Pregnancy is one of the most bright and rewarding things in the world, and there are those women who attempt for a long while before they can finally conceive. The woman's inner clock continues ticking while making the attempt. Women can go through hell every time a pregnancy test turns negative. While trying to conceive, it is essential to maintain an ideally healthy vagina. This means you need to use the suitable lubricants if you are experiencing vaginal dryness and avoid using any products that can create an unfriendly surroundings for sperm.
Health for the Vagina
You see it on TV all the time commercials promoting feminine wipes and washes to keep you feeling fresh. But are you sure these are okay for you to use while you are attempting to conceive? But you're wrong; these products are not helpful for you, especially at this time. The vagina doesn't need any help at all, as it cleans itself daily. We think that the fluids that the vagina secretes are unpleasant when in reality; it just shows that the vagina is healthy and normal. Your vagina's normal PH balance is disturbed when you make use of vaginal products such as cleansers, wipes, or douches.
Use of Lubricants
Frustrations and tensions are always there when trying to conceive a baby. Attempting to get pregnant means having sex at set schedules. Sometimes this means not being stimulated enough to try, and so you should use some products that can help you. Use of lubrication is advised to keep sex more pleasurable. Most lubricants are harmful for the sperm resulting them to being damaged and of no use if you are attempting to get pregnant. Most lubricants are in fact lethal to sperm because of the products they are made with. This is not commonly known because the lubricants' manufacturers are not required to show this warning on the product package.
Pre-Seed is a lubricator that was manufactured to help aid couples who need help with lubrication when trying to conceive. It contains the proper ingredients without toxic, as well as the appropriate PH balance needed by the sperm to reach the egg without any distress coming to it. Pre-Seed also includes an applicator for the lubricant to be put near the cervix of the vagina to aid the course of the sperm. Pre-Seed is an impersonation of the quality of the cervical fluids.
And always remember, this is about having a baby and it should be fun and loving experience. Enjoy yourself during this time of conceiving because the more relaxed you are the easier it will be.