Panic attacks during pregnancy are normal. There are times when you cannot control your emotions especially when sudden bumps or pains occur during your pregnancy, and since you don't easily understand what caused them, you get worried. You also exert extra amount of concern as it's not only your health that's at stake-but your baby's as well.
But panic attacks can be controlled and prevented. You can then keep yourself or your pregnant loved one from getting into a panic situation by practicing these three helpful tips:
1. Water Therapy - drinking water, regardless of being pregnant or not, keeps the veins and nerves relaxed and at ease. You are also kept fresh and cool because of the hydration, thus you don't easily get worried. Whenever a potential panic situation arises, it takes a lot of time before the stimulus reaches your brain, and before it does, you have already responded to the situation properly. No need to worry then!
2. Exercise - panic attacks during pregnancy are also caused by restless muscles that have already grown tired of the usual routine of being pregnant. Restlessness usually builds up into anxiety, causing you to panic eventually. Thus, to keep the panic attacks from coming, get some exercise. Do some slight walking, at least to give your body some sweat. Your muscles are then stretched and satisfied, thus preventing you from getting restless and worrisome during your pregnancy.
3. Breathing - finally, you must learn how to breathe. The success of labor and childbirth depends on how you breathe, as your exhale will bring out the child you carried for nine months. By learning how to breathe properly, not only will you be able to bring out a healthy, happy child in this world, but also bring him out without the slightest risk of panic.