Some of the essential items that mothers of newborns should have are:
Breast pumps: Breast pumps are mechanical devices that help lactating women extract milk from their breasts. There are two main type of breast pumps, manual operated and electric or battery operated. Unlike dairy milking machines, breast pumps don't suck the milk out from the breast instead they stimulate the milk ejection response. Most women use breast pumps to continue breast feeding after they have returned to work and to keep up with their toddler's unusual feeding timings.
Skin cream: The newborn baby needs constant care and attention. Diaper rashes and dry skin are some of the common ailments that affect babies. A variety of skin creams are available to tackle this. Post-pregnancy, women also use anti-marks creams to reduce the stretch marks around their abdomen.
It's a good idea to buy these products before the baby is born. All such products should be checked thoroughly to ensure that no hazardous chemicals or allergenic substances are used in them. A good idea is to check with your friends and family for recommendations. Your doctor could also recommend some creams. If you use cloth diapers, then the baby could get a nappy rash which causes them great discomfort. A diaper rash cream which soothes them is the perfect solution. The baby's skin is still very soft and requires constant care and hence using a baby lotion or oil is a good idea.
Maternity wear: During pregnancy, expectant mothers need to wear clothes that are loose and comfortable. Also post pregnancy they need clothes that will suit their body size. Nowadays maternity clothing is available in various styles and sizes which means that pregnant women do not have to wear dreary gowns to be comfortable. Various tops and stretch pants are available in a variety of fabrics that are suitable for pregnant women.
Mothercare Products: These are products that make it easier for the mother to care for her new born. These include items like new mother clothes, baby soother nipples, disposable breast pads that help feed toddlers, feeding bottles, pacifiers, baby bath lotions,shampoos and baby products, pregnancy pillows that are specially shaped to accommodate expectant mothers, maternity belts which help pregnant women avoid back pain and spasms, nursing bras that help mothers feed their babies.
These are just some of the multitude of products that are available for expectant mothers. Nowadays most of these products are available online and can be delivered to your doorstep. However one thing that must be noted is that all these products should be researched and checked before being used. The health of the new born and the mother is paramount.