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Millennium Development Goal 4, or simply MDG 4, set an ambitious target of reducing child infant mortality by two thirds between 1990 and 2015. Reducing this was identified as one of the keys to development. Since 2000, governments around the world have taken a raft of measures to meet the targets laid out under MDG 4.

Progress to Date

Great strides have been made in moving towards the attainment of MDG 4. In a number of countries, this has gradually fallen and all time lows are now being recorded. The biggest improvements have come from South and East Asia as well as North Africa. However, the Indian sub-continent and Sub-Saharan Africa still record the highest infant mortality though progress has been made. To date, there are still 3.6 million infant deaths around the world with the bulk being recorded in Sub-Saharan Africa and India.

What is causing Infant Mortality?

There are three main causes of infant mortality that cut across borders. These are:

• Neonatal infections, the main being sepsis and pneumonia
• Birth Asphyxia or deaths related to intrapartum events
• Complications related to premature delivery

The above three causes account for about 90% of all child mortality cases.

What are the Impediments to Reducing Infant Mortality?

The main impediments to meeting MDG 4 have nothing to do with lack of resources as many people might think. The problem lies in lack of strategic investment, poor resource allocation, gaps in research and inaccuracy of data recording for later use in policy formulation.

What needs to be done?

In order to meet MDG 4 by 2015, a number of measures need to be instituted:

• Coming up with better methods of recording pregnancy outcomes accurately.
• Including stillbirths in policy dialogue because failure to acknowledge stillbirth data distorts the intelligence on this. The numbers of stillbirths and newborns must be linked in order to improve the overall understanding of infant mortality.
• Reducing infant mortality needs to be made a political priority in most nations around the world.
• Improving antenatal care
• Improving availability of skilled medical personnel at the delivery stage
• Improving access to emergency obstetrical care
• Implementing new methods known to reduce infant mortality at the neonatal level such as Kangaroo Mother Care
• Address the gaps in early postnatal care

Given that 2015 is not far off, national authorities must move with speed to implement the above points. Many of the interventions noted above do not require intensive capital investments as mentioned earlier. In fact, in the case of Kangaroo Mother Care, medical care personnel need only be taken through a short two-hour training session. In countries where Kangaroo Mother Care has been effectively implemented, it has reduced deaths arising from complications of pre-term delivery by over 50%.

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Revitol stretch mark cream is good for use. According to many prior users, this safe and user-friendly balm really works. It is a godsend formula for most women who have tried clearing stretch marks in vain. There are certainly many preventative cures that do not work. Since many women hate these beauty flaws, some are willing to try anything. If Revitol is something you have not heard of let alone trying it, now you should buy it.

Some of us ladies have already been pregnant with one or more kids and have observed big changes on the belly skin's appearance after delivery. A share of belly skin scars after baby birth is usually big. In efforts to rejuvenate this membrane so it can look as gorgeous as before, many women mess with anything. In fact, for some ladies, the scarring become progressively worse after losing weight associated with pregnancy. Among other causes of these horrible marks is bodybuilding or sudden weight loss, which actually rips the dermis layer.

Revitol stretch mark cream aims at fading the scars in the healthiest manner possible. Some of you have ever thought of undergoing the expensive cosmetic surgery just to look sexier. While these are really effective procedures, they are not without bad side effects. Revitol can help you avoid any unhealthy effects as you try to get rid of body scarring. What is more, its price bar is just perfect for the ordinary woman who cannot afford the expensive surgical procedures.

A small bottle of this cream costs a few bucks while a surgical treatment can range between two thousand dollars to ten thousand dollars. The problem with paying too much money is that the results are not really warranted after the surgery. With Revitol and related top creams and lotions, you can pay less money, take a longer period of constant use and finally manage to solve your problem. If you really want to find out the truth about this product, simply type its names on a popular search engine.

You will see that many people are happy about it. One may wonder why so many women are satisfied with this balm. The reason is simple, that its ingredients are right for the problem it was made to address. It removes spots, silvery lines and any other discoloration you might have on your skin surface. Although it can work for all ladies who suffer from this problem, the product's main target is a pregnant or postnatal woman.

It is perfect for use during pregnancy and after giving birth to prevent others from developing. Many older and younger women have a lot of sweet stories to tell about how they used Revital cream successfully. If it can work almost a hundred percent for some ladies, it can also work on your skin and give you back your lost glory. It will get rid of your white and darker stripes, reddish purple stripes and rejuvenate your skin in the process. Revitol stretch mark cream is one of the fastest working products you can choose now.

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Whether she's always gone to a chiropractor or she's contemplating going for the first time, a woman who is expecting has special concerns about whether a chiropractic adjustment is safe for her baby; after all they are dealing with her back and spine, the main mechanism that is supporting her and her baby during the time that the most stress is being put on her body. She probably also has questions about whether there are any specific benefits or risks in pregnancy. The good news is that all chiropractors receive training specific to caring for pregnant patients, learning techniques that avoid putting too much pressure on the belly; many have taken additional courses in fertility, prenatal and postnatal care. Some chiropractors even have special treatment tables that provide extra room and support for the pregnant belly. Seeking chiropractic treatment during pregnancy is one of the most beneficial steps a woman can take to ensure a comfortable pregnancy and easier delivery.

There are many reasons why having chiropractic treatment during pregnancy is a great idea. Spinal manipulation can increase overall wellness for everybody, but a pregnant patient has special needs and concerns, as pregnancy makes tremendous demands on the spine and the growing baby puts new stress on bones and joints. Chiropractors can resolve nausea, help improve posture (which makes carrying the extra weight up front easier), relieve joint and back pain, and can even reduce the amount of time spent in labor and delivery, as a misalignment reduces the chances of the baby being in the right position for birth, making a caesarian section a real possibility. Not only can regular manipulations increase the chance of a natural birth, there is even a special manipulation called the Webster Technique that can only be done by a chiropractor to prevent and right a breech or posterior birth.

Whether under the care of an obstetrician or any other health care provider, pregnant women will find that most pregnancy professionals encourage the use of chiropractors. Chiropractors help their patients overall wellness, often eliminating undue stress. Chiropractic manipulation treatments are able to relieve much of the pain and lack of balance that the growing uterus has put on her joints and spine, and a specially trained chiropractor may be able to offer specific stretching exercises for use between treatments, and adjustments designed to help problems of sleeplessness, which is a fairly common problem in pregnancy.

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As soon as the baby is born, baby massages can be applied to him or her; however you must be careful and not touch the navel area. You must wait 4-7 days until their umbilical cord stump falls off. Based on scientific research, massaging premature babies has enormous benefits for them. Premature babies have their pulse rates increased when they are taken care of regularly at the hospital. Their oxygen levels decreases as well, meaning there is distress. Massaging a premature baby can greatly lower their pulses rates and increases their oxygen levels. This means that the baby finds massaging soothing, relaxing and calming.

Massaging Environment

Warm rooms are ideal for baby massages. Twenty six degrees is a good room temperature for the baby. Babies lose a lot of heat very quickly when they are uncovered and applying oil on them will also lower their body heat even more.

The area where you massage your baby should be peaceful and quiet. Turn off the TV and make sure that no one in the room is loud or causing interruption. In doing so, both the parent(s) and their baby will greatly enjoy the massage. As well, with no interruptions, the parent(s) can focus 100% on their baby and their baby can focus 100% on their parents. This will greatly strengthen the bond between them.

Best Time for Baby Massages

Usually, the best time to massage a baby is when they are happy and awake. Many people massage their babies after a good bath, or even before one to get the baby all relaxed. The parent must be calm as well when they are performing baby massages. If they aren't, there's a chance the baby will absorb the negative emotions the parent is feeling and they might get hurt.

It is highly recommended to not massage a baby after they have eaten. It is best to wait an hour or so later, otherwise it might cause vomiting. Also, make sure that your baby is well fed before you massage them. If they are hungry when you are massaging them, this might make them feel more unsettled and stressed.

Length of a Baby Massage

Baby massages tend to last about 20 minutes to 30 minutes. Babies are not very large, so massaging them is easy and quick. If you are just starting, it might take a bit longer because it takes time to learn the techniques and getting used to. You can practice and learn more of the techniques by enrolling into baby massage classes. Usually they can be found in nurseries or sometimes even in some hospitals. If you cannot find any classes, you can always look for books, DVDs and videos. There are a dozen out there detailing the many types of massages you can give your baby and the benefits of them.

How Often to Give Baby Massages

Baby massages should be given daily with each session lasting 20-30 minutes. Even 15 minutes will be beneficial for the parent and the baby. If you cannot massage your baby on a daily basis, you can massage your baby 3 times a week.


Massages should be applied on the baby's bare skin. Oil can be used to help the hands move more smoothly throughout the baby's body without any friction. Oils such as grape-seed, almond, and extra virgin olive oil are natural oils and are easily absorbed by the baby's skin.

Applying Pressure

When massaging a baby, the pressure you should apply is very similar to when you close your eyes and press them together (without any discomfort). When massaging small areas on the baby's body, use your finger tips; when massaging large areas (chest and back), you should use your palms.

Other Notes

  • Make sure to be careful when you are picking up your baby when they are oiled up

  • Avoid using essential or aromatherapy oils unless you are properly trained or have a aromatherapist with you

  • If you believe that your child is allergic to nuts, you can use nut oil free products

Next article will be on some massaging techniques that you can use on your baby.

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Having a new baby is such an exciting time. There is also much to organize, prepare for, learn about, and of course buy.

Yes, there will certainly be many items you will need to purchase for your newborn. And of course shopping for newborn baby clothing is by far one of the most enjoyable and most fun.

Anticipating the arrival of your new baby is exciting enough but visualizing your little bundle of joy in the adorable little outfits you have for them makes it even more exciting!

Obviously depending on what season your baby is born in will dictate exactly what you will need here is a basic list of essential newborn baby clothing and items you will need:

1. Jumpsuits - they are so comfortable and practical, easy to change nappies
2. Singlets - in hot or cold whether
3. Booties - especially in winter
4. Mittens - sounds crazy, but newborns tend to rub their faces and sharp little nails can scratch, nails aren't meant to be trimmed as a newborn
5. Wraps - for wrapping for sleep
6. A good nappy - whether you go cloth or disposable a good nappy can make the difference between good sleep or broken sleep
7. Slings - especially if unsettled, keeps baby close, and you still have your hands free to do things
8. Sleeping bag - perfect if your baby kicks the covers off, you know they will still be warm
9. Sheepskin - for sleeping or so baby can lay on the floor at home, friends and family
10. A great baby bag - an absolute must!

Having the essentials hopefully will assist make your life as a new parent a little bit easier by starting off with the right items.

With so much available both in shops and online stores it's hard to know where to start. It's important to find newborn baby clothing stores that have a good variety with the essentials, without having overwhelming amounts of clothes and products to go through.

Sound information and advice on a range of newborn baby products and services are good to utilize also. There are sites that offer all these things; the newborn baby clothing, product and service information, free baby sample bags, baby equipment such as baby prams, furniture, d矇cor, baby bags, advice and information on breastfeeding, postnatal depression and general baby information.

Remember to take good care of yourself and have lots of fun shopping.

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Prenatal and postnatal genetic enhancement may ultimately result in a post-human society. These techniques remain in the science fiction realm for the foreseeable future, but a consideration of their implications is critically important for our ability to successfully manage their impact.

What might be good concerning genetic enhancement and what might be not so good? In the early going there would be questions of distributive justice. As the procedures would be costly in the initial period of availability, the rich would get richer. One solution could involve government subsidies for those who are economically disadvantaged.

As a taxpayer, I'd resist such use of my contributions to federal coffers. Possibly the government could subsidize a select number of procedures for the entire population, and a lottery would determine the lucky families. At least, this would be a more equitable use of these new technologies.

I'll level the playing field and create a scenario in which any family can afford genetic enhancement. Is the autonomy of the enhanced child affected? On one view, as this child is the one actually born, she can have no complaints regarding autonomy, at least with respect to her enhanced genetic sequence. She's alive, and this is only a bad thing in the extremely unlikely circumstance that her life is not worth living.

Similar views have been propounded by Robertson in his discussion of early IVF techniques: "Since offspring would have had no alternative route to a healthy birth, embryo transfer... would not harm offspring, and therefore could not be banned on that basis."1

The child's autonomy would be affected by parents who attempt to limit their offspring's choices. But a child's autonomy is never that of an adult. A child's choices are always limited. A proportion of parents who choose genetic enhancement will be smart parents who have upgraded their child's opportunities and provide the space for their child to make her own choices (within the boundaries of being a child). Another group of parents will attempt to force choices upon their child. I assert this would occur regardless of the availability of genetic enhancement.

Such genetic manipulation could provide great value. I would have enjoyed being able to run faster and jump higher. What if we could be able to breathe underwater? Such an enhancement would be greatly appreciated by many. What if we could read a 400-page book in an hour? I'd like to be able to do that, too.

But considering how much progress has been achieved in the last 50 years regarding the treatment of cancer (literally zero), such genetic breakthroughs are at least 100 years away. Regardless, a forward-thinking society would have its ethical constructs in place in advance of the technology.

1 Robertson JA: The new reproduction. Southern Cal Law Rev 59:987-1000, 1986

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Will you change my diaper please? I'm hungry, I'm ready to eat. Whine! Whine!. Well mommy, you know that's the sound of the new kid on the block. Moms, are you ready for this newcomer? Well, we want to remind you that baby care should be top on your priority list.

We would like to share with you helpful suggestions and professional help on Prenatal and Postnatal care. This care will benefit both you and the baby.

What Moms Can Do To Insure Good Health Before and During The Breast-feeding Period.

Breast-feeding is the original form of baby feeding.-- it is as natural as drinking water. Moms, here are some helpful tips from the American Medical Association(AMA) on staying healthy during pregnancy:

  • Avoid alcohol and smoking.

  • Maintain good vitamin B12 levels-- a deficiency in infants can cause permanent brain damage.

  • Get enough calcium... 18 years and under 1,300mg... 19 years and older 1,000mg.

  • Exercise safely...


*Can help ease and prevent the aches and pains of pregnancy.

*Regular exercise may improve sleep during pregnancy.

*Active women seem to be better prepared for labor and delivery.

*May lower the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes during pregnancy.

How The Baby Benefits From It's Mothers Health During The Breast-feeding Period.

  • Baby gets needed nutrients from it's mom through the Placenta.(American Medical Association)

  • Protected from the ravages of the environment.. water and air.(American Medical Association)

  • Babies that are breast-feed suffers from fewer infectious diseases, especially ear infections, pneumonia, allergy problem and fewer cases of cancer including lymphoma, leukemia, bone and brain tumors.(Dr. Jimmy Gutman.. leading expert on Glutathione and the Immune System)

  • Breast-feeding profoundly affects the baby's immune function by giving it high levels of glutathione precursors.(Dr. Jimmy Gutman's book 'Glutathione.. Your Key To Health' page 168)

Prenatal and Postnatal Care

Breast-feeding, baby care. Can someone please help me?.

Moms, we know if this is your first time experience, you may have many questions. Education, guidance and support will empower you to attain and maintain health and wellness through the Prenatal and Postnatal period. You'll Be Just Fine. We Are Here For You.

I am sure you will agree moms, that staying healthy, breast-feeding and child-birth care is by far Mother's Choice. We invite you moms to take advantage of the provisions that offers pregnancy and breast-feeding services, along with Prenatal and Postnatal education.

Breast-feeding is the original form of baby feeding -- it is as natural as drinking water.

Whine! whine! OK, my little china doll, are you ready to eat?

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It is very important for every woman to maintain her health so that she can stay happy, strong and thriving. Women experience a variety of changes during their lifetimes, and this means they must pay careful attention to their health during these times. If women are pregnant, then she should do whatever it takes to stay healthy. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to stay healthy and thriving while pregnant. Pregnancies can be much unexpected to some women, and this leaves them panicking and unsure of what to do. There is a lot that women must do to stay healthy while pregnant, but not every women knows the steps to take. Fortunately, there are a couple of different services available to help pregnant women maintain their health.

A crisis pregnancy centre is a valuable tool for a woman who is facing an unexpected pregnancy. These centres are non profit organizations that help women find alternatives to abortion. Many women who face unexpected pregnancies get abortions because they are unsure of their options.

Crisis pregnancy centres provide options and information to pregnant women. These organizations are typically run by Christian groups or churches that are pro-life. The services provided by crisis pregnancy centres vary from centre to centre, but some common services are financial assistance, adoption programs and child rearing resources. Most crisis pregnancy centres do not provide medical services, but they typically offer referrals to obstetricians and other health care services. A few crisis pregnancy centres do provide minor medical services such as pregnancy tests and sonograms. Some crisis pregnancy centres provide free sonograms because they believe this dissuades expectant mothers from choosing to have an abortion.

Pregnancy counselling is provided at crisis pregnancy centres, but counselling can also be provided through other resources. Many women choose pregnancy counselling due to an unwanted pregnancy, but services are also available to pregnant women who are suffering from stress and psychological issues. Pregnancy counselling provides psychological health services to pregnant women. Some of these services include introducing women to alternatives to abortion and giving them information on staying healthy while pregnant. Counselling centres provide non biased, medically accurate information to pregnant women in order to help them achieve the best prenatal health possible. Pregnancy counselling centres provide information such as the names of local doctors and hospitals in case a pregnant woman faces an emergency. Some pregnancy counselling centres also provide resources for postnatal care; these resources include treatment for postpartum depression and other psychiatric disorders that come after the birth of a child.

Women can very easily face an unexpected pregnancy, and it is natural for them to feel worried, scared and confused. Fortunately, these great resources are available to every pregnant woman. Whether a woman wants to have an abortion or explore other options, these resources are available to guide them to a choice that is healthy, safe and medically sound. Every pregnant woman should take advantage of these services in order to maintain the best health imaginable.

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When you are pregnant, your body goes through a lot of changes ranging from physical changes, hence the belly you now have, to hormonal and emotional changes. But getting your figure back and slimming your stomach back down to its pre-pregnancy size and shape will require some work that will not only take care of the pouch your darling child created, but also infuse you with more energy and better mental outlook.

One thing every woman should keep in mind when planning to get their figure back is that it takes the body approximately six weeks for the uterus to shrink to almost its former size - it never returns to the original configuration no matter what you do. The muscles of the stomach take a little longer to return to their proper length and elasticity, about three to six months.

You cannot expect to see results overnight, but you can help it along by doing postpartum exercises specifically designed to help those muscles. Also, if this is the first pregnancy you've had, you will lose some of the belly that you are worried about as your uterus and muscles begin to return to normal.

Muscles will atrophy and become weak if you do not use and move them. A strengthening program should be added to your exercise regime so you also work the rest of the muscles in your body. You will be lifting your new baby up and down in addition to the diaper bag, the formula bottles...you get the idea. The back muscles should also be worked on in order to prevent injury to your lower back. By getting active, even if it is just taking a walk pushing a stroller to get started, you will be helping your metabolism speed up so that it can help you reshape your body.

If your doctor clears you, you can begin exercising as soon as two weeks after giving birth. Don't be concerned with getting back into shape right away. Give yourself some time to heal and relax and get to know your baby. If you feel the need to do something, do some gentle pelvic exercises and modified crunches to help with the oblique muscles that cause 'love handles'.

Don't set unrealistic goals for yourself otherwise you feel that you need to meet them. It is best to take your time and ease yourself into a routine that will be right for you. It will take anywhere from nine to twelve months of constant exercise to see the results you want.

Some of the best postpartum exercises you can do to help get back in shape include: Yoga and Pilates; speed walking; cycling; swimming or aquatic aerobics; low impact aerobics; strength training with a professional trainer; and cycling. Always make sure you warm up and stretch properly.

You can add oblique exercises such as the pelvic exercises and crunches mentioned earlier to your warm up. Make sure you wear a good supportive bra and try to exercise after breast-feeding so that they are not heavy with milk and uncomfortable. Eat a sensible diet, drink plenty of water, and get as much sleep as possible. You will be amazed at the way you feel and the results you get. Your body will be back to prenatal shape before you know it.

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Although losing weight after childbirth can be foremost on a young mother's mind, there are a few mistakes that should definitely be avoided. This is not only for the sake of the mother, but for her newborn child as well.

It can become frustrating for a woman to find herself with extra pounds after childbirth, but losing weight after childbirth is a process that should not be taken lightly. Giving birth is probably the single, most demanding experience a woman can put her body through.

And although giving birth is a blessed event, there are precautions a new mother should be aware of, especially where losing weight is the goal. Losing weight after childbirth too rapidly can be hazardous. Just as the birthing process took time, so should losing weight after pregnancy be done with some patience.

1) Don't Neglect Nutrition:

The body's demand for proper nutrients, during and after pregnancy, is huge. The weight gained in pregnancy helps build stores for your recovery and for breastfeeding. After delivery, all mothers need continued nutrition so that they can be healthy and active and able to care for their baby. Restricted calories can often equal less nutrition. Most lactation experts recommend that breastfeeding mothers should eat when they are hungry. But many mothers may be so tired or busy that food gets forgotten. So, it is essential to plan simple and healthy meals.

2) Don't Begin Exercising Too Soon:

Most women can begin a formal exercise program within 6 weeks of giving birth, though this time frame might be slightly longer for some women, including those recovering from a C-section. Most women recovering from a C-section will be able to exercise after there incision has healed and their doctor has cleared them for exercise. Keep in mind, starting an exercise program too soon will delay your recovery and could potentially injure your body permanently. It may also take you longer than six weeks to heal fully if you start exercising too soon. Losing weight after childbirth should be a slow and deliberate process.

3) Don't Surrender Your Rest:

No one misses sleep like a new mother. A baby's first few months are a busy, hectic time that will put big demands on your schedule. The advice that you should get enough rest and relaxation seems impossible to follow during the postpartum period. Ongoing sleep disturbances can leave you feeling cross, irritable, and depressed. When you are this tired, even little problems become difficult to solve, and you may find it hard to make decisions about even the smallest issues. Pump and let your partner take on one or a few of your child's feedings so you can grab longer stretches of shut eye. Sleep when your baby sleeps. Do whatever you can to grab rest periods, your body will thank you for it.

When it comes to losing weight after childbirth, it can take a number of months for your body to return to normal. So, even if you are not breast-feeding, don't be in too much of a hurry to cut calories. Apart from the physical trauma of giving birth that can leave you feeling completely exhausted, looking after and being responsible for a new baby can also be very tiring and stressful. Once you begin to feel like your normalizing, seek out a little guidance for your weight loss goals. Losing weight after childbirth does not have to be a confusing or lonely process. With the combination of good nutrition, exercise and a little guidance, you can and will recapture your former shape.

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Depression during and afer pregnancy is common but often goes undetected since many of the symptoms of depression are similar to many general symptoms of pregnancy such as disturbances in sleep and appetite and low energy. However any woman that notices a link between pregnancy and depression should see their health care provider and discuss symptoms and treatment options.

Depression during pregnancy impacts both mother and child and requires immediate treatment since depression during pregnancy can result in a woman taking less care of herself, can result in a reduction in appetite and depressed women are more inclined to smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol or take illegal drugs all of which can result in health problems for an unborn baby.

Treatment for depression during pregnancy includes antidepressant medication and short term psychiatric therapy such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or interpersonal therapy (IPT). Antidepressant drugs are however generally prescribed with caution since they can have an adverse effect on an unborn baby.

Postnatal Depression

The "baby blues" are common after pregnancy and result from changes in hormone levels following childbirth but usually pass within a few day, however many women experience a severe depressive episode after childbirth which goes way beyond the baby blues and often requires some form of treatment.

There are a number of causes for postnatal depression which include having suffered from depression during pregnancy, having a stressful pregnancy, complications during labour and problems with a new born baby's health.

Symptoms of postnatal depression can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and of being an inadequate mother, difficulties in caring and providing for a newborn baby and an overall lack of bonding with a baby which can have an adverse effect on the baby.

Advice for women with postnatal depression

  • Seek treatment from a qualified health care professional. The sooner you receive adequate treatment the sooner you can enjoy the experience of motherhood

  • Develop a support system of friends and family and allow them to occasionally look after the baby allowing you time to yourself.

  • Eat a balanced diet, exercise and develop good sleeping patterns in a baby as soon as possible. Also get plenty of rest yourself and take naps whilst the baby is asleep or when family or friends are looking after the baby.

  • Take things one step at a time and be gentle on yourself. Adjusting to parenthood takes time so acknowledge any small achievement and those things you do well.

  • Finally if things get to tough call a postnatal depression support service or mental health crisis line for advice and support.

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If you are in the market to purchase a health insurance policy, you may be baffled at the array of prices of similar policies. There are a number of factors that determine the premiums on your health insurance policy. Each health insurance company will have their own actuarial team that determines the prices and classes of risks for each applicant. The applicants risk is a large part in what determines their risk class, but there are other aspects which causes fluctuation in premium prices.

One of the major factors that can raise health insurance premiums is the use of tobacco. Tobacco has been known to cause a number of health ailments that includes cancer. This factor can significantly increase the cost of health insurance. Knowing that cancer and smoking will decrease the average lifespan of a person, insurance premiums will rise. In some cases, health insurers will provide an incentive to help the insured quit smoking and cover smoking cessation products including nicotine gum, the patch, etc.

To qualify for health insurance, the applicant must be in reasonable health as well. This includes a proper height, weight and body mass index. People seeking coverage with a high body mass index, will have elevated premiums compared to those with an average BMI. Some insurance companies will not insure an obese person as it is not considered an insurable risk. Applicants looking to have the lower end of the premiums should be in the best health possible prior to applying for coverage.

An applicants age can have an ample impact on the price of coverage. The majority of younger people have minor issues with health issues. These may include common colds, a flu, ear infections, small accidents, etc. As a person ages, the likelihood of that person going to the doctor, needing critical care or becoming diagnosed with a chronic disease increases. The cost of major health issues becomes riskier for the company to insure. This is a direct result of increasing premiums as the person ages.

Pre-existing conditions for applicants will also raise the premiums on health insurance costs. Pre-existing conditions require more visits to a practitioner and greater risks for the insurance company to cover related claims to the pre-existing condition. Some insurance companies will only cover certain aspects of the pre-existing condition or won't cover anything at all.

Another factor that may increase an applicant for health insurance premiums would be their gender. Unlike life insurance, women usually pay higher premiums than men for coverage. The reasoning behind this is due to the fact that women go to the doctor more often, need an OB/GYN specialist, take more prescription drugs, have maternity costs and are subjected to certain chronic diseases. The average cost to deliver a baby range anywhere between $10k-$15K of which doesn't include the prenatal and postnatal medical care.

Other risks that the insurance companies factor in when determining premiums for the applicant are their lifestyle choices. These can range from a number of different topics including their profession, marital status, where they live and more. Insurance companies will take in all factors when determining a reasonable cost for insurance. For obvious reasons, a race car driver will be a much higher risk than an accountant. Insurance companies also are aware that married couples will live longer than single people. Other factors including the area code in which the applicant lives will be represented in the premiums. People that live in the same areas, tend to have similar eating, exercise and living habits.

Insurance premiums can be expensive, but insurance companies must manage risk properly and set a proper premium on applicants. Higher risk applicants will have higher premiums. Some variable that an applicant can control is eliminate tobacco use, exercise regularly and eat right for a healthy body mass index and have a safe occupation. Other factors including pre-existing conditions, family health history, gender, etc. the proposed insured won't have control over. If an applicant was to choose higher deductibles, then the premiums would decline. However health insurance can be costly, but if the right coverage isn't in place, a person could be exposed to a substantial risk.

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Caring for a fractured shoulder will entail that you first of all get clear instructions from your orthopedic surgeon and your rehabilitation professional on how to properly care for your injury. By following the instructions that are provided, you can save yourself a lot of discomfort or further injury.

Proper care for a fractured shoulder consists of keeping your pain levels within a reasonable level. This can be done by first of all taking your pain medication as prescribed. Many of the patients I see for various types of shoulder injuries are not compliant with their medications for various reasons. By not taking the pain medication as prescribed will slow down the healing process and cause you unnecessary pain and discomfort.

When you allow your pain to get out of control and it remains constant, it actually slows down your body's healing process. It also will make rehabilitation of your shoulder difficult when you are in pain. When you allow your pain to get out of control, your compliance in caring for your shoulder drops considerably.

Wearing your sling as directed by your doctor will also save you from suffering an increase in pain that can be caused by gravity pulling on the fracture site. It is important during the initial healing process to have the shoulder protected by keeping it elevated with the sling. By keeping your shoulder immobilized as instructed, you will help speed up the healing process. This has been an area I have witnessed where patient compliance can be very inconsistent.

During the care of your fractured shoulder part of the healing process and recovery will include physical therapy.

Your orthopedic doctor will provide your physical therapist and yourself with an exercise protocol to follow. It will be important once medically cleared, to begin gentle passive range of motion exercises to help regain the mobility of your shoulder that was lost due to the immobilization. Once the mobility has improved you will also be instructed on general strengthening exercises to improve the ability of your shoulder to function properly during your activities of daily living.

During the rehabilitation process it is vital that you follow precisely not only the recommendations that your doctor has set forth but, also pay close attention to the information that is given by your rehabilitation professional.

Your ability to remain disciplined not only with the exercises but including the pain control tips during rehab will help you in achieving your prior level of function.

Finally during your care, the biggest problem I see in clients is the ability to remain patient throughout the healing and rehabilitation process. Like many orthopedic injuries, we all begin to feel better and in our minds feel that the whole process of recovery should be going faster. This can be your biggest obstacle to slowing your recovery.

Allow yourself to fully recover by following the advice of the medical personal, take your pain medication as prescribed after the initial injury and allow the fracture site to properly heal by protecting your injured shoulder.

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Most women want a normal delivery with an intact perineum but unfortunately, this may not always be possible and the majority of women will have a wound to take care of in the postnatal period.

Perineal wounds are either a tear or an episiotomy. During the second stage of labour, the perineum has to stretch to allow the baby to be born. A tear usually occurs during delivery of the widest diameter of the baby's head or the baby's shoulders. A tear normally extends from the vagina downwards to the anal region and it heals very quickly. Although rare, the tear may extend into the anus, which is more complicated and requires extra care. An episiotomy is a surgical cut in the perineum to facilitate vaginal delivery of the baby, which may be normal, by forceps or vacuum extraction. The tear or episiotomy needs to be stitched to facilitate healing and hopefully get it back to its' pre-pregnant state.

Care of perineal wounds

During the first postnatal days, the perineum will be bruised, swollen and sore. You may find it painful to walk or sit therefore it is best to lie down as much as possible for the first few days. Sometimes when you pass urine, you may feel a stinging pain on the wound. To reduce this effect, pour cool water on the area as you pass urine so that the water will dilute the stinging effects of the urine.

To help reduce the swelling and for the wound to heal quickly, the best treatment is to soak the perineum in cool salt water for 5-10 minutes once or twice daily until the wound has healed. Hot water will increase blood flow to the area which may make it more painful later.

During the healing process, the tissues will shrink causing the wound to become tight and uncomfortable. Sometimes the sutures (stitches) may become hard and stick into the flesh, which can be very painful. If you feel any uncontrollable pain, you must go back to your obstetrician who may remove a couple of stitches to relieve the pain.

Keep the area as clean and dry as possible by changing your sanitary pad regularly. It is better to use sanitary towels with loops as these can provide some counter pressure on the wound therefore making it less painful.

Do not use air rings. It does give relief when you sit but it may restrict blood flow to the area if used too long, which may delay healing of the episiotomy. It is better to sit on a soft pillow.

Please do not use feminine sprays or powder as they may interfere with the healing process.

A caesarean section is an operation whereby the baby is delivered through a cut in the lower abdominal and uterine walls. Normally, the cut is in the lower segment of the uterus at the bikini line.

Care of the section wound

Initially, the wound may be painful especially when you move or cough. This is due to internal pressure on the wound. Placing a hand firmly on the wound when you cough or move will counteract this pressure and reduce the pain. The pain is also due to tissue trauma therefore it may be necessary to take some painkillers. Keep the wound dry until any stitches are removed (normally about 7 days) so no bathing allowed. Use cotton dipped in salt water to soak and remove the scabs. Salt water also helps healing and reduces itching when the wound is healing. Do not lift heavy items for at least 6-8 weeks after the delivery.

Care tips for both types of wounds

o As far as possible, try not to bathe the baby yourself until the wound has healed properly.
o To help the wounds heal quickly, do not eat ginger for the first 10 days.
o Take extra vitamin C.
o Do not walk too much especially up and down stairs as your wound needs to 'rest' in order to heal.
o After 2 weeks, massage the wound with vitamin E oil to prevent keloid formation.
o Do not worry if the wound feels itchy even after many weeks or months.

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Chinese culture has a longstanding belief that new mothers who do not get excellent postnatal care will set themselves up for bad health and illness later in life. It is believed that the lack of care of the mother's body and mind after the birth of the baby allows the seeds of bad health and illness to be sewn within her body. Years later at an unpredictable time, those seeds will come into fruition and will bloom into illness, disease or bad health in general.

This is why Chinese women always hire confinement nannies to take care of new mothers and their newborn babies. This is not just a luxury that some women get to enjoy so they can lay in bed or avoid learning to care for their own babies. It is viewed as a necessity that helps the mother get excellent care so she is spared those later health problems.

The nanny is the solution to a serious cultural problem. She is there to prevent those seeds of bad health from being planted in the new mother's body. In this way, she is a promoter of long term health at the mother. In doing this, she is primarily a promoter of immediate good health for the mother as well as the baby.

Today, this belief is spreading around the world to Western cultures as well. Many are catching on to the fact that a woman must take great care of her body when recovering from the birth of a baby. They may not call the help they hire a nanny, but their helpers do exactly the same thing that Chinese confinement nannies have done for Chinese women for thousands of years.

Some of the duties that a confinement nanny will take over for the new mother include:

• Cooking
• Cleaning
• Laundry

On top of this, a nanny will help take care of the new baby so the mother has more opportunity to rest. The mother will be delivered healthy meals that nourish her body as well as her breast milk for the baby's nourishment. When meals are over, the nanny will clean up the kitchen and take care of the kitchen so the new mother can rest.

The confinement nanny will also help with the nighttime feedings and diaper changes, this way the new mother gets more rest so her body can recover from the delivery. This will not continue for years in most cases, but it will last for at least four weeks. If the mother is having a difficult time recovering, then the confinement period may extend a little longer.

All of this helps the mother rest and treat her body with care. Without a confinement nanny, she would be forced to put the needs of her newborn baby and other family members in front of her own needs. That would definitely cause those seeds of bad health to settle into her body. The job of the confinement nanny is to take over a lot of the new mother's everyday duties so she can rest and know that everything is being taken care of by someone who cares.

It used to be that family members provided the care for a new mother, but that cannot be counted on today in China or elsewhere in the world. That is why nannies are most often hired from a service.

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In this article I'd like to offer you a few suggestions for helping with for Baby Blues and Post Natal Depression (PND).

Back in the days when homeopathy was being formalized, depression was referred to mostly as 'sadness'. These days we all know that depression can be a whole lot more than 'feeling sad'.. and we also have the biochemical evidence to back up our observation that all kinds of life events can be the cause of mental symptoms which not only feel really bad, make us feel uncomfortable and are often downright scary.

I think of Baby Blues as a natural hormonal response following the incredible event which is 'giving birth'. Think of how hard the body has worked over the previous nine months, growing a new being, copying DNA, putting together the colossal task that is reproducing the blue print of a human being. The birth itself is a trauma for Mum and Bub, and then her body must make enormous adjustments so - isn't it understandable that some weapiness and anxiety will be there? It lasts a few days. Keep an eye on blood sugar levels during this time. Small regular meals are an important key.

But if your feelings of sadness and being overwhelmed have continued.. or have appeared some months later then you must take some action and seek help.

Do you feel tired all the time?
Do you feel guilty about feeling tired?
Do you feel stressed, angry or find yourself crying easily?
Are you not interested in sex any more?
Are you having any emotions.. maybe you feel numb?


Disappointed with the birth?

Did your birth experience go as planned? We prepare for the event with exercises and negotiating the best possible situation for the safety of baby, but if things don't go according to plan - maybe you had to have an epidural or forceps delivery, or a cesarean... then its natural that feelings of disappointment, resentment or even anger can build up and these can be a factor in triggering depression.

Did they tell you the truth?

Did anyone really tell you - I mean sit you down and really tell you the TRUTH.. about how very demanding and tiring it is to have a baby and then take care of him or her, day after day, night after night? Very likely - NO.. and if this has been your second child, did they tell you that the second child is NOT like having JUST ANOTHER BABY.. no, no, no.. a second child is much more work than that!!

Babies get sick!
Then there are the possible problems, colic, skin troubles, colds and little infections, coughs that won't clear up..

Your support network
And support - how much support are you getting? Is everyone's attention on the new baby and none on you?

Sleep and time off
Lay down and sleep whenever baby does.. I know you feel as though you must 'get on with things'.. but sleep and rest are more important than the washing..

You need to have some time off, time for yourself.. relatives can be so helpful. When my babies were small I found a local school girl who came in at 3.15 every week day and looked after both children in another room, or took them for a walk in the pram.. for two hours while I cooked the dinner.

Routine Routine Routine.. a Life Saver!!

Find a routine that works for everyone. If you know that rest times are coming then you can make it through these hours. We used to have tea at five, bath at six and bed at seven and my husband and I swapped days for bathing, washing the dishes and getting the babies to sleep and then having tea in bed the next morning. It worked a treat and we did it for years and years..! So every other day I knew that I could bath with the kids, relax while they were put to bed and have my tea in bed.

Just do what you can manage

Keeping up with the housework and the shopping? Its a HUGE lifestyle change to go from a regular job where you have support and boundaries - to being at home with a new bub. Just do what you can manage each day. If you can't breastfeed for some reason, never mind.. baby will be benefiting from your love and will grow strong and healthy in your care. So - these are all perfectly normal situations and needs and I often thought that it was a miracle if a new MUM didn't show any signs of mild depression!


Feeling overwhelmed, tired and a bit irritable during the early months of motherhood are quite common and to be expected. However, it can feel much more than this on occasion.

Do you have outbursts of irritability or even violent anger?
Do you want to shake the baby in order to get him or her to stop crying?
Do you have suicidal thoughts?
Do you feel like just walking out and disappearing?

These are a few of the symptoms that can indicate more severe post natal depression

Please seek help from your doctor, local support group and relatives. Anti depressant drugs can be helpful but do give natural medicines a good try. And, if you have a history of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder you MUST seek help as soon as you notice any depressive symptoms following childbirth.

Homeopathy can really help and you also need daily support and company, exercise, good sleep, good food, hugs and treats and lots of smiling and laughing.


One little tip I used a lot for my depressed clients was to prescribe a good laugh at least once a day. The release of laughter, from a joke or watching a funny movie...even of you don't feel like laughing when you put the film on.. will release floods of those much needed chemicals in the brain.

It really does work.. please give it a try! Our bodies do have the power to heal themselves, but sometimes not in the way we think they will.


There are some fabulous remedies for reducing many of the symptoms of baby blues and post natal depression. Read through these little remedy snapshots and if you find one that fits some of your symptoms.


This great remedy has helped many thousands of women around the world. You feel a bit numb, no feelings, very tired and irritable and have no libido at all. You have this dragging down feeling in the abdomen, you period is heavy and achy. Have a look in the mirror. Have you got a saddle mark across your check and nose, either a yellowish tinge or a bit darker, perhaps some freckles? This is a classic Sepia symptom.


Famous for treating depression, Nat Mur is basically common salt made into a powerful medicine. Do you feel weepy and as though you aren't coping, but you don't want to show it or tell anyone about it. In fact in anyone does offer some sympathy that will really annoy you! You notice that you feel cold a lot of the time, with a physical weakness and lack of stamina. Other symptoms might include headaches, more thirsty than usual, lips feel dry and maybe even cracked.


This is a remedy that seems full of contradictory states. Are you feeling anxious, always checking that the baby is OK? Find your moods change frequently? Are you sighing a lot! People will notice it and maybe ask what you are sighing about. How about coffee and tobacco... Ignatia cannot bear either smells or tastes.. so this would be quite a strong symptom post baby. Are you worried about your weight? Looking at diets to loose the pounds you put on while you were pregnant? These are all good indications that Ignatia would be helpful for you.


We give this remedy after a Cesarean section, to help the would to heal quickly and in case the woman has felt angry or upset during any aspect of the whole birth procedure. Are you finding that you need to talk to people about your birth experience and especially if there are aspects of it that have upset you emotionally. A couple of doses of Staph will release all of those feelings and let you move on in a positive frame of mind.


I put all my new Mums on this remedy as a Tissue Salt, twice daily for at least a couple of months after the baby is born. It helps to bring your energy levels back up gently, and can make sleep deeper and more refreshing.


Now then, Ars Alb friends.. don't offended by these questions! Do you feel really anxious and fearful about the whole business of being a Mum? Worry all the time that baby will catch some illness? Need to have everything tidy and in its place? The house must be clean and all the washing done; shopping and meals prepared and on the table; baby should be clean and tidy in case any visitors come? Do you really need to have someone else close by who you can rely on if the worst happens?

Thats OK!! This is your nature and there's nothing wrong with all that, AT ALL..

Well, your natural anxieties may be causing you a higher level of stress than you need right now.. and a dose of Ars Alb every now and again will really help you to cope better with your own inner drives. A couple of other physical symptoms that Ars Alb people usually experience are.. feeling cold a lot of the time, can't sleep easily, feel generally better in warm dry weather, love acidic foods and drinks and especially coffee.


This remedy has quite distinct symptoms during this time. You feel worse when you first wake up in the morning - kind of sluggish and not able to think clearly. You desperately need a sleep in the afternoon but know that you'll feel bad again when you wake up from your nap. You do feel better if you can have a good chat with a friend or relative, get all of your anxieties out in the open. Talking does make you feel better!

You don't like hot places, can't bear to wear anything tight around your waist, and tend to have physical problems like sore throats more on the left side of your body.


Imagine the little pulsatilla flower, alone in the middle of the vast steppes Russia. It blows this way and that way in the wind! It sits in sandy soil, and closes its petals when it gets hot and at night. SO - the pulsatilla woman loves the fresh open air and finds her moods very changeable. She can be chilly and cries very easily.. sometimes just weeping for no particular reason. You like sympathy and support and rely on your partner for comfort. Not thirsty? that's very pulsatilla.. you have to be reminded to drink. ( If you are breastfeeding your body will be giving you stronger signals of thirst than you usually have.)

Also are you a bit clumsy and uncoordinated? Swollen ankles and wrists? Don't like fatty foods? These are just a selection of the remedies I have prescribed very successfully over the last 20 years for baby blues and post natal depression.

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There are a wide range of strategies and interventions used to save the lives of women and children during pregnancy, childbirth birth and in the neonatal period. These include:

• Reproductive health services such contraceptive services
• Antenatal care
• Skilled obstetrical care and emergency services
• Post natal care

The provision of contraceptives as a reproductive health measure appears to be in slight decline globally, most likely as a result of reduction in prioritization and funding. Almost a third of women worldwide have an unmet need for family planning measures.

However, antenatal care has been hugely successful especially in low income economies. Coverage is quite high with even the destitute able to access antenatal services in most countries. There is concern however, on the quality of care and the effectiveness of antenatal care provided. Interventions especially low income economies are not always appropriate at the antenatal level. This represents a missed opportunity to save the lives of mothers and children.

As regards to obstetrical care and emergency services at birth, less than 40% of women in low income countries have access to a skilled attendant at birth. Many countries have made great strides in this area since the inception of the Millennium Development Goals but much still remains to be done especially in 50 least developed countries.

Postnatal care leaves much to be desired in many countries including middle and high income countries. The level of skilled care at the post natal level is much worse than that found at the obstetrical stage in most low income countries. This is despite the fact that research has shown that a high level of care during the first two days of an infant's life can make all the difference. The majority of neonatal deaths are caused by infections, complications of pre-term birth and birth asphyxia.

The former two causes contribute to about two thirds of all neonatal deaths. The shocking bit is that half of these deaths can be prevented with simple and cost effective interventions, most notably, Kangaroo Mother Care. Kangaroo Mother Care is a method of care whereby a pre-term infant, able to breathe on its own, is held in a skin-to-skin breastfeeding position. Skin-to-skin contact has been shown to stabilize breathing, pulse rate and temperature. Babies are able to feed better and hence gain weight faster. The ability to breastfeed strengthens the immune system and helps the infant fight infections. Despite this well researched and documented method of care, Kangaroo Mother Care is yet to go into widespread use in many medical facilities and clinics around the world.

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T.Med Ctr

Asian mothers, especially the Chinese,observe many rules, regulations andtaboos that have been handed down from past generations during the period known as confinement. New mothers and their newborns usually stay home during this period, which lasts for about 28 days. New mothers are given special care and food to help the body recuperate from the trauma of childbirth. Special nannies known as confinement nannies are often hired to help look after new mothers and their newborn.


Believed to be weak and "cold" after the delivery of her baby, the new mother should keep warm with "heaty" foods and wear plenty of warm clothing. She is not allowed to go near fans or air-conditioning as she may catch a chill. In observing this
tradition, both mother and baby suffer the uncomfortable effects of bad ventilation,especially in the tropical heat of Singapore.


The Chinese do not allow new mothers to bathe for a month following childbirth as they may catch a chill and suffer from rheumatism later on in their lives. There is no scientific basis for such a belief. New mothers are recommended to have warm
baths as cold water may bring on muscle cramps. Using herbs, ginger or lemongrass to rid of wind is not necessary.


Despite the traditional Chinese ban on hair washing during confinement, new mothers are encouraged to wash their hair
when they are more stable on their feet after delivery. The worry is that some women may get giddy spells when shampooing and slip. The tradition is that washing hair during confinement allows "wind" to go into the heads and thus lead to headaches later on. This, again, has no scientific basis.


Contrary to the Chinese belief that alcohol increases blood circulation and warms the body, it is not a must after delivery. It does not help to boost your postpartum state and, if you are nursing, it can be transmitted through breast milk to your
baby. Alcohol can appear quickly in the mother's fore milk and hind milk as well as reduce milk production as it inhibits
oxytocine release. Studies have shown that nursing babies while drinking heavily can

cause developmental delays in the child.


The Malays believe that a pregnant woman's behaviour and emotion affects her unborn child. As such, they are not allowed to attend funerals or harm any living creatures. Otherwise, the baby may be born deformed.

From the second trimester, food jamu like a cocktail of egg yolk, palm sugar,tamarind and secret herbs or pepper,
honey, lemon juice and tumeric taken with secret herbs is believed to be able to clean the womb.

Around the seventh month, a melenggang perut ceremony is performed to correct the position of the baby and for a safe delivery. There are also rituals like rolling the coconut to determine the sex of the baby. When the coconut stops
rolling and the "eyes" face upwards, it is a boy.


The Malay traditional confinement period is 40 days. A bright light burns day and night in the baby's home. Special food and
care is given to restore the mother's health and beauty. Bidan provides full belly massage, therapeutic baths and jamu.

The stomach is wrapped tightly to "shrink" the belly and jamu is used to cleanse any "dirty blood". Burning

charcoal is used to warm the feet and to heat up the "cooling" body after baths. The mother is encouraged to move about the house as too much rest prolongs the dirty blood in the mother's system.

Milk producing jamu are prescribed and fish is usually removed from the mother's diet to prevent fishy-smelling milk. The last part of the Malay massage is known as "realigning the womb" and it can be painful and, if not done properly,

can be harmful.

Be Happy

Share your stress and worries with loved ones and friends. Most mothers start to feel some emotional swings known as "baby blues" around the fourth day of the postpartum period. Talk about your concerns, log onto chat rooms on the Internet, or join hospital support groups.
These will allow you to share with other new mothers the anxieties of having a new baby and the disruptions that it brings.
Make sure that you consult your doctor,nurses or specialists if you feel that the anxieties are overwhelming you.


Indulge yourself in massages (if you had a caesarean delivery, do not massage the tummy), spa treatments and even manicures and pedicures. All these can help you regain a sense of well-being after having been through the traumatic and dramatic process of childbirth. Take time out with your husband without the baby so that both of you can unwind and recharge before going back to the stress and demands of caring for your baby.

Above all, enjoy motherhood.

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Breast-feeding the Baby. In the first two to three days after birth the mother's breasts produce a substance called colostrum. Colostrum resembles melted butter, is high in protein, and contains antibodies that protect the baby. It helps to clear the bowels easily of meconium, a substance in the bowels of all newborn babies. There is no artificial substitute for colostrum.

Breast Milk. Breast milk is easily processed by the infant's digestive system and helps to prevent allergies. Unlike cow's milk, breast milk leaves an acid residue in the bowel and prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. Breastfed babies usually do not suffer from constipation, provided there is an adequate supply of milk. For the first few weeks, bowel movements may be frequent, but these may decrease to two dirty diapers a day.

Although initially some women may experience discomfort, most women find breast-feeding a pleasure once it is established. Emotionally, it ensures a closer bond with the baby; physically, it helps the womb to return more quickly to its normal size. Successful breast-feeding depends on the mother's attitude; prenatal preparation of the breasts and nipples and their postnatal care; a good, balanced diet, with plenty of fluids; rest; and patience.

Prenatal Breast Care. A well-fitting bra should be worn both day and night from the seventh month of pregnancy onward. Starting at that time the nipples should be washed well each day and gently rubbed with a towel after a bath. Some physicians advice applying a bland ointment.

Flat nipples should be drawn out and rolled between thumb and forefinger. At about the eighth month, the breasts should be gently massaged, and a little colostrum should be pressed from each nipple. This helps to open the milk ducts.

Women with inverted nipples can wear devices popularly known as "shells" inside their bras during the last three months of pregnancy. If no improvement takes place, a natural nursing nipple shield is helpful when nursing.

Breast-feeding. Before putting the baby to the breast, clean the breast with a cotton swab dipped in warm water to remove any ointment. Start each feeding on the side opposite the last.

After the feeding, wipe the nipples with cotton dipped in warm water and apply an ointment or spray. Try to avoid using plastic-backed, milk-retaining pads inside the bra because they can make the nipples sore.

The First Week. Patience and perseverance are needed during the first week of breast-feeding when difficulties may arise. Nursing mothers should be aware that it may require a few weeks to establish a steady milk supply.

In the first two to three days the baby sucks colostrum. At this stage the mother does not experience much change in her breasts. Usually between the third and fifth day milk comes in and, as the breasts enlarge, there may be some discomfort or even pain. Should the milk come in with a rush, the baby should be allowed to nurse frequently; this will prevent engorged breasts. Different babies have different needs, and you will have to work out the best schedule for your baby by trial and error.

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Postpartum syndrome, more commonly known as the "baby blues", is one of the most common problems linked with children and was documented as early as the 19th century. This syndrome is best identified by the depression the woman experiences within four weeks after giving birth. It affects approximately 13% of women after childbirth, with one out of every eight deliveries in the US leading to this syndrome. It can also lead to more serious type of psychosis, which affects one of every thousand women.

Sadly, only half of the people with this syndrome are detected. And those who remain undiagnosed can result with devastating outcomes not only on themselves, but also on their family. What's more, postpartum syndrome is not just exclusive to women.

Contrary to common misconception, men can also experience this syndrome as well, with 10% of new fathers reported to experience such a condition. And much like with women, the symptoms of postpartum syndrome in men is the difficulty of caring for their children on their own while suffering from depression.

The said syndrome can be harmful to one's mental and emotional health as well as those people around you, so early detection and prevention is crucial in order to keep it from ruining what should be the joyful even of childbirth.


The onset of postpartum syndrome usually occurs within four weeks after giving birth. These include feelings of severe sadness, emptiness, and emotional numbness. People who suffer from this psychological disturbance are also easy to cry and do so often, as well as irritable and quick to anger. There is also the tendency to withdraw from relationships with family, friends and from activities that are normally pleasurable to the sufferer, as they feel a strong sense of failure or inadequacy. The depression may also cause a constant feeling of tiredness, sleep difficulties, overeating or loss of appetite.

In addition, postpartum syndrome can also cause the sufferer to experience intense concern and anxiety about the baby or lack of interest. In the worst cases, sufferers may have suicidal thoughts or fears of harming the baby, delusions and false beliefs, hallucinations, and other severe depressive symptoms.


If you feel that you are prone to postpartum depression or have experienced it in the past, the first recommended course of action is to get in touch with your doctor, therapist, psychiatrist, and other professional healthcare provider. If you have experienced this syndrome before and treated successfully with medication, you may want to think about taking the medication again immediately after giving birth.

It is also important that you talk with your partner and other loved ones; let them know what you might go through and what might help in dealing with you suffering this type of psychological problem. You should also establish a support plan in case you do experience postpartum syndrome. Assign someone to help you take care of your baby, for example, or get in touch with a postpartum doula to help you ease through this troubled period of your life.

Adverse effects such as suicidal tendencies and psycho-somatic impacts can be mitigated if the problems are detected early. It is always best to seek the services of healthcare professionals such as psychiatrists.

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