Before considering any type of job the first thing a person considers is how much it is going to pay them and if it will be enough to realistically support their lifestyle. There are several high paying IT positions that are available and pay very well. In order to figure up the salary for information technology related positions one must consider a few different factors.

The ever growing demand for information technicians, one would assume the salary would increase. Often this is not the case as it's now a popular career choice for young people. Many technologically literate people are cropping up straight out of college which has the opposite affect on the median salary.

There are still several great paying jobs available and if someone knows just what to look for, they can cash in on this informational craze. The best thing a person can do is acquire a specific skill that will set them apart from the rest of the people who are qualified to do the same position. By standing apart with a specific skill, a person automatically increases their chances of getting the job just by being unique and hopefully indispensable.

Location is also a big factor in figuring up how much a job will pay. One job in one part of the world may pay an entirely different median amount than the exact same job in another part. It's been reported that Washington DC is currently the highest paying city when it comes to IT positions. It is closely followed by New York and Boston.

Lower paying areas include Atlanta, Houston, Chicago, and Dallas. It's important to figure in the cost of living when comparing it to the salary to be earned. Another thing to consider are the benefits that come in addition to the pay. Insurance packages and retirement plans are important to have along with maternity and or paternity leave for those who plan on having children.

For a comprehensive management position, one can expect to make around seventy thousand dollars at entry level. This is a high demand job and involves a lot of generalized duties. Typically an IT manager will over see the entire functionality of the business and their entire technology department. There are many duties associated with this job and good knowledge of several different specialized area will be required. With the option of advancement up the career ladder, a top out salary is around one hundred and twenty thousand dollars.

More specialized positions have different starting pays. An IT Vendor Relationship Manager will handle the business associations with computer and network providers. They will earn anywhere from $80,000 to $140,000 a year. Another popular position is the Information Technology Director. They will handle all the aspects of handling the computer networks and policies within a company. This position may pay anywhere from $115,000 to $205,000.

It's clear to see that people who choose an IT job must be well qualified and educated in all aspects of IT and it's inner workings. Only the highest trained professionals will garner top dollar pay. With such a high salary for information technology jobs, the competition is increasing and more and more people graduate college seeing only the highest paying positions. For some it may be better to seek employment with a smaller corporation and gain valuable experience before tackling the big businesses.

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The miracle of life truly is something special, but there are sometimes when getting pregnant naturally is a lot harder than one might expect. There are several reasons for a someone not getting pregnant. It could be some of your daily activities (or lack thereof), what you're eating, you're physical and mental state. Here are some reasons why you might not be getting pregnant.

It is suggested that if you aren't getting pregnant, you should make an appointment with the doctor so you can go through the proper tests to see if there's a bigger issue than the ones listed below.

Not Enough Sex

Sometimes in life there are things that just take precedent over another. That could be career or just focusing on daily life. If you find yourself having sex once a week, it's probably not enough to get pregnant. Take some time to making sex an enjoyable time. This shouldn't feel like a chore or a responsibility. A baby should be brought into this world with love and not as a duty or responsibility.

Not Having Sex At The Right Time

The best time to have sex is when ovulation happens. This is when the egg (ovum) is ready to meet the sperm of your spouse and get fertilized. It's best to have plenty of sex a week before and after you ovulate.

Smoking And 2nd Hand Smoke

Cigarettes are filled with tons of dangerous substances that cause cancer so it's no wonder that it doesn't help you to get pregnant. This may seem like an obvious answer, but there are some people out there who just can't kick the habit. Maybe knowing that smoking can be a deterrent to getting pregnant might help you quit.

Be aware of your surroundings and watch for the 2nd hand smoke as well. You might not be a smoker, but it doesn't help to be inhaling the smoke. Also for men, smoking lowers your sperm count.

Alcohol Consumption

Whenever you drink more than 4 drinks within a week this could reduce your chances of getting pregnant by 30%. Drinking causes you to lose your appetite and also lose your energy.

Unhealthy Eating

So much is tied into what we eat. You know how the saying goes. "You are what you eat". This doesn't mean that you should just eat nuts and berries and lose ton of weight. This just means to have a more balanced diet. Taking vitamins, minerals and some food supplements will you help with a healthy pregnancy as well.

Obesity / Too Skinny

If you happen to be overweight or obese, controlling your weight and taking it down to normal levels will significantly help increase your chances to get pregnant. The menstrual cycle is affected by obesity. Obesity can make the menstrual cycle unpredictable or irregular.

The same goes for being too skinny. A lack of a good appetite will cause a huge loss in energy which you will need for a healthy pregnancy. You're body will need lots of energy and will be going through a lot of changes physically. You need to be prepared to go through the changes. It will make the whole journey that much better if you are prepared.

Watch The Caffeine

Be careful to control how much coffee or tea you're drinking. 1 cup a day might be okay, but you should be careful not to have more than that. Studies have shown that caffeine causes infertility in women and lowers the sperm count for men. It has also been known to be the prime suspect in babies with low birth weight and also increases the chances of a miscarriage. Just be careful with the caffeine. The maximum daily recommended intake of caffeine is 200 mg while pregnant.

Exercise More

It's hard to stay in a routine of exercise even when you're not trying to get pregnant, but it's hard to deny the benefits of working out and staying in shape. You don't have to exercise, but an hour a day of simple exercising will do wonders for your energy level and will also improve on the quality of sex.

Don't Focus Too Much On Conceiving

It's human nature to be addicted to things. Everyone has their vice. For some it's gambling, cooking, working out, career and yes... getting pregnant. Focusing too much on getting pregnant is never good. You shouldn't be stressed thinking about and hoping to get pregnant. The more you think about it, the more pressure there is and the enjoyment of being pregnant is taken away.

The more you worry about not getting pregnant, the bigger addiction or obsession of wanting to get pregnant. Stress is never good for the mind or body. Obsessing over getting pregnant easily adds stress that you don't need. The unwanted stress will cause irregularities in your menstrual cycle and could also affect your ovulation process. And it could also affect the sex life you're having with your partner.

Wondering why you can't get pregnant or how to get pregnant easily sometimes can't be answered all in one shot. It could be a number of factors that will cause infertility in women and in men. While getting pregnant sometimes can be a lot harder than it seems these points should be taken note. It's also highly suggested that you go to your doctor and talk with them about your issues of not getting pregnant. After a meeting with the doctor you might be more educated on why you can't get pregnant or you might get some new ideas on ways to increase fertility so you can get eventually get pregnant.

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How many times have you gotten up during the night only to get up again an hour later because your baby won't stop crying? It's a common situation among new parents or those with babies aged 6 months or more - getting their babies to sleep through the night but finding it impossible to do so. And the bags and dark circles under your eyes when you look at the mirror in the morning do nothing to make the situation easier.

However, thanks to enterprising and innovative souls who understand that parents need enough rest as well, a new technique called controlled crying has been conceptualized. Also known as "camping out" in some countries, the technique was designed to help infants settle down to a regular routine, with as little stress and fuss as possible.

Controlled crying is where parents wait for their babies to settle down in specific time intervals. These time intervals increase gradually and during this time no rocking, no picking up or patting is allowed and significant results are usually seen in a matter of days. Camping out on the other hand, is when one or both parents stay in the room with the baby without picking them up, patting or rocking them and gradually distancing themselves at varying time intervals in a period of days or weeks until the baby is fully able to sleep on their own.

While there over a thousand and one tips for baby sleep that you can read online, like playing soothing music, regulating the room temperature or dimming the lights, most parents have been found to stick to the tried and tested cry it out method - that is, letting their babies cry themselves to sleep. However, concerns about babies being put through unnecessary stress and trauma that could scar them psychologically and physically, the technique has been found to be most effective in helping babies and parents sleep through the night.

While it may seem that letting babies cry themselves to sleep makes for bad parenting, studies conducted on children between the ages of 8-10 months show no significant negative or harmful effects on them and in fact, has even been found to be a good strategy to employ in managing postnatal depression. This is because the better baby sleeps at night the less anxious mothers feel and as such, tend to relax more, knowing that their baby is settling nicely, with the positive effects lasting until the baby reaches the age of 2 years old.

This controlled comforting technique is also evident in online step-by-step guides that are introduced online, guides which also include how to wean babies away from the bottle, dummies and all-night nappy changes. These guides will also teach you how to read the tone of your baby's cry so you can support them emotionally while they learn to sleep independently. With these guides, parents learn as well that babies who sleep well during the night are happier babies in the morning.

But then again, however successful or effective controlled comforting techniques are, it is still a matter subject to parents' discretion because even though the technique has been proven to be effective among infants aged seven months old and above, there is no proof that it is the same for babies six months old and below so the effects cannot be generalized. The only thing is that it is effective and will not have any long-term harmful effects on your child psychologically, emotionally or physically.

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Podiatrist's encounter many foot problems during and after pregnancy. From cramps and itchiness to swelling and aching, our feet can often feel very uncomfortable throughout pregnancy and following the birth. Hormonal changes and natural weight gain have a huge impact on the body and the feet bear the brunt of the major changes that a woman's body will go through.

Swollen feet, swollen ankles and arch and heel pain are the main causes of foot pain in pregnant women. Muscles and ligaments stretch and soften because of an increase in the ovarian hormone relaxin, which makes your feet more prone to ankle and ligament strains on a daily basis.

The choice of footwear can also be a factor in the cause of foot problems during pregnancy. A shoe with a heel of approximately 1.2in (3cm) is recommended as they will help to shift the weight further forward on the feet. This can help to reduce any pain or discomfort. Wide fitting and supportive shoes will minimise discomfort and help to avoid long term damage. Choosing a shoe with a strap can help the shoe to stay in place although fiddly straps can sometimes cause problems in later stages of the pregnancy when you may struggle to reach your feet.

If high heels are a must they should only be worn occasionally or when you know you will be able to sit down through the day. On a daily basis, a supportive shoe should be worn.

When shopping for shoes try to shop later in the day as feet can swell throughout the day. Ensure that the shoes fit well before you leave the shop as it is a common myth that you can break in a pair of shoes - this is not true. Shoes with a round or square toe are recommended. If you are buying boots, make sure that there is room in the calf area as they calves can swell. Choose a boot with a side zip fastening as they will be easier to take on and off - this will be much more appreciated towards the end of your pregnancy!

Keeping active is also recommended to help reduce the risk of cramps and swelling. Do check with your midwife or GP before starting an exercise program.

If you do experience arch pain or general foot pain make an appointment with your Podiatrist to see how he or she could help you. If necessary an orthotic device can be prescribed to make your feet feel much more comfortable - as any pregnant woman will know, this may provide much needed relief.

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Spring is soon to arrive, with it new beginnings. A time of birth and rebirth. A time associ簫ated with joy but also a time to be mindful of other forces.

Women have the unique quality of carrying and giving birth to the new hopes and dreams of the human species. This is a time that has both great expectations of hope and bounti簫ful joy for all. These expectations however may be altered or only briefly experienced. The postpar簫tum period may be influenced by several psychiatric issues. These include: "Baby Blues", postpartum depression and post簫partum psychosis.

During the postpartum peri簫od up to 85% of women experi簫ence some form of mood dis簫order. 10-15% of these women experience a more disabling and persistent form of mood disorder called postpartum depression or even psychosis.

The mildest form of postpar簫tum dysfunction is the so called "Baby Blues". These generally consist of a week long period of mood lability with heightened irritability, anxiety and tearful簫ness. Symptoms tend to peak around day 4 or 5 postpartum and gradually remit. This does not usually interfere with child簫care, maternal bonding or harm to the newborn.

Of a more serious nature is postpartum depression. This occurs in 10-15% of the general population.

The principal phenomeno簫logical symptoms of this include: a depressed mood as manifested by: hopelessness, lack of interest or joy- especially in areas to do with daily activities of childcare; feelings of emptiness, height簫ened anxiety, which may include obsessional concerns about the baby's health and well-being.

A prior history of depression, genetic predisposition towards depression, prior postpartum issues or those who experience depression during pregnancy represent those with the highest risk.

The risk of most concern is the mother's loss of any inter簫est in daily child care activities which may progress to having negative feelings towards the newborn. If this continues it may progress to having negative or intrusive thoughts and fears about harming herself, her child or both. These tend to be more obsessional than actual urges to do real harm.

Other negative and qualita簫tive changes may occur- i.e., increased or decreased sleep and energy, worthlessness and guilt without adequate reason, appetite variations up or down, significant decreases in concen簫tration and restlessness.

The other principal area of postpartum concern is much less common, but much more serious - Postpartum psychosis. Although some research shows that this can occur up to one year postpartum, most cases occur within a 2 week and up to 3 month postpartum period. This illness presents with the potential for many psychotic symptoms, i.e. hallucinations of any sensory organ, delusional mistaken beliefs or illogical thoughts, sleep and appetite dis簫turbance, agitation or anxiety to very heightened levels, episodic mania or delirium, suicidal or homicidal thoughts or actions.

Women at greatest risk are those that have a prior history of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, other psychotic disorders or a history of a prior episode of the illness with another child.

Occasionally women with postpartum psychosis, like other forms of psychotic disease are not always the first ones to notice it or may be unable or unwilling to communicate their experiences or fears. The need for help may need to be communicated by a support - i.e. fam簫ily, friend or professional. This help must be via a trained professional.

What needs to be done?

Q. What causes post簫partum depres簫sion?

A. Like other forms of depres簫sion, there is no single cause, but rather a combination of fac簫tors. These include genetic family histories, structural and chemical changes in brain function lead簫ing to endocrine (hormonal) and immunological alterations. Significant increases of estrogen and progesterone during preg簫nancy are precipitously followed by significant decreases in about 24hrs. postpartum. A clear depressive factor. Thyroid hor簫mones follow this pattern also. Life events experienced as stress簫ors combine to cause symptoms and illness.

Q. What about the demands of motherhood itself?

A. These can clearly contribute. For instance: postpartum physical fatigue from the delivery itself as well as sleep interrup簫tion or deprivation caring for the newborn; stressors about being a "good mother", loss of who or what you did or thought of your簫self before, feeling less attractive, lack of free time and simply over簫whelmed with all the challenges of a new baby or babies. Women who are depressed during preg簫nancy have a far greater risk of depression after giving birth.

Q. Can one just wait it out and let it pass?

A. Definitely not. Postpartum depression and certainly psy簫chosis are very serious psychiatric disorders requiring psychiatric treatment as soon as possible. Some women are embarrassed or ashamed to feel these things at a time when they're supposed to feel happy. How will they be perceived- as unfit parents perhaps? Denial may occur.

Q. What can happen if women don't seek treatment?

A. Nothing good- either for mother or child, i.e. Poor birth weight or prematurity, rest簫lessness for both, poor sleep for both, missed pre and post natal care, substance abuse, poor bond簫ing of mother-child and simply not being able to meet the needs of your child. In psychosis, sui簫cide/homicide risks can occur.

Treatment for these issues are available by competent, experi簫enced physicians. Medication is generally helpful and required. If these are needed during pregnan簫cy, the salient risks and benefits are assessed and weighed. Several modalities of psychotherapy and support groups are also very helpful. Rarely, hospitalization may be necessary. These interven簫tions may be life saving for both mother and child.

All children should have the benefit of a healthy caring mother. All mothers deserve the opportunity to have rewarding pregnancies, births and maternal experiences. These illnesses can insidiously deprive both mother and child and do serious harm. If there are concerns, symptoms or caring observations of trouble, seek trained psychiatric care at once. Don't struggle alone in fear, shame or silence.

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The proverb 'Silence is Golden' is very relevant in the current scenario. In the world of chaos and confusion with blaring horns, loud noise and ringing phones all around us, silence can play a key role. Silence also speaks a language which has to be interpreted and understood. In any conversations silence plays a key role which at times even communicates more than word would say. Silence is quite hard and mysterious to describe. On the one hand it is the quietness and total lack of audible sound or speech. On the other side silence can indicate emotions, such as awe, horror, anger or indifference. Placing the index finger in front of closed lips is most widely recognized gesture of silence. The gesture can be demand silence without raising once own voice. Silence can serve many functions in any conversation and how you manage it determines your aptness and sophistications. Managing silence in conversation is important part of emotional intelligence.

It has been observed that allowing silence in a conversation put pressure on the other person to speak and fill in the communication gap. Silent moment are awkward for most of us, except when we are with someone we are close to, like close friend or spouse. HR professional sometimes use extended silence in interviews with the intention that candidate will 'spill'- i.e. saying exactly the thing they didn't want to say. There is an unspoken pressure to keep conversation flowing and they tend to read hidden meaning.

The impact of silence in communication is different in different cultures. The right to silence is a legal protection enjoyed by people undergoing police interrogation or trial in certain countries. In Japan, silence is an integral part of individual communications skill. In contrast, for American silence is an uncomfortable road block in a conversation. Americans communicate to exchange, to achieve something. Because of the nature of normal conversation in the US allowing an extended silence can be perceived as rudeness. It can also be meant that way. Refusing to reply to the other person is a way of ignoring them estimating silence as weapon to defeat unwanted.

When we experience anger, fear, or embarrassment our thinking gets impaired and for that moment we may be unable to speak or not be in a position to find words, or so scared that we become speechless. Some people 'flooded' with these emotions and are unable to respond. Our words block in these moments and can't pronounce a single worthy word which could express us perfectly.

Silence can indicate respect. A young person may be expected to approach an older person or person in authority and remained silent until recognized, acknowledged and spoken to. Many people among us are shy and reserved, we tend to think before we speak and silent become a part of conversation. Good listeners know how to do this, and it can be learned. Silence in speech can be the result of hesitation, self-correction, or the deliberate slowing of speech for the purpose of clarification or processing of ideas.

Excellent communicators can allow silence when it effective or called for; can avoid being pressured into speaking with silence is used as tool to manipulate the conversations. Cultivating the art of graceful silence is one of the characteristic of successful people. We should offer silence as gift or sign of respect; interpret the silence of other appropriately; understand how other cultures use silence thus mindfully regulate the use silence; and are comfortable with silence and understand it's many uses.

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With frequent unprotected sex, most healthy couples conceive within one year. Others need a bit of help - help to become pregnant. Are you frustrated that you are not pregnant yet? Especially when it seems like getting pregnant is easy for everyone else but you?

Things to help get pregnant:

1. Have sex regularly.

If you consistently have sex two or three times a week, you're almost certain to hit a fertile period at some point. For healthy couples who want to conceive, there's no such thing as too much sex. For many couples, this may be all it takes.

2. Have sex once a day near the time of ovulation.

Daily intercourse during the days leading up to ovulation may increase the odds of conception. Although your partner's sperm concentration will drop slightly each time you have sex, the reduction isn't usually an issue for healthy men.

3. Foods to help get pregnant.

Maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat healthy foods and keep stress under control. The same good habits will serve you and your baby well during pregnancy.

4. Consider preconception planning.

Your doctor can assess your overall health and help you identify lifestyle changes that may improve your chances for a healthy pregnancy. Preconception planning is especially helpful if you or your partner have any health issues.

5. Vitamins help to get pregnant.

Folic acid (vitamin B-9) plays an essential role in a baby's development. Taking a prenatal vitamin or folic acid supplement beginning at least one month before conception through the first trimester of pregnancy can reduce the risk of spina bifida and other neural tube defects by up to 70 percent.

6. Quit smoking and do not drink alcohol!

Tobacco changes the cervical mucus, which may keep sperm from reaching the egg. Smoking may also increase the risk of miscarriage and deprive your developing baby of oxygen and nutrients. If you smoke, ask your doctor to help you quit before conception. For your family's sake, vow to quit for good.

Alcohol is off-limits if you're pregnant - or hope to be.

7. Certain medications and pills - even those available without a prescription - can make it difficult to conceive. Others may not be safe once you are pregnant.

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So you're struggling to get pregnant - and you want to know if the pregnancy miracle course works? Well, I have the answer for you in a minute but first, here is my story. I am 42 and me and my husband have been trying to have a child for about ten years now.

You see we went to the fertility clinic and I was told that I had an inhospitable environment basically my uterus was rejecting my husband's sperm for some reason. We kept on trying anyway but sadly it just never seemed to happen for us. But then a friend of my husbands recommended the pregnancy miracle course to us and as we were willing to try anything we thought we would give it a go.

I am happy to say that 18 months later we have a wonderful baby boy!

This pregnancy miracle course is based on using ancient Chinese holistic therapies which allows the pregnancy to be as natural as possible.

It's a fact that getting pregnant naturally and reversing Infertility can never be achieved by attempting each problem one at a time.

If you've ever tried to tackle your Infertility by using a one-dimensional treatment like hormone pills, sexual positions, or even changing your foods and failed it's probably because you've attempted only one aspect of your condition the key is to target your infertility by every possible angle.

I finally understood why I was struggling to get pregnant!

- I had an ovary cyst which was interfering with my fertility and preventing me from getting pregnant. You see since my reproductive system was intelligent enough to know that my internal was unsafe for a baby. It was making it nearly impossible for me to get pregnant.
- The natural approach has taught us how to reverse the infertility the holistic way. Which I must say was a very pleasant and relaxing experience from the beginning of my pregnancy right through to the very end when I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy Jake.

So I guess the only question left is will pregnancy miracle work for you?

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There is a most definite payoff that comes with having recovered from depression. It is generally not spoken about because those people who have recovered from depression are too busy enjoying life. When I say 'recovered from depression' I mean really, really recovered from depression. I don't mean having felt better than last week when life seemed a little dark. No, what I'm talking about is those people whose backs were against the wall whilst being pinned up by their demons with the hand of the devil around their necks, holding tight enough to squeeze the life out of them without mercy. And now? Now those people are 100% at ease with life in the knowledge that if the devil ever returns, they know exactly what to do to stop it in its tracks and send it packing. When you have conquered your worst fears, life is a breeze.

When I was in the 'devil showed me no mercy' position, I knew my choices were limited. I was also aware that time was not on my side; I needed immediate help and I needed full-on help. I have met many people who have walked this same road and have come out the other side. We meet regularly and we talk about our lives. We clear the stuff that blocks us up first and this leaves room for rewards to flow our way. We laugh at most of life and giggle amongst ourselves. We are a contented tribe but we always search for more of life's goodies. We know they are there, albeit in a different identity from before we recovered.

What makes us different to others is that in order to slay our demons, we have had to turn ourselves inside out. We needed to inspect every bug that was hidden under the rocks of our denial and then oust them. If we left one behind, we knew it would re-incarnate itself into The Thing out of John Carpenter's film. Whilst we were pinned against the wall we didn't feel we had a choice; it was fight or die. We had to spend a couple of years scrutinizing our every move in order that we could adjust our behaviour accordingly to bring about a better response from the world. We had to write, question, discuss, alter, grieve, modify and eventually evolve into people who were integrated with themselves. We wouldn't have chosen and we didn't ask to go through this self-inspection. We did it because it was the only open door we could see at the time so we ran for it with the energy we would have found if someone had screamed 'fire!!' and pointed to the exit.

Having recovered from depression, I have received gifts which are sometimes beyond my comprehension. I have an innate 'in-tune ness' with myself which allows me to understand what I should do next. At the same time I grasp the essence of the power of the moment and I recognise that is where true bliss lies. I no longer have the unremitting babble in my head which condemns my humanness and rejoices only when I achieve it's goal. There is no judge and jury sat on the other side of the road as I walk out of my house singing 'We will, we will judge you' to the tune of the song by Queen of near enough the same name. I don't have to face the face the world any more with a 'mask of perfection' to cover up my feelings of isolation. I now find that I present myself to the outside world as I feel on the inside. I don't have an innate fear of authority any more in the sense that I used to feel like a small child in a world of big adults. Oh, and I no longer feel guilty when I see a policeman! I know that the future will be taken care of in spite of my best efforts to try and control it. I let up on criticising those around me which leaves me enjoying their idiosyncrasies rather than telling them what to do next. I know that changing my friends or lover is not going to solve any problems because my problems sit within me. This is the most liberating discovery as I am no longer passive to other people's directive.

I am not driven to succeed materially any longer as I have learnt that feeding my 'neediness' with 'things' leaves me feeling empty. But I am driven to discover and fulfill my true potential. A great part of that is, when I choose to, being honest about myself. I now tell people how I feel at that moment, what I like about them and what I struggle with and why, in a way that is inviting to others. Their reactions to me are a world apart from the reactions I received as a young woman with 'p*** off' written across her forehead. The conversation with another in which we exchange feelings and experiences about being in each other's company is the most awe inspiring, breathtaking and humbling interchange that I know of. Yes it is scary because, as a society, we never do it - in fact we run from it. But, when I get the courage to converse with another in this way I feel I am at the centre of life because I am facing my most scary moment which is to show my honest self. The payoff? I no longer fear other people and the world. I am secure in the knowledge that I am an inherently good person and I can take care of myself. I feel a vibrancy in life which fills me with wonderment. I don't tolerate drivel and dishonesty. I only ever compromise myself through choice.

Is someone you know deeply depressed? Don't pity them but understand that their time has come to challenge their own demons and, if they take up the challenge, they will manifest into themselves into someone who is prepared to stand away from the herd, speak their mind, give up judging those around them and, most of all, will be full of joy. It's our little secret.

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Butterflies & Hiccups (New Beginnings Production Company, 2002)was conceived by Laurie J. Wing during her two pregnancies when she could not find a comprehensive journal for those who do not like to blank journal-keep.

Butterflies & Hiccups is a guided pregnancy journal that allows you to document everything you experience during your nine months of pregnancy. The questions are designed to elicit thought-provoking responses from the moment you find out you are pregnant up until you bring your baby home. This type of pregnancy journal is not just for the mom- and dad-to-be, but when your baby gets older, Butterflies & Hiccups makes for good story time reading. Kids love to hear stories about themselves, especially when they were hiccupping in their mommy's belly and how much they would kick and make their moms crave crazy foods.

The connection between Mom and Baby begins before a child is even born. How many pregnant women ask their own moms if they felt this way or that way during their pregnancy and how many moms actually remember the details of their pregnancies?

Here are 10 of our favorite journaling prompts from Butterflies & Hiccups:

o If you heard the baby's heartbeat, how did you react?

o Have people started treating you differently now that you're pregnant? How so?

o How many times have strangers touched your belly?

o Have you felt Braxton-Hicks contractions yet? If so, describe the feeling?

o Have you had any daydreams about your baby?

o What's the best piece of pregnany/birth advice you have received so far?

o Estimate how many times you have had to recite your due date so far.

o What are your thoughts about returning to work after the baby is born?

o Have you been nesting? If so, what have you done to prepare for the baby's arrival?

o What's the craziest question you wanted to ask your practitioner, but were too embarrassed to ask?

Butterflies & Hiccups provides a section each month for practitioner visits to document the first time you heard the baby's heartbeat, your first ultrasound, questions or concerns for your practitioner, special tests and other important issues addressed at your practitioner visits. "I wish I could prescribe this book to every pregnant woman!" says Dr. Donnica Moore, a women's health specialist who recently appeared on Oprah and The View.

Pregnant women know the many different symptoms that occur during pregnancy from morning sickness to breast changes and heartburn. Each month you can document how your symptoms changed throughout your pregnancy.

Your baby's development progress also is exciting to follow. As you learn about pregnancy and your baby's development, you can write about the different stages. There is room to include a photo each month of your growing belly. The weight measurement chart allows you to record your weight each month and, if applicable, you can document the dad-to-be's weight gain.
Butterflies & Hiccups offers reminders including a hospital bag checklist for Mom and Baby, a birth plan checklist for you and your practitioner and questions such as "Did you strap an infant car seat in your car?"

Many women are on bed rest due to complications during pregnancy. There is a special section for the expectant mom on bed rest to record her experiences while also offering a section of things to do while on bed rest since lying in bed could get boring when it is for any length of time.
While the journal asks questions about registering for baby gifts, there is also a baby shower section that allows you to record the memories of your baby shower along with the theme, menu, games, guests who attended and a gift list, if desired.

Butterflies & Hiccups throws in a bit of humor to make journaling a little fun and frivolous. Here are some of our favorite humorous prompts:

o Is it difficult to polish your toenails or tie your shoes as your pregnancy progresses?

o Have there been any UMPs (Unidentified Moving Parts) across your belly?

o Have you ventured out in a maternity bathing suit yet, weather permitting?

o Have you received unsolicited advice or comments about pregnancy?

o Do your rings still fit?

o Has your shoe size increased?

o Are you feeling clumsy?

The "Fun Ideas to Pamper Yourself" section offers just that - ideas to pamper yourself during your pregnancy. After all, your body is going through some major changes while you are providing nourishment for another little life. You deserve a little special treatment!

There are blank pages within the journal for you to add your own special thoughts. If some questions or pages do not apply to your pregnancy or life situation, simply use one of the blank pages to journal. The same goes for the holiday section. Since families celebrate different holidays, this section can be tailored to reflect the holidays and beliefs of your own family and how you celebrated during your pregnancy.

Julie Tupler, R.N., B.S.N., certified personal trainer, certified childbirth educator and president of Maternal Fitness, works with pregnant women on a daily basis and says, "Butterflies & Hiccups is a beautiful, yet thorough journal to help you remember those wonderful moments in time - for many years! I recommend it to all my pregnant moms."

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