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It's the latest thing. As fashionable as Kabbalah, without all the studying. Madonna did it. So did Elizabeth Hurley. Cesarean section by choice has become almost a fad of sorts. Do Yoga at 8 a.m. Have your baby at 10 a.m. It not only fits your schedule, but your doctors and you get the added benefit of avoiding anything remotely like a labor pain.

Sandy, 34, had an elective Cesarean section and frequently encourages other women to do the same.

"It is so exciting to finally hear other women and members of the obstetric community saying what I have said for the last six years," she said. "I had an elective Cesarean section with my first pregnancy because I had a wonderful female OB who respected my desire to avoid vaginal and pelvic floor trauma. My section was awesome - wide awake and no pain, I was up walking in less than 8 hours."

Diverse attitudes between doctors and mothers about the "right" way to deliver a baby are not only causing confusion for new mothers who are frightened about their first labor and delivery experience, but divisiveness among feminists. For many years feminists fought for the right to take control of their bodies once again and deliver babies naturally without the unnecessary medical intervention that women throughout much of the twentieth century were subjected to. Now, a new generation of feminists assert that it is also their right to choose to deliver their baby without pain. But how safe is an elective Cesarean section?

Some studies and doctors claim that elective Cesarean is just as safe if not more so than a vaginal delivery and that the possible side effects of a vaginal delivery make c-section even more attractive.

Dr. Jennifer Berman, a urologist, author and television personality, said that she elected to have a Cesarean section with her second child and wished she had done so with her first.

"I had a very difficult time with the delivery of my son, Max in December, 1999. I was in labor for 18 hours, which was made more difficult by the fact that I had an epidural too early, which in turn caused the birth process to slow down.

"Max was supposed to have been a seven-pound baby, but was actually nine pounds, eight ounces. His head and shoulders got stuck in the birth canal and he suffered fetal distress. Given my body habitus, he should have been delivered c-section, but I persevered and delivered vaginally.

"My second reason for choosing c-section stems from the work I've done as a urologist. During a reconstructive surgery fellowship last year, I saw women who suffered the effects of incontinence and prolapse. These effects are directly related to vaginal delivery.

"In cases where women are predisposed to incontinence and prolapse, doctors are willing to perform c-section. I experienced incontinence for seven months after Max's birth and it began to recur during this pregnancy.

"Had I seen patients with such problems before Max was born, I would have elected to have a c-section with him, too. I decided that I didn't want to risk more incontinence or prolapse in the future."

A study performed by H. P. Dietz, MD (Heidelberg) and M. J. Bennett, MD (UCT) and published in the August 2003 issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, concluded that: Vaginal birth, in particular operative delivery, negatively affects pelvic organ support. This appears to be true for all three vaginal compartments. All forms of cesarean delivery were associated with relatively less pelvic organ descent. These findings may partly explain the protective effect of elective cesarean delivery for future symptoms of pelvic floor disorders."

Dietz and Bennett studied a total of 200 women, recruited early in their first pregnancy, and examined them during the first and early second trimester, the late third trimester and between two and five months postpartum. A total of 169 women or 84.5 percent showed highly significant increases in organ mobility. In addition, the length of the second stage of labor correlated with an increase in pelvic organ descent, suggesting that vaginal delivery is a major contributor to pelvic organ prolapse.

However, what many advocates of elective Cesarean section do not mention is the fact that the same study also states that the most significant pelvic floor damage occurred in women who experienced an operative vaginal delivery.In particular, women whose babies were delivered with the help of forceps or vacuum extraction experienced the highest degree of damage. In addition, Dr. W. Benson Harer, Jr., president of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, while maintaining that every woman should have the right to choose between a Cesarean section and a vaginal delivery, also concedes that many pelvic floor issues (urinary incontinence, uterine and bladder prolapse) can be prevented by improved labor and birth techniques.

Episiotomies are also associated with pelvic floor damage and long-term complications. They have been proven to be unnecessary and harmful in most births, yet the majority of American women are still subjected to this surgical procedure during a vaginal birth.

The belief that Cesarean section is much safer for the baby is also contentious. In fact, the risks to the baby can be substantial. Cesarean section is major surgery and brings with it many risks to both mother and child. Babies born by Cesarean section do not receive the natural stimulation that comes from moving down the birth canal, and therefore must often be given oxygen or a rub down to help them breathe. They also miss out on the natural hormones that are released during vaginal birth to help the baby during his first moments of life.

According to the Mayo Clinic's Complete Book of Pregnancy & Baby's First Year the risks of Cesarean section are substantial for mother and child:

1. Premature birth. If the due date was not accurately calculated, the baby could be delivered too early.

2. Breathing problems. Babies born by Cesarean are more likely to develop breathing problems such as transient tachypnea [abnormally fast breathing during the first few days after birth].

3. Low Apgar scores. Babies born by Cesarean sometimes have low Apgar scores. The low score can be an effect of the anesthesia and Cesarean birth, or the baby may have been in distress to begin with. Or perhaps the baby was not stimulated as he or she would have been by vaginal birth.

4. Fetal injury. Although rare, the surgeon can accidentally nick the baby while making the uterine incision.

Risks to the mother are more common and include:

* 1. Infection. The uterus or nearby pelvic organs such as the bladder or kidneys can become infected.

* 2. Increased blood loss. Blood loss on the average is about twice as much with Cesarean birth as with vaginal birth. However, blood transfusions are rarely needed during a Cesarean.

* 3. Decreased bowel function. The bowel sometimes slows down for several days after surgery, resulting in distention, bloating and discomfort.

* 4.Respiratory complications. General anesthesia can sometimes lead to pneumonia.

* 5. Longer hospital stay and recovery time. Three to five days in the hospital is the common length of stay, whereas it is less than one to three days for a vaginal birth.

* 6. Reactions to anesthesia. The mother's health could be endangered by unexpected responses (such as blood pressure that drops quickly) to anesthesia or other medications during the surgery.

* 7. Risk of additional surgeries. For example, hysterectomy and bladder repair.Researchers at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine also studied the effects of Cesarean section and the results were alarming. After a seven year, population-based, case-control study in North Carolina, the researchers concluded that Cesarean sections cause two to four times more women to die as a result of childbirth than in vaginal deliveries.The authors looked at many factors: demographics, medical risk factor, pre-term delivery, use of prenatal care and health care services, including mode of delivery, to determine what factors were associated with maternal mortality. Style of birth (Cesarean or vaginal) was the most significant factor related to maternal mortality, although whether or not the mother sought prenatal care also had an effect. The study found that the pregnancy-related mortality rate among women with Cesarean deliveries was 35.9 deaths per 100,000 Cesarean deliveries with a live-birth outcome compared to 9.8 deaths per 100,000 vaginal deliveries without complications. The mortality rate for the population presumed to have had elective Cesareans was 18.4 per 100,000 Cesarean deliveries.They concluded, "Removing barriers to and actively promoting use of prenatal care services and decreasing the rate of Cesarean deliveries could decrease the number of pregnancy-related deaths."

The increase in Cesarean section births, whether electively or by doctor's order, in the United States is staggering. The World Health Organization (WHO) states, No region in the world is justified in having a Cesarean rate greater than 10 to 15 percent. However, more than one fourth of all children born in the United States in 2002 were delivered by Cesarean; the total Cesarean delivery rate of 26.1 percent was the highest level ever reported in the United States. While the Cesarean delivery rate declined during the late 1980s through the mid-1990s, it has been on the rise since 1996. In addition, the number of Cesarean births to women with no previous Cesarean birth jumped 7 percent and the rate of vaginal births after previous Cesarean delivery (VBACs) dropped 23 percent.

Despite all of the efforts to convince mothers that Cesarean section is just as safe if not more safe for mother and child than vaginal delivery, the United States still ranks 8 in infant mortality among industrialized nations (behind the Czech Republic and Cuba) as of 1998.in the world for maternal death. However the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that maternal deaths are underreported by one half to two thirds, and that half of US maternal deaths are preventable. The rate of death due to childbirth has not decreased since 1982, and increased in 1999.

In an editorial for Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Ingrid Nygaard and Dr. Dwight Cruickshank argue that while they believe offering healthy women who plan small families an elective Cesarean section is justifiable, they do not condone such a recommendation on a routine basis.

"There are many unanswered questions regarding elective Cesarean delivery at term, and it is important that we try to answer them before making this part of the informed consent process. How should we manage the woman who goes into labor before 39 weeks? Is there a point in labor (dilatation and descent) at which time it is too late for Cesarean delivery to benefit the pelvic floor? At least in terms of anorectal physiology, the protective effect of Cesarean delivery is pronounced only if delivery is affected before a cervical dilatation of 8 cm. Is there a fetal size or gestational age below which vaginal delivery is not deleterious to the pelvic floor? As more US women become obese, will the risks of elective Cesarean delivery be greater than anticipated? Obesity itself is a risk factor for urinary incontinence, which may further decrease the value of preventive Cesarean delivery in this population. Given that some racial and ethnic groups are more predisposed to prolapse and incontinence than others, do we manage all patients similarly, or do we take such considerations into account? How should we analyze the economics of Cesarean delivery on demand? Projecting future cost should not rely on the arbitrary charge structure in place today. How do we balance the cost of elective Cesarean delivery with that of treatments for pelvic floor disorders?

"Given the absence of rigorous scientific evidence, we believe that it is currently ill advised to routinely give all prenatal patients the choice of their desired mode of delivery. What appears to be a fairly low-risk proposition in non-obese healthy women having only one or two children is likely not inconsequential in obese women, women with poor nutritional states or medical illnesses, or women who will have several Cesarean deliveries."

What most obstetricians and midwives do agree on, whether for or against elective Cesarean section, is that mothers need to be informed about all of their options and the benefits and risks of both. Childbirth, even in the 21st century, is still risky business and having all of the information available is the only way mothers can be certain they are receiving the best care.

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Preeclampsia, or high blood pressure during pregnancy, remains one of the top diseases of pregnant women. Preeclampsia today causes premature delivery, major complications, and even death of mom and baby. A whopping 7-10% of all pregnant women develop signs of preeclampsia. What can you do about it? New evidence shows that vitamin supplementation can reduce the risk of preeclampsia and the terrible problems that it can cause!

Preeclampsia is a disorder that occurs only during pregnancy and the postpartum period and affects both the mother and the unborn baby. Affecting at least 5-8%, and as high as 10% of all pregnancies, it is a rapidly progressive condition characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. Swelling, sudden weight gain, headaches and changes in vision are important symptoms; however, some pregnant women with rapidly advancing disease report few symptoms.

Severe preeclampsia requires not only treatment of blood pressure but also childbirth of the baby, regardless of the gestational age. Under these adverse conditions, the baby is not going to continue growing, and even more dangerous - mom's life is at risk!

Those at risk include:

  • Women less than 20 years old

  • Women older than 40 years old

  • Obese women

  • Women with preeclampsia in a prior pregnancy

  • Having a family history of preeclampsia

  • Twins or triplets (multiple gestation)

  • Pre-existing medical problems:

  • Chronic hypertension

  • Diabetes

  • Kidney disease

  • Autoimmune disease

  • Anti-phospholipid syndrome

The main signs of preeclampsia are high blood pressure and protein in the urine. Pregnant women with preeclampsia may also have:

  • Swelling (edema) of the hands and feet

  • Sudden weight gain (5 or more pounds in one week)

  • Problems with vision, such as blurriness or flashing lights

  • Severe headaches

  • Dizziness

  • Intense pain in the upper right part of the belly.

Pregnant women with mild preeclampsia often have no obvious symptoms. So if you have it, you may not suspect that anything is wrong.

Preeclampsia is usually detected during a routine prenatal visit. That's one reason why it's important to keep all your appointments during your pregnancy. During prenatal visits, the health care provider measures your blood pressure and checks your urine for protein. If preeclampsia is diagnosed, it can usually be managed before it becomes serious.

Evidence shows you CAN decrease your chance of getting preeclampsia during pregnancy.

The oral intake of Vitamin C 1000 mg and Vitamin E 400 IU each day significantly reduces the chance of getting preeclampsia.

You should take 1000mg of vitamin C and 400IU of Vitamin E every day, starting as soon as you know you're pregnant! Studies by Chappell (Lancet 1999 and Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002) have shown that taking 1000 mg of Vitamin C and 400 IU of Vitamin E a day beginning early in pregnancy can reduce the risk of preeclampsia by a staggering 76 percent. Preeclampsia is one of the biggest causes of premature birth, low birth weight babies, can lead to liver and bleeding problems in mom, and even death! Remember, up to 15% of preterm births are a result of preeclampsia.

However, starting antioxidant therapy once preeclampsia becomes a factor is not effective - it is too late! Even starting vitamins therapy at 24 weeks or later may be too late, as many of the changes that cause preeclampsia will already have occurred.

Taking care of your health will help ensure the health of your baby during pregnancy and a safe delivery when giving birth.

Disclaimer: The Safe Baby System and the information in this article are for educational purposes only and are not a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult a doctor or other qualified health provider regarding any medical condition and before beginning any diet or exercise regimen and before taking any dietary supplements or other medications. Any information obtained through hyperlinked words or phrases to another web page does not reflect the advice or opinions of Dr. Mark Zakowski.

FDA Disclaimer: The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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"Worry is practical if using and affront to a loving God!" - R. H. Mounce

Struggling With the Pain of Worry

Billions of people are worrying too much about the future! Worrying will give the most healthy person a tendency towards all servers and other illnesses. A study has discovered that most Americans whose lifestyles include material possessions, packed refrigerators and food pantries, with extra money lying on the dresser, have a level of anxiety that is five times (5X) higher than that of Nigeria, which is overpopulated, deceased, and most of the population do not know WHERE, WHEN, and HOW they are going to find the next meal!

True Worry (anxiousness) is something outside and beyond our own control. For example, being anxious about your love one's surgery or getting that long awaited promotion is considered True Worry. However, being anxious that you will fail your next school exam or overdraw your bank account is merely poor stewardship...NOT true worry.

When I worry too much about the future, it's usually because I feel "torn apart inside," from him and him experiencing a WAR within, causing an Inferno of Internal Emotion. Thus, I will often make things that do not genuinely matter...to suddenly MATTER!

The fact remains that so many people in this world are struggling with the pain of unnecessary worry and are clueless as to HOW to find a solution towards peace...a Serenity...a peaceful calm within their being. If you are one who is seeking that kind of solution, then here are three (3) truthful solutions, taken from Matthew 6:25-34, that will help you to overcome worrying too much for the future and begin to experience and enjoy personal peace in your life!

1. Choose To Trust God

A first step and real life solution to comfort your pain about worrying too much about the future is to be aware and realize that each of us have a choice to either trust in God's provision and strength or to worry (vrs. 25). Having the ability to make this choice is a luxury we often take for granted because it's a freedom that allows us the personal privilege and opportunity to make the difference in the world.

Worry takes our focus away from God and places it on the challenge or trial you may be facing. Therefore, the challenge appears bigger than our God! Jesus warns us that worrying too much about the future and for the things in this life is a distraction, which disturbs our joy in God and becomes a barrier to the true unhindered relationship that he desires to have with us. You cannot genuinely help people if you are worrying too much about the future.

Therefore, choose to place your trust in the ONE who can help ( Proverbs 3:5-6) instead of worrying.

2. Consider God's Provisions

A second step and real life solution to comfort your pain about worrying too much about the future is to ask God, through faith and believing, to help you rely on his provision for all your needs (vrs. 26, 28-30). God wants to provide for your need and promises to provide you a future of goodness and hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

The Birds of the Air (vrs. 26)

God provides for the birds of the air by providing food to eat, materials for nesting, and navigation to fly thousands of miles from one continent to another (vrs. 26). God also provides a hurting bird with a Community of Birds that help to carry the burden as the hurting bird heals. You must become aware and realize that being involved in a Community of Support is imperative for your success if you want to conquer worrying too much about the future.

The Flowers of the Field (vrs. 28-30)

God also provides for the flowers of the field, every petal in every leaf. He provides for the right amount of sunlight and the correct season in order for flowers, trees, plants, grass and other vegetation to prosper and provide Oxygen and nutrients for our lives. So, are you not more precious, treasured, and valuable than the birds and flowers? Of course you are!

Casting all your anxieties on Him, because he cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:7

Unfortunately, when you are unnecessarily worrying too much about the future, you create more stress and anxiety for your life. Here are just three (3) reasons worrying too much about the future is unhealthy.

  • worrying claims that God cannot be trusted and doesn't care

  • worrying just doesn't work (vrs. 27)

  • worrying blinds you to see the God already knows your need (vrs. 31-32)

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4: 6-7 (NIV)

3. Commit To Seek God and Believe

A third step and real life solution to comfort your pain about worrying too much about the future is to seek God for the provisional results (vrs. 33-34)! If you want peace from worrying too much about the future, then you must seek first His Kingdom (ways, plan for your life) and his righteousness (vrs. 33).

In order to seek first the kingdom, we must begin by seeking first the King. - Andrew Murray
Believe that you don't have to worry about the future because God has a tremendous plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11 & Matthew 6:34). Have a confident assurance that you will experience true peace from anxiety because you have committed to seek God's plan and believe in His promises. When you need wisdom, ask for it! When you need answers, ask God to provide them.

Your kingdom is a kingdom that will last forever.

Your rule will continue for all time to come.

The Lord is faithful and will keep all of his promises.

He is loving toward everything he has made. - Psalm 145:13 (NIRV)

5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. - James 1:5-7 (NIV)

Solving Your Pain

Because we tend to be worriers by nature, it's vital to your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health to make the CHOICE to trust God for his provisions, being keenly aware to CONSIDER His care for your needs, and to COMMIT to seeking Him and believing in Him. When you do this on a daily basis, you will discover that worrying too much about the future is not very beneficial for your immediate or future success.

These three (3) solutions can comfort your pain and provide you with personal peace because, like sheep, we were not created to carry heavy and unnecessary burdens. We were created for Character, Community, and Compassion.

In Conclusion

Worrying too much about the future doesn't have to be your lifestyle. Although were often guilty of worrying doesn't mean it has to remain that way. Go ahead and choose to trust in God, consider His provisions, and commit to seek His plan and believe He cares for you. Be abundantly aware that there is a Community of Support for your business and for your life.

So, don't worry, my friend! Be happy!

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Natural Alternative Cures with an Integrative Approach

Inflammation of the thyroid gland can result from many causes. The thyroid is located at the base of the neck just below the voice box. It makes hormones that control the rate at which cells burn fuel and how rapidly they create new fuel to store from food.

The most common form of thyroid inflammation is hypothyroidism, under-functioning of the thryroid, called Hashimoto's thryroiditis. Other forms are Postpartum, Subacute, drug-induced, radiation-induced and Acute.

Each different type of this disease has its own causes, clinical features, diagnoses, durations, resolutions, conditions and risks.

The Most Common Hypothyroid Symptoms

Common hypothyroid symptoms may include fatigue, weight gain, feeling "fuzzy headed," depression, dry skin, and constipation. Other, more rare symptoms include swelling of the legs, vague aches and pains, decreased concentration and so on. When conditions become more severe, depending on the type of thyroiditis, one may start to see puffiness around the eyes, slowing of the heart rate, a drop in body temperature, or even incipient heart failure. On the other hand, if the thyroid cell damage is acute, the thyroid hormone within the gland leaks out into the bloodstream causing symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, which is similar to those of hyperthyroidism. These symptoms include weight loss, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, fast heart rate, and fatigue.

Thyroiditis can also be caused by an infection, like a virus or bacteria, which works in the same way as antibodies to cause inflammation in the glands. Certain people make thyroid antibodies, and thyroiditis can be considered an autoimmune disease, because the body acts as if the thyroid gland is foreign tissue.

Just because antibodies are involved does not mean that the 'cause' has been found. The question as to why the antibodies are attacking in the first place still needs to be answered. To find the cure for the thyroid, regardless of the 'itis' requires doing what will allow the body to correct the malady and put an end to the malfunctioning endocrine gland. Even when bacteria is suspected in an 'infection', being that most infections are handled just fine by the body itself, why not consider encouraging the immune system to fight the 'infection' itself?

Often the simple answer to cure is simple blood testing for the thyroid hormones, T3, T4, T7, and thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH. Often basic nutrients are missing so that the thyroid can rebuild itself. We often find that free radicals, molecules missing an electron, or heavy metals such as arsenic, lead and mercury can interfere with chemical reactions....those heavy metals need to be chelated out of the body with oral chelating agents and the free radicals need to be neutralized with antioxidants.

Hormone replacement therapy should only be an option when the endocrine gland has been removed by surgery or eradicated with radiation treatments. As long as some of the endocrine gland remains, the safest approach is to nutrify it and detox the tissues at the same time after blood tests have confirmed the need. The blood test results can also serve as a yardstick to measure healing results on follow-up testing.

This is what a naturopathic, alternative approach encompasses...finding a way to allow the body to heal itself so that the person does not have to take a hormone replacement the rest of their life. When we give hormones to a person who is still able to produce some of the hormone themselves then we are actually encouraging the person to stop making their own hormones! This can only be to their detriment.

What about using bio-identical hormones? These molecules are closer to the original configuration of the molecule that the body makes itself. But the same problem exists...the body will be encouraged NOT to make its own hormone if another one is given orally from outside the body, as when we take pills.

Taking nutrients is different though. When we take nutrients orally, those molecules are molecules that are naturally found in foods in the form of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, trace minerals and enzymes. They usually are not hormone in nature. When we take these nutrients with our food, they mix with the food and make it more nutritious than it was before the mixing. If you look at how healthy our food was 100 years ago, compared to today, you would find a big difference. So when we mix nutritional pills with our food we are returning our food to the chemical strength it used to have 100 years ago.

The difficult part is determining which of the 2000 products in the health food store would be best for you. A 52 element blood test combined with a hair and urine analysis will yield about 103 separate pieces of information on which to choose the 10 or so most likely nutritional medicines to treat your thyroiditis.

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Being a mother is all about sacrifice. And there is nothing wrong with that in fact, it's well worth it! However, the fact remains that from the time you conceive, not only are you giving that little life inside you the majority of your attention, energy and mental and physical focus, but you are also funneling the best nutrients that your body can provide straight to that tiny, growing person inside you.

As a result, many mothers even the ones who take traditional prenatal vitamins and take extremely good care of their health while they are pregnant" find themselves suffering from fatigue, shortness of temper and short and long-term memory loss after the birth of a baby. All of these symptoms add up to one thing: postpartum depression.

Don't Just Accept It

For years, postpartum depression has been considered a somewhat unavoidable and unpleasant side effect of pregnancy for many women. While doctors do attempt to prepare women and their families for this issue, most new mothers have to suffer through the experience while their body gets back to normal, causing them serious mental anguish in many cases as they cannot understand why on earth they should be feeling such tumultuous and conflicting emotions centered around the newest member of their family.

However, the explanation is simple: during the pregnancy, you gave your little one everything " right down to the best brain food that you could provide, which happened to be the stuff that your brain needed as well. As a result, now that the baby is no longer inside you, you may be suffering from a shortage of this brain food, omega 3 fatty acids to be exact, and that is causing you everything from headaches to an inability to concentrate on simple tasks.

The Solution Can Be Simple

Fortunately, the solution is as simple as the problem: get more omega 3!

In late August of 2008,Complimentary Medicine released a study indicating that incidences of postpartum depression drop by about 50 percent when expectant mothers take a fish oil supplement throughout their pregnancy. This study and studies like it also have lead to recent research in World Psychiatry that indicate that omega 3 also can dramatically decrease the negative effects of menopause, which is also directly linked to changes and shortages in the female reproductive system.

The best way to get omega 3 during a pregnancy is from fish oil rather than directly from fish or tuna, which often contain traces of heavy metals and toxins that can seriously harm a fetus. Instead, take a dietary supplement that has been certified toxin free. You can rest assured that not only are you fortifying your defenses against postpartum depression, but that you also are providing vital nutrients to your child that will help with everything from coordination to preventing multiple sclerosis and neural disorders.

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Having a second child can make you a little nervous just thinking about juggling two kids and taking care of the family. You may also be worried about the increased daily budget allocation you will have to consider once your second baby is born. Although more than the budgetary concerns, most mothers are more concerned about raising two children well and helping them develop physically, mentally and emotionally.

Before you consider having another child, it is advisable that you focus first on your first child and give him a little time to be an only child for a while - at least three years - five is ideal. However, as parents, we know that sometimes we can't wait to have another baby because time is a-ticking or we want our children to have a close age range. Whatever your reason, it is best to be prepared for a second child before he comes.

1. Fix your finances. A second child will mean more expenses on milk, diapers, baby furniture, clothes and trips to the doctor. Although some of the baby stuff can be hand-me-downs from your firstborn such as crib, stroller and some clothes; a second child will still mean more expenses for you so it's best to start saving for his arrival. You will also need to put in more money into your emergency fund for incidentals.

2. Prepare his quarters. Where will your newborn sleep? It might not be advisable to room him in with your first child especially if the older child is still in his toddlers because children are naturally curios beings and he could end up hurting the newborn or hurting himself. He might also be irritated with the constant crying of a newborn and when this happens, you will have to pacify two very irate babies.

3. Talk to your first child about the arrival of his sibling. This is the most important task you will have to do before your second child is born. You will have to explain to your first child what his role is going to be concerning his younger sibling.

He may get jealous because they do not understand why you are not paying as much attention to him since the new baby came. Involve him in the preparation for the new baby and explain the importance of being an older brother. This way, he will not feel excluded.

4. Ask for help! A second child can be very overwhelming especially right after giving birth. You will feel postpartum blues and this may greatly affect your mood and your emotional/mental health. Before you feel that the world is on your shoulders, talk to your family and friends about having to ask for their help once in awhile once the baby is born.

Better still, check out nanny and housekeeping services that you can call every now and then. List down all the numbers of the people you'd want to call for help and post it where you can easily see it. Fix a daily schedule for your firstborn so he will have activities that will occupy him if he is still not going to school.

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Did you know that taking prenatal omega 3 supplements is not only good for the baby but good for the mother as well? Omega 3 fatty acids are very important throughout every stage of your life and in pregnancy, taking prenatal omega 3 supplements is one way of ensuring proper health and nutrition for you and your baby.

Most pregnant mothers think that multivitamins and minerals are the only things that their baby needs. Omega 3 is often overlooked which is why a lot of mothers tend to be deficient in this essential fatty acid. What is the role of prenatal omega 3 supplements during pregnancy?

For the developing fetus, omega 3 fatty acids, specifically DHA and EPA are very important. For one thing, omega 3 contributes to the normal development of the central nervous system, which includes the brain. It also promotes a healthy retina which is important for good eyesight and visual acuity.

Studies also show that mothers who took increased levels of omega 3 during pregnancy had babies who had higher levels of intelligence, had better hand and eye coordination, and had better problem solving skills. Omega 3 can also protect the fetus from allergies later on in life.

Prenatal omega 3 supplements are not only beneficial for the baby but for the mother as well. Aside from providing proper nutrition, omega 3 is known to reduce complications like preterm birth, pre eclampsia, and cesarean delivery. Studies also show the value of omega 3 in the prevention of postpartum depression. Postpartum depression affects about 12-15% of women after giving birth and can interfere with the mother's ability to care for the baby.

So, why should a pregnant woman take omega 3 supplements instead of eat fish? While fatty fish like tuna, hoki, salmon, and sardines are rich in DHA and EPA omega 3 fatty acids, there is also the risk of these fish being contaminated with toxins and heavy metals which could be harmful for the baby and the mother. Instead of eating the fish itself, taking supplements made with the oil of these fish is advised.

Fish oil supplements that have undergone molecular distillation should be the top choice as you can be sure that it is free from mercury, lead, and other pollutants found in the oil. It should also have more DHA than EPA and the oil used should be fresh in order to avoid side effects like burping and bloating.

Taking omega 3 supplements during pregnancy is good for the mother and the baby. If you are pregnant or plan to get pregnant, then be sure to take omega 3 for your health and that of your baby as well.

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This is really true. The only way to survive is to be strong physically and mentally. Are you strong enough to get yourself out of a jam? Is your physical and mental fitness enough? Or are you weak in one or both areas?

In ancient times it was mostly physical, kill or be killed. You had to hunt for food you and you had to work extremely hard.

Today we don't live as physical as we should, we take it easy, we eat way to much.

Stress is a killer. We work to many hours. We are on all types of medication. We have so many physical and mental diseases we can't count.

We have brought these things on ourselves. We are softer physically and mentally. We are taught nowadays to stay in school go to college so you can get a great job.

Work with your head not your back. What do you think is killing us the physical labor or the non-physical labor? The way I see it, it's the white collar workers that wind up highly stressed, overweight and diseased.

Not that this doesn't happen to physical laborers, it does, but not as nearly as much as the man who gets no exercise except to get out of his chair for lunch or to go to the bathroom.

Look around most of the sick, fat and weak are living a sit down lifestyle. We were never as sick as we are now and with all the advancements in science and everyone eating better food and taking better care of themselves and we are still getting more and more diseases. Men and women are looking older and sicker and it seems that it will only get worse.

So to survive in this high pressure world of work, bad nutrition, physical and mental stress we need to be no our A game, we need to care a little more about out health and fitness.

We need to eat right, exercise and find ways to keep stress low.

Because Only The Strong Survive!

Try this quick 10 minute workout:

Jump Rope for 1 minute then drop down into a pushup position and just hold the position for 1 minute. Then repeat back and forth for 10 minutes.

Toughness Builds Winners

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I know everyone is so tired hearing about Fifty Shades of Grey. The one thing that no one is really talking about is how Christian Grey made Anastasia Steele use kegel balls during during a charity function. She was hesitant at first but then she enjoyed the new sexy orgasmic experience.

What are kegel balls and kegel exercisers? Kegel balls (or ben wa balls or geisha balls or orgasm balls) were intended to help women exercise and strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. They are used by inserting them into the vagina and using the PC muscles to hold them in, stimulating movement and vibration. They can either be round weighted balls with or without a string that can be made of silicone or green materials such as glass or metal. Kegel Exercisers are anatomically designed toys with several round bulbs that stimulate the pelvic muscles. The best kegel exercisers are either made from body-safe silicone or sustainable materials like glass, wood or metal.

What are pelvic floor muscles? They are a set of muscles that support the pelvic organs such as the urethra, bladder, uterus and rectum.

Why is it so important to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles? Besides increasing circulation and enhancing overall vaginal and rectal health, exercising the pelvic floor increases your sexual performance. It makes it easier to achieve multiple orgasms and increases orgasm intensity and frequency. Who doesn't want that?

Besides having better orgasms, there are some added benefits of doing kegel exercises for new or aspiring mothers:

  • Protects the vagina by learning to relax and control the muscles for labor and delivery

  • Sets the stage for a swifter postpartum recovery

  • Helps vagina to regain tightness after childbirth

Let's not forget older women. Kegel exercisers can benefit these women:

  • Prepares the body for an easier menopause

  • Improves vaginal wall thickness

  • Increases natural lubrication

  • Improves bladder control

How do you find the pelvic floor muscles:

  • The next time you urinate, try to stop the flow of urine. The muscles in your vagina, bladder and anus tighten and move up. Congratulations-you found your pelvic floor muscle group!

  • Insert a finger into your vagina. Once again, pretend to try to stop the flow of urine. You should feel the muscles tighten and move. Congratulations-you found your pelvic floor muscle group!

All women should experience the joys of kegel balls or kegel exercisers. If nothing else, try something new and experience some new sensations. During sex, you can also try to squeeze the pelvic floor muscles. Your partner should feel the muscles tighten and will thank you. You never know-you just might like it too!

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Endocervical polyps

Endocervical polyps are the most common benign neoplasms of the cervix. Please note that the word neoplasm refers to a cancerous growth. They are focal hyperplastic (abnormal cell growth) protrusions of the endocervical folds, including the epithelium and substantia propria. They are most common in the fourth to sixth decades of life and usually are asymptomatic but may cause profuse leukorrhea or postcoital spotting. (blood after orgasm)

Grossly, they appear as typical polypoid structures protruding from the cervical os. At times, endometrial polyps protrude through the cervical os. They cannot be distinguished from endocervical polyps by gross appearance. Microscopically, a variety of histologic patterns are observed, including
(1) typical endocervical mucosal
(2) inflammatory (granulation tissue)
(3) fibrous
(4) vascular
(5) pseudodecidual
(6) mixed endocervical and endometrial
(7) pseudosarcomatous.

Treatment is removal, which can usually be accomplished by twisting the polyp with a dressing forceps if the pedicle is slender. Smaller polyps may be removed with punch biopsy forceps. Polyps with a thick stalk may require surgical removal.

Microglandular hyperplasia
Microglandular hyperplasia refers to a clinically polypoid growth measuring 1-2 cm. It occurs most often in women who are on oral contraceptive therapy or Depo-Provera and in pregnant or postpartum women. It reflects the influence of progesterone.

Microscopically, it consists of tightly packed glandular or tubular units, which vary in size, lined by a flattened-to-cuboidal epithelium with eosinophilic granular cytoplasm containing small quantities of mucin. Nuclei are uniform, and mitotic figures are rare. Squamous metaplasia and reserve cell hyperplasia are common. An atypical form of hyperplasia can be mistaken for clear cell carcinoma. Unlike clear cell carcinoma, it lacks stromal invasion, has scant mitotic activity, and lacks intracellular glycogen

Squamous papilloma
Squamous papilloma is a benign solid tumor typically located on the ectocervix. It arises most commonly as a result of inflammation or trauma.

Grossly, the tumors are usually small, measuring 2-5 mm in diameter. Microscopically, the surface epithelium may show acanthosis, parakeratosis, and hyperkeratosis. The stroma has increased vascularity and a chronic inflammatory infiltrate. Treatment is removal. The squamous papilloma resembles a typical condyloma acuminatum but lacks the koilocytes microscopically.

Smooth muscle tumors (leiomyomas)
These benign neoplasms may originate in the cervix and account for approximately 8% of all uterine smooth muscle tumors. They are similar to tumors in the fundus. When located in the cervix, they usually are small, ie, 5-10 mm in diameter.

Symptoms depend on size and location. Microscopically, leiomyomas resemble the typical smooth muscle tumor found in the uterine corpus. Treatment is required only for those patients who are symptomatic. The cervical leiomyoma is usually part of the spectrum of uterine smooth muscle tumors.

Mesonephric duct remnants
When present, mesonephric duct remnants are typically located at the 3-o'clock and the 9-o'clock positions, deep within the cervical stroma. They usually are incidental findings and are present in approximately 15-20% of serially sectioned cervices. As the name implies, mesonephric duct remnants are vestiges of the mesonephric or Wolffian duct. Usually, they are only a few millimeters in diameter and seldom are grossly visible.
Microscopically, they consist of a proliferation of small round tubules lined by epithelium that is cuboidal to low columnar. The tubules tend to cluster around a central duct. The cells lining the tubules contain no glycogen or mucin, but the center of the tubule may contain a pink material that contains glycogen or mucin.

When present in the cervix, endometriosis is usually an incidental finding. Grossly, it may appear as a bluish-red or bluish-black lesion, typically 1-3 mm in diameter. Microscopically, the implants are typical endometriosis, consisting of endometrial glands, endometrial stroma, and hemosiderin-laden macrophages. The implants usually gain access to the cervix during childbirth or previous surgery.

Papillary adenofibroma
This neoplasm is uncommon. Grossly, it appears as a polypoid structure. Microscopically, the neoplasm contains branching clefts and papillary excrescences lined by mucinous epithelium with foci of squamous metaplasia. A compact, cellular, fibrous tissue composed of spindle-shaped and stellate fibroblasts supports the epithelium. The stroma is devoid of smooth muscle, and mitoses are rare. Similar growths occur in the endometrium and the fallopian tubes.

Heterologous tissue
Heterologous tissue includes cartilage, glia, and skin with appendages. This type of tumor rarely occurs in the cervix. While they may arise de novo, these tumors probably represent implants of fetal tissue from a previous aborted pregnancy.

Hemangiomas in the cervix are rare in occurrence and are similar to those found elsewhere in the body.

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In medical science Goitre is known as a swelling of the thyroid gland. The formation of goitre is due to lack of iodine in the body which is consumed through the intake of food and drinks. People staying in the seaside hardly suffer from goitre as all the sea foods are rich in iodine where as people who are in the habit of consuming denatured food usually develop goiters. It has also been examined that women are more prone to the swelling of the thyroid gland than men. Goitre is characterized by the development of large swollen glands, difficulty in breathing, inability to swallow liquids and solid foods efficiently including painful throats. The following are some therapeutic tips for natural treatments for goitre that may help you to get rid of the disorder effectively.

If the Goitre is left untreated for a long period of time, the patient may suffer from ailments like strep throat, tonsillitis, larynghitis, infected vocal chords and various respiratory diseases.

Ways of Natural Treatments for Goitre

o To treat goitre naturally you are recommended to follow a perfect diet schedule that would help to heal the swelling to great extent. In the breakfast you may start with a glass of milk, a handful of unbaked nuts and fresh fruits. A little later you may have a vegetable fruit juice with a teaspoon of yeast added to it. For lunch you are advised to have steamed vegetable, whole meal bread and buttermilk. After sometime you may take in a glass of fruit juice or milk. During dinner you may have salad of raw vegetables, vegetable soup, sprouts, nuts and home made cheese. Just before going to bed you may take up a glass of fruit juice or a vegetable juice.

Taking in or iodine is one of the effective ways to get rid of the disorder. But you are required to have iodine in its organic form like lettuce, turnips, carrots, garlic, onions and such.
o Usage of watercress for healing Goitre is quite effective. The vegetable is a good source of the element iodine. On application of the paste of the vegetable on the affected area would help the gland to function properly and to reduce the swelling significantly.
o The cabbage leaves are also known for their therapeutic properties. The intake of tea with the juice of the crushed cabbage leaves along with almonds.
o Kachnar can also be used for treating goitre. A decoction of the bark should be taken twice a day in empty stomach.
o The dandelion leaves when crushed and added with clarified butter for topical application gives relieve to the swelling to a great extent.
o Goitre can also be healed if seeds of flex are crushed in water, heated and applied over the affected region.

Regular exercise is also one of the effective means of natural treatment for goitre. General warm ups or aerobic activities would help the muscles of the thyroid glands to stretch out freely.

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Women's health encompasses a broad spectrum of issues that can be treated by physiotherapy. From pregnancy back pain to incontinence problems faced by older women, physiotherapy can help.

Bladder incontinence is a problem for 13 million Americans on any given day. Although some men have this problem, it is present in much greater numbers in the area of women's health.

There are several different kinds of incontinence. Stress incontinence happens mainly when the person coughs or sneezes. Urge incontinence causes the person to have sudden urges to use the restroom. This may be due to organ prolapse, such as a tilted uterus, which can also lead to sexual dysfunction.

Women's health physiotherapy may well be able to help correct these conditions.
Physiotherapists who work in the field of women's health can correct nearly 70% of incontinence problems. The major exercise used is called the Kegel. It is a very specialized exercise, and most often needs specialized instructions, and it takes biofeedback for many to get it right.

Many of the problems of women's health can be traced to the pelvic floor. The Kegel exercise specifically addresses this part of the anatomy. There are other therapies that are effective as well. Electrical stimulation is only one of the methods used. Soft tissue manipulation is another treatment that has had good results.

Pelvic pain affects the health and well-being of many women. It may be caused by a variety of sources. It can be due to vulvodynia or abdominal surgeries, for instance. Pelvic pain can also be the result of a fall, especially if the tailbone has been damaged. These conditions can cause long term curtailment of many physical activities lead to an overall deterioration in the women's psychological health. Physiotherapy offers a variety of treatments to help these problems.

Another very important area where physiotherapy plays an important role in women's health is during pregnancy. Women who are pregnant are aware of their bodies going through various changes that can be painful. Lower back pain is only one of them.

Physiotherapists can help with this. Gentle exercises can be taught to relieve tension in the back. One simple but very effective exercise is lying on the floor with the knees up and pressing the small of the back down to the floor. This gives a great feeling of relief. There are other exercises to strengthen the woman's back. However, it is important to be under a physiotherapist's specific instructions and watchful eye to ensure the exercises are the right one for the different stages and discomforts of pregnancy. Women's health is of utmost importance at this time, and so is the baby's.

Physiotherapists can give instructions on the exact amount, type and quality of exercises that are best for pregnant women. After delivery, physiotherapy is also a boon to women's health. It can help get women back into shape and instruct them in taking care of their new child while preventing back problems. Furthermore, another area of postpartum women's health where physiotherapy can be very effective is the treatment of women who have had cesarean sections.

Physiotherapy is important to women's health as women suffer from a host of physical disorders. Many of these conditions will respond to physiotherapy. It is only natural that women would turn to a tried and true method for relief.

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