
Trying to conceive a child? Do the doctors say that you can increase your chances to get pregnant by losing your extra weight? Loosing your weight can help to get pregnant. I know how are you feeling because I was in the same position. I was also looking for the help to get pregnant.

Being overweight or obese can be an obstacle that greatly affects your chances to fall pregnant.

How can your weight affect your chances to get pregnant:

1. Your weight may affect your ovulation.

Being overweight or obese can disrupt your regular monthly cycle, making it difficult for you to ovulate, and making it difficult to know exactly when you are ovulating. The impact of weight on ovulation has to do with the production of estrogen. Research suggests that for women who are overweight, the extra fat tissue can lead to an excess production of estrogen. This excess estrogen can then cause a hormonal imbalance that affects ovulation.

2. The sheer logistics of sex can get in the way for overweight and obese couples who are trying to conceive.

If the sperm are not able to make it all the way to the cervical mucus, whether held back by excess skin or they can't make it to a deep cervix, there are a variety of problems that being overweight can cause in the physical act of conception.

In addition, some studies suggest that being overweight and not getting enough exercise can lead to a low sperm count and/or low sperm viability in men.

Help to get pregnant = help to weight loss

I was considered obese (350 lbs.) I had irregular periods, often having two periods per month, which my doctor indicated as a lack of ovulation.

I had made some serious lifestyle changes and was down to 280 lbs. from 350 lbs. before falling pregnant. After losing just 20 lbs. my periods became normal. I followed the Strip That Fat guidelines. I focused on healthy diet and exercised. I was feeling and looking better than I had in a long time.

This helped me to get pregnant. Although I have gained 30 lbs. back during this pregnancy, it is ok. I have kept a lot of my healthy eating habits, even more important now to give my developing baby the nutrition he needs.

In conclusion:

- Women with a BMI of 35 to 40 face a probability of pregnancy between a 26 - 43 per cent less than those with a BMI of 21-29.

- Women aged 30 or over, who are also obese, would have an even greater reduction in her chances to get pregnant.

- Dieting and exercise, of course, can help to address the issue of being overweight. However dieting and exercising can also sometimes interfere with ovulation, thus a three-month maintenance window tends to be helpful.


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