In January, 2010 the Federal Government extended? Employment Insurance benefits to self employed individuals/small business owners.? The following represents some of the key details:

* You will not be able to claim weekly income replacement benefits in the event that you become unemployed, however you will be entitled to the following benefits (these are the same benefits available to Canadians who are employed):

Maternity benefits up to 15 weeks parental benefits up to 35 weeks sickness benefits up to 15 weeks compassionate care benefits up to 6 weeks

* You will need to wait for one year from the time of registration and payment of premiums before initiating any claims

* For 2010 the rate of EI premiums is 1.73% (1.36% in Quebec) upto a maximum of $43,200 i.e. maximum premiums payable are $747.36 (Quebec = $587.52)

* The benefit is calculated at 55% of the insured (earnings) amount. The maximum weekly benefit is $457, which is subject to reduction if there are earnings from other sources.

* Once you have received benefits, you can not opt out of the program; you will have to pay premiums for as long as you earn self employment income. Prior to receiving benefits you can apply to terminate the agreement.

* In order to make a claim, you will need to have earned a minimum of $6,000 (and paid premiums) in the previous calendar year.

You can register online with Service Canada with a Service Canada Account

Opting into the plan is probably most beneficial if you are planning to start a family, and you anticipate a significant reduction or cessation of your self employment income. If you do not intend to take advantage of the maternity and parental benefits, it may not be worth initiating coverage since you cannot opt out of the plan once you have started to receive benefits. Alternatives include contributing to a private health and disability insurance plan or simply setting up a savings account earmarked for rainy days.

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What are the type of foods to avoid if you wants to increase your chances of pregnancy. In fact, there are many types of foods that you must eat during or before conception. But this article, I will be touching on avoid some foods that you must specifically take note.

Let us look at this issue from a broad point of view. To be conceive of a baby, you have to take into consideration many factors, like for example, the food that you eat, the environment you are in, the stress levels you are facing, your hormonal levels, the period of the month, the number of times that you have successful intercourse, and etc.

Let's discuss on what types of foods to avoid.

First type of food to avoid to increase pregnancy

It is important that you are drinking plenty of water, juice, and milk rather than caffeinated beverages.

Some research shows that large amounts of caffeine are associated with miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and withdrawal symptoms in infants. If you wants to conceive a baby, it is advised to avoid drinking alcohol.

It is also a toxin which kills off the sperm-producing cells in the testicles. As sperm takes at least 3 months to develop, you should try a semen analysis again after 3-4 months of having cut out alcohol from your diet. Improper use of caffeine, alcohol and saturated fats have been shown to decrease fertility and increase the chance of miscarriage.

Second type of food to avoid to increase pregnancy

Caffeine: Your cup of coffee could stay in your baby's blood-stream for 100 hours. It could take you three times longer (up to six hours) than usual to metabolise caffeine.

Therefore, if you are strictly following healthy pregnancy nutrition, then completely avoid caffeine in any form. Moderate intake (less than 300 mgs a day) may be considered only after a doctor consultation, if you are a coffeeholic. To be on the safe side, avoid taking coffee or tea if you wants to conceive a baby.

Third type of food to avoid

Some doctors know, some do not know that this chemical can reduce your chances of pregnancy. They advises against using processed foods as they often contain xenoestrogens which can disrupt your hormonal balance.

In particular, xenoestrogens, a type of estrogen, found in environmental chemicals and pesticides may disturb the hormonal balance in women and lead to infertility. Choosing organic foods whenever possible will help you to avoid this chemical as well as others.

Fourth type of food to avoid

You should try not to take refrigerated meat spreads because it may contain the bacteria Listeria. Canned meat spreads can be eaten. Toxoplasmosis can also be found in raw meat or meat that has not been cooked thoroughly.

This type of organism is usually in the feces of animals, particularly outdoor cats, but is present also in soil and in raw and under-cooked meat and poultry.

Fifth type of food to avoid

Try preventing taking in processed foods - also referred to as "sweets and junk food" contains high amounts of sugar and refined flour. They have no quality and add nothing to a pregnancy, except for weight gain (wrong kind).

Also, taking in excessive seafood can show an increase mercury levels. Mercury has been linked with some serious birth defects including autism. If you eat seafood - it's advisable to keep consumption to a minimum. Avoid albacore tuna, which has been shown to have high levels of mercury.

In conclusion, I hope this information will give you some insights on how to avoid foods that can really affect your chances of pregnancy. Also, with proper planning before your pregnancy, I am sure you will have an opportunity to carry your own baby very soon.

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It goes without saying that comparing health insurance online quotes can be very daunting. Besides the jargon, the policies and terms vary widely from one plan to another. To top that, the number of quotes available in the market just keeps increasing every day. To make the process of understanding and comparing these online quotes more manageable, refer to the following explanation of some of the terms you will come across.

Types of these Plans

When examining the quotes, the type of these plan may be a good place to start. Is an in-network or out-of-network plan better for you?

Indemnity Plan or Fee for Service Plan

  • Traditional type of health insurance plan

  • You do not need to get approval for medical care for the insurance company cover it.

  • You may see any doctor you want to. There is no provider network; hence it is an out-of-network plan.

  • You receive limited coverage for preventive or routine care.

  • Expensive with high deductible as well as premiums.

Managed Care Plan

  • Examples: PPS, POS or HMO

  • Provider networks of doctors and medical centres are formed by the companies offering the managed care plan.

  • On plans such as PPO, you receive less coverage if you do not go to an "in-network" provider.

  • On plans such as HMO, you must go to an "in-network" provider to be covered.

  • More affordable than indemnity plans.

Deductible, Coinsurance, Copayment and Out-of-Pocket Maximum


  • This is what you'll have to pay for the medical bills before the insurance coverage begins.

  • This is the percentage of the medical bills you have to pay. Usually the insurance covers 80% of the bill and you'll have to pay 20%. However, there is a pre-determined maximum amount that you'll be responsible for each year.

  • This is the fixed dollar amount of the medical bills that you have to pay.

Out-of-pocket maximum
  • This is the maximum amount you'll pay for a year inclusive of the deductible, copayment and coinsurance. If this amount has been reached, the insurance will take over 100% of the bills.


Office Visits

  • They refer to your visit to the doctor or the dentist for routine care. If you do not make many office visits a year, you may consider dropping this cover to bring down your premium.

Maternity Care
  • You may also drop this cover if you are sure that you are not planning to have any babies. This will bring down the premium substantially.

Outpatient care
  • This refers to any treatment that does not require you to stay overnight. The coverage is usually low for this. Be a little careful with this as even serious costly treatments like chemotherapy may not require you to stay overnight. You'll bear the major burden of the cost with limited outpatient care coverage in such instances.

As of far, you have been exposed to some of the main terms that you will come across when looking up different quotes. Although the list is not exhaustive, hope these brief explanations of the terms have helped demystify these special online quotes.

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So you are considering having a baby at 40 plus years of age, Or you have just found out that you are expecting. In this short article I will share with you the differences of being pregnant latter in life from my experience. I had my first born son at the ripe old age of 18 years. I found apart from morning sickness for the first trimester It was a breeze. My following 2 children arrived while I was in my twenties. They were also a breeze with just morning sickness again for the first trimester. Then when I was in my thirties I conceived again to my great delight.

Now this pregnancy was different from my previous ones. I started to bleed at 6 weeks but was very lucky as I did not miscarry. Again at 12 weeks the bleeding started. Again it settled and all was well. I found that as the pregnancy developed I found that I was getting increasingly tired, But as my doctor pointed out I was caring for a large family so of course it was quite normal. So to overcome that I started on a really good tonic. It made the world of difference. After that I sailed through the pregnancy. Then again we were blessed. Only this time I was 44 years old. We was so excited when the home pregnancy kit tested positive. I was feeling on top of the world all day. Then I landed back on earth with a thud as reality set in. I was no longer a spring chicken. How was my body going to cope? How was I going to survive the late night feeds? These were just a few of the many questions that crossed my mind. I was also concerned how our older children going to take the news. Well the older children took the news great. They would tell people that I was tired of waiting for grand children so decided to have another baby. I found again in the first trimester I had morning sickness. I did start bleeding at 12 weeks but thankfully I did not lose the baby. I tried to eat the best I could. I also took my daily vitamin supplements but I found that I was very tired through out the pregnancy. I went into labour 8 days early. Doctors normally say the more children you have given birth to the quicker the labour. In this case it was not true. I was in labour for 18 hours. But it was all worth it as we had a healthy boy who now 3 years old.

Now the pros from my experience.

We were in a better financial position than we were in our teens and twenties. As a result we felt that there was no pressure. We have a lot more patience.

The cons from my experiences.

I tired out much quicker than I did when I was younger. I did not have the stamina like I did when I was younger to chase after a toddler. I was worried that I would be mistaken for Grandma. It has not happened yet.

All I can say to anyone wanting to or are having a baby latter in life. Go for it.

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A new pregnancy if full of excitement and anticipation; you look forward to that bouncing new baby and holding it in your arms. Many couples choose to wait until the second trimester to break the news to family and friends. There is a realization that the first few months of pregnancy can be risky. If a couple loses their baby during this time, they prefer to mourn privately.

A common problem is first trimester spotting or bleeding. Approximately one quarter of women who deliver healthy babies experience some spotting early in her pregnancy. However bleeding may be an indicator of a pending miscarriage, and sometimes a doctor may suggest bed rest to improve the chances of a successful delivery and healthy mother.

First Trimester Bed Rest

Bed rest for a couple of days is tolerable for most women - and their finances. But sometimes the bed rest can extend for weeks or months. If mom's income is needed to help make ends meet financially, the loss of income places an unneeded, unwanted, and unhealthy strain on an already difficult situation. Adding stress on top of first trimester bleeding can't be good for mom or her baby. Bed rest should relieve stress, not add to it.

Sometimes a family just can't afford having mom miss extra time from work. Rather than taking the bed rest she her doctor suggests, she returns to work hoping for the best. What a horrible dilemma that many women face: choosing between the health of her baby, and financial ruin. There must be a better way.

Short Term Disability for Bed Rest

Short term disability insurance is vital in situations like these. It replaces mom's income during the time she misses work for her pregnancy, whether it's during the first trimester, second trimester, third trimester, or on her maternity leave. The income replacement allows mom to rest comfortable at home without worrying about how to pay the bills, rushing back to work too soon, or ignoring doctor orders.

The most amazing aspect of short term disability coverage is the incentives to sign up before getting pregnant. First, in order to cover any pregnancy, the policy must begin before getting pregnant. Second, there is an opportunity to buy insurance for a planned event: her normal labor and delivery.

By buying insurance that covers a planned event you can beat the insurance company at its own game. Short term disability pays a six week benefit for normal vaginal delivery and an eight week benefit for a normal c-section delivery - less the elimination period. The projected benefit for normal delivery is two to three times the average annual premium.

Short Term Disability Creates Maternity Income

This means that women planning a pregnancy can use short term disability insurance to create maternity leave income. And at no additional premium cost comes the added security of knowing that you are also covered if your doctor orders bed rest during your first trimester, or any other time during your pregnancy.

Do yourself and your future pregnancy a huge favor. Purchase short term disability insurance before getting pregnant.

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Since ancient times, people have been using safed musli for treating male impotence and other sexual weakness like PE, low libido, low sperm count in males. It is a medicinal plant mostly found in north and western parts of India. Safed musli unlike other drugs available in the market is an ayurvedic herbal treatment with no known side effects and can be taken with out prescription. This herb contains 25 different types of alkaloids, vitamins and minerals which can improve sex drive, endurance, stamina and mental clarity for better sexual relationships and over all health.

Sexual weakness or male impotency is not just the problem of sexual parts not functioning properly, in fact it may be related to many other issues and ailment in the body. Diseases like diabetes, cardio-vascular diseases, obesity and lack of stamina may also promote sexual dysfunctions. It works well for all round health and even helps in curing and controlling diabetes and asthma, it also improves immunity system immensely for overall sound health which consequently treats sexual weaknesses too.

Safed musli treats problem of male impotence as it is an ayurvedic aphrodisiac, it works towards hormonal balance by improving functioning of adrenal gland and promoting production of testosterone, a vital hormone to improve sexual desire and performance. Increased production of this hormone promotes endurance and improves blood flow to genitals which eventually brings harder, stronger and longer erections. In ayurveda, it has been referred as 'Divya Aushadh' which means divine medicine for its curative properties not only for male impotence but improvement in overall health for curing other sexual weakness in males.

Safed musli contains carbohydrates, fiber, alkaloids, saponins and proteins which makes it a natural medicine for improving immune system, blood flow to all parts of the body, essential amino acid supplementation, curing fatigue, stamina and vigor. The tuber roots of the plant of safed musli are used to make a tonic to treat all types of weakness and male impotency since ancient times. It works as great energy booster and works well for increasing sperm counts and low libido, it is also very helpful in alleviating the signs of fatigue due to lack of stamina or asthmatic conditions.

Apart from treating male impotency safed musli also treats other male problems like premature ejaculation. It improves endurance for better and longer lovemaking performance and also reduces the recovery time after an orgasm which improves frequency of erections for more satisfying sex. It also improves intensity of orgasm and works well for rejuvenating reproductive system. Safed musli cures male weakness like low libido. It works well for mental health and condition to fight back stress and depression by improving levels of testosterone in the body to keep the attitude upbeat.

Apart from treating male impotency and male weakness safed musli is a great ayurvedic herbal treatment for improving milk quantity in lactating mothers. It is also beneficial in natal and post natal conditions and improves good cholesterol to control fat in the body.

Musli Strong is a peerless herbal formulation with highest quality potent Safed Musli Extract. So if you want to achieve a new height in your relationship, Musli Strong is what you need. Enjoy the intimacy and gratification in your relationship and be an ideal lover.

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During pregnancy the requirement of calcium increases. Around 200 mg/day of calcium is taken up by the baby to develop properly. When the baby is born, about 20-30 g of calcium is found naturally in its skeleton. Later on during breastfeeding, about 1200 mg of calcium should be consumed by the mother to ensure proper growth of her baby.

Sufficient calcium intake and pregnancy are therefore related to each other. Many kinds of birth defects, abnormalities and miscarriages occur as a result of calcium deficiency in the mother. Women are advised by their doctors to obtain optimal levels of calcium from their everyday diet and to be on the safe side they should add at least one calcium supplement product to their everyday diet.

The importance of calcium intake and pregnancy can also be established by the fact that the rate of calcium loss through urine is the highest during pregnancy. To ensure proper absorption of calcium by the blood stream, vitamin D or multi-vitamin tablets should also be consumed. In addition to these, a calcium-rich diet, regular exercise and good-quality calcium supplements help to ensure healthy pregnancies.

Because of urinary calcium excretion, pregnant women are at high risk of developing kidney stones. Extra care should be taken in the context of diet and other factors during pregnancy. Avoid too much protein-rich foods coming from animal sources, and try to drink milk regularly.

In addition to this, also try to avoid soft drinks, too much sugar and salt, coffee, tea, tobacco and alcohol. All these things are not only dangerous for the baby but also increase the rate of calcium loss.

Hypertension and depression are two of the most common symptoms seen in pregnant women. These again are caused due to severe calcium and other minerals' deficiency. Heavy medication and inactivity also contribute to calcium loss and interfere in other processes. Similarly, high levels of phosphorus in the blood and high level of parathyroid hormone are dangerous for health.

To ensure a healthy pregnancy and long-term health after delivery, try to find the highest quality calcium supplements available out there. The best ones are those which have been made by mixing a calcium salt with sources of some other minerals and vitamins. These nutrients include magnesium, potassium, vitamin D, vitamin K2 and sodium.

The importance of sufficient calcium intake and pregnancy cannot be overemphasized. Try to eat a balanced diet and don't sit idle for long durations of time.

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Having a baby. Consider this important aspects before. Young children need a lot of attention, and evidently, many are not getting what they need. Never have our young people been so isolated from their families. We all need to learn how to become parents, we need to realize that the time we spend with our kids now will come back to us with many, many returns.

Even babies need regular instruction throughout the day. Time spent with young ones from their babyhood on is vital for their wholesome development. You need for preparation. Parents need to prepare for their baby's arrival. First, mental and spiritual preparation for taking on the responsibilities of parenthood is important. A study of 2,000 pregnant women who looked forward to having a family were much healthier emotionally and physically than the offspring of mothers who did not want their babies. On the other hand, it has been estimated that a woman locked in a stormy marriage runs a 237 percent greater risk of bearing an emotionally or physically damaged baby than a woman in a secure relationship.

Clearly, then, fathers are important to the successful development of a child. Few things are more dangerous to a child, emotionally and physically, than a father who abuses or neglects his pregnant wife. Indeed, it has often been noted that the best gift a child can receive is a father who loves its mother.

Hormones related to anxiety and stress, secreted into the mother's bloodstream, can affect the fetus. However, it is thought that only intense or prolonged maternal anxiety, rather than occasional negative emotions or stressful events, is hazardous. What matters the most seems to be how the expectant mother feels about the unborn.

Not only stress hormones but also nicotine, alcohol, and other drugs may have adverse effects on the fetus. Expectant mothers do well to stay away from any dangerous substance. In addition, it is vital to check with a doctor regarding the effects of medication on the fetus.

If a mother feels profound sadness and hopelessness as well as a sense of detachment from the baby and from the world, she may be suffering from postpartum depression. If that is the case, she should consult her obstetrician.

What if you are pregnant and your husband is not supportive, or what if you personally resent the idea of becoming a mother? It is not unusual that circumstances may cause a woman to feel depressed about her pregnancy. Yet, always remember that your child is not at fault. Maintain a calm attitude despite adverse circumstances.

In the first few weeks after giving birth, some young mothers experience unexplained sadness and lethargy. Even women who were happy to have the baby can become moody. Such mood swings are not unusual. This is because after giving birth, women can experience dramatic changes in hormone levels. It is also common for a new mother to be overwhelmed by the demands of motherhood feeding, changing diapers, and caring for the baby, who has no concept of time.

Some mothers feel that the baby cries just to torment her. No one is free from experiencing the stress that comes with child rearing. According to some specialists, "the most important thing is for a mother never to isolate herself."

Even if a mother feels depressed at times, she can protect her child from being affected by her mood swings. I have read somewhere that depressed mothers who managed to rise above their melancholy, lavishing their babies with attention and indulging in playful games, had children with brain activity of a considerably more cheerful cast.

The baby's father is often in the best position to provide needed help and support. When the baby cries in the middle of the night, in many instances the father can look after the baby's needs so that his mate can sleep. Husbands must always treat their wives with consideration in their life together. Mothers need Husbands who sacrifice their own comforts to take some initiatives in child rearing. Indeed, having a baby is a joint venture, a cooperative effort in which both parents need to participate.

As husband and wife, we've discussed in detail how we should rear our children. Each time an issue arises, we talk over how we should proceed. My husband realizes that I needed my rest.

In the past, I remember that when families were commonly large, parents had the help of older children and relatives to share in child care. In most cases, mothers will be relieved when they talk to others about the matter. With just a little bit of help, many mothers have been able to cope in the face of obstacles.

Parents need a network of people they can call on to share their concerns. By being open-minded and listening to parents or in-laws, new mothers and fathers can benefit considerably. Of course, the grandparents should appreciate that final decisions rest in the hands of the young couple.

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Breastfeeding is the natural act of a woman feeding a newborn or young child with milk produced from her breasts. One of the concerns of new mothers is that their child might refuse breast feeding. There are a number of causes of breast refusal that can overcome a baby's natural reflex to breastfeed. This article will discuss a few of the major causes of breast refusal also known as nursing strike.

One possible cause of breast refusal is formula feeding. Breastfeeding is the most effective method of getting quality nutrients to your newborn baby. While the nutritional makeup of formula can be an effective alternative, the taste is considerably different. Give both breast milk and formula milk a taste test on your own and you will see the difference yourself. Your baby may be refusing the breast because it has begun to recognize the palatable difference between the two fluids.

Another common cause for nursing strike is nipple confusion. The term
"nipple confusion" describes when a baby forgets how to nurse from a mother's nipple because of the introduction of an artificial nipple into their feeding routine. This adjustment period may manifest itself as a nursing strike. For example, the child readily taking a bottle but will cry and refuse a breast. Fortunately, nipple confusion is generally not a problem after the early weeks of a child's life and there are a few easy ways to help avoid nipple confusion. One is to delay feeding from a bottle until your child is at least three or four weeks old. Once bottle feeding begins, ensure that the bottle is being thoroughly rinsed and cleaned after each use.

Poor feeding technique can also result in breast refusal. There are a number steps you can take to ensure that you are practicing the most effective methods for feeding a newborn. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that weighing, measuring, bathing and other testing should wait until after the first feeding between mother and infant is complete.

In the weeks immediately following childbirth, you should make use of a nursing station that you can repeatedly use for feeding your child. The nursing station should allow you to maintain a comfortable position for you to sit with the baby in your arms. If your baby is sleepy, it may be necessary to unwrap the child and check his or her diaper; changing if necessary. Following this sequence can help rouse your child and allow you to nurse.

Breast refusal generally lasts anywhere from two to five days. Because of your care and dedication to giving loving care to your child, getting a baby back to breast may require your utmost patience and persistence. Be aware that until you are able to get your baby to breast you must pump as often as you would normally be nursing. Both breasts should be pumped for around fifteen minutes at least eight times a day. If you avoid routine pumping in lieu of normal feeding you risk decreasing your supply of breast milk. Look for a quality electric breast pump with a double pump kit to help you during nursing strikes and beyond.

It may be helpful to spend some time reviewing the American Academy of Pediatrics policy on breastfeeding. But, be sure to sure check in with your pediatrician if you encounter any significant deviation from normal feeding patterns. With hope and patience you and your child will overcome breast refusal and enjoy the loving connection breastfeeding provides between mother and child.
(c) 2005

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With health insurance premium costs that are increasing, high deductible health plans with their lower premiums seem like a very attractive option. But don't be too fast to jump into this option as it is not for everyone.

With high deductible health plans, you pay the everyday expenses such as office visits, prescriptions, and minor accidents until a very high deductible is reached. These plans have an annual deductible that is higher than that in the more traditional health plans. This means the insurance company does not have to pay claims unless something major happens. Because you are paying a higher deductible, your health insurance premiums will be lower than you are used to paying.

The term "high deductible health plan" almost always works together with health savings accounts (HSA's). HSA's are a special kind of tax-advantaged savings account that accumulates as deposits are made, for medical expenses. The policyholder can withdraw money from the HSA to pay for the HDHP deductible and allowable medical expenses.

High deductible health plans are not good for all people. It is for those who can afford high out-of-pocket expenses as the deductibles are high and generally about $1,000 to $2,000. They must be in good health and generally not needing prescription drugs.

Some of these plans have a one year wait before being eligible for maternity care. So, don't plan to get pregnant. Also, don't have any pre-existing conditions, in which case there may be a waiting period as well.

If you decide to go with high deductible insurance, then set up a HSA for your out-of-pocket expenses. Check out first if your employer offers a plan before going to private insurance companies. It is possible that your employer might pay part of your premium.

Shop around and look at multiple quotes and compare the premium cost, the deductible amount, what is covered and the lifetime annual benefit.

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