance with excellent benefits will go a long way towards helping with the financial aspects of preparing for baby. If at all possible, it's a wonderful idea to have maternity health insurance coverage in place before the test results come back positive.

You may say at this point that you are on a group plan at work, so there should not be any problems. That's super, but I would encourage you to dig the policy out of the filing cabinet and take a look to see to what degree pregnancy is covered under your plan just to be safe. If the phrasing and terminology contained in your policy has your mind spinning, have the insurance clerk at your place of employment go over the portion of the policy that deals with pregnancy and explain it to you in words that you can understand.


Before choosing a provider, check the names of in network providers listed in the latest directory provided by your insurance company. There are big benefits in choosing a doctor and hospital that are in the network. If there is a network provider that you feel will work for you, the portion of the medical bills that you have to pay out of your pocket may be substantially less than if you choose an out of network provider.

Make certain that the directory of providers is up to date because doctors and hospitals are constantly being picked up by and dropped from insurance lists all the time. As a final precaution, when you decide on a hospital and provider, call each one as well as your insurance company and verify that they are in-network and that they will accept your insurance.

Another helpful bit of information that you may want to document is the date that your chosen provider's contract expires with your insurance company. The insurance clerk at the doctor's office or hospital may not have these dates in her files, but don't let this stop you from getting the facts. To get this vital information, a phone call to your insurance company may be necessary.

Compare the contract expiration dates that your insurance company provides to you with your baby's expected delivery date. If the contract date of expiration falls before your due date, this is an indication that you may need to explore other service providers in the network because there is no guarantee that this provider's contract will be renewed. It would be an unwelcome financial surprise to start out with an in-network provider only to find yourself out of network when it counts the most!

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Understand your insurance policy terms and hidden rules before choosing a hospital for an upcoming medical need. If your circumstances dictate the need for an out of network hospital understand the practices behind usual customary and reasonable charges - or you may find yourself in the poor house.

I recently underwent a surgery that required a five night hospital stay. The final bill from the hospital sheds light on an often misunderstood and potentially crippling aspect of medical billing: usual customary and reasonable charges. If you are considering being treated at an out of network hospital, make sure you understand your possible financial obligations.

Many insurance plans provide in network and out of network reimbursement. The typical plan pays a higher percentage of charges for in network hospitals, and a lower reimbursement percentage for out of network providers. What many people fail to realize is that reimbursement levels are based upon usual customary and reasonable charges. If your hospital bills you above these standard rates you may be left with a big problem.

My surgery was performed at an in network hospital, and my insurance paid 100% of the "allowed charges", after I made a daily co payment. The total hospital charges were $61,000, while the allowed charges were only $13,000. The hospital credited a $48,000 contractual adjustment - that's a 78% discount off the retail cost!

When you use out of network providers you lose cost containment: the contractual rate. If this hospital was out of network my insurance would have paid 80% of the allowed charges - or $10,400 leaving me with an unpaid hospital bill of over $50,000. The contractual rate is equivalent to usual customary and reasonable fees and medical providers are free to charge and collect on any differences. In many cases the difference can blow your mind and your budget.

For many, an out of network hospital may be the best option for a healthy outcome. Make sure you know the real cost before making your choice. Hospital indemnity insurance can help as well, and long as your coverage begins before you need it.

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As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist. We have spent most of the time in this series discussing the conventional and Chinese medicine in treating fertility. I believe, it is the best time to change the subject by discussing how to treat infertility with Chinese herbs--astragalus.

I. Definition
Astragalus is a small shrub that belongs to the legume family Fabaceae and native to the Northern Hemisphere.It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to invigorate vital energy.

II. How astragalus affects fertility
1. Immune system
Studyshows that astragalus helps to improve its immunostimulant effects, resulting in lessening the risk of infection and inflammation caused by invasion of bacteria and virus and leading to immune system to attack the body tissues, including sperm

2. Adaptogenic effects
It is also confirmed to be an adaptogenic herb that helps to increase our body in adapting to the change of the environment including toxic chemicals, resulting in lessening the risk of nervous tension, leading emotional and physical stress and anxiety.

3. Diuretic effects
It also helps to maintain the right levels of fluid in body by secreting extra fluid through urinary secretion, thus reducing symptoms of water retention as well as improving kidney yin and yang that enhances the chance of fertility.

4. Qi balancing
It is said that Astragalus helps to re balancing the qi in the body, thereby decreasing the risks of qi stagnation in the reproductive organs, causing low sperm count in men.

5. Cell regulating
It not only helps to regulate the normal cells growth in the body, but also enhances the particle ingestion capacity of white blood cells, leading to improving response in treating cancer patients according study from 1980s, researchers in Houston, Texas.

III. Side effects
There is no known side effect, if not over dose.

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United Healthcare through their subsidiary Golden Rule is a carrier offering affordable health insurance rates in much of the United Sates. Recently UHC added several new benefit options to their individual and family plans including preventive care, dental coverage, term life, as well as more deductible, coinsurance, and copay choices.

Comprehensive Coverage Options

Consumers who wish to purchase comprehensive health insurance coverage should consider the Copay Select, Plan 100, and HSA 100. The Copay Select offers preventive care, prescription drug coverage, and either a $25 or $35 doctor's office copay - all of which are not subject to the deductible. The HSA 100 is a health savings account qualified plan offering preventive care that will cover medical expenses at 100% after the deductible has been met. The Plan 100 works much like the HSA 100 except that it does not offer a tax qualified health savings account and more than one deductible must be met before families are covered as a whole.

High Deductible Catastrophic Coverage

Consumers who want catastrophic, lower premium health insurance plans will find an abundant selection with UHC. The HSA 80, Plan 80, Saver 80, and the Copay Saver all offer comprehensive medical coverage at an affordable price. These types of plans will offer higher deductibles as well as 20% coinsurance (usually up to $10,000) after the deductible has been met. No frills coverage like this may not offer much in the way of first dollar benefits like prescription drug coverage and doctor's office co-pays, but the trade off is low cost insurance that will cover larger medical claims.

Available Benefit Options

All plans with UHC offer several riders that can be purchased at an additional cost. Riders include a lifetime maximum of 5 million as oppose to 3 million, a 24 month rate guarantee, supplemental accident coverage, term life insurance, maternity coverage, increased prescription drug coverage, and many states offer two dental plans to choose from.

Competitive Niche for the Shopper

UHC polices are competitive in many age groups including individual and family policies. Clients enjoy their large nationwide network and affordable rates. Underwriting is not accept/decline as with some other carriers, rather the insurance company might not include coverage for certain preexisting conditions like back disorders, severe asthma, allergies, etc. Oftentimes this means consumers can purchase health insurance with riders through United Healthcare when they have been declined elsewhere.

In summary, UHC offers several plans with different coinsurance and deductible options for prospective insureds. Affordability, network strength, and underwriting options are their most attractive features. As with all insurance, it is important to read the brochure and/or policy provisions for possible exclusions.

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The first thing to go for when you're strapped for cash and running a family is to make the most of any benefits available to you.

瞿190 Health in Pregnancy grant (HiP)

This is a lovely one-off payment of 瞿190 that goes to any pregnant woman who is at least 25 weeks pregnant. The idea of it is that you use the money to buy healthy food to keep yourself strong during pregnancy but you can spend it on other things if you prefer. In order to get it you also need to have been given health advice from a midwife or doctor to help you and your unborn baby stay healthy during pregnancy. Usually pregnant women find out about it through their midwife, but if you haven't heard about it yet you can get information from the Direct.gov.uk website under Money Tax and Benefits then click on Benefits Tax Credits and Other Support including how to get a claim form if your midwife or doctor hasn't already given you one.

瞿500 Sure Start maternity grant

If you are receiving income-related benefits or tax credits you will qualify for a maternity grant worth 瞿500. This one-off payment is yours to keep, so you won't have to pay it back and it is designed to help you buy all the items needed for your new baby.

You can apply for a Sure Start Maternity Grant by completing claim pack SF100 (Sure Start). To get a claim pack, contact JobCentre Plus or you can download a copy from the Department of Work and Pensions website. You can apply from 11 weeks before the week the baby is due until three months after the birth. You should return your completed claim pack to JobCentre Plus.

瞿20 per week in Child Benefit

Next there's making sure you are set up and ready to claim your Child Benefit, which is worth 瞿20.00 per week for your first child and 瞿13.20 for each younger child. You will get Child Benefit if you are responsible for a child, and satisfy certain other criteria.

Child Benefit can be paid into any bank, building society, or National Savings & Investments (NS&I) account that accepts Direct Payment. It's usually paid every four weeks, but it can be paid weekly if you are getting Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, income related Employment and Support Allowance or if you are a single parent.

Remember that even if you don't need this lovely cash bonus each week, you could use it to invest for your children. In fact it would be a great thing to add to their Child Trust Fund

Check it all out at your local benefits office or find out more on the HMRC website.

瞿2,845 a year in Child Tax Credit

You should also see if you're entitled to child tax credits by visiting the HMRC website. These depend on your annual income and are composed of two parts:

• The first is the 'family element', worth up to 瞿545 per year and is paid to any family with at least one child.

• The other is the 'child element', worth up to 瞿2,300 from April 2010, which is paid to each child in the family.

See the rates and allowances here on the HMRC website under 'taxcredits'. If you have a child under one, you will get a little extra (the 'baby element') which stops once the child reaches one year old.

The good thing is that you don't need to have a very low income to get some help so there's a very good chance you'll get something. Do claim as soon as you are able to because amounts can only be backdated for up to three months. Payments will go directly into your account. If you need more help you can call the Tax Credit Helpline on 0845 300 3900.

National Insurance credits

Don't forget that while you are off work to look after your little one you will get National Insurance Credits which will count towards your State Pension. From this April you will only need 30 years of National Insurance credits to qualify for the full State Pension.

Other benefits

Unfortunately, Britain's benefits system can be quite complicated - so much so that many people are unaware of some of the benefits they are legally entitled to. In fact, more than 瞿8 billion-worth of benefits and tax credits go unclaimed each year. Help is at hand though, in the form of the website Entitledto. This government website automatically works out whether you're eligible for any benefits. All you have to do is enter some details (such as how much you earn, your council tax rate, any savings you have) and see what you could have.

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Women who are pregnant at an older age are not the one that is on the risk for genetic complications. Women are not the only one that causes the risk but the father to-be as well. Like it is say, it takes two to tango and this can be applied to the risk of the complication. Thus, some believed that issues on older dads should be analyzed and observed too. Although there is no specific age for men, many suggested the age of 45 or 50 as the 'end point' of having children. While others stated it should be 35 similar to women.

The genetic risk given to the baby by men and women are different. Women might give the baby a chromosomal abnormality while men might give the child an autosomal dominant disorder, neurofibromatosis or even dwarfism. It is a copy of abnormal gene that causes this. This is known as spontaneous gene mutations that are contained in sperm. However problems like cystic fibrosis and sickle-cell anemia occurs when there are two copies of the abnormal genes. This is known as a recessive genetic disorder. Although there are possibilities of different diseases, autosomal dominant disorder is very rare. There is no test available to screen for it. That is why the limit age for a man to be a father is unknown.

On the opposite side of being young, teenage mothers also faces problems with their pregnancy. The percentage of teenager getting pregnant today is high. Although their babies will have less risk in chromosomal abnormalities, they are on a higher risk for birth deformity. This is due to majority of teenagers do not eat proper food that contains nutrients when they are pregnant. This will cause the baby to be underweight.

Other than that, preeclampsia is one of the conditions that teenage mothers go through. Thus, it is impossible for natural birth in this situation. With little education about pregnancy, teenager mothers are less likely to breastfeed their child. That is why teenage mothers need some guidance, help and go for group discussion to help them with their pregnancy. If you or anyone you know is a teenage mother, find sources to help you by eating healthy and knowing the benefits of breastfeeding.

From this short write-up alone, it should be clear that there could be problems when men are much younger than their wife and vice versa. So, when it comes time to find a soul mate, this may be something worth pondering to help you make informed decisions about your life.

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I. What is a raw food diet?

The raw food diet is defined as a type of diet of which at least 75% of the daily diet must be unprocessed and uncooked foods or foods can not be heating above 115 degree of Fahrenheit or 40 °C , including fresh fruit and vegetables and raw meats. It believes that the more raw food in your diet, the more healthy you are. While there are many benefits for people eating raw, such as increasing energy for our daily activity, improving skin appearance, assisting digestive process, stability weight loss with no risk of weight re-gaining, reducing the risk of heart and chronic diseases, because the diet contains high in trace minerals, essential vitamins, fiber and phytochemicals and less harmful substances, such as trans fat, saturated fat and salt, but it interferes with the natural process of human being over thousand years of eating cooked foods, such as smaller jaws and teeth , shrinking stomachs have shrunk, and longer small intestines and lengthening the digestive surface area.

Some alternative medicine, such as Ayurveda, and traditional Chinese medicine suggested that a raw-only diet may not be appropriate for people living in colder climates, because in order to fight off the constant cold or Prolong periods of eating raw foods deplete the yang qi in the body. Since most raw foods eaten in typical American raw food diet are cold, they will decrease the yang qi even further, leading to colding affects in our body, resulting in certain kinds of diseases, including blood stagnation and kidney yang deficiency, causing infertility in some severe cases.

II. What is Fertility and Infertility and the explained causes of infertility

A. Fertility

Fertility is a natural process to insure the survival of human species. Through natural selection, we produce many offspring when the reproductive system works at it's peak in a suitable environment with plenty foods around. On the other hand, the reductive system may completely shut down or work at its minimum state and we produce less offspring, when the environment is hostile including less foods around, war, epidemic, etc. but regardless any situation. most women are capable to conceive sometimes before menopause.

B. Infertility

Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It affects over 5 million couples alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of an unawareness of treatments, only 10% seek help from professional specialists. In fact, about 35% of infertility is caused by the male's inability to fertilize. 35% is caused by the female's inability to conceive, 10% attributes to both, and 10 % is considered a failure with an unknown cause.

C. The unexplained causes of infertility

The Unexplained cause of infertility is defined as a condition of a healthy couple who have found no reproductive structure or medical problems, but for whatever reason, the female partner is unable to get pregnant, and modern technologies and doctors in conventional medicine fail to find the causes of infertility.

According to conventional medicine, a couple are diagnosed with explained causes of infertility can have children by going through the process of artificial insemination or other options such as adoption, or subrogation. Some women may seek help from traditional medicine, because of cost effectiveness or believing that traditional medicine can offer a more natural birth.

III. Before proceeding further, let us take a look of:

What is a menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle begins when the level of estrogen starts to rise. At certain point, the brain stimulates hypothalamus to produce Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (FSH) which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland to produce the Follicle stimulating hormone, leading to initiating the growth and recruitment of immature Ovarian follicles in the ovary. At its peak, the pituitary gland switch to produce luteinizing hormone (LH), the FSH starts to decline which stimulates the mature of follicle and the production of estradiol and thicken of the uterus lining as well as promoting friendly cervical mucus, triggering ovulation, resulting in extruding egg from the ovary into the Fallopian tube and initiating the conversion of the residual follicle into a corpus luteum. The corpus luteum in turn produces progesterone in preparing the uterus lining for a possible egg implantation. If pregnancy does not occur, hormone levels plumped, and the thickened uterus limning is shed through the vaginal canal.

There are many thing involved to make the cycle regularly, but unfortunately any disruption may cause irregular menstruation and sometimes interferes the natural process of fertility.

IV. How raw food diet affects fertility in TCM perspective

While conventional medicine have never viewed irregular menstruation seriously, traditional Chinese medicine view irregular menstrual period as a tiny micro change in the female ecosystem. If not treat, it will interfere with the normal process of fertility and other women health's diseases such as nervous tension menstrual pain and cramps etc. Especially if you are diagnosed with the unexplained causes of infertility with irregular period, then your menstrual cycle may be the causes.

V. How to treat raw food diet causes of infertility in traditional Chinese perspective

A. Understand the food classification in TCM perspective

By diagnosis the underlying causes and treating each woman as an unique entity and the body as a whole. Depending in what have been diagnosed, you may be given advice not to eat some kinds of food which may interfere the normal menstrual cycle and dampen your chance of fertility.

1. Cold

Cold foods in traditional Chinese medicine are considered as a type of food which may stimulate the colding effects in your body and deplete the yang qi as resulting of our body needs to counter the cold with yang qi in the body. Prolong period of taking these kinds of food without balancing them with other warm, cooked or hot foods may cause yang qi and kidney yang deficiency, resulting in interfering with normal function of the reproductive organ and leading to irregular period. For women who try to conceive should avoid to eat these types of raw foods or counter them with at least same amount of hot foods.

a) Bamboo
b) Banana
c) Grape fruit
d) Clams
e) Seaweed
f) Watermelon
g) Bitter melon
h) Etc.

2. Cool

Same as cold food, but they are not as strong. It also depletes the yang qi but moderately, therefore eating these types of foods should counter with some warm food to avoid yang qi and kidney yang deficiency. Women who have irregular period and try to get pregnancy are advised to eat only moderate amounts and for nutrients only. Otherwise, they may dampen the chance of fertility.

a) Apple
b) Lecture
c) Cucumber
d) Pear
e) Spinach
f) Strawberry
g) Tomato
h) Etc.

3. Neutral

Although neutral foods are types of food which have no effects in ying and yang qi in the body, but it may have other side effect such as rice, gain and potato which may interfere with insulin production of the spleen as well as liver function in carbohydrate metabolism.

a) Apricot
b) Beet
c) All kinds of red meat
d) Celery
e) Honey
f) Rice
g) Bread
h) Etc.

4. Warm

Warm foods are considered as food with warming effects in the body. It is most important foods which are used most often for pregnant women as they can help to warm the uterus and maintain the healthy pregnancy and protect against miscarriage. Warm foods increase your body temperature and yang qi slightly.

a) Black tea
b) Cherry
c) Chive
d) Leek
e) Peach
f) Raspberry
g Chicken
h.) Etc.

5. Hot

Foods with hot nature are normally good for improving immune system in fighting against forming of free radicals, bacteria and virus and increasing blood flow to the body, including the reproductive organs, but over eating these types of food may cause yin qi and kidney yin deficiency leading to hormone imbalance and interfering with natural process of normal menstrual cycle.

a) Garlic
b) Ginger
c) Pepper
d) Onion
e) Green onion
f) Cinnamon powder
g) Etc.

Finally, we would like you to know that most foods with bitter, sour and salty are classified as yin and hot and sweet are classified as yang.

B. How raw food diet causes infertility

Most raw foods can be either yang or yin pathogens. A typical American raw food diet is most yin and dampness pathogens.

1. Colding and cooling effects

Spleen is important to break down the food and transform them to energy for our body's daily activity. Too much raw foods weaken and slow the digestive system, leading to nutrients deficiency, including the following:

a) Fatigue, tiredness and sluggishness
b) Nervous tension
c) Bloating and gas
d) Unclear thinking
e) Cloudy urine
f) Etc.

Typical raw foods diet puts more strain on the digestion. If spleen is damaged caused by prolong intake of raw food, it may weaken the digestive system in absorbing of nutrients, leading to less efficient assimilation of nutrients. In fact, traditional Chinese medicine view the process of transformation of foods and transportation of nutrients are a warm process in nature, and raw foods are more cold in nature, After entering the stomach, our body need to raise temperature before the food can be digested and absorbed.

2. Dampness affects

Raw foods interfere with the spleen in controlling the internal dampness caused by impairment of water metabolism within the body or spleen damage due to prolong in take of raw dampness hot foods, leading to impairing the spleen yang and the development of interior damp-cold, resulting in qi and blood stagnation, leading to delay menstruation and menstrual pain and cramps. Raw foods cause dampen effect including the following:

a) Milk products
b) Celery,
c) Lettuce, alfalfa,
d) Raw honey
e) Corn.
f) Sage,
g) Parsley
h) Onion
i) Etc.

And the symptoms include
a) Fatigue,
b) Reduced appetite
c) Abdominal bloating and discomfort
d) Other related spleen deficiency symptoms

3. Kidney yin deficiency

Kidney yin also known primordial yin or true yin , is defined as the foundation of the yin fluid of the body, therefore it helps to moisten, nourish the organs and tissues and maintain the body fluid balance with fire of kidney yang. Raw foods are yin in nature, prolong intake of may decrease the yang qi in the kidney, leading to fluid imbalance, resulting in irregular menstruation and in serve case, causing infertility.

a) Lack of energy

Deficiency of kidney yin causes inability of kidney in stabilization of energy, leading to abnormal flow of energy, disrupting the blood flow to the body organs including ovaries in egg production resulting in distorting the normal menstrual cycle in women, leading to irregular period.

b) Blood Flow

Deficiency of kidney yin also increases the risk of irregular blood flow as the heart must work harder to provide more energy to our body, leading to abnormal function of capillaries and interrupting the normal function of small veins in the nervous system, causing dizziness, hearing problems and ringing in the ear. It also causes abnormal blood flow to the reproductive organs, distorting the menstrual cycle.

c) Digestive system

It also causes abnormal digestive system due to spleen function in absorbing vital vitamins and mineral as a result of lack of fluid which is necessary for digestive system in stomach acid secretion, leading to constipation and abnormal pain.

d) Burning sensation

People with kidney yin deficiency feel burning sensation not only in the body including the chest, but also see bright yellow color in their urine, leading to oxidative and kidney damage. If the problem is not treated, it may disrupt natural process of normal menstrual cycle.

e) High temperature

It also increases the body temperature that interferes with egg, cervical mucus production.

4. Blood deficiency

Blood deficiency is defined as not enough blood to distribute to our body organs needs. Tradition Chinese medicine view blood deficiency is caused by weakened liver organ as resulting of a weaken spleen due to prolong period intake of raw foods, thereby reducing the liver function in blood formation, causing not enough blood to distribute to the body such as absence of (no blood for) menstruation or scanty menstruation.. It also leads to abnormal function of reproductive system in regulating menstrual cycle, that disrupts the production of egg or produces poor quality egg and makes uterine mucus hostile to sperm.

There are many symptoms of blood deficiency including:

a) Palpitations caused by your heart have to work harder, because of not enough blood in the body.
b) Forgetfulness and poor memory caused by not enough oxygen delivering to the nervous cells need
c) Insomnia: because of brain cells can not transmit information between themselves, leading to over production of certain hormones.
d) Shortness of breath: you lung has to harder to provide oxygen to your body needs.
e) Dizziness and fatigue is due to oxygen and energy shortage.
f) Constipation due to lack of fluid in the body
g) Pale complexion: lack of blood

5. Blood stagnation

Blood stagnation is defined as qi stagnation or qi deficiency in the liver. In traditional Chinese medicine, raw foods cause freeze and constrict circulation, leading to blood stagnation resulting in menstrual irregularities and sometimes infertility, because of blocking of the blood flow or blood become static to the reproductive organs..

a) Blood stagnation is caused by liver qi imbalance, it reduces the liver function in regulating the secretion of certain hormone in the prostaglandins family thereby, increasing the risk of abdominal cramps, thus causing blood stagnation in the abdominal region.

b) Liver also helps to regulate the secretion of insulin from the spleen, abnormal function of spleen increases the risk of diabetes, leading to blood stagnation in the reproductive organs.

c) Imbalance of liver qi also causes inability of liver in fat and protein metabolism, leading to nervous tension and increasing the risk of hormonal imbalance causing irregular menstrual cycle.

C. How raw food diet causes infertility by looking back to conventional medicine menstrual cycle in TCM Perspective

1. Estrogen

Estrogen which is yin pathogen in TCM, is required to stimulate the brain action in production of Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (FSH) by the hypothalamus. Raw food diet increases the kidney yang function, causing hormone imbalance with low estrogen and high progesterone and testosterone. Deficiency of yang ( or high level of estrogen) obstructs each step of in the estrogen phrase of the menstrual cycle, causing irregular production of hormones from pituitary gland in secreting FSH and LH and ovaries function in production of follicles such as poor egg quality, thinner the uterine lining which can support an egg implantation and early ovulation.

In some women, it causes menstrual irregularity, but in severe case, it increases the risk of infertility. The symptoms of kidney yang deficiency include:

a) White coat on tongue
b) Pale, frigid appearance
c) Achy pain in joints or muscles
d) Cold extremities
e) Poor digestion
f) Tendencies toward stagnation
g) Depression
h) Emaciation
i) Obesity
j) Etc.

2. Progesterone

Progesterone is considered as yang pathogen. Raw food diet is considered cool or cold in TCM perspective, it reduces the the yang qi to certain degree, depending on types of raw foods consuming daily by each individual. Since the second phrase of the menstrual cycle is the increased production of progesterone ( yang in TCM ), it affects the ability of egg extruding and deter the normal process of supporting the uterus lining in egg implantation as well as increasing the risk of producing cervical mucus which is hostile to sperm invasion. In severe case, it makes conception difficult for some women and infertility to others. As the level of progesterone rise, blood is required to support the uterus and the uterus lining in egg implantation and embryo nourishment. Raw foods cause freeze and constrict circulation, leading to blood stagnation and deficiency, resulting in lessening the chance for the normal process of making a baby.

3. Testosterone

Testosterone ( yang in TCM) is produced in small quality during the progesterone phase. Deficiency of yang qi reduces the production of testosterone, leading to low sexual desire, poor muscle tone and fatigue.

4. Menstruation

In traditional Chinese medicine, raw foods cause freeze and constrict circulation thereby reducing the spleen function in food transportation and weaken the liver function in blood formation, leading to blood stagnation in the productive organs including the uterus, causing not enough blood to support the process and for menstruation if pregnancy does not occur.

D. How raw food diet causes irregular period by looking back to 5 phrases menstrual cycle in TCM Perspective

The traditional Chinese medicine divide the women menstrual cycle into 5 phrases

1. The yin phrase according TCM) lasting about 3-4 days

In this phrase The yang ( progesterone) decreases rapidly and the yin (estrogen) starts to rise, leading to the growth of body fluids, supporting the production of blood and producing sperm friendly mucus as well as making the uterus lining thicken for egg implantation. The deficiency of yin or abundance of yang distorts the production of fluids which are necessary for moister and nourish the blood, causing shortening of yin phrase, leading to not enough time for egg to mature and uterine lining to grow thick enough for egg implantation, resulting in lessening the chance of fertility and increasing the risk of irregular period.

2. The Ovulation phase, lasting about 3 days

At the estrogen (yin) at its peak, liver triggers the starts the ovulation phrase, as resulting of stimulating of the brain action in production of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (FSH) by the hypothalamus of which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland to produce the follicle stimulating hormone, leading to initiating the growth and recruitment of immature ovarian follicles in the ovary. In this phrase, qi and blood moves downward to promote the implantation of the egg and nourish the uterus to support the growth of embryos. Deficiency of yin and blood stagnation caused by raw food diet shorten the ovulation phrase, leading to not enough time for egg implantation and uterus lining to support the growth of the embryo, causing infertility or miscarriage as well as irregular menstruation.

3. The Yang phrase, lasting about 5 days

During the fourth phase, yin decreases to allow growth of yang (mutual consumption of Yin and Yang). Growth of yang helps to warm the Uterus. Raw food diet causes yang deficiency, thus colding the Uterus that distorts the normal process of egg implantation.

4. The luteal phrase, lasting about 12 days

The luteal phase also is referred to day after ovulation to the day before period. In this phrase, a mature egg was released at ovulation as resulting of the production of progesterone from corpus luteum in preparing the body for pregnancy. Raw food diet causes yin deficiency and liver qi stagnation, leading to rising temperature and distorting the luteal phrase process, resulting in increasing the risk of infertility or irregular menstruation.

5. Menstruation phrase, lasting about 5 days

According the to traditional Chinese medicine, this phrase is dominated by the movement of blood and qi moving downward as resulting of dropping of the level estrogen and progesterone( yin and yang), since raw foods cause freeze and constrict circulation, it causes blood and qi stagnation, leading to delay menstruation, delay period and scanty period.

E. How traditional Chinese medicine helps to treat yang deficiency caused by raw food diet with diet in general approach

a) Appropriate diet

If you are raw food diet follower, make sure you increase the percentage of cooked food in your diet.

b) Moderate exercise

While raw foods interfere with the spleen function in digesting and absorbing nutrients, moderate exercise increases the digestive system in production of stomach acid and enhance blood circulation thus promoting a healthy spleen.

c) Relax and rest

Stress and rest are always a problem for people living in this fast pace society, we face stress constantly everyday, such as sickness of your child, workplace pressure, etc. You make sure that you take a lot of relaxation and rest to avoid the abnormal production of certain hormone.

III. The summary

The raw food diet has written an important page in the America (world) health history as its contribution to make us healthier and reduce the death rate of heart diseases and stroke will never be denied. Since traditional Chinese medicine have been round over 4000 years and proven to be one most effective traditional medicine in treating the unexplained causes of infertility, its idea toward raw food diet must be right in some extent. The aim of this article is to provide reader the other point of view, with no intention to offend anyone, including the raw food advocators. If you are offended by this article, I say sorry. If you are raw food diet supporter and diagnosed with the unexplained causes of infertility, I urge you to give it a try. Although, I don't consider myself as a raw food supporter, but 50% of my daily food intake are considered raw.

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A case in Dublin Airport, Ireland, in August 2011 brought the issue of flying when pregnant into the media. Nigerian asylum seeker Olayinka Ijaware who had miscarried at 8 weeks was due to be deported and the Rotunda Hospital had discharged her with a letter stating that if she was actively bleeding from the vagina that she would be unfit for air travel. Although this case relates to a woman who had already suffered a miscarriage it gives us the opportunity to examine the subject of flying when pregnant in more detail.

What are the risks of flying when pregnant?

The risks of air travel during pregnancy are deep-vein thrombosis, miscarriage and premature birth.

Also bear in mind that the British Medical Journal highlights the fact that there is a limit on robust evidence which makes it difficult for healthcare professionals to provide definitive advice.

So to clarify, there are various generic guidelines but given that air travel and pregnancy is a relatively new topic the British Medical Journal (BMJ) states that the only way to completely avoid the risks is by postponing air travel. The BMJ does also state that air travel may either be necessary or desirable in pregnancy.

The majority of pregnancies are low risk and if you fall into this category the general guidelines below should apply to you. However please note that these are guidelines only and you should always consult your own healthcare provider.

Air travel during pregnancy has some generic guidelines such as:
1. The second trimester (18-24 weeks) is considered to be the safest time to fly when pregnant. It is during this time that most women should be feeling at their best and that there is generally the lowest risk of miscarrying or premature labour.

2. If you feel that you will want fly during pregnancy then before making your final decision consider the destination you are planning to fly to. Is it well equipped medically if you had a need?

3. Are you considering flying to a destination where there are specific risks of acquiring infectious diseases? Infectious diseases acquired abroad may increase risks of perinatal morbidity.

4. If this is the case you may wish to reconsider the destination or if it is necessary to fly there you should definitely consult with your healthcare provider.

5. Check out the airlines policies on flying when pregnant, as these differ from airline to airline.

6. Buy the most suitable insurance cover for your journey.

If you do fly:
1. Ask for an aisle seat with extra legroom when possible.

2. If you are flying when pregnant then wear clothing which does not restrict movement and is loose and comfortable.

3. Make sure you drink a lot of fluids when flying while pregnant.

4. Every half an hour you should get up and walk around a bit if possible.

5. While sitting-be aware of flexing your feet and stretching your legs to keep the circulation healthy.

6. Do circulatory exercises as detailed usually in the flight magazine and wear compression socks (flight socks).

7. Fasten your safety belt across the tops of the thighs so that it rests under your stomach.

Flying When Pregnant-Potential Medical Concerns
Medical professionals will potentially be concerned about the method of travel-air travel as well as the destination, healthcare facilities there and adequate insurance coverage.

The doctor will want to assess the fitness of his pregnant patient to fly and will focus on blood pressure readings and ultrasound pregnancy scans findings.

The doctor will analyse if the woman is at an increased risk of miscarriage, premature labour, pre-delivery haemorrhage or pre-eclampsia. He/she will also assess if the woman has any pre-existing conditions such as asthma or diabetes.

Is There Any Evidence Of Risk Of Miscarriage When Flying During Pregnancy?
At the time of writing there has been no evidence to date which would suggest that flying when pregnant increases the risk of miscarriage. However there are studies which reveal that female flight attendants do have a higher miscarriage rate than the rate of their peers.

Even though there is no evidence to point towards a heightened risk of miscarriage when flying during pregnancy; if a miscarriage were to occur it would be more difficult to manage it.

Flying When Pregnant Conclusion
Consider the destination, healthcare facilities, the stage of pregnancy you intend to fly during, and consult with your healthcare practitioner who will take into account your medical history, pregnancy scans and your travel destination. One last point is that kind of a worst case scenario-but if you were not able to return home for some reason this would mean you would need to spend the remainder of your pregnancy away from home.

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Vista Health Care is a Florida insurance company and a subsidiary of Coventry Health Inc. Vista Health Care Company provides health benefits to its over 300,000 individual members and over 10,000 large and small business group plan members. The company employs over 950 employees, all of whom assist Vista in meeting its mission to provide health coverage that offers the best overall value for their customers.

The company which has its headquarters in Hollywood boasts annual revenue of one billion dollars. Vista Health Care also has offices in Miami, Tallahassee, Lake Worth, and Sunrise. Members of Vista Health Care are presented with a large range of independent health care providers to choose from- over 6000 in fact. You can rest assured that you will be able to get prompt customer service as this department is open ten hours a day, 5 days a week. Currently Vista only offers coverage in the South and North Florida areas.

Vista Florida Health Insurance Coverage Overview

Vista Health Care Company offers a wide variety of plans to its members. Plans offered include HMO, POS, PPO, Medicare, Medicaid, and Florida Healthy Kids. Vista is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC), which means that the company has undergone and passed various nationally set standards (i.e. how it communicates with members, grievance resolution, etc.) for quality and access to health care.

No matter your group or individual selection of insurance you will be pleased with the wide variety of services and coverage options these plans offer. Most plans offer a selection of over 6000 physicians and include dental and vision coverage. Your co-payments are fixed and customers have the almost unheard luxury of coverage of preventative health care such as yoga classes and massage therapy.

As an example of the innovation of this company, as part of almost all of their Florida health insurance plans, you are eligible to receive a discount at the 500 different health clubs throughout the state that participate in the discount program. Members also have access to an e-program that assist them with important health concerns such as quitting smoking, and wealth of online and personal wellness tools to ensure that you achieve the best health possible.

The Medicare plan offers benefit options that are not available under original Medicare. Participants will pay nothing for visits to the doctor or for generic prescriptions. There is also no limit to the amount of generic prescriptions that are available for purchase.

Vista's Florida Customer Service Record

Vista Health Care Company offers its individual and group members unparalleled insurance selection and customer service. Their commitment to your family's overall well being and health along with the health and well being of their surrounding community makes them a leading choice in Florida health insurance.

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Your maternity leave should be a time of great happiness, as you and your newborn child have a chance to bond. Don't let financial concerns rob you of the joy. You can create your own maternity leave benefits that can help you enjoy this time, without the worry.

Maternity Leave Insurance

Apply for two maternity leave insurance programs when you are planning a pregnancy, or trying to conceive. By applying before you conceive, your normal pregnancy and delivery will be a covered benefit.

Short Term Disability Insurance can create maternity leave pay. Your benefit for normal delivery may triple the premium you pay over twelve months.

  • Plus you are covered in case of pregnancy complications, delivery complications, accidents and illnesses.

Hospital Indemnity Insurance covers your normal labor and delivery, and will pay a cash benefit directly to you that increases your maternity leave pay. Your benefit for normal delivery may be six times the premium you pay over twelve months.

  • Plus you are covered in case of premature birth. An additional benefit may be paid in the event that your infant requires special medical attention in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or NICU.

  • Plus you are covered in cases where an accident or illness causes you or a family member to be hospitalized

Pregnancy Tax Savings

A Flexible Spending Account allows you to use pre-tax dollars to pay for certain predictable expenses associated with your pregnancy, delivery, and upcoming child care. You may find opportunities to use pre tax dollars to pay for:

  • Fertility treatments

  • Co pays for extra doctor visits

  • Co insurance for diagnostic tests such as ultrasounds, etc

  • Out of pocket expenses for prescription drugs, prenatal vitamins, etc.

  • Deductibles - your pregnancy and delivery may utilize your entire annual deductible

  • Hospital co pays are very common, and your maternity labor and delivery may invoke a charge

  • Child care that allows you to return to work

Gain Access Via Your Employer

You can easily get the coverage you want with cooperation from your employer. There is no direct cost to your employer, as you pay the premium via payroll deductions. And, your request is very simple, your employer benefits, and your co-workers will thank you.

Flexible spending accounts often save your employer money by reducing the amount of payroll taxes they must pay.

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With all the health insurance options available today it can be overwhelming when it comes to choosing which health plan is right for you. In most of of the states there are close to a dozen health insurance companies offering health insurance and all of them offer anywhere from ten to thirty health plans. That means that there are hundreds of health coverage options available to you. To know which is the right health insurance plan is right for you, we have to take a look at your current situation. To pick a best health coverage you have to consider your age, your health, your past use of health insurance, are you single or a family, do you have young kids, are you planing on having kids, are you a men or a women, do you have a doctor that you like to go to. All of that comes in to the effect when it comes to know which is the right health plan for you.

One of the main things to consider when it comes to choosing medical coverage is to know the difference in a health plan that covers maternity and the one that does not. That does not mean that you are planing or not planing on having kids. It means that health plans that cover maternity tend to cost more. That simply means why would you want to be on a plan that covers maternity if you are a single guy or some one that is not planing on having kids. Once you know that you want to health plans that does cover maternity then look for coverage that has a low deductible and within your budget. Not having adequate maternity coverage and planing on having kids can be very costly.

The second biggest difference in the knowing which health plan is right for you is your budget. It does not matter what health plan covers if you cannot afford it or will not be able to afford it in the near future. This is why give yourself breathing room when it comes to choosing a health plans. That means if you are on the budget choosing a plan with a higher deductible. Most of the health plans that are available today cover preventative care, doctor office visits and prescription drugs before the deductible is met. In most cases deductible applies for outpatient and inpatient procedures, like surgeries and serious illnesses, where you need to be hospitalized. Having a health plan with a high deductible offers you a low monthly premium and in case of emergency you are still covered. In case you do end up in the hospital that last thing that you and hospital is going to worry is your deductible. Once you are taken care of and back on your feet every hospital will work with you on the deductible. That would involve either waiving, discounting or allowing you to make payments to pay off your deductible. What you will find out is that hospitals are flexible when it comes to collecting their balances. The main priority is getting you taken care of and getting you back on track. That it infinitely more important to pick medical coverage that you can afford then it is to have a lower deductible.

Keeping your history of your health care use in your mind while comparing coverage also makes a big difference. If you are self-employed and like most self-employed people are you probably do not even have time to be sick. Therefore why pay high monthly premiums for health insurance because you wanted to low deductible or small co-pay just in case you need to go see a doctor. It does not make a lot of sense to be paying for somethings that you are barely going to use. Some plans offer you even lower monthly premium if you choose to pay for your regular doctor visits out of your own pocket. You are still going to be covered for any emergencies in the event you do end up in the hospital. Paying for what you are going to use is the basic money management. Every medical plan covers for inpatient/outpatient hospitalization and all other benefits are like add ones at the higher premium. The two things to always keep in mind while comparing plans is your past usage and your budget. We all would like to health plan that would covers everything with a low monthly premium. It is like saying I want to drive a Mercedes and I have a budget for Honda.

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As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist. We have spent most of the time in this series discussing the conventional and Chinese medicine in treating fertility. Nutritional supplements also helps to improve the chance of fertility, in this article, we will discuss how mineral- iron effects fertility.

I. How mineral- iron effects fertility
1. Increasing blood flow
Iron not only is necessary for the fetus to grow, it also plays a vital role for women who try to conceive because it helps to stimulate the production of red blood cells, thus increasing the oxygen absorption into the blood stream, resulting in lessening the risk of anemia and increasing the chance of fertility.

2. Energy
It also helps to turn glucose into energy by stimulating the production of hemoglobin which is a essential element in red blood cells for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the cells in the body. In each cell, oxygen is used to release maximum energy from the food that you eat. Deficiency of iron causes low level of hemoglobin, leading fatigue, dizziness and nervous tension.

3. DNA synthesis
Iron is required by ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) and other enzymes involved in cell division. RNR plays a critical role in regulating the total rate of DNA synthesis so that DNA to cell mass is maintained at a constant ratio during cell division and DNA repair. Deficiency of iron distorts the ratio, leading to DNA being damaged, causing birth defects and miscarriage.

4. Menstruation
For women with heavy menstruation (blood loss more than certain amounts) may cause blood deficiency and iron loss. If the blood and iron loss can not be replaced, it may cause lower red blood cell resulting in anaemia that can disturb the function of reproductive function in fertilization.

5. Myelin
Myelin is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Since iron help in myelin formation and maintenance, deficiency of iron causes disrupting signals between the brain and other parts of the body, leading to double vision, memory loss, difficulty in controlling bowel movements or urination, fatigue, etc, thereby lessening the reproductive system to maintain it's normal function, resulting in low quality sperm count and infertility.

II. Risks and side effects
1. Prolong period with high levels of iron may damage the liver
2. If Overdose, it
a ) Is toxic to the body
b) May weaken heart beat
c) Causes buildup of fluids in the lungs
d) Causes Gastrointestinal system disorder
e) causes Heart and Blood problems
f) Nervous disorder
g) Skin problems

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The European Union is debating passage of a bill that would create uniform paid maternity leave benefits across all countries in the union. The bill provides for twenty weeks of maternity leave at full pay, plus two weeks of full pay for fathers. Contrast this initiative with how the U.S. handles paid maternity leave benefits: the issue is left up to each state. And only five states have chosen to put a program in place, and it's done as an afterthought.

Paid maternity leave in many European countries is set up as a specific policy: the programs directly address maternity issues in terms of pay replacement, length of paid leave, and even throws in paid parental leave as well. In the U.S. five states have mandated short term disability that just so happens to cover normal pregnancy in addition to covering accidents and illnesses. And each state has varying rules for how the programs replace income, and for how long. Of course there are no mandates in forty five other states. Women have to plan ahead and purchase a private policy, if offered by her employer.

Five States With Paid Leave

The five states with inadvertent paid maternity leave are California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. Each of these states has mandatory short term disability for people who work in the state for private employers. The programs are intended to help workers who become disabled temporarily due to an accident or illness. Normal labor and delivery is considered a covered illness and creates maternity pay for women giving birth. Also any time missed due to complications may also be covered.

But even in these states the coverage is lacking. Some states limit the income replacement to 55%, while another cap benefits at $170 per week. That is 17% income replacement for a woman earning $52,000 per year - not an outrageous salary.

Every Working Woman Should Have the Option

Virtually every U.S. family could have a paid maternity leave, or a higher level of income replacement during maternity leave and no legislation needs to be passed. Employers with three or more benefit eligible employees can make a voluntary short term disability option available to workers. Women could pay the premiums themselves and enjoy maternity leave pay, and security in case of complications.

Employers Have a Simple Solution

But most employers don't make this option available. And there simply is no excuse. There is no direct cost to the employers as the employees pay the premiums themselves. The only requirement is for employers to make employees aware of the options, provide education about the value - provided free of charge by the insurance carrier - and forward deducted premiums once a month to the insurer.

Can you believe that is all that stands between U.S. families and paid maternity leave? It sounds pretty hard to believe to me. There needs to be greater awareness. Awareness of the need to begin coverage before getting pregnant, and awareness of how easily employers can make maternity leave pay available. Article by article, blog post by blog post there is one voice trying to help our families and employers at the same time.

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Whether you are switching health insurer or buying health insurance for the first time there are a few points that you should consider before you make up your mind:

1. Cover for private accommodation in public hospitals in most cases does not guarantee fast access to treatment. Make sure you have a plan with some access to private hospitals. Even if it only covers a portion of the charges it's better than not having any access to these hospitals or being faced with extremely large bills for treatment you needed in a hurry.

2. Check that hospitals local to you are not excluded and don't have excesses applied to accommodation. Most people prefer to be close to home when they are sick or in hospital so that friends or relatives can visit or be close at hand should they be needed in an emergency.

3. Check that there are no shortfalls on specific treatments or procedures such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy, orthopaedic. Where there is a shortfall on orthopaedic treatments consider the likelihood of you needing any of these treatments in the near future. Young people are less likely to need these treatments than older people. You may be able to upgrade in the future if affordability is an issue right now.

4. Check that you have full cover for day case treatment such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and colonoscopies in private hospitals - these procedures account for 60 -70% of all health insurance claims.

5. Try to ensure you have cover for direct settlement MRI and CT scan centres which are local to you. This means you won't have to wait to get access and you don't need to pay if they are classified as 'direct settlement' centres.

6. Try to ensure you have cover for major cardiac procedures in all the main private hospitals and hi-tech or specialist centres

7. Check that there is a low outpatient excess, this will ensure you get more money back from your outpatient expenses.

8. If you want cover for day-to-day benefits such as GP, Physiotherapist and dentist ensure that you are getting long-term value for money - check the cover for each benefit & how many visits are covered per benefit. Do you really need this cover right now? If you have young children or you are undergoing regular treatment it may be worthwhile however if not then weigh up how much you are paying for these benefits and how much you are likely to use them. Some of these plans can cost five of six times the price of seeing a doctor so if you usually only attend a doctor once or twice a year it may not be worthwhile having this type of cover.

9. Check for any other benefits that may be of interest to you - health screening, maternity benefits, kid's benefits etc.

10. Consider the health insurance needs of all the family individually - consider different plan & levels of cover for each. You might choose to have the children on one level plan and the adults on another.

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The idea of them having kids is one thing that makes couples always excited. It is said that kids are not just the fruits of a couple's love for each other but they also benefit a lot out of that love. Besides this, for a lot of couples starting a family is usually the next step in the relationship. However, some may still have problems in having kids. These may be because of two main reasons: one is infertility and the other one is sexual dysfunctions brought about by psychological concerns. Of course, the major step to take is to ask for medical help from a specialist.

Thanks to the advancement in modern science, there are now a couple of options for treatment for couples who have been having infertility concerns. Most of these actually fall under the category of artificial insemination. Of all the artificial insemination methods, however, the most commonly used and the most effective is called the intrauterine insemination or IUI. A safe and sure approach, IUI pregnancy has provided many happy couples with kids, the top option of those who cannot make children in the natural way.

IUI is recommended to couples who have been working to have kids for more than a year now. Before the female starts with the treatment, the couple must first subject themselves to examinations. This is done to make sure who among them has the infertility concern. With these tests that they go through, the man is tested if his sperm has normal functions. This involves finding out the sperm count, mobility, and sperm morphology. On the other hand, the female is also tested if she has the regular ovulation cycle, has open fallopian tubes, and if her uterine cavity is normal.

The process of having an IUI pregnancy is actually simple and quick. What can take time are the tests and complying to other requirements to avail of it. Basically, it just involves injecting sperm into the uterus. By directly injecting the sperm there, the chances of not being able to conceive with the female egg is greatly minimized. This method can be or can be not complemented by the use of infertility drugs. Taking these medicines would raise the chance of your getting pregnant. However, the heightened fertility can also make multiple pregnancies possible. It is suggested that a couple should first consult a doctor on the safety of taking in fertility drugs prior to an IUI treatment.

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California's Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) law allows pregnant women who are "disabled" during their pregnancy to take up to four months of leave from work. The term, disabled, is a bit misleading because it includes any disability related to the woman's pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition.

Further, even prior to taking time off, employer's are also obligated to make reasonable accommodations for pregnant employees such as modifying work duties, transferring the employee to a less strenuous position, or providing a modified work schedule. An employer's failure to accommodate the pregnant employee is only excusable where the employer can prove that the accommodation would be an undue burden.

To qualify for leave, the employee must be unable to perform one or more of her job functions because of the pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions such as morning sickness or prenatal care. An employee generally must request pregnancy disability leave at least 30 days' prior to the need for leave. However, if circumstances do not permit advance notice, the employee only need give notice as soon as practicable. In response, an employer is permitted to request medical documentation supporting the employee's need for leave. The certification simply must show the date of disability, the anticipated amount of leave needed, and an explanation as to why the employee cannot work.

After the leave is complete, the employer must return to the employee to the same or to comparable position. Pregnancy leave must be treated the same as all other temporary disabilities so that policies that apply to non-pregnancy-related temporary disabilities must also apply to leave taken under the PDL. For example, pregnant employees continue to accrue seniority, have a right to participate in health, retirement, and disability plans, and any other benefits provided to employees.

In addition to leave under the PDL, California employees who work for larger employers (those who employ 50 or more employees) are entitled to an additional 12 weeks of leave under CFRA. In total, a pregnant employee may be able to maximize her leave to allow for nearly 7 months of job protected leave.

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For couples who have been trying to conceive naturally for at least 1 year (in some states) and have failed, there may be help depending upon where you live. The important note here is the state in which you live. Most states do not mandate coverage for infertility. Insurance companies do not like to cover infertility treatments because they are very expensive, particularly with IVF. Since the insurance companies work hand and hand with the state legislators, the results are obvious.

Each state has there own requirements as to who, what, when and when not, and how much infertility insurance is to be covered in the policy. Here is the way it works.

Definition of Infertility

Infertility in couples has a different definition in each state. Some require at least one year, while other states require up to five years of trying before being considered for coverage. Other states have an age limit, while others do not; Connecticut's age limit is 40 years, New Jersey's is 46.

The states that do define infertility also impose eligibility based upon how long you've been living in the state as well as how long you've been trying to conceive. Maryland requires a history of infertility for 2 years while Hawaii needs a 5 year history and Illinois only 1 year. There is also some conditions on the type of infertility that is eligible such as endometriosis, blocked or surgically removed fallopian tubes or abnormal male factors. California does not mandate that insurance companies cover IVF, while other states place no such restrictions. Insurance companies also have their own strict requirements and limitations.

Coverage of Infertility Insurance

What is covered and what is not covered also is defined by those states that mandate coverage. The procedures for infertility treatment must be covered at a licensed facility in Arkansas and they are limited to a total lifetime amount of $15,000 and that includes cryopreservation. Maryland has a $100,000 limit, a much more realistic figure for IVF's to take hold. Rhode Island has the same limit, but the insurance company offering the infertility insurance may impose up to a 20% co-payment in that state.

Ohio requires HMOs to cover infertility services when they are medically necessary, but IVF are not required by law. Texas also has a mandate, but no coverage is required, except for IVF - figure that one out. You can get in-vitro fertilization, but that's it, even though their are so many other procedures that are far less costly.

Exceptions to Infertility Insurance

Almost all states that mandate procedures make an exception for employers who are self-insured or in some states religious employers or employers with less than 50 employees do not have to provide coverage. Other exceptions also include experimental, sex change, voluntary sterilization or surrogacy.

Just because you live in a state that does not mandate infertility insurance does not mean that an insurance company operating in your state does not carry that type of insurance. The best way to treat infertility is to avoid the costly procedures and not deal with overwhelming bureaucracy developed by the insurance companies.For couples who have been trying to conceive naturally for at least 1 year (in some states) and have failed, there may be help depending upon where you live. The important note here is the state in which you live. Most states do not mandate coverage for infertility. Insurance companies do not like to cover infertility treatments because they are very expensive, particularly with IVF. Since the insurance companies work hand and hand with the state legislators, the results are obvious.

Each state has there own requirements as to who, what, when and when not, and how much infertility insurance is to be covered in the policy. Here is the way it works.

Definition of Infertility

Infertility in couples has a different definition in each state. Some require at least one year, while other states require up to five years of trying before being considered for coverage. Other states have an age limit, while others do not; Connecticut's age limit is 40 years, New Jersey's is 46.

The states that do define infertility also impose eligibility based upon how long you've been living in the state as well as how long you've been trying to conceive. Maryland requires a history of infertility for 2 years while Hawaii needs a 5 year history and Illinois only 1 year. There is also some conditions on the type of infertility that is eligible such as endometriosis, blocked or surgically removed fallopian tubes or abnormal male factors. California does not mandate that insurance companies cover IVF, while other states place no such restrictions. Insurance companies also have their own strict requirements and limitations.

Coverage of Infertility Insurance

What is covered and what is not covered also is defined by those states that mandate coverage. The procedures for infertility treatment must be covered at a licensed facility in Arkansas and they are limited to a total lifetime amount of $15,000 and that includes cryopreservation. Maryland has a $100,000 limit, a much more realistic figure for IVF's to take hold. Rhode Island has the same limit, but the insurance company offering the infertility insurance may impose up to a 20% co-payment in that state.

Ohio requires HMOs to cover infertility services when they are medically necessary, but IVF are not required by law. Texas also has a mandate, but no coverage is required, except for IVF - figure that one out. You can get in-vitro fertilization, but that's it, even though their are so many other procedures that are far less costly.

Exceptions to Infertility Insurance

Almost all states that mandate procedures make an exception for employers who are self-insured or in some states religious employers or employers with less than 50 employees do not have to provide coverage. Other exceptions also include experimental, sex change, voluntary sterilization or surrogacy.

Just because you live in a state that does not mandate infertility insurance does not mean that an insurance company operating in your state does not carry that type of insurance. The best way to treat infertility is to avoid the costly procedures and not deal with overwhelming bureaucracy developed by the insurance companies.

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Altius Health Plans is one of the most customer-friendly health insurance companies in Utah.

Customer Service

Ever since Altius entered the Utah health insurance market, they have taken pride in their attention to customer service. Many Utah residents that have Altius health insurance through their work, insist on continuing with Altius once they leave their place of employment.

Plans & Maternity

Altius has had and continues to have competitive priced plans that are rich in benefits. Altius won't likely be the right company for you if you plan on having a baby in the near future, as their maternity deductible is one of the highest in Utah.


However Altius Health Plans boasts a large doctor network and the large independent HCA hospital network. They have done a great job managing health insurance rates and keeping them at a reasonable level. Altius Health Plans has a variety of plans ranging from those that cover office visits and prescriptions before the deductible to major medical plans with high deductible that allow the use of health savings accounts. Altius has excellent financial backing and has shown that they are in Utah to stay.

Value-Added Bonus'

One thing that Altius does that no other Utah insurance company does is they offer a dental discount plan to each one of their members who have a health insurance plan. This allows their members to receive dental services at a reduced price if they use preferred providers. On top of that, each member receives discounts on a variety of other services, such as eye wear and other health-related services.

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Short term disability insurance is the best way to create maternity leave pay, and to also protect your income in case of complications, accidents, and illnesses. If your employer provides paid maternity benefits, funds group short term disability, or makes a voluntary option available at work, consider yourself very lucky to have these options. Many working women have none of these choices available via their employer, so they begin looking for individual coverage that provides pregnancy and maternity coverage. Such an animal does exist. But you have to know exactly where to look, and then ask a simple question in a specific way to get the coverage you want. It can be done, and has happened many times.

Some working women planning a pregnancy are lucky to work for employers who provide paid maternity leave benefits - but this is a small minority in the U.S. A slightly larger group work for employers who fully fund a group short term disability program that provides income replacement during maternity leave after a normal labor and delivery. Another even larger group of women work for employers who made a voluntary employee paid short term disability option available to all employees. These women can enroll in the programs before getting pregnant, and their benefit for normal delivery will greatly exceed the premium paid, creating maternity leave pay while also providing income protection in case of complications, accidents, and illnesses. If you fall into one of these categories you are one of the lucky few.

Many women work at employers who offer none of these options. So they seek out a direct individual short term disability option that provides pregnancy and maternity leave coverage. They quickly find that it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Why is Individual Pregnancy and Maternity Coverage Hard to Find?

Why is it so hard to find individual short term disability with pregnancy and maternity leave benefits? Consider the math, and the answer becomes quite obvious. Short term disability insurance pays benefits for your normal labor and delivery - a planned event for many couples. The benefit paid for a c-section delivery might be four times what a woman might pay in premium annually. Plus the insurer is also on the hook for additional benefit amounts should mom experience complications before delivery, postpartum disorders that extend her maternity leave, accidents, and illnesses. In other words, working women planning pregnancies are a sure loss for insurers.

Insurers won't sell individual disability policies with maternity benefits direct, because they would lose money on virtually every policy. But they do sell individual policies through groups on a voluntary basis, if they have the opportunity to pool risks with co-workers. This means that women can get a pregnancy and maternity policy they own themselves that is fully portable.

The Simple Question to Get Coverage

Women can get the pregnancy and maternity coverage they want if they can ask one simple two part question: "Would you take money from my check and send it to the insurance carrier, and do the same for any other employees who might need short term disability insurance?" The employer gets to look like a hero and it doesn't cost them a dime!

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As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist.We have spent most of the time in this series discussing the conventional and Chinese medicine in treating fertility. I believe, it is the best time to change the subject by discussing how vitamin B12 effects fertility.

1. Reproductive organ enhancer
Researchers found that vitamin B12 not only is vital for the development of healthy fetus and embryo but also improves the fertility rate. Deficiency of B12 may interfere with division of cells and cells growth, leading to miscarriage and making conception more difficult.

2. Blood flow
Vitamin B12 also helps to dicrease the risk of heart disease and increases the blood flow to the body in transportation of oxygen to the body including the reproductive organ, thereby decreasing the risk of blood stagnation in the abdomen.

3. Nervous system
It is also important to boost the nervous in regulating the production of certain hormone in the body, resulting in lessening the risk of over production of certain hormone that normalizes the menstrual cycle for women.

4. Endometrium
It is said that vitamin B12 helps to boost the endometrium lining in egg fertilization, resulting in decreasing the risk of miscarriage and increasing the chance of egg implantation in artificial insemination.

5. Ovulation assisting
It is considered one of the vitamin necessary for normal ovulation. Study founds that deficiency of vitamin B12 may causes irregular ovulation or not ovulation at all, making conception difficulty for some women.

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