A missed period is the most obvious pregnancy symptom. A missed period indicates that one is on its second to third week of its pregnancy. Some women might experience abnormal period which is short period or a period which is lighter than normal.
One of the early pregnancy symptoms are fainting or the feeling of dizziness. Women at this time might feel light headed after walking few distance or while climbing stairs. This happens because the uterus walls swells compressing arteries of the legs which ultimately cause the blood sugar level to drop.
Extreme fatigue, nausea, mood swing and flu like symptoms are also sign of pregnancy. Early in their pregnancy women feel extremely exhausted which can be followed by the feeling of vomiting or queasiness known as morning sickness but many women might experience it in evening or night. Frequent urination which is due to the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone is produced by the developing embryo is also a sign of pregnancy. Mood swings are quite severe during pregnancy and is similar to what a women experiences as pre menstrual syndrome.
Pregnancy symptoms include altered sense of taste. An equally common symptom is loathing towards a particular food. One might even develop a strong dislike against a past food craving. These are not sure sign of pregnancy and one must not rely on them totally. This happens mostly due to the estrogen hormone present in women's body.
Several hormonal changes in the body can bring about digestive problem during pregnancy. The hormone produced in the body at this time slows down bowel movement to absorb as much as essential nutrient in the body. It is advised by the doctors to take smaller but frequent meals. Slower emptying of stomach may also cause acidity leading to heartburn.
Early pregnancy symptoms show breast tenderness and swollenness. Since womens' breasts play an important role after childbirth, the body prepares itself for breastfeeding. Nipples might be much more sensitive and the skin around the nipple known as areola darkens.
Some other physical changes are back pain, cramps and high body temperature. Lower back pain can be due to several reasons. Firstly it can be because of the weights gain during pregnancy. Secondly it can be lack of proper sleep during night since the womb keeps pulling on the muscle making one feel uncomfortable while sleeping. It is best advised to use maternity pillow during pregnancy.
A less known fact for many is implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is caused by fertilized egg when it tries to implant itself in uterus.
Gaining weight is one of the unavoidable pregnancy symptoms. To make sure one is pregnant its best to take a pregnancy test. Pregnancy test gives better result after at least two days of missed periods and its advised to take minimum two pregnancy tests.
It is of utmost importance for a woman to detect pregnancy as early as possible for prenatal care. It is healthy for both the mother and her baby.