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When seeking infertility cures, regardless of what the cause of infertility may be, certain foods can help aid your ability to conceive. If you are eating the wrong foods, your body is not functioning at a peak level and your system is compromised. Blood flow, immune system and every organ in your body, including your reproductive organs can not perform properly. When your body is not functioning at it's optimal levels, an imbalance occurs and conceiving and nurturing a fetus are much less likely to occur.

Taking better care of yourself is always a good idea but especially important when trying to get pregnant. After all, you wouldn't plant a tiny seed into un-nourished, sun deprived, dry dirt and expect it to flourish with new life. Your body is no different. It requires vitamins, minerals and nutrients which all help in creating another living being.

A variety of live unprocessed food will provide you with wonderful sources of energy. The proper energy acquired from some foods can help aid in balancing your hormones and nourishing your reproductive organs.

Here is our List of Top 10 "Fertility" Foods Which Can Help You Get Pregnant

1. Walnuts
2. Black Sesame Seeds
3. Barley
4. Flax Seed Oil
5. Broccoli
6. Wheat Germ
7. Seaweed
8. Raspberries
9. Apples

There are many other foods which can aid as infertility cures. Oranges, Lemons, Watermelon, Kiwi, Strawberries, Broccoli and Parsley are wonderful sources of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It protects your bodies essential fatty acids and neutralize toxins within your system. It can also aid in reducing stress levels and increase sperm motility in males.

Essential Fatty Acids or EFA are recommended when wanting to maintain healthy reproductive organs. Flax Seed Oil, Avocado and Fish can provide EFA. When choosing fish, Staying away from large fish such as tuna and shark is advised seeing as their mercury levels are high.

Cruciferous Vegetables such as Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts all contain Di-indolylmethane DIM which is known to increase the metabolism of Estradiol. Estradiol is a form of Estrogen in your body and will aid in balancing your hormonal levels and therefore can aid in increasing your chances of conception.

There are many delicious powerful herbs, which in specific combination provide compounds which balance your hormones and will even out your PH Levels. Herbs have been used with exceptional results for centuries and are an easy and fast way to improve your fertility.

Making small changes in your diet can make a significant impact on your fertility and overall health. There are many foods and herbs which assist as infertility cures and including the above list is a great way to start your pregnancy journey

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Have you tried everything you can think of to get pregnant, but haven't found a solution yet? Are you running out of ideas and have come to the realization that you need some help to get pregnant?

If you find yourself in this situation, here you will be able to finally get some answers. Pregnancy is one life's major milestones. I was surprised when I learned how much I still needed to know about it.

Through my experience I learned some tricks that I was able to use to get pregnant. I plan to share these things with you because I understand that at the very start of your journey there is a lot to learn. I am sure that the tips I have provided here will be able to help you, but it's up to you to incorporate them into your life.

Learn to Wait

If you have heard the saying that patience is a virtue then you had better believe it. In the case of pregnancy there are a lot of things that you have to learn and experience. Some women even go through several miscarriages before they are able to have a successful pregnancy. The main thing to remember here is not to jump to conclusions with your choices, instead do things slowly but surely. This will help you avoid making hasty decisions that could endanger your future pregnancy.

Eat your Way to Pregnancy

There are certain kinds of food that can increase your chances of getting pregnant. For example, staying away from spicy food during pregnancy and eating more fruits and vegetables is a good practice. There are a number of pregnancy diets that you can use which are available today. I also consulted a nutritionist who gave me the best diet to help me get pregnant.


Considering the condition of your environment is just as important to keep in mind because this will effect your overall health. If you work in an environment that causes you to be exposed to toxins like nicotine, alcohol and sleep deprivation then you must consider quitting your job or going on a leave. Toxins have many negative consequences for the body. For example, studies have shown that nicotine is one of the toxins that cause the most difficulty for women to get pregnant. Learn to make those small sacrifices because it will be able to bring the changes into your life that you desire.

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When you are pregnant your body goes through a series of changes, often making it impossible for you to feel comfortable in bed. This is obviously going to affect your overall sleep patterns, making it more and more difficult to cope. Obstetricians are now advising the pregnant women to think 'SOS' when it comes to getting more comfortable in bed: its good advice but, basically, no more dramatic than, in pregnancy, 'sleep on side'. This is great if you are having trouble sleeping due to pressure from your growing abdomen. However, even better, is their advice to sleep on the left side as it is much better for both you and baby.

When it comes to your developing baby you obviously want to do the best you can and, sleeping on your left side will provide your baby with more nutrients. As a result of extensive research it has been found that if you sleep on your left side during pregnancy the blood flow to the placenta will increase, thereby increasing the amount of nutrients available.

You also need to consider your own comfort as well and quality sleep is valuable to your overall well-being during your pregnancy: while sleeping on your left side bend your legs and place a pillow between your legs for maximum comfort. Remember, in pregnancy, sleep on side is the best advice and, even better, try sleeping on the left side.

Avoid Sleeping on Tummy

Apart from the obvious difficulties of the physical changes making sleeping on your tummy rather difficult, you need to focus on the health of your developing baby get all the nutrients it needs. There is always the possibility that your growing uterus could press down, with the weight it is carrying, directly onto the veins returning to the heart, effectively reducing the amount of blood circulating around your body. You also need to consider comfort - not just for you, but for the baby as well. So, while sleeping on your tummy is not a definite no-no, as your pregnancy progresses you are hardly likely to want to sleep on your tummy - mainly because there are more comfortable positions to sleep in.

Maternity Pillows

Following the mantra, in pregnancy, 'sleep on side' will certainly make you more comfortable, especially if you use a maternity pillow to prop you up. The value of a maternity pillow during pregnancy cannot be stressed enough. These special pillows are designed to help keep pregnant mothers comfortable and in the proper sleeping position. It is a pleasure to sleep with one of these big comfy pillows cradling your body and keeping you in the sleep position that is best for you and your baby.

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The average woman begins her role as a new mother with extra weight and inches that she did not have before her pregnancy. However, as important as she may believe that achieving weight loss after pregnancy may be, this is actually beneficial in an important way. Some of the extra weight gain was meant to nurture the baby after birth through breastfeeding. While her body needed 300 additional calories daily during pregnancy, as a breastfeeding mother she now needs no less than 500 additional calories daily for lactation and good health. Your body stores up a little extra nutrition for after the birth for the transition period from pregnancy to postpartum, for the baby's sake. So, breastfeeding helps burn an extra five hundred calories a day - which will make it considerably easier for you to achieve weight loss after pregnancy.

Burning more calories may actually be easier with a new baby. Walking for an hour burns 200 calories. Walking while pushing a stroller increases the number of calories burned considerably. Push a stroller uphill, and the number increases even more. In essence, the necessary tasks associated with a new baby provide you with opportunities to burn even more calories, such as lifting the stroller and car seat in and out of the car, setting up and breaking down the playpen, and generally carrying the baby from place to place. Weight loss after pregnancy can be within reach.

However, in spite of these tactics, you may still find yourself with extra pounds and inches that simply won't come off, making weight loss after pregnancy nearly impossible. In fact, you may not even have the opportunity to take advantage of these activities-for example, if you do not breastfeed, you will not be able to realize the benefits of breastfeeding. For these instances, there is a postpartum support garment designed by an orthopedic surgeon and a medial engineer that will help you with this process. It is created specifically to assist your body in returning to its normal shape, and it gives you great support in the process.

What separates this particular postpartum support garment from the rest is the fact that, not only was it designed by medical experts, but it provides more coverage than the others on the market, and it stays in place. Unlike most of the others, which are belts or bands, this particular medical garment extends from above the waist to the mid thigh, so it will not roll down at the waist, and it will not ride up above the abdominal area. Unlike the ones designed like a panty or a panty girdle, the leg extends below the panty line, thus giving additional coverage and providing additional reshaping benefits. Perhaps most important of all is that this medical garment designed by medical experts was created to restore your organs to their proper locations. All of these features combine to give you the benefit of getting closer to seeing the inches fall off of your waistline, which helps to move you closer to the weight loss after pregnancy that you want to achieve.

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One of the most common issues for all women during pregnancy is those nagging back aches. It only stands to reason that when you are carrying around an extra 20 pounds in your lower stomach that it is going to have a negative effect on your back. Well here are some tips to help you deal with this problem.

First off, be sure that what you have is an occasional back ache and not a constant pain. This could be a sign of a more serious problem and you will want to let your doctor know about it right away. It could be a kidney infection or even pre-term labor coming on. So it is better to error on the side of caution here.

Tips To Reduce Pregnancy Back Pain

* Use a heating pad when you are at home relaxing. This can really help.
* Avoid any and all heavy lifting. Now is not the time for this and it is also what causes women who are pregnant a lot of issues.
* Get off your feet at regular intervals during the day if you have a job that requires standing all the time.
* Avoid the high heeled shoes and wear sneakers instead. This really helps eliminate the pain and the extra stress on your lower back.
* Exercise and do some stretching for your lower back. This helps build up more strength and flexibility.
* Put a small pillow behind your back when you sit down in chairs. This is even truer if you have an office job where you are constantly sitting down.

These tips should go a long way in reducing the pregnancy back pain, but if they don't and you find yourself dealing with pain on a frequent basis, call your doctor. They may be able to give you some medicine to help.

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Anxiety disorders and panic attacks are not uncommon for pregnant women. Some women experience anxiety disorders and panic attacks before getting pregnant and some experience it after getting pregnant or during postpartum. Pregnancy can be very stressful, especially if you are a chronic worrier.

Both positive and negative events can cause stress. For example, pregnancy is actually a positive and joyful event but it can also be the most life-altering experience as your body going through big hormonal changes. This creates a lot of tension and stress which could lead to panic attacks.

During pregnancy, the serotonin (chemical which the body produces during times of fear or worry) level could become imbalanced in the brain, this can trigger depression, mood disorders and even panic attacks. It's no secret that having a baby is a very stressful situation, and for someone who is a chronic worrier, the additional stress could generate even more severe panic attacks. The effect of panic attacks during pregnancy can impact on the women's ability to cope with family and the birth of the baby.

The symptoms of anxiety and panic disorders during pregnancy could include shortness of breath, racing heartbeats, hot flashes and dizziness. But there are also psychological effects which include fear of losing control, fear of dying and fear of inadequacy. Symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety can be confused with life threatening physical disorders. Please consult your doctor to determine the source of your symptoms.

Here are some tips to help you control your anxiety during pregnancy:

1. Breathe slowly. When you feel anxious, put your left hand over your stomach; inhale slowly and deeply; you should feel that your stomach expand or move out when you inhale and move in when you exhale. Just do it slowly, it will help take your mind away from your worry.

2. Pay attention to your diet. Eat enough protein (such as lean meat, fish, poultry, egg whites, and beans); eat more fruits and vegetables. They are good for your body and mind, producing the chemicals needed to help calm your mind.

3. Exercise regularly will help you reduce the stress. However, please get some professional assistance to help you build an appropriate exercise program during pregnancy.

4. Rest well at night. Quality sleep is very important as your body is doing self-healing and self-recovery during sleep. No medication in the world can beat the natural self-healing given by your body.

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Facing a hard time to get pregnant? If so, then it's crucial to know the fact that most fertility problems don't have anything to do with women. In fact, research shows that 40 percent of fertility problems arise due to male fertility, 40 percent due to female infertility and 20 percent due to both. In certain cases where a man shows low sperm motility, the woman needs to take the fertility drugs to get pregnant. Use of drugs to help you get pregnant is common these days. These medications help to create an ambiance inside the reproductive system of the woman that is quite friendlier to the sperm.

It is quite depressing for a couple to face problems related to pregnancy, especially if they have tried several times to conceive a child. The good news is that advancement in the field of medicine in the last few years has been helping women to get pregnant successfully. Today, most women who have had problems with infertility years after marriage can find that they are able to get pregnant with the help of the fertility drugs.

Given below is the list of drugs to help you get pregnant:


Clomid is one of the commonly prescribed fertility drugs. It is available in pill form and taken orally. This pill is prescribed to help women having trouble in ovulating regularly and for complication related with unexplained infertility. Clomid or clomiphene is generally known under its brand names- Serophene or Clomid. This works by stimulating the glands present in the brain to release two sorts of naturally occurring hormones-LH or LSH. Both these hormones then stimulate the ovaries to create or release mature eggs for fertilization.


This is another fertility drug which helps you to get pregnant. Basically, this drug duplicates the hormones produced by your brain normally. And Gonadotropins is usually given as injection. Gonadotropins is often used together with Clomid and IUI procedures (this is when sperm is injected into the uterus artificially) if it doesn't produce results on its own. There are three commonly used Gonadotropin types to help you to get pregnant. These include:

1. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

HCG is usually known under brand names-Pregnyl and Ovidrel. This medication is used in combination with HMG, clomiphene or FSH. This drug stimulates follicle to ovulate or release its egg.

2. Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH)

This is also known under brand names- Bravelle, Follistim and Gonal-F. The FSH functions by stimulating ovaries to produce the mature egg follicles.

3. Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (HMG)

The HMG is known for its popular brand names-Menopur or Repronex. This medication is usually prescribed for women who don't ovulate as their pituitary glands fail to stimulate the ovulation. HMG contains both LH and FSH that directly stimulates ovaries to ovulate.


Also described as glucophage, Metformin is a prescribed medication when insulin is considered to be the major cause of infertility and in cases of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrone or PCOS. This infertility drug functions by reducing the insulin resistance. Once the present insulin level is found to be normal, the ovulation and menstrual periods generally become regular. Moreover, Metformin is also used to treat Type 2 diabetes. These drugs can actually prove effective if you and your partner are facing infertility problems. However, it is important to consult with your doctor before taking drugs to help you to get pregnant. You can discuss any side effects or risks of these medicines with your doctor during or after the treatment. Fret not to talk about any kind of concerns which you may have.

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Are you attempting pregnancy for the first time? Have you been trying to have a baby for quite a long time without success? In either case, you are looking for a few valuable tricks and tips to get pregnant as fast as possible. How can you create good conditions to increase your chance to get pregnant? Let's answer to this question by means of a quiz.

1) Is there a favorable position to help you get pregnant faster?

Actually, experts agree that there isn't a specific sexual position to help you conceive faster. However, according to the majority of gynecologists, the missionary position (while the woman is lying on her back) would be a helpful position facilitating sperm to head towards the uterus and the fallopian tubes. Others say the doggy style is better.

2) Is having an orgasm necessary to conceive a baby?

Conception (part of the reproduction process) and orgasm (part of the sexual satisfaction) are two different matters. It is not necessary to have an organism in order to conceive a baby but a female climax would be able to help in a way. How? A female organism occurs with uterine contractions and would be able to propel or push the sperm further into the fallopian tubes.

3) Is it true that dying to get pregnant is an obstacle to conceive?

Explaining your concern about not getting pregnant fast to your friends, you may have heard this retort: "You think too much about that! You'd better forget it and it will come by itself!" It's quite easy to say, isn't it? The fact remains that there is some truth in what your friends say! Don't stress over the idea of becoming pregnant. Stress is going to affect your menstrual cycle and it will be more difficult to determine when you are most fertile. Additionally, stress would be able to prevent the ovulation. Relax as much as possible!

4) Does it help to eat chocolate or spinach?

Not really! What you must do is to avoid fast food and have a balanced diet of whole foods rich in vegetables, fruits, and grains. Eat also food rich in folic acid!

5) I'm smoking, is it an obstacle to get pregnant?

Smoking is not really an obstacle to get pregnant. It happens to many women. But it has been shown that smoking can affect fertility in both men and women. It's far better to cut down on smoking.

6) How can I determine when I am most fertile?

You can count the days, check your cervical mucus or even register your basal body temperature.
Natural Fertility Methods
Are there other tricks or even methods to boost the fertility and give you more chances to get pregnant faster? Of course, there are! Michelle saw various specialists and never got pregnant. She thought she'd never have a baby. Fortunately, Michelle finally gave birth to a son following a plan that worked within just 4 months.

Feel free to read Michelle' story in her Get Pregnant Fast review!  

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The popularity of certain exercise routines often rises and falls, and at their zenith many things are often claimed for them by enthusiasts or even professionals that are actually not always quite true. Or sometime may be fine for some people but not for others. Pilates is one such exercise regime that is enjoying quite a bit of popularity, but is it wise for everyone to do it?

Certainly it is said to be good for increasing your core strength, for muscle flexibility and balance. However, if you are pregnant most professionals with any sense will agree that even with this popular and gentle way of exercising certain precautions should be taken. To that end, here are some do's and don'ts to keep in mind when it comes to Pilates and pregnancy.


* Pregnant women should always ask their doctor or healthcare provider before undertaking any exercise regime, especially if they are not very fit to start with, or have any medical problems. If the doctor does not agree that doing Pilates will be good for you then it is important to abide by their decision. You won't always be pregnant and can start after the baby is born. You may see other pregnant women in the Pilates group, but this does not mean that you can do it against your doctor's wishes. Each person and pregnancy is different and you could easily have problems that the other women do not have.

* If you get the go-ahead, you need to start off by gently stretching those muscles. Happily, you will find that your body has actually become more flexible as this is a natural process in pregnancy to help a woman give birth. So you are really aiding Mother Nature in what she intends for your body at this time. Doing Pilates in pregnancy can be a good thing for many women. They will become even more limber and this can only help the birth process - and the recovery afterwards.

* Pilates exercise really focus on all the muscles that are most used during labor. The lower back, abdominals and pelvic floor muscles are all toned and strengthened through doing Pilates exercises. That is why it is considered by many to be the ideal way to exercise for many pregnant women.

* However, it is really best to get specific instruction, especially if you have not done Pilates before. Not all Pilates classes are aimed at pregnant women, so find one that is especially for women who are pregnant. This can be an actual class or a DVD or even an internet clip.

* Breathing is especially important during labor, so working on your breathing during a Pilates class can only be helpful. The correct breathing techniques can help you keep calm during labor and will also help with the labor. The breathing exercises you learn through Pilates will help your labor progress more successfully while you remain in charge and comfortable.


* However, although Pilates can certainly help you it is important not to stretch too hard. You should never stretch to the point of pain as this can really do more harm than good. Remember that your joints are loosening naturally.

* Never exercise to the point where you cannot speak in a normal tone for panting. If you pant or gasp when speaking you have become winded and this is not good for you or for your baby.

* If you have done Pilates exercises before becoming pregnant you might think that doing the same ones will be a cinch. This is not so, simply because your center of gravity will not be the same. You have more weight at the front, remember? This means that you should concentrate on exercises that require a precise balance and take care when attempting the others. In fact, it could be wise to leave them until after the baby is born.

* Remember that when you do Pilates in pregnancy you moves will not feel the same, nor will they look the same. Your body is different, so this is only to be expected and you should not worry about it. Mother Nature is taking care of your body and changing it to fit with your pregnancy. This is normal and should not cause frustration or negativity. Pregnancy is beautiful in itself; and with the help of Pilates before and after your baby's birth you will soon return to your natural shape, even if you feel that your body is not doing exactly what you want it to just now.

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If you are looking for help getting pregnant, it may comfort you to know that thousands of couples are going through the same thing that you are currently experiencing. Remember to sit back and relax and do not let it get to you if you are struggling to conceive. As long as there is nothing wrong with you or your partner, you should not have any problems.

  • Have unprotected sex as often as possible. Most couples will agree that this is the best part of getting pregnant. You need to remember that you are doing this to have fun and do not get discouraged if you are not pregnant right away. This just means that you get to keep trying.

  • Purchase an ovulation kit. This will tell you when you are ovulating. When the time comes for your body to ovulate, it is important to have sex a minimum of one time a day. When everything is lined up perfectly, you will conceive right away.

  • Many people do not realize that in order to get pregnant, they need to be healthy. Diet and exercise are part of an important plan. Not to mention the fact that you will need to have a healthy body to carry the baby in once it has been conceived.

  • Go to your local drugstore and buy yourself a Folic Acid supplement. This is essential for a healthy pregnancy. It will also help you to conceive.

  • If you are still struggling to get pregnant, you may consider scheduling an appointment with your doctor. Once you are able to cross off all of the above mentioned items, he will be able to step in and give you some more tips.

Finding help getting pregnant is quite simple. You just need to know where to look. Before you know it, you will be surprising your significant other by letting them know that the two of you are going to be parents. The harder you have to work to get pregnant, the more you will appreciate that beautiful little baby when it is placed in your arms for the first time.

Remember, keep stress away from your life. It is common for many couples to conceive once they have quit trying. This is because they are no longer under a lot of pressure to create a child. Now is the time to get busy learning more about how to conceive a child.

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Back Pain during pregnancy, relief is possible.

Back pain or discomfort during pregnancy is experienced by 50-70% of women. The good news is there are steps you can take to manage the back pain. This is highly recommended as 25% of women who have chronic back pain later in life associate this pain beginning while pregnant.

What causes back pain during pregnancy?

* As hormones released during pregnancy ligaments in the pelvic area soften and the joints to become looser in preparation for the birthing process of your baby

* Your center of gravity changes during pregnancy and will gradually move forward as your uterus and baby grow, this causes your posture to change

* Weight increase: as your baby grows the increase in weight adds pressure to your lower back

* Poor posture, excessive standing, and improper lifting or bending can increase pain.

* Stress - stress emerges in the weakest part of your body which during pregnancy can be your lower back.

Can back pain be prevented or minimized?

Here are a steps you can take to help reduce or prevent pain:

* Exercises (even a little bit every day) approved by your doctor or midwife, that support and help strengthen the back and abdomen

* Squat to pick up something using your leg muscles vs your back (bending over from the waist is a sure way to eventually tweek a muscle)

* Avoid high heels or shoes that do not provide arch support

* Put a pillow under your knees if you sleep on your back

* Wear a high quality support belt which provides lift: (we found supporters made of elastic stretch out so make sure the band is made of very durable material. some have optional shoulder groin bands for extra support.

* A quality chiropractor can realign your back (many changes occur during pregnancy)

* Rest when possible and elevate your feet at night if you have a chance.

What can you do to treat the back pain you are experiencing?

Common interventions:

* Ice your back at night with a gel pack to reduce inflammation which is causing pain

* Use a brace or back support device (there are many out there so chose wisely, make sure they are adjustable and are not made of elastic which breaks down with washing)

* Sleep on your side if possible with a support or pillow in between you legs

* Only if you are in high discomfort: Medications used to treat inflammation(often times a support band can prevent this need)

* Use a chiropractor or massage therapist (licensed of course)

When should back pain cause me to seek help?

Contact your health care provider if you are experiencing any of the following:

* Severe pain (you must judge this based on comparison)

* Increasingly severe or abrupt-onset of back pain

* Rhythmic cramping pains; this might be a sign of preterm labor

Severe back pain may be a sign of other diseases associated with pregnancy. Although not common, your health care provider will investigate other possible ailments if you are experiencing severe back pain.

What are your Next Steps:

* Talk to your health care provider about an approved exercise program to support your back and abdomen

* Try a couple times a day to get off your feet and relax(this may sound impossible if you have other children, but even sitting to read book with them can provide back relaxation)

* Find a Chiropractor in your area

* Purchase a support belt

* Purchase a sleep aid pillow or just use a thin regular pillow between or under your knees for side and back sleeping

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Now that you've just had your beautiful baby, you look in the mirror and want to loose the extra baby fat that was being stored during your pregnancy.

Don't fret, it's actually very simple to lose those extra pounds after giving birth. Here are 5 simple ways to lose pregnancy weight.

1. Breastfeeding - You'll burn many calories when breastfeeding. As a result, you'll lose weight. Make sure not to eat less, because some of those calories need to be replenished.

2. Take smaller portions when eating. Split your meals into smaller meals. This will help you from being hungry while still burning fat.

3. Eat healthy foods. Keep everything in moderation. Balance out your carbohydrates, proteins, and fats evenly. Make sure you drink plenty of water. A recommended amount is between 10-12 glasses of water per day.

4. Sleep. Your body is working hard and you should give it extra time to recover. You're burning many calories taking care of your baby and exercising.

5. Stay active and exercise daily. Try some exercises you couldn't normally do while pregnant. A good example of a fun exercise is to take your baby for a walk. You have to wait six weeks after vaginal birth and eight weeks after c-section. Both you and your baby will enjoy the outdoors and you'll lose weight at the same time.

Try out these simple tips [http://pregnancy-weightloss.info/] to help you get back in shape.

Don't listen to those who say it's impossible to lose weight after pregnancy. It is entirely possible to not only lose your weight after pregnancy, but you can actually look better than you did when you got pregnant.

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Infertility is the most insecure feeling for a woman. It takes away all the charm of her life and leaves stress and despair. There are many physiological as well as hormonal defects that lead to several infertility problems. Some common causes of infertility problems include: tubal obstruction, high levels of follicle stimulating hormone, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, uterine scarring, ovarian cysts or lazy ovaries and pituitary gland disorders.

No matter what type of infertility problems you are facing, Pregnancy Miracle offers natural and holistic solutions for overcoming the infertility problems. The Pregnancy Miracle guide has the ability to make things possible. It reveals all the mysteries and truths regarding pregnancy. It explains the problems with the help of facts and evidences rather than opinions.

Pregnancy Miracle is based on the expertise of a nutritionist, coupled with her personal experiences of infertility for many years. Therefore, the guide pays required attention to every aspect of infertility. In its beginning, the book helps to detect the reasons behind infertility. After diagnosing the problem, the book suggests workable and natural solutions for the problems.

Additionally, the Pregnancy Miracle also offers solution to women having a history of miscarriages. It suggests ways to complete the full course of gestation. It is also a ray of hope for the over-age women who want to conceive near the age of menopause.

Pregnancy has an entirely new definition of infertility. Contradictory to the western infertility concepts, it takes it as some sort of imbalance. Working on this definition, the guide strives to help you in regaining your balance. Pregnancy Miracle focuses on rebalancing your energies and prepares you mentally, physically and spiritually for the conception of the baby.

The best thing about the guide is that it keeps you away from the risky surgeries and nasty drugs. Rather, it uses natural and harmless Chinese medicines to solve the problems. Though it is not a very quick solution but has the ability to root out the main causes of infertility.

Pregnancy Miracle guides you about the foods that boost up fertility and foods that decrease fertility. It tells about the diet and vitamins that are essential for the normal working of your reproductive system. The book explains how the food rich in vitamin C, D, Zinc, calcium and antioxidants help in increasing the fertility. The guide has some food charts to set a diet that aids in conceiving.

Pregnancy Miracle tells those things which most doctors do not. The book tells you about your most fertile period. During this period, the chances of conceiving are increased manifolds. It teaches you how to keep an eye on the events during the menstrual cycle. Pregnancy Miracle uses many other methods and techniques to overcome the infertility problem. The recommended alternative methods include acupuncture, aromatherapy, fertility yoga, and more. After conceiving successfully, the book guides and supports you till the birth of the healthy child. It is like your home doctor that helps you in overcoming the infertility problems.

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Down through the ages, advice and tips have been given to women on what foods will help them get pregnant. This has caused many hopeful mothers-to-be rushing off to eat whatever has been advised. Actually, women fall pregnant everyday without a thought to what they are eating. But many do swear by some foods they call fertility boosters.

Apparently, oysters are not only known as an aphrodisiac, but also as a fertility booster. They are chock full of zinc, an essential nutrient in conception. When the body lacks zinc, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and the egg production slows down. For those that are not into slurping on oysters, they can choose chicken, beef, eggs, dairy, or nuts to get their zinc.

For years, the world has heard how vitamin C is good for the body. Well, studies have shown that it is vital in conception too. It is especially important for women already on fertility medication and in helping women who already have ovulation problems. However, women are not the only ones that benefit, when a man lacks vitamin C their sperm may clump, decreasing the chance of conceiving. Smokers especially benefit from this vitamin, as the antioxidants are essential if they want to conceive.

One thing many look forward to at Thanksgiving is the yams. Now, those trying to conceive have another reason to enjoy those Thanksgiving yams. Researchers believe that there may be ovulation-stimulating substances in yams. They offer as proof the fact that many women who consume wild yams seem to have a much higher rate of twins than those who do not. Even though store bought ones are not wild, they still have lot of fertility-friendly vitamins and just may be the key to conceiving.

Lean meats such as beef, chicken, and turkey are all great providers of a very important fertility-boosting nutrient: iron. It has been found that women with an iron deficiency have a harder time falling pregnant than those who do not. The trick here is not to overeat protein, as that may decrease fertility. Try for three servings a week and replace one animal protein with beans or tofu at times.

Packed full of antioxidants to protect the body from cell damage and cell aging, berries are essential in conception. Protecting cells in the body includes the eggs. Blueberries and raspberries top the list as the best in berries. However, blackberries and strawberries are fertility-friendly also. These are perfect to snack on, in desserts, and as toppings in the morning.

While stuffing your body full of good for you fertility foods, you have to learn which ones to avoid. Trans fat is the biggest culprit. Too much trans fat in your diet increases the chances of ovulatory infertility, which decreases your chances of conceiving. Caffeine is another culprit, in all forms. It has been linked to low fertility and while it includes coffee and strong tea, chocolate is also in that equation.

It is important to eat healthy whether you are trying to get pregnant or not, so it just makes sense to eat fertility-boosting foods if you are. Not only are you giving your body the healthy nutrients and vitamins it needs, you are increasing you chances of conception at the same time. And, since you will need a well balanced diet when you fall pregnant, it just makes sense to start prepregnancy with fertility-friendly foods.

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There are a lot of things about pregnancy that can make a woman feel like she can't possibly do anything right. The tips below will help you learn more about pregnancy and become more relaxed and less overwhelmed.

Quit caffeine as soon as you become pregnant or when you're trying to become pregnant. This will keep you from sleeping well. Saltine crackers can be very helpful as you battle nausea and morning sickness. Having a good diet is helpful for getting proper sleep.

Eating bland foods such as crackers throughout your pregnancy is a good idea. These foods keep your stomach balanced and help to cut back on pregnancy-related nausea. Be sure to avoid heavy, greasy or acidic foods since they can add to your nausea and also create heartburn.

Cats are carriers of toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease that is found in their feces. Allowing another person to change the cat litter is the safest option.

Learning your monthly cycle is important when you are planning on getting pregnant. By learning your cycles, you will be more in tune to knowing the best times to try to conceive. Also, it will help you figure out when exactly you conceived so you can determine a due date that is more accurate. ?

If you happen to be pregnant, make certain you drink enough fluids if you develop diarrhea from getting an illness, or from eating a certain food. Being dehydrated while you are pregnant can result in a hospital visit, which is expensive and unnecessary.

If you feel cravings, perhaps you should not fulfill all of them. Both you and your unborn child have particular nutritional requirements. Not all craved foods will satisfy the nutritional needs of your child, so continue to be conscious of what you're eating.

Eliminate or reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine may cause problems for your developing baby. This is why it is important to avoid consuming caffeine during pregnancy. ?

Don't let heartburn symptoms ruin your joyful pregnancy. There are certain foods that can trigger the heartburn so do your best to avoid these. Caffeine, chocolate and spiced foods are known contributors of heartburn. Eat several small meals a day, and break them down into small bites, chewing thoroughly before swallowing. ?

Ask your significant other to work with you to eat a healthier diet and make healthier lifestyle choices. It will make it easier for you and less stressful. ?

During your pregnancy, it is critical that you totally eliminate some foods from your diet to ensure that your child stays healthy. You should not eat raw seafood, soft cheeses or unpasteurized milk.?

A common woe among pregnant women is morning sickness. There are many options available to you to help alleviate some of your morning sickness. Rather than allowing yourself to feel hungry, you should eat smaller meals more frequently. It is important to drink all the water your doctor recommends, plus other drinks like milk. Take prenatal vitamins with food. If there are foods which make you feel bad, don't eat them! Exhaustion can play a role in how you feel so take it easy and rest when needed. ?

During pregnancy, you should always ensure that your body is fully supported during sleep. Many stores sell body pillows made especially for pregnancy. If you cannot afford or find one, you can try using a normal pillow instead. Try sleeping with the pillow below your stomach and another under a knee. ?

With being pregnant, there is lots to know. By applying the advice you have learned in this article, you can make sure that your pregnancy goes smoothly.

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Your baby has come and she is the cutest baby in the world but you think that now is the time to join the 'Losing Belly Fat after Pregnancy' club. The initiation, well, you just paid it and the dues are what you want to put in to it. That does not mean that it is all down hill from here, far from it, however, your body will recover. Your body can recover more quickly when you follow a few simple ideas.

1. Make sure that you breast feed, if you are able. This helps your baby and it helps you to lose weight. Did you know that? They don't really know why, it just does. Drink lots of water. Breastfeeding makes you want to eat more and that's not what you want to be doing so drinking that water when you wake up and before each meal helps you to feel full and you will not eat as much.

2. Clean up your cupboards and refrigerator. Get rid of all those food stuffs that you know are not good for you. You don't need them and you will be doing fine with the items that are listed in any good diet book. So, eat healthy!

3. While you are eating healthier eat more often. No, I don't mean to chow down at each of 4 - 5 meals a day. You need to be thinking about eating less, more often. This little bit at a time, along with the water should keep you feeling full most of the time.

4. Take a little time when you can to learn about nutrition. Find out a little bit more about the foods that are good for you and ensure that you think through your menu items, again.

5. Metabolic enhancers turn your body into a fat burner! (Chili, for example)

6. Don't dread exercising, now. You have a buddy to go with you on your walks! You probably got a stroller at one of those baby showers, get it out! You can get your heart rate up to the proper place for your body type form the needed 30 minutes and you can have that heart to heart with your youngish at the same time. Some of the modern strollers with allow you to jog a little as well.

7. There is always safety in numbers, so if you have someone else to go with by all means do so. This can be motivating factor, as well. Take your doctors advice for all of this exercise stuff.

8. While we are talking about exercises, make sure that the ones that you do early on, say, before your 12th week after... is not high impact. You should not be bouncing and jumping a lot.

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The inability to get enough sleep whilst pregnant is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy.

So what are the main culprits for sleep problems in pregnancy?

  • frequent visits to the toilet

  • hunger

  • leg cramps

  • heartburn

  • aching body

  • feeling restless

Frequent visits to the toilet

This is very common and depending on how far gone you are, it might seem as if that no sooner you return to bed, you feel like going again.

Solution: If possible, try to reduce your intake of fluid a few hours before you retire to bed.


One should not under estimate the power of hunger! Some women find themselves getting up during the night and raiding the fridge or cupboards for something to eat.

Solution: Not really a solution here because if you're hungry then you should eat! But what you could do is place a light snack by your bedside so at least you don't need to go all the way to the kitchen and find yourself tempted to get a drink - which would further make you sleep deprived because you would be getting up to go to the toilet.

Leg cramps

The extra weight carried as a result of the growing baby sometimes contributes to leg cramps and it could be rather uncomfortable and painful.

Solution: Giving your legs a massage would sometimes bring relief. You could get your partner to massage your legs if you find it hard doing it yourself. Try and elevate your feet as and when you have the opportunity - for example, when watching TV or reading a book. It is also advisable to keep your legs uncrossed all the time as this contributes to leg cramps in pregnancy.


This is another reason for sleep problems and very common among pregnant women.

Solution: If you enjoy spicy food, try to avoid having this for dinner. Spicy foods have a tendency to cause heartburn in pregnancy. Fizzy drinks are also known to have the same effect - so best to avoid it too.

Aching body

Feeling all achy can lead to a pregnant woman not having a good night's sleep.

Solution: You may find that soaking in a warm bath can do wonders. Be sure not to soak in hot water as it could be harmful to you and the baby. In my own case, when I was pregnant, I made the mistake of bathing with hot water, I immediately became faint, so be sure to use warm water.

Feeling restless

One of the reasons for being restless could be because the woman is now very heavy and finds it difficult to move from one side to other on the bed. Restlessness could also be caused by anxiety over the pregnancy and thoughts of what would happen during labour.

Solution: Rather than stay on the bed whilst feeling restless and allowing negative thoughts to enter your mind, it would be much better to get up and occupy yourself with a chore within the house and after finishing that, see if you would be able to get some sleep. You may also want to try having a warm glass of milk as it sometimes serves as a sleeping aid.

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Pregnancy can be a time of great wonderment and excitement. Some days fly by and you wonder how you will get it all done. Other days can't come to an end fast enough. Regardless of the way any particular day feels, each day brings with it a new thought, a new feeling, and new experiences. Are you keeping track of them?

Between prenatal appointments, on any given day, questions may arise. They come without warning and some days they come often and with fire. When you arrive at your next appointment you want to be ready to get your questions answered. Are you are you writing them down?

Over 4 million women give birth each year. Before giving birth, they each go into labor with some sort of plan; an idea, a concept, or a vision, of how they want their labor and birth to be. Do you have a vision for your pregnancy and birth? Have you made it plain?

I have spoken to many women about the feelings they have when their pregnancy has come to an end and they realize many of their experiences may fade into faint memories. They may have a few pictures, however, the depth of the emotions, and the small yet important details of the experiences, are often lost.

Many women have burning questions, yet they arrive to their next prenatal appointment only to realize they don't remember. Or they lack the confidence to ask the pertinent questions.

Many women have ideas about how they want their pregnancy and birth to go, yet they never make it plain and as the days pass by, and labor ensues, they often find themselves in a rapid whirlwind of activity with little resemblance of their original idea.

This is where pen and paper can come in handy. If you have not done so already, I encourage you to purchase a pregnancy journal; nothing fancy, a small note book that can easily fit in your purse or pocket. Take the advice of Pam England, author of Birthing From Within when she says: "Beware: Stay away from pretty journals! They might inhibit you form being spontaneous, messy, wild, and free." Regardless of the journal you decide to use, keep it with you at all times and be prepared to write. There are many benefits to writing down your ideas, your visions, your questions, and your experiences.

Don't be afraid to stop for a moment of reflection when a movement from the baby brings up a certain emotion. Don't hesitate to keep track of your feelings of joy as well as feeling of despair or fear. Write them all down as you do so, you will be able to work through them, ultimately moving to a place of faith and confidence.

Use your journal when you have a question or concern. Writing the question down and using your journal during your next prenatal appointment will give you more confidence to ask a question during what may seem to be a rushed appointment.

Write out the vision you have for your pregnancy and birth experience. How do you see yourself birthing your baby? Where will you birth? Who will be there? Paint a picture with words and make it plain. Draw an actual picture if you would like and make it real. As you read, as you grow, as you learn, your vision may change. Change it in your journal too.

Use your journal to embrace the different feelings, the different questions, the different visions that you have. In addition to that, reserve some time to write with careless abandonment. Write FREELY!! Don't worry about punctuation or grammar. Allow your free writing to guide you to places of faith, fear, excitement, and frustration. Through writing, you can move to a place of trust, in your body, in your pregnancy, in your baby, and in your birth. If you begin to keep track of your experiences and write them down you will be able to use the power of the pen and paper to successfully help you create the Empowered Pregnancy you deserve.

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Help Me Get Pregnant - Ways You Can Improve Your Chances

Helpful Tips On Getting Pregnant

You and your spouse have finally decided that it's time to work on starting or adding to your family. So you stopped whatever form of birth control you were using each month you waited expectantly for your monthly visitor to not make her appearance, only to have it show up and dash your hopes. At first you don't think too much about it, but after the months go by with no luck at seeing a positive on a pregnancy test you start to worry. So you start thinking, how can someone help me get pregnant?

Before you start to worry remember that sometimes it can take a few months for your body to regulate itself after coming off most forms of birth control. Some women are lucky and get pregnant the first month off, but most it takes a few months for things to regulate. Once you have made the decision to work on becoming pregnant it is a good idea to start taking care of yourself. Good health can help you get pregnant sooner. One thing to do is to start taking a good prenatal vitamin as soon as you decide that you want to work on conceiving a child. Not only is it good for your health, but folic acid is known to help prevent some types of birth defects.

Another thing that will help with your thought of help me get pregnant, is to stop smoking and drinking lots of caffeine. Both of these have been shown to affect fertility in a not so good way and could cause problems with conceiving if they are used regularly. Another thing that will help is to get to know your cycle. By knowing your cycle you can pinpoint the best times in it to conceive and know exactly when to do the deed to maximize your chances.

And finally, if you are wishing for a fairy to wave a magic wand whilst thinking 'please help me get pregnant', just remember that you have to learn how to de-stress and relax. Stressing over not getting pregnant can actually affect ovulation and make getting pregnant even harder. Stress can also cause performance anxiety in males, which can cause difficulties in conceiving. And do not be afraid to make an appointment with your doctor at anytime. Doing so can ease your mind and allow nature to take its course.

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Most people who are attempting In Vitro Fertilization have already tried many less thorough methods that have failed them. And while couples should carefully follow the procedures and advice provided by their doctors, many have asked what else they can do, safely and simply, to help their chances. Fortunately, there are things you can do to improve your success with the all important step of IVF implantation. For instance, certain foods can help a woman's uterine lining grow more receptive to a fertilized egg. Consider snacking on these three super foods to improve your odds for a successful implantation.


A fatty acid called prostaglandin is essential for successful implantation, which explains why women are encouraged to eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids if they want to get pregnant. Omega-3 contributes to the levels of prostaglandins in the human body but fish, the primary source of this fat, is not the safest food to eat when you're trying to conceive. Larger fish like salmon and tuna tend to have higher concentrations of toxic substances like lead and mercury. Not only do they lower your chances of conceiving successfully, but they linger in the body and can trigger learning disorders and developmental disorders in the baby.

Instead of turning to fish to obtain your daily dose of omega-3 fats, why eat more walnuts? Walnuts contain the omega-3 parent alpha linolenic acid, or ALA. Once it enters the digestive tract, the body converts ALA to omega-3 fatty acids needed for conception. A healthy amount of walnuts will provide omega-3 fats that help to increase your prostaglandin levels.


Believe it or not, this tart tropical fruit can help implantation because of its bromelain content. Bromelain is an enzyme that dissolves proteins which prevent healthy implantation, and a pineapple's core contains the highest concentrations of this enzyme. While scientific studies have yet to examine these claims, many mothers who conceived through IVF believe that eating pineapple improved their chances immensely. For IVF, divide one pineapple into five portions. Eat one portion every day, starting on the day of your embryo transfer. It's important that you start during the embryo transfer itself; otherwise, the pineapple can interfere with the PH levels of your vaginal and cervical mucus, turning them acidic.

Green leafy vegetables

Make dark green leafy vegetables and other folate-rich foods an important part of your diet. Folate or folic acid is a type of B vitamin that aids in the production of new cells and helps them survive. This is essential for embryos, whose cells are rapidly dividing in the womb. A number of studies have also shown that folic acid produce healthier eggs, which are more likely to implant successfully. While you can certainly take a folate supplement for this, you might risk consuming too much of this nutrient, which increases the chances of twin births. Twins are a blessing to have, but carrying them comes with a few health risks your body may not be able to handle. Instead, stick to a salad of dark leafy greens and add folate-rich foods like whole wheat bread and lentils.

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