目前分類:maternity insurance (461)

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A growing trend in the United States among expecting mothers is the consideration of hiring a midwife for aid during the birthing process. This alternative form of giving birth goes back to using the natural methodology rather than relying on technology to provide results. Also, having a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) helps increase comfort levels in the birthing environment.

Though the trend is rising, there is still some skepticism on the topic and too often mothers are discouraged due to little support from family and friends. Despite these speculative valuations regarding the utility of midwife child births, the inherent benefits are glaring. Hiring a midwife allows for the baby to be born in the home in the presence of a loving family, as opposed to being born in a time-crazed hospital that is dependent upon schedules, a tired, overworked staff, and profit margins.

A recent study, conducted in California, compared the birth process rates between a midwife birthing center and a traditional hospital. The findings were quite intriguing. Cesarean rates at the center were only at 1.5% where as patients who were attended to by a doctor had the procedure at a rate of nearly 16%. While this is just circumstantial evidence, it does suggest that perhaps birthing in a natural environment helps the process go by easier. The transfer-to-hospital rates at the center were at 13.5 percent. The study never indicated the reasons for a patient's transference to the hospital. Between the two birthing centers, there was relatively no difference in the rates of baby deaths, bleeding, birth injury, or respiratory distress syndrome. Midwives are less likely to use disruptive technologies that may lead to childbirth injury.

While the study doesn't seems to suggest that one option is better than the other in terms of health and safety, it does present an alternative to the conventional methods which might be preferred by expecting mothers. In fact, 76 percent of mothers who have experienced both hospital births and home births said that they liked the home birth more than they did the hospital birth. 91 percent of mothers who have had their child at home say that they would definitely have their next child at home again.

There are also other monetary benefits to midwife, home childbirths. Giving birth to a baby at a hospital ranges in cost from $4,000 - $6,000, where as a certified professional midwife usually charges about $2,000, everything included. Some state insurance agencies will cover that cost as well.

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Finding an affordable tubal reversal becomes the goal of any woman once she makes up her mind she wants to reverse her tubal ligation and become pregnant once again. Of course, as these hard economic times progress, there will be those who desperately want a free tubal reversal instead.

As much as I would love to be able to point you toward a surgeon who provides free surgeries, this just isn't going to be possible. Even if you could find a surgeon who would do all that work for free, there is still all the surgical staff, office staff, facility costs and more that must be paid. There are certain organizations who take providing free ones as a ministry but their money does come from somewhere and they usually have very strict rules. A search on the web should bring up something for you if you must choose this route.

However, if you are still just looking for an affordable tubal reversal, you will want to know more about the usual tubal reversal cost. The price range for this procedure is $3500 - $30,000. But, you will be happy to know that you can find several surgeons whose charges are in the $6,000 to $7,000 range. Fortunately for you, this encompasses some of the best tubal reversal doctors around including the world's foremost specialist for this surgery.

Of course, this price tag can still seem out of reach for some women and their families. So what are your choices? Most first turn to their health insurance. Unfortunately, most health insurance companies consider this an elective procedure and will not pay for the surgery. Some may pay for some of the upfront testing needed before the surgery, but not the operation itself.

Lacking that alternative, you could look into getting some type of loan. There are some companies that will lend money for surgical procedures. Or you could try to refinance or get a second mortgage on your home. There are even signature loans for those with excellent credit.

However, given the present economic turmoil, it would be better for you to avoid taking on more debt. Unfortunately, none of us knows what the future can hold and some wise advisers, looking to the lessons of the past, recommend getting out of debt, not taking on more.

What this leaves you with is saving up for the operation. Either save it yourself in your own special savings account set aside for just this procedure or see if the doctor you have chosen provides a payment plan. Once set up, you can pay into the plan as much or as little as you are able each month till the amount is totally saved. Using a payment plan is a better idea than saving in my own bank account as it is essentially gone. It will not be easy to use it for anything else that comes up.

Choosing a doctor or clinic that gives you an affordable tubal reversal is the first thing to do. This is possible because of the fine doctors that are available at an affordable price. Make sure you check out their credentials and learn more about them secondly. You may find price is not the most important criteria. Then make the choice as to how to pay that affordable price. It's up to you.

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Although dealing with multiple miscarriages can be devastating for some women, there is hope. Modern medicine does not know everything. We now have access to many different methods of helping or eliminating the growing problem of multiple miscarriages.

Miscarriages can be caused by any number of things, but the most common is a chromosomal abnormality. In fact, nearly 70% of miscarriages are caused by this and 95% of fertilized eggs or embryos with genetic problems are rejected before the mother is even aware of being pregnant. It is natures' way of making sure only the fittest survive.

The second most common reason for miscarriage is hormonal imbalances or abnormalities. This is usually solved by prescribing drugs to regulate hormones in the mother. Other reasons are, illness of the mother, abnormalities of the uterus or cervix, immune system disorders or bacterial vaginosis. There are also pre-existing conditions that cause miscarriages, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney or heart problems. It is important to get a pre-conception appointment to help avoid some of these common causes.

However, many women suffering multiple miscarriages are just told that there is no answer. At least not one that does not include expensive surgeries, drugs with side effects or, in general painful and time-consuming procedures. That is, if you have insurance! If you do not, then your options are extremely limited. What if there were a way to significantly improve your chances of solving your problem with multiple miscarriages? Would it be worth your time and effort? Most women would say yes.

Having dealt with a miscarriage and being in the high risk category or pregnancy, I searched for something or someone that would help improve my chances of carrying to full term. Thankfully, due to the sharing of information on the internet, we now have access to many different methods of treating and even eliminating some infertility issues, including the problem of multiple miscarriages.

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Cord blood is the stem cell rich blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta immediately after the cord is cut and the baby is born. Umbilical cord blood could be used as part of a therapy associated with many cancers and blood disorders.

Approximately 10,000 patients annually are in need of stem cell therapy. But 70% of these are unable to find a donor that matches their blood. Your child's cord blood would provide a perfect match. It could also benefit a sibling, grandparent, relative or even you, as the odds for finding a match are much higher.

Freezing these cells provides a form of life insurance for your child and your extended family. You may be asking, how much does this life insurance cost, will we benefit, and can I reduce costs in any way?

How Much Does Stem Cell Storage Cost?

The average cost quoted by the leading blood banking companies combines an upfront fee, along with smaller annual storage fees, and other miscellaneous charges. The average upfront fee ranges from $1,000 to $2,000, and the annual storage costs range from $100 to $150.

Will We Benefit From Stem Cell Storage?

Banking your baby's stem cells gives you a sense of security. If your child or family member becomes seriously ill, the stem cells may help them get well again. For many couples, this amounts to pure guesswork: will somebody get sick, and will the science advance enough to make a difference? Nobody knows for sure.

Couples with a family history of cancer and/or blood disorders are most likely to benefit. Their family history suggests that one or more family members may face this in the future. Stem cells show the most promise in treating these disorders.

How You Reduce Costs

For couples who want to freeze their baby's stem cells "just in case", the answer is: shop around. For couples whose child, and/or immediate family member is currently battling cancer or a blood disorder, the answer is: take a tax deduction. The IRS allows cord blood banking fees to be deducted as a medical expense, provided the banking is needed to treat a specific medical condition.

The same rules apply for your Flexible Spending Account as well. Only there are three distinct advantages to using your FSA, rather than a deduction on your 1040.

  1. The IRS imposes a medical deduction hurdle of 7.5% of your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). A couple with an AGI of $100,000 gets no tax savings on their first $7,500 of medical expenses. A Flexible Spending Account has no such hurdle. You get tax savings on your first dollar of expenses.

  2. A Flexible Spending Account allows you to avoid FICA (7.65%) tax on your stem cell storage fees. That translates into $150 in extra savings on a $2,000 fee.

  3. A Flexible Spending Account allows you to pay your entire stem cell storage set up fee on the first day of your Flex plan year. You have 52 weeks to pay your employer back by payroll deduction. It's like getting an interest free loan from your employer!

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Motherhood is the most beautiful phase of a woman's life. The greatest joy on earth for a woman is perhaps holding a little bundle of joy in her hands. However, working women may face problems when it comes to juggling motherhood and work.

Every country has laws to cater to pregnant women. It is important to be aware about maternity leave laws and policies so that you can continue working. Maternity leave is the period of leave which a pregnant woman takes just before and after the birth of a child.

Under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) passed by the US Department of Labor's Employment Standards Administration in 1993, employees can avail benefits like sick leave, maternity leave and/or vacation leave. All organizations have to comply with rules of the FMLA.

According to the Maternity Leave Act, a pregnant woman can take twelve weeks, or three months of maternity leave, without pay. To be eligible for this leave, the woman employee should have worked for a minimum period of 12 months for an organization. Though this is the general rule in majority of the states, the number of days may differ from one state to the other.

Employers are not supposed to discriminate against a woman who is pregnant. However, there have been instances where women have been fired or refused promotion all because of their condition. Such kind of unfair discrimination can put the employers in legal trouble.

However, in order to avail the maternity leave, the woman has to request for it in writing at least 30 days before proceeding on leave. Usually it is advisable for a pregnant woman to discuss the leave with her immediate supervisor once she enters her second trimester. This leave is unpaid and the woman's job is protected during this period. In addition, the employer has to continue the woman's group health insurance. In some states based on the state law, companies may take pregnancy as a short-term disability. This paves way for the woman to receive a small percentage of her salary.

Pregnancy discrimination still prevails. However, many companies have introduced flexible leave policies and working conditions for women who are expecting.

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There are only fifteen states in the US that have laws in place to include fertility treatments in their insurance coverage. However, it seems that 3 out of those states do not cover the cost of IVF. In fact, everything to do with IVF is specifically excluded. Possible motivations for not covering IVF could be:

  • it is risky, in that it often takes several cycles to "take" and even then there's no guarantee the baby will be carried to term

  • extremely expensive

  • those states simply don't need more people; their infrastructure can only just keep up with the constant influx of folks as it is.

Which are these states that refuse to contribute to the cost of IVF?

California, Louisiana and New York

The remaining 12 states that do have laws in place to cover fertility treatments, including all currently understood methods of assisted reproduction technology (ART) are

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Maryland, Arkansas, Ohio, West Virginia, Illinois, Texas, Montana and Hawaii

In a recent survey, (August 2010) currently in process via a Facebook page for IVF support, California came in as the most expensive state, with one set of would-be parents found their cost of IVF as much as $34,000 and weren't done yet! Another California hopeful reported a deal she had found that was $22,900 for 6 cycles with a 100% money back guarantee if she did not "bring a baby home from the hospital." This seems some consolation, at least.

An Iowa patient reported in at $18,000; in Northern Colorado there is someone who is now pregnant at a cost of $20,000 and a Pennsylvania mom facing $12,000 per cycle if she commits to doing 3 of them. These and other numbers will be tabulated, and eventually made available in one convenient place, as yet to be determined.

With these kinds of huge dollar figures, and so few states requiring insurance companies to cover fertility treatment, it is not wonder that the whole concept of Medical Tourism has become mainstream. A round of IVF in India can cost as little as $3,000. Is that what we want in America? To force our people to go abroad to get what should be their birthright - the chance to have a family of their own. It's like we're embarrassed for these people and want them to go get it all organized in private... the way people used to go "take the waters" in Switzerland to dry out! Surely this is not the way for a 21st century super power to behave?

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Having a baby should be the happiest time in a couple's life. Unfortunately for many families, the birth of a baby, although wonderful, represents a time of great financial stress. Only about one in every seven workers gets paid maternity leave from their company. Women struggle with the financial need to be at work and the emotional need to be with their new baby. Making ends meet while on maternity leave is not easy; here are some tips to make your stay home a little easier.

Making Ends Meet While On Maternity Leave: 5 Tips To Ease The Financial Stress

1. Take advantage of Government Benefits. Always apply for child tax credits, child care benefits, and low income tax breaks. Check your local Government as well; sometimes they offer programs that help new families with making ends meet while on maternity leave. Check your local Employment Insurance office for help with such benefits.

2. Get used to using coupons while on maternity leave. You can actually save quite a bit of money this way if you sign up for mailing lists from your favourite stores. They generally send samples along with money saving coupons. Also check out online sources for coupons such as smartcanucks.ca (Canadian residents), save.ca and the frugalshopper; just Google coupons and there are many sites that come up. Choose your coupons and print them off.

3. You can also get help making ends meet while on maternity leave with your local community resources. Check out second hand stores, local swap meets, freecycle.com, and the YWCA. A great resource to find organizations in your community that help is using kijiji or craigslist. Also ask your church, they usually have a great list of all the local organizations that help families.

4. Something I personally started doing while I was on maternity leave and continue to do today is make good use of the dollar store. If you have never been into the dollar store you have been missing out. You won't find high quality stuff, but what you do find is reasonable and useful. I get everything from kitchen gadgets to household cleaners to my dog's dishes at the dollar store. You won't find everything you want, but for a dollar you will find it easier to compromise on some household items.

5. The best thing I did while on maternity leave was bring in an extra income. Many moms find that being on maternity leave is a perfect time to look into having a home business. It is a great way to making ends meet while on maternity leave and if you end up liking it and making good money you just might find yourself wanting to stay home with your baby. Look for something online; it will be easier since you won't be expected to go out and do home parties or sell face to face. Also look for an opportunity where you will have a mentor to help coach you along the way. You want to be able to start off slow (since you will be very busy with baby!)

An online business is best for making ends meet while on maternity leave because it gives you ultimate flexibility in when you put time in and with how many hours you put in. It also gives you the opportunity to earn while you are learning and create a great income for your family. This is an especially great option for those new moms who really want to be a stay at home mom but couldn't financially afford to do so. With an online home business you can be completely flexible for you and your baby and financially help support your family.

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COBRA health insurance is an area of insurance law that suffers from a certain degree of uncertainty and yet this law will affect the lives of many Americans at some point in their lives. This is not an obscure law that only affects a small number of people in limited special situations. COBRA (or the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986) amends the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, the Internal Revenue Code and the Public Health Service Act to provide continuation of group health coverage that otherwise might be terminated.

According to the US Department of Labor; COBRA provides certain former employees, retirees, spouses, former spouses, and dependent children the right to temporary continuation of health coverage at group rates. This coverage, however, is only available when coverage is lost due to certain specific events. Group health coverage for COBRA participants is usually more expensive than health coverage for active employees, since usually the employer pays a part of the premium for active employees while COBRA participants generally pay the entire premium themselves. It is ordinarily less expensive, though, than individual health coverage.

Generally speaking, if you are an employee at a company that has 20 or more employees and you leave your group health plan (or your group health plan terminates for some reason) for some reason other than gross negligence then you will be offered COBRA continuation coverage (There are also provisions for spouses and dependent children).

Practically speaking; should you elect the COBRA continuation coverage option? If you or your family has major health issues then yes. If you and your family are relatively healthy then you will probably want to compare individual health insurance plans as individual rates are approximately half the cost of a comparable COBRA group health insurance premium. (Hint: One major difference between individual health plans and group health plans is that with individual health plans you usually have to pay extra to receive maternity coverage where on most group plans maternity coverage is included. If having maternity is a necessity then be sure and compare the rates offered to you by COBRA with the rates offered from an individual plan with maternity coverage to get a true apples to apples comparison.

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Major medical insurance plans offer protection against the large expenses resulting from a major injury or serious illness, paying a substantial portion of hospital and physicians' charges after the insured person has paid a deductible amount. Major medical insurance plans offer wide coverage for almost all medical expenses up to a high maximum benefit and are offered to both groups and individuals. Some plans may have limitations related to specific services.

Supplemental major medical insurance plans can be opted to cover those expenses not otherwise covered by the basic medical plan. Comprehensive major medical insurance plans coming under group health insurance are the most common plans combining both basic and major medical needs and usually pays for approved services in a calendar year after a deductible has been satisfied. Deductibles, co-insurance, lifetime maximum benefits, and covered expenses are common for both plans.

Major medical insurance plans do not cover damages caused by self inflicted injuries, war or act of war, eye examinations to prescribe or to fit the corrective lenses, hearing aids, cosmetic treatment etc.

Major medical insurance plans are available for those traveling abroad. International health insurance plans offer comprehensive major medical coverage in all countries including the US and are designed to meet the requirements of H1, H4 and new immigrants. These plans offer comprehensive medical benefits including maternity, mental health, preventive check ups and medical evacuation. These plans have no limit on policy renewals.

Some insurance plans have started the practice of issuing reports. These reports provide the satisfaction survey results and other information on the quality. The report also gives information on how many members stay in or leave the plan, how many doctors of the plan are board certified or how long one may have to wait for an appointment.

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Girls in Southeast Asia have learnt in their early women life from grandmother wisdoms, that they do not engage in any activity distorting their regular period. Menstrual disorder should be treated immediately, otherwise, it may cause wide range of women diseases, such as infertility, according to Traditional Chinese medicine. In this article, we will discuss how acupressure helps to treat dysmenorrhea.

1. Blood and qi stagnation

a) Blood stagnation

Suggested points for blood stagnation of channels Spleen and stomach are Sp10 (Xuehai), SP6 (Sanyinjiao), SP4 (Gongsun), ST21 (Liangmen) and ST34 (Liangqiu).

b) Qi stagnation

Points of suggestion for qi stagnation of liver, heart and conception vessel channels. LV3 (Taichong), SP6 (Sanyinjiao) PC6 (Neiguan), PC7 (Daling), HT7 (Shenmen) and HT8 (Shenmen).

2. Blood deficiency

Blood deficiency is defined as condition of not enough blood to circulate to the entire body. Points of suggestion for heart, liver and conception channels are BL15 (Xinshu) CV14 (Juque) HT7 (Shennen) LI3 (Taichong).

3. Damp Heat

Suggested points of acupressure for spleen, liver and conception channels are SP3 (Taibai) and SP5 (Shangqiu), SP9 (Yinlingquan), ST36 (Zusanli), and SP6 (Sanyinjiao) CV12 (Zhongwan).

4. Dampness

a) Suggested points of acupressure are SP3 (Taibai) and SP5 (Shangqiu).

b) Wind

Suggested points of acupressure for governing vessel channels are GV14 (Dazhui), GV20 (Baihui), GV16 (Fengfu)

5. Imbalance of Kidney or Liver

a) Suggested points of acupressure for kidney and conception channels are ST36 (Zusanli), (SP6 (Sanyinjiao), GV20 (Baihui), CV4 (Guanyuan) and CV6 (Qihai).

b) Imbalance of liver: Suggested points of acupressure for LV2 (Xingjian), LV3 (taichong), LV14 (Jueyin), GB 34 (Yanglingguan).

The above is only some suggestions and for illustration only, please consult with your acupressure practitioner or acupuncturist before applying.


LV: Liver channel
GB: Gallbladder channel
UB: Bladder channel
CV: Conception vessel channel
SP: Spleen channels LI: Large intestine channel
KD: Kidney channel
GV: Governing vessel channel
TH: Triple heater channel
BL (UB) Bladder
LU: Lung channel
ST: Stomach channel
PC: Pericardium channel
HT: Heart channel
REN (CV): Conception vessel channel

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Any sort of insurance policy is purchased by the consumers keeping in mind a lot many factors which basically decides whether the insurance cover is suitable for you or not. In the case of health insurance policy, a Good Health Policy includes care of your health needs,brings you Cashless Access, 24/7 access to health advice whenever you need it. On the whole, a program that manages your medical expenses without you paying for them!

A person should very judiciously choose a health insurance cover as, it is the question of you and your family's health care needs which is in question. Some people mistake less premium in an insurance policy for a good plan; however, in reality if you have a closer look at the plan and facilities included in it, you will find that it is only covering a basic percentage of your needs and leaving out some important details to which you have not paid much heed to.

There are insurance policies which have n number of exclusions in their health insurance policy like the plans which cover maternity benefits have normally a gap of 6 years and a normal waiting period of 6 months. Off late there have been new launches of plans where you need to be enrolled for just 2 years to avail maternity benefit and the extra benefit is that your baby gets insured automatically under the policy. Normally, you have to get your baby insured under the cover until the period lasts for the insurance.

In the current times, as we are all aware it is not really simple to make a choice as we are flooded with so many options and it is really a difficult task to pin down one policy which takes care of all the needs and at the same time also suits your budget. So it would be wrong to judge a insurance cover with its monthly premium. It is good to dive deep into benefits and then decide which is the plan that you would like to go ahead and take up for yourself and your family.

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The nightmare of contributory negligence... Is this the way YOUR state does things?

We had a young lady insured in our agency. She was driving to work one day, waiting to make a left-hand turn, with her turn-signals on, etc... As approaching traffic cleared, she began her turn... just as the bonehead behind her was passing on her left! There was a grinding collision...!

Obviously, it was the passing driver's fault, and we had our insured file a claim against that driver's car insurance. That is when we found out the other driver was uninsured.

No problem, we thought. The other driver was speeding, driving without a license, driving without car insurance, passing at an intersection... Clearly at fault... This is exactly why we carry "Uninsured Motorist" coverage... to pay for our damages and injuries if we are struck by an at-fault uninsured driver.

So our insured filed a claim under her own policy's UM coverage. Simple solution... But the company denied the claim! The reason? CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE.

This legal doctrine, as it applies to car insurance, simply says that if you are found to have contributed to the loss to any degree, you cannot collect from the other party!!! How did she contribute? The car insurance company said she should have checked her rear-view mirror to see if a speeding, unlicensed, illegally passing bonehead was there before she started her turn..!!! Unbelievable...

Another car insurance claim that went wrong...

Under the "med pay" coverage of your car insurance policy, coverage is provided for injuries to anyone "occupying" a covered auto. If you look in the definitions of the policy, however, you see what they mean by occupying... You are "occupying" the car in you are in it... on it... getting into it... getting out of it... getting onto it... or getting off of it!

This can lead to some very interesting claims...

The most bizarre med pay claim I ever saw went like this: There was a girl and a guy out on a date. After the movie and dinner, they found themselves with too much time and privacy on their hands, one thing led to another, and the girl found herself pregnant.

The family did not anticipate their teenage daughter getting pregnant, and had no maternity coverage on their health insurance. So they filed a claim and under the boy's father's car insurance policy's "med pay" coverage! After all, they said... it was an "injury sustained while occupying a covered auto"!

They received full maternity coverage for pre-natal care and delivery!

And we wonder why our car insurance premiums are so high...

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If you are a small business Florida with four to fifty full-time employees, your employees might have been pressuring you on getting a term health care insurance that you would have to pay.

While it is always advisable to keep your employees happy, getting term healthcare insurance for your employees as a member of your organization may not always suit their needs and may not be cost effective for your business too.

In order to be accepted in their Florida health insurance programs, most healthcare providers require for a small business to be operating for at least a year in Florida. Eligible business must also have been paying for their quarterly taxes. Small business in this case is a company with four to 50 full-time enrolled employees.

Some health providers allow employers to get a combination of PPO plans and HMO plans - and some employees can be on PPO while others on HMO. Although they offer similar services, PPO plans and HMO plans have some distinct differences. The aim is ultimately to allow people to save on their healthcare costs through their network of physicians and hospitals. However, with a PPO, you may see your favorite doctor or visit your favorite hospital - the insurance company will pay between 70% to 80% of the total cost. HMO plans are known, and in fact, limit you to their list of providers and hospitals. PPO plans are offered in all of Florida's counties.

If You Can't Afford It

If you have less than 25 employees, you are not required to offer healthcare or HMO options to your employees if you go back to the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973.

If you are such a small organization, then you might want to encourage your employees to get an individual health insurance plan. This type of plan is not issued to individuals as employees, business owners or as self-employed people. They are issued to people individually as breathing and living people with healthcare concerns.

Individual health insurance plans have advantages over group health insurance and vice versa.

Insurance companies usually have guidelines for accepting companies into their program. Your company might not qualify to be accepted into a group health program. However, if it does qualify, the insurance company must accept all individuals regardless of their pre-existing health conditions - they even include maternity benefits. Therefore, premiums under group healthcare can be more expensive than individual plans.

Insurance companies usually offer better, cheaper rates with individual plans since they can accept, rate or decline an application for an individual plan. Maternity benefits can only be had as an option in this case.

Insurance Brokers

If you are looking forward to enrolling in a health insurance program, you should know that even if you go straight direct to the healthcare company or if you choose to find your company, the premiums are still going to be the same. Insurance providers are not allowed to sell their health plans cheaper than what their agents are selling it for.

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THE TOP INDIVIDUAL HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY WOULD BE ONE THAT YOU NEVER USED. However, you have to purchase health insurance BEFORE your need it..

1.TIP #1 Having some individual health insurance is better than none at all. Suddenly overcome by an unexpected medical condition can ruin your financial security and environmental living standards. With no rehabilitation benefits, you could lose your job. Then you might have to sell everything valuable you worked hard for. Weakening, frail health may allow meeting the stringent Social Security Disability requirements. Never ever chance it, and never rely on the government.

2. TIP #2 All individual health insurance policies are not created equally. If you are in the same financial position similar to many neighbors, paying deeply for coverage may not be achievable. Don't despair, see how much lower your premiums will be if you opt for a major medical plan with a $1,000, $2,500, or even $5,000 deductible. Next look at your car insurance and home owner policies and get higher deductibles on them. If you encounter no mishaps, you had protection made possible by structuring higher deductibles into your insurance plans.

3. TIP #3 All individual health insurance policies are not Major Medical plans. Some are hospital plans with stripped benefits or are ridiculous outlandish hospital indemnity plans. Always try to purchase Major Medical insurance. Most Major Medical plans pay up to at least $2,000,000 in lifetime benefits. Recently I had neck-spinal fusion surgery, forcing 4 days of hospitalization. Total expenses exceeded $60,000. A regular hospital plan probably leaving $10,000 unpaid could be expected. The idiotic purchase of a hospital indemnity plan would have paid specified amount per day in the hospital. Having a hospital indemnity plan paying $250 daily, it would have paid out $1,000 total.

4. TIP #4 Evaluate your age and see if you need maternity benefits covered. A problem newborn can easily accumulate $200,000 in advanced medical care. Therefore a plan with maternity benefits can shoot up costs. When checking rates, see if the insurer has one rate for all ages, male or female. Some individual health plans base your rates on age, with females getting lower rates at certain ages, and males getting gouged at higher rate bands. Overall, buy the best policy you can afford to keep.

5. TIP #5 Do not inquire about health insurance until you have fully evaluated your present and past medical conditions. An Individual Health Insurance Company may elect not to cover your conditions, plus raise up normal premiums. If you have serious health conditions you might try to see if Blue Cross will insure you (without 180 days of coverage for pre-existing conditions). If you operate a business out of your home, or are an independent contractor, or self employed with a registered name you have one lucky star. Check your local Chamber of Commerce whose many benefits may include eligibility on their large group plan. A unique way to get large group coverage for 1 person,

6. TIP #6 Check out the HMO, health maintenance organizations and PPO, Preferred Provider Organizations. Remember though that an HMO is like your mother saying NO or beg me first. It doesn't take long until you feel like a number, not a patient. Good luck getting a referral approved, either though your doctor insists on it. Plus you select your doctor from their list and only use a certain hospital when necessary. A PPO offers more flexibility of course at a higher price.

7. TIP #7 This one is easy to become a scam victim of. A virtually unknown insurance company enters your area, aggressively fighting for you to sign up. The rate is below all others, and benefits are comparable. The first 3 years the company signs up thousands and thousands of individuals in good health and pays little out in claims. Suddenly people like you have major health problems and start submitting claims. The insurance company doubles their rates. Most of the people in good health go elsewhere, but you are stuck.. The insurance company may again double rates, hack off benefits, cancel policies, or sell out to another carrier. Quicksand where you can't be rescued!

8. TIP #6 Don't have a heart attack if you are left with thousands of dollars in medical expenses. Most hospitals and doctors have already built in a price margin to cover some costs of those who can't pay the entire bill now. Keep you mouth shut, and you hands away from the phone until you bill goes to a collection agency. Remember, these bully meanies do not get a dime unless you pay. Don't give into threats! After 6 weeks of receiving pestering calls, make your move. If you have a $500 bill, offer to pay $250 in 5 days, many collectors jump to settle on this lower amount. Should you have a long range problem go right to the top claims administrator. Offering to pay $100 a month will earn you 6 years to pay off a $5,000 bill, plus keep your credit.

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The patient undergoing fertility treatments is likely to encounter many confusing statistics and studies related to their particular course of treatment. One of the most common faced at fertility treatment centers may be whether or not Metformin improves IVF outcomes.

According to Balen and Michelmore, 2002, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder encountered at fertility treatment centers and accounts for 80% of anovulatory infertility. Between 5-7% of reproductive age women are affected. While IVF treatment is an effective treatment for many patients, women with PCOS respond differently than women with normal ovaries, which adds to the difficulty in understanding the data.


To understand the findings, and the divergent opinions about the results, you must first understand some about PCOS. The disorder, which gets its name from the small cysts found on the ovaries of patients with the disorder, is marked by prolonged menstrual periods, access hair growth and weight gain. Patients with the disorder are also likely to be at risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Recent Studies

Recent studies have discovered that Metformin, an insulin sensitizing agent, can improve outcomes in women who are commonly resistant to Clomiphene Citrate and also insulin resistant. The 2009 study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology reports that Metformin notably decreases the incidence of miscarriage, as well as ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS), while positively affecting the oocyte and embryo quality in Clomiphene Citrate resistant PCOS women undergoing IVF. New and continuing studies continue to shed light on the positive role Metformin can play in PCOS patients.

About Metformin

In spite of detractors, the evidence gained from three of the most recent studies is extremely positive. The random, double blind, controlled trials and several cohort studies indicate that when taken with Clomiphene Citrate, Metformin can be successful in enhancing the probability of ovulation and pregnancy. The study also supports findings that Metformin improves Clomiphene resistant anovulation in women treated with follicle-stimulating hormone. The use of Metformin shows drastic reduction in the rate of cycle cancellation and ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome when compared to gonadotropins alone. One study shows that patients undergoing IVF and being treated with FSH and Metformin had a noticeable increase in the number of mature oocytes retrieved, fertilization rates, as well as the number of embryos produced.

Metformin and Weigh Loss

Since PCOS can often result in significant weight gain, fertility treatment centers treating women with PCOS with the drug Metformin will also commonly encourage weight loss in these patients. Taking Metformin will also commonly result in weight loss. Some suggest that the resulting weight loss is responsible for the more favorable outcomes.

Clinical Consequences

It is important for women with PCOS receive treatment since it has been linked to increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes. Fertility treatment centers find that by the age of 40, nearly 40% of PCOS patients develop impaired glucose tolerance or clinical diabetes. While in the reproductive years, PCOS patients are more likely to experience spontaneous abortions and develop gestational diabetes. Those who develop gestational diabetes are at increased risk of developing hyperandrogenism and hyperinsulinemia later in life. Patients diagnosed with PCOS should address all of their concerns with the fertility treatment center's staff.

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Every parent wants to celebrate the birth of their child with a good deal of enjoyment without any unnecessary surprises like payment of medical bills. There are great choices as far as the maternity insurances are concerned. Even if you are not pregnant right at the moment but wants to add a maternity coverage to your to your health insurance plan. In that case there are many important things that you should know. Many of the individual health insurance policies will allow you to have maternity coverage in the form of a rider for some additional cost. The common case is that these maternity riders should have a waiting period of at least 12 months and this happens to be before they pay out any type of maternity benefit. But there are variations with different health insurance companies.

There are maternity insurances with that provide you with great benefits which are real helpful to take you to the financial security of preparing for your child. It would be great if you happen to have your Maternity Health Insurance Coverage in your hand before all your test results turn out to be positive. Surveys have revealed that around some 13% of the pregnant women go without any medical care during the months of their pregnancy. Sometimes it's difficult to find out proper maternity insurances as pregnancy is not considered as part of many health insurance policies.

Maternity insurances are not such that you can add and drop it at any time. As per HIPAA Act of 1996, pregnancy is not considered as a pre-existing condition, this makes it possible that an expecting mother can't be denied of health insurance. But there are some loopholes to this law which depends on whether insurance is a group or individual health plan. Before choosing a provider you need to check the names of network provides that are enlisted in the latest directory provided by the insurance company.

It's always advisable to choose the doctor and hospital that are listed in the network. If you find the network provider which is appropriate for you, there is the advantage of paying a lesser amount of medical bills out of your pocket. Many of the states offer good individual health insurance plans for those who have a pregnancy pre-existing condition what they think can't be covered with another insurance source.

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It is an exciting feeling to discover you are expecting a child. You start thinking of possible names and you might buy a few outfits. However, one of the first things to do is to make sure there's maternity coverage on your insurance plan. If you don't, there is no need to start panicking. There are ways to get health insurance maternity coverage included, whether it's buying extra coverage, getting state help, or paying the hospital before delivery.

The best way to protect yourself from an unexpected present is to make sure maternity is included in your insurance plan from the start. There are usually different levels, with some taking care of all bills, while others only covering complications. If possible, a mother should have full coverage because unexpected things can happen during a delivery. Plus, there is nine months of doctor checkups, prenatal care, ultrasounds, lab work, delivery, hospital stay, etc. For those who end up having a c-section, suddenly there's a surgeon bill and a anesthesiologist bill. Without sufficient health insurance maternity coverage, bills will quickly add up.

Some women don't have to worry about maternity coverage because it's included in their insurance benefits offered by their employer. Other businesses may have health insurance maternity coverage as an optional benefit, with you picking up the extra expense. There are those who don't have maternity coverage on their plan. Some people don't have any insurance. The good news is most insurance plans cover complications during a delivery. Maybe you fall into the appropriate income level to receive state help. Sometimes hospitals have prepaid maternity, which can be close to what some end up paying their insurance company. Whatever the case, the easiest way to find quotes is to go online. This will make sure you get the best rates.

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Getting pregnant is one of the highlights of any woman's life. She finds a new sense of purpose now that she shares the next nine months of her life with her child. This is the most important time that a woman has to take care of her health. She has to make sure that she is fit in all respects, from the way she eats, sleeps, exercises, to even how she feels. In order to do that, she must get a health insurance maternity coverage as soon as possible. For more information on how to get one, read on.

The first tip that women should know is that they must get a maternity insurance package even before they would get pregnant. This is one of the most vital times of a woman's life, so being prepared both emotionally and financially must be of prime importance. Getting pregnant is costly, so having an insurance plan that covers most of all expenses will surely help the woman and her family.

Now that a woman has chosen a health insurance maternity coverage, she must not stop looking for complimentary insurance packages. These complimentary packages will help cover the other services that the main insurance package would not cover. Normally, packages have a limit or maximum amount; these complimentary insurance packages will help in covering the other services.

The expenses of pregnancy must not be a challenge for any woman. She must concentrate all her attention to making sure that she is in her best health for her baby. The insurance package will do just that.

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Infertility is termed as failure to conceive after months of trying for pregnancy without the use of any contraceptives. When you are diagnosed with infertility then the first thing you need to find out is the reason behind this infertility. IVF treatment is pursued once other treatments have failed to achieve pregnancy. Starting IVF treatment can be an exciting but nerve wracking experience. IVF treatment is the very first treatment tried when an egg donor is being used, there are severe cases of male infertility or a woman's fallopian tubes are blocked.

IVF treatment is often successful, though, it may take more than one try. Studies show that the potential for success with IVF treatment is the same for up to four cycles. IVF treatment is quite stressful. Just looking over the schedule of ultrasounds, blood work, injections and so on can make you feel fragile. Even the fertility drugs may change your moods.

Infertility and IVF can be pretty stressful and at times you may feel sad and worried; you and your partner may even struggle in your relationship together.

Following question and answers will help you to easily manage your IVF treatment.

What is the history and success of IVF?

The first successful IVF pregnancy in the world occurred in England in 1978 by Doctors Step toe and Edwards. Now, almost thirty years later, IVF is accepted as a standard treatment and in many cases as a first-line treatment for infertility, resulting in the birth of more than one million babies worldwide.

Is IVF treatment required for you?

IVF is recommended for women with blocked tubes or missing fallopian tubes and it is the best treatment available. It is also used when other conditions are present, including endometriosis, male factor infertility and unexplained infertility in which no medical cause for infertility can be found.

What is the age limit for women to undergo IVF treatment?

Successful pregnancy outcome with treatment is largely related to female age, particularly when using the woman's own eggs. Most clinics have a certain upper age limit after which they will not perform in vitro fertilization (IVF) with the woman's own eggs. The age limit for ivf treatment is somewhere between 42 and 45 in most programs. When donor eggs are being used, the age of the egg donor is the important issue. With egg donation, the age of the recipient does not seem to affect the chances of success. There are instances of pregnancy with the age above 60 also.

What's involved in IVF?

IVF is a complex procedure. That is why prior to undergoing IVF treatment, patients have an IVF orientation with their physician who will fully explain the IVF process, including pre-IVF investigations and processes. All IVF patients will receive instructions on the proper timing and administration of the fertility medications involved in the IVF treatment cycle.

Whether to transfer one embryo or more than that?

It is in the hands of the patients to decide how many embryos to transfer. It cannot be ensured that each embryo transfer will become a baby. One easy way of improving the chances of achieving a pregnancy in an IVF cycle is by transferring more embryos. However the risk of having a multiple pregnancy also increases with more embryos transferred. Normally the number of embryos to be transferred should be decided based on patients age and how many times they have tried IVF previously. If you are under 35 and have never tried IVF before, then transfer of 2 embryos is suggested.

How can you improve the chances of IVF Treatment?

If a success is required in an ivf cycle one should avoid alcohol and tobacco, medications, lose weight and maintain BMI, avoid caffeine or control its consumption, follow balanced diet and take folic acid supplements. IVF treatment should be started early as the age plays an important role.

When to go for pregnancy test after IVF Treatment?

About two weeks after embryo transfer blood test is carried out to find whether the treatment has worked. If the test is positive, first pregnancy scan is taken two weeks later. If the test is negative, you need to talk to your doctor and decide whether to try the treatment again.

How long should one wait after failure of IVF Cycle?

Medically, you can usually start up again immediately in your next cycle. Many clinics advise to take break for 2 or 3 months.

Is hospitalization required in IVF procedure?

A patient undergoing IVF does not require admission in the hospital. The patient has to visit the center 3-5 times during monitoring cycle. On the day of egg collection Patients can go home after the effect of anesthesia weans off which takes about 2-3 hours. After the embryo transfer, which again takes about half an hour patients are free to go home after resting for one hour.

Is in vitro fertilization treatment expensive?

This price will vary depending on where you live, the amount of medications you're required to take, the number of IVF cycles you undergo, and the amount your insurance company will pay toward the procedure. Compared to the UK and USA, IVF treatment is much economical in India, and the quality of the treatment is excellent. This is because doctor's charge very less as compared to the developed western countries. As per international standards, IVF in India is very cost-effective and more and more foreigners are travelling to India for availing ivf treatment.

Studies show that the potential for success with IVF treatment is the same for up to four cycles. Generally, the live birth rate for each IVF cycle is 30 to 35% for women under age 35, 25% for women between the ages of 35 and 37, 15 to 20% for women between the ages of 38 and 40 and 6 to 10% for women after age 40. (When an egg donor is used, however, success rates remain high even at age 40, with a 45% success rate.)

Know all about IVF Procedure, IVF Cycle, IVF Cost and Starting treating infertility today by contacting Rotunda Clinic:All Appointments are scheduled according to your convenience at Rotunda Fertility clinic.

You can contact for further assistance at http://wewantababy.com or email at rotunda.tchr@gmail.com or simply a phone call at +91 22 2655 2000 or +91 22 26405000.

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New Jersey is one of only fifteen states with an infertility insurance mandate. If you work for an employer headquartered in the state of NJ, you may be one of the lucky few whose health insurance will cover some of your infertility treatments. Beware the New Jersey Family Building Act does not apply equally to all NJ citizens. Understand how the law works, and how it applies to your insurance plan before beginning your infertility treatments.

NJ Family Building Act

The New Jersey Family Building Act is one of fifteen state laws mandating some form of infertility treatment coverage for people who work for employer groups subject to the regulation. The key to unlocking how this law applies to you is to understand who is subject to the regulation, what it covers, where the holes lie, and how to fill the gaps.

Where are the Holes?

The New Jersey law applies to employer groups of fifty employees or more, for employer groups headquartered in the state. If you work for an employer with less than fifty employees, or for a branch location that happens to be in NJ but headquartered elsewhere, then you may be out of luck. Also, employers who self insure are not subject to the mandate. Many larger employers take the self insure route, and are therefore not subject to the mandate either.

The NJ law is unique in that is specifically describes a variety of infertility treatments that must be covered. But don't assume that there is no limit to the coverage. Infertility treatments don't come with guarantees of success. Most insurance plans will cap the number of cycles you can try in your lifetime.

How to Fill the Gaps

Remember that your unreimbursed infertility medical expenses may be tax deductible and you may get a bigger tax benefit by using your flexible spending account. Also, supplemental insurance is a great way to create maternity leave income, and provide extra protection in case of complications.

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