If you are undergoing infertility treatments, and work in Connecticut you may be one of the lucky few with reliable insurance coverage. Connecticut is one of only a handful of states with a law mandating that insurance plans cover infertility treatments. And the CT law covers a higher percentage of its citizens due to some specific language in the mandate. But with any law there are loopholes, and you should know the rules before getting started to avoid any nasty surprises down the road.

The Connecticut infertility health insurance law mandates that "certain individual and group health policies to cover medically necessary costs of diagnosing and treating infertility". It specifically includes in-vitro fertilization (IVF) up to 2 cycles with a maximum of 2 embryos per cycle.

Broadest Applications

The Connecticut law is broadest in its application because it applies to individual and group policies. Many state laws apply only to group policies, and often to groups of fifty or more employees. This is not the case in Connecticut. Virtually any healthcare plan is subject to this mandate. There are no limitations based on group size.

Loopholes Remain

As with any law you have to look closely at the wording to find exceptions to the rule. In this case you will find several loopholes. First, the law only applies where Connecticut has jurisdiction. If you work for an employer headquartered in another state with a branch location in CT, your insurance plan is not subject to the mandate.

Second, the law relates to health insurance policies "delivered, issued, amended, renewed or continued on or after October 1, 2005". Does your insurance plan fit this description?

There are other exceptions based upon age, limitations on the number of cycles for specific treatments, and there is no specific language limiting deductibles, co pays, co insurance etc.

Read your policy, call your insurer, and understand the Connecticut law before starting your infertility treatments.

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A midwife is a health care professional whose main role is to offer care throughout the childbearing process, with an emphasis on the health and well-being of mother, child, and family. This includes the stages from early pregnancy all the way through assisting with the first several weeks of postpartum care and initial breastfeeding. Some practitioners may also offer general reproductive care to women, such as annual gynecological exams and assistance with family planning, although this is not the primary aspect of a midwife. Midwives may consult with other health care providers such as an OB, or have a practice agreement to provide referrals in case of complications beyond their scope. They keep medical records throughout the pregnancy and delivery, and follow state laws for providing medical care.

Throughout the pregnancy, a midwife assists in determining a woman's individual health needs, both mental and physical. This can include suggestions related to diet, supplements, and exercise, as well as lifestyle changes and emotional support. A Certified Nurse-Midwife Practitioner can write prescriptions as well, if necessary.

Midwives also encourage women to follow their own instincts and educate themselves on options for their pregnancy and delivery. Midwifery supports a greater focus on the psychological aspects of the pregnancy and birthing process, considering mental wellness a significant factor in a successful pregnancy as well as physical wellness.

A midwife's training emphasizes the natural, biological process of birth as a normal event, and not as one of crisis management. Most midwives consider their place to be one of support rather than that of ringleader, letting the natural birthing process progress while using procedures that are minimally invasive. These methods can include encouraging the laboring mother to walk, adjust sitting positions, practice certain breathing exercises, and even eat and drink through her labor as needed.

Depending on state and licensing requirements, midwives can assist in a hospital setting, birthing center, or even a home birth. A certified nurse-midwife may be trained to use electronic fetal monitoring or pain medications if they feel it is necessary. However, other classifications of midwife may require a supervising doctor to use these techniques.

Midwives are trained to recognize any signs that labor or pregnancy are not going as they should, and also have training in newborn life support procedures, although they cannot perform a c-section. Most midwives will have a contingency plan that should be discussed well before term if this is a concern. If the labor does result in a hospital visit, a midwife will continue to assist and support throughout the process.

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After three to five days or more of watchful nurses and occasional doctor's visits, you are probably more than ready to be alone with your new family. Your partner, family or friend will excitedly arrive with the car seat and that special going home outfit that you selected so carefully. You both get dressed with a mixture of glee and a wee bit of fear. This new little person is all your responsibility now. That part is common to all mothers...no matter the type of birth she had.

But as you get in the car or taxi you may discover the first difference: seat belts that buckle low can irritate your caesarean incision. Usually your doctor will have removed your staples just before you leave the hospital, so that area is probably tender anyway. One trick that might work for the next week or so while that area is still very sensitive is to fold one of the baby's extra blankets and cushion it between the area and the seat belt.

If you live upstairs, you will soon discover another small difference: negotiating stairs can be tiring. Don't do it more often than you have to: plan trips up and down carefully. Rest once you are downstairs before attempting your return journey. For the first few days have someone else carry the baby up and down the stairs for you. If you have hand rails, now is a good time to use them.

That first shower after your birth was probably heaven, but at home you may find getting into the tub more challenging. Most hospital rooms are equipped with walk-in shower stalls, while most homes have tub/shower combinations. Stepping up and over into the tub may require some help for the first few attempts. Of course, it may be a couple more weeks before you incision is healed enough for an actual bath.

Of course, common household chores such as laundry, sweeping, mopping, hoovering and even cooking present difficulties as well. The general advice given after a caesarean is not to lift anything heavier than your baby for six to eight weeks, which means carrying laundry baskets is a definite no-no. Sweeping, mopping and hoovering may likewise be impossible for several weeks as the bending required puts pressure on your incision. Cooking although easier may be difficult for the first couple of weeks if you must stand for extended periods of time.

If like me, you have a perfectionist streak, you may wonder how you can possibly survive. One thing to remember is that although your situation may be a bit different, all new mothers require six to eight weeks of recovery. Some cultures even prescribe that period in traditions that sequester women and their babies from public view. After a caesarean birth, your recovery might be a bit slower than some vaginal births but each person and each birth is different. I have gone home from surgery and cooked dinner. Some women with traumatic vaginal births may recover even more slowly than you will.

This is especially important time for the breastfeeding couple (a term that infers the close connection between mother and infant). Breastfeeding after a caesarean may be challenging. Sad to say, but the number of mums breastfeeding six weeks after birth is significantly lower following a caesarean delivery. Delays in first feedings, separations from the baby for special care and difficulty finding a comfortable position for feeding means that caesarean mums may have more problems such as sore nipples, delayed coming in of the milk and lower milk supply. The good news is that with help and persistence in these first few days at home those difficulties can be overcome. One key is taking that time to just sit or lie undisturbed and feed your baby...on demand...without clock watching.

So if you have high standards, how can you relax and just enjoy your baby? In addition to focusing on your baby instead of that dirty dish, one option is to get help. Of course, your partner is one source of that help. In the UK, men have the right to paternity leave. In the US, men too can take time off following a birth through the Family Leave Act. But it is important too that your partner have time to bond with the new baby instead of just cooking, cleaning and doing laundry.

One absolutely fabulous way of managing this transition time is to hire a postpartum doula. Doula may be a term you are unfamiliar with. The term taken from Greek means woman who serves. Today it is a term that refers to trained women, most of whom are mothers or grandmothers themselves, who can help you during this time. Not only are they capable of handling all those tasks such as cleaning, cooking, laundry and errands, but many also have special training in breastfeeding and birth trauma that you may find critical at this time.

Where do you find a doula? What kind of training do doulas have? How do you know if she is right for your family?

A good place to begin your search is the Internet. A keyword search for doula will probably bring up several options, which of course leads to finding the right person for your family. As with any domestic position that will bring a virtual stranger into your home, a thorough interview is essential. It is a good idea to ask for references as well as police checks.

Ask her too about her training. There are no laws in the US or UK that mandate specific training for doulas. Anyone can call themselves a doula. Some doulas are former midwives or nursery nurses. Others are experienced mothers who want to help others by sharing their experience. But doula training is valuable. There are many different training options available: two or three day intensive workshops, self-study courses as well as longer term trainings that may combine self-study and workshops. But training should cover a few basics such as communication, physiology and the role of a doula. The key is that the doula has the knowledge and skills to handle the special needs of caesarean mums and babies.

But equally or perhaps more importantly is your intuition. Unlike a housekeeper who is responsible for things, this person is responsible for the care of you and your baby. Ask about her experience with caesarean births, her training in breastfeeding and her philosophy of bonding. Listen carefully to her answers and choose someone that matches your beliefs as closely as possible. Ask too about her experience with caesareans. How many families has she helped after a caesarean birth? Has she herself ever had a caesarean birth? Although personal experience is not necessary, a doula should understand the special needs of new mums and babies after a caesarean.

Remember while a doula is a paid staff member the role is similar to that once filled by extended family such as grandmothers, aunts and sisters. For this reason, the most important thing is that you feel completely comfortable with this person. She will be someone that you will rely upon extensively for physical and emotional support during the first weeks of your baby's birth when you are still recovering. She should share the same philosophy of parenting that you wish to follow. If breastfeeding and snuggling are important to you then she should be someone that will facilitate that. Likewise if having a strict schedule is what you want to achieve then she should have experience with that.

While having a doula may seem like a luxury expense that your new family can ill afford, for a caesarean mum and baby their help can prove a vital tool for bonding and breastfeeding. If your caesarean is planned, one way of budgeting for this expense may be to ask friends and family to contribute to the cost in lieu of other baby gifts. Also some doulas, mindful of the need for their services by working class families, will offer reduced rates or barter. Another way to look at it is that with the help of a doula to establish breastfeeding you will likely more than cover the costs you by not buying formula.

If you want to find out more about the Special Start that a doula can provide your family after a caesarean birth, visit the link below.

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Pregnancy takes your body through several transformations; the most prominent is the increasing belly and excessive weight gain. And transformation in physique is consequently followed by changes in your wardrobe. Here comes the utility of maternal clothes, especially from your 4th month. Maternity clothes vary highly in length and size to accommodate various body types as expecting moms come in different sizes and shapes before pregnancy. Thus, you can get them in a broad range of tall, petite, regular lengths as well as in large, medium, small sizes. There are even extra large maternity clothes for plus size women. It is recommended to opt for your pre-expecting size while shopping for the maternity clothes. The rule suits for everything from dresses to tops to bottoms to hosiery.

Maternity clothes are designed with utmost care to ensure comfort and sufficient room for the expanding belly without compromising on style. The maternity tops are fitted with in built panels to provide the required space for your increasing bulge. The maternity bottoms (pants, skirts, capris, crops or shorts) come with elastic, drawstrings and also a in built panel (made of spandex) for your expanding midsection. However, the cuts of these maternity cloths are quite like the conventional clothes to a stylish fashion statement. The sole difference is the stretchy portion near the waist to assure that the growing belly gets maximum comfort. Maternity undergarments must be opted since they provide a strong back-up for your growing uterus and heavy breasts. As the little one inside starts growing, a lot of strain and pressure are placed over your back that can be remedied with the help of a tummy sleeve or maternity belts. You also have the supportive panties which rise up to the stomach.

Historically speaking, in the ancient days, the attires were basically the flowy ones without focusing on a woman's curves. But the medieval era brought form fitting beautiful dresses equipped with seams. And in case of pregnant women, the seams were unfolded to accommodate the increasing body growth. The highly popular maternal cloth of the middle ages was the famous "Baroque Adrienne". It was a waistless maternal gown with numerous folds. Aprons were also a regular choice for expecting mothers. Pinafores were the most prominent pick in the 20th century. However, in those days, maternity wears were considered highly unprofitable as many women did not want to get a whole new wardrobe for just a few months. But, the scenario started changing since the 1990's with high media coverage on celebrity pregnancies.

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To most people, pregnancy is one of the happiest things that could happen in a lifetime. Although not everyone has a child, a lot of parents agree that nothing can be as thrilling and as fulfilling as finding out that you are about to bring a baby into the world. Of course, that being said, a lot of couples really only end up feeling that sense of true responsibility when they are about to become parents. Although pregnancy is a marvelous thing, there is no denying that it is a lot of work for the mother of the child as well as the father. Among the responsibilities of being pregnant is the responsibility of taking care of your child and this responsibility doesn't begin from birth but rather the moment that the child is conceived.

Once you are pregnant there are plenty of things that you should be looking into. You have to look into exercises, food, medical care for delivery and a host of other things. One thing that is especially important before birth is the type of pre-natal vitamins that you take. Pre-natal vitamins provide nourishment for both you and your baby and are essential in ensuring that both of you get the nutrients that you need.

Essential Vitamins for Pregnant Women
Although there are plenty of vitamins available over the counter there are some which are regarded to be the building blocks. These vitamins are the most essential and most recommended. Here is a list of them:

• Folic acid - Folic acid is great for the baby that you are carrying. It is a nutrient that plays a major role in helping your baby's spin develop. There is a particular condition called spina bifida which is essentially a gap in the spinal cord. Folic acid helps to reduce the likelihood that your child will end up with this condition. Although you can take pills, there are also some foods which are high in folic acid. If you find it difficult to drink pills then try leafy veggies or citrus fruits.

• Iron - Although iron is great when you are pregnant, it is also an important vitamin for everyday life. Iron acts as a binder for oxygen which is why hemoglobin in the blood contains iron.

• Calcium - Calcium is something that is essential for the proper functioning of the body. It is a vitamin that helps the neurons in the body function properly and at the same time is essential for bone growth and development. This is especially important in pregnancy because as a baby grows in its mother's womb it absorbs the calcium from its mother. Taking vitamins can help the baby while at the same time helping the mother maintain a healthy calcium level for her own bone density.

Vitamins provide nutrients and a means for you as a mother to take care of your child while you are preparing for birth. It is important for you to make sure that you talk to your doctor about the vitamins that you need to take and at the same time ensure that you are taking the recommended dosage. With the right vitamins you lessen the risk of birth defects and problems later on in your child's life.

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Raising a kangaroo at home isn't something that you can take lightly. In order for you to become an effective pet owner to this exotic animal, you have to prepare yourself through research and studying. Knowing important details about your pet is vital as this will help you deal with it effectively.

Learning about raising a kangaroo basically starts with knowing the background of your exotic animal. Kangaroos are considered as amazing members of the Australian fauna. They are marsupials that are closely related to wallabies, Quokka, wallaroos, and pademelons. All in all, there are around 63 different species of the Macropodidae family in the wild today. Kangaroos are endemic to the lands of Australia. However, some members of this family specifically the smaller marcopods have also been found in New Guinea. They thrive on the landscape of Australia. They're not farmed. Instead, they're sought because of their meat. This animal has become a national symbol for Australia and is often observed on the Australian Coat of Arms, the country's currency, and on the tail of its national airline called the Qantas.

Males are referred to as kacks or bucks while females are called jills or does. The young ones or the babies on the other hand are called joeys. Among the different types of species existing today, red kangaroos are the largest ones. In fact, they are the largest surviving marsupial on the face of the planet. They thrive in the arid and semi-arid regions that are located at the center of the continent. The Eastern Grey Kangaroo on the other hand, which is another famous species, is commonly seen in the fertile eastern region of Australia. The Western Grey Kangaroo, which is also another species is a native of Western Australia and Southern Australia as well as of the Darling River basin.

Let's discuss some cool facts about these types of exotic animals. These animals are equipped with large feet and strong hind legs. Their physical adaptation helps them to leap. They have a muscular tail, which functions just like a tripod leg. Their tails come in handy for balance. The most unique feature of these exotic animals would be their marsupium or stomach pouch. This is physical characteristic that's common to all marsupials. The pouch is used to serve as a home for joeys during their postnatal development.

Kangaroos hop for locomotion. They can hop at speeds that average at 70 km/h especially when they're looking for food and water and when they're running away from predators. Their most common predators include goannas, feral cats, foxes, and wedge-tailed eagles. These animals usually live around for 4 to 6 years. Their diet varies depending on their species. In general, they are known as herbivores. They love feeding on a wide variety of grasses, hypogeal fungi, and shrubs. They are known to be both crepuscular and nocturnal. This means that they are most active during the night and by twilight.

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Depending on where you live, there are a number of fascinating names for them. Here in the U.S. we refer to them as mutts, Heinz 57, Sooners, mongrels, hounds, and tykes. In Hawaii, they are known as Poi Dogs. Country folks in the South, call them feists or curs.

In Newfoundland you will hear the term a Cracky. In the Bahamas and nearby islands, they are called Potcakes. Jump over to South Africa and you will hear the people refer to them as a Pavement Special. Our Australian friends call theirs Bitzers.

No matter what they are called, for many dog owners, they are the only real dogs. To them, the more breeds in the mix, the better!

So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a mutt? Let's start with the advantages. The fact they are less likely to be stolen is a good one! There is often a lower incident of genetic defects, as there is a larger gene pool. It's a fact, the bigger the gene pool, the less likely the odds of combining two defective genes. That is a plus for many less discriminating, yet adoring dog lovers.

Additional advantages are mutts are less expensive to purchase. Let's face it; sometimes they are free for the taking! Usually, they are also less expensive in the upkeep department as they require few, to no visits to a groomer for a fancy hairdo.

It is also a fact, mutts tend to have a higher than average natural longevity compared to pedigrees. Cars are not counted in the equation! The reason for this as studies have shown, may be mutt mothers are normally excellent moms compared to their pedigreed cousins. It's true. Documentation in many countries show, they normally provide better care, as well as more and a higher quality of milk. Because of that, infant mortality in mutt litters is noticeably lower than with purebred-bred litters. Between a diluted gene pool, and quality postnatal care, it appears a mutt pup has the advantage a healthier start and possibly a longer life.

Finally, whenever you look into their eyes, there is the sense you did the right thing. They may not be the cutest, fluffiest, most handsome, or prettiest dog in the dog park, but they are forever grateful, that you saw their "inner beauty."

So, what are the disadvantages? The disadvantages are few. Granted, you won't find a mutt participating in the AKC/Eukanuba or Westminster Dog Show, even though Eukanuba doesn't seem to mind too much that mutts are customers. Nor, will you see them at most AKC events...although that is changing a little with their AKC Partners Program.

The only other disadvantages of owning a mutt are you will never really be sure how big they will get, or what their temperament will be. Not that there is any guarantee with a pedigreed dog! Nonetheless, responsible breeders do have a general idea of the likely size and temperament of the offspring of their mating pairs.

If sharing your life, love and home with a blue-blooded pedigree is imperative to you, than this article won't make a difference.

However, if you are less discerning about your image and want to share your life, love and home with a wonderful pet, consider adopting or rescuing a mutt. At a local shelter or rescue, the perfect companion and new best friend is anxiously waiting just for you. Save a mutt's life!

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Many couples who are facing infertility find that there are few satisfying therapeutic options between timing ovulation and undergoing IVF. There is another lesser known category of treatment that couples can consider; cervical cap insemination. To use this technique, the semen is collected and placed into a small cap which is inserted into the vagina and onto the cervix, the opening to the uterus. The sperm are held next to the cervical mucus while being shielded from the vaginal environment. Without this protection the sperm die within minutes after intercourse. Capping the semen onto the cervix allows all the available sperm to swim up into the uterus and fallopian tubes, to where the egg will be. The cervical cap can be used for treating low sperm count, low sperm motility, tilted cervix, and other common conditions.

Cervical caps have been used by gynecologists and urologists for decades and have been documented in medical literature since the first edition of Fertility and Sterility in 1950. At that time, Dr. M.J. Whitelaw wrote about a technique for insemination by "using a plastic cervical cap filled with the husband's semen applied to the cervix for 24 hours". (1) This was done to treat oligospermia, which is low sperm count. At the time, other OB/GYNs were also doing cervical cap insemination, but with a heavier cup made of surgical steel, with the women undergoing treatment having to lie down in the doctor's exam room for six hours with their hips elevated.

Cervical cap insemination was used widely into the 1970's and 1980's. Effective for the treatment of low sperm count and tilted cervix, it was also used for unexplained infertility. In 1983, Dr. Michael Diamond and colleagues found that women with primary infertility, defined as no prior pregnancies, had a pregnancy rate of 43% in the first six months of cervical cap use. Women with secondary infertility, having a history of at least one pregnancy, had a pregnancy rate of 67% in the first six months of use. (2) Their method included a cervical cap that was placed by the patient onto the cervix then filled with semen using a catheter that fit into a small opening in the cap. The couples treated in this study generally had low sperm count and/or poor post coital test results, yet had normal evaluations of the female. The doctors in the study also offered cap insemination as an option for couples who had not completed a full evaluation which at the time included diagnostic laparoscopy. This allowed patients to continue trying to conceive and use all of their cycles, while still considering advanced options.

Eventually, with the advent of Invitro Fertilization (IVF) and subsequently Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), cervical cap insemination began to fall by the wayside. During the economic boom of the 1990's, with more discretionary income, couples had access to a multitude of tests and procedures, even if their insurance did not cover them. Such tests as Hamster Egg Penetration, Hypo Osmotic Swelling Test, and Antibody Testing which were popular a few years back are not as frequently ordered by doctors today, citing the value of the results obtained compared with the money spent. ICSI, which was developed to treat low sperm count, is now used a majority of the time by clinicians with IVF. In the most recent data collected, The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) reports that ICSI use for 2006 was 62% of all IVF cycles. In 2007, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that over a decade, the rate of use of ICSI had increased five times although the sperm quality parameters over that same time period essentially remained the same.

While the cost and use of high tech treatments has skyrocketed in recent years, the cervical cap and at home insemination is quietly making a comeback. Couples interested in more cost effective, natural methods are seeking out other options for conceiving. At home insemination by cervical cap is a treatment option that can fit into several places in a couple's fertility planning. For couples just beginning on their fertility journey, at home insemination could be used as a first step, especially when one or both of the partners are reluctant to spend a lot of time at the doctor's office. For those who have been trying to conceive for several cycles, and may be taking fertility medications to enhance ovulation, a cervical cap could add another valuable tool to the treatment plan. Lastly, couples who are undergoing IVF cycles, or who have had IVF in the past, may want to try an at home insemination method on their cycles away from the more aggressive treatments. Single mothers of choice can also benefit from this technique as an alternate insemination delivery system.

Cervical caps, which have also been used for contraception to prevent pregnancy, are part of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The current term for cervical cap devices used for insemination is conception cap. The cervical cap currently available for at home insemination is a modern upgrade of the old rigid plastic or metal caps of the past. The newer version is made of soft implantable grade silicone, and has flanges in the inner rim to create a one size cap that does not need to be custom fitted. It can be worn during normal activities, allowing a woman the freedom to go about her regular daily routine.

The clinical trial done for FDA clearance in 2007 was designed using couples who had been diagnosed with infertility; most of them also had attempted other methods such as IVF and IUI. The results were that 84% of patients found that placing the cervical cap on their cervix was easy to do, and 92% of patients found that the instructions were easy to understand. Of the patients involved in the clinical trial, 24% became pregnant within the first month, including couples with failed IVF and IUI attempts. (3)

Cervical cap use has shown positive results in the past and has something significant to contribute to the future of reproductive medicine. With the cost of medical expenses rising beyond the ability of the average consumer to pay, at home cervical cap insemination may be an attractive option for continuing pursuing family building in tough economic times.

1. Whitelaw MJ. 1950. Use of the cervical cap to increase fertility in case of oligospermia. Fertility and Sterility. 1:33.
2. Diamond, MP, Christianson C. Daniell JF, Wentz AC. Pregnancy following use of the cervical cup for home artificial insemination utilizing homologous semen. Fertility and Sterility. 1983 April; 39(4); 480-4.
3. Conception Kit clinical trials, Conceivex. 2006-2007

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I admit, while not a medical term, new baby painful wrist and hand syndrome accurately describes what so many new mums, including me, have all experienced. Medically, it's referred to as tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome and is common among new mums. Carpal tunnel or wrist tendonitis is irritation and inflammation of the tendons of the wrist. Pain is the main symptom and there can also be swelling of the local area. The tendons get inflamed through repetitive motion such as picking up the baby and holding the baby in position while breastfeeding.

In my case, for example, sharp pain would shoot from my right thumb up my arm whenever I picked up my daughter. The pain was so intense it would make me cry out loud. In the same way you pull your hand away when you burn yourself, I began to fear dropping my baby as a reflex reaction to the pain. I purchased a wrist brace but found it way too uncomfortable so I developed a particularly ungraceful way of picking up my daughter by leaning in really close to her and scooping her up with my forearms. Using this technique I could avoid opening my hands to pick her up in the usual way under her arms. It looked really strange but it worked until I found time between feedings, exhaustion and new mum anxiety to schedule an acupuncture treatment.

In my own business as an acupuncturist, I had treated many cases of tendonitis and carpal syndrome. Some were new mums, some were athletes, one was a drummer, and most were office workers spending hours on the computer. Whatever the cause of the pain, acupuncture helped all of them, quickly and effectively. So naturally I turned to acupuncture when I needed it. Since it's really difficult to do acupuncture on yourself, I turned to a colleague for help. After the first treatment, the pain was much better and by the third treatment, the pain was significantly reduced and much less frequent. A couple more treatments were all that was needed to get rid of the pain.

What are the usual options for these painful wrists? A doctor will most likely prescribe steroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as prednisolone or a cortisone injection directly into the wrist. While these can help, many prescription medications are not advisable for the mum who is breastfeeding as they can seep into the breast milk.

This makes acupuncture a great alternative as it has no side effects. And a 2009 clinical trial published in the Clinical Journal of Pain concluded that short-term acupuncture treatment is as effective as short-term low-dose prednisolone for mild-to-moderate carpal tunnel syndrome 1.

1. Yang CP, Hsieh CL, et al., Clinical Journal of Pain, 2009 May; 25(4): 327-33 Acupuncture in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: A randomized controlled trial

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There are several ways to obtain degree in nursing. It can be done through online, full-time, part-time or by distance. Here, the full time nursing degree will then be discussed. Full-time program simply means the particular student will be occupied by the nursing studies and the duration is shorter compared to the others. Nursing degree courses comprise four branches of nursing. They are adult, child, mental and also learning disabilities. In all the higher level institutions in England, a nursing student has to undergo a three years degree program for full time degree course.

Pre registration nursing degree programs provide theoretical studies and supervised practical training which enable nurses to acquire both academic and professional qualification. The pre registration nurse education programs are now available in higher education institutions. For the degree program, it is started with a general introduction of nursing called common foundation program (CFP). The introduction is very vital to develop your communication, caring and also observation skills. In addition to that, the CFP do also provide introduction for those four branches in nursing and in maternity care.

For the practical training, it covers 50% of the overall grade of the program. This training is carried out in both hospital and community locations, with the aim of preparing nurse to face different challenges in different circumstances. The program, as mentioned earlier, is a three years program with the first year or one and a half year allocated for CFP. The rest of the duration is allocated for the four branches of nursing. Students can choose to only specialize in one of the branches, or even to study the combinations of these branches. Upon completion of the three years program, the student can now receive the degree in nursing and start serving the community, in both public places and hospitals

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