Why Does Postpartum Bleeding Occur?
When it comes to postpartum bleeding, many people do not know how to control it or why it occurs. Postpartum bleeding is a normal process during which the human body cleanses itself after pregnancy. According to Mayoclinic.com, postpartum bleeding is the heaviest immediately after delivery. After a few days, it should let up. If you experience heaving bleeding, you may have done too much. Relaxing with your feet elevated usually slows the bleeding. However, if you feel like your bleeding is becoming bothersome, and you have seen a doctor to rule out other medical problems, there are herbal remedies that can help.
What Happens When Postpartum Bleeding Becomes a Problem?
With each of my four children, I bled for over seven weeks. I thought this was normal, but I soon found out that my prolonged bleeding was because of a hormone imbalance. After the delivery of my fourth child, I received an extra bag of Pitocin. This was a great help. My immediate bleeding was lighter. Pitocin helps contract the uterus, shrinking it back to normal. Breastfeeding also helps, but I still experienced prolonged bleeding along with moodiness and low sex drive. I chalked it up to being a mother of a newborn and lack of sleep. However, after taking an herbal remedy, I felt like myself after a few days.
With each consecutive child, postpartum bleeding becomes worse and it is not uncommon to experience postpartum hemorrhaging. I was fully prepared for this, but thankfully I did not hemorrhage. I did turn to a homeopathic doctor after several weeks of continuous bleeding. I discovered that prolonged postpartum bleeding occurs because of hormonal imbalances. Usually, low progesterone and high levels of estrogen are the culprits. Along with bleeding, hormonal imbalances can also cause a low sex drive, moodiness, and postpartum depression.Natural herbal remedies that are found in herbal remedies such as Provestra can help balance hormones, restore sex drive and stop continuous bleeding.
How to Control Postpartum Bleeding and Balance Hormones Naturally
There are many herbal remedies that work to balance hormones and control bleeding. However, there is one herbal remedy that balances hormones, restores sex drive, wards off postpartum depression and controls heavy bleeding. Provestra is a natural product that incorporates herbs such as:
Black Cohosh- helps with bleeding and vaginal dryness
Red Raspberry- naturally balances estrogen, tones the uterus and helps PMS symptoms
Vitamin C- Aides in the creation of sex hormones, reduces heavy periods, decreases vaginal dryness, helps control postpartum hot flashes
B- Complex Vitamins-(Includes B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, and B-12.)-All maintain a healthy sex drive and synthesis of sex hormones while balancing hormone levels
Calcium Carbonate- reduces risk of osteoporosis, helps with the normal clotting of blood, induces uterine muscle contraction for hearty ORGASMS!
Iron- Regulates heavy menstrual periods
Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C)- If your diet lacks the daily recommended vegetable intake, you may benefit from this herb. Naturally balances estrogen. Estrogen overload is the leading cause of loss of interest in sex!
Ginseng- Aphrodisiac that is proven to increase mood, physical performance, concentration, fight depression, lower glucose levels
Besides balancing hormones and controlling heaving bleeding naturally, Provestra also is a great female libido booster and multivitamin. Of course there are many other natural remedies available. Taking any of these herbs will help. Contact your local homeopath and/or natural health store. Both may be able to point you in the right direction and help you feel like your normal self soon. After all, your new family's happiness depends on your well being.