
Morning sickness occurs in 50 to 80% of pregnant women. Most cases of pregnancy morning sickness occur between the 4th and 6th week of pregnancy and lasts until the 14th to 16th week. Even though it is called "morning sickness," this problem can actually occur any time of the day or night. Unfortunately, some women will experience morning sickness all throughout their pregnancy.

No one knows for sure what causes this ailment but the theories that currently exist say that a combination of rapid changes occurring in the pregnant woman's body plays a big part in the queasiness. It would appear that the rapid increase in hCG (the pregnancy hormone) and estrogen play a part in the appearance of morning sickness. Once hCG raises to a certain level the symptoms begin. Many women then start feeling relief around the time that the levels of hCG start to decline in their system.

Another change that occurs during pregnancy is a heightened sense of taste and smell. Smells and tastes that once were appealing take on a whole new effect and may become very unappealing and may lead to an untimely run for the bathroom to throw up. It is thought that the increase of estrogen is responsible for this change.

It is also thought that women who have a weak stomach or are prone to throwing up (due to stress, illness, birth control pills, etc) can experience pregnancy morning sickness more often and severely than women who have an "iron stomach".

Can Essential Oils Help Reduce the Effects of Morning Sickness?

There is really no reason why pregnant women cannot use essential oils for common problems like morning sickness. Essential oils do not act like pharmaceutical drugs. Physicians in the past have prescribed pharmaceutical drugs with disastrous results. One only has to remember in the 1960's when over 10,000 babies were born primarily in Europe and Africa with severe birth defects because their mothers took the drug thalidimide to treat morning sickness. Drugs of any kind can be dangerous to the developing fetus especially in the first trimester. Essential oils however are nature's medicines and do not have the same effects as these drugs. With that said, even nature's medicines taken in excess can be harmful both to the developing fetus and to the mother.

Suggested Essential Oils for Morning Sickness

Ginger, peppermint, spearmint

Dilute 50-50 and massage 1-3 drops behind each ear and over the navel 2-3 times hourly

Inhale the oil directly 4-6 times hourly as needed

Or place one drop on the tongue.

Another option is to have the oil beside the bed and before moving the head, reach for the oil and begin inhaling. Movement is often the trigger for morning sickness.

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