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If you have gone over 40 weeks in your pregnancy there are a number of things that you can do to help yourself. 40 weeks of pregnancy really is an arbitrary number based on averages and only about five percent of pregnancies actually result in labour by the 40 week. However, if you have gone overdue it is very likely that your care providers, such as your doctor, midwife or obstetrician, will begin to get nervous for every day that you have not gone into labour.

So what can you do about it?

For starters, recognise that you are one of the 95 percent of women who do not begin spontaneous labour on the estimated due date. You are in the majority. 95 percent pregnancies take somewhere between 265 and 300 days from the mother's last menstrual period. This is quite a broad range of days and the estimated due date is based upon a 28 day regular menstrual cycle, which in itself is also unusual, as most women range widely from every 2 weeks to every 6 weeks, to sometimes not even knowing when their next period will come because it is sporadic. You cannot set the due date if you want a natural birth. The best way of looking at your due date is to call it a guess date and give people a month range such as, "the baby will be born somewhere between mid October to mid November".

If your care provider has suggested an intervention to initiate labour, ask him or her if there is any medical necessity which justifies their suggestion for the particular intervention? Such interventions include doing a cervical sweep, rupturing the membranes (the amniotic sac) or applying a gel to the cervix to ripen it. All of these carry risks, so it is a good idea to question the suggestion and at the bottom of this article there is information on a You Tube video which gives a list of questions that you should ask your obstetrician or midwife if they are talking about interventions.

Depending upon your care provider, sometimes they may subscribe to Active Management of Labour (AML) which, as you know from your classes, can result in a surgical birth because of the diagnosis, "failure to progress". It is true that once an AML time limit is placed upon a labouring mother her labour will often falter and she may feel under pressure. This will result in her cervix naturally tightening due to the Fight, Flight or Freeze stress response and this will prompt the caregiver to administer drugs to augment and speed up labour. If the cervix remains tightly closed she will fail to progress and end up with a surgical birth. So it is OK to say no to your care provider once you have asked them these questions, and heard their responses and if you are not totally comfortable with having the intervention. One of the happy compromises that often works between caregivers and overdue mothers is to have an ultrasound to check the placenta and the amniotic fluid to ensure that both are still functioning normally. Usually they will be, in which case you can respectfully decline the offer of jumpstarting labour. Your baby knows when he wants to be born. Let him guide you and your body to initiate labour naturally.

Activities you can do to initiate labour naturally

To get your body and mind and body ready for labour, particularly if you are stressed out about going overdue, you should stop everything and slow down completely. Stop working, stop errands, stop planning, stop cooking, stop cleaning and stop preparing the baby's room. Get someone else to mind your other children. Just stop everything and slow down. Go deep within your body through relaxation. Imagine your body working for you. Imagine powerful, comfortable surges that make labour and birth swift and easy. Talk to your body and baby about how excited you are to start birthing. Relax everything and spend as much time in relaxation as you possibly can. Sometimes labour will not start simply because your head thinks that you are too busy to do it. Stop everything. Tell your head and your body that you are ready. Use imagery extensively in your relaxation and watch your body respond.

Acupuncture and acupressure work brilliantly if you have such practitioners where you live.

Nipple and clitoral stimulation releases oxytocin - the chemical which initiates surges.

Have sex daily and preferably to orgasm. This helps with the secretion of oxytocin and the rhythmic waves of orgasm can initiate labour surges in your uterus.

Eat hot and spicy foods.

Cleanse the bowel with either an enema from the chemist, or castor oil (take 1/2 tablespoon every 1/2 hour for 3 doses, repeat the following day if necessary)

Visualise your surges commencing and your joy that you baby is coming now.

Walk, gently and slowly.

Do a Fear Release relaxation (taught in class). Release the fear of starting labour even if you don't think you are fearful of starting labour. Pretend you are and release that fear.

Drink lots of water to ensure your body knows that it is well hydrated enough to start labour without hindrance.

Talk to a homeopath or naturopath about remedies or herbs to initiate labour gently but only if you already have a relationship with a homeopath or naturopath. Homeopathy will not initiate labour if your body isn't ready for birth - it only works if your body is ready to begin birthing in the first place. Herbs however, are powerful and can have the same effect as artificial induction of labour, causing continuous spasmodic and painful contractions if you take too much. You only want to start labour, not make it labour hard for yourself. Take extreme care with herbs.

Hopefully you will not have pressure from your care providers to initiate labour artificially. Do what you can to get it going naturally. The most important and empowering thing you can do to help yourself is to relax. Your body is a living miracle capable of so much. Birth is just one of the miraculous things it can do! So relax, let go and let it happen...

To access the video "Questions  to ask your midwife/obstetrician", go to YouTube and search for "hypnobirthtrainer".

Happy HypnoBirthing!

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When you hear the phrase "home birth," what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Old fashioned? Unsafe? Crazy? How about all natural, incredible, and safe? Each day, more and more American women are opting to give birth the old fashioned way - right from the comfort of their own homes. And the reasons for doing so are plentiful.

For starters, home birthing moms, midwives, and the like concur that pregnancy is not an illness; and labor is not a medical emergency; and therefore, neither should be treated as such, unless of course there are pre-existing medical problems for the mother and/or unborn fetus, in which case, the pregnancy would be treated as "high risk," and home births would not be recommended.

Home is a comforting place to be, hence the reason why so many women and men feel comfortable having the birth of their child take place there as opposed to the cold, sterile hospital. In addition to home births, there are many people who, through online medical consultation or telehealth services, are being treated for an array of medical conditions from their homes as well. Online doctor consultation services are available from home, or anywhere remotely where Internet access is available, and offer online prescription refills, doctors' excuses for work and school, and more.

Going Au Natural

Giving birth is one of the most natural occurrences in the world - so why are so many pregnant women treated as though pregnancy and labor are medical conditions? With all of the advancements that have come from scientific discoveries and experiments conducted in the past few decades, medical science has still not been able to improve the human body and the way it is designed to work. However, when our bodies are not functioning as nature intended them to, we are more fortunate than generations past in that modern medical science can work wonders.

In the majority of cases, pregnancy and childbirth are normal functions of a healthy body - not a potential life-and-death crisis that requires the assistance of a surgeon. It is for this particular reason that home births, and online doctor consultations, are on the rise.

Only a small percentage of pregnancies bear risks, and ultimately will require the skills of an obstetrician/gynecologist and usage of high-technology equipment (ultrasound, fetal monitors, etc.) in order for the mother and/or the baby to survive childbirth without long-term ill effects.

The U.S. Has One of the Highest Neonatal Mortality Rates in the World

In 1989, the recorded neonatal mortality rate for the United States was slightly more than 10 per 1,000 live births. Ironic, considering that the U.S. has the most highly sophisticated and expensive maternity care systems in the world, yet, in that same year, 20 other countries (with significantly less technology) had more babies survive their first months of life than babies in the U.S.

Why is this? It is likely due to the fact that these 20 countries, which fared far better than the U.S. in terms of neonatal mortality rates, use midwives as the primary caregivers for healthy women during their pregnancies and births.

Considering the statistics before them, the World Health Organization consistently urges the United States to return to a midwife-based system of maternity care in order to reduce high neonatal mortality rates. Physicians, in spite of advanced training and surgical specialties, have never been proven to provide better pregnancy and childbirth care than midwives. Moreover, no research has concluded that hospitals are the safest places in which to give birth for normal, low-risk pregnancies. In fact, respiratory distress among newborns was 17 times higher in the hospital than in the home. Not only that, but the United States has the highest obstetrical intervention rates, as well as an alarming problem with malpractice suits.

Testifying before the U.S. Commission to Prevent Infant Mortality was Marsden Wagner MD, European Director of the World Health Organization, who suggested the need in the United States for a "strong, independent midwifery profession as a counterbalance to the obstetrical profession in preventing excessive interventions in the normal birth process."

Homebirths are Safe

Myth - Hospital births are safer.
There have been numerous studies done that have compared hospital and out-of-hospital births, all of which have indicated fewer deaths, injuries, and infections for homebirths supervised by a trained attendant (such as a midwife) than for hospital births. There have been no studies that conclude hospitals have better outcomes than homebirths.

Standing out among the studies is a six-year one conducted by the Texas Department of Health for the years 1983-1989, which revealed that the infant mortality rate for certified nurse midwives was 1 per 1,000; and non-nurse midwives attending homebirths was 1.9 per 1,000; compared with the doctors' rate of 5.7 per 1,000.

Midwives are Trained Professionals

Myth - A pregnant woman gets more professional attention in a hospital than she does at home.

In addition to being trained pregnancy and childbirth professionals, midwives offer pregnant women more time, care, and attention than the standard medical office or hospital visits. In the hospital, obstetricians rely on machinery and others for information, and appear in the room with the pregnant women for typically only the last part of her visit. Most (and not all - as there are plenty of physicians, such as those offering online medical consultations, who encourage natural birth practices) physicians do not build a relationship founded on support with their patient; nor do they offer much encouragement on giving birth naturally.

On a daily basis, an increasing number of childbearing women are finding solace with the care of midwives, as opposed to the cold, clinical atmosphere of hospital birthing wards. In response, many hospitals are now leaning towards making their sterile environments feel more like "home" for the patient. Most of the hospitals now allow women's partners into labor and delivery rooms, as well as accept the presence of a professional labor coach, or doula.

But, even with this, many women are opting to engage in the natural act of giving birth right in their own home - as they feel childbirth does not belong in a clinical environment when all is well with the pregnancy. Statistics show that home births that are planned with a trained attendant have positive outcomes. Home births with untrained attendants or no attendants at all have less positive outcomes; therefore, those who are planning home births are recommended to have attendants, such as certified nurse midwife, there to assist/deliver the baby.

In addition to childbearing mothers, people of all backgrounds are electing to be treated from home by utilizing online doctor consultation and prescription services - available immediately from their home or remote computer, eliminating the need for in-person doctor visits.

What is Midwifery?

Midwifery consists of a system of wellness and natural care given by professional midwives to women and infants during the childbearing year. In several countries around the world, midwives are the primary care givers in maternity systems with significantly better neonatal mortality rates than that of the U.S.

Midwives are trained to be on alert for deviations from health throughout a woman's pregnancy and labor, and will refer their clients to a physician if necessary. While prenatal visits to an obstetrician's office typically involve long waiting periods before even seeing the doctor or nurse for a brief checkup, visits with midwives are generally relaxed, friendly, and last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. During this time, midwives examine the women by taking the both the mother and baby's heart rates, collect specimens for the laboratory, check high blood pressure rate and weight, as well as teach the benefits of proper nutrition, exercise, hazards to avoid, and how to prepare for a natural birth. Additionally, the midwife watches for any signs of fetal distress, and are equipped with the proper medical equipment for home births such as oxygen equipment.

Consider the Benefits of Home Birthing

There are several benefits to birthing at home, similar to the benefits of receiving online medical consultations right from home. Everyone is made to feel relaxed and comfortable, and women are in an optimal position to carry out the functions of the normal human body without the need for cold, long medical office visits and unnecessary medical intervention.

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Glowing and beautiful skin is the most women expect during pregnant, but not all women lucky. Due to the hormonal changes, different reactions are to be expected. During the first trimester, some women may break out and some women may have acne while pregnant during the whole term.

When pregnancy is over, the skin will glow, though early in their pregnancy they have experienced skin dryness. It is essential that you have a great skin care routine of you are pregnant and want to maintain great throughout your term. To achieve that well-known pregnant glow, these tips will help you.

1. Exchange to moisturizing body washes.

During pregnant, the skin needs extra care, aside from your facial skin. Cause by your increasing bulk, your skin will itch and dry because stretching that can caused trauma and the stress.

To reduce its suppleness, you can choose natural oils soap that can strip your skin off. Beside of to prevent dryness and itching, change to moisturizing body washes can restore the moisturizer on your skin.

2. Change your skin products

Regarding to change of hormonal of pregnancy, your skin has different needs. You may need to adjust since hormonal can change your skin condition to become drier or oiler, so you should change the products you use.

As the research said that some skin care products are not suitable for pregnant women because they may contain some harmful ingredients for pregnant women. You can do some research for safe skin products for pregnant women or consult to dermatologist and doctor.

3. Treat your abdomen

During the pregnant, throughout the whole term, your abdomen is an experience continues stretching. That situation can give a result of unsightly stretch marks long after you have given birth. Moisturizer cream or gel for pregnancy can be massage regularly can give you some help to prevent stretch marks

4. Avoid the sun protection

During pregnant, your skin is more sensitive than usual. It means it will be easier to get damaged when you are exposed to the sun and also irritated. As part your daily your skin care habit, you can start to apply sunscreen to avoid dryness, discolorations and irritations.

5. Manipulated with makeup

During the pregnant, use makeup should be less is more. By the help of loose powder, concealer, and multipurpose color stick, you use them to polish your face. But always remember to choose hypoallergenic, moisturizer, and non comodogenic cosmetics since during pregnancy skin is become irritation and sensitive.

6. Do not forget to give you breast an attention.

During pregnant, the thing that enlarges is not your tummy only. To prepare for location, in size your breast also increase. Which can lead to dryness and itching, the skin breast and also your nipples will be particularly sensitive.

To reduce the dryness, apply some creams to your nipple and skin breast. For reduce the itching, you can wearing cotton maternity bras.

To achieve great skin follow these tips during pregnant. And also doing regular exercise and balanced diet is most basic things you can do for better skin and surely for a good pregnancy.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Most people find it impossible to predict when and if they will land in the hospital for an illness or injury. And if it does happen, you may find lots of left over medical bills that weren't in your yearly budget. One segment of the population can predict a hospital stay, giving them a great advantage over everybody else: women planning a pregnancy. Most women choose to deliver their baby in a hospital. This translates into two important points: there may be left over medical expenses, but there is also an opportunity to purchase supplemental insurance to offset these expenses and more.

Left Over Hospital Bills

A stay in the hospital can end up costing you more than you ever expected. Many insurance plans now contain deductibles, and/or daily co-payments. The insurance industry likes to call these plans "consumer directed" to put a positive spin on plans that simply keep annual premium increases slightly lower, only to leave those unfortunate enough to get sick or injured with a big unpaid balance at the end of a hospital stay.

And many times these deductibles and co pays are only the tip of the iceberg. Consider the out of network provider dilemma. Many hospitals utilize contractors for anesthesiology. You pick a hospital that is in network for your insurance carrier only to find out after discharge that the anesthesiology group was out of network. A few weeks after discharge you get a bill for the portion above "usual customary and reasonable". These fees are now your responsibility.

And what about those specialists who visit you while in the hospital? Are they in or out of network? The answer can have a huge impact on what you owe. Your health insurance plan negotiates hefty discounts for plan members who stay in network. The difference between what a provider charges, and what your insurance pays can be shocking. Don't be caught by surprise!

Then there are little annoyances like the daily fee for using the TV, parking your car, family travel expenses, and lost income while in the hospital and then recuperating at home.

Women Planning a Hospital Stay

Many women who are planning a pregnancy are planning a hospital stay. Unless you are planning to deliver in a taxi cab or through a midwife, you most likely are planning a hospital stay. With that comes all of the left over bills described above. What if the anesthesiologist administering the epidural is out of network? Can you to make the extra payment when the bill arrives during your maternity leave?

At the same time, you also have the opportunity to purchase supplemental health insurance plans that pay cash benefits directly to you for your hospital admission, and during the time you are unable to work during your maternity leave. While the rest of the world must wonder about purchasing extra coverage just in case they get sick or hurt, women planning a pregnancy are planning a hospital stay, along with missed time from work.

Wouldn't it make sense to purchase coverage before getting pregnant? Once you are already pregnant, it will be too late to apply for coverage.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Greece has hospitals that belong to both the private and the public sector. Athens also has a balance mix of both private and public hospitals that are well equipped to cater to any kind of medical issues. The public hospitals in Greece are managed and controlled by The National Health Service.

The Diagnostic and Therapeutic Centre of Athens, Hygeia has been functional since 1970.It is a private hospital founded by eminent Greek physicians to provide world class and modern care to its patients. The Hygeia Diagnostic and Therapeutic Center provides health and medical services throughout Greece and in some other countries too. There are 22 surgery clinics, 11 pathology clinics, 6 diagnostics centers, 8 rehabilitation centers and10 hospitals abroad.The hospital as an Organ Transplant Unit and an ICU that is equipped to deal with all kind of medical problems. The hospital also has ambulance services and their ICU is equipped with the requisite support and diagnostic facilities to ensure proper treatment to its patients. The hospital has the facility for Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) to help fight blood diseases. It was the first hospital in Greece to introduce the concept of one day surgery.

Kyanous Stavros is a privately owned hospital and diagnostic centre. The centrally located hospital was set up in the year 1963 and is one of the finest hospitals in Athens. The hospital has the latest technology and is in the process of continually modernizing its operations and departments. It is a multidisciplinary hospital that has 24 hours emergency room that caters to the requirements of foreigners and tourists. There are ambulances services available that are equipped to provide safe and quick transportation throughout Greece if required. The hospital has a range of accommodation facilities to suit the requirements and pockets of a variety of patients. The hospital accepts the majority of insurance companies whether private or public. The hospital provides treatment to all the citizens who might approach it regardless of the fact whether they have insurance or not.

One of the prominent hospitals in Athens is the General Hospital of Attica KAT. The hospital with its modern medical and technological equipment and a well trained staff is a reliable health care centre. The hospital address is 2 Nikis street in Kifissia and it is easily accessible through the Electric Railway or the Underground Metro. The hospital has a pathology division, an orthopedics department that caters to all kinds of orthopedic problems, a general surgery division and also specialized surgeries department.

IASO General is a hospital with state of art facilities and services. The hospital has an ICU that is world class and is known to be amongst the best in the country. It has a Coronary Care Unit and was the first in the country to have a dedicated unit for diagnosis and treatment of heart ailments. IASO General is also equipped with an up-to-date accident and emergency department. There are 10 highly sophisticated surgical units and an angina pectoris unit in the hospital. It also has internal medicine, surgery and diagnostic divisions. The surgeries department has facilities for thoracic, plastic, cardiac, orthopedic and general surgeries. The address for the hospital is 264 Mesogeion Ave. 155 62 Holargos and the contact no is 210 650 2000.

Helena Venizelou founded Marika Eliadi Maternity Hospital in 1926. At that time there was an acute shortage for good hospitals and trained staff for maternal care in the city. The hospital was set up with an aim to provide advanced natal care not only to entire Athens but to the entire country. Now the hospital provides specialized maternity care and also other services that cover secondary and tertian health requirements. The hospital also has an internal medicine department, endocrinology department, cardiology department and a hepato-gastroenterology unit.

If you need medical help, the next time you are in Athens. Take a look at these facilities.

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I remember my mother telling me about the times when she was pregnant. She was wearing nothing more than my father's jeans and his working shirts throughout her pregnancy. No maternity clothes for her because she was too poor to buy them at that time. Remember, in her time, which was about 30 years back, maternity clothes used to cost a bomb.

And yet, if you walk along any shopping center these days, you'll notice at least three or four maternity clothes fashion houses catering to the specifically 'large' needs of a pregnant mother. And since the web and the Internet is such a magnanimous thing these days, what about online maternity stores? I'd safely say there are just about half a million legitimate maternity stores right now flailing around the Internet wires for business.

And the amazing thing is that...YES, they make money! And why, I was wondering.

Because of one simple thing....even though my mother (like your mother) and my grandmother (and your grandmother) didn't need maternity clothes when they were pregnant, the modern generation of pregnant women really, truly DO need maternity clothes. We're living in an era that is completely different from their time and we cannot compare our pregnancy needs with their needs. The same rules no longer apply.

If you're pregnant right now and am sitting around here wondering if you should get yourself a whole new wardrobe of maternity clothes, you're in luck. I have some tips about buying maternity clothes for you.

Buy good-looking maternity clothes that can last at least 3 pregnancies

Like I said, maternity clothes are not cheap these days and maternity clothes are only wearable for the nine months that you're pregnant and maybe another month or two after that. And when you get back in shape, you're going to have to shelve those expensive maternity clothes or put the maternity clothes in sad boxes with the edges stuck together with cellophane tape.

So, buy only maternity clothes that are classy and of exceptional quality. You wear maternity clothes only when you plan to go out. For casual outings and at home, stick to your extra large clothes or perhaps, you can buy some large sweaters, t-shirts, overalls, or raglan to wear when you're not required to look all-that-presentable. It works!

You won't need CASUAL maternity clothes. In my books, that's an oxymoron.

Maternity clothes that can double up as breastfeeding clothes later on would be good too

If you intend to breastfeed your baby after the whole pregnancy is over, you would have to think about buying MORE clothes...breastfeeding/nursing clothes. Now, as with maternity clothes, nursing clothes don't come cheap either. And do we NEED nursing clothes as much as we need maternity clothes? Yes, sometimes we do. I have quite a few fashionable looking nursing clothes that I wear whenever I go out shopping or meeting up with friends. Other times, I wear my t-shirts with holes cut out for easy access to the breast! Yeah, it's funny, but at home, who's going to care?

And if you can get your hands on some good maternity clothes that can double up as nursing clothes later on, GO FOR IT! You will get your money's worth that way.

Style of maternity clothes

Many maternity clothes designers are asleep when they're designing maternity clothes - the selection is bad. Most of them are nothing but flower after flower, spiral after spiral, safety pins or perhaps some form of teddy bear or another. Forget about them! If you were to buy maternity clothes, invest one that makes you look good. If the maternity clothes are plain, that's fine, it's better than making you look like Bozo - most of them do, by the way.

The point is that you want to look CLASSY and DIGNIFIED even though you're sort of....BIG. and wearing maternity clothes with large orange and yellow flower prints is NOT going to help you do that!

That's just my opinion, of course, and you're entitled to have your own opinion about maternity clothes that looks good.

Good luck!

Reprint Notice

Copyright 2005 Marsha Maung

Please feel free to reprint this article in your newsletter, website, magazine or other forms of publication freely. The only requirement is that the following biodata is included and the links remains intact. Apart from editorial or grammatical editing, other form of editing that may impair, change, or alter the context of the article is NOT permitted. If so, please contact the writer for written consent.

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smooth, easy birth is the best birth for your baby - and most women today want to have a good birth. Many magazines and pregnancy books make it seem like smooth childbirth is just luck (and some women aren't made to be lucky). Is that really true? Or can you take steps during pregnancy to have a good birth?

You'll be relieved to know that you can make a difference in your own birth. In fact, it's not hard to have a good birth. There are a few things that make a big difference, though. First, you need to choose the right team to be at your birth. Secondly, you need to take good care of yourself. And finally and most importantly, you need to prepare yourself for your baby's birthday.

Choosing the right team to be with you at your baby's birth can make a massive difference - it can mean the difference between an easy birth and major abdominal surgery (that's what a cesarean section is...). Notice I didn't say "choose the right doctor." This choice isn't just about one person - you can choose a doctor or a midwife. And you can also choose who else will be at your birth. Will you have a doula? Who will be your birth partner? When you're choosing your care provider look for someone with a track record for good births. High c-section rates or high transfer rates for a birth center or home birth midwife are warning flags for trouble.

A doula is scientifically proven to shorten your labor and make birth go more smoothly for both you and your baby. If you want to have a birth partner with you outside of a doula, make sure your partner is well prepared and ready to advocate for you - and do what you need during labor. Don't get somebody who is more concerned about their own comfort levels. Choose someone who is going to stand by what you want, no matter how hard it is for them to see you laboring. A fearful or panicked person can really undermine your labor.

Take great care of yourself during pregnancy. This starts with you eating for two. That's right. Ignore the information that says you need to "just eat a few extra calories." You are growing a second human being and he or she needs additional nutrition. This doesn't necessarily mean you need to eat a whole lot more food - but it does mean that you need to eat smart. Fact: your baby's brain is built on fat. Fiction: a low-fat diet is a good idea in pregnancy. Fact: junk food is bad during pregnancy. Fiction: eating plenty of healthy foods is still "eating too much."

What you eat makes a difference. Eat red meat or fish to give your baby a great start. Eat plenty of protein - it has been proven to help combat morning sickness, preeclampsia, and other pregnancy complications. You need at least 80 grams of protein daily. Go over 100 grams if you're battling morning sickness. You need fat, too. If you don't get enough fat, your body will begin to burn protein for energy. Your baby's brain is built from mostly fats. A "low-fat" pregnancy diet starves you and your baby. Eat good fats - coconut oil, butter, olive oil, bacon drippings, and the fat that comes with grass-fed meats. Avoid bad fats - vegetable oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, etc.

Eating well will prevent most pregnancy complications - and give you the energy you need for labor and birth.

What else can you do to have a good birth?

Make sure that you and your birth partner are prepared. You need to understand not just what happens during childbirth, but how you can help your body open up and your baby come down. Don't sign up for a childbirth education class that teaches you the stages of labor, how to ask for an epidural, and what to do during your emergency c-section. You're cheating yourself and your baby if you do. Use a childbirth course that really teaches what to do during labor so you open up and your baby is born smoothly and easily.

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Japan is one of the most well developed countries of the world and is considered a foremost leader in technology and closely related fields. Tokyo is the capital of Japan and is also the center of educational, industrial, cultural and financial activities in Japan. The city is provided with many outstanding hospitals staffed by eminent doctors, containing ultra modern technologies and medical equipment, and the latest treatments and services. Since the medical costs are a bit high in Japan, tourists are well advised to take out travel health insurance. Most of the residents are part of the national health insurance scheme in the government sector. Others avail themselves of private health insurance.

Now I would like to give a brief description of some of the better hospitals in Tokyo.

St. Luke's International Hospital is regarded as one of the best hospitals in Japan maintaining true international standards. Most of the medical staff are fluent in English. Being a service oriented firm, they are taking maximum care to give the patients the accurate and efficient treatments with warm hospitality in a cost effective manner.Tel: 03 3541 5151

Seibo International Catholic Hospital located at 2-5-1 Nakaochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo is another well known hospital for its excellent maternity unit. They also provide excellent treatment and services in all departments. Tel: 03 3951-1111

Keio University Hospital is one of the famous hospitals in Tokyo and is located at the Shinanomachi campus. Their Tel: 03 3353 1211. This is a leading institute offering world class education, research and treatment in the medical and health field. All major medical specialties operate here.

The Tokyo British Clinic is another world class hospital which follows the British General Practice guidelines. This hospital was established in 1992 and providing medical services of highest standards to foreign residents and visitors. They have established full fledged departments in all branches of medicine and are providing facilities like services of native English-speaking doctors.

Osaki clinic for women is well known for treating patients with gynecological disorders and urinary tract diseases. The hospital is provided with most modern equipments to diagnose and treat various gynecological disorders. They offer medical checkups for women at affordable rates.

ThinkPark Tower International Medical Clinic is located near the south exit of the Osaki Station in Tokyo. Their English speaking doctors provide world-class medical care in family practice, gastroenterology, internal medicine and rheumatology. They also offer general medical services like annual checkups, travel medicine, anti-aging medicine, etc.

Aiiku Hospital is one another trusted hospital in Tokyo located at Minato-ku, Tokyo. They specialize in prenatal care for high-risk pregnancies. They offer health check ups and treatment of international standards. However their website is not available in English. Tel: 03-3473-8321,

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Blue Shield provides you with access to quality healthcare at affordable prices. With the cost of healthcare always increasing, you can't afford not to have insurance. A serious car accident could cost $140,185 in doctor, hospital, and medical equipment bills. But with a health insurance plan, the bills would only total $8,178. Blue Shield helps you stay healthy and saves you money. How? Blue Shield of California has put together a network of healthcare providers throughout California. These providers are all highly qualified professionals who've agreed to partner with Blue Shield. Members of these HMO health insurance plans can choose from over 25,000 doctors and 280 hospitals in California. Members of the PPO health insurance plans can take advantage of a network of more than 45,000 doctors and 350 hospitals.

By negotiating with the doctors and hospitals, Blue Shield is able to keep costs for its members low. The plans feature; co payments as low as $20 when you visit your doctor, co payments as low as $35 when you visit a medical specialist, Flexible deductibles and some plans have no deductible, and some plans are compatible with Health Savings Accounts.These plans keep you healthy by stressing preventive care. With visits to the doctor made affordable, you'll be able to get care early and often. This prevents illnesses and injuries from becoming serious (and expensive) problems.

What exactly is preventive care? It includes basic healthcare services like routine physicals, immunizations, OB/GYN exams, and baby care. And in many Blue Shield plans, these services are covered before you have to meet the deductible. Blue Shield understands everyone has different healthcare needs. That's why they've put together a variety of plans so everyone can get healthcare that meets their medical and financial requirements.

Blue Shield has many different plans. Some of the most popular include:

Active Start
An affordable plan for individuals, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Active Start plan has no deductible and co payments as low as $25. With this plan, you can get generic drugs for only $10 a prescription. To save you money, this plan does not cover maternity care ý making it ideal for individuals who aren't planning on starting a family soon.

Essential Plan
The Blue Shield Essential Plan is a convenient, all-in-one healthcare plan. You get medical, dental, vision, and prescription drug coverage in one easy package. Low premiums and 100% coverage after the deductible is met make this plan a smart and affordable investment. This plan also doesn't include maternity coverage.

Shield Spectrum
The Shield Spectrum PPO plans offer flexible coverage for individuals and families. Most Shield Spectrum plans feature extensive medical coverage, including maternity benefits, making it a good choice for people thinking of starting a family. Shield Spectrum Savings plans are compatible with Health Savings Accounts, offering tax advantages and making care more affordable.

Access+ HMO
A good choice for families and people who visit their doctor often, Blue Shield HMO Access+ plans offer predictable out-of-pocket expenses and low copayments. Many of the healthcare services offered under the Access+ HMO program are covered before you have to meet the deductible.

With all the plans available, it can be hard to decide which one is the best plan for you. Fortunately, Blue Shield can help you make sense of your medical needs and find you a plan that will keep you covered without putting a huge dent in your wallet.

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Women's hygiene, a very important matter which needs to be addressed. A subject, which women need to learn about. I have been learning about the different types of women's hygiene available, and believe me, there is a lot that us women don't know. For example, did you know that there are about 13 different types of sanitary pads available?, Not only that but most places which stock women's hygiene also do maternity pads and incontinence pads.

See there are many things which women do not know about their personal care, like for instance, what suits them best. They do not know, what is good quality, what is not, the different types of tampons which will suit different women. Now, I'm a woman myself, and I am only informing all women about this, because I have just recently learnt so much, I believe that they should know as well. What is the difference between a maxi-pad and ultra-pad? For those who didn't know, don't feel bad because a lot of other women didn't either. I shall tell you.

Maxi Pads, are thicker than ultra pads and come in four different types, regular, super, slender and long.

The Regular Maxi Pads are contoured to comfortably fit the shape of your body and is suitable for medium to heavy flow.

The Long Maxi Pads are thick and extra long for extra protection especially when you are asleep and for extra protection during the night.

And for those that may not know, a Super Maxi Pad, is thicker than a regular to give more protection, for those with medium to heavy flow.

A Slender Maxi Pad, is thicker than a regular, however it is slimmer, for those with light to medium flow.

See you don't have to wear, the first one you pick up, read the label. What suits YOU best? Which would you prefer? We are all different.

Now, Ultra Pads come in regular, Super, Super plus, and long, also all of these may or may not have wings. Hunt around, find the one which you will be more comfortable with. Now I am not going to go into the ultra pads, because I guess that you can probably guess which one's are which. However I will say one thing, regular is ultra thin, super is thin, super plus is thicker than super, and long, is for night times and for extra protection when you need it most.

Also did you know that there are 5 different types of tampons on the market?

For those of you lucky ones, there is the regular either with or without the applicator, this is for light to medium flow, the applicator makes it easier to put a tampon in, however the non-applicator is more comfortable and can be 100% cotton.

There is the Super Tampons, which are for those with medium to heavy flow and these tampons also come with or without an applicator. There is also a Super Plus tampon which can come with a non-applicator, made with 100% cotton and is for those with medium to heavy flow.

You also have those pads that you can wear everyday, which just lets you have a sense of security and lets you feel safe. The Ultra Thin Liner, is exactly what it says, the Tanga panty liner, is for those who want to wear sexy under wear like thongs, or french nickers, without anyone finding out that you are wearing protection. You also have a breathable liner, which again is, what it says. It allows you to breathe by being made from 100% cotton. A curved liner will be perfectly contoured to your body.

Most places which sell of these above products also sell intimate wipes for you too feel nice and fresh when you need it most, incontinence pads, nursing pads and maternity pads.

So next time you go out to buy your personal care products, think carefully, is that one really best for you? Think about your personal care products!

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Affordable Colorado Health Insurance Plans - How to Get Cheap Quotes Online

Searching for health insurance rates in Colorado you can afford? Here's how to find health insurance quotes online with the lowest cost.

Colorado health insurance plans

Managed health care plans such as HMOs, PPOs, and POSs are made up from a network of Doctors and hospitals. These plans are the least expensive of health insurance plans, and will give you quality medical coverage at the lowest cost. However, you must use Doctors and hospitals within the network to get the lowest cost.

When shopping for managed health care, you should check insurance plans for these coverages:

  • Major Medical Coverage Does the plan pay expenses for catastrophic illness or injury?

  • Doctor or Physicians Coverage Does the plan pay for Doctor visits? Most managed care plans have a small copayment for Doctor visits.

  • Surgical Coverage Does the plan pay for surgical expenses and surgeons fees?

  • Hospital Coverage Does the plan pay for a visit to the hospital, and what are the limits for a hospital stay?

Depending on your needs you may want to include coverage for items such as maternity care, prescriptions, and vision care. Plans can vary quite a bit from insurance company to insurance company so look at each plan carefully before deciding on one.

Affordable Colorado Health Insurance Plans Online

One of the best ways to get affordable health insurance quotes in Colorado is to go to a free insurance quote website. There, you can get competitive quotes from up to 5 health insurance providers so you can compare plans and prices. After you have your quotes, you need to look closely at the policies and decide which one is the best for you.

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How many weeks pregnant are you? That is one of the most common questions asked to a newly pregnant woman. A pregnancy calculator is used very often these days because it will display the estimated due date ovulation and the expected due date of your baby. This estimate is based on the last menstrual flow and the estimated date of conception. Once your pregnancy is confirmed, 40 weeks of celebrations in anticipation of the new life within you can begin along with the antenatal consultation.

What Is Pregnancy Calculator And Its Uses?

Pregnancy calculator is a simple tool for those who wish to confirm whether they are pregnant or not. This is based on your menstrual period, symptoms that you have and the tests that you have done. Pregnancy normally lasts from 37-42 weeks from the first day of your last period.

It is a fact that a complete medical explanation of the process is beyond the uses of a pregnancy calculator because the results are a reasonably close estimation. The main use of pregnancy calculator is usually to figure out the due date and several other interesting dates such as the date of conception, end of your first and second trimester, and the number of weeks you have been pregnant. You can use this tool to determine an estimated date your baby will be born.

Importance Of Pregnancy Calculators

The significance of pregnancy calculators has less to do with the final moment of birth and more to do with the progress of the pregnancy. Health care providers look at due dates and the date of conception to measure the age of the fetus and the development of the baby inside the mother's womb.

What You Need To Know?

There are a lot of free pregnancy calculators available online and you can easily use it. You can use a pregnancy by simply entering the date of your last menstrual and the number of days in your menstrual cycle into the pregnancy calculator, and click on the compute button. You can use pregnancy calculator to work out when you might expect your baby to arrive. As part of your antenatal care, your health care provider may also offer you a dating scan that will give you a more accurate date for the birth of your baby.

Additional Tips

A normal pregnancy usually goes to full term that normally lasts from between 38 and 42 weeks. However, you should bear in mind that the average month is for weeks and several days long, not precisely four weeks. For this reason, your health care provider compute how many weeks pregnant you are, as measuring pregnancy by weeks is a far more accurate means to determine length of pregnancy.

Most calculators are based on a gestational period of 40 weeks from the first day of a woman's last menstrual flow. This is estimated by a woman's ovulation and conceives approximately 2 weeks after the first day of your last menstrual flow and carries the baby for 38 weeks.

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Don't let maternity leave ruin your credit score and ability to finance the many things growing families need. In the U.S. credit scores are the primary yardstick lenders use to qualify applicants for mortgages, car loans, and credit cards. Many couples in the family formation life-stage need credit to finance their first home, the new mommy minivan, new baby furniture, and many other items. But the U.S. lacks paid maternity leave, leaving two income families in a pinch, and setting them up for a life-time of financial struggle.

Credit Scores An Important Asset

Credit scores are an important asset for any family, but more so for growing families: those beginning to have children. Your credit profile provides a history of credit use that lenders use to determine if you qualify for loans, and if so how much you must pay to use their money.

Many factors impact your score, but the two most relevant to growing families are credit utilization, and on-time payment. The first, high credit utilization, usually proceeds the second, poor payment performance. High revolving credit utilization - the ratio of outstanding credit card debt to the credit limit - is an indicator that you might be tight on funds and heading for trouble. A poor payment history shows that in the past you had difficulties handling your money, and this history stays on your report for seven years.

Importance to Growing Families

Young couples planning to start or grow their families are often at the early portion of their work careers, and may not be earning as much as in future years. At the same time they may be spending more than they will in future years of items such as houses, cars, furniture, and food and clothing for the expanding family.

It is common for a growing family to spend more than it earns. And that is where credit comes in. The need for spending and credit is often quite acute during the months that mom is pregnant. You might have recently purchased a new home, and stretched to qualify for that dream house. Now comes the time to get ready for the new baby: paint the room, buy a crib, purchase maternity outfits, etc. The list goes on.

All these purchases have to be financed somehow. For many it means buying now, and paying later using credit cards. Which in turn swells your balances, your debt to credit ratio, and puts you in a tight spot if any disruptions occur.

Maternity Leave Risk

An unpaid maternity leave presents a disruption in income for many U.S. families. Most companies do not provide maternity pay benefits. For a normal delivery most women miss six to eight weeks before feeling well enough to return to work, and resume earning an income. And when they do, child care expenses may eat up much of her take-home-pay.

Remember all those credit card balance run up before delivery? Paying down those balances just became quite a bit harder.

Now imagine what happens during a high-risk pregnancy. Mom may miss several months of income prior to delivery to take bed rest to protect her infant's health. This equates to more missed income. Plus, there may be left-over medical expenses to throw in the mix. And, if baby requires care in the NICU expenses could really pile up.

Now just making the minimum payment could become difficult. And once you are late on a payment, that history sticks around for seven years - limiting your access for credit, and costing more if you do qualify.

Buying short term disability insurance before getting pregnant is the best way to create maternity income, keep your credit score high, and ensure future access to credit when needed, at affordable rates.

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In a group insurance the employees are provided insurance coverage by their employers. Insurance policies are very affordable these days and providing coverage is easier than ever. Insurance policies are provided at a discount and its cost is spread out among all of the employees in the company. Mostly group coverage is less expensive when compared to individual health insurance policy. Some of the benefits of this type of insurance is it can boost the morale among the employees. Two types of Group health insurance are comprehensive and consumer directed. Comprehensive group Health plans are Preferred provider organization, Health Maintenance organization and Point of service plan. Consumer directed group health plans include Health savings account (HSA) plan and Cafeteria plan.

Preferred Provider Organization encourages you to use a family doctor, specialist or other provider from within Preferred Health care's network of providers. Members can also choose from non-network provider. If you choose a network provider, you will receive the maximum level of coverage. But if you choose to use a non- network provider, you are responsible for the portion of the provider's charges which exceeds the plan's allowed amounts, plus the deductibles and coinsurance. The benefits that it includes are inpatient and outpatient hospital services, Maternity care, Infertility treatment etc.

In a Health Maintenance Organization one must choose a primary care physician from a list of participating doctors. You can visit doctors only within the HMO network. HMO health plans have lower health premiums for both the employee and the employer. Because of the lower cost, these plans are very attractive and a large amount of employees will choose them. Another monetary advantage is there is no deductible for the patient. The only thing that is required is the prescribed co-payment for services that may run between $15 and $20 a visit.

Point of service (POS) plan is a combination of HMO and PPO. These are called as 'open ended HMO' or 'open ended PPO. A point of service plan is a managed care program that provides different benefit levels for in-network and out-of-network services. All services must be rendered or referred by a primary care physician (PCP) to be considered in-network, except specified self referral services, such as routine eye examinations, routine maternity services and annual gynecological exams. Each participant must select a network primary care physician to act as the patient's medical care manager. In this way, PCP can direct the patient to the most appropriate type of service for a given condition.

In a group insurance all the policies cover emergency and routine medical procedures such as regular doctor's appointments and hospital treatment for accidents. But group insurance may or not cover employee's spouse or dependents. Some other benefits include vision care or dental work, and mental health. Prescription drug expenses often fall under group insurance benefits. Many employees see group insurance coverage as a major perk for faithful company service.

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If your employer is not giving you proper health insurance means that you will have to take health insurance on your own. Health insurance has become a necessity with medical care costs touching the ceiling. For an average family man paying medical bills out of your own pocket is a distant dream. It is imperative to give the cover of health insurance within your budget.

This means a lot of spade work and then clinching a health insurance deal that meets your budget and covers your family the maximum. If you are staying in Georgia, many options are being provided so become aware of the options of Georgia health insurance. Georgia health insurance has options and you will need to differentiate between managed care plan and indemnity plans.

The managed care plans are the typical health care insurance plan with deductibles and co pays, all that is needed is paying premium. While the second option in Georgia health insurance is indemnity plans in which you need to pay the medical costs upfront and only after that you can file a claim for medical insurance. They will pay back a portion of the expense or reimburse a portion. People on a tight budget can find that very difficult to swallow and they will not be able to get proper medical care.

Don't go on the lower payment plans but also look out at the end result - what are you actually getting beneath the glam and the discounts. Look at your requirements and make sure that your Georgia health insurance covers costs of prescription drugs, in patient hospital fees, necessary surgery, and preventive healthcare, dental and maternity care. You need to look carefully at all the extra cost that you might incur like co pay, co insurance costs and deductibles.

You might want to reduce your cost while taking a Georgia health insurance, while getting the maximum out of it. The best way to go about looking for a good plan is through online quotations on Georgia health insurance providers. You can fill in the information on the site and then their insurance agent will contact you. You can take multiple quotations so that you can bargain for the lowest premium with highest advantage from a good insurance provider.

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In addition to morning sickness and cramps, early pregnancy back pain is also one of the symptoms experienced by women during pregnancy. There is nothing to worry about back pain during pregnancy as it is quite common among pregnant women and is in fact unavoidable.

Weak Body Frame Causes Back Pain

A weak skeletal system and weak muscles increase the chances of early pregnancy back pain. During pregnancy there is a continuous change in the position of the baby inside the mother's womb. The mother's body also continuously adapts itself to such changes. Proper exercise can make this adaptation much easier for your body. Abdominal muscles require proper exercise to build strong joints around the pelvic region. As abdomen is the place where baby grows, a weak skeletal system can exert a lot of pressure on the muscles in lower back. This extensive pressure can cause pain in the back.

If neglected, this pregnancy back pain, can sustain even after childbirth. The severity of back muscle pain during pregnancy may vary from one person to another. It is seen that strong and healthy women have a better resistance towards back pain in pregnancy. A strong body frame reduces the pressure on back muscles.

Proper Care Required

You can follow the given tips to reduce the severity of your early pregnancy back pain.

  • Take proper care while performing your daily chores.
  • Make a point not to over- exert or over- stretch your body.
  • Be careful of your movements while getting out of bed, sitting in a chair, picking things, etc.
  • Yoga and meditation can also help you fight a backache during pregnancy.
  • Following a correct posture and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can treat a mild backache.
  • Nutritional food is also helpful in reducing pregnancy backache.

The sole purpose behind maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a regular exercise regime is to build a strong body frame, which would ensure a smooth pregnancy and normal delivery. You must take back pain seriously and also take appropriate measures to handle such challenges, which are an inevitable part of pregnancy.

Final Words

Be well prepared to face the challenges which come along with the beautiful experience of being pregnant. Be well informed about the changes taking place in your body and ensure proper care. It is advisable to take necessary measures, to avoid and cure an early pregnancy backache. Do not neglect the backache or else it might want to stay with you for the rest of your life!

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The UK immigration law has strict rules and conditions concerning who are entitled for NHS services. The law states that only the UK residents are permitted for a free treatment in any recognized National Health Systems facilities, clinic and hospitals in the UK. The UK healthcare services are the envy of the world that is why there are rules governing the spouse, children, fianc矇, or civil partner's access for NHS treatment. Also included are the student or visitor visa holders. The free treatment is under the hospital's discretion whether or not to provide medical services for eligible individuals.

The hospitals must determine that the one seeking medical attention is a UK resident, meaning he is able to provide documentation that he legally lives and settle in the UK before seeking healthcare services and emergency medical intervention. If you are a UK resident, you are entitled for NHS free medical care. There are special circumstances however, that anyone can be entitled for a free treatment, see the conditions and categories below:

v You will be entitled for a free medical treatment or surgery if you have an accident and or requiring any emergency medical treatment
v If you are seeking family planning services but excluding maternity services
v Treatment of communicable diseases acquired while you are in the UK
v There is a need for psychiatric treatment due to psychotic episodes or any mental illness
v Selected non visa or overseas residents gets free medical treatment

There are citizens that are entitled for a medical treatment if they are in agreement with the United Kingdom healthcare including the Switzerland, the European Economic Area and the European Union even if they are not UK residents, any one else, pays. There is an underlying rule that exempts this category; any resident who comes to the UK with the sole purpose of seeking medical health because of these provisions will be denied. The doctors will determine if the disease has been with you since long before you arrived in the UK. If you are puzzled by these regulations, contact your UK solicitors to help explain things to you and help you with your concerns if you are denied of medical treatment exclusive of the category clauses and or a case of discrimination or violation of your human rights. You can also discuss about the reciprocal agreement if you are under this category.

But what if you are pregnant and on the process of joining your spouse, fianc矇, or civil partner who is a UK resident? You are entitled for free medical treatment if you are eligible to come to the UK before child birth. Again, if you come to the UK with a singular purpose of giving birth to a child and then go back to your own country after that, then you will not be entitled for free NHS treatment. You will be given treatment and give birth of course but as a paying private patient. After you give birth, you will be billed accordingly then you will be released from the hospital.

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Parents want nothing more than to provide affordable health insurance for their family. It's a comfort knowing that in case there are any accidents or health issues, they will be able to bring their children to get the proper treatment. It's always best to get insurance after you study the different modes of coverage so you know what's right for you and your family. There are managed health care plans which give you the best care, allow you to see the best doctors, and charge you an affordable price as well. You can get your insurance through a Health Management Organization, or HMO, a Preferred Provider Organization, or PPO, or Point of Service, or POS.

The HMO is the best choice for the family who can't afford to pay so much for insurance. Doctors are provided to those covered so this means that you'll not be able to get another opinion if you need one. This is one of the few downsides, though. With the PPO, you have more of a choice of doctors, which would be best if one of the family members has special needs. The POS simply combines the two, giving you a company doctor for your primary care yet allowing you to choose another doctor for special needs. Or, you can choose Fee for Service coverage. This simply means that you choose the doctor and hospital you want then the insurance company either covers all or part of your costs, depending on the amount, or simply reimburse what you spent.

The best type of healthcare for a family would be Preventive Care. This allows the child to have regular check-ups, shots, and physicals. The plan may or may not include maternity care, depending on the parent. After you've come to understand what is available to you, you'll be able to find a plan which allows you the best coverage you can afford, which could include dental care, medical care, visual care, and other types of options which would make it right for you. Take advantage of those free health insurance quotes so you can compare the prices of what is offered by each insurance company and what you are qualified for. Then, after you've narrowed down your choices, study the small print in depth so you know which one is perfect.

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Today, the United States has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the world. By the continuous effort of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), this rate has been considerably decreased in the last few years. Despite this decline, teenage pregnancy is one among the country's most critical issues.

Recent studies reveal that around 5% of teens - especially between 17 and 19 years of age - get pregnant every year. One in every eight births is to a young teen. Most of these cases end up in abortions. Apart from the personal impact, teen pregnancy can cause substantial financial burden to the society. Around 90% of the pregnant teens live on state benefits. The federal government offers approximately $7 billion annually to handle teenage pregnancy.

Teenage pregnancy can occur due to a number of factors - poverty, poor quality family relationships, lack of education, low-self esteem, negative outlook regarding the future, and non-voluntary sexual experiences.

In pregnant teens, the chances for complications are more. Premature delivery is the most severe issue. Low-weight-birth is 2 to 6 times more in teens. Toxemia, placenta previa, anemia, and pregnancy-induced hypertension are other related complications.

When compared to pregnant women, teens are more likely to engage in smoking, drinking, and drug abuse. This can adversely affect both mother's and baby's health. Further, most pregnant teens get poor antenatal care. Another problem is that most teens do not follow a proper diet and so will not gain adequate weight during pregnancy. Some teens even seem to counter the normal pregnancy weight by doing excess exercise. In both cases, the baby is at risk.

Children born to young teens often receive poor nutrition and health care. Most of them are exposed to neglect and abuse. It is estimated that around 22% of girls born to young teens become teenage mothers.

To stop out-of-wedlock teen pregnancies, many effective programs are conducted by HHS. These programs support abstinence education and also the use of contraception.

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Investing in a health insurance is a wise decision to make. However there are so many different kinds of insurances to choose from that it can be confusing to pick the one that suits you the best. Consulting a professional person may get you some clarification on how to select the right insurance that fulfils your needs.

People seem to live longer these days and maybe that is because we are more health conscious than we use to be. The average person tends to go for a traditional health insurance where you make a payment to the insurance company every month. If you should get sick or have an accident and require health treatment then you pay a certain amount first and the insurance pay the remaining of the bill.

However, because of the big demand health insurances companies are beginning to look for ways to cut the cost of the health insurances. There are plans that will cover the majority of your medical fees but you then have to use a special group of physicians and hospitals. The insurance may pay some of your expenses if you seek treatment outside of this special group but it will be a reduced rate.

It will pay you to do a bit of research to find out where you get the best coverage. You want your general physician visit fees covered as much as possible by your health insurance and it is also important that you have hospital expenses covered. It is really a matter of choice and you should sit down and make a list of what kind of things you need covered the most.

If you are more likely to need glasses and contacts than anything else you should make sure that this is covered rather than other things you do not need. Or if prescription drugs is something you often need then that should be your priority coverage for your health insurance. If you are a young woman who plans to have children in the future then it is a good idea to join a health insurance well ahead and make sure you are well covered for maternity care and what is involved in having a baby.

When you have made your list of preferred things you want covered then you are much more prepared to start looking for the right health insurance plan. Remember that your health is important so make sure it is protected in the best way possible.

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