Do you want to avoid hysterectomy, surgery for urinary incontinence, or prolapse surgery for cystocele or rectocele?
"Susan"* had hysterectomy and "bladder lift" surgery scheduled to find relief from incontinence. She leaked pee so badly she was like a prisoner in her own home, chained to the bathroom. After just two weeks of kegels, she was able to take a two-mile walk with almost no leaks. Three months later, she says kegels have "given back my life and my freedom."
"Ann" had problems moving her bowels because of a rectocele (prolapsed rectum). She'd been doing kegels for years, but she was doing them incorrectly, without much benefit. She was planning surgery to treat the rectocele, but after two weeks of doing kegels right, the doctors couldn't find the rectocele anymore.
Hundreds of thousands of women have pelvic surgery every year to treat incontinence or prolapse (cystocele, rectocele, or uterine prolapse). For many women, surgery helps. For others, surgery doesn't solve the problem, or creates new problems that might be even worse.
Surgery may work well for some women. But before you rush into surgery, consider giving kegels a try.
I'm not talking about a few kegels here and there when you happen to think of it. That approach to kegels won't work. I'm talking about learning how to do kegels correctly -- contracting the right muscles, for the right amount of time, the right number of times a day, using the right position and the right breathing. Sounds like a lot of work? Not really; all it takes is a couple hours to learn and a few minutes a day to actually do it. Kegels do require your commitment, but for those who experience the benefits of kegels, it's a tiny investment for enormous positive gain.
Surgery is potentially dangerous (it can lead to many complications -- ironically, including prolapse). It typically involves painful recovery, and it's always expensive. (And I don't know about you, but for me, the idea of getting the sensitive, private parts of my body cut into and stitched up is not my idea of a good time!)
Kegels are completely safe: as long as you do them right, it's literally impossible to hurt yourself. You can do kegels at home on your own, keeping your independence and personal power intact. Kegels are painless. They can actually be fun and relaxing! There are no drugs, no complications. Doing kegels is free. And the one side effect kegels do have? Better sex. It's no wonder women love kegels!
Have you been living with prolapse or incontinence? Have you been considering a hysterectomy, incontinence surgery, or other prolapse surgery? Talk with your health care team, and consider giving kegels a try -- real kegels, done right. You have nothing to lose, and you could have a whole lot to gain.
*Susan and Ann are real women. Their names have been changed here to protect their privacy.