
Now that you've just had your beautiful baby, you look in the mirror and want to loose the extra baby fat that was being stored during your pregnancy.

Don't fret, it's actually very simple to lose those extra pounds after giving birth. Here are 5 simple ways to lose pregnancy weight.

1. Breastfeeding - You'll burn many calories when breastfeeding. As a result, you'll lose weight. Make sure not to eat less, because some of those calories need to be replenished.

2. Take smaller portions when eating. Split your meals into smaller meals. This will help you from being hungry while still burning fat.

3. Eat healthy foods. Keep everything in moderation. Balance out your carbohydrates, proteins, and fats evenly. Make sure you drink plenty of water. A recommended amount is between 10-12 glasses of water per day.

4. Sleep. Your body is working hard and you should give it extra time to recover. You're burning many calories taking care of your baby and exercising.

5. Stay active and exercise daily. Try some exercises you couldn't normally do while pregnant. A good example of a fun exercise is to take your baby for a walk. You have to wait six weeks after vaginal birth and eight weeks after c-section. Both you and your baby will enjoy the outdoors and you'll lose weight at the same time.

Try out these simple tips [] to help you get back in shape.

Don't listen to those who say it's impossible to lose weight after pregnancy. It is entirely possible to not only lose your weight after pregnancy, but you can actually look better than you did when you got pregnant.


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