A lot of people are aware that aromatherapy can provide a wide range of benefits that can improve the present health condition of a person. In major places like United States and England for example, they would regard the benefits of aromatherapy as something which is very much related to alternative medicine techniques. While on the other hand, those countries which accept aromatherapy as part of their medical procedure would regulate them the way they would do with their medical practices.
Here are the top 10 benefits that aromatherapy can give, read along and you will be pleased on how much it can help:
Benefit # 1: Aromatherapy Helps The Medical Field
In France, this method is use in order to complement the traditional medical practices which they would normally do to address the need of their body. In this place, essential oils are given by physician in order to target harmful organisms which can lead to viral, bacterial, or fungal infections. On the other hand, in United States they would make use of the scents in order to alleviate symptoms of illnesses. This is why a lot of people are familiar with products like Vicks or Halls cough drops that effectively relieve clogged sinuses as well as throats. Aromatic chemicals compounds like eucalyptus and menthol can lessen symptoms associated to colds.
Benefit # 2: Aromatherapy as Stress Reliever
When one mention aromatherapy, the first thing that will ring in one's ear is that it can relieve everyday stress. Aromatherapy is mostly given in order to lessen symptoms of stress among people. A good example of this is the basil oil which is normally given to calm down the effects of depression.
Benefit # 3: Aromatherapy and Behavior
It has been shown that aromatherapy can improve the condition of the mind hence giving some effect to the behavior of a person. According to study conducted among mice, the animal tend to become calm the moment they were exposed to aroma of sandalwood, lavender, and other oils sprayed on them while they became extremely irritable when exposed to thymol, orange terpines, and other aromas.
Benefit # 4: Aromatherapy Can Improve Sleep
A study shows that elderly people were able to "sleep like babies" the time when they were exposed to lavender aroma. These people are suffering from sleep difficulty disorder and had to consume sleeping pills in order to get to sleep before the use of the scented oil.
Benefit # 5: Aromatherapy Relieves Postpartum Discomfort
A study conducted to 635 women shows that postpartum discomfort can highly lessen during the 3rd or the 5th when a woman would apply lavender oil into their perineal area (between the vagina and the rectum)
Benefit # 6: Aromatherapy Heals Colds
It has been noted that consuming chicken soup when you are suffering from colds can highly improve one's condition. Now, there was a further study that was conducted in order to find out whether the effect of chicken soup is because of the action of the hot steam on the nostrils or if it is the aroma of the chicken soup that can actually cure the colds away. The results indicate that it is because of the steam hence suggesting the effectiveness of aroma.
Benefit # 7: Aromatherapy Improves Male Sexual Response
It has been observed that Circulation to the male sexual organ was substantially improved by means of the treatment of licorice or lavender together with pumpkin pie. Doughnut that contains black licorice is also known to be effective. Men that are known to be sexually active responded greatly to cola, lavender, as well as oriental spice while on the other hand older males would rather go for the fragrance of vanilla. This clearly states that aromatherapy is an efficient therapy to address the problem of male impotency.
Benefit # 8: Aromatherapy makes a Person more Alert
It has been shown that people who were exposed to rosemary were able to have a decrease in frontal alpha and beta power which simply suggest that there is an increased in alertness. Furthermore, they also experienced lower anxiety levels and they can perform math computations faster.
Benefit # 9: Aromatherapy for Pain Management
A lot of people would make use of clove bud which is a very potent essential oil in reducing bodily pain. Be sure to use the oil with care and don't forget to dilute it first if you wish to use it for massage or as a lotion.
Benefit # 10: Aromatherapy Heal Wounds
You can make use of tea tree oil to clean the wound first then apply essential oil helichrysum in areas near the wound but not on the wound itself in order to promote healing faster and safer. Keep in mind that the faster the wound heals the lesser scarring will take place.