Childbirth classes are designed to educate you as parents about labor and delivery to reduce your stress and anxiety. The classes should also be able to give you a sense of preparedness and provide a special bonding experience between you and your partner. You should not enroll in childbirth classes alone. You need your partner to be there for you. Childbirth classes for first time parents are intensive because you need to focus on all aspects and details of prenatal care. This includes diet and exercise, issues on labor and delivery, postnatal care and the issue of breastfeeding. For experienced parents, the childbirth classes just serve as refresher course to catch up on the latest technology. Childbirth classes typically provide would-be parents general information on different methods of childbirth. The areas to be covered usually include the process of labor, options for pain management during labor as well as coping techniques, and postnatal care.
If you join childbirth classes in the hospital where you plan to have your delivery, you often will be taken a tour of the hospital to give you first hand information about the hospital's policies during labor, delivery and postpartum. You have a chance to ask questions about anything you want to know about your pregnancy and childbirth. You can also check if the hospital has labor and delivery suites which provides you a chance to stay at the same room during labor, delivery and postpartum, and check if you and your baby will share a room at night. You can also check if accommodations will include your partner or if food is available for them in the hospital. These are small but vital things which may help you relax and stay focused on the business of giving birth. Below are other childbirth classes you may also check out as other options.
Lamaze Method
Lamaze is a very popular method of birthing. When you enroll in Lamaze classes, you will be introduced to the philosophy that birth is a natural and healthy experience. Lamaze childbirth classes are focused on basic childbirth education that gives women a feeling that they can make personal choices about the best options they would want to have during labor and delivery. Lamaze teaches pregnant women natural coping techniques to withstand and deal with the pain of labor but it does not mean they are closing their doors for using medication to manage pain during labor.
Hypnobirthing is another method you can resort to as preparation for labor and pregnancy. This is a class teaching hypnosis techniques along with basic childbirth education to pregnant women. Hypnobirthing techniques support the idea that you need to conquer and control the fear of labor and delivery to avoid the intense pain of childbirth.
Bradley Method
The Bradley Method, popularly known as "husband-coached childbirth," is a 12-week course which advocates for a natural birth and a strong participation of your partner. Covered during the whole course are areas including healthy diet and exercise during pregnancy, techniques in coping and relaxation during labor and delivery, rehearsing the birth process, avoiding a cesarean delivery, breastfeeding and postpartum care for yourself and your baby. Many childbirth classes are available for you to choose from. You can check private and public hospitals, and pregnancy and birthing centers. Enrolling under an instructor who is certified under the International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA) is the best option to go for because you will be learning from somebody who is an authority and has the capability to relate to your present situation. Other areas you need to consider when you enroll in childbirth classes aside from the instructor's certification are the cost of the classes, the number of couples enrolled in a class, the availability of additional classes and the location of the classes. The nearer it is to your home the better and less strenuous it will be for you to attend.
Whatever childbirth classes you choose to attend, try to learn as much as you can and enjoy the experience. It can help you better prepare for your labor and delivery.