目前分類:maternity insurance (461)

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Long gone are the days when you could have a baby at home with the assistance of just a midwife and a few warm towels. Being pregnant and having a baby is huge business, and an increasingly dangerous proposition, and if you aren't covered by some sort of health insurance maternity coverage, you may find your newborn baby costing you a lot more than you had anticipated.

Of course, it is all but impossible to try and go get health insurance maternity coverage once you are already pregnant, so if you are trying to get pregnant or see the possibility of it in your future, then you need to get your medical insurance policy immediately. Even if you aren't pregnant yet, you may find that there is a waiting period after you have signed up for your policy, which would prevent coverage for you if you became pregnant during the first few months.

Finally, the type of health insurance maternity coverage that you get is vitally important, especially if you are looking to work with one particular OB/GYN or hospital. You will be going for many tests, procedures, and check-ups during the time you are pregnant, and you will still require care after you are pregnant (as will your baby), so it is worth it to spend the time to find a policy that allows you to see who you want and when you want. Obviously, you will also want a policy that has the lowest possible deductible for each visit to the doctor.

So, take the time before you get pregnant to do your research and start shopping around for health insurance maternity coverage as soon as you can. Having a baby without any kind of medical insurance is a price that you just don't want to pay.

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Are you pregnant? Then you should know the various steps of the pregnancy. There are different trimesters like first, second and third trimesters. We will discuss here about third trimester of pregnancy. Pregnancy Week by Week: Third Trimester is the final stage of child delivery. The third trimester covers the whole period of 29-40 weeks of pregnancy.

At this stage, baby will grow fast in the womb of mother. His body will be weighty at high speed. At the third trimester, the most important and vital parts of the body will grow into maturity. The whole respiratory mechanism inclusive of lungs will take the proper shapes. Within 37 and 42 weeks, your neonate will be fully matured and ready for seeing the daylight coming out of the womb. At the time of the delivery, you will face Braxton Hicks and pain. After the child birth, you will see that your baby is healthy with 18-21 lengthy body.

The average weight of the neonate will be approximately 7.5 pounds. So far as the Pregnancy Week by Week: Third Trimester is concerned, at this final trimester, you will experience similar episode of uneasiness, fatigue and physical discomfiture as you experienced at the first trimester. At the third trimester, a matured pregnant woman will feel loneliness and she will find it difficult to sleep properly. If you want to go to sound sleep, you must collect body pillow which should be placed between your legs.

Now collect another pillow for supporting your back. It will provide you pleasure and comfort. If you check properly the Pregnancy Week by Week: Third Trimester, you will find that the pregnant mom will face a number of problems which must be tackled very carefully so that the unborn baby in the womb must not be injured. This is the final stage of the child delivery and you must take care of your body so that you will be out of the risk of being injured or wounded. The heartburn is the common physical discomfiture which a pregnant woman experiences at Pregnancy Week by Week: Third Trimester.

Heartburn mainly occurs when your baby tries to create pressure by hitting upward in your womb with his limbs or head. Your stomach will be pressurized by your baby as it will rotate in your womb. Therefore you should take the small amount of meal at short intervals. It will be better for you to sit on your bed for the first couple of hours after taking lunch and dinner. It will help you to overtake the severity of heartburn. If you closely follow the Pregnancy Week by Week: Third Trimester, you will see that within the 30 weeks of pregnancy, the approximate weight of your baby will be 2.9 pounds with 15.7 inches in length. During this period you will feel dejected and tired. You need to revitalize yourself to spend time in carefree attitude.

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Couples facing infertility often have very limited health insurance options. Most insurance plans simply do not cover infertility treatments. Fifteen states mandate coverage at some level, but even if you work in one of the covered states there are many loopholes. With the recently passed Health Care Reform Act, perhaps there is some relief in sight for couples looking for coverage.

In an earlier article we looked to see if the Health Care Reform Act directly addressed infertility coverage in any way. Looking at the Senate version of the bill widely available on the internet, and using the word search feature found in Adobe documents we were able to find absolutely no references for infertility, IVF, ART, and a variety of other terms significant for couples trying to conceive. It appears that the bill does not directly address infertility health insurance coverage.

So we ask ourselves; is there any indirect assistance? Fertility drugs such as Bravelle, Clomid, Follistim, etc., can make up a significant component to the total cost of infertility. Health insurance plans that cover the cost of these drugs makes a big difference in the affordability of infertility treatments.

One of the key components of the bill addresses prescription drug coverage - an important feature of any health insurance plan. So let's see how many mentions there might be for "prescription": the term "prescription" is mentioned 136 times. Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope.

Of the 136 mentions of prescriptions, every single mention is associated with Medicare Part D: the prescription drug plan associated with the government run health plan for seniors. Medicare is our country's health insurance program for people over the age of 65. Most couples trying to conceive are far too young to qualify for this coverage, so most of the mentions won't apply.

But Medicare also covers people who have disabilities, permanent kidney failure, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease). Younger people in the latter two categories may qualify for Medicare, but may not be healthy enough to have children. This leaves only a very narrow segment of couples trying to conceive who might be impacted by the Part D legislation. We can conclude that this portion of the legislation is of little help.

So it seems that there is nothing concrete in the bill relating to fertility drugs. But we will keep looking, and reporting back to you want we find. In the meantime, remember that many of the bills components do not go fully into effect until 2014. For those looking for coverage right now, consider that supplemental health insurance can help you recoup some of your infertility treatment costs when you deliver your happy healthy baby.

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Artificial insemination has been widely used by couples with an infertility problem. It is a procedure in where sperm is placed into female's uterus to make the woman pregnant. The method was first used for insemination of cattle, but today it is also applied in humans and some other animals such as those in zoos. The sperm can be either from the partner of the woman or from a sperm donor if her partner has a low sperm count or no sperm at all, or the woman does not have a partner but still wants to get pregnant. The success rate depends on the infertility problem, age and some health factors, but overall it is between 5 to 20%, which is quite good. Now, how much does artificial insemination cost?

The fact is, artificial insemination is quite expensive and not all couples can afford it. However, this method is cheaper than in vitro fertilization (IVF) and is considered to be the best option for some couples. Couples that have a hard time trying to conceive using ovulation timing intercourse or relaying only on fertility drugs often have poor success. Artificial Insemination instead allows fertilization to happen naturally which is a wonderful feeling for couples, especially the woman. The method involves several diagnoses, examinations and consultations. Doctors in many cases also prescribe drugs to increase the success rate. The drugs can be in the form of ovulations drugs or drugs for women who are allergic to sperm. Commonly, couples may need more than one session applying the method, as conceiving on the first try is unlikely. One session costs vary from $300 - $700, depends on the clinic, the nature of the problem, the age and some other factors. However, in case you have to do several sessions, you need to be prepared to pay from $1000 to $5000. Often times, the drugs are excluded from the overall package and they can vary from less than $100 up to several thousand dollars, depending on what the doctor prescribes. If you go to an average clinic, the doctor might prescribe you affordable drugs. If you do it in an expensive clinic, the doctor might prescribe expensive drugs.

In addition, hospital stay is sometimes required for patients in certain conditions. Sperm washing that is necessary is also excluded and costs about $100. To see the progress after you do the method, ultrasound is required and it costs about $300 in each checking. In total, you are looking at approximately $5000 to $10,000, although you might pay much less than that. However, always expect to have to pay more just in case. Some insurance companies insure artificial insemination and you need to check with your insurance whether they cover it.

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The arrival of a new baby is considered as a major life event and therefore it requires quite a bit of careful preparation. The work starts from choosing an obstetrician to getting the baby's nursery ready. There will be many different things on your to-do list as parents before your baby arrives. You should learn how to decorate the nursery and start making changes to make your home baby proof. You can check various resources online that will help you in getting these things done appropriately and practically. Below are some important things to keep in mind when you are preparing to have a baby:

Prepare the medical details

Once you confirmed that you are pregnant, it is best to call your insurance company to inquire and register for their benefits program related to pregnancy. You should a highly recommended obstetrician that will help you in delivering your baby at a hospital of your choice. You have to make sure that you plan your monthly prenatal visits even during the early pregnancy, since visits with the obstetrician are very important for good prenatal care. Once you have started your prenatal visits and you are into your second or third trimester of pregnancy, you can also pre-register at hospital you feel comfortable at, which will help to prevent a long check-in procedure once you are already in labor. Be sure to participate in childbirth classes at the hospital and familiarize yourself and take a tour of the hospital maternity wing.

Read a few good pregnancy books

Some expectant mom's read good books to get useful information on preparing for the arrival of their new babies. Most of them choose a book called "What to Expect When You're Expecting", this book is the standard classic that the majority of mom's tend to reach for. The book contains a full of useful information. Another book is Vicki Iovine's "The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy", which provides a lighter approach on pregnancy and delivery that expectant moms may also enjoy.

Make a newborn checklist of everything you need

If this is your first baby, it is highly possible that someone close to you like family members or friends will want to throw you a baby shower. Make a list of the items that you want for your baby to let your shower guests know the things that you truly need. Whether this is your first baby or your third baby, however, there is a variety of items that you will definitely need.

Create a list everything you need and check the baby items off as you buy them. Be sure that you have the baby essentials which include crib, stroller, car seat, diapers and clothes for your baby. Other item which is optional is a baby bath tub; it will come in handy for the early weeks with your new baby.

Get baby's room ready

Regardless of if you are planning to have your baby sleep in a place right next to your bed or if you have a complete nursery set up in a different room, you should get your baby's space ready before his or her arrival. Having a new baby involves creating a comfortable space for another human being. You should set up the crib, bassinet and other baby furniture in his or her room. Moreover, keep in mind that it is important to keep the crib sheets washed and clean. In addition, you need to wash all of baby's clothing and have diapers as well as baby wipes available.

These are just a few things that will help you in preparing for having a baby. It is best to take some time to go over this newborn baby checklist because you may find things of your own to add to the list. Not only will this preparation make things go more easily when you bring you new baby home from the hospital, it will also occupy your mind while you anxiously wait for the arrival of your new angel.

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IVF cost can be very expensive; be sure you know exactly what you are paying for. Not all clinics charge the same, so be sure to do your research. Common questions about IVF costs:

1. How much will IVF cost?

IVF will cost an average of $12,000. You will be paying at least $10,000 and maybe even up to $15,000 depending on your area. The costs listed are for a standard IVF procedure. This does not include assisted hatching, ICSI, or egg/sperm donation.

2. Can I get a "packaged deal" on IVF?

Yes you can. Some clinics offer programs for multiple IVF's. You pay a lump sum, usually around $30,000, for a few chances at IVF. Some clinics will even return a portion of this money if you do not have success after the third IVF. When considering this option please think about your chances of becoming pregnant using IVF. If your chances are good you may not want to go for this option. For example, you and your partner have to go through IVF because your tubes have been removed. Your fertility is good, other than the fact that the sperm cannot get to the egg. You decide to do the package deal, but end up having a baby on the first try. Now you have spent $30,000 on an IVF cycle that should have cost you $12,000. I am not telling you to rule it out, because it can be a great option for some people. Most people don't get pregnant on the first try.

3. Does insurance cover IVF?

Some people are lucky enough to have insurance cover IVF, but most insurance only covers a certain number of tries, or it does not cover it at all! You may want to check into this before beginning your IVF cycle. If your insurance does not cover IVF and you can find a job easily in your area, then you may even want to consider changing jobs to a company that has IVF coverage.

4. Are there any hidden fees?

If you want to do ICSI, assisted hatching or use donor eggs or sperm, then there will be additional charges. When deciding if you want to use any of these methods please keep in mind the fact that they can increase your chances of success, and in the long run they can lower the cost of IVF.

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You are pregnant and you are cautious. This does not mean a road trip with your family is out of the question. As long as you have clearance from your doctor, you should be okay to enjoy yourself. Still, it is advisable to remember that traveling during pregnancy does present with its own share of challenges.

If you arm yourself with a few tricks in advance of hitting the open road, you are likely to have a much easier time of it. Some of the things to keep in mind before heading out include:

Consider your route carefully - It is a very good idea to map out a route that affords a lot of rest stops and stretching breaks. While frequent restroom breaks might not be required, it is better to err on the side of caution. Plus, it is very easy to get cramped up and uncomfortable if you do not stop frequently to stretch. Try to avoid long stretches of highway that are barren of gas stations, hotels or restaurants.

Learn to use the seatbelt right - It is much safer to travel with this on rather than off. To wear it correctly during pregnancy, put the lap belt under the baby belly. Going without a seatbelt, even during pregnancy, is illegal in most areas.

Bring snacks and water - It is a good idea to stay well fueled and hydrated during a road trip, especially during pregnancy. Having healthy snacks along can help you resist the urge to stop at fast-food places. This, of course, is always better for the baby. When you do stop for meals, try to choose wisely. Too much junk food on a road trip can make you feel terrible, no matter your condition.

Dress correctly - Long road trips call for comfortable clothes. This is especially so if you are pregnant. Wear comfortable shoes, pants and a loose-fitting shirt.

Avoid sitting too close to the air bags - Unless you absolutely have to in order to drive, scoot your seat back from the air bags as much as you can. Air bags provide built-in safety, but you do need more clearance from them when you are pregnant.

Bring medical information along - It is not a bad idea to have your medical information along with you just in case. Your current prenatal record and insurance card can come in handy if an emergency does arise.

Pace yourself - Traveling while you are pregnant can be a big challenge. Do not expect to make it halfway across the country in a day. Build in time for plenty of rest stops and pace the trip accordingly. This will take stress off you and help you enjoy the ride a whole lot more.

Bring pillows - It is a good idea to have travel pillows along for the ride. You can use these to slightly elevate your feet while you are riding as a passenger. You can also use them to lessen lower back pain if this has become an issue.

Traveling during pregnancy is generally just fine to do. If you plan on going by car, prepare in advance to make the journey more enjoyable.

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As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of an unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist.We have spent most of the time in this series discussing the conventional and Chinese medicine in treating fertility. I believe, it is the best time to change the subject by discussing how to treat infertility with over counter medicine-- guaifenesin.

I. Definition
Guaifenesin is also known as glyceryl guaiacolate, it is one of the ingredients found from the over counter medicine syrups and has been used to assist the bringing up of phlegm from the airways in acute respiratory tract infections.

II. How over counter guaifenesin helps to treat infertility
1. Cervical mucus
Some studies show that guaifenesin can improve the rate of pregnancy, because it promotes the secretion of friendly cervical mucus, thus enhancing sperm invasion for egg fertilization. There was a report that some women in their 40 were able to conceive after 6 months of continuing of taking the medicine. In fact, most of the trials have proven that guaifenesin increases the chance of fertility.

2. Analgesic use
Besides helping to normalizing the menstrual cycle by reducing pain during menstruation, guaifenesin also helps to improve nervous tension caused by inflammation, resulting in lessening the risks of nervous disorder, including over active uterine muscles and depression.

3. Anticoagulants
It is said that guaifenesin also decreases the coagulant effects in the arteries that help the blood to get thinner, thereby increasing the blood flow to the reproductive organ, leasing to enhancing the chance of fertility.

III. Risks and side effects
Over dose of guaifenesin may cause
1. Nausea,
2. Vomiting
3. Formation of kidney stones of uric acid

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If you are considering taking out a loan to pay for your IVF treatments consider using a portion of your financing to purchase supplemental insurance. Not only will you protect your credit score, but you will gain peace of mind and some extra income to enjoy bonding with your baby.

Many couples find themselves in a tough spot: In Vitro Fertilization gives them the best chance of finally having that baby, but their health insurance will not cover the treatments. Many of these couples don't have a large enough nest-egg built up to cover the costs of IVF treatments - so they borrow money and hope to pay it back over time. Some couples can find financing specifically for IVF, while others use credit cards or borrow against the equity in their home.

Dangerous Gamble

Borrowing money to pay for IVF treatments is a dangerous gamble for many couples. The added expense of the IVF treatments is often just the tip of the iceberg. What many fail to consider is that finances can change dramatically when In Vitro Fertilization works: you conceive and deliver a baby.

Getting pregnant and having a baby adds extra expenses for food, clothing, furniture and more. Plus, there is mom's lost income to take into account. At minimum she may be losing six weeks of income for her normal labor and delivery.

What should be a happy time sometimes works out the opposite: mom experiences pregnancy complications, or the baby is born premature and spends weeks in the hospital. Sometimes this translates into months of lost income for mom's disability, and then an extended family leave to care for your infant at home.

When this happens the regular bills start piling up, and then the extra loan payments start to kick in - just when you are taking a big income hit. Your credit score starts to plummet making it more difficult to find additional financing.

Supplemental Insurance Protects Financing

Use some of your loan proceeds to fund the purchase of supplemental insurance before starting IVF. Your benefit for normal delivery may greatly exceed the premium you pay helping you offset your IVF costs.

Plus you are also covered in case of pregnancy complications and premature birth giving you the financial freedom to get healthy without worrying about your bills and your credit score.

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When you are planning a pregnancy, you should consider a pregnancy planning checklist and at the same time consult a physician to ensure safe pregnancy. This is one of the most important phases of every woman's life. It is the endeavor of every parent to provide the best environment and facilities to their children. This same sentiment should drive us to excel during the phase of pregnancy.

Some Tips On Pregnancy Planning

  • Pregnancy planning checklist starts with a visit to a physician to pass the elementary tests to prove your fitness for motherhood and fatherhood. These tests help you to know if you have some weakness in your body, which is a hindrance in the development of the fetus. The physician will help you to regain a healthy body if you have had any history of illness, if you were using birth control pills, if you have low sperm count or if you have any deformity in your reproductive organs. Inform your doctor if you have had contact with teratogens. Your doctor will inform you if you need genetic counseling. It is required if you are in close relation to each other or if the woman is more than 35 years old. There are some other reasons as well.

  • Visit a dentist to ensure that both of you have fine teeth.

  • You should always make love when the woman is most fertile. Make a chart of your menstruation cycle and find out the ovulation period. The ovulation periods of every woman starts from the 14th day once the menstruation period is over. Usually, conception is much easier during this period. Else, you have to take a fertility test.

  • This is an important point of pregnancy planning checklist. The woman who desires to become a mother should start taking multi vitamins pills and folic acid. Women who do not have a healthy body should take more doses of folic acid. Folic acid removes the defects of the pregnancy and helps in the formation of skull and brain of the baby. Calcium should also become a part of your daily diet. Calcium is necessary do develop strong bones for the body of the baby. Your daily intake should include green leafy vegetables, fruits and nuts, juices and milk, milk products and fortified cereals. Avoid uncooked or grilled food and fish rich in mercury. Also, avoid red meat and junk food.

  • Physically fit and healthy parents give birth to healthy babies. All the rest just give birth to babies. Try to gain proper weight if you are under weight or over weight. Follow a fixed routine of exercise and abstain from smoking and alcohol, both are harmful to healthy growth of baby.

  • If you are working in an environment, which is risky, then consider changing your work or take a long leave from work to avert any mishap in your pregnancy. Avoid taking any medicines or herbs on the advice of unrecognized practitioner lest you jeopardize your pregnancy.

  • Plan your finances so that you do not feel the pinch of money at the nick of time in case of any emergency. Consider all options; always add some more money for contingencies. This should top your pregnancy planning checklist. A health insurance cover can provide you relief if you have planned your pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy is the period when every woman should enjoy her womanhood. Give a lot of room to yourself. Indulge in doing what you have dreamt to do the most. Read books, decorate your room and house, find time for some meditation, listen to music, watch TV, be close to nature, go for morning and evening walks, in a garden if possible, the works. These items should be the top agenda on the pregnancy planning checklist of every woman.

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    Collecting state maternity leave benefits is a hit or miss proposition. Many women assume that the federal or state government will automatically provide at least some level of maternity leave pay when they deliver their baby. In the U.S. government sponsored maternity leave benefits are the exception rather than the rule. There is no federal government program, and only five states have mandated short term disability programs in place. And some of those programs fall woefully short. Women working in one of the forty five states with no mandated state programs have to plan ahead, and find the right coverage before getting pregnant.

    Many European countries mandate a significant level of paid maternity leave benefits. Not so in the United States. There is the Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which provides unpaid job leave protection for women during maternity leave. But of course "unpaid" means there is no income replacement whatsoever. Five states have state mandated short term disability insurance which pays a benefit for a normal maternity leave: California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. That leaves forty five states with no paid maternity leave coverage at all.

    If you live in one of the states with mandated coverage consider yourself lucky - up to a point. The state programs provide a minimal amount of coverage, and it may not suffice for many women. The New York state disability program illustrates this best. New York has one of the country's highest cost of living, and along with that comes the highest per capita income level. This is especially true in New York City. The New York state disability program replaces up to fifty percent of income, and caps out at $170 per week. The $170 per week cap represents fifty percent income replacement for a woman earning $17,680 annually.

    For a state with very high incomes, the NY level of income replacement is nominal. A couple might be able to get by as long as everyone is healthy, and mom can return to work right away. But what will happen if mom needs to leave work before her delivery, or experiences delivery complications, or has an accident, or get sick?

    And what about the women in the forty five states with no mandated state coverage at all? The same questions apply as well. If they work for an employer who provides paid maternity benefits - great. But this represents a very small minority. Some may be lucky enough to work where there is a company subsidized group short term disability program that will protect them while they work for that particular employer. Others may be lucky enough to have a voluntary short term disability option which they can pay by payroll deduction, and take with them if they leave the employer.

    The largest segment has none of these options. Fortunately, they can purchase individual short term disability that covers pregnancy and maternity leave. Provided they purchase a policy before getting pregnant, an individual short term disability insurance policy will cover their normal labor and delivery - creating maternity leave pay.

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    The social insurance scheme in Cyprus is based on the Social Insurance Law of 1980 with amendments and regulations issued thereafter, and has the objective of protecting insured persons from financial hardship. Some of the benefits provided by the social insurance scheme are: old-age pension, social assistance, unemployment and maternity benefits, as well as grants for marriage, childbirth and compensations for industrial accidents.

    In this article, we shall look into the old-age pension as applicable to non-EU countries nationals (say, Russia expatriates) who come and work in Cyprus for number of years, after which return in their home country.

    All workers employed in Cyprus, irrespective of their nationality, are compulsorily withheld 6.8% of their earnings as contribution to the social insurance fund. In addition, the employer and the Cyprus government, respectively contribute 6.8% and 4.3% to the fund, making the total contribution equal to 17.9%. The fund is run by the state and used to pay various social benefits (unemployment, pension, maternity etc.).

    Without discrimination, Russian expatriates and their family members can enjoy all applicable social benefits while legally residing in Cyprus and making contributions. However, when it comes to old-age pension, in the event the expatriate leaves Cyprus, social insurance contributions will not be paid in cash (or otherwise) or transferred to the Russian pension scheme. The contributions will remain in the fund until pensionable age is reached (65) and number of conditions met before payment. One of those conditions, applicable to those reaching pensionable age between 3.1.2010 and 1.1.2012, is the contribution of social insurance for at least 7 years. As from 2.1.2012 the contribution condition is increased to 10 years, effectively making it more difficult to gain Cyprus pension from temporary employment in Cyprus.

    The changing demographics and economics of the social insurance scheme make it hard to predict what will be the social insurance legislation in the next 20-30 years. Pensionable age may be raised to 70 years, contributions increased by more than currently anticipated or Cyprus and Russian may enter into a bilateral agreement extending their social benefit to those who move between the two countries.

    In most cases, social insurance contributions by Russian expatriated will be "lost" and years of employment in Cyprus not credited in Russia, representing a major drawback for those whose retirement plan is entirely based on state pension income. Therefore, depending on the case, one may need an adjustment to the retirement plan in order to adequately compensate for the reduction in state pension income. Some possible venues for putting money for the long-term and reducing taxable income at the same time, may be: contributions to approved provident fund and term/life insurances. You should contact your tax consultant for further advice.

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    Why Should I Review My Individual or Family Health Insurance Plan?

    The bottom line as in all insurance plans is to protect you and or your family from devastating expense should there be an illness or accident requiring medical expense. Many consumers are able to obtain health insurance through employer sponsored group plans and in many instances this may be the best route. However not all employer plans are ideal and as such many are
    to comprehensive for your entire family making the premiums much higher. Unless the employer covers the entire cost for you and your family you actually be paying a higher premium than you could obtain buying individual health insurance on your own. In other words suppose that you have a fully comprehensive corporate sponsored health plan that is fully funded by your employer.

    If you then chose to add a family member to that same health insurance plan your employer may not cover any of the cost for those members and in turn you may be grossly overpaying for family health insurance, and should at least do some shopping and compare plans from outside of the corporate sponsored plan to see if you could obtain sufficient coverage for your family for less.
    Additionally self employed workers should consider an individual health insurance plans or a family health insurance plan. In recent months many people have lost their jobs, and experienced transitions in the workforce causing many to lose their employer sponsored health insurance leaving both them and their families without crucial coverage. Many cannot afford at the exorbitant cost of a COBRA plan they are offered when the leave an employer and may go unprotected for a few or many months while seeking employment. Most insurance companies now offer Short Term Medical Insurance also know as Temporary Insurance as an alternative to COBRA these plans can be purchase from 1 to 12 months to cover the in between employment transition time.
    How Can I Determine What I Want in a Health Insurance Plan?
    There are a few variables to consider when determining what plan will work best to suit your needs. You must determine what features are important and how comprehensive you want your plan to be. Would you prefer a plan that includes co-pays for doctor visits and medications? Would you prefer a plan that pays everything from day one, or a plan that has coverage for a major medical expense but offers low premiums and tax advantages. Let's break this down a little further.
    Fully Comprehensive Plans - These plans usually have a choice of deductibles once they are met the insurer will cover the first dollar of all medical expenses these plans are usually considered the Cadillac and will have the most protection for you and your family from day one but will also be reflected in the premium cost.
    Co-Pay Insurance Plans - A insurance plan that will pay just a fixed amount of the cost of prescriptions drugs and Doctor Office visits. Some insurance carriers provide a discounted co-pay plan that limits the plan to two Dr office visits per year.

    Coinsurance Plans/ Major Medical Insurance - This is a middle of the road plan that typically has a higher deductible of your choice ranging from $1000-$5000  that requires you to pay for all medical expenses until the deductible is met then pay 20% of all treatment and the insurer pay 80%. These plans are only a good choice for those who prefer to exchange a lower premium for covering more of the initial cost of routine medical expenses (co-pays, Dr. Visits) and just want the coverage for any major medical issues or accidents.
    Health Savings Accounts (HSA's) - This plan is like a self managed insurance that offers low premiums combined with high deductibles, the insurer pays 100% of expenses after the deductible is met . The insurer sets up a tax sheltered savings account for you where the money can grow tax deferred to use for covering your deductible. The account comes with a debit card to use for office visits and prescriptions. This plan goes with you wherever you go and is owned by you. The premium savings can be huge but it is important to contribute to the plan consistently in order to cover your deductible in the event of a major medical expense. These plans are gaining popularity with self employed and even corporations as an alternative to high insurance cost. The benefits are one deductible per family per year, low premiums, tax savings, and more control over insurance expenditures.
    Keep in mind that insurance companies will combine different features of the plans above to offer different ranges of premiums. Most plans will allow for you to choose a coinsurance amount from 0 to 50% where you choose the portion of all medical expenses you will pay after you pay the deductible. Other options are deductibles themselves which range anywhere from $500 to $5000 dollars before the insurance coverage kicks in. Many rider options may be available as well such as a maternity rider, dental, life insurance and the Health Savings Account also offers an Indemnity rider should you have a major medical expense before you have accumulated enough cash in the HSA to cover the deductible.
    Where Should I Purchase Health Insurance?
    Most any reputable Licensed Agent can help you, most people research rates and options online these days and can run a spreadsheet from most agents' website. You can usually choose what features you want on the plan such as deductibles, co-pays, coinsurance, and plan type this will help you narrow down the options presented to you then work backwards from there.
    Regardless of what any agent may tell you the rates are set by the carriers.
    You will find the same rates with the same providers everywhere and in fact when you apply online you are actually going direct to the carrier. You should stick with carriers that have a high Rating with A.M. Best or Standard and Poors which rate Insurance companies on the financial strength and ability to pay claims. Avoid companies that offer plans with rates that seem to low compared to other health plans, plans that accept you even if you have serious preexisting conditions or major illnesses, plans that claim to not be regulated by the state and plans that avoid calling the plan insurance. Most importantly do your homework and speak with an agent if you are unsure what plan suits you best.

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    What is a pre-existing condition?

    Everyone who's ever had health insurance has heard of pre-existing conditions. But what are they really? A pre-existing condition is any condition that has been diagnosed or treated before the beginning of an insurance policy. Pre-existing conditions range from the flu to cancer. They also include maternity, chronic conditions like heart disease, and the lingering effects of injuries.

    Why won't my insurance company cover a pre-existing condition?

    If that sounds like a broad category, it is. But what an insurance company is really looking for in a pre-existing condition is their risk of high cost claims. They might not think anything of a patient with the seasonal flu. When underwriting group policies like those offered by employers, insurance companies are weighing the cost of claims for the whole group, not just in one person. In America, new members of a group are given by law a limit to the time an insurance company can refuse to pay claims on a pre-existing condition. Coverage on a previous group plan waives some of this pre-existing condition time.

    What if I am pregnant? Can I get health insurance?

    For maternity benefits, insurance companies can add a waiting period from the time of enrollment in the plan until the time these benefits are available. Any pregnancy that occurs during the waiting period is not covered. This is more common on individual family policies. Individual family policies are evaluated for risk based on the family. If one member of the family has a serious pre-existing condition, this can make getting individual family coverage more difficult.

    What else can I do if I have a pre-existing condition and need health insurance or travel insurance?

    So what can someone with a pre-existing condition do? There are several possibilities depending on the exact condition.

    One is to stay on a group policy. Another is to be accepted for a guaranteed renewable individual policy before any pre-existing conditions occur. Then as long as you pay the premium, you can keep the coverage no matter the condition you contract in the future. A good broker should know which policies are guaranteed and which are underwritten individually each year.

    You can also agree to strict coverage limits for your pre-existing condition or a rider leaving your pre-existing condition off the policy but covering other conditions. This is not to say that there are not some conditions that are simply very difficult to get coverage for. This often happens when someone on a employer's group policy must leave their job because of a disabling condition. A good broker will work to get you the best policy possible, but options can get very expensive.

    You can purchase international travel insurance from multiple insurance carriers even if you have a pre-existing condition.

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    You must be wondering how twenty one weeks have passed, and you are now 22 weeks pregnant. It seems that time just slipped away with a wink. But it is not actually so. Let me tell you that the entire pregnancy time of yours is scientifically split into three complete trimesters. You have just ended the first and stepped into the second. Happy going indeed!

    You are fortunate enough to have reached the stage of being 22 weeks pregnant without facing much discomfort. If this time has been comfortable one, then yours has been an easy sail through. But for many women sailing in the same boat, the first trimester brings in a lot of anxiety, sickness, and unexplainable changes in the behavior and body. For a majority of them, the morning begins with feeling puckish, which lasts the entire day. In such a situation, the volley of advices thrown by the near and dear ones to be more wary of the pregnancy diet sounds hollow. There is much pain and you can't explain - where? Your physical and mental inabilities overshadow the happiness of becoming a mother very soon. But not to worry, once the baby is in your hands and smiles at you, you will forget all that happened in the various pregnancy stages. The calm expression on the child's face will make you forget the trouble and turmoil involved in bearing it.

    Now, for a 22 weeks pregnant lady, it's the beginning of the second trimester. You must be feeling that both you and your child have adapted to the bodily changes. But then comes the time for the expansion in body. The belly will become slightly visible as you and the child has begun to grown at a relatively steady rate. This stage is particularly crucial for the expectant mother. The expert's opinion on this will make her proceed on the path of pregnancy in a more intelligent manner. For this much required information, she can either consult her gynecologist or log on to some website having pregnancy information posted by field expert medical practitioners. In the absence of such knowledge, the expectant mother may find herself in a difficult situation, combating the changes occurring within and outside his body.

    When you get 22 weeks pregnant, the baby within will start gaining weight. It is, in fact, the trimester of growth. Week after week, you will witness sizable increase in your belly size. This happens because your baby is now over a pound in weight and almost a foot in length. In addition, the baby in the womb will start picking up features that will be reflected finally at the time of delivery. Moreover, it is not only the stage of the child's pancreatic growth but also its hormonal production.

    Being 22 weeks pregnant, the uterus will stretch far more what it was like in the previous trimester. Moving of the child near naval and increased appetite are the symptoms experienced in this week. However, it is a generalized opinion that the trimester about to come is more eventful compared to first; so wait and watch!

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    What Does Acupuncture Actually Mean?

    Acupuncture involves inserting and sometimes manipulating very thin needles into very specific points in the body. It's similar to physical therapy in that it is a process-oriented (i.e. ongoing) method of intervention. The insertion of the various needles are said to stimulate energy flow "Qi" (tee). Treatments for women with infertility commonly last three to four months spanning the time prior to insemination and after IVF. It's important to note that a commitment to acupuncture treatment means more than turning yourself over for needle manipulation. Most practitioners trained in Chinese medicine will conduct a complete physical workup that includes examination of the color of the tongue and taking of the pulse. The information from these preliminary activities helps the practitioner to understand the blood flow, body fluid balance and energy levels of the particular patient.

    How Could Acupuncture Help a Woman Get Pregnant?

    Because acupuncture appears to increase blood flow to vital organs, it may help in the regulation of hormone levels, and even improve ovarian and follicular function, making for healthier eggs. Also, blood flow to the uterus may increase, permitting for a thick lining of the endometrium that increases the chances that the uterus will hold implanted eggs to term with no miscarriage. For these reasons, it is not unrealistic to assume (and a few studies even seem to suggest) that acupuncture may improve the success rate of medical interventions such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

    Acupuncture is not going to help a woman get pregnant if her problem stems from something that needs surgical correction, such as a blockage in her fallopian tubes. But, in the special case of spasmed fallopian tubes (as opposed to blocked tubes) there may be some relief through acupuncture -- there have been cases in which spasmed tubes are de-spasmed (and therefore opened up) with acupuncture. That can be critical, because fallopian tubes must be open to permit an egg to travel past the cervix where it can be either inseminated or harvested.

    Further, sometimes Acupuncture is combined with herbal medicine to treat hormonal imbalances, irregularities in a woman's menstrual cycle, and even some male factor infertility.

    What do the Studies Really Say?

    While many advocates claim that acupuncture can relieve almost any medical condition, it is now somewhat accepted that acupuncture can at least temporarily relieve pain and even regulate blood pressure by stimulating the central nervous system. These effects are achieved because the use of acupuncture causes the body to release endorphins which inhibit pain and gives the body the feeling of wellness. Endorphins may also release certain neurotransmitters and neurohormones, which some say encourage the body to heal itself.

    A few studies have suggested acupuncture's benefits specifically when used in conjunction with IVF. A small German study in 2002 demonstrated a near doubling of pregnancy rates for women who received acupuncture both shortly before and shortly after embryo transfer. Another study in Great Britain produced similar results -- this study showed the odds of conceiving increased by about 65 percent for women who received acupuncture shortly before and after IVF procedures. Dr. Paul C. Magarelli, an infertility doctor at the Reproductive Medicine & Fertility Center in Colorado Springs, Colo., is co-author of an ongoing study into the use of acupuncture with IVF with Dr. Diane K. Cridennda, a licensed acupuncturist. While Magarelli was initially skeptical, he says he has been convinced by the data in his study that acupuncture improves a woman's chances of getting pregnant with IVF, and holding that pregnancy to term.

    All of these studies were small in scale. One board-certified endocrinologist with the Reproductive Medicine Group in Tampa, Florida, Samuel Tarantino, acknowledges that existing studies have yielded good information, but the evidence is not yet sufficient to support a claim that acupuncture is a proven treatment for infertility. He attributes some of the reported success to a placebo effect. In other words, "if a patient believes it will work, it will work because of that. The brain has an intense power to heal itself." "It's impossible to say at this point," said Dr. Robert Schenken, president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, is another fertility specialist who feels that not enough controlled data from human clinical studies has been produced to draw any conclusions about acupuncture's effectiveness with infertile women.

    If I want to use Acupuncture as Part of my Treatment, How Do I Go About It?

    An increasing number of fertility centers have begun to offer acupuncture as an option as part of an IVF treatment protocol (bear in mind that even if your clinic offers it or gives you a referral, Insurance usually doesn't cover the cost of acupuncture, and a single treatment can cost anywhere from $75 up to $90). If you plan to use acupuncture as part of your overall treatment plan, consider beginning treatment three to four months before a medical procedure like artificial insemination or (IVF). Then, continue treatments both before and after insemination or embryo transfer. Do be sure to use an licensed acupuncturist with experience treating fertility. Your acupuncturist should not place needles in the abdomino-pelvic area after insemination or transfer.There is some risk that inadvertent mistakes in the placement of the needles by an acupuncturist who has not studied fertility could contribute to a miscarriage.

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    Deciding where you want to give birth can be a little overwhelming. The important thing is to find what you feel is right for you. The best way to go about making this big decision is the good old pros and cons list. Its simply, easy and clear!

    Hospital birth, Birthing Center, Or Home Birth?

    Let's review some of the pros and cons. Hospital birth pros:

    • Suggested birthing place if high risk.

    • If anything goes wrong you have immediate medical assistance.

    • You can get some rest while the nurses take care of your baby.

    • The room service is always nice!

    Hospital Birth Cons:

    • Chance of being coaxed into getting drugs is high.

    • You are not usually able to move freely and birth in different positions.

    • Getting stuck with needles and signing paper in between contractions is never fun!

    • Births are usually viewed as a medical condition rather than being viewed as natural.

    • Risks of being induced, cesarean section and unnecessary medical intervention is higher!

    • The initial bonding between parents and babies is delayed.

    • There is always...the hospital food!

    Birthing Center Pros:

    • They Support natural birthing!

    • Its sorta like getting the best parts of a hospital birth with a home birth feel.

    • Health care providers include nurse-midwives, direct-entry midwives, or nurses working with an obstetrician.

    • You will not get coaxed into an epidural or other drugs.

    • Low Hospital Transfer Rate!

    • May be free-standing, on hospital grounds or inside a hospital building.

    • More birthing options such as positions, birthing balls and water birthing.

    Birthing Center Cons:

    • Not recommended for high risk pregnancies!

    • If medically necessary you will have to be transferred to a hospital.

    • If you change your mind about birthing naturally there usually are no drugs available.

    Home Birth Pros:

    • You are in the comfort of your own home! This can be very stress relieving!

    • No signing of papers or fetal heart monitors holding you down!

    • Midwifes are educated on handling problems that may arise.

    • You can give birth to your baby and climb right into your own bed.

    • More birthing options such as positions, birthing balls and water birthing.

    • Bonding between baby and parents is uninterrupted and highly supported.

    Home Birth Cons:

    • If Something goes medially wrong you may have to be transferred to a hospital.

    • You do not get room service unless you hire them!

    • You must plan for help if you already have children so your able to rest.

    These are just the basics to get you started in weighing the pros and cons of where you want to birth your baby. Its important to communicate with your partner about what you want to experience during the birth of your baby. Talk to your care provider about what the best options are for you when delivering your baby. You may find that your care provider is not the right one for you. You should shop around for a care provider that is in alignment with your beliefs around natural childbirth. Never forget this is the birth of your baby and you have a choice in how the birth takes place and with the right support you can do it the way you always dreamed of!

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    Your belly is huge, your due date has passed, and yet little Susie or Johnny has shown no interest in moving out of his or her cozy home. Your due date is calculated by counting forward 280 days from the start of your last menstrual period. Your due date is only an estimate of when your baby should come and is often off by a number of days. It is very common to deliver past your due date particularly if you are a first time mom. Knowing that it is common provides little comfort when you are the one overdue. Below are our best tips for surviving an overdue pregnancy.

    1. Talk to your doctor.

    Women have varying opinions on labor and childbirth. Some prefer a natural, wait and see approach, while others are very anxious and eagerly interested in induction. In our mother's generation it was not uncommon to deliver at 42 or even 43 weeks. Presently many doctors will induce at 40 or 41 weeks if your cervix is favorable. If you would prefer the wait and see approach, or your cervix is unfavorable for induction, your doctor or midwife will monitor you and baby closely. You will likely have a non stress test or biophysical profile done once or even twice a week if you are overdue. By 42 weeks your doctor will most likely choose to induce regardless of whether you cervix is favorable or not.

    2. Get lots of rest.

    The last month of pregnancy is exhausting. You may not be sleeping well due to discomfort and anxiety about your approaching labor. Remember to keep taking your prenatal vitamins and rest as much as you can. Lack of sleep and fatigue can war on your mood. Use a body pillow at night to help you sleep. Take an afternoon nap if you are not sleeping well or just rest with you feet up if sleep is not possible.

    3. Finish up preparations for baby.

    Now is a good time to finish up those last minute things you need for baby. You may have packed your hospital bag weeks earlier and finished the nursery what seems like ages ago, so here are a few ideas you might not have thought of to keep yourself busy. Install your car seat and have it checked for safety. Many hospitals and insurance companies will do car seat safety checks. Purchase a lullaby CD and set up a rocking chair nearby to rock your baby to sleep. Lastly, if you haven't already now is a good time to buy your husband or partner to bring to work after baby's birth. It's a little old fashioned, but hey some men still do it.

    4. Try relaxation and meditation.

    If you've never done relaxation exercises or meditation this probably sounds a bit corny, but it can't hurt to try it. Purchase a CD if you don't have one already with relaxing music or sounds from the rainforest or beach. Try slow deep breaths relaxing your muscles one at a time. Alternatively, you can purchase a CD or video that gives specific instructions on relaxation exercises. Now would also be a good time to practice relaxation and breathing exercises form your child birth class.

    5. Try natural labor inducers.

    There are a few things you can try to induce labor naturally. Foods such as pineapple and eggplant have been suggested as labor inducers. Cooked in a yummy recipe, it's certainly worth a shot. Cinnamon tea made from cinnamon sticks steeped in hot water is another thing you can try. Walking is something else you can try. The verdict is still out as to whether walking actually helps, but a little exercise is good for the body and soul regardless of effectiveness in inducing labor. There are many other tips, tricks, and old wives tales you can try naturally induce labor. Check with your doctor or midwife before trying anything to naturally induce labor.

    6. Check fetal movements.

    It is very important when you are overdue to keep a close eye on fetal movements. There are variations on how to keep track of fetal kick counts, so talk to your doctor about how to track and monitor your baby's movements. If you notice a decrease or change in your baby's activity call your doctor.

    7. Observe for signs of labor.

    For some women keeping track of signs of labor will bring comfort and others it is plain out discouraging. As you pregnancy comes to an end your body will show sings or readiness for labor. Increasing Braxton Hicks contractions, pelvic achiness, backache, and increasing vaginal secretions are all early signs or labor. Early labor symptoms can begin weeks before labor, but all these signs are reassuring that your body is indeed getting ready for birth.

    8. Keep busy.

    Keeping busy will help keep your mind off of things. Here are a few suggestions to keep yourself busy. Take this time to freeze up a few meals for after baby's birth. This will allow you a little extra time and rest when baby is home. Make a belly cast of your pregnant tummy to commemorate your pregnancy. Start a scrapbook album for your baby. You can include mementos from your pregnancy and prepare pages for after baby's birth. Knitting, crocheting, or other hobbies can also be distracting.

    9. Ask for help.

    If you are having a hard time physically or emotionally ask for support from your family, friends, or health care provider. You may be shouting from the inside, but unless you tell someone they may not know how you feel. If you are having feelings of anxiety or depression talk to your doctor.

    10. Do something nice for yourself.

    A massage, manicure, or trip to the hair salon are all good ideas to treat yourself at the end of pregnancy. If you can't convince baby to come out and play, at least mommy should have a good time.

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    There are a lot of reasons that you may be looking for a cheap 3D ultrasound. Many people who are preparing for a new baby in their home are trying to save up all the money that they can so that they are prepared for the birth of their new child.

    This is one of the main reasons that you may be looking to find a cheap or discounted ultrasound option. While this is usually not something that insurance will cover since it is an elective procedure, you will sometimes find that you can have it done in a doctors office. This can sometimes be more costly though. It is best to find a private facility in order to get your procedure done, because they will sometimes offer coupons and other discounts for you to be able to have the procedure done.

    You may ask yourself this question- why do I need to have a 3d ultrasound? Well the answer is easy. There are many advantages to having this done while you are pregnant. Not only are you able to get really accurate imaging of your unborn baby, but you are also able to make sure that your baby is healthy and active in your womb. You may even be able to see a glimpse of what your baby may look like when he or she is born. Not only are you able to see your baby and rest at ease at night, but you are also able to share the images and video of your new baby with your family and friends.
    Another good reason to find a cheap 3D ultrasound is that you are able to get some more imaging of your baby other than what the physician provides. Most insurance companies will only cover one or two ultrasounds throughout the pregnancy. Opting for elective ultrasounds will let you capture your baby at different intervals within your gestational period. This is priceless, considering the fact that you are only pregnant once.

    There are many options for having this procedure done. While there are a lot of different facilities that offer the procedure, there are also several different places that you can go to find discounted options. Going online is your best option. Some areas are going to have a bigger selection for you to choose from than others. The reason for this has a lot to do with the demand in the area. Most of your bigger cities and metropolitan areas are going to have more providers than your small town cities. You may even be able to find cheaper options in bigger cities.

    It may be beneficial for you to take the time to find a bigger city near you in order to book your ultrasound. This will help to ensure that you are able to get a cheap 3D ultrasound. Meet your baby before he or she is born, it is a great way to bond and build that connection with your child early on.

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    When you and your partner make the decision that you are ready to start your family it can be a very exciting time in your life. First of all, you get to use baby-making as an excuse to rekindle some romance that may have slipped away with the daily routines of your lives. Second, the anticipation of a little one running around, while a bit scary, is invigorating. Finally, you're ready to join the mommy club.

    You and your partner try month after month with no success. You're not worried yet because it has only been a few months. More than six months pass and you still are not pregnant. You start to become a little flustered. What do you do now? If you are under the age of 35, most doctors will tell you to try another six months before you consider alternative methods. Instead of just "trying" for twelve months, which can seem like forever when you want to conceive, I recommend talking with your doctor about some inexpensive initial fertility testing to rule out common problems, such as ovulation irregularities. However, if you are over age 35, then my advice is to talk with your doctor about fertility treatment options and the possibility of a referral to a Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE).

    If you are new to the topic of infertility, you are probably not sure what to ask your doctor or where to look for resources or information. Below are ten important questions to ask your Ob/Gyn:

    1. Do they take a reproductive history to determine if you have any infertility risks such as endometriosis, fibroids, recurrent miscarriages, etc.?

    2. If your doctor hasn't done preliminary fertility blood testing, ask for a full-range of tests to determine if you have any infertility risks. It is important to be aware that some of these tests must be done at certain times in your menstrual cycle. Ask your doctor to explain why she is doing the tests when she is, so that you can be certain that your doctor is performing the test at the appropriate time.

    3. Do they perform a semen analysis on your husband/boyfriend/partner? For example, if your spouse has sperm issues there would be no reason for your Ob/Gyn to prescribe Clomid (a common drug to stimulate ovulation). The goal is to minimize the drugs to which your body is exposed, the expense, and the emotional ups and downs you may experience.

    4. What advice does your doctor offer for life style changes? For example, dietary changes can help increase your fertility as can regular exercise. However, sometimes even diet and exercise are not enough to resolve your medical issues.

    5. What medications do they recommend or procedures do they offer for your condition(s)?

    6. How much experience does he/she have with helping patients overcome their fertility issues? This is an extremely important question, as you do not want to stay with an Ob/Gyn who "dabbles" in fertility treatments because it could cost you time as well as money.

    7. Who within their office can help you understand your health insurance benefits so that you can maximize your coverage for the fertility testing and treatments?

    8. If they suggest Clomid, how many cycles will they recommend before considering additional testing or more advanced medications or treatments?

    9. If they offer artificial insemination, known as intra-uterine insemination (IUI), do they monitor the number of follicles you produce via ultrasound before the insemination procedure takes place? Monitoring the number of follicles will alert them/you of the risk of twins or a high-order (three or more babies) multiple pregnancy.

    10. Which REs do they recommend if advanced procedures are required?

    There are four main organizations dedicated to helping the infertile community gather information as well as provide support either through articles, chat groups, or peer-lead support groups. RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association was founded in 1974 and advocates for the community in many ways, including mandated insurance coverage initiatives (see RESOLVE's website for information on the Family Building Act of 2007). INCIID, the InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination, Inc., was founded in 1995 to provide infertility information and support. INCIID hosts discussion forums on its website. The American Fertility Association was founded in 1999 and offers easy to read informational and educational content on their website. Finally, Fertility LifeLines is a new educational resource for the community and offers discount coupons for certain medications.

    Two of the most effective methods for surviving your fertility journey are to gather information and ask questions. For most of you, your Ob/Gyn will be your first step in the information gathering process. I urge you not to waste the opportunity to both gain as much knowledge as possible from your Ob/Gyn and to know when it is time to move on and seek the assistant of a fertility specialist.

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