目前分類:postnatal care (168)

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Childbirth can be a stressful time and for some women it can result in a temporary hair loss condition called postpartum alopecia (also known as postnatal alopecia). The condition usually starts around two to three months after childbirth, gradually worsening for up to three months then recovering over the next three months until hair starts to re-grow. Postpartum alopecia is characterized as a general thinning (also known as diffuse thinning) over the whole scalp. This is unlike male pattern hair loss where the hairline recedes and a completely bald patch appears on the top of the scalp. Postpartum Alopecia can affect up to 90% of all mothers and the extent of hair loss can vary considerably from mild to excessive shedding.

Why does it occur?

The exact cause of postpartum alopecia is still not fully understood but it is linked to the hormonal changes that occur during childbirth. During pregnancy there are increased levels of estrogen in the body which keeps the hair in the anagen growing phase resulting in temporarily thicker hair. After childbirth a withdrawal of estrogen switches off the extended growing phase and switches the hair to the catagen shedding phase resulting in the sudden excessive hair loss. It has been suggested that modern lifestyles and poor nutrition are a major factor for postpartum alopecia, but research has shown that these factors do not play a part in this condition.

Can it be treated?

Since postpartum alopecia is a temporary condition where the hair fully recovers there are few effective treatments available. You can consult with you local GP for advice but you will probably be advised that there is nothing to worry about due to it being part of the natural postpartum process. The best that can be done is to try not to exacerbate the condition so that no more hair loss than necessary occurs. To help maintain your hair during this period you should try and avoid hair styles with plaits, pigtails, braids and using tight hair rollers that tend to pull the hair. Also avoid using hot blow dryers and heated hair strengtheners as these can also put excessive stress on the hair. After washing always try to pat the hair dry with a good quality bath towel, hair is always more fragile when wet so try not to rub the hair vigorously.

Eating a healthy diet that includes fresh fruit and vegetables can also play an important part in trying to maintain the hair. Fruit and vegetables contain flavonoids which are thought to encourage stronger hair growth by strengthening the small blood vessels supplying the hair follicles. Diet supplements are also known to help with hair growth and these can be used to help treat postpartum alopecia. The most effective vitamin supplements are Biotin, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Zinc and these are readily available in multivitamin capsules. Finally there are a range of hair loss shampoos that may help to reduce hair loss in some cases but these are not generally guaranteed to help with postpartum alopecia.

The most important thing to remember about postpartum alopecia is try not to worry too much, it is only a temporary condition and it will eventually stop.

Please visit our web site for more information about the causes of alopecia

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Physiotherapy, also often called physical therapy, can help you heal after an accident makes it hard to move. This type of treatment can also assist you in managing disorders that you have had from birth, which means you may be able to move a little easier, with a little less pain than usual. No matter why you have to go to physical therapy, there are a few questions you should ask before you schedule an appointment. Finding out certain facts ahead of time can save you time.

One thing to check is that your insurance is accepted. Otherwise, you may have to pay out of pocket for your physiotherapy appointment. Most doctors list this fact on their website, but since this can change so often, it is best to call the office to confirm. You should also ask whether the office files the claim for you, which is a convenience that many practices now provide since filling out the paperwork on your own can be confusing and time-consuming.

Another insurance-related question to ask is what your co-pay is, though the front office staff may not be aware of this off the top of their heads. Luckily, you can contact your provider or check your coverage on the website to find out information like co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles so you make sure to bring the right amount with you.

New patients always need to fill out a lot of forms at any doctor's appointment. This is why you are encouraged to arrive early to your visit, as it may get pushed back a little if you do not allow sufficient time for the paperwork. Since it asks about allergies, past treatment, and insurance information, there is usually no way to get started with the physiotherapy care before you fill out the proper forms. If you know you will be in a hurry on the day of the visit, find out if you can fill out the paperwork days before the appointment, such as by downloading it online, printing it out, and bringing it with you.

Finally, ask what you should wear to your physiotherapy visit. In most cases, you should wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes that you can work out in. However, you should take into account what body parts will be involved in the exercises. For example, if your arm is the only part being rehabilitated, then you probably do not need to think much about your shoes, while tennis shoes are best if your legs will be the focus. To be sure, simply ask the office staff before you come in. If you cannot get in touch with anyone, just use common sense and think about what you would feel most comfortable in.

To avoid having to get your visit rescheduled, you should ask these things well in advance of your appointment. Otherwise, you may have to pay more than you expect, or you might be uncomfortable the whole time. Most physiotherapy practitioners should be happy to provide the answers you need over the phone or website.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There is so much juice recipe information and nutritional advice on the internet, and it can be hard to sort out what is legitimate from what is not. Everyone knows that fresh fruit and vegetable juices can be powerful "medicine" for a range of diseases, but not everyone knows that those people who have health conditions or diseases need to take care when juicing.

Finding reputable information sources and checking with a healthcare professional before juicing is recommended. Juicing is generally safe and healthy but it's important to consider some of the potential hazards so that you can avoid them.

1. Certain raw fruits and vegetables may be contaminated with food-borne pathogens such as E. coli or salmonella. However, this is much more rare than such contaminations in animal products. To be safe, fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly scrubbed before cutting or juicing, and people with compromised immune systems or who are pregnant should stay away from especially susceptible foods such as sprouts.

2. Blood thinners such as Warfarin can have their effectiveness reduced if the patient consumes too much Vitamin K. Because of this, people on blood thinner should avoid consuming the juices of broccoli, carrot, wheatgrass, cranberries, kale, and other fruits and vegetables high in Vitamin K.

3. Garlic is considered a blood-thinner. Very high doses should not be consumed by pregnant or recently postpartum women, nor by any patient before or after surgery.

4. Onion and pomegranate can also amplify the effects of anticoagulant medications, so individuals taking these medications should consult a healthcare professional.

5. Garlic can also interact with medications including but not limited to quinolone antibiotics, hypoglycemic medications, antihypertensive agents, and calcium channel blockers.

6. Cauliflower is not recommended for individuals with gout or high levels of uric acid due to "purine" content, a natural substance that leads to excess uric acid. Large amounts of cauliflower as well as raw cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli or Brussels sprouts should not be consumed by people with hypothyroidism. They are goitrogenic foods that may cause an increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone and potentially a goiter in people with thyroid disease.

7. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and those who take birth control pills should consult a doctor before consuming larger than normal quantities of alfalfa sprouts. Avoid alfalfa sprout and bean sprout juice if you have a hormone-sensitive condition such as certain cancers, fibroids, endometriosis, etc.

8. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid bitter gourd and wheatgrass completely. Pineapple juice is not recommended in high doses for pregnant women as it may cause uterine contractions

9. Diabetics should carefully monitor their blood glucose when consuming large amounts of alfalfa as it may lower blood glucose.

10. Bitter gourd and blueberries may cause hypoglycemia in diabetics so they also require monitoring. You may find juice recipe information indicating other concerns about juicing for diabetics, and your doctor or nutritionist may have important advice regarding how to juice safely.

11. People with kidney problems should avoid asparagus and eggplant juice.

12. If you are on a low-potassium diet, consult your doctors before consuming large amounts of pear juice.

13. Those with kidney stones should avoid large quantities of beets, eggplant, concord grapes, kiwi, plum, other vegetables and fruits high in oxalic acid.

14. Cranberries can cause excess uric acid and calcium in the urine, increasing the chance of calcium-oxalate stone formation.

15. Spinach should be avoided by people with hepatitis, rheumatism, intestinal inflammations, gallstones and kidney stones. Strawberries and excessive amounts of sweet potato should be avoided by people with gallstone and kidney stones, as well.

16. If you suffer from gallstones, have a bleeding disorder, or take a blood-thinning medication (including aspirin) do not consume ginger before consulting a doctor. It can contribute to the thinning of the blood.

17. Grapefruit is notorious for interacting with a number of medications. Rather than making the medications less effective, in many cases grapefruit increases their efficacy which can lead to overdoses. Grapefruit interacts with statins, some chemotherapy agents, Buspar, certain beta blockers, fexofenadine, carbamazepine, certain anti-retrovirals, some immunosuppressants, sertraline and cyclosporine.

18. You can easily avoid whichever juices might cause bad reactions for you. Search for juice recipe information for fruits and vegetables you know you can safely consume, and then combine those fruits and vegetables creatively. Delicious, nutritious fruit and vegetable juices are just moments away.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There's another question that goes often comes with this one and that is about the satisfaction many women feel in having given birth. It's like the child now fulfills all her love and sexual needs some even saying that the very act of holding a child in their arms and/or breast feeding the child gives them immense sexual pleasure so much so that some women even report the experience of an orgasm every time they feed their child.

So the first thing to know here is that what you are feeling is absolutely normal. Your body is surging with hormones as it adjusts to being pregnant and as it begins to prepare you, emotionally and physically, for the birth of your child and placing the care of another human being in your hands.

This also means that your instincts are on full alert. You may even find yourself becoming anxious not only about the baby and its well-being but also about your own well being. Suddenly you don't want to take the risks you might have once taken on the belief that if something happens to you what then becomes of your baby?

There are lots of hypotheses about why this happens but maybe after all it is just a quirky act of nature to ensure that this helpless child is taken care of to ensure its survival even though often the one who misses out most here is the woman's partner, the father of the child who can feel abandoned or unwanted now that the child is born. As far as nature is concerned the father has done his bit. It's now up to the mother to incubate this child and bring the pregnancy to full term.

Maybe this is as basic as you can get as this is truly about survival of the species.

So in accepting that the feelings you have are absolutely normal there are a few things you can and maybe even should do.

Firstly, and probably most importantly, if you find that your love is diminishing for your husband, or you even feel no love for him at all, you should not make any hasty decisions. Instead given that it is most likely just the hormones that are making you feel so give yourself some time to think rationally before making any long term decision that might impact negatively on all of you.

At the very least, wait until after your baby has been and then even for the postnatal stage to end. In the meanwhile enjoy what you and your partner have created together and share every aspect of this pregnancy together. Visit your doctor together, attend prenatal classes together and make all plans re setting up the baby's room and other decisions that will need to be made re the child's ongoing care after the birth together.

Mother's are often defined as the gate keepers to their child.

This means it's most often up to you to ensure you include the father in the pregnancy. Often, and especially so for first time dads, they can feel overwhelmed by the experience and very unsure of what to do. They therefore sometimes need a guiding hand to let them know that you are still the same person, only different. This means that it is also normal to continue all the pre pregnancy activities especially in your sexual relationship. Sometimes, dads and even mums feel scared about this as they are concerned that they might hurt the child. This is not so though if you are concerned speak to your doctor to relieve any fears you have.

So for now enjoy this beautiful time together and drop those thoughts of lost love. There will be time in the future to decide if this really is the case or just mother nature doing it's job after all.

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More and more people are going green. They are more concerned about being environmentally friendly, eating organically and treating their ailments naturally. People are treating their minds and bodies better. Pregnant mothers want to deliver their babies naturally, free of epidurals or unnecessary C-sections. Giving birth in such a way often calls for the necessity of a midwife. Unfortunately, there aren't enough midwifing professionals to go around.

Midwives are healthcare specialists that specialize in low-risk baby delivery. They practice non-invasive techniques that are proven to result in reduced delivery mortality rates, especially when dealing with more complicated births (ex. breeching). They help mothers through pregnancy, delivery, birth and postnatal care. The care of a midwife will allow the mother to give birth naturally, in a way that is not invasive to either the mother or her child. In fact, allowing a woman to give birth naturally actually decreases the risks associated with childbirth. Of course, in the case of a high-risk births or pregnancies, midwives will surrender their patient's care to an obstetrician. If the life of the mother or baby is at risk, artificial means of childbirth can be introduced as an absolute precaution.

An especially favorable choice for new mothers, midwives can provide personalized and familiar care, and help with any problems that may arise, even after the baby is born. The midwife's familiarity with her patients makes her the best candidate to diagnose what both the mother and the baby need, much like a professional nurse does for his/her charges.

While the majority of midwives are female, it is a practice that is open to both sexes. It is also a career that is experiencing a surge in demand. Due to the shortage of qualified midwives, unwilling women are being forced to deliver in hospitals despite what their personal choices maybe. Midwifing serves as a perfect example as yet another medical field that requires more working and qualified professionals. While it is only one of the many careers that await those that have completed nursing school, it also brings to light a very important point - that there is a shortage of qualified medical professionals in the country today. With the proper training, nursing students can look forward to any number of jobs once they have completed their studies. Additionally, there is a shortage in almost every field, making students with nursing backgrounds very valuable, regardless of what field they choose to specialize in once they have completed nursing college.

Choosing a career today can be difficult. There are so many fields to choose from, but very few of these jobs offer very little stability. Nursing is one of the few jobs today that can guarantee both a substantial salary and consistent employment. It is also one of the only jobs in the world today that truly has the ability to change the course of someone's life.

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Childbirth classes are designed to educate you as parents about labor and delivery to reduce your stress and anxiety. The classes should also be able to give you a sense of preparedness and provide a special bonding experience between you and your partner. You should not enroll in childbirth classes alone. You need your partner to be there for you. Childbirth classes for first time parents are intensive because you need to focus on all aspects and details of prenatal care. This includes diet and exercise, issues on labor and delivery, postnatal care and the issue of breastfeeding. For experienced parents, the childbirth classes just serve as refresher course to catch up on the latest technology. Childbirth classes typically provide would-be parents general information on different methods of childbirth. The areas to be covered usually include the process of labor, options for pain management during labor as well as coping techniques, and postnatal care.

If you join childbirth classes in the hospital where you plan to have your delivery, you often will be taken a tour of the hospital to give you first hand information about the hospital's policies during labor, delivery and postpartum. You have a chance to ask questions about anything you want to know about your pregnancy and childbirth. You can also check if the hospital has labor and delivery suites which provides you a chance to stay at the same room during labor, delivery and postpartum, and check if you and your baby will share a room at night. You can also check if accommodations will include your partner or if food is available for them in the hospital. These are small but vital things which may help you relax and stay focused on the business of giving birth. Below are other childbirth classes you may also check out as other options.

Lamaze Method

Lamaze is a very popular method of birthing. When you enroll in Lamaze classes, you will be introduced to the philosophy that birth is a natural and healthy experience. Lamaze childbirth classes are focused on basic childbirth education that gives women a feeling that they can make personal choices about the best options they would want to have during labor and delivery. Lamaze teaches pregnant women natural coping techniques to withstand and deal with the pain of labor but it does not mean they are closing their doors for using medication to manage pain during labor.


Hypnobirthing is another method you can resort to as preparation for labor and pregnancy. This is a class teaching hypnosis techniques along with basic childbirth education to pregnant women. Hypnobirthing techniques support the idea that you need to conquer and control the fear of labor and delivery to avoid the intense pain of childbirth.

Bradley Method

The Bradley Method, popularly known as "husband-coached childbirth," is a 12-week course which advocates for a natural birth and a strong participation of your partner. Covered during the whole course are areas including healthy diet and exercise during pregnancy, techniques in coping and relaxation during labor and delivery, rehearsing the birth process, avoiding a cesarean delivery, breastfeeding and postpartum care for yourself and your baby. Many childbirth classes are available for you to choose from. You can check private and public hospitals, and pregnancy and birthing centers. Enrolling under an instructor who is certified under the International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA) is the best option to go for because you will be learning from somebody who is an authority and has the capability to relate to your present situation. Other areas you need to consider when you enroll in childbirth classes aside from the instructor's certification are the cost of the classes, the number of couples enrolled in a class, the availability of additional classes and the location of the classes. The nearer it is to your home the better and less strenuous it will be for you to attend.

Whatever childbirth classes you choose to attend, try to learn as much as you can and enjoy the experience. It can help you better prepare for your labor and delivery.

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Weight loss is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions, but it can also be one of the hardest to achieve and maintain if not approached appropriately. It is true many people lose weight each year as part of their New Year's resolutions, but it is also true that many of those people later gain some or all of that weight back. To make weight loss a successful goal in the new year, weight loss should be seen as creating a lifestyle change, rather than a temporary race to shed pounds.

Whether you want to lose 10 pounds or 100 plus pounds, successful weight loss is about lifestyle modifications. The key is to start slow and set realistic goals for yourself. A good place to begin is to cut down on sugar. Excess sugar in the body that does not get burned ultimately turns into fat. Maybe you know you already consume too much sugar such as sodas, desserts and snacks, or maybe you don't realize how much sugar you are really consuming. Many products contain more sugar than you realize. Read the labels of all food and drinks you consume to see how much sugar is in your regular diet. Chances are you can cut out some sugar.

Eat regularly. One mistake people make when trying to lose weight is skipping meals. This is unfortunate because skipping meals only starves the body of the healthy nutrients that it needs to regulate itself and be sufficient in losing weight. If your schedule keeps you from eating meals at regular meal times, try to carry healthy snacks to space throughout the day. Healthy snacks every few hours such as a cup of yogurt, a quarter cup of almonds, a piece of fresh fruit, or other easy healthy snacks will help you keep your metabolism on target and keep you from crashing.

If you are unsure of how to begin your weight loss program or how to stay on track, you may want to try a medical weight loss program under the care of a Board Certified Bariatric Physician. A Bariatric physician is a medical doctor who is specially trained in weight loss management and in the treatment and management of related medical conditions.

A program under a doctor's care can help you fulfill all aspects of weight loss and take into account your age, genes, medical history, metabolism, and lifestyle choices, which all play a role in weight loss and weight management.

New Year's weight loss resolutions can be frustrating but they don't have to be. With the proper guidance and support you can change the way you look and feel for a lifetime.

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Have you been thinking about a career change? Continuing your education and becoming a physical therapist could be just the change you need. What is involved in becoming a therapist and is it worth your time?

Job Opportunities

Many people do not realize the physical therapists have a broad range of employment opportunities. If your local hospital is the only employer, you imagined for this specialty you are missing out on a number of options.

Schools- assist disabled children
Hospice- improve quality of life
Research- improve information and create new programs
Nursing Facility- assist elderly
Sports- injury recovery
Physical Fitness Centers

Income and Growth

As you can see physical therapy is a field with many different job potentials, but before searching for a physical therapy school, you may want to know a little more about income potential and job growth. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for the 2010-2020 is much higher than all other occupations at 39%. This is due in part to the fact that baby boomers are aging and staying active later in life.

What can you expect to earn as a therapist?

Top 10%- more than $107,000 annually
Bottom 10% less than $53,620 annually
Median- $76,310 annually

As to be expected there is quite a range between the bottom earnings and the top, but in comparison with many other job fields the potential is fantastic.


Before you can apply for current physical therapists positions, you will have to continue your education. Most accredited programs require applicants to first obtain a bachelor's degree, though there are some programs in which graduating high school seniors can participate.

In order to sit for your licensing exam you must have graduated from an accredited program, of which there are 212 programs approved by CAPTA. Which school you attend will of course depend on your location and specific needs. Every state in the union except Alaska and Hawaii has an accredited program.

Pros and Cons

Working in this field has its pros and cons:


No shortage of jobs (now or in the future)
Less stress than other medical field positions
Flexible schedules may be possible
Long hours are uncommon


Frequent bending and kneeling
Acute care can mean working around infectious diseases
Hospice care can be emotionally taxing
Private practice can have a high demand for meeting productivity quotas

Final Thoughts

If you are looking for a career that involves helping people and has a good long-term outlook, becoming a physical therapists is a good option. Over the next decade or so positions in this field are going to grow faster than most career options. Job security, personal fulfillment and decent wages all add up to a very attractive opportunity.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Sitting restlessly, watching her child fight for his/her life from inside the incubator case. Wires are hooked up to machines and tubes surround this helpless baby body. The expression on her face is one of confusion and sorrow because of what her newborn has to endure. She knows there is nothing she can do for her child, she's disappointed in herself because she can't fulfill her duties as a mother. However, incubator care in conjunction with an alternative method such as Kangaroo Mother Care proves to be the best technique in ensuring the best possible outcome for a premature infant's health and future.

Mothers of preemies are more susceptible to depression because of the endangered health of their babies. Because of hormonal changes in the body and elevated emotions are high, 10 to 15 percent of women are diagnosed with Post Natal depression.

About 12.8 percent of all births are premature in the United States. These babies are generally born anywhere from 28-36 weeks into gestation. Premature babies aren't able to thrive in this world because of severe birth defects such as breathing problems, heart conditions, anemia and hemorrhaging. These tiny babies have to overcome much in order to live. This is why the incubator was established to mimic being inside the mother's womb. The air and temperature inside the incubator is monitored to insure that the baby is at the proper environment in order to thrive. Since the baby is not well enough to breast feed from it's mother special tubes need to be attached to the baby to allow for essential nutrients to flow throughout their bodies. These nutrients will help the babies heart and lungs grow as well as improve vital antioxidants in order for them to fight off future infections.

The first incubator was built by a man named Alexandre Lion in 1891. The Lion incubator was kept warm by a water boiler mounted on the outer wall of the incubator. Fresh air would travel into the incubator by an electric fan that was blowing through a large pipe on the outside of the building. The air was then moistened by a layer of absorbent wool. This air then passed over the hot coils of the water heater. The process allowed premature babies to live in a steady warm temperature while in the incubator. This revolutionary medical device did not make its debut in a hospital or doctor's office. Instead incubators were taken to the TransMississippi and International Exposition where they were first put on display by a man named Martin Couney. He had originally seen Alexandre Lion trying to promote the incubators in Berlin when it had gained much popularity. Martin Couney decided to bring his show to America. He used incubators to attract large crowds that were curious and entertained by viewing the small babies that were in the see-through glass boxes. Couney charged admission for people to see the babies that were being taken care of. Even though the show was in a fair, doctors and nurses were working to take care of each and every baby. Before, the incubator was invented mothers would give birth at home and if the baby was born prematurely, the doctor would do nothing to save the child. Doctor's did not feel any responsibility to help the baby because it was too weak to live. The survival rate for premature babies in the 1900s was less than 15%. With the incubator exhibits at the famous World Fair or the Couney's Park Luna Exhibit at Coney Island, survival rates for premature infants jumped to about 85%. It was not until the 1940s that hospitals began to use incubators to help premature babies.

In 1978, there were little to no incubators in Colombia so Dr. Rey and Dr. Martinez had to start a new kind of care called Kangaroo Mother Care. Infection was spreading throughout preterm infants and the doctors had to find a way to keep the babies warm and protected from infection. The doctors decided to try to use a mother's body as an incubator just like how a kangaroo keeps her baby in her pouch. They felt that technology could not replace a mother. Incubators could be used to support and help premature babies, but not replace a mother and her touch. In the early 1980's UNICEF noticed what the doctors in Colombia were doing and appraised the effect that Kangaroo Mother Care was hands on for premature infants. UNICEF is a strong supporter of breast feeding babies and with Kangaroo Mother Care this action is strongly encouraged. Because, UNICEF recognized the efforts of the Dr. Rey and Dr. Martinez in Colombia, this practice slowly spread to third-world countries such as Africa, Vietnam and Brazil. In fact, this type of care for premature infants has become so useful that it has been paired hand in hand with Incubator care. This type of care is still relatively new and experiments are still being done to explore the full effects of skin to skin care between mother and baby.

Mothers who give birth to healthy full-term infants are able to feel the effects of the "golden moment". This special moment happens because the mother releases a hormone from her body called oxytocin, which induces bliss and relief. This feel-good drug does not only affect the mother but also the baby (these effects can also be felt during an orgasm). The drug causes a love-at-first sight moment and can be critical to a mother and baby bonding. This moment is not essential to bond with your baby, but it is a definite plus with the mother and baby's relationship. These released hormones are powerful and both mother and baby are attracted to each other chemically. The hormones also help the baby "sniff" out the mother's nipple to begin breast-feeding for the first time. Pediatrics recommend skin-to-skin contact for these crucial baby moments. If, these moments are robbed by hospital policy or the baby is taken away to be cleaned do not worry. There will be many other chances to bond with your newborn baby. The most important information to know about bonding with your baby is quality time, not the quantity of time. Babies are most comfortable with the scent of their mothers, also the mother's breast milk tends to soothe the baby and reduce his/her stress.

Depending on the mother, the anesthesia (epidural) that is administered in cesarean section may cause her to be drowsy. In this sleepy state she is most likely not able to care for her baby properly. Although this may be disappointing for the mother, this does not mean that the premature baby needs to be taken to the NICU. According to a study by Christensson, Fagerberg, Erlandsson and Dsilna, fathers can step in and take an important role in the development and bonding with the baby. The study was carefully done with 29 families. Fourteen families would wrap a baby and place it in a cot with their father beside them, the other 15 families would have the baby naked and placed on their father's chest. The father's in the cot group were not able to pick up their child at all. The scientists would both observe the actions of each group by how much infants cry by attaching a microphone close to their mouths. The results were that the babies in the skin-to-skin group were significantly less than babies that were kept in a cot. The skin-to-skin group had a mean score of 13.4 seconds per 5-minute period while the cot group had 33.4 seconds per 5-minute period. The cot group cried less as time passed but the skin-to-skin group decreased rapidly after being put skin-to-skin with their fathers, within the first 15 minutes. Also, skin-to-skin contact showed infants in a drowsy state within 60 minutes of contact with their father while the cot group only achieved this state with 110 minutes. This type of care is recommended for the care of preterm infants when the mother is not present. During the separation of mother and baby the father should be considered the primary caregiver.

Premature infants have the hardest time trying to adapt to the outside world. Their immune systems are weak and they are not strong enough to fend off infections and temperature changes. Also, the premature baby is not as developed. They exhibit signs of lower cognitive and motor skills. This can cause mothers to have problems bonding with their child. Incubators can make social interaction with their children even more difficult. Kangaroo Mother Care is helpful in this instance to aid in the bonding and health of a premature baby. The simple touch of a mother and baby will stimulate growth and development of the infant's brain and bodies. This important touch has a high possibility with breast feeding your infant because of the skin to skin contact. The more time a mother can have to hold her baby and gaze into his or her eyes will help her feel less depressed and she will perceive her infant as less abnormal. Women who tend to their child using Kangaroo Mother Care were more able to talk about their feelings, positive or negative. Kangaroo Mothers shared their strong emotions with their care givers and support groups. Premature mothers had feelings of great disappointments and loss of a normal pregnancy. Also, guilt over their child's stressful and painful life so far. These emotions slowly started to fade as Kangaroo Mother Care was administered and mother and baby began to acquaint themselves. Because, mother and infant begin to build a strong relationship, mothers have increased self esteem and more joy. They are fully confident in taking their infant home and caring for them.

Scientists did a study to compare Kangaroo Mother Care against incubator care for thermal regulation. Hypothermia is common in low birth weight infants. Premature babies use half of all their energy trying to maintain body temperature. This takes a toll on premature babies because they don't have enough energy to fend off infection and support body development. KMC has shown to improve blood oxygenation, lower infection rates. The babies cry less and are alert for a longer period of time. This also leads mothers to breast feed for a longer period of time and mothers to stay in the hospital for a shorter period of time. The study was done in Nigeria from May to July 2001. Thirteen infants were tested in this experiment. Because this study was done in a third-world country the results will be even more effective in first-world situations. Low body weight infants were observed to have fewer episodes in KMC than in incubator care. Some cases of hyperthermia were documented for babies of Kangaroo Mother Care. Hyperthermia is when the body temperature becomes too high and above the norm. Because the incubators were in a third-world country the electricity would shut off and babies temperature will become irregular. Kangaroo Mother Care is better for third-world mothers because they are able to regulate their babies' body temperatures more easily.

The last key to a successful Kangaroo Mother Care treatment is full support from the close family. Both mother and father should participate in the care for their own infant and build their relationship with their newborn together. The transition from hospital to home can be a tough one. There are no nurses to take care of you and doctors to constantly monitor you throughout the day. Many mothers of premature infants may see this as a daunting task but thankfully Kangaroo Mother Care prepares mother and father exactly for this moment. Kangaroo Mother Care should empower them with confidence that they can take care of and raise their child even though he or she was born premature.

In 2008, a group of researching scientist wanted to test out the hypothesis that Kangaroo Mother Care creates a climate in the family, which enhances infants' performance on the developmental quotient scale. They used the HOME (Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment) test in determining whether or not Kangaroo Care mothers create a better overall environment for the premature baby then a traditional care mom whose baby was treated in an incubator. The father's involvement in the raising of his premature infant greatly affected the home environment of the baby. The information was gather by an interview composed of 45 yes or no questions. Of the 45 questions, 18 of the questions can be answered by simple observation and the other 27 require an interview. The results of the interviews and observations suggested that Kangaroo Families (mean =.28) compared to Traditional Care families (mean = -.51) provided a more developmentally oriented caregiving environment. Kangaroo Families are also more open and welcoming into their home opposed to the traditional care group. High father involvement had a huge positive impact in the family atmosphere. When fathers are more involved the families are more stimulating and open to neighbors and mothers have more positive interactions with her infant. There was a strong association between HOME scores and the infants' developmental quotient, indicating that infants benefit more from a positive home environment. This study promotes the idea that both parents should take a part in Kangaroo Mother Care for the full effects to take place in their premature infant. Mother and Father will gain strong bonds with their premature baby by continuously providing care and support for each other and their child.

Kangaroo Mother Care consists of three key components the kangaroo position, breast feeding and family support. The first key to help develop a premature baby after birth is to position the baby on the mother's chest if the infant is healthy enough. This should mimic the same body-temperature regulation as an incubator. This skin-to-skin contact will allow the mother to realize that she is able to take care of the premature baby despite the child's size. The second key is breast feeding and the importance of touch. This component is important to stabilize the babies health and start a special bond between both parents and infant. Kangaroo Mother Care allows parents to feel that they are no longer helpless to their premature infant's situation. They can now feel responsible and the connection between infant and parents are now stronger. This special closeness between mother and baby will allow the mother to heal psychologically but also help regulate the baby's temperature and heart rate. Breast feeding has also been shown to improve neurological development and IQ. The final and most important key to the long-term development of a premature infant is family support. This key is essential for both mother and infant. The father's role in family support is significant to the overall home environment. Mother's become more receptive and aware of the infant. With both parents working in unison with one another to promote the health of the premature infant the family environment will become more stimulating and positive. A strong home environment will cause the premature infant to grow and mature faster than traditional care infants.

Kangaroo Mother Care can be used in a variety of different scenarios. The lowest level of care that KMC can be administered is to setting with little to no neonatal care for the premature infant. This environment may be a birth that has taken place at home or in a country where there are little to no incubators. Kangaroo Mother Care can also be applied in middle to low income countries. The hospitals in these countries may only have a limited amount of incubators for premature infants. Therefore, with no space left infants will need to be taken care of by a human incubator, their mother. In high-income countries where access to numerous amount of incubators are readily available Kangaroo Mother Care is not needed because of an insufficiency but to establish a bond between mother and infant; also to encourage breast feeding. Premature babies are able to be quickly stabilized in an incubator and then taken out to reunite with it's mother. This moment will allow mothers and infants a time to lower their stress levels and bond on a deeper level. The quicker a premature infant can be returned back to their mother, the more of a bond they can establish before they are discharged home.

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Baby Blues, Postpartum Depression or Postpartum Psychosis?

After my baby was born, whenever I cried or felt sad everyone just kept telling me that I had the baby blues or that it was my hormones still out of sorts. I had insomnia; I couldn't eat; I was anxious and nervous all the time. I suffered panic attacks, I would cry all the time for no reason. Then eventually I thought I was going to lose my mind and hurt my baby. I was living in fear.

Postpartum Depression is so much more than what people think depression is. This illness takes on many different forms and each woman has different thoughts and feelings associated with their postpartum illness. When you talk to women out there on their experience with PPD some just feel a sense of not wanting to be around their baby and not take care of the child. Other women just note that they could not stop crying. Some felt sad, lonely and had mood swings. Others had thoughts of hurting themselves or their baby. We need to be aware that postpartum depression can have one or many symptoms and any one of them cannot be overlooked.

The differences between baby blues, postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis.

Most say that the "baby blues" comes a few days after delivery and is a mild form of anxiety and sadness. It will go away on its own within a few weeks with no treatment necessary.
Some symptoms of the baby blues are:
sadness and crying
feeling overwhelmed or anxious
mood swings
lack of energy and fatigue

What is the difference from the baby blues and postpartum depression?
Postpartum depression will not go away by itself. If your baby blues lasts longer than two weeks and you have the the following symptoms (along with the ones listed for the baby blues) you may now have postpartum depression:
Thoughts of hurting the baby
Thoughts of hurting yourself
Not having any interest in the baby
Hard time eating

Postpartum Psychosis:
Seeing things that aren't there
Feeling confused
Having rapid mood swings
Trying to hurt yourself or your baby

Postpartum Depression only occurs in about 10% of women and it is not really talked about that often. It is hard to recognize at first because most people will tell you that the feelings you are experiencing are normal and you just have "the baby blues." If your feelings continue to get worse as time goes on and you are not feeling better, you must seek out medical attention and talk to your doctor. Postpartum depression can get worse if it is not dealt with.

Postpartum Psychosis is rarely talked about because women are ashamed of the feelings that they are experiencing. Postpartum psychosis only occurs in 1-3 of every 1000 mothers. If you think that you are experiencing postpartum psychosis, please seek out medical attention immediately. Some tragic stories of postpartum psychosis end in suicide of the mother and possibly the baby. Women were too ashamed of the overall feelings that they were experiencing and did not want to seek out the help that they needed.

There are so many places to turn to if you are experiencing any irrational thoughts or feelings, please reach out. Of the the best places to start is your doctor. You can also seek out help through Postpartum International or any other health facility in your area. Your doctor can surely guide you in the right direction for medications and therapy. This is an illness that will get better with time. You may need to have a combination of medication and therapy, but do not be ashamed to talk about the feelings that you are experiencing. Once you start talking, people will start listening. You will start feeling better!

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Pregnancy Massage and the Benefits of Pregnancy Massage

The great physical, mental and emotional changes of pregnancy affect your lifestyle, your job and your relationships with friends and family. Pregnancy massage helps you integrate these changes successfully. Massage during pregnancy offers undeniable physical benefits. Massage is healthy and helpful to expectant mothers and pregnancy massage therapy is used to improve overall health, decrease stress and relieve muscle aches and pains. It addresses the many discomforts associated with the skeletal, muscular and circulation changes brought on by hormone shifts during pregnancy.

Massage alleviates low back, hip and leg pain, oedema, nausea, heartburn and constipation. Regular massage decreases anxiety and lowers stress hormones during pregnancy. Labour is shorter and easier while babies are healthier. There are fewer obstetric and postnatal complications, such as premature birth and low birth weight. Massage is good for you and your baby's health. Mothers massaged during pregnancy bond better with their babies.

Massage relaxes you which eases the discomforts of pregnancy. Massage makes you feel great and this boosts your self-confidence and happiness. Pregnancy massage strengthens your immune system, reduces the negative effects of stress, improves the quality of sleep and gives you more energy.

In addition to calming the nervous system and relaxing tight muscles, circulation is increased by massage so nutrients and oxygen essential for health and energy are transported to the organs and tissues while metabolic waste that make you feel fatigued or nauseous during pregnancy is removed.

Massage during pregnancy makes the lymph system function more efficiently which boosts the immune system and removes excess toxins. Massage also helps stabilize hormone levels and mood swings. Expectant mothers can find relief from the depression and anxiety caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Benefits of Pregnancy Massage

Massage therapy is a wonderful, complimentary choice for prenatal care and a healthy way to promote general well-being and reduce stress. Pregnancy massage is an important addition to prenatal health care and is not a luxury. Massage helps to relieve pregnancy's normal discomforts, such as oedema, joint pain, headaches, backache, leg cramps and stiff neck. It can also give you a better night's sleep as it relaxes and soothes the nervous system. Below are examples of how massage can benefit you throughout your pregnancy:

Massage in the First Trimester

  • Relieves muscular tension and headaches

  • Helps balance emotional and hormonal changes

  • Helps alleviate morning sickness

  • Improves circulation and oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles as well as removal of metabolic waste

  • Reduces fatigue

  • Reduces strain on the joints

  • Induces relaxation, reduces stress and creates a supportive, caring environment

Massage in the Second Trimester

  • Eases heartburn and constipation since overall relaxation stimulates and balances digestion and elimination

  • Alleviates muscle cramping, pain and joint dysfunction in the back, hips and shoulders

  • Alleviates sciatica

  • Relieves leg cramps

  • Assists postural alignment to relieve pain from uterine ligament strain

  • Helps to lengthen the spine and create more space for the baby

  • Helps maintain blood flow through the pelvic area which reduces blood and fluid congestion in the legs

  • Improves skin elasticity, reducing stretch marks

Massage in the Third Trimester

  • Reduces swelling/oedema

  • Continuous assessment for early detection of preeclampsia and deep vein thrombosis

  • Relief from restriction in the groin can increase blood and lymph return from the legs

  • Relieves pain from varicosities

  • Enhances sleep

  • Relaxes and calms your baby

  • Prepares pelvic muscles for the birth process by relaxing them

  • Relaxation brought by frequent massage reduces the build up of discomfort, impatience and anxiety in the last weeks of pregnancy

  • Helps in inducing labour in post-term pregnancies or in inducing early labour in high risk pregnancies such as large babies in diabetic mothers

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Are you interested in home treatments for postpartum depression that may be just as effective as expensive treatments but at a much lesser cost? They are convenient, cost-effective and easily available over the counter, or through your natural health practitioner because you can do them in your own home. As you are in charge, this approach may work for you and may even speed up your recovery.

As you already know, depression can take control of your life - unless you do something about it. You're in a devastated state where you're constantly worried how to get through another day. Depression is cheating you, taking away the happiness you could cherish when being together with your child. On top of that, the expenses for treating depression may be too much for your family to handle. It may turn into a vicious cycle with no assurance of getting better any time soon.

What if I told you that there is a fast and permanent method that breaks the cycle of depression, and gives you back your freedom, would you be interested? Reading word for word of this article, you'll soon find about the method that helped may people over last 10 years to brake the chains of depression, and go back to your normal life, to enjoy your baby, your children (if you have more), and your partner again. They want you back!

Home treatments for postpartum depression are convenient and easy to use. These are alternative therapies that may even enhance your current treatments. Having a healthy lifestyle is one way to reduce depression.

  • The stress brought about by this condition will make you anxious most of the time. Relaxing your body enables your mind and body to recuperate from these stresses. Incorporate physical activities, like regular exercise or taking a walk with your baby, in your day to day routine. Avoid eating chocolate, and drinking alcohol.

  • Home treatments for postpartum depression may also include herbs such as St. John's wort. This herb is known to increase 'happy' hormones. Since depressed people lack these 'happy' hormones, St. John's wort may stimulate production of these hormones to alleviate depression in as little as three weeks. However, this herb may interact with other drugs that you might be taking. It's better to consult your physician first before initiating this treatment.

  • 5-htp is another very potent natural antidepressant remedy that occurs naturally as an amino acid in our body. It works similar to antidepressant drugs but without any of the nasty side effects. The same holds true for SAMe that also occur naturally in the body although 5-htp has proven to be more effective.

When you are breastfeeding you have to be especially careful with any kind of medicines, so always double check with your physician, gynecologist, or pediatrician if the supplements that you intend to take are interfering with breastfeeding.

  • Other natural remedies for postpartum depression may be in the form of food nutrients. Omega 3 is believed to be an anti-depressant nutrient. Omega 3 sources are usually found in fish and fish oil supplements. Therapeutic dosages lie around 4g/day, or 4000mg daily.

  • Folate or vitamin B12 rich foods s are green leafy vegetables, poultry, and dairy products. Some studies showed that folate may alleviate depression in some individuals.

Home treatments for postpartum depression may not be suitable for everyone. If you're currently taking medications to treat other medical conditions, consult your doctor first before trying these treatments. The road to happiness is challenging when you have depression. Always focus on your goals and never lose hope. Imagine how wonderful it is to be the mother you always wanted to be.

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Do health issues with fast food even matter?

There are plenty of people consuming junk food right now well aware of what's in it and what it will do to their health and body. I think a lot of people forget this. Some people completely bypass the health issues with fast food and just eat it.

So why do they do it? They like the fast food. Sometimes they like the junk food more than they care about their health.

Two major reasons for health issues not stopping people from buying fast food are chemicals and the environment.

There are Chemicals put in the food to make sure you come back to eat more, chemicals that are highly addictive. One example of this is high fructose corn syrup, which isn't only put in sugary foods, but actually many foods you wouldn't even think of!

The Second issue is environment.

By environment, I mean the environment some of these businesses create within their business. For example, not to pick on only them, but McDonalds has play places for children, televisions (in some) for adults, and large seating areas.

The McDonalds in my area actually compares to a restaurant. It has fancy lighting and very comfortable seats and so on.

Additionally, for some, taking the kids out to eat is the only family time they can actually get. It's the only environment where there is a lack of stress (sans dietary/chemical). I can really sympathize with this although it's on the sad side. I believe anyone can recreate their life to the point where they are able to provide a positive and nourishing environment for not only themselves, but also those they care about.

The point I am trying to make is that junk food isn't only about the taste of the food. There are many underlying reasons for why you or someone else eats it.

The solution is simple.

These companies are just satisfying the demand. As long as the American people and the people of this world demand fast food, it will be served. But if you take a stand, and demand healthy food, and demand that they improve their business, their service, they must.

The number one goal of a corporation is to make a profit. If the demand is for healthy food, it will be satisfied.

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1. Enhances the parent-infant bond - bonding between you and your newborn may not happen straight away. Massage is special one-to-one time; an activity you can do with your baby and enjoy together.

2. Strengthens the immune system - massage has shown to increase the number of antibodies which help fight off infection. Stress hormones are reduced thus improving the immune system. Massaging on a daily basis is ideal for your baby. Once a day rather than once a week is best for your baby; this is how your baby will benefit from massage. Regularity and consistency is the key!

3. Relieves wind, 'colic' or constipation - massaging your baby's abdomen using specific massage strokes and exercises may help relieve abdominal wind and colic if performed on a regular basis. This is a natural way you are able to assist your baby's discomfort. It is very important to massage in a CLOCKWISE direction as this is the direction or flow of the intestinal system. When looking at your baby, always start on the left hand side massaging gently across to the right hand side.

4. Improves sleep - massage will help your baby regulate their sleep pattern by increasing the serotonin levels and by regulating the amount of melatonin, which helps induce sleep.

5. Assists with relieving post-natal depression - did you know as many as one in seven new parents are affected by post-natal depression? Learning how to massage your baby with a certified infant massage instructor will allow you to understand your baby's body language (non-verbal cues). It is a wonderful opportunity to take time to nurture both yourself and your baby in a supportive, relaxing environment.

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Fundamental factors that influence puberty

Different research papers have found direct genetic effects to account for at least 46% of the variation of timing of puberty in well-nourished populations. The genetic relationship of timing is strongest between mothers and daughters. The specific genes affecting timing are unknown. Researchers have hypothesized that early puberty onset may be caused by certain hair care products containing estrogen or placenta, and by certain chemicals, which are use in making cosmetics, toys, and plastic food containers.

Genetic factors account for half of the variation of the timing of puberty, followed by environment factors, which are clearly important as well. Nutrition is the most important of the environmental influence. One of the foremost observed environmental effects is high altitude. But a number of others have been identified, all which affect timing of female puberty more clearly than male puberty.

Effects of hormone and steroids
Theories derived from research work and animal evidence show that environmental hormones and chemicals may affect aspects of prenatal (before birth) or postnatal (after birth) sexual development in humans. Huge amounts of incompletely metabolized estrogen and progesterone from pharmaceutical products are excreted into the sewage systems of big cities, and are sometimes noticeable in the environment. Excessive exposure of a child to hormones or other substances that activate estrogen or androgen receptors could induce some or all of the changes of puberty.

Conspicuous level of partial puberty from direct exposure of young children to small but significant amounts of pharmaceutical sex steroids from exposure at home may be detected during medical evaluation for precocious puberty (attainment of puberty earlier than normal).

BPA (Bisphenol A) is a chemical use in making plastics, and it is often use in making baby bottles, water bottles, sports equipment, medical devices, and as a coating in food and beverage cans. Medical scientist are concerned about BPA's behavioral effects on fetuses, infants, and children. Their current exposure levels can effect the prostate gland, mammary gland, and lead to early puberty in girls. BPA mimics and interferes with the action of estrogen, which is an important regulator of reproduction and development. It diffuses out of plastic into liquids and foods that may be consumed by children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found measurable amounts of BPA in the bodies of more than 90 percent of the U.S. population studied. The highest estimated daily intakes of BPA was found in infants and children.

Effect of nutritional factor
Nutritional factors are the most conspicuous and most powerful environmental factors affecting timing of puberty. Female children are especially sensitive to nutritional regulation because more often excess calories are reflected in the amount of their body fat, which signals to the brain the availability of resources for initiation of puberty.

For most of the last few centuries much evidence suggests that, nutritional differences accounted for bulk of variation of puberty timing in different populations. Today there is a global increase in the consumption of animal protein, better dieting, and increase in childhood obesity. This have resulted in falling ages of puberty, mainly in those populations with the higher preceding ages. Available dietary energy (simple calories) is the most important dietary influence on timing of puberty. The quality of the diet plays a major role as well. As occurred with typical vegetarian, lower protein intakes and higher dietary fiber intakes, are associated with later onset and slower progression of female puberty.

Effect of obesity
Medical scientists have connected early obesity with an earlier onset of puberty in females. Obesity have been cited as a cause of breast development before nine years and menarche (commencement of menstruation) before twelve years.

Effect of exercise
Especially in females, the average level of daily physical activity has also been observed to affect timing of puberty. Increase level of exercise, whether for athletic or body image purposes, or for daily subsistence, reduces body fat and energy calories available for reproduction and there by slows puberty. The effect of exercise is often amplified by a reduced body fat mass and cholesterol.

Effect of physical and mental illness
Obviously chronic diseases can delay puberty in both males and females. Those that interfere with nutrition have the strongest effect. Inflammatory bowel disease, chronic parasite infections and tuberculosis have been notorious for such an effect.

If mental illnesses occur in puberty. The brain undergoes considerable development by hormones which can contribute to mood disorders such as Major depressive disorder.

Effect of social and stress factors
Psychological and social factors are some of the least understood environmental influences on timing of puberty. They are the least in comparison with the effects of genetics, nutrition, and general health. Mechanisms of these social effects are unknown, though different types of physiological processes, including pheromones (chemical emission from an animal that has influence on the behavior or body chemistry of another animal of the same species) have been suggested based on animal research.

The family is the most important part of a child psychosocial environment. Social influence researchers have investigated features of family structure and function in relation to earlier or later female puberty. Most of the studies have reported that menarche may occur earlier in females in high-stress households, whose parent (fathers) are absent during their early childhood, who have a stepfather in the home, who are subjected to prolonged sexual harassment in childhood, or who are adopted from a developing country at a young age. Conversely, when a girl grows up in a large family with a biological father present, menarche may be slightly later.

Wartime with threat to physical survival is a more extreme degrees of environmental stress, that have been found to be associated with delay of maturation, an effect that may be compounded by poor nutrition.

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Employee Wellness Programs are being implemented to promote health among employees. Employee Wellness Program (EWP) goals are to educate, inform and bring awareness to individual health and safety. Companies use wellness programs as a way to increase productivity and morale while, decreasing healthcare costs, absenteeism and presenteeism. Businesses large and small are facilitating activities and programs that focus on preventive health and health maintenance. Employers are also working to improve employees' quality of life and quality of work.

These programs range from lunch and learn sessions and personal nutrition consulting, to providing quiet rooms and fitness studios. Employees are motivated to participate through strategic marketing (allowing employee involvement in planning) and recognition. Employees track progress in many areas including blood pressure, blood glucose, body mass index, eating habits, physical activity level, and use of stress management techniques. Data is gathered through testing and reporting. Programming is now branching out and being presented in diverse ways including blogs, e-newsletters and online reporting.

Corporate wellness program design includes the following steps:

1. Identifying employee health conditions and needs- This can be learned/discovered by conducting health risk appraisals on employees and analyzing company data such as health care costs, rate of employee absenteeism and its overall affect on company's workers' compensation claims. National health data may also be used and compared to general employee demographics to obtain common health needs areas.

2. Assessing employee willingness to participate in an employee wellness program- This is achieved by gathering information in the form of a survey covering what motivators, days/ times for program implementation and program areas that employees would prefer.

3. Planning and presenting the program layout- Share program format and processes with managers, company stakeholders and decision makers for buy in and support. Be sure to highlight how the program will benefit the company's bottom line. Focus on mission and program goals. Include a projected budget. Work in evaluation methods and health screening procedures.

4. Implementing a marketing campaign and EWPs- Marketing can include paycheck stuffers, poster flyers, and a health fair rally or kick off. Programming can involve physical fitness programs, smoking cessation programs, pre/postnatal programs, self care programs and financial wellness programs among many other programs.

5. Evaluating the success of the program- Appraise employee participation and satisfaction along with post health screening. Analyze results factoring in employee successes, failures and a benefit to cost effectiveness if possible. Periodically make adjustments to program as needed.

Companies are increasingly moving toward taking a role in employees' health and well being. Executives and human resource managers should strongly consider reviewing the company's current wellness program. EWPs should reflect the company's genuine support for employee health and honor each employee's value to the business operation.

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Your dog is fully capable of caring for both itself and for its pups, after birthing. However, you should do what you can to help lessen the strain, as birthing for dogs is as tiring and draining as it is for humans. Think about it this way: if you had just given birth, you'd probably like to have a little help and support!

The most important thing to do after your dog gives birth is to bring your dog and the puppies to the vet. Going to the vet early on can save you and your dog a lot of grief later on. The vet will check for complications and possible problems after birthing.

After your dog has been declared fit and healthy by your vet, you should bring the dog home and continue to monitor its activities closely. Your dog will be easily tired so you should restrain it from going out, but not prevent it from doing any exercise. You will need to continue to feed your dog properly, and your dog will still require more than the food it was accustomed to before it got pregnant. So, feed your dog with the right amount of dog food, and do not neglect to give your dog plenty of water either. Give it time, and your dog will gradually start to recover its previous energy levels.

New mothers will feel the urge to defecate more often than normal, so you should be sure to keep your dog's kennel clean, with a ready newspaper on which to defecate. You also should not neglect brushing your dog's hair regularly, because she will probably be shedding more hair than usual.

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Postnatal depression is relatively common, when a new mother finds herself miserable and unhappy following the birth of her baby, often due to raging hormones. Usually the depression lifts within a few days, weeks or months, although in some cases professional help is needed.

"The more we discuss it the more it encourages others to seek help. Depression is still taboo, not really accepted, but there isn't a need for the guilt, the isolation. Just tell someone."

Occasionally, however, expectant mothers start to feel depressed before the baby is born, a feeling made much worse as pregnancy is a time in a woman's life when the whole world expects her to feel happy, cheerful and excited. While it may sound bizarre, depression during pregnancy is much more common than you might think, affecting an estimated 10 - 20 percent of all future moms.

Why We Get Prenatal Depression

Many women experience the usual mood swings during pregnancy, often brought on by hormones. Problems with partners, which often are combined with worries about money, can exacerbate the situation. However, there are some factors which may make you more prone to prenatal depression than other people. They include:

* Problems with the pregnancy. In an ideal world, we get pregnant easily, soar through a fantastic pregnancy and deliver the perfect child in two pushes. Sadly, that's often not the case. If you suffer from nasty morning sickness or something more serious, such as potential problems with your unborn baby, you can easily begin to feel unwell, unhappy and frightened.

* General stress. Many of us have stressful lives, which normally we cope with fairly well. But when we have the added burden of pregnancy - and the thought that soon we'll have responsibility for someone else's life as well, then things can build up fast.

* Problems with your partner. Any type of difficulty with your partner, be it husband, boyfriend or girlfriend, can make you experience anxiety over becoming a parent, whether it's the first time or the fifth.

* Past history of abuse. Women with a history of abuse, sexually or otherwise, may have mixed feelings about their pregnancy. They may, subconsciously or consciously, not want to bring a baby into such as cruel world. Also, the feelings that your body is "out of control" may being back feelings you had in the past of feeling utterly helpless.

* History of problems getting pregnant. If you had IVF or just had difficulties conceiving, you may feel undue pressure on you to feel completely overjoyed now that you're finally pregnant. Sometimes that pressure becomes too much and backfires, making you feel miserable.

* Feelings of lack of control. Women who regulate their lives with military-like precision sometimes feel that pregnancy is something they cannot control, and therefore something to be feared.

* History of depression. If you or a close family member suffers from depression or has in the past, you have a greater chance of being depressed during your pregnancy.

Symptoms of Prenatal Depression

Many of the symptoms women who have the baby blues - before their child is born - experience are similar to those who experience depression in general. Keep in mind, however, that everyone feels depressed from time to time, and having some depressed times during your pregnancy does not mean you are suffering from prenatal depression. Saying that, some symptoms include:

* Crying

* Undue anxiety

* Sleep problems which are not due to frequent urination

* Unending or deep feelings of fatigue

* Appetite disturbance

* Loss of enjoyment of regular activities which you previously enjoyed

* Poor fetal attachment

What to Do About It

If you feel that you or someone you know may be suffering from prenatal depression, the best thing to do is to talk about it. Sharing your feelings and realizing that you are not the only person in the universe not to feel 100 percent elated about being pregnant is the first step. You may be surprised about how common your feelings are, and sometimes sharing your fears is all you need.

Other ways to combat depression involve taking good care of yourself. That will mean eating right, sleeping right, doing gentle exercise regularly and allowing yourself time to get pampered and focus solely on you. Some women also like to try acupuncture or other alternative therapies that are safe for pregnant women.

In some cases, you may need to get help from a trained medical professional. Cognitive behavioral therapy often works well, as does group therapy. Some women benefit from sessions where they learn to meditate and relax. For others, medication is required.

Case Study

"Jenny Knight" (not her real name) tried to get pregnant for years due to severe endometriosis, and when she did, she felt elated. But that elation quickly gave way to depression. "Everything would upset me. I didn't feel so much depressed as much as very moody. It didn't make sense as I was enjoying my work again and life was moving on, so I didn't know why I was feeling so low," she says.

Very quickly, Jenny's feelings of moodiness began to get replaced by intense feelings of fear. She began to worry that she would miscarry and lose the baby, and became obsessed with a nagging feeling of potential loss. That feeling was exacerbated when her army husband, George, went on a tour of duty abroad for six months.

"I started having the feeling that now that I had been given the baby inside me, that something bad would happen to him instead," she says. "It just didn't make sense. Here I was with the thing that I wanted most in the world after all these infertility treatments, and I was feeling anxious, very scared, and I could see that a lot of how I felt was irrational, it certainly wasn't normal."

Jenny wanted to tell her husband how she felt, but that fact he was far away made it difficult. She also felt he would find her attitude "disloyal". So she finally broke down and told her doctor the truth. "I couldn't cope with the lies anymore, I didn't like lying to both sets of families, my husband and friends. I just felt it was all a farce, and that really broke me rather than the final thought of the baby."

When her son Gerry was born, he didn't initially cry and Jenny was positive he had died. But once she realized he was okay things slowly began to get better. She saw a counselor for ten weeks and slowly began to bond with her baby. "Eventually I found a book bout prenatal depression written with case histories. It made me realize I wasn't the only one in the world, and that I wasn't on my own," she says.

"The more we discuss it the more it encourages others to seek help. Depression is still taboo, not really accepted, but there isn't a need for the guilt, the isolation. Just tell someone."

The information in the article is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care an appropriate health care provider.

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Every woman is worn out after giving birth to her newborn baby. The nine months of pregnancy are tiring especially for a new mother, and she must have adequate rest after her delivery. Taking care of a newborn demands a lot of patience, expertise and constant work. It is really difficulty to cope up with all this pressure especially during the post natal period and this could lead to postnatal depression. This is why every mother should have someone to take care of her and in the absence of a suitable family member, avail confinement nanny services so that she can properly take care of the baby and herself.

The following tips will help you in the process.

* Hiring a confinement nanny should be done before the first trimester is over. This is because many people avail this facility and bookings need to be made in advance. If you don't start early, you will not be able to get a good confinement lady. Also you need plenty of rest in the ending weeks of pregnancy, so you cannot afford to go through such a rigorous process at a later stage and you don't want to have to settle for just anybody.

* Contact your relatives and friends. There will be at least some mothers who have availed the services of a confinement nanny. You can ask them to recommend someone to you who is well aware of confinement duties and practices and benefited greatly from it

* Experience is key in this field because she can be a great help to you. Not only will she be able to take care of the baby and you, but will manage other household duties side by side. She can also give you very useful tips on how to manage time between your husband and the new member of the family so that nobody gets neglected.

* When you have selected a confinement nanny, thoroughly brief her about her duties and let her know your expected date so that she can arrive at your house before the baby does. Observe how she responds to your questions, is she patient and detailed in explaining? Does she brushes off what you ask? A good nanny

* Most importantly, see if you feel comfortable with her. A lot of things can be said and promised to seal the job but you wouldn't know until your confinement starts. There are cases where confinement ladies are confirmed for a job over the phone from a recommendation from a friend only to realize later that it wasn't so 'good' a recommendation. Everyone's expectations are different so it is advisable to meet her in person and gauge the affinity. And always trust your gut instinct, it goes a long way.

If you don't hire a good confinement lady, then she can be more of a burden rather than a help. Usually if you treat her well and not like your maid, she would also treat you and your baby lovingly. So follow these tips and you should have a well-rested and enjoyable confinement and not troubled with the arrival of the new baby which should always be a great blessing.

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Pregnancy is an exciting time for an expectant mother, although it can also be one of the most stressful due to the radical changes taking place within the body. As the body changes, strange and sometime unusual phenomena may take place. One such phenomena is a medical condition known as tinnitus, also referred to as ringing in the ears. Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, does not only affect pregnant women, worldwide one in five individual are affected by the condition.

However, in pregnant women, tinnitus takes on a more troubling dimension because it seems to come from out of nowhere and can be a frightening experience for those who never experienced it. For those who have experienced tinnitus in the past, pregnancy seems to heighten the severity, frequency and duration of the annoying sounds. Needless to say, with the many already aggravations of pregnancy from the morning sickness to the mental doubts, ringing in the ears is an unwelcome presence.

Aspects of Pregnancy Leading to Tinnitus

So, what exactly brings on the ringing ears during pregnancy? Scientific research on the subject has revealed the following connections:

  • High blood pressure has been known to cause or to intensity tinnitus. In pregnant women, blood pressure levels can become elevated and lead to hypertension.

  • The increased levels of emotional and physical stress, coupled with the fatigue experienced by pregnant women also heighten awareness and brings on episodes of tinnitus. It appears that the expectant mothers increased sensitivity to her surroundings also makes her more sensitive to the triggers that cause tinnitus.

  • Depression is common in expectant and new mothers, which is known as pre and postpartum depression. Unfortunately, this medical condition has been known to lead to tinnitus among susceptible individuals.

  • The use of anti-depression drugs have also been known to trigger tinnitus

For some women, the ringing in the ears they experienced during pregnancy does not stop after the baby has been delivered. New mothers are constantly under emotional and physical stress caring for a newborn. Stress is one of the leading causes of tinnitus; therefore, experiencing tinnitus after the baby is born is not an unusual occurrence.

Safe Treatments
Fortunately, there is good news for tinnitus sufferers including expectant mothers. Ringing in the ears can be significantly lessened in intensity, severity and duration, if not completely eliminated during and after pregnancy. Since expectant mothers have to think of the unborn baby, they must seek medical advice before taking any medication to reduce the affects of tinnitus. Your doctor is the best professional to perform diagnostic tests to determine and treat the causes of your tinnitus.

Adapting a healthy lifestyle will help you reduce the symptoms associate with tinnitus. This includes:

  • Avoid possible irritants like loud noises in the environment. Wearing ear plugs when around loud noises to block out loud sounds will help.

  • Use white noise to mask any ringing sounds you may be suffering from. White noise machines can be purchased; however, playing a radio or TV softly in the background is just as effective.

  • Take care of your heart's health. Taking care of your heart will help you avoid high blood pressure. Studies have shown that high blood pressure is one of the causes of tinnitus.

By talking to your doctor and taking the necessary step to prevent or cope with the ring in the ear sounds you hear during your pregnancy, you will be able to enjoy your pregnancy without the unwanted ringing sounds brought on by your pregnancy.

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