Bleeding is a common occurrence during pregnancy even though most people do not know this fact. Also, contrary to popular belief, vaginal bleeding does not always indicate that there is a complication with your pregnancy. Nevertheless, consulting your health care giver is recommended whenever you notice any kind of bleeding as this rules out any potential problems that might arise. This article will look at bleeding during early pregnancy in general.
1. Implantation bleeding is one of the most common causes of bleeding during early pregnancy. Implantation bleeding is characterized by the implanting of the embryo into the walls of the uterus. It usually resembles a simple blood spotting and the flow is usually very light. It usually lasts for a day but can flow for up to four days. This kind of bleeding occurs 6 - 12 days after the egg has been fertilized; what this implies is that you may still be ignorant about your new pregnancy when implantation bleeding occurs.
2. Cervical changes and irritation is also another reason why you may experience bleeding. This is due to the fact that blood flow to the cervix increases during your pregnancy. Therefore if your cervix comes in contact with something it usually causes bleeding; this may occur after an instance of vigorous sexual activity or after a pelvic examination. It may also occur if you have an infected cervix.
3. In more severe circumstances, bleeding may occur as a result of an impending miscarriage, or due to an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies occur when implantation of the embryo occurs outside the uterus, mostly within the fallopian tube. You should deal with this as a serious issue because it is; it is potentially life threatening. Seek out immediate medical assistance once you notice this.
4. Bleeding can also be indicative of cervical issues like inflammation and/or infections. It could also point to early dilation of the cervix which is one of the more common causes of pre-term labor. Bleeding can also be as a result of the placenta growing to cover the birth canal; this condition is referred to as placenta previa.
5. Contrary to general assumptions, the volume of bleeding is not indicative of the gravity or seriousness or severity of the condition causing it. As much as heavy bleeding during pregnancy is abnormal and can cause you to be seriously concerned, light flows can also be a forerunner of more serious issues; for example, although moderate to heavy bleeding can indicate the presence of placental abruption, scanty bleeding can also precede this condition.
Whatever the case may be, you should ensure that you take bleeding during early pregnancy serious and notify your health care provider early enough, in fact try as much as possible to keep him or her in the loop always.