According to studies, women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression. There are many reasons for this. Fortunately, depression is a mental illness that is curable if the correct mediation or therapy is administered to the sufferer. Thus, it is important that women understand the causes and the appropriate ways on how to deal with depression.
One most obvious reason that may make women more prone to depression is the levels of the sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Women have a higher level of these hormones and the levels change during the menstrual cycle, throughout pregnancy and childbirth and at the menopause. For instance, premenstrual syndrome or commonly known as PMS, can result in anxiety and depression prior to the menstruation period. Treatment used for PMS include hormone therapy and water tablets (diuretics), but they often do not work very well. The best way to deal with such depression is to give support and understanding to your affected spouse or partner.
In addition, the levels of oestrogen and progesterone are very high in pregnancy and drop dramatically after the birth. This sudden change can sometimes trigger depression. About half of all new mothers go through the maternity or baby blues, 15 percent get mild to moderate postnatal depression and a small percentage may even suffer from severe depression.
So how should you deal with pregnancy or postnatal depression? One effective way to treat postnatal depression is through the use of antidepressant drugs. Most antidepressants can be taken while breast-feeding. When a woman is being treated for postnatal depression, it usually helps if her counterpart can become involved and understand what is happening. In the cases of severe depression, doctors may recommend electroconvulsive therapy in addition to the antidepressant medication. This depression treatment works quickly and enables the new mother to get on with bonding with her child.
Women are more likely to seek help for depression around their middle years. It is widely believed this is due to menopause. There are, of course, a number of other changes that may play a role in triggering depression. Common reasons may include the poor relationship with their partner or kids, deteriorating health or sudden retrenchment. Typically, this form of depression can be treated with common antidepressant drugs such as Dothiepin.
If you wish to know more about effective clinical depression treatment, major causes of depression and the complications resulting from depression, you can visit this comprehensive site : Guide To Living With Depression