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Hair loss, or going bald, is one of the greatest fears of both men and women alike. It's no wonder then that the hair loss treatment industry is flourishing. The most often asked question is - Is it possible to prevent hair loss from happening?

Before answering that question, lets take a look at the possible causes of hair loss. They include:

(a) Genetic (it runs in the family);

(b) Hormonal changes (such as after delivering a baby. The medical term is postpartum hair loss);

(c) Medication for ailments not related to hair loss;

(d) Poor diet (consuming nutritionally deficient food)

(e) Stress (in this globalised dog-eat-dog environment, most people's stress level is at an all-time high)

(f) Health problems (such as a malfunctioning thyroid, high fever, general anesthesia, etc)

Tips to minimise the chances of suffering hair loss:

(a) Eating a balanced and healthy diet, and stay away from junk food as much as possible. Eating healthy is not only good for your hair but also for other bodily functions.

(b) Treat your hair with respect, and wash it as often as necessary. Some people wash their hair only once every few days because they have heard that washing it daily can cause hair loss. Well, feedbacks from doctors and hair specialists made it clear that it is only a myth - meaning a daily wash will not cause hair loss. Some doctors recommend using baby shampoo, and make sure to lather it gently.

(c) Don't ever rub your hair vigorously with a towel when it is wet. The recommended advice from hair experts is to let your wet hair to "air dry" - so try to put that favourite hair dryer of yours away as much as possible. What if circumstances do not permit and a hair dryer is deemed necessary? Well, in that case, use the dryer on a low heat setting.

(d) When it comes to styling your hair, do it when it is damp or dry. Don't style your hair when its wet because the hair may stretched and eventually break.

(e) If you have itchy hands which loves to tease your hair, make a conscious effort to stop this habit. Teasing your hair can damage it.

(f) If you are very much into using chemicals for things such as straightening or coloring, the advice is try not to use them as often as you possibly can. If you do use them, apply them with care and always follow the instructions on the product label to the T.

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So now you know you are pregnant and you have done all it takes to ensure that all is as it should be with you and your unborn child. Yet, now and again, you are assaulted with feelings that are so real and tangible which indicate that all is not as well as you might think. Feelings that make you think thoughts like; "How certain are you, for example that your baby is okay?", "What is the guarantee you have that you will make a good mother for that child?", "How will you provide for it until he needs to leave your house when fully grown?", "Will you be required to raise him or her alone", "What if you cannot lose all that post baby fat?" etcetera, etcetera.

While all of the above may be legitimate questions, you must realize that becoming anxious over them are unnecessary and uncalled for. This is due to the fact that you are simply experiencing bouts of anxiety and panic attacks which can be a normal condition for pregnant women. Nevertheless, being common does not mean that you should accept it as the norm and begin to endure it - no, in fact there are many techniques out there that can help you put those anxious feelings under. This article will not list out all of those techniques but will answer the most frequently asked question concerning the 7 most common of these techniques in the hopes that you will be able to decide on which best suits your kind of person or the type of panic that you experience. Okay let's roll...

1. Is Swimming An Effective Way To Calm A Panic Attack?

Yes it is. It helps to ease pressure on your joints and calm frayed nerves. It also gives your mind something to concentrate and focus on. Additionally, swimming helps to position your baby for the birth process (delivery).

2. Can You Give Me A List Of Herbal Supplements?

These include, but are not limited to, the following; valerian, kava kava, winter cherry, St. John's wort, bugleweed, ashwangandha, and so on.

These herbs can be used to combat panic attacks and achieve a panic-free pregnancy term. They are also very fantastic catalyst for mood stabilization and achieving a calm sleep. It is able to do this by helping the neurotransmitters in your brain maintain healthy balance.

3. I Don't Know How To Execute The Proper Deep Breathing Technique, Can You Describe How?

Deep breathing helps you relax and will be helpful when it is time for labor too. They are very effective for preventing panic and can improve you physical and mental condition. Two basic types are note worthy; Abdominal and Slow;

Abdominal - To do this one, place one hand on your belly; Take in air through your nostrils slowly and deeply so that it gets to the bottom of your lungs. While doing this, your shoulders and chest should be as stationary as possible while your belly should expand with air; After about 5 to 8 seconds, you should exhale slowly. As you exhale, feel and allow your body relax. Repeat this technique about ten times to ensure a smooth and regular breathing. Once you have done this for 5 minutes you will begin to notice much less anxiety. Practice this routine daily.

Slow - Slowly inhale air through your nostrils while counting to 5; Hold in that breath for about 5 seconds; Then exhale slowly through your mouth while counting down from 5 - 1. While doing this you might want to repeat the word "relax...relax..." silently. Continue this technique for about 5 minutes and practice it daily.

4. I've Heard About Prenatal Yoga, What Is It Exactly?

It is simply a variation of yoga which is suitable for pregnant women. Yoga is a relaxation technique that calms the body and clears the mind of anxiety.

5. Going For A Walk - Is It Advisable Or Not?

It is advisable. But care should be taking to choose serene locations and terrain that is not harsh or too coarse. You should be thinking about locations like the park, the beach and so on. Try not to overdo it as the aim here is to relieve the stress that causes panic and not to help bring it on.

6. Is It Important To Eat Healthy Foods To Ward Off Panic Attacks?

Yes it is. In fact eating a healthy meal with high nutritional value is recommended if you want to have a panic-free pregnancy term. You want to ensure that you eat foods like; cereals, eggs, fruits, veggies, milk and so on. You should also abstain from ingesting or inhaling substances that consist of caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and other negative substances that are addictive and dangerous to you and your unborn baby.

7. Should I Medicate My Attacks?

This is a toughie. The answer is not so simple...I will not recommend that you take medication for your panic due to a lot of reasons but your doctor may disagree. So let me expatiate further; even though antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication can help calm you down, the truth is that they are addictive, habit-forming, and pack quite nasty withdrawal symptoms. You will also constantly need to up your medication so as to maintain their efficacy. Finally and more importantly what panic attack medication actually does is to quell your symptoms not eradicate the original trigger or root cause of that panic. If you still opt for medication, ensure that it is with the full consent of your doctor.

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Hemorrhoids are masses of swollen veins in the lower rectum or at the anus. The condition develops from increased pressure in the veins in the lower rectum most often caused by straining to have a bowel movement. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins -- that is, blood vessels that have become unusually swollen - hat show up in the rectal area. Hemorrhoids are typically anywhere from the size of a raisin to the size of a grape. Hemorrhoids are often itchy and can be very painful, especially in the first few days postpartum. You may find some bleeding in the rectal area especially after a bowel movement, this is normal.

Hemorrhoids are very common in both men and women, and about half of the population in the United States will suffer from hemorrhoids at least once by age fifty. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins and excess tissue in the lower rectum and anus. They can cause pain, bleeding, and itching. Hemorrhoids are common among pregnant women because the pressure of the fetus in the abdomen, as well as hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, cause the hemorrhoidal vessels to enlarge.

External Hemorrhoids, however, are commonly associated with pain and itching as well as bleeding. Thus, most of the approximately 500,000 Americans who seek medical treatment for Hemorrhoids each year are afflicted with the external type of the swollen veins. External Hemorrhoids involve the veins outside the anus. They can be itchy or painful and can sometimes crack and bleed. External hemorrhoids may also be noticed by the presence of a small skin tag protruding from the anus or of a bulging vein type protusion around the anus.

Internal Hemorrhoids can range from small, swollen veins in the wall of the anal canal to large, sagging veins and tissue that bulge out of the anus all the time. Internal Hemorrhoids can be painful if they protrude all the time and are squeezed by the anal muscles, or if they are thrombosed, or clotted. Internal Hemorrhoids usually develop due to chronic constipation and are also prone to develop during a woman's pregnancy period. Internal Hemorrhoids often do not cause a visible lump or pain, but they can bleed. Bleeding from Internal Hemorrhoids typically occurs with bowel movements, causing blood-streaked stool or toilet paper.

Hemorrhoids treatment can be external or internal or both together depending on the nature of the condition. Medicated pads procurable commercially contain witch hazel, that is a natural astringent drug which can help relieve irritation and reduce swelling. A few people are sensitive to astringents as well as the painkillers carried in hemorrhoid cream, thus care should be exercised when using these products. Natural treatments, such as Venapro, have shown to be effective in controlling and reversing symptoms dramatically.

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Native Americans used golden seal as an eye wash and to relieve stomach problems. Today, it's used to treat menstrual disorders, minor sciatica pain, rheumatic or muscle pain, and as an antispasmodic. It's said to enhance the potency of other herbs as well. The useful portions are de rived from the rhizome and roots of Hydrastis canadensis. Its principal chemical constituents are the alkaloids hydrastine and berberine; it also contains other alkaloids, volatile oils, chlorogenic acid, phytosterols, and resins.

Golden seal may have anti-inflammatory, antihemorrhagic, immunomodulatory, and muscle relaxant properties. It exhibits inconsistent uterine hemostatic properties. Hydrastine causes peripheral vasoconstriction. Berberine can decrease the anticoagulant effect of heparin. It stimulates bile secretion and exhibits some antineoplastic and antibacterial activity. Berberine can stimulate cardiac function in lower doses or inhibit it at higher doses.

Golden seal is available as capsules, dried ground root and rhizome powder, tablets, tea, tincture, and water ethanol extracts. Common trade names include Golden Seal Power, Nu Veg Golden Seal Herb, and Nu Veg Golden Seal Root.

Reported uses

Golden seal is used to treat postpartum hemorrhage and to improve bile secretion. It's also used as a digestive aid and xpectorant. Golden seal is used topically on wounds and herpes labialis lesions.


Alcohol and water extract: 250 mg by mouth three times a day

Dried rhizome: 0.5 to 1 g in 1 cup of water three times a day

Expectorant: 250 to 500 mg by mouth three times a day

For symptomatic relief of mouth sores and sore throat: 2 to 4 ml of tincture (1:10 in 60% ethanol), swished or gargled three times a day

Topical use (cream, ointment, or powder): Applied to wound once a day.


Adverse effects associated with golden seal include sedation, reduced mental alertness, hallucinations, delirium, paresthesia, paralysis, hypotension or hypertension, mouth ulderation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, GI cramping, contact dermatitis, and megaloblastic anemia from decreased vitamin B absorption.

Golden seal may reduce anticoagulant effect of anticoagulant medications. Increased hypoglycemic effects may be seen with hypoglycemics and insulin. It may reduce or enhance hypotensive effect of antihypertensives. Golden seal may interfere or enhance cardiac effects when given with beta blockers, calcium channel blockers or digoxin. It may enhance sedative effects of central nervous system (CNS) depressants such as benzodiazepines. Disulfiram-like reaction may result when liquid preparations are combined with disulfiram, metronidazole, or cephalosporins.

Patients with hypertension, heart failure, or arrhythmias should avoid use. Pregnant and breast-feeding patients and those with severe renal or hepatic disease should also avoid use. Berberine increases bilirubin levels in infants and shouldn't be given to them.

Safety Risk Life-threatening adverse effects of golden seal include aystole, heart block, leukopenia, and respiratory depression. High doses may lead to vomiting, bradycardia, hypertension, respiratory depression, exaggerated reflexes, seizures, and death.

Clinical considerations

German Commission E has not endorsed the use of golden seal for any condition because of the potential toxicity and lack of well-documented efficacy.

Monitor patient for signs and symptoms of vitamin B deficiency such as megaloblastic anemia, paresthesia, seizures, cheilosis, glossitis, and seborrheic dermatitis.

Monitor patient for adverse cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurologic effects. If patient has a toxic reaction, induce vomiting and perform gastric lavage. After lavage, instill activated charcoal and treat symptomatically.

Advise patient not to use golden seal because of its toxicity and lack of documented efficacy, especially if the patient has cardiovascular disease.

Warn patient to avoid driving until he knows how golden seal will affect CNS.

Tell patient to notify pharmacist of any herbal or dietary supplement that he's taking when obtaining a new prescription.

Advise patient to consult his health care provider before using an herbal preparation because a conventional treatment with proven efficacy may be available.

Research summary

The topical use of golden seal extracts in sterile eye washes persists although there is little clinical evidence for its effectiveness. The plant possesses astringent and weak antiseptic properties that may be effective in treating minor oral problems. While small amounts of the plant can be ingested with no adverse effects as a component of bitter tonics, large doses can be toxic. The effects of the plant and its extracts in pregnant women are inconclusive. Golden seal is less effective than ergot alkaloids in treating postpartum hemorrhage. Berberine can decrease the duration of diarrhea caused by pathogens such as Vibrio cholerae, Shigella, Salmonella, Giardia, and some Enterobacteriaceae.

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Hemorrhoids can cause uncomfortable situations and painful problems even to the extent of making day to day life difficult. Though considered as a consequence of pregnancy and obesity, bearing excessive weight incorrectly, moving heavy objects, acute and prolonged constipation and physical strain can also lead to hemorrhoids. The chemicals and synthetics formulated to cure Hemorrhoids in most cases do more harm than good in the long run and offer only a temporary solution. As an effective alternative, trying out Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment is a wise decision to relieve the problem of hemorrhoids.

Though being very common, many people struggle to get well from hemorrhoids but eventually develop severe cases of chronic hemorrhoids. To go by definition hemorrhoid is "an itching or painful mass of dilated veins in swollen anal tissue." There are quite a few ways to tackle the physical discomfort of hemorrhoids. While looking for a Permanent Hemorrhoid Cure it is important to note that the solution is natural and address the root cause. There are vitamins, minerals, herbs, and natural compounds that can be effectively used to treat hemorrhoids. All that is needed is to find the right hemorrhoid remedy according to the severity of the problem. By practicing the following, pain and uneasiness caused by Hemorrhoids can be greatly reduced. Ingredients in a Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment include:

• Vitamin E - The antioxidant property of this vitamin prevents further free radical to damage and helps to control inflammation internally
• L-Arginine - Helps in relaxation of muscles and check muscle spasms
• Horse Chestnut - This herbal constituent helps to strengthen and tone veins and lessen swelling
• Oat Straw - Lifts up energy levels, supports an overly stressed digestive system by promoting regularity and acts as a mild antidepressant
• Plantain - Reduces itching and burning
• Red Sage -. The Chinese drug helps in the stimulation of circulation
• Being active is important
• Sitting in a warm bath or a sitz bath
• Sitting on a soft or inflatable pillow or ring
• Wearing loose clothing
• Kegel exercises

Most importantly a diet rich in fiber helps to reduce stress over bowel movement. Intake of fluid helps to break down the consumed food easily.

There are few online portals on the internet that bring forth customized programs that work wonder in the treatment of hemorrhoids irrespective of age, gender, and hemorrhoids condition. Some programs are also suited for pregnant women and women who have postpartum hemorrhoids. One such program that deserves special mention in this regard is the one offered by permanenthemorrhoidscure.com. The program guides and gives natural methods and knowledge that heal Hemorrhoids.

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The other day I received an email from someone who said that she had noticed a lot of thinning of the hair in her bang area - so much so that you could see the white of her scalp where her bangs met the top of her head. She asked me what could be causing this and what she should do about it. I'll tell you what I told her in the following article.

Things That Can Cause Your Hair To Thin In The Front: The first thing that I asked her was if she had noticed any increase in the amount of hair that she had been shedding or losing. As the bangs are often more sparse to begin with, this can be one of the first places that you notice over all thinning or shedding. And, telogen effluvium (TE) is a condition that occurs because of changes in your body. In females, common culprits are changing hormones, stress, pregnancy, giving birth, going off of birth control pills, thyroid issues, and other things. Typically, it takes a couple of months between the stress or change on your body until you start to notice more hair coming out. As I said, the bangs are one place where you will start to see the thinning first since this area has less hair to begin with. If you have this condition, you will often know it because you will shed hair all over - not just in the front. And, you will see more clothes on the floor, on your clothes, and in your brush.

Genetic Hair Thinning In The Front: Men's genetic thinning will often manifest itself in the temples when we are talking about the front of the scalp. Women though, often notice a thinning in their bang area. This is due to hormones also, but it's often not a lack of hormones or even an excess or hormones. It is a sensitivity to the normal presence of hormones that increase as we age. It doesn't' happen to everyone. Generally speaking, you will have a genetic tendency toward this sensitivity and the front of the scalp (as well as the crown, temples, and part line) are particularly susceptible to this.

What You Can Do About Thinning In The Front: First off, you need to pinpoint why this is happening. If this is run of the mill TE, then generally what you have to give is just time in cases like giving birth or stress. However, if this is due to medical or other condition that you can treat and improve then you should certainty do that. This is important because this condition is not likely to improve if you don't treat it or don't treat the correct cause of it.

If it is a genetic issue that we are talking about, then you will have to work on reducing your sensitivity to the androgens which are the cornerstone of this issue. Many people will try to eliminate their presence from the scalp, but this is really impossible. Your scalp will continue to produce them and as long as the sensitivity is there, you will still have the problem. It's far better to work on both reducing them (if your levels are too high to be healthy) and on reducing the sensitivity.

Also, you will want to take a look at and then reduce any inflammation. Often, the inflammatory process is present in both TE and in androgen driven loss. There are many natural substances that work well for this. (Tea tree oil, emu oil, lavender, etc.) Finally, you will want to really focus on stimulating your scalp to reproduce healthy hair in that area. Once the androgens are being treated, you must pounce on this window of opportunity to stimulate the follicles because the longer that they are not producing adequate regrowth, the harder it becomes to reignite this process.

In the meantime, there are powders that can cover the white of your scalp like topik and couvre. They do help. And, you can try growing out your bangs so that the area where scalp meets bang isn't so noticeable. But, this things will only take you so far. Eventually, you will need to take the next step and figure out what is causing this and fix it.

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Hormones play a role in mood swings during menopause. Your body is undergoing a large number of hormonal transitions. Estrogen influences the production of a mood regulating neurotransmitter known as serotonin. Not only does it increase the sensitivity of serotonin receptors, it also increases receptor levels. All can lead to the mood changes commonly associated with this stage of life.

PMS & Postpartum Depression

If you have had symptoms of PMS (pre-menstrual tension) in the past, you are more likely to suffer from mood swings and hot flashes along with other hormonal changes. Women who suffered from postpartum depression (depression that occurs in the first few months after childbirth) or noticed emotional changes during pregnancy may be more predisposed to menopause and mood changes. Hormone treatment options are available and should be discusses with your doctor if you fall into this category.

Sleep Disturbance And Menopausal Symptoms

Sleep deprivation can increase symptoms of menopause and mood changes and anyone who wakes up from night sweats may be suffering from this. Further, as you get older, you are more likely to suffer from a sleep disturbance.

If you are under stress, this can affect normal sleep patterns. Ideally, you need to get at least seven hours of sleep each night to keep mood swings from becoming an issue during menopause. Learn how to better manage your stress and speak to your doctor if sleep is an issue, so you can get a good night's sleep and reduce those mood fluctuations.

Diet, Menopause And Mood Swings

Your diet may be playing a role in the mood swings. If you are taking in too much sugar, you will often find that your mood tends to fluctuate more. This is due to the roller-coaster effect that too much sugar has upon insulin regulation in the body. The same is true if you are taking in stimulants such as caffeine or if you consume alcohol. Some simple changes to your diet may be all you need to have your mood levelling out again.

Many things can play a role in Menopause and mood swings. Hormones, a lack of sleep and an improper diet are just three of them. You can greatly improve your mood by eliminating certain foods from your diet. You can reduce stress by learning relaxation techniques, which in turn will greatly improve your sleep. Menopause does not have to be a trial if you know what to do and where to seek help.

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If you are a new dad, your probably freaking out right about now. That cute little baby seems so calm and serene right up until the point of the late night wails that awaken you out of your deep slumber. Not only does your wife become more frazzled but, you feel virtually inept and helpless as to how you can assist your breastfeeding wife and this little bundle of joy. You need guidance, without having to feel like less of a man by asking others for advice. So here are some tips as to how to care for your new baby:

1. First, you must realize that the first couple of months may make you feel second in line. Only the mother can breastfeed, and her maternal instincts are kicking into overdrive by trying to care for the baby's every need. However, new dad, you may not be able to breastfeed the baby, but you can still feel important by changing the diapers, rocking the baby to sleep, caring for a crying baby, and etc... Do not let yourself feel second in line. Not only will you feel better about your parenting skills, your wife will greatly appreciate the help.

2. Since the baby's routine in the first couple of weeks is to eat, sleep, cry, and poop every couple of hours, alternate caring for the baby with your wife. You both will benefit greatly from this tagged team effort. You will not only get more sleep, you both will be less irritable and happier loving parents. If you work during the day, when you get home, watch the baby so she can sleep for a couple of hours. At night, let her care for the baby for a couple of hours so your refreshed for work. Make sure you offer this to your wife! This is a no lose situation. (Just remember, from here on out you will get less sleep than you ever had before the baby!)

3. This next one is very important. Not only has your wife's body changed in many ways, she may be suffering from the postpartum blues as her emotions act like a roller coaster. Simple things like telling your wife how beautiful she is, and how proud you are of her being such a great mother will make her feel happier, and lessen the brunt of insults that may fly your way. And if your caught in the cross hairs of these emotions, let the emotion-filled words slide right off your back and continue to show your love to her. This is the true test of being a good husband, dad, and a man.

4. Finally, no manual in the world can tell you how to raise the perfect child. You may learn what the best food to feed your baby is, or the latest safest toys, but parenting comes from first-hand experience. Everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect. Not your wife, your mother, father, or even you. Stop trying to live up to these idealistic fantasies of how to be the perfect dad. He does not exist. What you can do, is make a conscious decision to love your child endlessly no matter what, and to support him or her through thick and thin. Just try your best and at the end of the day hopefully you can learn from your mistakes.

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Does Your Risky History Put You At Risk for A Sexual Affair?

Family situations and personal challenges are unbelievably influential in whether or not someone is going to cheat, but what about personal risk? Does depression increase the possibility of your husband cheating? What if he loses his job, or someone close to him dies?

According to Christian relationship expert Dave Carders, situational factors definitely influence a person's potential to cheat on their significant other. "Often there are situational factors that weigh heavily into the initiation of [infidelity]," he writes in his bestselling book Close Calls. "Two of these areas are high-risk times and high-risk behaviors."

High-Risk Times

High-risk times refer to great times of stress and change in relationships. Many times, these times are life-altering and require major adjustment on one's part in order to fully absorb the changes that are made to their routines.

Death or Loss

Death of a loved one is a common high-risk time for people. Research has indicated that spouses and couples actually experience an increase in their sex life following the death of a loved one.

Many times, both parties in the marriage or relationship will experience difficulty connecting because they're both in mourning during this period. They may preserve their energy in order to work through the day instead of expending effort in consoling one another.

As we've discussed before, men have a real pattern of using sex to comfort themselves. If they're not getting emotional support and care from their wives at home, there's potential for them to seek outside refuge in the arms of another woman, as having sex will still release oxytocin, which comforts them and makes them feel less "alone" in times of need.


There are several reasons why pregnancy carries an increased risk of infidelity in men. First and foremost, a man is adjusting to the fact that the relationship isn't all about him anymore; he now has to share the spotlight with another person, his own child. Second, he has to spend an extra amount of time catering to the woman carrying his child for the approximately 9 weeks or so that she's carrying the child.

To add to this, women usually go through a lot during their pregnancies. Hormones shift and change, and women can become emotionally unstable, sensitive and possess lower libidos, resulting in a lack off sexual desire. In turn, the changes which take place in the female's body, such as weight gain, make her less visually appealing to her husband, and therefore divert his sexual desire away from her.

Once the baby comes, pressures of being a new parent add strain to the relationship. Many women experience postpartum depression, while others become completely consumed with the baby and lose desire to connect with their partners. Resentment, stress and the need to "get away from it all" can cause an otherwise great man to cheat - all because he wants attention that he feels is no longer readily available to him.

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In my work in family medicine, I see a lot of expectant mothers. I'm often surprised at how much misinformation is out there about proper nutrition during pregnancy, and in particular about Essential Fatty Acids during pregnancy.

Essential Fatty Acids are so-called because they move oxygen through our blood, they help in cell and brain development, and they keep organs and tissue healthy. One of the most crucial Essential Fatty Acids for fetal development is Omega 3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This Omega 3 (not to be confused with Omega 3 EPA or ALA) is the primary structural component of brain tissue.

What follows are five important tips for fetal development:

1. DHA is a basic building block for your baby's brain. The Omega-3 DHA is a critical component n the development of your baby's brain, spinal cord, eyes, and nervous system. Adequate amounts of DHA help to prevent allergies in children who are at risk for them, and also increases birth size and weight. It also increases your baby's coordination and motor skills.

2. Your body naturally gives all its DHA to your fetus. It's part of the miracle of birth - your body instinctively gives your fetus all the resources it needs for optimal fetal development, even if that means that it robs you of the nutrients you need. For most mothers who are deficient in DHA, this manifests itself as postpartum depression, or in brain shrinkage (also known as 'mommy brain'.)

3. Mothers who got more Omega 3s in their last trimester had smarter babies. A recent study of over 11,000 pregnant women in England showed that mothers who got more Omega 3s during pregnancy had babies with higher IQs and better social development, including fewer incidences of ADD. Infants who had insufficient supply had lower fine motor skills, less developed communication skills, and social behavior issues that could be measured for years after birth.

4. Baby's development continues through breastfeeding. If you choose to breastfeed, you are the only source of nutrition for your baby. Since your baby's development is continuing rapidly at this time, it is critical that you are getting enough DHA to supply your baby with enough for optimal growth, without depleting your reserves to critical levels. If you are deficient, discuss using an Omega 3 enhanced baby formula with your physician.

5. Prenatal vitamins generally do not contain Omega 3. It is a source of unending frustration to doctors, but prenatal vitamins rarely contain DHA. With more than 98% of women not getting enough Omega 3 in their diet to properly support themselves and their developing babies, it is very important that women are aware of this lack and are looking to make up for it through diet or supplementation.

Most women are conscious of the FDA's recommendation that expecting mothers and children avoid certain types of fish. This is because of a risk of mercury contamination, found especially in large fish that feed on other fish.

One way to avoid mercury contamination during this critical time of development is to take an Omega 3 supplement. It is vital that you ensure you are getting a molecularly-distilled supplement that is certified by independent parties to be pure and free of toxins.

Also, ensure that you are getting the recommended dose of Omega 3 for expecting mothers.

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In recent years, one of the most controversial topics related to pregnancy and birth is home birthing. Many debates have been heard about whether a woman should give birth in the comfort of her own home or whether she is taking unnecessary risks by doing so.

Those who support giving birth at home claim that up until the twentieth century, most women gave birth at home even in the western world and that it is therefore not such a big deal. But those who are against it argue that it is extremely risky because if something went wrong, the emergency technology that is available in most hospitals is not found at home. If there is a crisis, time is often of the essence and the delay could make a huge difference.

So who is right or wrong? And where do you want to give birth? At home or in the hospital?

Natural Home Birth - Why Home Sweet Home May be Best

A woman may choose to give birth at home because it seems to be the most natural choice. In your own home, you are in familiar surroundings, without the clinical, alien atmosphere of an anonymous hospital bed. You can arrange the d矇cor of the room where you will give birth yourself. If you want music playing, that's fine - and the choice of music is all yours. There are no rules about how many people can be present. Whereas some hospitals will limit the number of people to being one other person, making you choose between your husband, a doula, your mother, or your best friend, if you are having your baby at home, no such formality exists.

Some women even want their children to be around, although this is a controversial issue and very much a personal choice. Others, while not having their children in the room during the actual birth, are relieved at not having to be away completely when they have a baby, and their children can be among the first to see the new baby soon after birth.

Giving birth at home also allows you to regulate your choice of pain relief. As most women who have home birthing only want natural pain relief, the lack of an epidural or pethidine does not bother them. They are more likely to use breathing exercises, bean bags, or have a waterbirth. A midwife who specialises in such techniques will guide you on the equipment that you need and how to use it. You can also use more unconventional methods, such as hypnobirthing. As long as you produce a coherent birth plan and discuss everything fully with the midwife before the actual labour, you can be extremely independent in your choices.

Another important factor in choosing a home birth is the proliferation of hospital "superbugs" that are not so easily cured with antibiotics. Many women would prefer not to take the risk of catching such a disease after birth and therefore opt to deliver at home.

Home Birth Risks

With all of the above benefits of a home birth in mind, it is still vitally important to take into account all of the inherent risks of having a baby at home.

As mentioned earlier, the main concern about giving birth at home is how safe it is for the mother or the child. In actual fact, if the pregnancy is risk free and everything goes according to plan, a home birth does not have to be dangerous. If the midwife is properly qualified and the usual safety and hygiene conditions are adhered to, there is no reason for it to go wrong. The problem is, however, if something during the labour or delivery goes wrong. If the baby goes into distress and the mother needs an unplanned caesarean section, for example, the time delay in getting her to the hospital can lead to fatal consequences.

A British study found that home births were safest among women having their second or subsequent baby without any complications.

The Legality of Home Birth

Of course, all of these arguments are very interesting in theory, but your final decision will ultimately depend on the regulations governing home births in the country where you live.

Australia, for example, has adopted a more open policy about home births, but there are variations between the states. For example, in Western Australia, health coverage was expanded to cover home births, and NSW, the Northern Territory, and South Australia also provide funds for independent home births.

However, Medicare and PBS do not provide funding to any Australian home birth services. Therefore, if you do decide to follow the route of birthing at home, you may well have to pay a considerable amount of the cost. And since July 2010, regulations regarding the professionals providing this service have been tightened up. A private, non-registered attendant at a home birth is liable for prosecution. However, it is not so easy to become registered in Australia because many private midwives are unable to obtain insurance or to apply to become recognised health professionals.

These policies have been a source of controversy in Australia, with demands to offer regulated home birthing services.

In the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada, however, it is not so difficult to have a home birth and policies appear to be more open.

This does not mean, however, that it is impossible to have a home birth in Australia. In fact, various resources have been set up and there are many midwives who do offer this service.

A Breakdown of Things to Consider About Home Birthing

If you are considering a home birth, here is a comprehensive list of things to consider:

  • Do you really know what a home birth entails? It might be helpful to watch a home birth video first.

  • What kind of home birth do you want? Some women go for unassisted home birth, which essentially means tha the midwife is there as a safety net, but you do most of the work yourself. You may, on the other hand, prefer a midwife who is more proactive.

  • Have you considered your own personal risks? If you are going through a problematic pregnancy or there is a problem with the way that your baby is lying, it may not be such a good idea because you may need emergency help that you can't get at home. Before booking your home birth, you are well advised to discuss this issue with your doctor to find out whether this option is realistic for you or your baby.

  • What are the home birth options available to you? Contact a home birth association to find out. They will also provide you with support.

  • Can you afford the cost of a home birth midwife? Remember that many of them are private and you will therefore need to be able to afford their services.

  • Once you have found a midwife, check out her qualifications. Is she officially registered? Are her services covered by your health insurance? Ask her for references and speak to as many mothers who have used her as you can. If you find that she is evasive when you question her or that she refuses to provide references, leave it. You only want the best care for yourself and your newborn baby.

Once you have made your decision, we hope that everything goes well. May you have a safe and healthy delivery, no matter where you decide to give birth to your baby.

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Benefits of Fish Oil

Fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel have fats that can produce fish oil. Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids which are recommended by health-care professionals to be included in a individual's diet. Omega-3 acids are mainly docosahexaenoic acid or DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA. Omega- fatty acids are essential in cell building. It is important to get them from our diet since the body cannot produce this kind of acid. Research showed that Omega- 3 plays a significant role in brain and fetal development during pregnancy and infancy. Fish oil are believed and proven to provide numerous health benefits. Aside from this, there are also a lot of advantages by taking oil supplements.

Fish oil can:

• Improve brain development and memory. There are studies showing that DHA actually plays a major role in brain functions. Low levels of DHA can increase the risk of having Alzheimer's disease. Intake of fish oil during pregnancy is also recommended. According to a research conducted by the University of Western Australia showed that pregnant women who ingest fish oil supplement actually give birth to babies with better hand and eye coordination, better in speech and better cognitive development at the age of two and a half.

Aside from Alzheimer's disease, fish can also help in reducing the risk of other mental illnesses like depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among children, dyspraxia, bipolar disorder and dyslexia.

• Reduce the risk of hear attack. Even if the DHA and EPA are fatty acids, they can reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. It helps in preventing blood clots in the heart. So aside from heart attacks,It is also important in reducing risks of coronary heart disease.

• Reduce the risk of cancer. Researches have shown that fish oil can help in reducing risks of developing breast, prostate and colon cancer. They stop the growth of cancerous cells and inhibit its growth. For postmenopausal women, those who consume more Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon and mackerel or fish oil supplements are less likely to develop breast cancer.

• Reduce the effects or helping patients deal with lupus, arthritis, colitis and asthma. Its natural anti-inflammatory capabilities can reduce pain brought by inflammatory arthritis and gastritis.

• Help a lot during pregnancy. Not only does Omega-3 fatty acids and helps in he fetal brain development, it can also reduce the risk of giving early or premature birth, post-partum depression for mothers, allergic reactions among babies an low- birth weight. Not only does it helps in pregnancy, there are preliminary researches showing fish oil to aid in getting pregnant or fertility.

• Help improve the body overall. Fish oil can help in producing serotonin, the happy hormones. Happiness can help a lot of people deal with stress and other emotional issues which can totally improve a person's emotional and mental disposition. They can also revitalize and rejuvenate skin, reduce wrinkles, weight loss and improve eyesight. It is even said that fish oil can reduce acne and make your hair a lot better.The oil is very important in building a better you. But doctors and experts suggest in taking pharmaceutical grade oil supplements. The problem with eating too much fish can actually lead to mercury contamination.So, ask yourself, are you getting enough oil in your body? If not, then it is time to start making sure that you do that.

Fish oil can:

• Improve brain development and memory. There are studies showing that DHA actually plays a major role in brain functions. Low levels of DHA can increase the risk of having Alzheimer's disease. Intake f fish oil during pregnancy is also recommended. According to a research conducted by the University of Western Australia showed that pregnant women who ingest fish oil supplement actually give birth to babies with better hand and eye coordination, better in speech and better cognitive development at the age of two and a half.

Aside from Alzheimer's disease, fish oil can also help in reducing the risk of other mental illnesses like depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among children, dyspraxia, bipolar disorder and dyslexia. There are studies showing that the lack polyunsaturated fatty acids can contribute to this disorder. This can also be the reason behind dyslexia. There were studies conducted among children, they were given fish oil supplements for the period of three months. These children showed significant improvements in behaviour, reading and spelling. They were also able to focus and concentrate more.

There were studies that showed that Omega-3 fatty acids had the same effects as Prozac which is a known anti-depressant. Studies showed that countries with high fish consumption have lower rates of depression. Aside from that, pregnant women and those who have just given birth who include fish in their diet regularly have lower risk of experiencing postpartum depression.

If you have decided to take the supplements to address these mental problems for yourself or for your kids or relatives, then it would be best to consult a doctor first. You would have to know how much you are going to take. Just like any vitamins or anything, when taken in excess it can have bad effects.Too much of the supplement can also cause some serious problems like oxidative stress. Some doctors would recommend taking Vitamin C along with the fish oil supplement. This would actually balance the nutrients that you are getting.Fish oil has amazing effects on our health and body, we just have to remember to keep it balanced with a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. One of the reasons why people take these supplements is due to the various health benefits that they offer.It has long been known to contain essential fatty acids that are known to be very beneficial in maintaining one's good health. Here are some of those benefits.

Heart Disease One of the more common benefits that fish oil is known to offer people involves heart health. Various studies through the years have shown that the long chain omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish oil may help reduce the risk of heart diseases in humans. These essential fatty acids may also help lower LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream ad therefore help reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke. Not only that, omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil are also known to increase the levels of HDL, or good, cholesterol.

Prevent Inflammation One of the more beneficial properties of omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil is their anti-inflammatory effects on the body.It can be also used to prevent or reduce the inflammation of the tissues. Regular consumption of fish oil has been known to help those people who are suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases.It has also been known to be effective in treating certain gastrointestinal disorders as well as ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease.Arthritis Treatment Due to its good anti-inflammatory properties, fish oil is a good supplement that can help ease the pain brought about by arthritis and rheumatic.it's supplements can help reduce the use of NSAID's or Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs for treating such conditions. In osteoarthritis, fish oils prove helpful in trying to reduce the functions of certain enzymes that may destroy or damage cartilage tissues in the body.

Weight Loss Fish oil also proves beneficial for those people who are trying to lose weight. It sees that taking oil supplements may help a lot during the weight loss process. It has been known to improve the efficiency of exercise in trying to lose weight. Studies have shown that people who were given fish oil as part of their diet seem to lose weight more when exercising than those people under the same program but were not given fish oil in their diet.

Eye Disorders Another benefit that many experts have extolled on fish oil involves the treatment of certain eye disorders. Consuming it on a regular basis seems to help people avoid the effects of age related macular degeneration. More studies are being undertaken in order to prove further just how effective fish oil can be in trying to help people maintain good eye health.Skin Health Another known benefit associated with fish oil consumption is skin health.It is also known to contain nutrients that can help change dry and poorly maintained skin look shiny and glowing.It has also been known to be effective in treating other skin conditions such as eczema, skin lesions and rashes.It can be applied topically on the skin to help relieve the effects of psoriasis. Regular intake can also help retain moisture in the skin.

Your Ultimate Defense Against Silent Inflammation:

Silent inflammation has been linked to heart disease, cancer and dementia. It is a condition that occurs when the body's natural immune response goes awry. Silent inflammation is an inflammation without pain and it can continue undetected for years, continually assaulting your heart, arteries and even the brain - without you noticing it.According to Dr. Barry Sears, author of bestselling books "The Zone," high carbohydrate diet is the culprit to this kind of health situation. In his boos "The Anti-inflammation Zone," he had proposed taking supplements of high dose, ultra-refined fish oil as the best armor against inflammation.

The Japanese manage to maintain a state of wellness and away from silent inflammation by consuming copious amounts of fish. However, according to a research, the massive amounts of fish does not ensure them enough intake of omega-3 fatty acids or fish oil. Fish oil is ultimately the healthiest fat around because it has profiund anti-inflammatory properties. It has no long-term side effects and can even make you smarter.

The reason why high-dose fish oil is so effective is because it reduces arachodonic acid (AA) which is the building block of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids. By taking it within 30 days,it will increase your levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Fish oil is the only dietary supplement that is supported by robust clinical studes by treating chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, immunological and inflammatory diseases, and neurological conditions like attention deficit disorder, depression, multiple sclerosis, and different types of dementia.However, taking oil fish as defenses to silent inflammation has a drawback, it might lead you to contamination. So in taking fish oil as dietary supplement, Dr. Barry Sears cautioned to ensure that its ultra-refined and use the SIP as guidance for exact dosage. On a scale of 1 to 10 for supplements, Dr. Sears give high-dose fish oil a 12. The EPA found in fish oil partially inhibits the activity of the delta-5 desaturase enzyme that makes AA.

This represents the primary anti-inflammatory effect of fish oil, he adds. To achieve a significant impact on AA production, a person must provide a lot of EPA. A high-dose fish oil, especially rich in EPA will likely lead you to success in reducing silent inflammation as reflected in the reduction of the AA/EPA ratio. The ratio can be measured by SIP.

The public and the mainstream medicine are starting to accept the importance of insulin control to well-being. Now is the perfect time to bring to public's attention the role of eicosanoids and the way high-dose it can manipulate them. Dr. Barry Sears that the role of fish oil in medical practice because it tells us that medical care is based primarily on the food we eat, not the drugs we take.Recent genetic research is forcing scientists to evaluate the value of fish oil in the evolution of modern humANS. It was genetic scientists who initiated the theory that consumption of high-dose fish oil was the reason why humans have the power to conquer the earth. A proper combination of insulin and high-dose pharmaceutical-grade of the oil may be the true miracle cure for the 21st century.It is so effective that having this dietary supplement is like having a miracle drug that has the perfect balance between eicosanoids with totally zero side effects.

• Reduce the risk of hear attack. Even if the DHA and EPA are fatty acids, they can reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. It helps in preventing blood clots in the heart. So aside from heart attacks, fish oil is also important in reducing risks of coronary heart disease.

• Reduce the risk of cancer. Researches have shown that can it will help in reducing risks of developing breast, prostate and colon cancer. They stop the growth of cancerous cells and inhibit its growth. For postmenopausal women, those who consume more Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon and mackerel or fish oil supplements are less likely to develop breast cancer.

• Reduce the effects or helping patients deal with lupus, arthritis, colitis and asthma. Its natural anti-inflammatory capabilities can reduce pain brought by inflammatory arthritis and gastritis.

• Help a lot during pregnancy. Not only does Omega-3 fatty acids and It helps in the fetal brain development, it can also reduce the risk of giving early or premature birth, post-partum depression for mothers, allergic reactions among babies an low- birth weight. Not only does it helps in pregnancy, there are preliminary researches showing fish oil to aid in getting pregnant or fertility.

• Help improve the body overall. The oil can help in producing serotonin, the happy hormones. Happiness can help a lot of people deal with stress and other emotional issues which can totally improve a person's emotional and mental disposition. They can also revitalize and rejuvenate skin, reduce wrinkles, weight loss and improve eyesight. It is even said that fish oil can reduce acne and make your hair a lot better.Fish is very important in building a better you. But doctors and experts suggest in taking pharmaceutical grade of oil supplements. The problem with eating too much fish can actually lead to mercury contamination.So, ask yourself, are you getting enough fish oil in your body? If not, then it is time to start making sure that you do.

Fish Oil Effects That You Can Avoid: There has been a lot of buzz about fish oil and its benefits. Researches and studies have proved the numerous health benefits that fish oil can give. But every coin has two sides. So, is it possible for something beneficial like fish oil, to have bad effects, as well? Yes, it is possible.

If you have fish oil capsules or liquid at home, then you would have to make sure that it would not be exposed to heat, light and oxygen. When exposed for too long,it would get oxidized and would get bad. Once the oil gets bad, it would lose its nutritional value. Aside from that, bad fish oil and fatty acids are said to contribute to the development of cancer and other diseases.Minor side effects of fish oil would include a fishy aftertaste, diarrhea, and fishy burps. Some would report nose bleeding as a side effect of fish oil intake. Aside from this, you would have to be conscious with vitamin A, E and D. Accumulated or large doses of these vitamins can eventually lead to poisoning.There are also serious side effects of fish oil. If these side effects happen to you, it is best to consult a health care professional. You would have to stop taking fish oil supplements or it could mean other serious ailments.

Fish is said to increase the risk of bleeding, especially gastrointestinal bleeding. So if you would notice red blood on your stool and vomiting blood, the consult a health care professional immediately. Serious effects could also include hemorrhagic stroke or bleeding in the brain. Common symptoms would include vision and speech changes, numbness or loss of strength in the limbs and frequent and painful headaches.If you have diabetes, then it would also be better to check with your doctor if taking fish oil supplements is safe. Taking fish oil supplements can sometimes result to hyperglycemia or high blood sugar. Be watchful or conscious of allergic reactions. Symptoms that you are allergic with oil supplements which includes rashes, itching, swelling, wheezing and difficulty in breathing or swallowing.

To avoid the minor side effects, you can take the oil supplement along with your meal. This would get rid of the aftertaste and make it easier to digest. It is less likely for you to experience abdominal or stomach pain. There are few who keep their supplements refrigerated. It is said that keeping them frozen or cold would help lessen gastrointestinal problems or side-effects.

Too much is always not good. The problem is we do not how much is too much. There is maximum amount that an individual should take. But there is a recommended amount, for male it is 1600 mg while women are recommended to have 1100 mg.As mentioned, we should be cautious with Vitamin A,E, and D overdose. How do we deal with this?Read the labels. Know what kind of supplement you are taking. You have to know if the oil supplements you are taking exceed the recommended level. To avoid an overdose of Vitamin A and D, avoid using fish oil that includes the internal organs like liver.

Fish oil is something that can very essential in improving our physical and mental health as long as it is taken in recommended doses and amounts. Let us remember that fish oil is not a magic pill that would immediately remove us of any ailments and pains. It's effects can be gradually noticed over time.

How Fish Oil Can Benefit Your Health:

Oil are extracted fats from fish, a concentrated solution of omega-3 EFAs. It is the best source of omega-3 EFAs. You could add more omega-3 EFAs to your diet in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). The richest plant sources of ALA are the leaves and seeds of the perilla plants common in North America, Japan, Korea, China and Vietnam.

Green plants and algae also contain ALA as well as linseed oil. However, fats or oil from fish is considered the most important dietary source of omega-3 EFAs because it has concentrated amounts of the ALA derivatives EPA and DHA. These two nutrients are found almost exclusively in seafood.

Eating fish on a regular basis has its own risk as you are can never be sure if the fish you are eating has no toxins on it such as mercury and PCBs. During the manufacture of fish oils, toxins are eliminated. The supplements are meticulously purified to remove heavy metals such as mercury, lead, PCBs and other toxins as well as to reduce the incidence of rancidity and improve the taste and quality of the fish.These makes fish as safe and effective food supplement. A 1-gram fish oil capsule contains about 180 mg of EPA and 120 mg of DHA. An intake of three 1-gram capsules would provide 0.9 gram (900 mg) of EPA and DHA. This means it comply the daily dosage recommended by the American Heart Association. However, you should always bear in mind that fish oil supplements are basically dietary supplements, not drugs.Studies shows that many people are getting too much of the wrong kinds of fats found in animals (saturated fats) and vegetables (polyunsaturated fats), and need the fish oil to "balance" the family of fat nutrients. Intake of the wrong kinds of fats should be lowered to total 20 to 30 percent of daily calorie serving while fats found in the oils of certain fish should be appreciably increased.

Fish oil prevents and/or alleviates heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis and migraine, headaches, may be protective against cancer, immune deficiency diseases, kidney disease and others.It also have two special nutrients that protect the heart and arteries, reduce pain, inflammation and swelling, and protect cell membranes. Omega-3 EFAs found in oily fishes are believed to be essential for the healthy development of brain, retina, and nervous tissue among fetus and infant.During pregnancy these fatty acids are transferred from the mother's tissues to the fetus. However, the FDA has strict guidelines on eating fish during pregnancy because of the possibility of mercury or other toxic substances that may contain in fishes and the best solution is to take fish oil as food supplement

Over the past 30 years more than 7,000 scientific studies have provided evidence supporting the effectiveness of fish oil and omega-3 EFAs in the prevention and treatment of our most common diseases. Hundreds of clinical trials support the efficacy of fish oil's omega-3 essential fatty acids in preventing, mitigating, and remedying an incredible range of health conditions. Some scientific and medical communities however are resisting to these facts and still support pharmacological treatment.

As a traditional dietary supplement that encourages good health,it is a preventive medicine but as a natural alternative to NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other pharmacological and medical treatments, it is complementary medicine.With all the undergoing studies to prove its affectivity, fish is on the threshold of crossing over into traditional Western medicine.

How Fish Oil Can Cure Inflammation:

Inflammation occurs as our body's natural protective response to fend off any outside aggressors and to begin the process of healing. Its effect on our tissues usually involves pain, heat and redness. However, there are some cases that this outward effect is not visible.

Inflammation is a double-edges sword; its effect can be helpful or harmful depending on the circumstances. When an inflammation is in chronic state, devastating consequences are likely to happen like arthritis, heart disease or stroke. It usually happens when the cause of inflammation is continually reintroduced or if the acute inflammatory response is not able to eliminate it. This situation is very likely to happen nowadays because of our exposure to implausible amounts of toxins.

Some of these toxins can be avoided like poor food choices, smoking, and prolonged sun exposure. While some things arise from things from things we don't have control like genetics, accidents and pollution. Inasmuch as there are factors you can't help being exposed to unnecessary and harmful factors detrimental to your good health, you can also take food supplements effective in strengthening your body against the sometimes lethal effect of inflammation. The most effective food supplement according to recent studies happens to be fish oil.

The prevalence of destructive or chronic inflammation among Western countries makes it imperative for many specialists to deal with preventive measures. The reason behind this is that the Western population is more exposed to stress, obesity and poor health in general. Many pharmacological anti-inflammatory drugs offer reduction of inflammation, however, long-term medication have potentially lethal side effects.

So what is your safest option if you have inflammation? Research on alternative medicines revealed that certain dietary supplements can help reduce levels of pro-inflammatory factors, with significantly lower side effects. One of these dietary supplements is the essential fatty acids or EFAs.

Essential fatty acids are necessary for various aspects of normal physiology like: mediating immune response, regulating bodily secretions and their viscosity, dilating and constricting blood vessels, regulating collateral circulation, directing endocrine hormones to their target cells, regulating smooth muscles and autonomic reflexes, being primary constituents of cell membranes, regulating the rate of cell division, maintaining the fluidity and rigidity of cellular membranes, regulating the flow of substances into and out from cells, transporting oxygen from red blood cells to the tissues, maintaining proper kidney function and fluid balance, keeping saturated fats mobile in the bloodstream, preventing blood clots, mediating the release of inflammatory eicosanoids that may trigger allergic conditions, and regulating nerve transmission and communication. (Source: Fish Oil: The Natural Anti-inflammatory by Joseph C. Maroon and Jeffrey Bost, 2006, page 39).

For this reason, it is very important for over-all health to have a regular intake of foods rich in omega-6 or omega-3 EFAs. The omega-3 pathway, activated by trauma, injury, or chemical stimulus, is the process of converting the omega-3 EFAs found in the cell membranes to various eicosanoids. If the omega-3 EFA components of the cell membranes become dominant, an anti-inflammatory state can result, with preventive health benefits.

Fish is the best source of the omega-3 essential fatty acids. But why fish oil, you might ask? The needed nutrients can also be found in green plants; algae (phytoplankton); leaves and seeds of the perilla plants; and linseed oil but fish oil is considered the most important dietary source of omega-3 EFAs because it contains concentrated amounts of the ALA derivatives with APA and DHA.

The two mentioned nutrients can almost exclusively found in seafood. Fish contains high amount of EPA and DHA because they are at the top of food chain based on algae, a single-marine organism that manufactures huge amount of EPA and DHA.

Surprising Benefits Of Using Fish Oil:

The known benefits of fish oil are not just limited to the more common conditions. Of course, many people have already known how using fish oil may help improve skin health and reduce the risk of heart disease. But there are also surprising benefits that it seem to offer to those who regularly consume them. Here are just some of them.

Depression And Anxiety People may not be aware of it, but fish seems to help put people in a good mood. In fact, many studies have shown that fish oil may be beneficial in trying to help treat depression and anxiety in people. Thanks to the omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish, it seems a good means to relieve anxiety, depression, stress and sadness in people.

Fish seems to have good mood stabilizing properties that make them quite interesting as a treatment for depression and other related conditions. Evidence suggests that countries where oily fish such as salmon is regularly eaten also seem to have low incidence of depression. Similar studies involving prisoners have also shown that having them on a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids resulted in a significant drop in homicide rates. Although more studies may be needed in order for such findings to be conclusive, it already shows some good evidences of the other surprising benefits of fish oil.

Cancer Fighter It may seem quite surprising enough that fish oil may also benefit patients with certain forms of cancer. Preliminary studies have shown that fish oil may be useful in trying to delay the weight loss in people suffering from pancreatic cancer. Still further research may be needed to solidify this claim as well as how oily fish may affect certain types of cancers.

Type II Diabetes Some studies also have shown positive findings on the effect of fish oil in Type II diabetes. Since people suffering from this form of diabetes are also prone to developing diseases such as coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and stroke, medical experts believe that taking fish oil supplements may also help in trying to reduce such risks in diabetics. Some studies have already shown that fish oil may also be effective in lowering triglyceride levels in people with diabetes.

Pregnancy Fish oil might also be able to help women bear healthier children. Taking the oil supplements may help pregnant women ensure the healthy development of their child while still in the womb. The DHA found in fish oil is known to help babies undergo healthy eye and brain development. Pregnant women who are also taking the oil supplements run fewer risks of having premature births, miscarriage or delivering babies with low birth weights. As an added benefit, pregnant women who regularly take fish oil supplements run lesser risks of getting into depression following the baby's delivery.

Fertility Fish oil supplements may also help in improving fertility. In a study done on male boars, those who were fed with a diet rich in fish oils were able to show better sperm quality. After ejaculation, the sperm from the boars fed with fish oil seem to resist the effects of lipid peroxidative attacks in the female boar genital tract, giving the sperm higher chances of conception.

The Benefits of Fish Oil Supplements: The benefits of fish oil supplements should not be outweighed the need to understand how these supplements should work or provide essential nutrients for the human body.

Although it is a general notion for nutrition experts to insist on regular food as the common and most basic source of vitamins and minerals important for the human body, oil supplements, be it in liquid or solid form, are needed to ensure a holistic enrichment and nourishment for the body.

Fish oil supplementation is ideally beneficial by providing for what the regular or daily diet may not provide, it can also be a preventive measure against diseases and illnesses.

Essentially, fish supplements are meant to complement a diet, not as a substitute for it, as what many believe to be the case. Since plant foods still contain many nutrients, among them phytochemicals, that still cannot be substituted or generated through synthetic means.

Why the need for fish oil supplements? Take for instance these circumstances;

Infants that are being breast-fed need to have their regular source of iron, especially when they reach their four to six months, since breast milk only provides little iron. This is where iron supplementation comes in with baby milk formula or alternative sources like fortified cereal meals or baby food.

Children also need fluoride supplementation to strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay.

Pregnant women need multivitamin-mineral supplementation, to ensure that their nutrient levels are met for the development of the fetus inside the womb. Among those that need supplementation are increased levels of folate to prevent birth defects, as well as increased amounts of vitamins like B6.

You Gotta Love Fish Oil

One has gotta love fish oil. If you think that I'm kidding then go pick it up. Those who shun fishes like mackerel, tuna and salmon due to some personal and at times even weird preferences might have second thoughts, by going for fresh fish which has oil in them for vit. B6 supplement for your good health to come up.

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About three to twelve percent of all pregnant women develop gestational diabetes, a condition which means high blood sugars that begins with pregnancy and often resolves itself after the mother gives birth. It is diagnosed between weeks twenty-four and twenty-eight of the pregnancy. Symptoms of gestational diabetes (GDM) are:

  • extreme thirst

  • hunger, or

  • fatigue

but many women do not notice these symptoms. GDM is a common pregnancy-related health problem, and is in the same league as other pregnancy-related conditions that develop during the second or third trimesters, such as high blood pressure.

Gestational diabetes is associated with a number of complications, and women who have this form of diabetes are very likely to be asked to schedule a Caesarian section. In fact, some obstetricians won't even consider letting a mother with GDM deliver on her own schedule. They only offer induced labor or a pre-planned Caesarian delivery. But what are the risks?

Women who have C-sections compared to women who have normal delivery are:

  • much more likely to suffer injury to the bladder and uterus, and up to 50 times more likely to suffer postpartum infections and blood clots in the legs or lungs

  • twice as likely to be readmitted to the hospital

  • much more likely to suffer pelvic adhesions, which are scar tissue causing problems with urination, defecation, and sexual intercourse

  • at much greater risk in their next pregnancy to suffer placenta accreta, where the placenta forms an abnormally deep attachment to the wall of the uterus... requiring an abortion to save the life of the mother

And women who have C-sections have a one in four chance of still having pain at the surgical site six months after surgery.

About one in four babies is delivered by cesarean section, or C-section, which is a surgical procedure that is essentially "abdominal delivery".

Babies delivered by cesarean are more likely to:

  • suffer accidental cuts by the surgeon

  • have low Apgar scores and require admission to intensive care, and

  • develop either pulmonary hypertension or type 1 diabetes later in life

A normal delivery is the goal for both mother and child. For mothers who have gestational diabetes, the best way to be able to deliver the baby without surgery is to keep blood sugar levels below 90 mg/dL (5 mmol/L) essentially all the time. It's a real challenge, but it confers a lifetime of rewards, the lifetime of the child.

Gestational diabetes usually takes the form of Type 2 diabetes in that it can be managed through diet and close monitoring of blood sugar levels.

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Depression is a medical disorder which affects the thoughts, moods, feelings, behavior of a person it can also affect the physical health. There can be various factors like loss of close people, stressful life situations, difficulty in adaptation to the surroundings which can trigger depression.

In certain cases depression might occur spontaneously without any specific cause. In some cases the depression can be due to some organic brain diseases or a space occupying lesion (tumor) in the brain.

Signs and symptoms:

o Depressed mood The person feels Sad, Weeping spells, Hopeless and Helpless feeling

o Loss of interest in the daily activities that the person enjoyed

The above two symptoms are the most important symptoms in diagnosing depression.

Besides these most of the following symptoms should be present for more then 2 weeks to diagnose a case of depression:

o Sleep disturbances

o Impaired thinking or concentration

o Changes in weight

o Agitation

o Fatigue or slowing of body movements

o Low self-esteem

o Less interest in sex.

o Thoughts of death.

Types of Depression

Major depression or clinical depression:

1. Depressed mood, feeling of worthlessness, guilt.

2. Behavioral symptoms include agitation and social withdrawal

3. Difficulty in concentration and decision making

4. Sleeplessness (Insomnia) Too much sleeping (Hypersomnia)


It is a chronic form of depression in this the person might be free from the symptoms for a period of time and this will alternate with a state of depression. It is a less severe form of depression but it also places the person in the increased risk to suffer from major depression.

Adjustment disorders

This can happen when one losses a close person or a close relative or loss of job one becomes overwhelmed by this. This is a normal process and with passage of time one comes to terms with the loss.

But if the person is unable to come to terms with the loss and he/she develops the signs of depression then it is termed as adjustment disorders. It can be acute if it lasts for less then 6months and chronic if it lasts for more then this period.

Bipolar depression or manic depression disorder

The person suffers from recurrent episodes of elation (mania) and depression is a characteristic symptom of bipolar depression. The person when he/she is in the manic phase will affect the judgment of the person and it might also have periods when the person has increased creativity in his work.

In this type of depression there is a swing of moods to the extremes (poles) that's why it is termed as bipolar depression or manic depressive disorder.

Seasonal affective disorder

It is a pattern of depression related to the changes in season and a lack of exposure to the sunlight.


o Heredity

o Stress

o Medications

o Illnesses

o Personality

o Postpartum depression

o Hormones

o Alcohol, nicotine and drug abuse


It is diagnosed on the basis of the signs and symptoms that are present. Also your physician will do the physical examination to rule out any other abnormality that mimics depression.
If the person is having strong suicidal tendencies then he/she might have to be admitted to the hospital for observation.


o Suicide

o Dependency

Role of homeopathy in the treatment of Depression

The first question that comes to the mind is how these Homeopathic medicines are going to help in fighting the disease. As we all know in a diseased state the internal bodily mechanisms do not work in a harmonious way. So to bring back the lost harmony to its original balanced state the correct Homeopathic medicine has to be given.

The homeopathic medicine acts at 3 levels the Psyche, Neuro, Endocrines at the level of the psyche it helps to bring balance which in turn will affect the neurological balance and the correct secretion of the hormones which play an important role in maintaining the harmonious flow. The homeopathic medicines do not treat the disease but it helps in bringing back the lost imbalance back to its normal state.

To find the correct Homeopathic remedy one needs a complete case study so all the aspects of the emotional nature, Fears, Social relations, family relations, ups and downs in life have to be taken into consideration. Also the past history, problems in adjusting, Family history of any major illnesses have to be mentioned.

What has caused the present state is very important and how the person has reacted to it will be very useful. We will consider few remedies in brief and how they will be represented in the depressed state.

In Digitalis

There is depression; sadness melancholy after love disappointment. The patient develops pain in the heart and is sleepless due to this. He is low spirited.

In Natrum.muriaticum the classic medicine we all know which is very useful in ailments coming on after love disappointment.The patient will brood over the events again and again and cannot forget it even after years have passed. The Natrum.mur patient will cry when alone and consolation aggravates all the complaints.

I will narrate a case in brief which will tell how deep a role the emotions play the patient had been referred to me by a colleague as the patient was not responding to the medicines
The patient has developed multiple uterine fibroids and she has severe pain due to them.

It took me over an hour to get the correct information the lady was very hesitant to divulge this information she is a married lady for over 30 years but she is unable to forget her first love affair which was broken.

She said she is very sad and cries when she is alone, she loves music and she just cannot forget the affair and it makes her miserable and also she feels guilty about it. This is a brief information we confirmed the other points and prescribed her Natrum.muriaticum 200c 1 dose. The result the patient never came back to me. After a months time I go a call from the doctor who had referred the case to me.

She told after that dose the pain had disappeared and the sonography showed regression in the fibroids. I asked why the patient didn't report back. I was told she felt embarrassed as what I will think about her. But I was very happy to solve the case.

So what I want to stress on is finding the "Cause" what has led to the problem in most of the cases if we are able to develop the rapport with the patient they will express as it is told by Doctor Pierce Schmidt we have to find where the shoe pinches. This will help us in finding the right remedy and also we can offer solution.

The other important remedy is Ignatia.amara the complaints come on after a loss of close person or love disappointment.The "Sighing" in this remedy is so marked that it is impossible to miss this remedy. The patient is silent complaints coming on after emotional shock. The patient is non communicative will sit silently will brood and weep.

The depression of Aurum is extreme there is loathing of life, no desire to live, Suicidal disposition, and constant thoughts of suicide. There is also marked fear of death.

Depression can be treated with Homeopathy but a correct case history and perceiving the patient is very vital. Along with treatment the patient also will need counseling which should be provided as per the requirement. While handling patients with strong suicidal tendencies it is the responsibility of the treating physician to talk about the state to the parents or the care giver.

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If you spend enough time watching daytime talk shows, you are guaranteed to come across one devoted to pregnant teenagers who have decided to keep and raise their babies. If you listen to enough of theses young women, you will get a fairly good idea of how skewed their understanding of parenthood can be.

One of the most disturbing realities of teen pregnancy and parenting, however, is that the younger the expectant mother is, the less ability she has to recognize her own lack of preparedness for what lies ahead.

Surveys have shown that most expectant teens, not matter how old, believe that by having a child they will at last have found a bond with another person, and even think the child will bond them to its father. But younger teens not only seem to be relying on their coming child to provide them with emotional connectedness; they seem to have no true grasp of the how the realities of teen pregnancy and parenting will change their lives.

There are approximately half a million births to US women below the age of twenty every year. One of the sadder realities of teen pregnancy and parenting is that many teenaged girls who become pregnant are so ignorant about reproductive matters that they do not realize their condition until well into the pregnancy.

This is especially alarming because so many birth defects can result from the behaviors an expectant mother engages in during her first trimester. Even worse, many teenagers are afraid to acknowledge their pregnancies until it is impossible to hide them, or will even cut down on their food intake in and attempt to keep the pregnancy from showing.

Such behavior means that two of the other realities of teen pregnancy and parenting are a higher incidence of low birth weight babies and undernourished mothers who may have a longer postpartum recovery period and be even less able to properly care for their newborns.

A 2006 study of 247 expectant teenagers, headed by Dr. Cynthia Rosengard, of Rhode Island Hospital and Brown University Medical School questioned the young women, aged from 12 to 19, about their motivations for becoming pregnant. Almost one-quarter of them admitted to consciously deciding to have a child.

And it appears that one of the more common realities surrounding teen pregnancy and parenting is that younger girls believed that they could become friends with their children because of their closeness in age.

Alarmingly, another of the young ladies thought that one or the realities of teen pregnancy and parenting was that by having her baby at fifteen, she could pursue a career as an adult because the child would be old enough to fend for itself. Another one thought that having a baby would teach her some responsibility and keep her away from drugs.

But about 50% of the girls over eighteen admitted that they were not prepared for the realities of teen pregnancy and parenting. There appeared to be an improved understanding of those realities as the ages of the women increased.

The idea of children having children, it seems, is not a good one to anybody but the children themselves.

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Goitre refers to the swelling of the thyroid gland in the neck caused by an iodine deficiency. This can also be caused by regularly eating foods that can encourage goiter growth. There are reportedly 200 million people around the world who are suffering from this condition.

There are certain foods that contain goitrogens which stop the body from using iodine to make thyroid hormones. These foods actually produce thiocyanate and interfere with the iodine absorption by the thyroid glands. When these goitrogens are regularly consumed, the thyroid glands have to work overtime to function normally and this in turn results in the thyroid glands getting enlarged and thus resulting in a goiter.

The most common foods that are goitrogenic are broccoli, cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, kohlrabi, radish, rapeseed oil and peanuts. This does not mean that one should stop eating these things, because these products may otherwise be very healthy. If they are cooked and eaten in small quantities, then the goitrogenic activity gets lowered and no serious harm is done.

It is not only important to take care of the foods that are eaten; it is also to take care of our lifestyle and the habits thereof. Habits like smoking can also cause goiter even in the absence of the above food products. This is because cigarette smoke contains goitrogenic derivatives and also something called thiocyanate which also acts as a deterrent for iodine conversion in the body.

Iodine consumption needs to be monitored closely because not only does the absence of iodine cause problem, if it consumed in excess that can also be equally troublesome.

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The health of the baby inside is always related to a pregnancy diet plan. Pregnancy is perhaps the time where women should be cautious about their diet for the little one inside. The diet should have top priority because it is the only source of nourishment the baby will get.

Nine months could indeed be too long an ordeal. The mother could have a preference towards certain foods her doctor advises not to eat. For the baby, it will be a lifetime of suffering should the mother not pay attention to their doctors instructions.

When pregnant, there are three things that an expecting mother should follow to make sure that their pregnancy will run smoothly and be safe for the baby's transition from the womb to the world at large.

Avoiding Salty Foods

The salty foods are actually not directly affecting the baby but, of course, anything that will affect the mother would also influence the baby as well. Eating salty foods is the most common cause for water retention that causes swelling of the feet and ankles. This is actually observed on about 50% of pregnant women, and can usually cause a feeling of tiredness giving them the impression that it's the pregnancy that is giving them the discomfort when it fact it was the salt.

Avoiding Over the Counter (OTC) Medicine

Now, putting in medicine to the body should and always come with a doctor's go signal. Sometimes, a plain-looking OTC paracetamol tablet could be enough to cause dislodgement of the baby from its hold on the fallopian tube. This is really the tricky part of any pregnancy because the mother should at all times try their very best to stay healthy. Choose not to drink any sort of medicine, especially those OTC drugs that can be handily bought from any drugstore.

Avoiding to Many Sweets

Sweets are perhaps the hardest thing to avoid. Like salty foods, there is really nothing outwardly problematic about this as a lot of expecting moms are guilty of this. The only reason doctors would be against this is that it will make the baby grow so large and the probability of having a normal delivery would be compromised. Shying away from sweets is very much for the sake of the mother. A mothers craving for sweet foods would make them bloat and would only be felt mostly after giving birth. Sometimes, the weight will not return to pre-pregnancy weight levels without a proper pregnancy diet plan. Often times, postpartum depression is caused by the physical changes brought about by giving birth.

Needless to say, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages should not be consumed at any time of the pregnancy period. Most of the abnormalities that have been found on unfortunate babies have been correlated to smoking and alcoholic mothers during their pregnancies.

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The trick to breastfeeding is getting your baby to latch on to your breast well, this takes time and patience. Remember breastfeeding is a new learning experience for you and your baby. The more you practice the better you'll become. A baby who latches on well, gets milk well. A baby who latches on poorly will have difficulty getting milk, especially if the milk supply is low; which is more than likely if your baby has a poor latch. If the latch is not corrected you may start to get sore nipples from excessive sucking from your baby. A poor latch is similar to giving a baby a bottle with a nipple hole that is too small-the bottle is full of milk, but your baby will not get much. This can cause both mother and baby to get frustrated, which is not a good combination. A poor latch is one of the biggest contributing factors in mothers quitting breastfeeding. When your baby doesn't get full they need to feed more frequently which will result is sore nipples and endless hours of feedings.

Here are some tips to help make breastfeeding a little smoother.

Start breastfeeding your baby immediately after birth, most newborn's can start feeding within 15 minutes. This is when you start bonding with your baby; your first feed should be skin-to-skin contact. The warmth from your skin will keep your baby warm enough, you can still have a blanket draped around you both to help. Mothers that say they are too tired to breastfeed after giving birth are using an excess. This is the most important time between yourself and your baby. I was in labor for 40 hours without any drugs for assistance and the first thing I did after kissing my husband and new baby girl was start breastfeeding.

It is imperative that mother and baby be kept in the same room. Mothers and babies learn how to sleep in the same rhythm from the very beginning. When your baby starts waking for a feed you will also start to wake up naturally. Your baby will give you signs before they start to cry that they are ready for a feed. These signs may include some or all of the following. Breathing sounds may change, they may start to stretch or squirm. Mothers hear all! Your milk may start to flow and your calm baby will be content to nurse. A baby that has been crying for some time may be too tried on the breast this may result in them refusing to take it. Mothers and babies should be encouraged to sleep side by side in the hospital. This is a great way for mothers to rest while the baby nurses. Breastfeeding should be relaxing, not tiring. You can even bring this method home with you. Having your baby in your room for the first little while will help you get to know the signs of when they are hungry.

Do not restrict the length or frequency of feedings. A baby who feeds well will not be on the breast for hours at a time. If this is happening it is usually because they are not latching on well and not getting the milk. Get help to fix the baby's latch, and use compression to get your baby more milk. Your baby will tell you when they need a feed.

Do not supplement your baby with water, sugar water, or formula unless other wise directed by your physician. Your baby will get everything they need from your breast milk. If your baby is losing weight or not eliminating enough waste this could be due to a poor latch. Ask for a lactation consultant to come in and view a feeding with your baby. Bottles are not recommended within the first 4-6 weeks of life. Introducing a bottle too soon may give your baby nipple confusion, this may affect your babies breastfeeding and make it difficult to feed.

The key to breastfeeding is the proper latch. How do know if your baby has a good latch? Your nipples should not be sore, they may be a bit tender but they should not be sore. There should be a tight seal between your baby's mouth and your areola. Much of the areola (at least a one-inch radius) is inside baby's mouth. Your baby's tongue should be between the lower gum and your breast. Your baby's ears should be wiggling. During active sucking and swallowing the muscles in front of baby's ears move, indicating a strong and efficient suck that uses the entire lower jaw. You should hear your baby swallowing. During the first few days after birth, your baby may suck 5 to 10 times before you hear a swallow. That's because your colostrum comes in small amounts. You may have to listen carefully to notice the swallows. You should not hear any clicking sounds, this indicates that your baby does not have his tongue positioned correctly and is latched on incorrectly.

Under some circumstances, it may be impossible to start breastfeeding early. Premature babies can start breastfeeding much, much earlier than they do in many health facilities. In fact, studies are now quite definite that it is less stressful for a premature baby to breastfeed than to bottle feed. Unfortunately, too many health professionals dealing with premature babies do not seem to be aware of this.

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It is a known fact that during pregnancy, women put on weight. The weight gain is distributed not just to the baby but also the placenta, the amniotic fluid, the breast tissue, fat and uterus. The belly grows and the baby and all others increase in weight too. According to the stage of the pregnancy and the position of the baby, some have protruding bellies, others have rounded bellies. For some it can be difficult to lose post pregnancy belly fat.

The normal weight gain during pregnancy is considered to be 20 to 25 pounds on an average. If the woman puts on much more than this and gains too much weight, it is unhealthy and is more likely to have a post pregnancy belly. Other risks are varicose veins, pain in calf muscles and tiredness. It may also pose a risk to the uterus if the weight gain is in excess. On the other hand, an insufficient weight gain can cause a defect in the development of the fetus.

In pregnancy, women experience stress and anxiety which makes some eat more than usual. It is important to be in a stable emotional state. After the delivery of the baby, many women continue to look pregnant because of their post pregnancy belly. It can take up to four weeks for the uterus to contract and shrink back to its original shape and size. The fat gained during the nine months takes time to burn off, ending up in the post pregnancy belly. When the belly stretches to accommodate the baby, the skin develops stretch marks. For some, these stretch marks fade away as they lose post pregnancy belly fat.

The first couple of months may be extremely exhausting for the mother taking care of her child and not getting enough sleep. Such a condition may not allow the mother to exercise. However, after a couple of months, one should start light exercises. Breast feeding is not only essential for the child's growth; it also helps the mother burn off some calories. When you reduce breast feeding or stop breast feeding, it is important to alter the diet accordingly as you may not require as many calories now. If this is not done, it will be difficult to lose post pregnancy belly fat.

One should remain active during and after the pregnancy. If the woman goes for walks and does light exercises as advised by the doctor during pregnancy, she will lose post pregnancy belly fat faster. Walks should be continued afterwards too. Start small and slowly increase the distance as your body gains back its strength. Eat healthy food and snacks. Try taking smaller portions increasing the frequency of intake of food. This will boost the metabolism of the body and will aid in burning of the calories. Drink plenty of water and consume fiber in your diet to avoid constipation and indigestion which in turn will bloat up your belly further. Pilates and yoga are helpful in toning of the body and relaxing the mind. Take up one or two forms of exercise and do it regularly. Following a proper nutritious diet along with exercises will help you lose post pregnancy belly fat.

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Every healthcare organization/hospital accepting payment for Medicare and Medicaid patients is required to meet certain Federal standards called "Conditions of Participation" (CoPs).

These Federal requirements are promulgated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid to improve quality and protect the health and safety of patients. Compliance is based on surveys conducted by state agencies on behalf of the CMS. Conditions of Participation are regulatory standards hospitals agree to follow as a condition for receiving federal funding through the Medicare program.

Under an agreement with CMS, State healthcare licensure agencies conduct surveys of hospitals and enforce compliance with CoPs and ensure that Conditions of Participation are being practiced. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities are subject to random onsite reviews. Unannounced surveys can result from patient or public complaints or inquiries. Healthcare Security is an important element for the new 2006 Conditions of Participation.

Department of Health & Human Services
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(Healthcare Security)


Title 42CFR, Volume 3 - §482.13 Condition of Participation: Patients' Rights

A hospital must protect and promote each patient's rights

Interpretive Guidelines §482.13

These requirements apply to all Medicare or Medicaid participating hospitals including short-term, acute care, surgical, specialty, psychiatric, rehabilitation, long-term, childrens' and cancer, whether or not they are accredited. This rule does not apply to critical access hospitals. (See Social Security Act (the Act) §1861(e)).

These requirements, as well as the other Conditions of Participation in 42 CFR §482, apply to all parts and locations (outpatient services, provider-based entities, inpatient services) of the Medicare participating hospital.


Title 42, Volume 3 CFR - §482.13(c)(2) The patient has the right to receive care in a safe setting.

Interpretive Guidelines for §482.13(c)(2)

The intention of this requirement is to specify that each patient receives care in an environment that a reasonable person would consider to be safe. For example, hospital staff should follow current standards of practice for patient environmental safety, infection control and security. The hospital must protect vulnerable patients, including newborns and children. Additionally, this standard is intended to provide protection for the patient's emotional health and safety as well as his/her physical safety. Respect, dignity and comfort would be components of an emotionally safe environment.

Survey Procedures §482.13(c)(2)

o Review and analyze patient and staff incident and accident reports to identify any incidents or patterns of incidents concerning a safe environment. Expand your review if you suspect a problem with safe environment in the hospitals.

o Review QAPI, safety, infection control and security (or the committee that deals with security issues) committee minutes and reports to determine if the hospital is identifying problems, evaluating those problems and taking steps to ensure a safe patient environment.

o Observe the environment where care and treatment are provided.

o Observe and interview staff at units where infants and children are inpatients. Are appropriate security protections (such as alarms, arm banding systems, etc.) in place? Are they functioning?

o Review policy and procedures on what the facility does to curtail unwanted visitors or contaminated materials.

o Access the hospital's security efforts to protect vulnerable patients including newborns and children. Is the hospital providing appropriate security to protect patients? Are appropriate security mechanisms in place and being followed to protect patients?


The use of handcuffs or other restrictive devices applied by law enforcement officials who are not employed by or contracted by the hospital is for custody, detention, and public safety reasons, and is not involved in the provision of health care. Therefore, the use of restrictive devices applied by and monitored by law enforcement officers who are not employed or contracted by the hospital, and who maintain custody and direct supervision of their prisoner are not governed by §482.13(f)(l-3). The individual may be the law enforcement officer's prisoner but he/she is also the hospital's patient. The hospital is still responsible for providing safe and appropriate care to their patient. The condition of the patient must be continually assessed, monitored and reevaluate.

JCAHO - 2006
(Healthcare Security)

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations evaluates and accredits more than 18,000 healthcare organizations and programs throughout the United States. Hospitals aggressively seek Joint Commission accreditation to meet Medicare certification and licensure requirements. Accreditation is also a condition of reimbursement for many insurers and other payers. In addition, JCAHO Accreditation reduces the hospital's liability insurance premiums. Beginning in 2006 JCAHO will conduct all surveys without prior notice.

The Joint Commission has accredited hospitals for more than 50 years and today accredits over 80 percent of the nation's hospitals. The Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) have required JCAHO accreditation by US hospitals since 1965 as a 'Condition of Participation' requirement in order for them to receive Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements.

The Joint Commission and Healthcare Security

The Joint Commission's Standards address the hospital's performance in specific areas, and specify requirements to insure that patients are provided a safe and secure environment. 2006 Environment of Care© requirements include, but are not limited to the following:

o Development and maintenance of a written Security Management Plan to include an Emergency Management Plan.

o Conduct an annual Risk Assessment that evaluates the potential adverse impact of the external environment on the security of patients, staff, and others coming to the facility.

o Use the risks identified to select and implement procedures and controls to achieve the lowest potential for adverse impact on security.

o Identify, as appropriate, patients, staff and other people entering the facility.

o Access Control / Physical Protection - control access to and egress from security sensitive areas, as determined by the organization.

o Mitigate Violence in the Emergency Department and other locations.

o Education and Training - staff, licensed practitioners, and volunteers have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their responsibilities within the environment.

o Develop and implement a proactive infant abduction prevention plan.

o Include information on visitor/provider identification as well as identification of potential abductors/abduction situations (during staff orientation and in-service curriculum programs).

o Enhance parent education concerning abduction risks and parent responsibility for reducing risk and then assess the parents' level of understanding.

o Attach secure identically numbered bands to the baby (wrist and ankle bands), mother, and father or significant other immediately after birth.

o Footprint the baby, take a color photograph of the baby and record the baby's physical examination within two hours of birth.

o Require staff to wear up-to-date, conspicuous, color photograph identification badges.

o Discontinue publication of birth notices in local newspapers.

o Consider options for controlling access to nursery/postpartum unit such as swipe-card locks, keypad locks, entry point alarms or video surveillance (any locking systems must comply with fire codes).

o Consider implementing an infant security tag or abduction alarm system.

Material in this brochure provided to Accutech-ICS (www.Accutech-ICS.com) by Security Assessments International, Inc., http://www.saione.com


The information provided by Accutech-ICS.com and SAI is in accordance with our understanding of current JCAHO and CMS Regulations. It is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered 'legal' advice. Please consult with your legal counsel or Compliance Officer for clarification of laws and rules related to your State when applicable.

Accutect-ICS.com and SAI are not affiliated with the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.

www.Accutech-ICS.com and SAI - ©January, 2006

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