目前分類:maternity insurance (461)

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Individual and family health insurance rates have been steadily increasing. If you pay for individual health insurance, then you have noticed the increase in recent years. But there are some specific steps you can take to make your health insurance more affordable.

o Increase your major medical deductible. Since this portion of your policy is the least likely coverage to be used, often changing to a higher deductible will reduce the rate by hundreds of dollars per year. If you have more than three persons insured on the policy, the savings could possibly be thousands of dollars per year.

o Consider a Health Savings Account (HSA). Premiums are lower than most plans, and the tax-deduction of current medical expenses makes this option worth considering. Qualified dental and vision expenses will also be tax-deductible. In many parts of the country, UnitedHealthOne (formerly UnitedHealthCare), Aetna and Anthem offer extremely affordable rates.

o Notify your health insurer if any covered dependent is no longer living in the household and has obtained their own coverage. Often, the insurer does not know unless you tell them. The reduction in premium is likely to be between $40 and $90 per month.

o Utilize preventive coverages on your policy. Most individual health insurance plans include preventive benefits that may not be subject to a deductible. Mammograms, pap smears, Ob/Gyn visits and routine physicals are often provided. By utilizing these benefits, you may be reducing the risk of using other benefits that may have a higher out-of-pocket cost.

o Compare prices of other similar medical plans. If you have been with the same company for more than five years, it's possible that your rate has substantially increased. Assuming you do not have any major medical health conditions, it may be a good time to view online individual health insurance rates.

o Eliminate unneeded coverages. For example, if maternity benefits are no longer needed, and you are paying for the coverage, your individual health insurance rate could substantially reduce by dropping the coverage. Anthem, Humana and UnitedHealthOne offer maternity coverage, so it may be worthwhile to check that you are not paying for this benefit. Dental and vision riders, if not used, should also be eliminated.

o Lose weight or stop smoking! Your initial premium on your policy was based on overall health (including height/weight) and smoking status at the time you originally applied. If you have lost weight and/or stopped smoking, notify your current insurer. It's possible you may be able to reduce your current rate.

o If you are receiving Medicare benefits, then you should remove yourself from the policy. The monthly premium savings should be substantial.

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The essentials element of payroll administration in the UK is to accurately calculate the income tax and national insurance contributions deducted from the employee each pay period, produce payslips for each employee and account to the tax office for the payroll deductions.

Running a payroll system is natural for medium and large companies who may employ specialist payroll staff to perform these functions. Many medium companies may still choose to outsource the payroll function leaving many of the technical issues that might be encountered to a specialist payroll service.

Small businesses may choose to outsource the payroll function because they are not familiar with the paye system although HMRC do run seminars to assist employers. The payroll system not only calculates the tax and national insurance deductions but also has to deal with tax code changes, new employees and changes to existing employees plus taxable benefits and allowances such as statutory payments for sickness and maternity leave, contracting out of the state pension scheme and student loans.

The main benefit of manually producing the employee payroll is the reduced cost although the time spent on the payroll function by the proprietor may be better spent running the business. The cost may not be the cheapest option if an employee is required to produce the payroll. Purchasing payroll software can save significant time and costs for the small business that chooses to prepare and control its own payroll function. Although time is more important as the payroll production cost is not usually a big issue.

Outsourcing payroll adds a small additional cost to running the business but would normally carry worthwhile benefits in reducing the time spent on the function and reduces the paye administrative burden.

Main benefits outsourcing the payroll function.

1. Frees up time in calculating the payroll deductions and dealing with different and sometimes complex employee circumstances.

2. Using a professional outsourcing service to advise on potential payroll problems and difficulties.

3. The cost of outsourcing payroll should be compared against the cost of employing specialist in house payroll staff.

4. Payroll services use payroll software and are more likely to produce accurate tax and national insurance deductions and pay records reducing the prospect of problems with the tax authorities.

5. Payroll administration such as preparing the tax deductions schedules, dealing with starters and leavers, year end certificates for employees and the employer annual returns are normally all automated as part of the payroll service

6. The outsourced service company should also be responsible for producing employee payslips, advising tax and deductions liability and in larger businesses also provide a payroll analysis for accounting purposes.

Alternatives to outsourcing payroll functions.

Finding a suitable outsourced payroll service is not difficult. Local telephone directories or searching the internet would produce many potential payroll service providers.

Many accountancy firms offer payroll services to their clients and although the prices may struggle to be competitive price is always negotiable. Using the business accountant for the payroll has advantages since a substantial cost area for most businesses is already known to the accountant since they prepare the numbers.

Choosing payroll software.

The major alternative to outsourcing the payroll is for the business to acquire and use payroll software.

Larger companies require payroll software that has incorporated within it all the potential pay scenarios and also be capable of dealing with high numbers of employees. Large comprehensive packages can be complex to operate and require specialist wages staff.

Small business may choose simpler less complex payroll software packages that meet the basic needs of the business. It is important the person running the payroll within the wages function understands the payroll essentials and legal payroll administration requirements.

The advantages of choosing payroll software is basically the cost should save the business money against outsourcing the payroll, should retain control over the function and liabilities and ideally should take no more time that supplying employee details and gross wages to the payroll service.

If the business chooses to adopt a payroll software package then the complexity of the package should be considered and also the attributes and capabilities of the chosen software to produce all the payroll requirements in relation to pay and wage deductions, paye administration and employee payslips.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Every one entering the IVF journey wants each cycle to go really well. After all, the best way to save money on the enormous cost of IVF in the US is to have the first cycle result in a positive pregnancy.

For some, success on the first "go" is unlikely; but there are many stories of positive outcomes. The challenge is that you won't know how your body will react to the process until you have gone all the way through the full cycle. If you can not control the outcome, you can at least prepare optimally so that you have the best prospect. This short article details that preparation, putting the tips into 3 large categories to make each step actionable, and the whole thing a little less overwhelming. We want you to give yourself the best possible chance of a positive outcome on the first try.

1. Get Fit Physically.

The first step you'll want to take is get fit physically. The reason why you need to do that is so that your muscles are strong, supple and can support you with as much stamina as might be necessary. You'll also want to know which aches are simply muscle strain and which are something you might want to pay more attention to. With this first step, keeping away from any foods that your body finds hard to process might be a step to consider, and perhaps moderate your caffeine intake. Your routine for falling asleep also becomes very important. You want to be able to fall asleep anywhere, anytime - even if only for a power nap!

You'll want to execute this initial step as fully as you can. If you can't, then at least start a regular walking routine or begin a yoga class, so that you are on your way to learning your body's rhythms and offering it a positive workout for any upcoming emotional stress.

2. Get Fit Financially.

Your 2nd step will be to get fit financially. Unless you have total insurance coverage, the cost of IVF here in the US is quite substantial, and will require quite a bit of planning. You need to clean up any outstanding debt you might have in credit cards, college loans, etc. Avoid adding more debt (in medical loans or a home equity loan) and escalating anything that might cause you additional stress. There are a number of different options to finance fertility beyond loans; there are shared risk programs, clinical trials and grants you can apply for. Your body needs to be stress-free when undergoing IVF, which is why folks turns to acupuncture so frequently. Acupuncture has now been proved to regulate two stress producing hormones (cortisol and prolactin) neither of which help in any way when you're trying to get your body produce good quality eggs and then a receptive uterus.

3. Get Fit Emotionally.

Your third and final step is to get fit emotionally. This step can be an important one considering that the process of IVF is unfamiliar, unnerving and worrying for some ~ all the tests, injections, physical examinations...doctors! No matter how kind, calm and professional those folks are, it can up the stress level for many women. With this final step it is going to be important for you to know how to alter your mood. More than just relaxation, how can you cheer yourself up, calm yourself down, re-focus onto something that you can control or just put yourself into a different state? Having particular music on hand, funny DVDs, luscious lotions with great aromas, candles, games, stress relief toys, the phone number for a really good masseuse/pedicurist/whatever your thing is! This is an excellent time to take up a hobby or craft that is particularly engrossing. Another tip might be to learn how the To Do list function on your mobile phone works and get good at checking things off!

When you take action on each of the 3 steps, you will start to feel calmer and more optimistic about your upcoming IVF journey. Steer clear of naysayers and downers; they may think they're being realistic for you, but honestly, you don't need that kind of help.

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Whether you already know it or not California has a lot of options for health insurance. There are companies that we all heard of and there are some companies that we never heard of. With all the Health Insurance Companies out there you might be wondering what the differences are and which one is right for you.

First in state of California the health insurance companies you should be looking at are; Aetna, Assurant, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, HealthNet, Kaiser, Nationwide, PacifiCare, Celtic and a new company that is going to be available in state of California is Golden Rule. These are the largest carriers that are available in the State of California. If you are looking at any other company that was not mentioned previously, use caution. With all the health insurance premiums going up there are companies that prey on people with low premiums and coverage that does not cover anything. They are just out there to make a quick buck buy collection as much premiums as they can before you cancel your coverage. Stay away from companies that you never heard of, not matter what they tell you. If you hear something like, "affordable health insurance for self-employed", run.

Second what you have to understand that the actual cost of insurance no matter what company you go with is about the same. So how do insurance companies have so many different plans with different premiums? If it is a large insurance company and the company ran efficiently that is how you get great premium with great coverage. What creates variety of prices for coverage is the creative aspect of the insurance company designing their plans. The way they do it is by deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, drug coverage deductibles, whether the plan covers brand name drugs or generic drugs only, maternity coverage, maximum out of pocket, deductible and co-pays for all kind of different services.

The name we all know is Blue Cross Blue Shield. Blue Cross has been around since the recession of 1929, and it used to cost only 1 cent a day. The times have changes since then, but the Blue Cross name is still around. Blue Cross has been over the years the most stable largest health insurance provider in the United States. Their strategy is to keep rates stable and have stable rate increases. While most other plans might lower their rates to get more people on their coverage and then keep increasing their rates. There fore as some plans might be more attractive in premiums at the moment over time eventually they have to catch up with the actual market health insurance cost. Sometime the company has to charge people more for health insurance in the future so they can give more affordable rates today. Blue Cross will give the one of the largest varieties of plans to choose from and you can always downgrade a plan without going through underwriting is the monthly premiums because to expensive.

The most competitive health insurance coverage you will be able to get in California today is through Aetna and once Golden Rule plans come out by United Health Care then Golden Rule plans are going to be the most completive plan. Every time most of the large insurance companies enter a new state with a new plan they make that plan more competitive just to capture the percentage of that market eventually the company will have to raise their rates to the market level. Aetna plans in California are the most competitive. This is where you can get the most coverage for your money. Keep in mind that the Aetna Individual plans in the state of California do not cover Maternity.

Assurant Health Plans is provided through Fortis Insurance Company witch is the 26th largest company in the world and Fortis Insurance Company has been around since 1892. Assurant Health Plans are the most widely accepted and flexible plans that are available on the market today. Assurant Health Plans utilizes dozens of provider networks Nationwide to give you the worlds largest selections of doctors in United States and worldwide. Assurant Health Plans are the only plans that will cover you world wide as they will cover you in the United States. There is a big difference when insurance company says that you are covered for emergencies worldwide. Insurance company can make a final decision on whether that was true emergency or not. Assurant Health Plans have no such restrictions. Assurant is the only company that will allow you to move to different state without going through underwriting process all over again. That meant that with most companies even if it is a same company if you move from one state to another you have to cancel you policy in the current state and re-apply in the state that you are moving to. The down side with Assurant in some states is that they are not the most competitive and harder to get approved for. If you considering HSA plan, Assurant Health is the best options available to individuals and families.

Blue Shield of California is great coverage especially if it is young family looking for a plan with maternity coverage and for a family where one of the adults on the plans is significantly younger than the other. Blue Shield bases their monthly premiums on the youngest primary policy holder. This can be any adult in the family. Blue Shield plans have low maximum out of pocket and wide acceptance with doctors. A lot of doctors in state of California prefer Blue Shield plans because Blue Shield reimburses them faster than most other insurance companies. Keep in mind that in some states Blue Cross and Blue Shield are the same company in state of California they are two different insurance companies competing for your business.

HealthNet of California is the insurance company available in western states. HealthNet family plans are affordable, have some of the lowest maximum out of pocket and designed for healthy individuals and families. The new line of plans form HealthNet are their popular no deductible PPO plans. Which are some of the worst plans for families. No deductible plans are not designed for families since they have extremely high maximum out of pocket witch might be a great fit for single healthy individuals. HealthNet of California also offers some of the best HMO plans available on the market.

Health Net's simple design and affordable plans are perfect match for healthy families. The way their family plans work is that once you meet your deductible HealthNet will pay 100% for all of your medical expenses after that. The down side is that their family plans do not cover regular sick doctor visits. The money that you are going to save monthly is going to be way worth no having doctor visits covered until the deductible is met. All you will get is negotiated rates that HealthNet has with doctors and hospitals. Your doctor office visits are going to cost you anywhere from $65 to $65 per visit.

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Labor laws in India not only regulate employment terms but also provide labor rights to the employees. They are specifically targeted towards the employer-employee relationship, and guarantee legal rights to the workers as well as promote workers' interests. The main aim of labor laws is to address the demands and needs of employees. These laws actually work towards bringing specific improvement in areas like working conditions, wages, working hours, protection of rights etc., to the employees.

The responsibility to protect and defend the interests of employees in general lies with the Ministry of Labour. The Ministry also has the liability to safe guard the welfare of those who constitute the underprivileged and the trivial classes of society. They particularly have to create a strong work atmosphere for higher production and efficiency. The Ministry tries to attain this intention by passing and applying labour laws standardizing the provisions and conditions of service and employment of employees.

Labor Laws can be broadly classified into two major categories as below:

Defining the relationship between employers, employees and trade unions.

Determining the laws relating to the rights of employees at their place of work.

Major laws which deal with labor issues especially with regard to the rights of workers are as below

Industrial Disputes Act 1947

Workmen's Compensation Act 1923

Minimum Wages Act 1936

Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

Payment of Gratuity 1972

Payment of Wages Act, 1936

Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986

Trade Unions Act, 1926

Maternity Benefit Act, 1961

Factories Act, 1948.

The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976

The Employee's State Insurance Act, 1948

Labor Law: Things to Know

The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

This Act came into effect in 1947 and was provisioned for formation of works committees and Industrial tribunals, for promoting industrial peace. The committee consists of employers as well as representative of workers. The main aim is to enhance communication and the relationship between employers and employees; and to provide solutions for their disputes. This Act provides not only for the investigation and settlement of industrial disputes, but also focuses on the mechanism essential for settlement of differences between the employers' and the employees'. It has the right to lay down conditions to be observed before any termination or layoff is affected. Specific conditions before termination like one month notice and 15 days average pay as compensation are some of the rules of this act.

Workmen's Compensation Act 1923

This Act provides for issues related to compensation in case of any injuries arising out of or in course of employment. Accordingly, if the injury is deadly, resulting in an employee's death then his dependents have to be compensated. This Act also lays down the rates of compensation and the mode of calculating it.

Minimum Wages Act 1936

Minimum wages for the employees is specified in this act. Only the central and state Government has the rights to revise minimum wages specified in the schedule.

Payment of Wages Act 1936

This act concentrates on the time limits to be set, within which the wages should be dispersed to the employees. Only deductions authorized by the Act should be deducted.

Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous provisions Act 1952

This act ensures the employees financial security, by providing a system of compulsory savings. It states that the establishment should also contribute same amount as that made by the employee. As per the Act, 10-12% of the total wages should be contributed and is payable after retirement or as advance in case of any emergency.

Payment of Bonus Act 1965

This Act states that establishments who have more than 20 employees must pay bonus to their employees. The amount is calculated either on profits made or on productivity basis.

Payment of Gratuity Act 1972

Gratuity Act is applicable to those factories and other establishments who employ ten or more persons. When an employee completes 5 years of service then he is entitled for gratuity at the rate of 15 days salary for every year of service completed.

Maternity Benefit Act 1961

This Act provides for maternity and other benefits to female employees. It regulates employment of women for certain period prior to and following child-birth.

Industrial Employment Act 1946

This act requires that employers should define the terms and conditions of employment, and issue orders which are certified. This order should cover aspects relating to holidays, shifts, wages payment, leaves etc.

As soon as one completes the registration of a company in India it would be wise enough to appoint a professional who is aware of all the laws connected with labor so that no problems arise once the company starts its operations.

Several of the laws pointed out above relate to the unstructured sector also. Sometimes a separate notice may be obligatory to widen the relevance of a particular law to a fresh sector. It is helpful to perceive that some portion of legislation are more universal in character and effect across the panel to all sectors.

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For most women, pregnancy is a time of joy and they are excited to welcome a new life into the world. But what is supposed to be a cheerful time can quickly be dampened when the happy couple goes to double check their health insurance and find that their deductible is too high to cover the pregnancy or worse there is no maternity coverage at all. That's when joy turns into anxiety as the couple tries to figure out how they are going to afford the medical costs associated with the birth of their child. If this sounds like your situation, there are a few options available to you.

Supplemental Insurance - Many health insurance companies will sell you a supplemental maternity health policy for an additional cost. The major problem with this is these same insurance companies view pregnancy as a preexisting condition and will insist that you wait 12-18 months before they will pay any of the medical expenses related to pregnancy. If you are in the planning stages of having children and can afford to wait, then this may be a good option. However, if you are already pregnant, this could pose a problem. Not all insurance companies are the same, though, so it will probably be worth your time to check around.

Discount Health Care Programs - There are some discount health insurance programs that were developed specifically to help women pay for their pregnancies. These are not traditional insurance plans. Instead, they will help you get discounts off of doctor and hospital services which can save you a lot of money. These types of cards frequently have other benefits attached such as access to a nurse hotline and a patient advocacy team. These can be useful if you have concerns with how your pregnancy is going or you are not getting the care you need to have a healthy baby.

Government Program - Children's Health Insurance Program and Women and Infant Children Program are two government resources that can help you pay for the cost of your pregnancy. You will need to contact your local public assistance offices to get more information about what the program pays and the qualification requirements. If you are still hoping that there is an insurance company that will cover the costs of your insurance, you can use a health insurance quote website to look up the different health plans to see if one is available.

If you are pregnant and need assistance in locating coverage, we can help. Please visit our website at http://www.health-insurance-buyer.com and leave your contact information so we may respond to your request.

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Sure cheap hospitalization rates open ears, but major medical coverage policy benefits open eyes. No real comparison exists between cheap hospital insurance and comprehensive major medical except the rates. This is not a true policy benefits comparison. See how to rate the difference of hospitalization benefits paid when coverage is used. Since major claims are never cheap, unpaid medical bills, including outside hospital services can be a financial killer.

Listen to the television advertisement on how you can have cheap hospitalization rates of $6.00 a day, meaning only $180.00 monthly for a hospital policy. How can you beat the rates of as low as $10.00 daily for family benefits? That calculates to around $300.00 monthly. My wife pays $800.00 for her comprehensive major medical coverage with a small co-pay for prescriptions. You can see that something is wrong here. That is because you are looking at two rate pictures where the benefits comparison is in no way equal. Compare the major medical coverage as a whole apple, with the hospitalization policy as a smaller apple with a big chunk bit out.

Cheap Hospitalization Rates

First, remember that a hospitalization coverage policy means only providing some benefits for expenses that incur during a hospital stay. It is rare that outside services like seeing specialists, regular physician care, rehabilitation, and examinations like an MRI are covered. An MRI detailed scan providing x-ray views can easily cost over $1,000 alone. Other drawbacks are that benefits are set on few schedules. This means either there is no payable benefit; there is a limit for the service, or a 20% or higher co-pay for surgery and other items.

As an agent for a major insurance company specializing in medical coverage, they did not even offer a comprehensive major medical plan. So beware of the difference. Rates are based on adding up a number of benefit riders, similar to starting to build a plan after the base is established. The options that factored in the final rate were numerous. They included a maternity option, the daily room rate payable for a semi-private room, the co-payment for surgery, outpatient coverage in a matter of life and death situation, and a choice to cover outpatient surgery. If a cheap hospitalization policy was properly constructed, the rate was near the cost of major medical coverage, and it did not cover any benefits outside the hospital.

No one should ever buy hospital coverage as a gap supplemental insurance if you already have major medical, as you are only overlapping benefits. You could consider buying it as supplemental coverage if you cannot afford the cost of the higher quality comprehensive plan. However, hospital medical plans usually have a maximum cap for the total benefits that are paid for a single medical situation or over a lifetime.

Major Medical Coverage

This is medical insurance for inside and outside the hospital with very little exclusion. Some plans require that you pick from an approved list of doctors, or the insurer may insist approving your doctor's request to see a specialist before expenses are covered. There is a unique feature called catastrophic. This means the policy may have a maximum lifetime payout of $2,000,000 or higher. The purpose of accident and illness insurance is to avoid exposure to a financial risk you could never pay back.

There is another choice to hospitalization insurance, which you should check out if you do not want to pay bills the rest of your lifetime. That is where you receive all the normal comprehensive benefits of major medical after you decide on a deductible of $2,000 to $10,000. Yes, you would be responsible for the initial amount of satisfying the deductible. After that, all your benefits kick in. The price is extremely reasonable.

Under this alternative, you could have $85,000 in total charges in and out of the hospital plus rehabilitation. With the $5,000, deductible you are not ruined for life. Most hospitals would take a $100 monthly payment plan, so in 50 or so months the debt would be paid off. Under the cheap hospitalization plan with higher rates, you would be stuck with huge unpaid costs. Giving you a fair estimate on this $85,000 bill, the amount unpaid would certainly exceed $25,000.

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Social Security disability attorneys or representatives are often not familiar with some of the civil rights laws and other remedies which may be available to their clients, beyond, or in lieu of, Social Security disability benefits, and which may result in additional or alternative sources of financial proceeds for their clients. Also, as Social Security disability claims have greatly increased due to the lagging economy, client advocates may encounter many persons who will not meet the stringent Social Security disability standards, but may be able to qualify for other relief. This article will explore some of these laws and remedies.

Due to the complexity of some of the remedies and the intricate interaction between them, which often require balancing and negotiation, it will be beneficial to client advocates to establish a relationship with one or more attorneys who practice in the areas of law noted below if they do not, in order to determine if other remedies may exist for their clients. As many of these additional remedies have stringent time deadlines, inquiries should be made as quickly as possible to other counsel as to whether a client has additional remedies and the viability of pursuing them. Indeed, failure of an attorney or a representative to consider these remedies may be the source of a professional liability issue depending on the outcome of a client's case.

An applicant for Social Security disability benefits frequently has a history, such as his medical conditions or work history, which has brought him to the position of applying for this type of benefit, which requires that he is deemed unable to perform substantial gainful work for a minimum of twelve (12) months or he has a condition that will result in death. That history often involves his employment situation and the nature of that situation can serve as the basis for additional remedies. Therefore, a thorough interview with a potential client should determine:

• Whether that person suffered an injury at the workplace;
• Whether his employer terminated him as a result of suffering the injury after the employer was informed that it was a work-related injury;
• Whether the injury, work-related or not, still permitted him to work for his employer with a reasonable accommodation by the employer. The courts' interpretation of "reasonable accommodation" is discussed below;
• Whether the employer refused to make the reasonable accommodation and instead laid off or terminated the employee;
• Whether the employee, who formerly did not have any or few performance problems, suddenly received discipline or write-ups after the injury;
• Whether the employer should have been aware that the employee was suffering from physical or mental problems, and instead of helping him manage those problems, terminated him, laid him off, or eliminated his position;
• Whether the employee had available to him short and/or long-term disability benefits, some type of retirement disability or union benefits for which he could apply.

Significant legislation has been enacted to protect employees who have been injured in and out of the workplace and who are suffering from an illness. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (hereinafter "ADA") was intended to "provide a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities." 42 U.S.C.A. 禮12101 et seq. The Act applies to employers with 15 or more employees and prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals on the basis of a disability in regard to job application procedures, hiring, advancement, termination, compensation or job training. See 42 U.S.C. 禮12112(a).

In the years since the Act's passage into law, the U.S. Supreme Court has handed down specific opinions which have curtailed the reach of the ADA and have greatly limited the definition of a disability under the ADA. Large clusters of people, initially covered by the ADA, have been shut out from the intended far-reaching protections as a result of those court opinions. The result has put a heavy burden of proving a disability on the plaintiff, which was clearly against Congress' intent. See Sutton v. United Airlines, Inc., 527 U.S. 471 (1999) and its companion cases and in Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc. v. Williams, 534 U.S. 184 (2002). As a result of these Supreme Court cases, lower courts have found that individuals with a range of substantially limiting impairments are not people with disabilities.

In order to rectify this situation, Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (hereinafter "ADAAA"), which became effective on January 1, 2009. The ADAAA greatly broadens the relevant definitions of the ADA and gives renewed hope to disabled individuals who are ready, willing and able to work with a reasonable accommodation. The Act's new language also enlarged the definition to include a larger array of individuals who are "regarded as" having a disability. Additionally, mitigating factors are no longer assessed in the evaluation of an individual as disabled.

If one has a client who lost his job due to a negative job action and who is covered by the newly expanded ADAAA, but had no recourse but to initiate a Social Security disability claim, either because his condition worsened or because he could not locate another job with his disabilities, he will be required to file a claim with a government agency at the local, state or federal level in order to protect his rights and preserve his right to bring later litigation, if necessary. That government agency may hold a fact-finding conference or a mediation, depending on the agency's practice, and while the matter is at the agency level it may be settled without resorting to litigation. Bear in mind that the ADA claim can proceed independently and concurrent to the Social Security disability claim.

Employers are required by the ADAAA to reasonably accommodate those employees known to have a disability to allow for the fulfillment of essential job functions. However, these employers will not be required to make accommodations which will cause an undue hardship. Under U.S.C. 禮12111(9), those reasonable accommodations include, but are not limited to, (1) making existing facilities used by employees readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, (2) job restructuring, (3) modification of equipment or devices, (4) appropriate adjustment or modifications of examinations, training materials or policies, and (5) the provision of qualified readers or interpreters.

It is the employee's responsibility to inform his employer that an accommodation is necessary in order for that employee to fulfill his essential job functions. It is also important to know that the new amendments make it clear that employees who are simply "regarded as" having a disability are not eligible for the aforementioned accommodations. Once the eligible employee requests an accommodation, an interactive process with the employer regarding the appropriate accommodations will begin. U.S.C. 禮12111(10) enumerates factors that would cause an undue hardship on the employer when accommodating an employee and are thus not mandated under the law. That list includes: (1) the nature and cost of the accommodation, (2) the overall financial resources of the facility or facilities, (3) the overall size of the business and (4) the type of operation.

It is also significant to note that simply because an employee's doctor sends a note to the employer limiting the employee's ability to work, requesting time off for the employee, requesting reduced hours, or asking that the employee be assigned to light duty, the employer is not necessarily governed by the doctor's request. Legions of employees have been terminated because an employer either did not feel the need to honor a doctor's request or seized upon the doctor's request to terminate an employee because, according to the doctor, the employee cannot do the job as required. An employee would be wise to seek legal help, if possible, in negotiating a disability accommodation from an employer.

It is not uncommon for employers to begin plotting for an employee's termination shortly after they are informed, formally or informally, of the employee's illness. Red herrings often used by employers to terminate or alternatively force an employee to resign include giving an employee a series of baseless poor performance evaluations, job restructuring rendering the affected employee's position nonessential, suddenly changing absence policies, or engaging in poor treatment of an employee which encourages his resignation.


The Rehabilitation Act Title V entitled "Nondiscrimination under Federal Grants and Programs" 29 U.S.C.A. 禮 720 et seq. protects those with disabilities from discrimination on the basis of those disabilities in programs organized by or receiving money from the federal government. The standards for determining employment discrimination under the Rehabilitation Act are the same as those used in Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act described above.

The two primary laws that protect women during pregnancy are the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the Family Medical Leave Act ("FMLA"). An amendment to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act was established in 1978. The Act requires employers with 15 or more employees to treat employees with pregnancy-related conditions in the same manner required by law as those with other health conditions. For example, if an employee with a serious medical condition is permitted to take leave or work a modified schedule under FMLA, the pregnant woman will be afforded the same options. The Act also prevents an employer from firing or refusing to hire a woman based on her pregnancy or ability to take maternity leave. In that same light, an employee cannot lose credit accrued for seniority or retirement benefits during her leave. Lastly, an employer is required to keep the job open and maintain health care benefits as though the woman was on sick or disability leave.

Pregnant women also rely heavily on FMLA. As previously discussed, expecting and new mothers can take up to 12 weeks off within a 12 month period to care for the birth of their child. One key distinction between FMLA and the Pregnancy Discrimination Act is that FMLA only applies to employers of 50 employees or more. Moreover, the employee must have worked either one full year or 1250 hours to request FMLA leave.


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 ("ADEA") protects those employees over the age of 40 from workplace discrimination based on age. 29 U.S.C. 禮 621 et seq. It applies to employers with 20 or more employees, state, local and federal governments, and employment agencies and labor organization. Under this Act, it is unlawful for employers to discriminate against employees or job applicants with respect to any term, condition, or privilege of employment, including hiring, firing, promotion, layoff, compensation, job assignments and training. As with the ADAAA, this Act also makes retaliation relating to the aforementioned unlawful.

Although an employee can be asked to waive their rights under the ADEA when signing a severance agreement, a clearly established protocol must be followed. The agreement must be (1) in writing and understandable; (2) specifically refer to ADEA rights; (3) not waive rights or claims that may arise in the future; (4) offer valuable consideration; (5) advise the employee in writing to consult with an attorney prior to execution of the waiver; (6) allow for 21 days in which the employee can consider the agreement; and (7) allow for 7 days within which the employee can revoke the agreement after signing it. Consider this protocol if a severance agreement concludes one's client's disability matter.


The Family Medical Leave Act, (P.L. 103-3, 107 Stat. 6) ("FMLA") was enacted on February 5, 2003 for the purpose of helping people who were stressed about trying to balance the competing demands of work and family life. The FMLA allows an employee to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a 12 month period for the birth or adoption of a child, to care for a family member, or to tend to his own serious health problems. The employee has three options from which to choose when deciding how to take time off. He can take the entire 12 weeks at once, take leave as needed following proper procedures, or he can simply work a reduced schedule. Note that FMLA time off may be combined with paid time off and employers generally have an option of requiring that employees use up their sick/vacation/personal time prior to using FMLA time. Employers have the burden of providing employees with information, notice and guidance about FMLA requirements.

It is important that any FMLA documents completed by the client and their doctors be reviewed by an attorney if possible. Moreover, an attorney or representative should ensure that the FMLA documents conform or are at least considered when applying for other types of disability. Often these documents will have different or contradicting onset dates, diagnoses, prognoses, or levels of severity of condition which will complicate the Social Security disability application procedure. The FMLA leave documents can be of assistance and provide documentary support in a Social Security disability claim.

The Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division published a Final Rule under the FMLA in January 2008 which became effective on January 16, 2009, and an updated set of regulations by the Department of Labor were published. The FMLA benefits provided to military families (referred to as military caregiver leave and covered service-member leave) greatly expand the usual 12 weeks of FMLA leave up to 26 workweeks of leave in a single 12 month period to care for a covered service member with a serious illness or injury incurred in the line of duty on active duty. Also, the time spent performing light-duty work doesn't count against the 12 week FMLA leave. The regulations provide added guidance of what a "serious health condition" is.

Implementation of the ADA and the FMLA sometimes cause friction between an employer's right to know about an employee's condition and an employee's right to keep his medical conditions private. Relying on a medical treatment source for this information is not suggested, as doctors have been known to tell patients they are not required to reveal any information about their medical conditions, when that is not always the case, which can result in an employee's termination for refusal to divulge information an employer has a right to know.

Generally, the information that must be revealed by an employee or his medical treatment sources under the FMLA must be enough to permit the employer to know how to best accommodate an employee, or to provide the information on Department of Labor Form WH-380E, which is a certificate of health care provider for an employee's serious health condition. This information, requested from a doctor, includes, among other things, the beginning date of the condition, dates treated for the condition, probable duration of condition, medication prescribed, treatments, referrals made to other health care providers, and whether an employee can perform certain job functions.

Employees on FMLA must follow an employer's usual and customary procedures for reporting an absence, barring an usual circumstance. Further, an employer's direct supervisor cannot contact health care providers and cannot ask for additional information beyond that required on the certification form, as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIPPA") is invoked to limit this information. There are also provisions for certification of ongoing conditions and fitness for duty certifications.


The Federal Employees Compensation Act ("FECA"), 5 U.S.C.A. 禮 8101 et seq., provides federal employees with compensation benefits for work-related injuries or illnesses. Administered by the Department of Labor's Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, all claims generally must be brought within three years of the date of injury. The federal employee will continue to receive compensation benefits as long as they remain totally or partially disabled. The federal employee will receive two-thirds or three-fourths of their salary at the time of the injury depending on whether the employee has dependents.

Another piece of federal legislation that attorneys who handle disability matters should be familiar with is Federal Employers' Liability Act ("FELA"). 45 U.S.C.A. 禮 51 et seq. This Act was initially meant to protect the rights of railway workers who were injured while at work in this country. Since its enactment, FELA has been greatly expanded. There is a three year statute of limitations from the date of the injury. Generally the statute begins running when the employee knew or should have known of the existence of the injury and that the FELA statute of limitations is triggered in an occupational injury case when the injured worker knew or should have known: 1) of the existence of the injury; and 2) that workplace exposure was a cause


Clients frequently are not aware that they are entitled to make a claim which entitles them to receive some form of some short and/or long-term disability payments as a general benefit of their employment, membership in a union or because they have opted to receive additional benefits paid for through payroll deductions. Employees may also have disability coverage they have purchased privately.

However, simply because this type of benefit exists does not mean that it is easily procured. Disability insurance carriers may be reluctant to approve clients for benefits, particularly long-term disability benefits, and if they are approved, carriers often attempt to terminate the employee prematurely. Employees are sometimes lulled into thinking that because they have received short-term disability benefits easily that receiving long-term disability benefits will also be an easy process. Moreover, if an employee is receiving long-term disability benefits, this normally indicates that the injury is not work-related, because a worker's compensation claim would ensue instead.

Insurance disability carriers tend to have little respect for the fact that a claimant has been awarded Social Security disability benefits prior to or even after an ALJ's decision, and this type of award does not have significant impact on a carrier's decision to award long-term disability benefits. However, a detailed decision by an ALJ judge, the Appeal's Council or a court, will usually be helpful in a long-term disability claim. In the event that a client suffers from physical and mental impairments, because many policies limit the number of years of benefits for mental impairments, carriers may seize on a decision and allege that the mental impairments take priority over the physical impairments, so one should use care in emphasizing the nature of the disability claimed.

Most insurance carriers require that a successful applicant for long-term disability benefits apply for Social Security disability benefits, and if that claim is successful, those benefits will be offset against any amount paid to the applicant under long-term disability coverage, after the deduction of any attorney's fees. If that claim is not successful, it should not impact on private disability insurance benefits.

There are several levels of administrative appeal in the long-term disability denial process and insurance carriers frequently extend the administrative process as long as possible, hoping to wear out the applicant. It is important that each stage of the administrative process be followed, and that any and all medical evidence is submitted to the insurance carrier during the administrative process. This is because there is case law which states that evidence submitted after the administrative process cannot be introduced if a denial is later litigated under The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA"), found in the U.S. Code beginning at 29 U.S.C. 禮1001.

ERISA is a federal law which mandates minimum standards for most voluntarily established pension and health plans in private industry. The result is additional protection for individuals with covered plans. Long-term disability appeals are included in the health care plans covered by ERISA. Being familiar with ERISA is particularly important when dealing with denials of long-term disability benefits in that this federal law preempts the vast majority of state and local laws pertaining to similar subject matter.

ERISA dictates an administrative process which must be fulfilled in its entirety before the employee obtains the right to sue. The administrative processes differ from policy to policy but the common thread running through every policy is that stringent timelines must be followed in order to safeguard the claim. ERISA also provides for an internal appeal process. Once this process is complete, a lawsuit can be brought.


Although there may be risks if a claimant applies for both unemployment insurance ("UI") benefits and Social Security disability benefits contemporaneously, for those who don't have a financial choice, one is not precluded from filing for both benefits contemporaneously. In order to receive UI benefits, one must assert that he is ready, willing and able to work but cannot find employment. Conversely, to file for Social Security disability benefits one must show that his medical condition prevents him from working in his previous position or any other field and he is not currently seeking employment.

Although there appears to be an inherent conflict in these positions, in Cleveland v. Policy Management Systems Corp, 526 U.S. 795 (1999) the U.S. Supreme Court held that: (1) claims for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and for ADA damages did not inherently conflict, and (2) an employee was entitled to an opportunity to explain any discrepancy between her statement in pursuing SSDI benefits that she was totally disabled and her ADA claim that she could perform essential functions of her job. A similar analysis can be applied to the receipt of UI benefits where one alleges an ability to do some type of work.

Administrative law judges may not look favorably upon Social Security disability claims where the employee is receiving UI benefits, but they should consider a claimant's application for and/or receipt of UI benefits as only one of the statutory factors adversely impacting the claimant's credibility in assessing the ability to work, and it should be considered as part of the five step sequential evaluation process and the totality of circumstances.

Holding oneself out as being able to work is not the same as being able to work and perform substantial gainful activity. Also, a mere desire to work is not proof of the ability to work, because many employers will not hire someone with a myriad of medical problems, despite that person being willing to make a work attempt.

A November 15, 2006 Memorandum from Chief Judge Frank A. Cristaudo to Regional Chief Judges and Regional Office Management Teams, states that "[t]his is a reminder that the receipt of unemployment insurance benefits does not preclude the receipt of Social Security disability benefits. The receipt of unemployment benefits is only one of many factors that must be considered in determining whether the claimant is disabled. See 20 CFR 404.1512(b) and 416.912(b)." The Memorandum states that Social Security Ruling 00-1c incorporates Cleveland. A long line of Appeal's Council and ALJ Decisions prior to Cleveland support this analysis, which requires consideration of all of the evidence and the totality of circumstances, making the ability to receive both types of benefits possible.

Some advocates delay the date of onset of the condition in a Social Security disability claim paving the way for a client to receive UI benefits for a period of time. However, the Social Security disability process can be quite lengthy, and may not always be successful for claimants, so it may be desirable for them to have a stream of income pending the Social Security disability process. UI benefits are not offset by Social Security disability and therefore can serve as additional funds for claimants during the Social Security disability application process.


Since 1891, Pennsylvania common law held that in the absence of a specific statutory or contractual restriction, an at-will employment relationship could be terminated by either the employer or the employee at any time, for a good reason, a bad reason or no reason at all. Henry v. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Co., 139 Pa. 289, 21 A. 157 (1891). It was not until almost 100 years later that this holding was reevaluated in Geary v. United States Steel Corporation, 456 Pa. 171, 319 A.2d 174 (1974). In Geary, an employee was terminated for warning his fellow coworkers of the valid dangers posed by the new product the company was manufacturing. Interpreting Geary, Yaindl v. Ingersoll-Rand Co. held "when the discharge of an employee at will threaten public policy, the employee may have a cause of action against the employer for wrongful discharge." 281 Pa.Super. 560, 422 A.2d 611, 617 (1980).
Some states may have statutory or common law making it a violation to terminate an employee who has been injured during the course of employment. In Pennsylvania, for example, the courts have established a narrow exception to the standard employment at will doctrine which permits employers to terminate their employees for minimal reasons, stating that it is a violation of public policy to terminate an employee who initiates a claim of worker's compensation. Rothrock v. Rothrock Motor Sales, Inc., 810 A.2d 114 (Pa.Super. 2002). However, this is often a difficult standard to meet and employers often ignore this exception, taking the risk that an injured employee will not have the substantial resources necessary to sue the employer for violation of the policy.

In September 2009, a record setting consent degree was entered into between Sears, Roebuck and Co. and former employees who were allegedly discriminated against when Sears maintained an inflexible workers' compensation leave exhaustion policy and terminated employees rather than providing them with reasonable accommodations for their disabilities in violation of the ADA. The case was docketed as EEOC v. Sears Roebuck & Co., N.D. Ill. No. 04 C 7282. The Chicago based U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission declared that the class action lawsuit it had initiated would be settled for $6.2 million with additional remedial relief. Many attorneys in the workers compensation field believe that this settlement will lead to important changes in how companies structure their leave policies.

However, the Pennsylvania public policy exception to the employment at-will doctrine will not apply where a statutory remedy is available. For example, an employee who was terminated based on race, color, religion, national origin, or sex is entitled to file under Title VII and similar state statutes, although he may be permitted to raise the exception as an ancillary state claim.


Another helpful tactic which should be considered if Social Security disability standards cannot be met but an employee must leave his position because he can't perform his job duties due to some disability and/or his employer can't reasonably accommodate his disability, is negotiating a severance agreement to include additional funds for a client and/or lengthen his entitlement to health insurance benefits. The agreement will be enforceable so long as the scope is reasonable, no laws are violated, consideration is present and the agreement is knowingly and voluntarily entered into.

Employers are oftentimes willing to enter into a severance agreement to avoid the lengthy discrimination agency or litigation process. It may be far more cost effective for an employer to give these concessions early in the negotiation process. It is important to exhaust all other remedies discussed earlier if a severance agreement is to be signed because standard severance agreements terminate the employee's right to sue the employer for any actions that took place during a certain time frame, with the possible exception of worker's compensation claims, depending on state law.


It is not unusual to have a client suffering from a job-related injury or illness who would have been able to continue to work given a reasonable accommodation under the ADAAA or following a FMLA leave. Instead, many employers terminate, lay off, or force these employees to resign in violation of the law and the public policy exception to the employee-at-will doctrine and the aforementioned statutes, depending on state law. That client, in addition to the receipt of Social Security disability benefits, could potentially receive worker's compensation benefits, short and/or long term disability benefits, retirement disability and/or a settlement from an employer due to alleged violations of one of the civil rights acts or policies. Note that there may be financial offsets from receipt of more than one of these types of benefits. Also, a negotiated severance agreement or settlement may include severance pay, extension of insurance benefits and attorney's fees and costs for a client.

In conclusion, there is no doubt, as outlined by the various remedies above, that the disability field of law is often confusing as it requires interaction with various laws and policies which often have not only varying, but conflicting, burdens of proof. However, a practitioner who is at a minimum familiar with other possible remedies can be of great help to his client. Also, this help may result in additional sources of income to the client and to the practitioner who undertakes these additional claims or refers them to other attorneys and is able to collect referral fees depending on state guidelines.

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Labour rights are integral part of socio-economic development of every country across the world. To protect these rights, every nation has passed certain laws addressing the restrictions and legal benefits of the labours and their organisations. These laws are commonly referred as Labour Laws.

In simple words, labour law is a legal structure or an administrative ruling that deals with the rights and restrictions imposed on the labours and their organisations by the government. Generally, it covers the demands of the employees to have better working conditions, the right to form trade union or to work independently without joining the union and other safety rights. Similarly, it also covers demands of the employers to keep control over - the use of power by the worker's organisations, the costs of labour, costly health and safety requirements of the workers, etc.

Indian Labour Law:

Like other nations, the labour law in India also covers the same fundamental labour rights that are required to maintain harmonious relationship between the employees, employers and the trade unions. However, there are certain amendments made in the laws depending on the culture, society and constitution of India.

All the commercial establishments in the country are required to implement the Central and State Government labour law enactments to be recognised as legally authorised organisations. Some of the essential Central Government enactments are as follow:

• The Employees' Provident Fund Act, 1952

• The Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948

• The Minimum Wages Act, 1948

• The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970

• The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

• The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961

• The Payment of Wages Act, 1936

• The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976

The companies have to adhere to the above enactments and other allied laws for the smooth functioning of their business. Any company that doesn't follow the rules listed in these enactments is subject to punishment by the government of India. It is to be noted that the organisations with large operations across the nation find it difficult to keep account of every enactment. So, they may forget to follow one or sometimes many rules of the given enactments.

Therefore, the organisations are recommended to hire a labour law consultant or outsource their legal work related to the rights of workers to a consultancy. These consultancies offer comprehensive services, which normally include -

• Activities related to registration and licensing necessary under the labour laws,

• Calculating periodical liability,

• Maintaining records and statutory registers,

• Documenting and submitting periodical statutory reports,

• Attending periodical statutory inspections and

• Other allied services.

In short, Indian Labour Law has all the necessary provisions to maintain healthy relationship between the working people and their organisations provided both the parties strictly adhere to these legal provisions.

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In order to make an informed choice between ethical and fair trade clothing, you must have a clear understanding of what the difference is between the two. The clothing industry is one that can be very volatile when it comes to fads, trends and clothing styles that can come and go with the blink of an eye. There are many extremes that come into the clothing industry and nearly just as quickly, their appeal is gone.

Some clothing styles go on to become legendary or what are known as classics that never lose their appeal even as the generations come and go. Over recent years, there has been a change in the clothing industry. So what exactly is ethical clothing and how does it differ from fair clothing? Let's examine both types.

Ethical clothing addresses a broad range of concerns that have been around about as long as the clothing industry itself. Some of the major concerns with clothing that is not ethical is that the clothing is produced by workers in factories or sweat shops where wages are an amount so low that workers cannot make a reasonable living to support themselves. The unfortunate reality is that there are many designs on the racks in your local stores that have been made by these workers. Ethical clothing demands that workers be paid what their labor is worth. Ethical clothing also mandates that the workers be give benefits such as maternity leave and insurance options.

The momentum for ethical clothing has not picked up because many clothing manufacturers experience significant cost savings by outsourcing work to these countries where the condition of life is so poor that people are willing to work for minimum amounts of money in substandard work conditions to survive. Clothing in the United States aimed at creating a better environment and better working conditions for people. The Fair Trade Federation provides a means for clothing lines to join but the membership criteria is strict. Fortunately, fair trade is also branching out into jewelry, personal care, candles, bedding, toys, games and paper goods. The difference between ethical and fair trade clothing is that clothing made by the latter takes the earth into consideration and provides clothing that is made from natural products.

When it comes to fair trade clothing, however, none of the major retailer chains carry fair trade clothing. This should not be a deterrent if you wish to purchase it, just look online and you will find many sources from which you can order such clothing.

Choosing between ethical clothing and fair trade clothing does not have to be a real dilemma. Ethical clothing is manufactured with respect to ensuring that laborers are not overworked and underpaid. Fair trade clothing uses organic materials that are green friendly and don't harm the earth's ozone when discarded or made from recycled materials.

Although the types are similar, there are some differences described here that should help you make a choice about whether you want to wear ethical clothing or fair trade clothing.

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Choosing the best health insurance plan involves the following:

  1. Finding the health insurance plan with the lowest cost (but only with respect to the other two criteria)

  2. Finding the health insurance plan with a network that meets your needs

  3. Finding the health insurance plan with coverage that meets your needs

Choosing the right health insurance policy involves finding the lowest price amongst the policies that meet your needs as to network and coverage. Choosing the lowest price is of course very easy. Determining whether the health insurance plan's network of doctors meets your needs is only a little more difficult. Choosing a health insurance policy that covers you well can be complex. Most of this article focuses on this area. I've been a health insurance agent since 1985 and have helped many families find affordable health insurance. You can find out more about me by visiting 1800insuranceCT.com. These are the strategies that I use when helping a family find good medical coverage in my home state of Connecticut. To help find out what health insurance plans are available and approved in your area, I've put together a list of Insurance Departments for each state.

Choosing the Health Insurance Plan with the Right Network

Most companies have websites that will list the doctors and hospitals that participate in their plan. All that I'm aware of will have a printed list that they can mail to you. The right plan will have your doctor on their list or at least doctors who serve your home area. If you travel it is important to find a plan that covers you well in other geographic areas as well.

Choosing the Health Insurance Plan with the best coverage

Health insurance contracts may be the most complex of the insurance policies purchased by the average family. Understanding how your health insurance policy will pay for your medical bills can be difficult. Fortunately most of the brochures and outlines of coverage that you may receive from a health insurance provider will have a similar structure.

They will have sections similar to the following: What is Covered? Health Plan Exclusions and Limitations What is Covered?

This section will detail what medical procedures your health insurance policy will cover. The policy should have a phrase like "reasonable and customary" or "usual, reasonable and customary" or something similar when describing how much they will cover.

Watch out for health insurance policies with:

Dollar amount limits for each procedure

A long list of procedures that the health insurance policy will cover Better health insurance policies will not list dollar amounts for each procedure. They will pay using a formula that is based on what other doctors or medical providers will charge you in the same geographic area. A phrase like "usual and customary" indicates that they use such a formula. The cost of medical care rises so quickly that a dollar amount that seems impressive today may not fully reimburse you even a year from now.

Solid health Insurance policies will not have a long list of procedures that they will cover listed on the policy. The long list seems impressive because the list takes up a lot of space. Look at the statements below. It should be easy to choose between one and two.

  1. "Our health insurance policy will cover you for everything except for expenses caused by self-inflicted injuries and substance abuse." ("I've been to every state in the union except Alaska.")

  2. "Our health insurance policy will cover your nose, your ears, your toes, your hands, your right lung, your calf and your knee" ("I've been to New York, Connecticut, Nebraska, Washington DC and Vermont")

Health Plan Exclusions and Limitations This section will tell you what is excluded. Typically elective surgery will not be covered. Also experimental procedures and expenses caused by self-inflicted injuries will not be covered. You should understand each of these exclusions and limitations before you commit to a policy. Most policies will not include maternity insurance, so if you want to get pregnant, make sure that you know how your policy will cover maternity expenses. Unfortunately, maternity insurance is not available in many states except as part of a group insurance plan. To summarize:

* Determine what health insurance plans will cover you in your area

* Determine which health insurance plans offer adequate coverage

*Choose the plans that offers the best value based on price and coverage

This article was originally published on http://www.1800insurancect.com/articles/tips_for_finding_coverage.htm

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If you are undergoing infertility treatments, and work in Connecticut you may be one of the lucky few with reliable insurance coverage. Connecticut is one of only a handful of states with a law mandating that insurance plans cover infertility treatments. And the CT law covers a higher percentage of its citizens due to some specific language in the mandate. But with any law there are loopholes, and you should know the rules before getting started to avoid any nasty surprises down the road.

The Connecticut infertility health insurance law mandates that "certain individual and group health policies to cover medically necessary costs of diagnosing and treating infertility". It specifically includes in-vitro fertilization (IVF) up to 2 cycles with a maximum of 2 embryos per cycle.

Broadest Applications

The Connecticut law is broadest in its application because it applies to individual and group policies. Many state laws apply only to group policies, and often to groups of fifty or more employees. This is not the case in Connecticut. Virtually any healthcare plan is subject to this mandate. There are no limitations based on group size.

Loopholes Remain

As with any law you have to look closely at the wording to find exceptions to the rule. In this case you will find several loopholes. First, the law only applies where Connecticut has jurisdiction. If you work for an employer headquartered in another state with a branch location in CT, your insurance plan is not subject to the mandate.

Second, the law relates to health insurance policies "delivered, issued, amended, renewed or continued on or after October 1, 2005". Does your insurance plan fit this description?

There are other exceptions based upon age, limitations on the number of cycles for specific treatments, and there is no specific language limiting deductibles, co pays, co insurance etc.

Read your policy, call your insurer, and understand the Connecticut law before starting your infertility treatments.

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Many couples who are facing infertility find that there are few satisfying therapeutic options between timing ovulation and undergoing IVF. There is another lesser known category of treatment that couples can consider; cervical cap insemination. To use this technique, the semen is collected and placed into a small cap which is inserted into the vagina and onto the cervix, the opening to the uterus. The sperm are held next to the cervical mucus while being shielded from the vaginal environment. Without this protection the sperm die within minutes after intercourse. Capping the semen onto the cervix allows all the available sperm to swim up into the uterus and fallopian tubes, to where the egg will be. The cervical cap can be used for treating low sperm count, low sperm motility, tilted cervix, and other common conditions.

Cervical caps have been used by gynecologists and urologists for decades and have been documented in medical literature since the first edition of Fertility and Sterility in 1950. At that time, Dr. M.J. Whitelaw wrote about a technique for insemination by "using a plastic cervical cap filled with the husband's semen applied to the cervix for 24 hours". (1) This was done to treat oligospermia, which is low sperm count. At the time, other OB/GYNs were also doing cervical cap insemination, but with a heavier cup made of surgical steel, with the women undergoing treatment having to lie down in the doctor's exam room for six hours with their hips elevated.

Cervical cap insemination was used widely into the 1970's and 1980's. Effective for the treatment of low sperm count and tilted cervix, it was also used for unexplained infertility. In 1983, Dr. Michael Diamond and colleagues found that women with primary infertility, defined as no prior pregnancies, had a pregnancy rate of 43% in the first six months of cervical cap use. Women with secondary infertility, having a history of at least one pregnancy, had a pregnancy rate of 67% in the first six months of use. (2) Their method included a cervical cap that was placed by the patient onto the cervix then filled with semen using a catheter that fit into a small opening in the cap. The couples treated in this study generally had low sperm count and/or poor post coital test results, yet had normal evaluations of the female. The doctors in the study also offered cap insemination as an option for couples who had not completed a full evaluation which at the time included diagnostic laparoscopy. This allowed patients to continue trying to conceive and use all of their cycles, while still considering advanced options.

Eventually, with the advent of Invitro Fertilization (IVF) and subsequently Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), cervical cap insemination began to fall by the wayside. During the economic boom of the 1990's, with more discretionary income, couples had access to a multitude of tests and procedures, even if their insurance did not cover them. Such tests as Hamster Egg Penetration, Hypo Osmotic Swelling Test, and Antibody Testing which were popular a few years back are not as frequently ordered by doctors today, citing the value of the results obtained compared with the money spent. ICSI, which was developed to treat low sperm count, is now used a majority of the time by clinicians with IVF. In the most recent data collected, The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) reports that ICSI use for 2006 was 62% of all IVF cycles. In 2007, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that over a decade, the rate of use of ICSI had increased five times although the sperm quality parameters over that same time period essentially remained the same.

While the cost and use of high tech treatments has skyrocketed in recent years, the cervical cap and at home insemination is quietly making a comeback. Couples interested in more cost effective, natural methods are seeking out other options for conceiving. At home insemination by cervical cap is a treatment option that can fit into several places in a couple's fertility planning. For couples just beginning on their fertility journey, at home insemination could be used as a first step, especially when one or both of the partners are reluctant to spend a lot of time at the doctor's office. For those who have been trying to conceive for several cycles, and may be taking fertility medications to enhance ovulation, a cervical cap could add another valuable tool to the treatment plan. Lastly, couples who are undergoing IVF cycles, or who have had IVF in the past, may want to try an at home insemination method on their cycles away from the more aggressive treatments. Single mothers of choice can also benefit from this technique as an alternate insemination delivery system.

Cervical caps, which have also been used for contraception to prevent pregnancy, are part of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The current term for cervical cap devices used for insemination is conception cap. The cervical cap currently available for at home insemination is a modern upgrade of the old rigid plastic or metal caps of the past. The newer version is made of soft implantable grade silicone, and has flanges in the inner rim to create a one size cap that does not need to be custom fitted. It can be worn during normal activities, allowing a woman the freedom to go about her regular daily routine.

The clinical trial done for FDA clearance in 2007 was designed using couples who had been diagnosed with infertility; most of them also had attempted other methods such as IVF and IUI. The results were that 84% of patients found that placing the cervical cap on their cervix was easy to do, and 92% of patients found that the instructions were easy to understand. Of the patients involved in the clinical trial, 24% became pregnant within the first month, including couples with failed IVF and IUI attempts. (3)

Cervical cap use has shown positive results in the past and has something significant to contribute to the future of reproductive medicine. With the cost of medical expenses rising beyond the ability of the average consumer to pay, at home cervical cap insemination may be an attractive option for continuing pursuing family building in tough economic times.

1. Whitelaw MJ. 1950. Use of the cervical cap to increase fertility in case of oligospermia. Fertility and Sterility. 1:33.
2. Diamond, MP, Christianson C. Daniell JF, Wentz AC. Pregnancy following use of the cervical cup for home artificial insemination utilizing homologous semen. Fertility and Sterility. 1983 April; 39(4); 480-4.
3. Conception Kit clinical trials, Conceivex. 2006-2007

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One famous question asked by pregnant women carrying twins is if the twins are identical or fraternal. Ultrasound can only show the gender of the babies. If the gender is different then it is a fraternal twin but if the gender is similar it can either be fraternal or identical. Ultrasound might suggest that similar gender means identical twins.

A placenta is shared between two different amniotic sacs if the egg divided between the 3rd and 8th day after fertilization. This is known as diamniotic. It can also be seen as 2 embryos are formed with individual placentas and amniotic sacs when an egg splits into 2 after fertilization. When this happen, a fraternal twin can be seen through ultrasound but if the gender for two babies are the same, it could be fraternal or identical twins.

The chances of you carrying identical twins is when they share one placenta but remember that looking at the number of placenta is very difficult. Another way of seeing the types of twins also depends on the thickness of the membrane which separates the sacs. The membrane is thin if it is one placenta and if it is a separate sac then, the membrane is thicker.

Monoamniotic twins are those which share a single placenta and amniotic sacs. An identical twin can be seen through ultrasound by seeing this feature. The chances of this happening are rare as it only happen in 1 in every 60,000 pregnancies. Siamese or conjoined twin is formed when the egg is divided after thirteen days of being in the womb.

Although it is difficult to be sure about the types of twins a woman is carrying, a sonographer uses a precise signs in this process. The most common way to see if the twins are fraternal or identical is by looking at the placentas. This technique is easiest in the first trimester.

Figuring out the types of twins is important due to the fact that different twins have different risk and problems. Only by knowing the types of twins a woman is carrying enable tests to figure out what the problem is. Test done on amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or fetal blood sampling are known as zygosity studies.

I hope this article about fraternal or identical twins are useful to you. But on a personal level, I don't mind if ever I have twins - whether its fraternal or identical. The important thing is both are born healthy. How about you?

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Excitement over a pregnancy can easily turn into worry and anxiety if a woman has no health insurance coverage. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 was created to keep pregnant women from being discriminated against regarding health insurance. Unfortunately, this act does not apply to companies with less than 15 employees or individual health policies. Even if a woman has health insurance, pregnancy may not be covered unless a rider to the policy is purchased. These riders are expensive, have limited coverage and usually have waiting periods from six months to more than a year. A report by the National Women's Law Center in 2009 showed that only 13% of 3,600 national policies covered pregnancy. Even with these difficulties there are options for pregnant women who are without health insurance.

The average cost for a normal pregnancy, which includes prenatal and post partum care, can be anywhere from $10,000 to $12,000 so it is essential to find some type of health insurance. For women considered low-income there are State programs such as Medicaid and WIC that can help with medical care and nutrition. There is also a federal program called CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program). These programs are run by the Department of Health (DHS) and even if you don't qualify for Medicaid, there may be other programs available. DHS will be able to give you helpful information.

Another option is a Health Care Discount Program. This isn't health insurance so there is no waiting period, deductible, coinsurance or pre-existing clause. Some discounts can be up to 50%. You can also talk to your doctor or clinic about possible discounts they may give you, such as a cash discount or they may be able to set up a payment plan. Also, there are some clinics that provide medical services on a sliding scale which goes according to your income. These options will cut your overall pregnancy costs.

Many hospitals have their own maternity plans for women who are uninsured. These plans include prenatal care, ultrasounds, labs, hospital and delivery costs and post partum care for a flat fee. The average cost is about $2,500. The cost may be a little higher if you have a c-section. If the hospital does not have their own maternity plan, they can set up a monthly payment plan for you.

Birthing centers are available for women who do not have high risk pregnancies. These centers are staffed by midwives who have years of experience delivering babies. The centers offer package rates which include prenatal and postpartum care, birthing classes and the delivery. There is a more personal and homey feel at a birthing center and they are usually located near a hospital, in case of an emergency.

There are many options out there to take advantage of. Compare all of the options and benefits available to you before making a decision. This will help you find the best plan that fits your specific needs.

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In the early days, those single mothers are required to pay the same premium for private health insurance as couples with their kids. But since 2007, there has been a change to be fair for every individual who wants to avail the health funds, the arrangement to allow one less adult per single parent policy. This will only mean that the single mother can now save enough to give way to the insurance she chooses to enroll.

This is a good time to invest on your health insurance for single moms so you can have peace of mind once you encounter an unexpected incident in the family. This will save you from all the worries you might feel if you are not prepared to secure the bills that will transpire. Here are some of the benefits:

1. With it, you can pick the hospital and doctor you prefer for treatment.
2. If you are covered with a good plan, then you are allowed to choose private hospitals and get your private room in the hospital.
3. Having a health insurance will permit you to wait shorter and have the freedom to choose the time of the surgery, in case you want to.

It is only natural that single mothers want to secure a medical care for her and her family. This is necessary for health issues can happen anytime in the family. To have health insurance for single moms can keep the family from experiencing to financial health bankruptcy.

The federal government with the cooperation of the States operates the insurance for health coverage of kids. Through the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicaid, to focuses on the families who are unable to afford or those who don't fit the requirements of the private health insurance coverage. The CHIP is all about giving low cost to free health insurance for single moms and others who earning much to match the requirements of the Medicaid while not enough to afford any private insurance for health. The benefits of CHIP are up to 19 years old and below.

The coverage of CHIP may depend on the states in terms of benefit packages, eligibility guidelines; payment levels needed for the coverage and the way the administrative procedures. These are the benefit packages you can avail on CHIP, immunizations, routine check- ups, inpatient and outpatient hospital care, laboratory and x-ray services and no-cost preventive care.

Another health insurance for single moms is the Medicaid. This is the program that gives supply to single mothers which are available in every state. It covers the infants and children under the age of six. Those citizens and qualified immigrants are free to do an application. The free Medicaid benefits come with immunizations, preventive care, screening and treatment for any health condition. Vision and dental care and hospital and doctor visits.

The department of health and human services of the United States is a program funded by the federal government that can be found all over the country. These are just a few of their benefit, complete care for pregnant women, immunizations and checkups for kids, checkups for mothers and metal health and substance abuse care if needed.

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You've found out that you are expecting, and along with the joy and anticipation that comes along with this news you are also wondering how you are going to break it to your boss. While you may be tickled pink at the arrival of a baby, your boss may be less enthusiastic about the news. Unfortunately, some bosses regard pregnancy as a liability and they do not want expecting mothers and new mothers to be on their staff. In fact, some women are shocked to find that they were suddenly let go from a position they had for years because they became pregnant.

If you feel that you were unjustly fired from a job due to your pregnancy, or your boss told you they just couldn't handle the liability or maternity leave, you need to know about your legal rights as an expecting mom. Even though you may have the nicest boss in the world, it is still important to be prepared incase you are suddenly faced with a case of pregnancy discrimination. In the year 2006 alone, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission received 4,901 pregnancy discrimination charges.

Talk With Your Boss Immediately As soon as you have confirmed your pregnancy it is important to have a frank discussion with your boss at once. It is understandable if you do not want the rest of your office to know about the pregnancy right away, but you should still talk with your boss. Let your boss know when your due date is, determine how many weeks of maternity leave you can expect, and how many sick days you are allowed.

At this first meeting with your boss, be honest with your boss if you are concerned about keeping your job. Your boss may either reassure your position, or confirm your fears; either way you will honestly know how your boss feels so that you can take the steps you need to in order to ensure that you have employment and security for you and your baby.

Know Your Rights Pregnancy discrimination is defined as discrimination that occurs when expecting mothers are fired from a job, or face discrimination because of their pregnancy or decision to become pregnant. Example of pregnancy discrimination include: being dismissed from a position once the employer is aware of the pregnancy, being dismissed upon returning after maternity leave, having one's pay deducted because of the pregnancy, or not being hired for a position because of a pregnancy.

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1978. According to this piece of legislature, employers must provide insurance, paid leave, and support to expecting mothers that they are able to give to other employees who are on medical leave or disability. This means that pregnant employees are to be given the same treatment as any other employer who is dealing with a temporary disability. For example, if an employer is able to offer an injured employee light work, than the employer should also be able to offer light work to expectant mothers in their latter trimesters.

According to this act, expectant mothers must be able to work as long as they can perform their job duties, and an employer cannot stop an employee from returning to work after taking maternity leave. Single parents need to be aware that pregnancy benefits cannot only be offered to married employees; the same benefits need to be provided to single parents as well.

Some states and programs have expanded on the original Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and it is vital that you are aware of your legal rights in your State before you speak with your boss about your pregnancy.

What To Do If You Are Facing Pregnancy Discrimination in the US If you think that your employer is discriminating against you because of your pregnancy, you will need to contact the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, (EEOC). They can be contacted either through their website, mail, fax, or their toll free number at 1-800-669-400. Gather all the information that you can, and try to remember specific dates of incidences, or things that your employer said, before you talk with the EEOC. You should also let your boss know in a polite but firm tone that you are aware of your rights.

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How does an Illinois resident with a pre-existing health condition find a quality Illinois health insurance plan? Why does it seem like it is so difficult to find a pre-existing condition Illinois health insurance plan?

Pre-existing conditions are defined as illnesses in which the person has gone to a physician, clinic, or medical facility and has received medical care in the past. Insurance companies are using these questionnaires as well as an exclusion period in order to defend themselves from people with pre-existing conditions that are seeking medical insurance.

In the state of Illinois people that are applying for an individual health insurance plan can be turned down at the insurance company's discretion due to pre-existing conditions unless that person is eligible for an Illinois HIPAA health insurance plan.

In the state of Illinois they follow HIPAA laws very strict. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act created in 1996 and effective in 1997 provides protection for people that have medical pre-existing illnesses. The law protects people by limiting their exclusion period when purchasing health insurance, lowering the chances for a member with a pre-existing condition to lose coverage, providing protections when they change jobs and guaranteeing that your health insurance policy gets renewed at the end of your coverage year.

The law however, has not eliminated the ability of individual carriers of denying health insurance to pre-existing condition people or exclude medical conditions. The only guarantee issue provisions lie in State sponsored plans and insurance company funded plans. What HIPAA does provide is for guaranteed acceptance health insurance coverage for people that meet 6 HIPAA requirements. When someone meets these 6 requirements they are considered "HIPAA eligible" and can qualify for a guaranteed issue HIPAA health insurance plan. The 6 requirements for HIPAA eligibility can often be the only avenue of health insurance coverage available to some high risk individuals with major pre-existing health conditions.

Some of the most important insurance companies in the state of Illinois handle pre-existing conditions a little bit differently, because of this it is important to do some research and actually shop around for a policy before deciding to apply. Individual plans have more exclusion that group plans and that is why they are quite a bit less expensive, because they are more restrictive.

Aetna Health Insurance who is one of the "big dogs" in the health insurance business across the United States is a primary example of exclusion period. They offer a 365 day period starting from the day of enrollment, in which a person with a pre-existing condition is not covered. It is important to note however, that if the person that has a pre-existing condition has had prior creditable coverage within 63 days immediately before the signature of the application; then the exclusion period will be waived.

Another example of this can be seen with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, who is one of the 39 independent, community-based insurance companies that make up the national Blue Cross Blue Shield network. Since they are independent that means they might not have the same provisions as Blue Cross Blue Shield companies in other states. In Illinois, BCBS requires a member with a pre-existing condition to wait a 365 day exclusion period from the day that they sign the policy before receiving coverage for their illness.

Compared to individual coverage, group plans are a little better. They cannot turn you down due to a pre-existing condition, which makes group plans more expensive. Under HIPAA law an employer can only deny pre-existing condition coverage if the person is diagnosed, receives treatment or has care and treatment 6 months before the enrollment date. A good thing to note is that pregnancy cannot be accounted as a pre-existing condition by an employer insurer.

The total time a person can be excluded from a group health plan if they have a pre-existing condition is 12 months after enrollment (18 months if they enroll late), for this reason it is important for a person to sign up for health insurance as soon as they are offered it (if not you can be subject to 18 months instead of 12). Fortunately for some, the time can be less in case that they were covered by an insurance company for the 63 days before enrollment. Also, an insurer cannot deny coverage to a small employer (2-50) under HIPAA law.

Finding Illinois health insurance coverage when one has a pre-existing condition can be very tough. Not to mention that pre-existing conditions cover everything from cancer, HIV, Hepatitis C and even high cholesterol. It is key however, for a person that has a pre-existing condition to know all the exclusions and their rights that are provided under the HIPAA law. This is important because once you know your rights, you will be able to be more knowledgeable about the subject and avoid long exclusion periods.

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Whenever we see neonates in the ICU, we can't help but feel a pang of pity for these innocent individuals struggling for their lives. A major health insurance company, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, recently started a program to help by giving breastfeeding moms of at-risk babies across Tennessee a huge break. Tennessee Blue Cross Blue Shield calls it the "Medela Breast Pump Program."

It will provide free Medela breast pumps to mothers who have infants being treated in Neonatal Intensive Care Units or NICU's. The primary objective of the Medela Breast Pump Program is to give these babies an increased chance of survival by increasing breastfeeding rates.

How Does BCBS of TN's Medela Breast Pump Program Help At-Risk Babies?

We all know that as compared to formula feeding, breastfeeding gives more essential nutrients. Breast milk has antibodies that can help fight diseases and infection. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, when mothers breastfeed their babies, it ensures the best physical and psychosocial outcomes for the infant, especially for premature babies. Thus, breastfeeding should always be promoted by pediatricians.

The Medela program partners with health care providers such as doctors, hospitals and nurses to encourage mothers to breastfeed their infants using the Medela breast pump not only in the hospital, but after they return home, as well.

The chief medical officer at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, Inga Himelright, M.D., stated that the amazing and jam-packed nutrients and health benefits from breast milk boost the condition of newborns admitted in the NICU. Encouraging mothers to breastfeed their babies can surely help these little ones survive their most crucial and vulnerable period in life.

Doctors at Vanderbilt University Medical Center even took it to a notch higher by saying that human milk can be the life and death determinant for at-risk infants. According to Judy Aschner, M.D., the director of the Mildred Sathlman Division of Neonatology at Vanderbilt, "Human milk is the best possible source of nutrition for almost all infants."

What Tennessee Health Insurance Plan Can Help Mothers And Infants?

There are hundreds of TN health insurance plans you can choose from to protect your beloved child. Did you know that the new health insurance plans for Tennessee offers 100 percent coverage for preventive care services for mothers and newborns even before you have met your deductible for the year?

With a new Tennessee health insurance plan, you do not have to worry about paying out-of-pocket costs for co-pays and even deductibles for regular preventive care services. Vaccinations are critical to newborns' health and are completely covered. You do not have to worry about any out-of-pocket medical costs for preventive care even if you get a co-pay plan.

As mandated by the Affordable Care Act, maternity and newborn care is an essential health benefit that must be included in all new Tennessee health insurance plans. In fact, maintaining your health and your babies' health can ultimately lead to premiums on the low side because you'll avoid the markups associated with pre-existing medical conditions.

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Any couple struggling with infertility will tell you that finding resources to pay for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a frustrating process. IVF refund programs provide an option that preserves resources for further attempts, and/or adoption. There are three things every couple should investigate before signing on to an IVF refund program: verify you have the right insurance coverage, know how tax laws help, and consider supplemental insurance to offset costs, and create extra security.

IVF refund programs are designed to increase the odds of taking home a baby, while helping you manage costs. You typically get a discounted fee for IVF multiple cycles, and if you don't take home a baby from the hospital you are refunded 60% to 70% of your fee. These programs are available to couples who meet qualifying medical criteria, and clinics report success rates of 75%.

1 - Double check your health insurance coverage

Refund programs are meant for couples whose health insurance does not cover IVF. Before making a monetary commitment make sure you have done the proper research on insurance coverage. Many couples miss an important point about health insurance coverage: you need to know the insurance laws in the states where both spouses' employers are headquartered - not where you live. Many couples live in non-mandated states, but work for employers headquartered in mandate states.

2 - Know the tax laws

Your health insurance may not cover many of your procedures, but your un-reimbursed medical expenses are tax-deductible. If you are traveling, or employing medical tourism to find lower cost clinics your travel costs are deductible as well. Use the flexible spending account from both spouses' employers.

3 - Investigate Supplemental Insurance

If you qualify medically for an IVF refund program, your clinic is saying you have a 75% of delivering a baby. You also have a 75% chance of being on the hook for their entire fee, and then losing mom's income during her maternity leave, and perhaps longer if complications arise. You also have a greater chance of conceiving and delivering multiples. Multiple pregnancies run a greater risk of premature birth.

Short term disability insurance will replace mom's income during her maternity leave, plus during any time missed prior to delivery due to complications. Hospital indemnity insurance will also pay benefits for mom's normal labor and delivery, and an additional amount should your child require extra care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Hospital indemnity may also pay a double or triple benefit should multiples be born prematurely, and require medical attention in the NICU.

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