If you think you're pregnant, congratulations! You will not think about it if you have not felt any of the pregnancy symptoms. Pregnancy is a memorable experience for a woman in which she has to prepare her body for the big changes. The early signs of pregnancy can bring you sense of excitement but anxiety at the same time knowing that you might encounter some or all of the most unwanted pregnancy symptoms. However, these signs are just the body's way to adjust itself from the changes brought by pregnancy.
Here are some of the unusual pregnancy symptoms that you might encounter:
Constipation might be experienced if you lack fluid on your body. This may due to the growing size of your belly that compresses your rectum giving you the difficulty to pass your stool, or may also due to the process by which they take out all the available nutrients to supply it to your baby which slows down your digestive tract. Pain on your belly button may also happen during pregnancy. This is due to the pressure if the growing uterus on your abdomen. This symptom usually appears on the second trimester and subsides around third trimester.
If you think food craving is very common, you may also experience the loss of appetite. Some women tend to eat less but some just don't have the appetite. It is a good sign if you develop this symptom to unhealthy foods so that you will not worry about losing weight after pregnancy. However, if this sign of pregnancy make you eat less than your daily required nutrients, you have to consult your doctor.
During pregnancy, some pregnant women experience increased salivation. The rationale behind this is the occurring hormonal changes. Increased cervical fluid may also become evident any time of the day and may come whitish and mild smelling discharge. This is considered as a usual pregnancy symptom because your body is just getting rif of the bacteria from your vagina. Don't forget to your feminine hygiene to avoid infection.
During pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms may also manifest through your skin. You may notice extra skin that dangles from any parts of your body such as in your underarms. In addition, you might also feel itchiness all round your body. This is not a common pregnancy symptom but this may happen if you have cholestasis prior to pregnancy. Cholestasis is a liver disorder, which can have pose danger to your unborn baby.
Other women may also experience a metallic taste in their mouth during the first weeks of pregnancy. Spider veins are also one of the most unwanted signs of pregnancy that is due to the increased blood flow during pregnancy. In addition, the increased amounts of the hormone oestrogen and blood flow can also cause nasal congestion.