
There are hundreds of thousands women give birth each year. Some of them have tried for a long time before finally conceiving a baby, some got pregnant by accident, some decided to have a baby and got pregnant the same month. Some babies are wanted, some unfortunately not. But as statistics shows, major part of babies are definitely wanted and their parents are ready for them.

Or they think they are?

Most first-time parents-to-be are getting prepared to their baby arrival as soon as they find out that they are expecting one...They read lots of books about pregnancy and babies, they always talk about it between themselves, to their friends, colleagues and relatives. They seem to be over the moon about the fact that soon in their live there will be a little cute creature. And they are getting ready to the big change in their lives.

That's not as easy as it seems to be. After labour and a few days spent in hospital new parents and their little bundle of joy are coming back home. That's the time when reality strikes for them.

There are women who are getting along with a new routine just fine. Unfortunately, not all of us are the same. About 70 percent of all mothers suffer from baby blues. They become very emotional, they start crying a lot over even an insignificant stuff. It can last few hours, but can take a few days, or a week or two.

If you one of the sufferers, then please do not worry, the whole motherhood is not going to be like that, even if you might think this way right now. Baby blues is just a reaction of your body to all the changes happened to it. There is a big change in the level of hormones in your body. Also it is meant to be an emotional roller-coaster. Everything is going to be different from now. You might start feeling a bit anxious or even trapped. But that's definitely not going to last forever.

There are a few things you can do to pass through this period as smoothly as possible.

  • First of all, you do need to take as much rest as possible. You have gone through a major process in your life - you were carrying your baby for nine whooping months, had a few hour(or even days in some cases) labour and gave birth to a beautiful boy, girl or multiples. Labour alone is a massive shock for the body. So you need a rest.

  • Leave all the house work for now. Don't rush to do all the cleaning and cooking. Yes, your beloved husband might not been the tidiest person, while you were in hospital. And yes, he could have cleaned the house better and prepare everything for your arrival. But, all this is very emotional for him as well. Don't forget, he became a parent too. And he was to busy visiting you in hospital. Leave all the house really can wait. And nobody will blame you if there are a few dirty cups in the sink.

  • It is better to limit the amount of visitors. Everyone wants to see your cute baby, but it is wise to limit all the visitors to the closest relatives, such as babies grandparents. Your little angel is here not for a week, but for the rest of your life. So all those visitors can wait a week or so to see this cute angel of yours. And they will understand that you might feel emotionally exhausted.

  • Get someone else's help. Would be great if you could get help from someone experienced in this field. You mother is the best choice. She will show you how everything is done, how to deal with a baby, how to calm your baby down. Remember, she is the one who was doing the same with you. So she knows, what she's doing.

  • Ask help from your partner too. While he is busy with a baby, take a relaxing bath, light some candles...Just relax,there are very busy times ahead. Gets busier when they start crawling and walking. Just enjoy this time!

  • And the last thing: if you feel that you want to cry, just cry. Cry it out, don't keep it in yourself. It is all natural.

Remember, baby blues is not a permanent factor. And most women experience baby blues. You need a time to get used to your new responsible and hard role of being a mother. But if you continue feeling the same after a month time, it's advised to see a doctor,as you might have developed a postnatal depression. They will give you a required advice, treatment and support.

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