Are you wondering in your head, "What can I do to help me get pregnant?", if so here are some tips to help you get pregnant fast.
What can I do to help me get pregnant tips:
How To Get Pregnant Tip #1: Eat Right
Eating right is actually a two stop process. First you need to stop eating foods that are bad for you that can cause infertility problems in both women and men and then you need to start eating nutrient dense foods that will boost your fertility.
Foods that you need to avoid are: Caffeine (coffee, tea), cigarettes (quit smoking and avoid second hand smoke), sugar (both artificial and white sugar can cause serious problems such as Candidiasis - Candida which can lead to infertility, all canned foods, fast and processed foods, MSG, food coloring, and preservatives.
Start eating: raw organic fruits and vegetables. Cooking destroys much of the valuable trace minerals, vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and more from food. Pesticides can also cause infertility problems and must be avoided at all costs. Eat organic whenever possible.
How To Get Pregnant Tip #2: Drink Lots of Water
Please don't laugh. Most people over look this crucial tip. Many people are dehydrated and don't drink enough water. The truth is, water is extremely important to many processes within your body including reproduction. Your urine should always be clear. As general rule of thumb drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.
How To Get Pregnant Tip #3: Have A Clean Colon
Why is this important? Most people have bloated bellies and have a bowel movement only once a day or every few days. As a result, the body becomes jammed and full of toxins. Nutrient absorption will significantly increase if you have a clean colon - making it easier for you to get pregnant. Serious problems such as Candidiasis (Candida) are also avoided.
Make sure you do a colon cleanse if you have a bloated belly or if you aren't going to the washroom at least 2-3 times a day. You most likely have pounds of feces that you can get rid of in your colon.
Once your cleanse your colon and start to eat right, you will start to feel stronger and more vibrant. Pregnancy will follow close behind.
So stop thinking about "What can I do to help me get pregnant", because now you know. You only need to start acting!