If you have been struggling to get pregnant, or if you are just starting to try for your first baby there may be a secret ingredient to help increase your chances of conceiving. What is this surprising fertility miracle? Believe it or not; cough syrup. Fertility experts are not all in agreement but there is some scientific evidence that proves cough medicine may actually help women conceive. But there are a few things you need to know about cough syrup and pregnancy.
The key ingredient you want to be on the lookout for when choosing a cough medicine for fertility purposes is guaifenesin. This ingredient can help you get pregnant by thinning your cervical fluid. This allows the sperm to pass through your cervix to the egg more easily.
Why does guaifenesin work so well? It is a common ingredient in cough medicine or other expectorants that relieve congestion by thinning and liquefying mucus in your lungs. It actually does this on all mucous membranes in your body so it can thin your cervical fluid too. Make sure you pick a cough medicine with guaifenesin as its only active ingredient.
You must be tracking your ovulation for it to help. If you are not producing much cervical fluid when you are ovulating then guaifenesin may be what you need to conceive. The key to this is tracking your ovulation and checking your cervical fluid; that is the only way to know when the appropriate time to take the guaifenesin. Of course some women just take the cough medicine throughout their entire ovulation period but it tends to work best on women who produce some quantity of cervical fluid.
If you choose to try using cough syrup to help you get pregnant be sure guaifenesin is the only active ingredient. It bears repeating because a cough medicine with an antihistamine can actually decrease cervical fluid. So again, choose the right cough syrup. Fertility chances can decrease if you choose the wrong one. Take two teaspoons three times per day while you are ovulating.