Any woman who is spotting and cramping during pregnancy should be concerned but should not panic. Many women experience at least some spotting or cramping or both during pregnancy especially during the first trimester and this may or may not be a sign of something more serious wrong. Seeking medical advice may prevent problems later on or may simply be needed to reassure the expectant mother that all is well and the pregnancy is continuing as normal. Either way a doctor's reassurance or intervention is important when spotting and/or cramping occurs.
Spotting and Cramping during the first trimester
Many women experience spotting and cramping during the first trimester of their pregnancy though not often together. Since most miscarriages occur within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy it is advisable for any woman experiencing heavy spotting to seek a physicians care especially if that spotting is accompanied by cramps, fever or chills.
Many pregnant women will experience what is known as implantation spotting. This simply means as the egg is working its way into the wall of the uterus it may cause irritation that will result in light spotting. This spotting is usually pale pink or dark rusty color in nature. There may also be some light cramping that occurs during implantation and often women mistake these two events as a signal that their menstruation cycle is about to begin.
Other causes of spotting during the first trimester could occur after paps smears or internal exams or after sexual intercourse. This spotting is caused due to body changes and the fact that a woman's cervix is slightly more sensitive than when she is not pregnant. This bleeding usually consists of a few light drops that doesn't last more than a day or two. If the spotting is heavy or accompanied by cramping it is wise to seek a doctors care.
Cramping during the first trimester is also not unusual and is often due to the uterus stretching to accommodate the growing fetus. These cramps are usually mild. Cramps that are low in the abdomen and are stronger than regular menstruation cramps may be sign of a Ectopic pregnancy so it is extremely important to seek a doctors advice if you are experiencing severe cramping.
Second Half Pregnancy Bleeding or Cramping
Women who are experiencing spotting in the second half of their pregnancy need to visit a doctor as soon as possible as spotting in the last half of pregnancy is less common and could be a sign of a real problem. Spotting during this time could be due to an inflamed cervix or a growth on the cervix. It could mean an infection is present that should be treated or could be a sign of preterm labor.
Cramping during the second half of pregnancy is usually fairly normal and can be caused by something as simple as constipation or gas or if it occurs later in the pregnancy could be caused by the onset of labor. During this time cramping may also occur due to the continued stretching of the uterus.
While there is often some cramping and spotting during pregnancy, it is always best to have things checked out to insure that your pregnancy is progressing and you and your unborn child are both healthy.