
Love-making or sexual union is vital to man-woman relationship. It is elemental and occurs in accordance with the law of nature. Thus one is bound to feel attracted towards opposite sex and desire for a sexual union, for nature has created him or her in that way. Sexual union deepens the emotional bond between man and woman, for a woman usually considers her body as pure as the abode of God, and when she offers that very body to a man, she actually offers him her entire existence. This realization causes her to love her man from the core of her heart, and also causes her man to respond to her love emotionally.

However sexual dysfunction of either man or woman erodes the enjoyment expected out of sex. The enjoyment derived from sexual union touches the zenith when both partners participate in it actively, or else embarrassment and frustration would seep in, making the relationship tumultuous. This is why various pharmaceutical companies have launched in enhancement products to rejuvenate sexual life and help distressed couples.

Drop in libido or desire for sex is a dysfunction which many women experience as they progress in age. Perimenopause, menopausal and post-natal periods are phases when this problem acquires immense dimension. This leads to poor sexual response of woman during sexual encounters. At the root of the problem lies, the declining levels of female sex hormones in her body.

The other causes of poor female libido may be stress and depression, hostile relationship between sexual partners or aversion towards partner, fatigue arising out of child care or management of household chores, trauma related to previous history of sexual abuse, poor body image and lack of sexual confidence, any surgery in or injury to genital tract, fear of painful sex which actually occurs due to vaginal dryness, tightening, infections or atrophy in vulva or vagina, diseases like arthritis, diabetes, neurological disorders, cardiovascular problems, alcohol dependence, drug dependence, smoking, medications like birth control pills, antidepressants, appetite-suppressors, mood stabilizers or tranquilizers etc.

Poor female libido can be managed through lifestyle changes, increased water intake, intake of healthy diet rich in estrogenic elements like soy, potato, wheat, rice, cherries, apple etc, practicing yoga, meditation and other stress relieving methods. Hormone replacement therapy or HRT is another way of tackling poor female libido. Also luckily there are plenty of libido enhancers available in market which a woman can try out. If one opts for herbal female libido enhancers, one can go totally worry-less, because herbal products exclude the adverse side-effects of synthetic drugs.

HerSolution pills are one such purely herbal female libido enhancement pills. The potent natural ingredients of the product increase a female's sexual appetite, improve sexual sensations, and give highly intense orgasms. Intake of the pill would give a massive blow to the woman's fire of passion that had come down to flickers only, and it would definitely burst in to flames once more. The pills enjoy the approval of sex therapist and would have no negative impact on the woman's body. If a woman takes HerSolution pills, her man would discover her anew in bed. Apart from enhancing libido, the pills bring back natural lubrication in vagina, increase the anticipations of sex, quicken sexual arousal, enhance sensitivity in clitoris and bring back intense sensations in genital areas by elevating blood supply to the area. Thus the product retrieves the lost magic in a woman's sexual life. One has to take one pill a day.

The ingredients of the pill include Gingko Biloba, Niacin, Epimedium Sagittatum, Melatonin, Hops extracts, Tribulus Terrestrial, Mucuna Pruriens, Dehydroepiandrosdterone etc. These natural ingredients are in perfect blend and work together to promote female sexual response and revitalize a female's love life.

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