One of the first thing couples who have having problems with infertility discover is how expensive infertility treatments can be. Unless a couple is so fortunate as to be independently wealthy, they will probably need help for financing and paying for infertility treatments. Although advances in technology have reduced the costs of these treatments to some extent, most people will not be able to treat these as out-of-pocket costs. Some desperate couples have even taken out second mortgages on their homes in order to pay for in vitro fertilization.
It goes without saying that the simpler the treatment needed for a woman to become pregnant, the less expense is involved. If a cycle or two of Clomid will handle the problem, the cost will be minimal, but if several cycles of in vitro fertilization are called for, the expenses can mount to $30,000 or more. Unfortunately, most insurance companies tend to consider infertility issues as some sort of luxury, and will not cover them. Fifteen states have mandated that health insurance companies provide some help for paying for infertility treatments, but most will not, and the coverage is not complete. Before starting with infertility treatments, check to see if the state where you live has mandated coverage.
Anyone involved in seeking treatment for infertility will quickly become aware of how costly it is. Routine tests and examinations can run into hundreds or thousands of dollars, and once the problem is pinpointed, it may take several tries before a pregnancy occurs. Artificial insemination can cost between $300 and $800 per try, and in vitro fertilization can easily cost upwards of $20,000. Paying for in vitro can be difficult, but there are several options available to help with IVF treatment cost.
Some couples have found that fertility insurance can provide help for financing and paying for infertility treatments. As with any other kind of insurance, a monthly payment will have to be made, and there are limits to the coverage. Make certain that you understand exactly what will be covered and what will not and make a realistic determination of what you will be able to afford.
For those who are not able to get any insurance for their problem, they may be able to find help for financing and paying for infertility treatments with a loan designed just for that purpose. There are several companies that offer loans to pay for infertility treatments, and this might well be a way to finance everything from several cycles of Clomid to in vitro fertilization. Before signing on the dotted line, however, make sure that you understand exactly what the interest rate will be and how long you can expect to be making payments.
Besides loans and fertility insurance, there are now grants available to couples who otherwise could not afford infertility treatments. There is an international agency that will subsidize in vitro fertilization treatments, and other associations that will provide differing amounts of money to help with financing and paying for infertility treatments. A search on the internet will provide you with more information about these organizations.
For those of us who are not rich, it would be an excellent idea to explore every aspect of paying for infertility treatments. If the lower technology treatments are of no avail, it is good to know in advance what IVF treatment costs and exactly how you will be paying for in vitro fertilization.