Do you know that calcium nutrient can aid in increasing your chances of getting pregnant and maintaining you pregnancy from premature births and neonatal deaths? Are you aware that most prenatal vitamins have not more than 20% of the RDA of calcium?
Studies have shown that most women both aspiring and pregnant ones, don't get enough calcium daily. Calcium nutrient in needed for strong bones and good teeth and also for muscle growth in the baby. The risk of not having enough calcium by non pregnant and pregnant women is one of the major factors that causes osteoporosis; a disease which speeds up loss of calcium and causes the bones to become weak and fragile, curved spines, loss of height and increases the incidence of bone fracture especially among women.
Calcium plays a vital role in preparing a woman for conception. It increases the chances of a woman getting pregnant and maintaining her pregnancy by providing the much needed strong bones and muscle growth which are needed for a healthy conception. Calcium also helps in maintaining the heart rhythm in mom and baby, lowers neonatal deaths and prevents premature births.
Taking the recommended amount of 1000-1200mg of calcium daily before and during pregnancy helps the body to store up the required amount needed to make milk for your baby when he or she is eventually born.
Calcium can be sourced from dairy foods like milk, yogurt, ice cream and cheese. Women who can't eat dairy products due to lactose intolerance or vegan diets can source their calcium nutrients from some good plant based sources like tofu, black eyed peas, baked beans collard greens and oranges. It is very important to note that while food and other supplements can be useful in getting enough calcium, it is important not to overdo it. Getting 2000mg/day or more can produce adverse effects such as kidney stones. which are dangerous to the overall health reproductive couples.
Further more, avoid calcium supplement that contains bone meal and dolomite as they may also contain toxic substances like lead, mercury and arsenic. Steer clear of chelated calcium as they cost more but offers no advantage compared with other calcium supplements.
Get enough vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body absorb and use calcium. Your body naturally produces vitamin D from sunlight and this is another good reason to go out for a walk! Food sources of vitamin D include milk fortified with vitamin D, egg yolks, and dark-meat fish (such as salmon or herring.
Try and exercise regularly. Weight-bearing exercise, which can be as simple as walking, can help to build strong bones. Talk to your health care provider about exercise options that are safe and helpful during pregnancy.
While most multivitamins may not satisfy the body's calcium needs, they do supply the daily recommended amount of vitamin D.