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Many people often have misunderstandings about what antidepressants are capable of.

First of all, they are not pick me up pills; they don't artificially bring on a feeling of happiness, euphoria, or unrealistic well-being. Nor do antidepressants insulate you from life, make you not care about vital things, or make you oblivious to sorrow or loss.

What antidepressants do is avert depressed persons from sliding into the blackest depths of depression when something awful happens. They can still feel wounded, pain, and apprehension, but they feel these the way people normally do when they don't have depression. They also can help depressives sleep soundly, increase their energy, and improve their ability to concentrate.

The way antidepressants work is interesting. There are two chemicals, serotonin and norepinephrine, that have to do with the transmission of impulses between nerve cells in the brain and seem to be allied with depression. It would appear as if depressed people use up these chemicals at an accelerated rate than other people. Antidepressants help to retain these chemicals, apparently leading to feelings of reduced anxiety, more security, increased self-worth, assertiveness, and resilience.

There are a mixture of types of antidepressants, but they fall into a number of straightfoward categories. These are tricyclics, MAOIs, and lithium, and the newer medications: hetereocyclics and Prozac and Prozac-related drugs.

Until rather recently, tricyclics were the normal treatment for depression. These medications include imipramine (Tofranil), amitriptiline (Elacil), Vivactil, Norpramin, Pamelor, and Sinequan. Still in conventional use today, 40 to 70 percent of depressed patients improve substantially with tricyclics.

Although they are quite efficient medications, there are some negatives to their use. They generally take several weeks of constant administration to be successful, which is difficult to handle when people are sincerely distressed. Also, it is relatively easy to take a disastrous overdose. In general, tricyclics should only be used on a short-term basis. They are not addictive, but they must be used with care, especially with people who have cardiovascular disease.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (ie. MAOIs) include Marplan, Parnate, and Nardil. They are a different class of drugs and cause a different reaction in the brain. These drugs are helpful from some people who do not respond to tricyclics. These drugs can have disagreeable side effects, but the main disadvantage of MAOIs is that they can also cause a stroke if certain foods containing the compound tyramine (cheese, red wine, pickles) are consumed while they are being used.

Lithium is generally the treatment of choice for bipolar disorder (the cycle of manic highs with depressed lows). In the correct dose, lithium reduces by about 50 percent the chances of another manic episode within a year. Mood swings become fewer, shorter, and less harsh. The success rate for lithium treatment is 70 percent, and 20 percent of people become symptom-free. It is generally seen as a maintenance drug. Once the patient is on Lithium, they are on it for life.

One of the most well-known drugs on the market today is Prozac. It has been followed into the marketplace by many other new antidepressant medications like Zoloft and Paxil, two near cousins, Effexor and Serzone, and some more distant cousins, notably Wellbutrin, Desyrel, and BuSpar.

Unlike tricyclics, which affect the levels of both serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain, Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil affect only serotonin. Hence they are known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, meaning that they prevent or slow down the reabsorption of serotonin. Effexor and Serzone affect both serotonin and norepinephrine, and the others have more complex effects. All, however, have been shown to be effective in the treatment of depression. The choice of which of these medications to use for a particular person has to do with their dosage and side-effect profile. Paxil, for example, seems to have a soothing effect on anxiety that Prozac lacks. Effexor has the reputation of being more energizing than Prozac.

Compared with tricyclics, the side effects of Prozac and its cousins are usually small. Tricyclics can give you dry mouth, make you constipated, and actually slow you down, whereas Prozac has none of these problems and gives you a little more energy. However, there are some side effects with the newer antidepressants which should be mentioned. Most notable among these is a reduction of interest in sex and complications maintaining an erection. Although the male performance problems usually go away after a few weeks, many people on SSRIs report a continued diminished interest in sex, which can certainly add to marital problems.

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Mothers, especially a new one, experience great joy when they cradle their newborn babies in their arms. No matter how painful the delivery process was and how tired she may be, a mother immediately yearns to bond with her baby and looks forward to the experience of motherhood.

Unfortunately, in many instances, the trip back from the hospital with the baby can also be the beginning of a nightmare for a new mother. When previously her thought of motherhood is centered on taking care of a cute and smiley little one, now, she may feel that she is being saddled with an 'uncontrollable' baby. Exhaustion and lack of sleep coupled with a fussy baby can easily trigger such a switch in emotions.

Sometimes, the problem is also compounded by the lack of help from the spouse, especially when he is not always home due to work commitments, resulting in the mother having to shoulder the burden of childcare on her own. This caused resentment to build up and together with the exhaustion, they become a potent combination for quarrels to take place. The downhill slide into further unhappiness and depression is but a step away in such a scenario.

If you are one of those mothers who is feeling this way, there are a few things that you can do to make the experience of motherhood more fulfilling.

1. Take the Initiative to Learn If you have a fussy baby and are at a loss on how to handle the situation, be proactive and search for solutions. For example, many babies like to be rocked to sleep and the moment you put them down in their cot, they will start crying incessantly. Take a step back and do not be consumed by anger or sadness. Instead look for the reason behind the problem and find out whether there are solutions that could possibly work for your baby. Talk to other parents and check if they have encountered the same problem before. Alternatively, the internet is a rich source of information and there are many websites that offer valuable advice on a wide range of issues when it comes to baby care. If you take the initiative to learn, you will have a better idea of what to expect and what you can do to cope, thus, lessening unnecessary pressure on yourself.

2. Be Flexible - We are all creatures of habit and sometimes, this may not necessarily be a good thing. For instance, you may have a list of chores that you need to do each morning but are now finding it difficult to squeeze in all of the tasks before your baby wakes up for the day. If that is the case, redo your list and move your chores around. There is no fixed rule to say that you have to do the laundry at a particular time of the day, is there? Similarly, if you have not vacuumed the floor for the third day in a row, so be it. If you are tired, get yourself some rest when your baby nods off and leave the not-so-urgent chores for another time. Try to be flexible and organize yourself around your baby's schedule.

3. Communicate with your Spouse We all know that communication is a vital ingredient in any relationship. But it is also something that is very easily overlooked, especially when a baby arrives, as our time and attention are now fully diverted towards the baby, sometimes to the exclusion of everything else. Therefore, you have to make time to talk to your spouse and tell him your feelings and difficulties, if any. Encourage him to be more involved in taking care of the baby and more importantly, learn to let go and let him take charge if he is willing.

4. Look at the Bright Side - If you are at the bottom now, then tell yourself that the only way to go is up. Be positive because the difficult moments do not last. After all, your baby will grow and all the problems that you are facing now will most probably not be there within months or even weeks. For example, if you are forced to wake up every two hours each night now to feed your baby, remind yourself that you will probably be waking up only once a night or even not at all, in another two or three months' time. The difficulties will disappear as time passes and before you know it, your child would have left babyhood behind to graduate into a toddler.

Yes, being a mother is not easy, what more if you are new to the task. But whatever negative feelings you may have, learn to put them aside. Do not dwell on them. Instead concentrate on bringing up your baby to the best of your ability by adopting the few suggestions above and/or whatever means that may be helpful. If you learn to enjoy your baby, you will find motherhood a much more pleasant and fulfilling experience.

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Traditional Chinese medicine includes acupuncture and the use of Chinese herbs formulated specifically or your condition. For 5000 years, gynecology related conditions have been effectively treated with the use of TCM. Western medicine as were know it has only been in existence for 200+ years.

Doctors in these ancient times were referred to as "breast doctors" or doctors who treated diseases "under the skirt." They relied solely on asking questions about the patient's signs and symptoms, taking the pulse and examining the patient's tongue to determine their pattern of disease and treatment protocol. In those days, extreme cultural conservatism prevailed and exams were not permitted.
Women's reproductive health includes a long life span. Everything from puberty related issues, menstrual irregularities, fertility, pregnancy, post partum, through menopause. IN TCM there is a strong correlation between the brain and reproductive centers, the heart and the uterus.

In fact, theory states that the "Heart houses the Mind." TCM treatment includes a broad and comprehensive understanding of how these elements relate in the treatment of disease-whether is physical or emotional.

TCM uses a holistic approach and unifies physical and emotional issues.

Western medicine, on the other hand, sees a dichotomy between the body and emotions. In fact, Wikipedia defines "gynecology" as the medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive system (uterus, vagina, and ovaries). So what happens to the rest of our bodies and mind? Hopefully we are seen as more than that. But are we?

Western medicine uses a linear approach to solving problems using medications as their first line of defense. If you tell your doctor you are unhappy, or depressed, out comes the prescription pad!

Conditions commonly treated with TCM:
• Amenorrhea (absent periods).
• Anxiety.
• Cervical dysplasia.
• Depression, irritability, moodiness.
• Dysmenorrhea (painful periods).
• Endometriosis.
• Fibroids.
• Genital herpes.
• Genital warts (HPV).
• Infertility.
• Hormonal migraines.
• Insomnia.
• Irregular periods.
• Long or short periods.
• Heavy periods.
• Premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
• Peri-menopause and Menopausal symptoms.
• Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
• Pregnancy related issues.
• Post Partum.
• Spotting at times other than at menstruation.
• Skin rashes, acne.
• Thyroid conditions.
• Chronic yeast infections.
• Urinary Tract infections (UTI).
• Vaginal itching.

TCM's view of the organ systems differs when compared to that of Western Medicine. The Kidney system, for example, is responsible for reproductive development, aging and reproductive problems. The Spleen system is responsible for making Qi (vitality/ energy) and Blood. Since the Heart and mind are interconnected energetically and through pathways son the body, it is an important aspect of calmness, wellness, and an even emotional state. The Liver system travels through the reproductive areas, through the breast, through the chest are to the head. PMS signs are usually due to blockages in this system.

TCM seeks and treats the root cause, rather than masking symptoms. By treating the symptoms, Western medicine prolongs illness by prescribing medications which really never addresses the true problem. Why not rid yourself of the ailment once and for all?

TCM looks at the effects of your lifestyle, nutritional choices, and stress as factors which help or hurt your problems. Your TCM practitioner discusses options and choices to improve your health and wellness.

TCM has early detection systems that treat illnesses before they actually show up on a diagnostic test. This aspect is often underutilized and educating patients on how TCM works enhances patient care.

TCM supports the immune system, reduces stress, improves vitality and helps you with your sense of well- being...naturally. Avoid chronic illnesses if you can keep yourself healthy and strong.

Acupuncture is now covered by many insurance companies. Check your coverage and take advantage of being healthier more naturally without the harsh side effects of drugs.

Bridging the gap between Western and Eastern care improves your quality of life. Explore TCM for any of your health problems. By using the best from both worlds you can feel better. You are much more than ovaries and a uterus!

Your first wealth is your health.

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As a primary eye care practitioner, I am continually astonished by the number of diabetes patients I see who have either never had a dilated eye exam or feel they don't require one (or at least not as often as I recommend). Then there are people with diabetes who are shocked to find out that their eye or vision problems are related to their diabetes. As an eye doctor, I am very aware of the link between diabetes and the potential for eye problems including blindness. One of our jobs as an eye care provider is to talk to our diabetes patients about the associated ocular health risks and dangers they may face as a result of their condition. One eye disease all people with diabetes should be aware of is diabetic retinopathy. If you are already aware of this disease, then I am offering a reminder of how important it is for your to understand the symptoms, treatments and what you can do to avoid this diabetes-related vision complication.

It is at this point I recall the alarming statistics that come across my desk on a weekly basis. One of the most disturbing statistics to me is that diabetes is the primary cause of blindness in Americans 75 years of age or younger and the primary cause of new cases of blindness, most commonly from diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetic retinopathy is when diabetes affects the retina, the inner light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye. This is called diabetic retinopathy. We like to think of the retina as the film in a camera. If it is damaged then the picture is never developed or seen - that is why retinopathy is the main threat to vision.

There are four stages of diabetic retinopathy:

  1. Mild nonproliferative retinopathy: This is the earliest phase which can begin after diabetes has affected the circulatory system of the retina. The walls of the retinal capillaries become weakened and microaneurysms form, which are small balloon-like outpouches of the petite blood vessels. Microaneurysms can leak blood, forming small dot-like hemorrhages, as well as fluid leading to swelling or edema in the retina.

  2. Moderate nonproliferative retinopathy: In this stage, the disease progresses or worsens, and there is blockage of the nourishing blood vessels of the retina.

  3. Severe nonproliferative retinopathy: As more blood vessels are blocked, the retina becomes deprived of oxygen or what we call "ischemic." In order to uphold adequate oxygen supply, the retina sends a signal to the body to grow new fragile blood vessels in an attempt to bring in nourishment.

  4. Proliferative retinopathy: Once these new blood vessels are formed, this is known as neovascularization and the condition has converted to proliferative retinopathy. Proliferate indicates growth or flourishing of the new blood vessels not only along the retinal surface, but also growth into the vitreous gel which fills the inside of the eye. Since these vessels are fragile and delicate they leak and bleed (hemorrhage) causing obscured vision, blind spots, and if left untreated, blindness from retinal detachment.

These stages are important to understand. However, it is just as or even more important to understand there is the possibility of macular edema, which is usually the primary cause of vision loss in diabetics. The macula is a very important part of our visual system and is where straight-ahead, detailed vision occurs. When fluid leaks into the center of the macula from damaged blood vessels, as described above, the macula swells and is what we term macular edema. Macular edema can happen at any stage of diabetic retinopathy, but it can more likely occur as the disease advances, so much so that roughly half of diabetics with proliferative retinopathy (Stage 4) also have macular edema.

Symptoms of retinopathy vary, but what is most concerning is that often there are no symptoms, especially in the early stages. You can develop both macular edema and proliferative retinopathy and still see fine. The best way to prevent vision loss is early detection and timely treatment. Everyone with diabetes, type 1 or 2, is at risk and should have a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year. If retinopathy is present, an eye exam may be needed more often and treatment may be recommended to prevent progression. Also, women with diabetes who become pregnant should have an eye exam within the first trimester, and should be watched closely thereafter, even into the first year postpartum. This does not apply to women who develop gestational diabetes as they have no increased risk for developing retinopathy.

The likelihood of developing diabetic retinopathy goes up the longer you have diabetes, but 40-45% of Americans diagnosed with diabetes have some stage of retinopathy. The best thing someone with diabetes can do to slow the onset and progression of retinopathy is to control their blood sugar, as shown by the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. In addition, controlling elevated blood pressure and cholesterol in addition can reduce the risk of vision loss, as hypertension is a major risk factor for developing macular edema. That is why I ask all of my diabetic patients what their last blood sugar reading was, as well as their Hemoglobin A1C, their blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Treatment for diabetic retinopathy depends on the stage and specific problem. Often your eye care professional will rely on special tests, fluorescein agiography, macular OCT imaging and even retinal photography to monitor progression and make decisions on appropriate treatment. More often than not, you will be referred to a retinal specialist to assess the need and type of treatment. Proliferative retinopathy is treated with a scattered laser treatment over a wide area called PRP (panretinal photocoagulation). Macular edema is treated with focal laser treatment to the area surrounding the macula. Both are effective and have high success rates in reducing vision loss, but they do not cure diabetic retinopathy. You will always be at risk for new bleeds. At times bleeding can be severe and requires a surgical procedure called a vitrectomy to remove the blood from floating in the center of the eye. Other possible treatments may be needed if the initial ones aren't effective, or further complications such as retinal detachment arise.

As you can see, diabetes can take a toll on your eyes and I cannot stress enough the importance of being proactive and maintaining proper blood sugar levels. If you are one of the more than 18 million American children and adults affected by diabetes, I recommend you schedule regular eye exams to reduce the possibility of ocular complications. The earlier a problem is caught, the greater the success of treatment.

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Female hair loss, especially telogen effluvium is on the rise. Telogen effluvium, also known as diffuse hair loss is one of the most common types of hair loss affecting young women and even teenage girls.

Telogen effluvium can be suspected if there is a noticeable increase in the amount of hair being shed on a daily basis. With telogen effluvium the hair loss usually occurs fairly evenly throughout the scalp, rather than in one particular area.

A well-known method to check for telogen effluvium involves the pull test. Grabbing a small section of hair and gently pulling should render one or two hairs in the hand. If more hairs are released on a consistent basis telogen effluvium can be suspected.

Telogen effluvium occurs when there is a disruption in the hair growth cycle. This can be caused by a physiological stress, hormonal change or any insult or injury to the body. The hair growth cycle is very sensitive to changes. Even a slight disturbance can cause the hair loss cycle to become disrupted. When this happens more hairs than usual retreat to the resting phase, where fall out will occur two to three months later. When excessive hair loss occurs one must think back to the previous months to see if there were any possible associations.

Some of the most common triggers for telogen effluvium type hair loss in women include:


Many new mothers are surprised to learn that postpartum hair loss is very common. The unique hormonal surge during pregnancy along with the increased blood circulation enhances the condition of ones hair. The growth cycle is extended and very few hairs retreat to the resting and shedding phases. After childbirth the dramatic decrease in hormones trigger excessive shedding.


Any medication can cause hair loss, even if it's not listed as a symptom. If the body has a hard time adjusting to the medication hair loss may occur. Discontinuing a medication can also cause hair loss, as the body may also have to adjust to the absence of the medication,


Surgery creates a shock to the system which the body must tend to and deal with. Any surgery can trigger hair loss. Anesthesia and medications that go along with the surgery can also contribute to hair loss.


Any change in diet can cause hair loss, especially if it is deficient in calories and nutrition and results in rapid weight loss.

These are just a few of the many possible causes of telogen effluvium. Women who experience excessive hair loss should explore all possible causes. Most cases of telogen effluvium can be reversed or improved by correcting the problem and using natural methods to stimulate new hair growth and minimize hair loss.

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A lot of people are aware that aromatherapy can provide a wide range of benefits that can improve the present health condition of a person. In major places like United States and England for example, they would regard the benefits of aromatherapy as something which is very much related to alternative medicine techniques. While on the other hand, those countries which accept aromatherapy as part of their medical procedure would regulate them the way they would do with their medical practices.

Here are the top 10 benefits that aromatherapy can give, read along and you will be pleased on how much it can help:

Benefit # 1: Aromatherapy Helps The Medical Field

In France, this method is use in order to complement the traditional medical practices which they would normally do to address the need of their body. In this place, essential oils are given by physician in order to target harmful organisms which can lead to viral, bacterial, or fungal infections. On the other hand, in United States they would make use of the scents in order to alleviate symptoms of illnesses. This is why a lot of people are familiar with products like Vicks or Halls cough drops that effectively relieve clogged sinuses as well as throats. Aromatic chemicals compounds like eucalyptus and menthol can lessen symptoms associated to colds.

Benefit # 2: Aromatherapy as Stress Reliever

When one mention aromatherapy, the first thing that will ring in one's ear is that it can relieve everyday stress. Aromatherapy is mostly given in order to lessen symptoms of stress among people. A good example of this is the basil oil which is normally given to calm down the effects of depression.

Benefit # 3: Aromatherapy and Behavior

It has been shown that aromatherapy can improve the condition of the mind hence giving some effect to the behavior of a person. According to study conducted among mice, the animal tend to become calm the moment they were exposed to aroma of sandalwood, lavender, and other oils sprayed on them while they became extremely irritable when exposed to thymol, orange terpines, and other aromas.

Benefit # 4: Aromatherapy Can Improve Sleep

A study shows that elderly people were able to "sleep like babies" the time when they were exposed to lavender aroma. These people are suffering from sleep difficulty disorder and had to consume sleeping pills in order to get to sleep before the use of the scented oil.

Benefit # 5: Aromatherapy Relieves Postpartum Discomfort

A study conducted to 635 women shows that postpartum discomfort can highly lessen during the 3rd or the 5th when a woman would apply lavender oil into their perineal area (between the vagina and the rectum)

Benefit # 6: Aromatherapy Heals Colds

It has been noted that consuming chicken soup when you are suffering from colds can highly improve one's condition. Now, there was a further study that was conducted in order to find out whether the effect of chicken soup is because of the action of the hot steam on the nostrils or if it is the aroma of the chicken soup that can actually cure the colds away. The results indicate that it is because of the steam hence suggesting the effectiveness of aroma.

Benefit # 7: Aromatherapy Improves Male Sexual Response

It has been observed that Circulation to the male sexual organ was substantially improved by means of the treatment of licorice or lavender together with pumpkin pie. Doughnut that contains black licorice is also known to be effective. Men that are known to be sexually active responded greatly to cola, lavender, as well as oriental spice while on the other hand older males would rather go for the fragrance of vanilla. This clearly states that aromatherapy is an efficient therapy to address the problem of male impotency.

Benefit # 8: Aromatherapy makes a Person more Alert

It has been shown that people who were exposed to rosemary were able to have a decrease in frontal alpha and beta power which simply suggest that there is an increased in alertness. Furthermore, they also experienced lower anxiety levels and they can perform math computations faster.

Benefit # 9: Aromatherapy for Pain Management

A lot of people would make use of clove bud which is a very potent essential oil in reducing bodily pain. Be sure to use the oil with care and don't forget to dilute it first if you wish to use it for massage or as a lotion.

Benefit # 10: Aromatherapy Heal Wounds

You can make use of tea tree oil to clean the wound first then apply essential oil helichrysum in areas near the wound but not on the wound itself in order to promote healing faster and safer. Keep in mind that the faster the wound heals the lesser scarring will take place.

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As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) occurrence have more than double over past 50 years due to the acceptance of its as medical condition and caused by unhealthy diet with high in saturated food. Premenstrual syndrome is defined as faulty function of ovaries related to women menstrual cycle, it effects the women physical and emotional state and sometimes interference with daily activities as resulting of hormone fluctuation. The syndrome happens in one or two weeks before menstruation and then declining when the period starts. It is said the symptoms can be so severe that between 10-15% of women have to take time off work, costing businesses millions of dollars a year. In this article, we will discuss what exhibits hypothyroidism to causes PMS.

I. Definition
Hypothyroidism is either caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis as hypothyroidism or by a lack of the thyroid gland or a deficiency of hormones from either the hypothalamus or the pituitary.

II. What exhibit hypothyroidism to cause Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
1. Diet
Hypothyroidism can be caused by low levels of Iodine in the diet causing high levels of thyroid stimulating hormone resulting in swelling or hyperplasia of the thyroid gland.

2. Sporadic inheritance
Hypothyroidism can pass through from generation to generation caused by genetic defects including recessive, dominant and sporadic inheritance patterns.

3. Postpartum thyroiditis
Postpartum thyroids is a resulted of inflammation of thyroid gland as resulting of fluctuating thyroid function after childbirth for some women. This inflammation may significant damage to the thyroid and hence the hyperthyroid phase will be followed by the development of hypothyroidism.

4. Wolf-Chaikoff effects
Hyperthyroidism also can be caused temporarily intake of high amount of Iodine in treating hyperthyroidism.

6. Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis
Also known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, it is caused by malfunction of immune system resulting in the body own T cells attack the thyroid cells or a lack of the thyroid gland or hormones deficiency from either the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland.

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Hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland overproduces one or both types of thyroid hormones needed to regulate the metabolism and other functions of the body. Those with hyperthyroidism can experience anxiety, weight loss, and a fast heart beat without treatment for the condition.

Common causes of thyroid problems.

There are a number of causes for an overactive thyroid. Some of the most common causes include a toxic goiter on the thyroid, an adenoma, or Graves' disease. Graves' disease in an autoimmune disease that not only affects the function of the thyroid, but also causes trouble sleeping, muscle weakness, and bulging eyes.

Some other conditions are known to cause higher levels of thyroid hormones in the bloodstream, but are usually associated with other conditions such as postpartum thyroiditis, the anti-arrhythmic drug Amiodarone, and an initial symptom of hypothyroidism, a condition caused by an under-active thyroid.

The treatments for your thryoid disorder.

Typical medical care for those with hyperthyroidism is control with the use of drugs such as beta blockers and thyrostatics. If the problem continues to get worse, surgery is also an option.

For those that want a more natural approach to treatment, there are home remedies to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. One of the easiest treatments to use is a range of natural herbs. Black cohosh is an herb typically used to treat infertility and can work well in hyperthyroidism cases where infertility is a problem. Nettles is an herb that can be used as a tea and will treat the symptoms of hyperthyroidism due to a goiter.

Hyperthyroidism can also be controlled with diet and vitamin supplements depending on the level of thyroid hormones in the blood. Natural remedies may not replace the need for medical intervention, but can help reduce the side effects of the disease in severe cases.

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Did you grow up with the nutty and wholesome smell of granola in the oven? I didn't, but thanks to this recipe, my mom now makes her own as well!

4 cups rolled oats

翻 cup olive oil

翻 cup maple syrup

翻 cup EACH sesame OR sunflower seeds AND pumpkin seeds

1 cup chopped walnuts, pecans or almonds

1/8 tsp EACH nutmeg AND cinnamon

Dried fruit: craisins, raisins or chopped, dried apricots

Pour oats, seeds and nuts into a square baking pan. Then drizzle the wet ingredients over the top, slowly rolling all together with wooden spoons. Bake at 275 degrees until golden brown. I check and stir every 20-30 minutes.

While cooling, I toss in the dried fruit. We store this on our counter top with a 翹 measuring spoon for a quick snack when needed. I typically double this batch and it lasts us about two weeks.

The thing to remember with homemade granola is that you can change up the measurements and ingredients as you like. For example, switch up the spices, nuts, seeds, or dried fruit to something different and the taste completely changes. What you want to maintain is the ratio of wet to dry, specifically of and for the olive oil, syrup and rolled oats. You can also switch out honey for maple syrup and get a nice crunch with a little sweet. Sometimes that makes all the difference in the world.

Easy to give as a gift, just store in a Mason Jar, tie with a bow and you have yourself a last minute hostess gift, thank you or holiday gift.

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Are you currently in an entry level massage therapy job and want to take your career to the next level? Or are you an experienced licensed massage therapist wanting to break into the burgeoning health care industry and practice in a medical setting such as a hospital, nursing home or sports medicine facility? Or do you have a love of animals and want to practice in the growing field of canine massage? Or do you need to fulfill an education requirement? If so, then Continuing Education is what you need.

There are several Continuing Education options from which to choose and these courses are specifically designed for massage therapists to keep you current with trends, satisfy your curiosity, and engage you in new areas of exploration such as prenatal, canine, sports, Eastern massage or medical massage therapy. In fact, 80 different types of massage types, or modalities, exist according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Taking Continuing Education classes will not only benefit you as a person, but also it will benefit your practice. By learning new modalities you can specialize in specific populations and increase your clientele. This provides the opportunity to increase your hourly rate depending on the type of massage you are performing. Also, the more knowledge, comprehension and application of massage techniques you have, the more you will be able to define your clients' needs and support them with massage therapy. This allows you to make a more specific pre-massage assessment which directly benefits the client and increases the possibility of him/her becoming a repeat client.

There are three main reasons for taking Continuing Education courses: 1) to obtain an advanced massage therapy degree such as an Associate of Occupational Studies (AOS) degree; 2) to obtain an Advanced Certification in massage therapy; and 3) to obtain Continuing Education (CE) credits in order to renew your state license or professional membership.

Let's look in more detail at each one of these reasons for taking Continuing Education classes:

1) To obtain an advanced massage therapy degree, such as an Associate of Occupational Studies (AOS) degree

An advanced degree, such as an AOS degree, is geared toward students who want to explore advanced concepts in human anatomy and physiology, including neurophysiology and neuroanatomy, medical massage, and other topics not covered in a basic training Massage Therapy Certificate Program. An advanced degree is the way to go if you want to practice massage therapy in a medical setting such as a hospital or rehabilitative massage clinic. Here are some examples of courses required in order to obtain an AOS degree:

Medical Massage - In this course, the study of advanced pathophysiology and critical thinking skills is combined with specific practical hands-on techniques. Students learn treatment methods specifically geared toward clients with spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and post-surgical conditions.

Trauma and the Body - This course introduces the major concepts of post traumatic stress, and outlines the benefits of massage therapy to survivors of trauma. Students learn techniques that can help restore a sense of balance in the nervous system as well as foster reconnection for survivors who often experience intense physical reactions, memories, and a sense of disconnectedness from their body.

Craniosacral Therapy - Students will learn the fundamental skills that serve as the foundation of craniosacral therapy, including an introduction to the core anatomical and physiological relationships of the Craniosacral system: the fluctuation of cerebrospinal fluid, body articulations, reciprocal tension membranes, dural tube and spinal cord dynamics, and the motillity of the central nervous system.

2) To obtain an Advanced Certification in massage therapy

Advanced Certificate Programs are designed for students who have completed basic training as a massage therapist. Students take advanced coursework in deep tissue massage, energy work such as Reiki and Chi Kung, Eastern styles such as shiatsu and Thai massage, and spa body treatments. This postgraduate training allows students to choose a focused track of specialization, mastering techniques which are immediately applicable and beneficial to their clients such as spa elements, prenatal, labor and postpartum, canine massage, orthopedic and sports massage, and energy healing. Continuing education hours are earned for each module taken.

3) CE credits required to renew your state license or professional membership such as the American Massage Therapy Association (amtamassage.org)

The majority of states require that you have a license to practice massage therapy and renewal of the license requires that you obtain massage continuing education. Even if you practice massage therapy in a state that does not require Continuing Education, it is important to continually be challenging yourself, learning more about your profession and, ultimately, becoming more successful in healing others through the power of touch.

How to Find Continuing Education Courses in Your Area

· Determine the Continuing Education requirements in your state by contacting the state licensing authority. If you don't know the website URL to go to, a search for the name of your state and "massage therapy continuing education" should point you to the right place. The state licensing board may list approved providers on their website. If not, you can search online for approved providers.

· Determine the Continuing Education requirements by your professional association. The association should list approved providers on their website. If not, you can search online for approved providers.

· After completing the course, be sure to keep your completion certificate on file, even if your state licensing board or professional association doesn't require that you submit proof of taking the course. If the state licensing board or association is audited, you may be asked to provide proof of completion.

Whether you choose to take Continuing Education classes to move to the next stage in your career or just for the credits, the purpose of Continuing Education remains the same. Continuing Education ensures that massage therapists keep current on new developments in the field and continue improving their skills in order to help others.

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Infant reflux seems to be affecting one out of every three babies these days. Most parents who have a baby with reflux are completely exhausted and at their wits end. There is very little information available online about how to comfort a baby who is suffering with the pain of reflux. I would like to share with you some concrete strategies that can make life easier and lessen the pain your baby is feeling.

繚 Modifying babies bed so that they are sleeping at a 35 to 40 degree angle. The simple way we do this is by placing a firm relatively plump pillow under the mattress of your baby bed. This is usually not quite enough of an angle so I also recommend purchasing the Tempurpedic side sleeping pillow and placing it under the crib sheet. The queen size pillow fits most cribs. This angle will sometimes cause baby to slide downwards so you will need to place a boppy pillow in a reverse u shape around their bottom to keep them from sliding. Putting baby to sleep at an incline like this will help keep them from refluxing so severely by using gravity to keep stomach contents down. Think about how uncomfortable it is for you to lay down flat with a full stomach. It is the same for your baby.

繚 Swaddling baby tightly for sleep. This is a wonderful calming tool for babies under five months of age. Babies have a startle reflex which causes them to flail their hands and wake themselves up frequently. If you do not know how to swaddle your baby, or it is difficult for you, try using the Miracle Blanket swaddle or the kidopotamous swaddleme blankets. To understand why this is such an effective tool for calming your baby watch the Happiest Baby On The Block DVD by Dr. Harvey Karp.

繚 A sound machine or baby white noise CD from iTunes. Your baby has an underdeveloped nervous system which is easily over stimulated. Baby was used to a very loud white noise while in the womb. This white noise helps baby to block out stimulation and calm down.

繚 The swing can be a reflux babies best friend. Be sure to purchase a cradle type swing such as the Fisher Price Little Lamb. The cradle type swing will prevent very young babies from having their heads thrown too far forward. It can be adjust to the more upright position when they are older. The motion of the swing on its highest speed will remind baby of being in the womb where there was constant movement. The combination of the movement and the white noise is incredibly powerful in calming a baby who is in pain. Save the swing for times when your baby is really suffering and unable to sleep in the bed. They can easily decide the swing is the only place they want to sleep. Try to use it as a tool when they are extremely fussy, not their everyday sleeping place.

Part I of this series covers your babies environment and the ways that you can create a womb cocoon for your crying baby. Part II of this series will address feeding your reflux baby. Strategies and tips for making feeding easier and managing the amount of refluxing your baby does after feeding.

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Are you a woman who has just recently had a baby? If you are, congratulations! The birth of a new child is a fun, adventurous, and memorable experience. Although work may be the farthest thing from your mind right now, it is something that you may want to take the time to think about. After having a baby, a large number of women wonder whether or not they should return to work.

When it comes to determining if you should return to work after having a baby, there are a number of important factors that you will want to take into consideration. For many women, money is an issue. How is your current financial situation? Before your baby was born, were you relying on one or two incomes? This simple question may play an important role in your decision. Many women are able to stay at home with their children if they have another source of income, like a regular paycheck from their spouse or live in partner.

Although money may be an issue for you, when determining if you should return to work after the birth of your child, it is also important to examine the money that you may save. As a parent, you likely wouldn't send your child to just any daycare center. Unfortunately, daycare providers that come highly rated and recommend often have high fees. It is not uncommon for parents to pay one hundred dollars or more a week in childcare expenses, just for one child. It is also important to examine the reduction in work purchased snacks and drinks, as well as gasoline to and from work. After this comparison, you may find that staying home with your child, after their birth, is actually a cost effective solution.

When determining if you should return to work after the birth of your child, you are also urged to examine the benefits of staying home. From birth to the toddler age, children are at an important stage in their life. Many experts have stated that close contact between parents and their children can help improve their relationship, as well as improve their developmental skills, as someone is working with them at all times. These are just important factors to take into consideration.

Of course, it is also important to remember that you don't just have to be a stay-at-home mom. There are a large number of mothers in the United States who are considered work-at-home moms. With a computer and internet access, there are a number of work-at-home jobs or home-based business opportunities that can allow you to stay at home with your new baby, as well as bring in a source of income. If you have yet to return to work, working from home is something that you may at least want to take into consideration.

The above mentioned points are mostly centered on the benefits of staying at home with your child, after their birth. While there are a number of benefits to doing so, you should also know that there are a number of benefits to sending your child to daycare, as long as that daycare comes highly rated and recommended. Perhaps, the greatest benefit is the social interaction that your child will likely receive by being around other children. It is also important to mention your own needs. Working from home or staying at home with kids is a large task, one that can occasionally be stressful. That is why many mothers make the decision to return to the workforce after having a child, for their own sanity.

As you likely already know, the decision as to whether or not you want to return to work after the birth of your baby is your decision to make, but the above mentioned points are ones that you may want to keep in mind. Regardless of whether you decide to return to work or stay at home with your child, your and your child will likely have a long and healthy relationship with each other for years and years to come.

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For both women and men, rates of major depression are highest among the separated and divorced, and lowest among the married, while remaining always higher for women than for men. The quality of a marriage, however, may contribute significantly to depression. Lack of an intimate, confiding relationship, as well as overt marital disputes, have been shown to be related to depression in women. In fact, rates of depression were shown to be highest among unhappily married women.

Reproductive Events

Women's reproductive events include the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, the postpregnancy period, infertility, menopause, and sometimes, the decision not to have children. These events bring fluctuations in mood that for some women include depression. Researchers have confirmed that hormones have an effect on the brain chemistry that controls emotions and mood; a specific biological mechanism explaining hormonal involvement is not known, however.

Many women experience certain behavioral and physical changes associated with phases of their menstrual cycles. In some women, these changes are severe, occur regularly, and include depressed feelings, irritability, and other emotional and physical changes. Called premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), the changes typically begin after ovulation and become gradually worse until menstruation starts. Scientists are exploring how the cyclical rise and fall of estrogen and other hormones may affect the brain chemistry that is associated with depressive illness.

Postpartum mood changes can range from transient "blues" immediately following childbirth to an episode of major depression to severe, incapacitating, psychotic depression. Studies suggest that women who experience major depression after childbirth very often have had prior depressive episodes even though they may not have been diagnosed and treated.

Pregnancy (if it is desired) seldom contributes to depression, and having an abortion does not appear to lead to a higher incidence of depression. Women with infertility problems may be subject to extreme anxiety or sadness, though it is unclear if this contributes to a higher rate of depressive illness. In addition, motherhood may be a time of heightened risk for depression because of the stress and demands it imposes.

Menopause, in general, is not associated with an increased risk of depression. In fact, while once considered a unique disorder, research has shown that depressive illness at menopause is no different than at other ages. The women more vulnerable to change-of-life depression are those with a history of past depressive episodes.

Specific Cultural Considerations

As for depression in general, the prevalence rate of depression in African American and Hispanic women remains about twice that of men. There is some indication, however, that major depression and dysthymia may be diagnosed less frequently in African American and slightly more frequently in Hispanic than in Caucasian women. Prevalence information for other racial and ethnic groups is not definitive.

Possible differences in symptom presentation may affect the way depression is recognized and diagnosed among minorities. For example, African Americans are more likely to report somatic symptoms, such as appetite change and body aches and pains. In addition, people from various cultural backgrounds may view depressive symptoms in different ways. Such factors should be considered when working with women from special populations.


Studies show that women molested as children are more likely to have clinical depression at some time in their lives than those with no such history. In addition, several studies show a higher incidence of depression among women who have been raped as adolescents or adults. Since far more women than men were sexually abused as children, these findings are relevant. Women who experience other commonly occurring forms of abuse, such as physical abuse and sexual harassment on the job, also may experience higher rates of depression. Abuse may lead to depression by fostering low self-esteem, a sense of helplessness, self-blame, and social isolation. There may be biological and environmental risk factors for depression resulting from growing up in a dysfunctional family. At present, more research is needed to understand whether victimization is connected specifically to depression.


Women and children represent seventy-five percent of the U.S. population considered poor. Low economic status brings with it many stresses, including isolation, uncertainty, frequent negative events, and poor access to helpful resources. Sadness and low morale are more common among persons with low incomes and those lacking social supports. But research has not yet established whether depressive illnesses are more prevalent among those facing environmental stressors such as these.
Depression in Later Adulthood

At one time, it was commonly thought that women were particularly vulnerable to depression when their children left home and they were confronted with "empty nest syndrome" and experienced a profound loss of purpose and identity. However, studies show no increase in depressive illness among women at this stage of life.

As with younger age groups, more elderly women than men suffer from depressive illness. Similarly, for all age groups, being unmarried (which includes widowhood) is also a risk factor for depression. Most important, depression should not be dismissed as a normal consequence of the physical, social, and economic problems of later life. In fact, studies show that most older people feel satisfied with their lives.

About 800,000 persons are widowed each year. Most of them are older, female, and experience varying degrees of depressive symptomatology. Most do not need formal treatment, but those who are moderately or severely sad appear to benefit from self-help groups or various psychosocial treatments. However, a third of widows/widowers do meet criteria for major depressive episode in the first month after the death, and half of these remain clinically depressed 1 year later. These depressions respond to standard antidepressant treatments, although research on when to start treatment or how medications should be combined with psychosocial treatments is still in its early stages.


Even severe depression can be highly responsive to treatment. Indeed, believing one's condition is "incurable" is often part of the hopelessness that accompanies serious depression. Such individuals should be provided with the information about the effectiveness of modern treatments for depression in a way that acknowledges their likely skepticism about whether treatment will work for them. As with many illnesses, the earlier treatment begins, the more effective and the greater the likelihood of preventing serious recurrences. Of course, treatment will not eliminate life's inevitable stresses and ups and downs. But it can greatly enhance the ability to manage such challenges and lead to greater enjoyment of life.

The first step in treatment for depression should be a thorough examination to rule out any physical illnesses that may cause depressive symptoms. Since certain medications can cause the same symptoms as depression, the examining physician should be made aware of any medications being used. If a physical cause for the depression is not found, a psychological evaluation should be conducted by the physician or a referral made to a mental health professional.

Types of Treatment for Depression

The most commonly used treatments for depression are antidepressant medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two. Which of these is the right treatment for any one individual depends on the nature and severity of the depression and, to some extent, on individual preference. In mild or moderate depression, one or both of these treatments may be useful, while in severe or incapacitating depression, medication is generally recommended as a first step in the treatment.11 In combined treatment, medication can relieve physical symptoms quickly, while psychotherapy allows the opportunity to learn more effective ways of handling problems.


There are several types of antidepressant medications used to treat depressive disorders. These include newer medications--chiefly the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)--and the tricyclics and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). The SSRIs--and other newer medications that affect neurotransmitters such as dopamine or norepinephrine--generally have fewer side effects than tricyclics. Each acts on different chemical pathways of the human brain related to moods.

Antidepressant medications are not habit-forming. Although some individuals notice improvement in the first couple of weeks, usually antidepressant medications must be taken regularly for at least 4 weeks and, in some cases, as many as 8 weeks, before the full therapeutic effect occurs. To be effective and to prevent a relapse of the depression, medications must be taken for about 6 to 12 months, carefully following the doctor's instructions. Medications must be monitored to ensure the most effective dosage and to minimize side effects. For those who have had several bouts of depression, long-term treatment with medication is the most effective means of preventing recurring episodes.

The prescribing doctor will provide information about possible side effects and, in the case of MAOIs, dietary and medication restrictions. In addition, other prescribed and over-the-counter medications or dietary supplements being used should be reviewed because some can interact negatively with antidepressant medication. There may be restrictions during pregnancy.

For bipolar disorder, the treatment of choice for many years has been lithium, as it can be effective in smoothing out the mood swings common to this disorder. Its use must be carefully monitored, as the range between an effective dose and a toxic one can be relatively small. However, lithium may not be recommended if a person has pre-existing thyroid, kidney, or heart disorders or epilepsy. Fortunately, other medications have been found helpful in controlling mood swings. Among these are two mood-stabilizing anticonvulsants, carbamazepine (Tegretol®) and valproate (Depakote®). Both of these medications have gained wide acceptance in clinical practice, and valproate has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for first-line treatment of acute mania. Studies conducted in Finland in patients with epilepsy indicate that valproate may increase testosterone levels in teenage girls and produce polycystic ovary syndrome in women who began taking the medication before age 20.12 Therefore, young female patients should be monitored carefully by a physician. Other anticonvulsants that are being used now include lamotrigine (Lamictal®) and gabapentin (Neurontin®); their role in the treatment hierarchy of bipolar disorder remains under study.

Most people who have bipolar disorder take more than one medication. Along with lithium and/or an anticonvulsant, they often take a medication for accompanying agitation, anxiety, insomnia, or depression. Some research indicates that an antidepressant, when taken without a mood stabilizing medication, can increase the risk of switching into mania or hypomania, or of developing rapid cycling, in people with bipolar disorder. Finding the best possible combination of these medications is of utmost importance to the patient and requires close monitoring by the physician.

Herbal Therapy

In the past few years, much interest has risen in the use of herbs in the treatment of both depression and anxiety. St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), an herb used extensively in the treatment of mild to moderate depression in Europe, has recently aroused interest in the United States. St. John's wort, an attractive bushy, low-growing plant covered with yellow flowers in summer, has been used for centuries in many folk and herbal remedies. Today in Germany, Hypericum is used in the treatment of depression more than any other antidepressant. However, the scientific studies that have been conducted on its use have been short-term and have used several different doses.

Because of the widespread interest in St. John's wort, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is conducting a 3-year study, sponsored by three NIH components--the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and the Office of Dietary Supplements. The study found that St. John's wort was no more effective in treating major depression than placebo (inactive sugar pill). Another NIH study in underway looking at St. John's wort for the treatment of minor depression.

The Food and Drug Administration issued a Public Health Advisory on February 10, 2000. It stated that St. John's wort appears to affect an important metabolic pathway that is used by many drugs prescribed to treat conditions such as heart disease, depression, seizures, certain cancers, and rejection of transplants. Therefore, health care providers should alert their patients about these potential drug interactions. Any herbal supplement should be taken only after consultation with the doctor or other health care provider.


In mild to moderate cases of depression, psychotherapy is also a treatment option. Some short-term (10 to 20 week) therapies have been very effective in several types of depression. "Talking" therapies help patients gain insight into and resolve their problems through verbal give-and-take with the therapist. "Behavioral" therapies help patients learn new behaviors that lead to more satisfaction in life and "unlearn" counter-productive behaviors. Research has shown that two short-term psychotherapies, interpersonal and cognitive-behavioral, are helpful for some forms of depression. Interpersonal therapy works to change interpersonal relationships that cause or exacerbate depression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps change negative styles of thinking and behaving that may contribute to the depression.

Electroconvulsive Therapy

For individuals whose depression is severe or life threatening or for those who cannot take antidepressant medication, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is useful.11 This is particularly true for those with extreme suicide risk, severe agitation, psychotic thinking, severe weight loss or physical debilitation as a result of physical illness. Over the years, ECT has been much improved. A muscle relaxant is given before treatment, which is done under brief anesthesia. Electrodes are placed at precise locations on the head to deliver electrical impulses. The stimulation causes a brief (about 30 seconds) seizure within the brain. The person receiving ECT does not consciously experience the electrical stimulus. At least several sessions of ECT, usually given at the rate of three per week, are required for full therapeutic benefit.

Treating Recurrent Depression

Even when treatment is successful, depression may recur. Studies indicate that certain treatment strategies are very useful in this instance. Continuation of antidepressant medication at the same dose that successfully treated the acute episode can often prevent recurrence. Monthly interpersonal psychotherapy can lengthen the time between episodes in patients not taking medication.


Reaping the benefits of treatment begins by recognizing the signs of depression. The next step is to be evaluated by a qualified professional. Although depression can be diagnosed and treated by primary care physicians, often the physician will refer the patient to a psychiatrist, psychologist, clinical social worker, or other mental health professional. Treatment is a partnership between the patient and the health care provider. An informed consumer knows her treatment options and discusses concerns with her provider as they arise.

If there are no positive results after 2 to 3 months of treatment, or if symptoms worsen, discuss another treatment approach with the provider. Getting a second opinion from another health or mental health professional may also be in order
Here, again, are the steps to healing:

o Check your symptoms against the list on page.

o Talk to a health or mental health professional.

o Choose a treatment professional and a treatment approach with which you feel comfortable.

o Consider yourself a partner in treatment and be an informed consumer.

o If you are not comfortable or satisfied after 2 to 3 months, discuss this with your provider. Different or additional treatment may be recommended.

o If you experience a recurrence, remember what you know about coping with depression and don't shy away from seeking help again. In fact, the sooner a recurrence is treated, the shorter its duration will be.

Depressive illnesses make you feel exhausted, worthless, helpless, and hopeless. Such feelings make some people want to give up. It is important to realize that these negative feelings are part of the depression and will fade as treatment begins to take effect.

Along with professional treatment, there are other things you can do to help yourself get better. Some people find participating in support groups very helpful. It may also help to spend some time with other people and to participate in activities that make you feel better, such as mild exercise or yoga. Just don't expect too much from yourself right away. Feeling better takes time.


If unsure where to go for help, ask your family doctor, OB/GYN physician, or health clinic for assistance. You can also check the Yellow Pages under "mental health," "health," "social services," "suicide prevention," "crisis intervention services," "hotlines," "hospitals," or "physicians" for phone numbers and addresses. In times of crisis, the emergency room doctor at a hospital may be able to provide temporary help for an emotional problem and will be able to tell you where and how to get further help.

Listed below are the types of people and places that will make a referral to, or provide, diagnostic and treatment services.

o Family doctors

o Mental health specialists such as psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, or mental health counselors

o Health maintenance organizations

o Community mental health centers

o Hospital psychiatry departments and outpatient clinics

o University- or medical school-affiliated programs

o State hospital outpatient clinics

o Family service/social agencies

o Private clinics and facilities

o Employee assistance programs

o Local medical and/or psychiatric societies

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Spring is here and summer is around the corner. Many people equate this time of the year with beautiful weather, vacation, warmer temperatures, less clothing, and the beach. I think you know where I am going with this. We are entering the dreaded bathing suit season!

If you are looking to firm up your stomach, prevent or reduce low back pain, prepare for childbirth or postpartum recovery, or just want to look good on the beach, continue reading. The following article will teach you the importance of strengthening your transverse abdominis muscle so that you can begin flattening your stomach this week.

Are you wondering what the transverse abdominis is?

The transverse abdominis, also known as the TVA muscle, is the deepest innermost layer of all abdominal muscles and is located underneath your rectus abdominis (the six-pack stomach muscle). The transverse abdominis muscle runs horizontally across the abdomen and is recruited almost anytime a limb moves.

The transverse abdominis assists in the breathing process by assisting in exhalation and helps compress the internal organs. However, its main function is to activate the core musculature and stabilize the pelvis and low back prior to movement of the body. It acts as a natural "weight belt" or muscular girdle by resisting flexion of the lumbar spine. In return, the TVA keeps the cervical spine in a neutral position during core training and helps to improve posture, muscle balance, and stabilization. A strong TVA provides a solid foundation for any movement.

So why care about the transverse abdominis?

Since the TVA acts as a muscular girdle, it stabilizes your pelvis and provides more support against outside forces. It protects against repetitive physical stresses from various motions your body makes such as twisting, bending, running, squatting, etc. A strong TVA will help you transfer force more efficiently through the muscles, rather than through your back and joints, thus aiding in the prevention and reduction of aches and pains caused by related forces.

That all sounds good, but what about that bikini/beach ready body that was mentioned in the first part of this article?

Not only does a developed transverse abdominis muscle help protect your back and joints during movement, but a strong and well developed TVA also equates to a tighter, slimmer waist.

How does the TVA aid in a flatter stomach and what is the difference between the rectus abdominis and the transverse abdominis muscles?

If you have ever seen a fit individual with a washboard or "six-pack" stomach, they most likely have very developed rectus abdominis muscles. The rectus abdominis muscle is the most superficial of all abdominal muscles. It runs vertically and has the main role of flexing the body forward. Whenever these muscles are developed, they grow outward. This can be good, but depending on your total body fat percentage, this can also be bad. If you have a very low body fat percentage, this can create the infamous six pack stomach look. However, if you have a higher body fat content and a layer of fat over these muscles, your stomach may look as if it bulges outward. It may not even matter that your rectus abdominis muscles are well developed and strong. If there is fat over these muscles, you will look more bulky in your stomach region. Building your rectus abdominis muscle and not focusing on strengthening other areas is analogous to letting out your belt.

While the rectus abdominis muscle responds to strengthening exercises by developing outward, the transverse abdominis muscle develops inward and in effect, as mentioned earlier, is analogous to tightening your belt or wearing a muscular girdle. It is like the Spanx of the abdominal muscles! So, regardless of your current body fat percentage, developing the transverse abdominis muscle will help flatten your tummy and ultimately help you feel better in your clothes. For those who have a lesser body fat percentage, a developed TVA muscle will create excellent definition and frame around your stomach so that you will look and feel better without looking bulky or too muscular. Remember, this is true as long as you eat a well balanced, holistic and nutritional diet geared towards your body-type, participate in cardiovascular activities 4-5 days per week, and strength train your entire body, not just one part.

What causes a weak transverse abdominis and what are some problems associated with weakness in this muscle?

In many cases, inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle can cause weakness in the transverse abdominis. Surgical procedures that involve cutting of the abdominal wall can also create a dysfunctional TVA. Caesarian sections, hysterectomies, hernias, and child-birth are just some of the procedures that can be responsible for this weakness. During such surgeries, the muscles, nerves, and tissues are cut causing a loss of neurological impulse. After these surgeries, your brain will try to recruit your stomach muscles to wake them up, but they oftentimes do not answer. A lack of neural drive to the core muscles can create the belly to push outward, creating a "pooch belly." This pooch belly will be more pronounced the weaker your TVA is and/or the heavier you are as an individual.

A weak TVA can further create poor body movement quality and instability, which oftentimes leads to early degeneration of bones and joints. Exercises geared towards strengthening the TVA muscle aid in reconnecting the nervous and muscular systems so that the stomach muscles can function properly again and rid of the pooch belly.

Another cause of a weak transverse abdominis is improper training of the core. For the vast majority of us, abdominal training has involved flexion and extension (bending) movements that focus almost exclusively on the rectus abdominus. For many years, people have been taught to train the wrong muscle during abdominal exercises. How many times have you been told to focus on flexion and extension exercises to strengthen your core? By doing crunches and other bending exercises for your stomach muscles, you are essentially only shortening the rectus abdominis and in effect pushing out the abdomen, not pulling it in, which can cause problems if you are not also training your TVA.

How do you get a stronger transverse abdominis?

If you dread or despise crunches, you are in luck. To develop and strengthen the transverse abdominis, you will not have to do any flexion or extension exercises. To build strength in your TVA muscle, you will need to know how to activate it through a series of "draw-in" abdominal maneuvers. "Drawing in your abdominal muscles" is a conscious process and takes a lot of practice, but once you get it, you will see great results.

For many people, learning to draw in the abdominals is a difficult process. Most people are used to working their core by developing the rectus abdominis muscles through conventional methods such as crunches, sit-ups, and other flexion/extension exercises which push out the abdominal wall. The concept of drawing in is the exact opposite of rectus abdominis training. It is the process where you pull in your abdominal wall.

The lying draw-in maneuver is just one of several exercises that can be used to train the TVA, the most important abdominal muscle in your body. It is a great one to add to your fitness program, as it will help you fine-tune your body and abs so that you can feel confident and sexy in your clothes, bathing suit, bikini and swim trunks this summer! To learn how to do this TVA exercise, type in "lying draw in maneuver" into your favorite search engine and click on the links listed for more information.

Good luck,

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New Mother's-To-Be worry about all the wrongs things. They worry about getting fat, they worry about how they will raise their baby, they worry about their baby's being ugly, they worry about which diapers are best, and they worry about finding the right toys and clothes for the baby. Their thoughts are self-centered.

More than anything else, prepare yourself mentally and emotionally. This new life will place demands on you like you've never experienced before. Your thought pattern will instantly change from self to baby exclusively.

You are going to experience pain, frustration, loneliness, anger, and a myriad of unpleasant feelings. Some feelings will be hormonally base, and others situationally valid.

A new baby gives absolutely nothing back for all the care and work you put forth. The baby only takes. That's their job. This will continue for at least 4 to 6 full months. Will you have the fortitude, perseverance, and patience this requires? My aunt bluntly told me when I was pregnant with my first child that if you give the baby all you can when it's small, you'll save yourself heartache when it's older because sooner or later he or she will demand all you attention. Buckle down and get it done early.

A baby has built-in radar. If you're upset, the baby is upset. Even if you talk gently and quietly to the baby, but inside you're upset...trust me, the baby will know. Will you be able to remain calm and loving inside when nothing but chaos surrounds you? Read everything you can that teaches you calming mental and physical techniques.

Your sense of who you are packs its bags and leaves for a very long time. Can your self-esteem handle this? Establish during your pregnancy who you are. Write down all that defines you. Place emphasis on the positive points. List your interests, accomplishments, and talents. You will be doing yourself a favor if you refer back to these lists when the new baby arrives, and you're feeling your identity slipping away. Keep a few items from your list active during the first few months with baby. If that means reaching out to others to simply lend a kind ear....Do it.

Religiously find a few minutes every day to focus on the positives that have occurred. Write them down. Set your goal for 5 per day. Make this a daily habit. It's your choice to either view this experience as a negative or positive.

You've heard this before; but, adequate sleep is everything. The old adage, "Ain't Nobody Happy When Momma Ain't Happy," is as true today as it has been since the beginning of time. I don't care what you have to do in order to find that extra hour or two...find it. Ask or demand, if necessary, your husband take over. He can do this. You honestly are not the only one capable of caring for baby. If possible, hire a sitter or ask a family member or friend for two hours whenever possible. Put the guilt away and care for yourself. A Super Mom is not a good mom. A Super Mom is an exhausted mom. Good moms are happy moms. Find that extra time for yourself.

If you find yourself avoiding your baby, thinking hurtful thoughts toward the baby or yourself, crying hours on end, or feeling seriously depressed, this is not normal. You may be suffering postpartum depression. Immediately seek professional help. You'll find you aren't alone, and there is excellent help available.

You've been told that with a new baby your life will never be the same. This is true; however, it's also true that no new day is identical to yesterday. Resist falling into the juvenile thought pattern of, "It's always going to be like this." Life constantly changes. Stay off the pity pot and move forward.

You will find that your husband will continue to expect your undivided attention. He simply doesn't get it. Accept this. It's normal and your best way to handle this is to give him attention in ways he doesn't expect. Have him sit alone with you on the sofa (even if it's for 5 minutes and snuggle all the while telling him he's the best thing that ever happened to you and how much you appreciate him; hug him unexpectedly; or, simply take ten quiet minutes and listen (with honest interest) to what's on his mind. He needs to feel acknowledged and validated. I'm not saying you will enjoy this, but he will feel less neglected and repay you with the extra hand you need. Dads are not moms and never will be. Their role with the new baby is quite different than yours. It never has been and never will be a 50/50 proposition.

Prepare yourself well if you're planning on returning to work after the baby is born. Make advance plans for baby's care. Know that leaving your baby in the care of someone else is going to hurt. Your baby is your heart with little arms and legs running out into this big old world. You can lessen the hurt by finding care for the baby with someone you trust and know is gentle and kind in spirit. Take ample time in finding the best place possible for baby so that you can do your job and not spend the entire day worrying.

Forget the extra pounds, the toys, the diapers, and the cute little clothes. You have a big job ahead and preparing well mentally and emotionally will go a long way toward making this new and exciting chapter of your life joyful and fulfilling.

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Have you ever wondered if it is actually possible to lose inches, reduce cellulite or detoxify your body after only a couple wrapping sessions?

People want to know the answer to the question: Do body wraps really work? Can they help me lose weight?

Before I answer that question, let me tell you a little more about body wraps.

A body wrap is a non-surgical treatment that involves covering the body with a clay based formula and applying wrapping towels to the skin. The wraps are usually left on for 45 minutes, after which they are removed and the clay based formula is washed off.

Body wraps are common at the spa, but home body wraps are becoming more and more common because of the ease of the treatment and the amount of money that can be saved.

Are body wraps an effective treatment for weight loss?

Body wrapping does work very well if you want to achieve:

  • Body inch loss - immediate inch loss is usually to be expected, even after your first body wrap treatment.

  • Body detox - they also absorb harmful toxins that have built up in your body.

  • Improved skin - they help to achieve this by deeply moisturize the skin and removing dead skin cells.

Even though body wraps on their own do work well enough, don't forget that they work better like most health care treatments, when used in combination with either a healthy diet or a weight loss exercise program. Simply stated, if you are not eating properly and live a fairly sedentary lifestyle, you will not get the maximum result out of each body wrap session.

So how does a body wrap work?

The ingredients in your body wrap formula go to work right away once you have applied the material. Not only does this moisturize the skin and remove dead skin cells, body wraps help to detoxify your system by increasing the lymphatic and fatty acid drainage from your cells into your venous system. It is the removal of these toxins that lead to real, permanent weight loss over a period of time.

How will I feel after I get a body wrap?

After a wrapping treatment, you will feel like a new person. Your skin will feel much more toned and you will notice an improvement in its appearance. If you had cellulite before receiving your wrap, it may not be visible anymore. Inch loss all through your body will be instant.

Do you want to lose inches fast, tighten up your skin, and detoxify your body from home?

Then this is the only site you will ever need to visit: "Wrap Yourself Slim, Body Wraps Exposed"

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Is your marriage in trouble but you don't know where to start to fix it up? Well maybe the woman you love is battling depression? If so, you may be discouraged and want to give up. But hang in there! Depression can be devastating but it is something that can be treated. Don't leave her battling it alone. She needs your support as much with this as if she had a physical ailment.

Here are 2 tips for men whose wives are dealing with depression.

1. Help her find the cause.

Understanding what caused the depression may be the answer to getting over it. If she recently had a baby she may be suffering from Postpartum Depression. This is a common occurrence that can range from mild to severe. She may feel like she is not a good mother or she is simply struggling to take care of the newborn. Encourage and help her to get through this by guiding her to seek counseling. Postpartum Depression can be very serious if left untreated.

Premenstrual Depression is another type of psychological problem women can go through. You can tell if this is a problem because there will be a cycle. It will happen regularly a week or two before her period. The nice thing about this type of problem is you know that if you can deal with it calmly it will disappear. Exercise and healthy eating can help her control this type of depression. If it gets severe there is medication that can help, usually in the form of progesterone. If you find your marriage in trouble because of this, be extra patient during this time frame. She can't help herself and feels bad too.

Lastly there is regular depression. Usually this is triggered by something in her life that caused a good deal of stress such as a death in the family, losing a job, or moving away from friends. She needs to seek help and you may have to help her to that. It may seem impossible but it is crucial.

2. Get Her to Seek Help

This is surely easier said than done. However here are three steps you take that can encourage your wife to get the help she needs. It will save a marriage in trouble and possibly it will also help your wife's outlook on life in general.

Only state what is factual and what anyone can see. Don't resort to labels. Don't tell her she is inconsiderate. Simply state that you noticed she hasn't been able to get dinner fixed lately.

Make sure she understands what you mean. Then state - "I don't think you are lazy I just want to understand what is wrong."

Now you can try and encourage her to get help. Now is the time to say, "Let's get help together."

The person you married was most likely not depressed when you married them but things change. If your marriage is in trouble make sure you rule out depression as a cause. And if it is the cause understand you can overcome the problems.

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When hiring a confinement nanny, you have to consider what it will be like to spend most of your time with them, day in and day out. If you end up with a nanny that you don't enjoy or who rubs you the wrong way, your confinement period will not be as enjoyable as it should be.

As you search for a great confinement nanny to care for you and your baby, take the following virtues of a great confinement nanny into consideration.

#1: A great nanny will have a positive attitude.

You want a nanny who looks on the bright side and sees all things in a positive light. If they are constantly complaining you will not enjoy being with them, which is not a good thing considering they will be with you for so much time every day. Similarly, if they so uptight and anxious that they seem paranoid over the baby, you will also feel paranoid and uptight.

A good nanny will be laid back and friendly. They will put you at ease even when you feel anxious or uptight yourself. They will look at t he bright side of things no matter what is happening with your health or with the baby.

There are a lot of causes for stress and worry when you are in confinement, but with the right confinement nanny it will be much easier to get through.

#2: Babies will be the main love of a confinement nanny.

When you bring a nanny into your home, she should put your baby first. She should love babies and want to take care of them, rather than seeing them as a bother. You can tell when you have found a confinement nanny who really loves babies when she comes in and automatically scoops the baby up and starts taking care of them.

Your nanny should be as loving and caring toward your baby as you are! There should never be any rough treatment or ignoring your baby during the confinement period.

The right confinement nanny will teach you to take care of your baby and bond with your baby, rather than standing off and watching from a corner. They become an active participant in caring for your new baby.

#3: A good nanny will be just as attentive to your needs as the mother.

While taking great are of your baby, the right nanny should take great care of you. They should watch over you, make sure you get proper amounts of rest, and answer your questions and concerns. They will understand what you are going through and have heard all your questions a million times before, so they know just how to answer to put your mind at ease.

#4: You should be able to verify references for a good nanny.

A great confinement nanny always comes with prior experience. If using an individual nanny, make sure to get references and talk with other women who have used them in a nanny capacity. If you are going through a confinement nanny agency, verify that they only use nannies that have prior experience and adequate knowledge to help you through the confinement period.

It isn't difficult to find a confinement nanny who is experienced and knowledgeable yet friendly, loving and positive in personality. Their presence in the room is going to be felt by you and your baby, so personality is just as important as expertise.

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If your health insurance plan does not cover in vitro fertilization use a two step approach to make your IVF treatments more affordable. First, find an IVF clinic that will provide a refund program. If you qualify medically for the refund, apply for supplemental insurance coverage. You will cover yourself in three ways: rebates if you fail to conceive, a triple return for your normal delivery, and extra protection just in case.

Many couples undergoing in vitro fertilization find that their health insurance plan will not provide coverage. If you find yourself in this situation you may be looking at $10,000 or more in out-of-pocket costs. Plus there is the possible cost of the pregnancy, lost income during maternity leave, along with the extra mouth to feed and clothe. Make your in vitro fertilization treatments more affordable by following this two step approach.

Your first step is to find a fertility clinic that will provide you with a refund or rebate programs. The clinic will reimburse some or all of your costs if you fail to conceive or deliver. You must qualify medically for one of these programs in order to participate. In other words the clinic will agree to refund your money if, based on their experience and data, you will have a successful outcome. This step does two things: it allows you to move forward without having to "waste money" on unsuccessful treatments, and it confirms that you are likely to conceive.

Knowing that you are likely to conceive, buy supplemental insurance before starting your next IVF cycle. Supplemental insurance pays cash benefits directly to you for your normal labor and delivery. Your benefit for normal delivery may be three times what you pay in premium if coverage starts three months before conception. For example, $200 per month in premium may yield a $7,800 benefit for a c-section delivery.

But that's not all you may see in benefit. Supplemental insurance may pay additional benefits if you experience pregnancy complications, premature birth from IVF multiples, postpartum disorders, accidents, or an illness.

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Pregnancy is a natural state that most women will experience at least once in their life. Modern society seams to have parted from considering pregnancy like the beautiful, natural phenomenon it is. One can sincerely ask if the medical community in an attempt to make pregnancy and delivery a safe state has given into the tendency to make them more complicated than they really are.

Too often pregnant women are exposed to stressing messages about the risks of pregnancy and delivery. In reality, North America has one of the lowest neonatal mortality rates in the world.

There are certain proven facts to aim at a healthier pregnancy and delivery. It is suggested that pregnant women have the proper medical care and follow-up. It is also recommended that pregnant women have a healthy diet generous in fruits and vegetables and dairy products. A pre-natal supplement is also recommended to ensure the proper amount of folic acid and iron.

A pregnant woman should stay away from foods rich in sugar (like deserts) and fat (the so-called junk food). Her weight gain will be more harmonious and her baby will not be fed second class foods.

Pregnancy is the ideal time to get rid of unhealthy habits like smoking, marijuana smoking or regular alcohol consumption. All these substances have proven harmful to the future mother and her baby to be born.

A serious word of caution is almost needed when considering drugs whether they are prescribed or bought off the shelves at the pharmacy. History is filled with painful lessons of drugs being deleterious to babies. Any pregnant women should consult her doctor and pharmacist before using drugs during her pregnancy and even before conceiving.

Natural health products are being used freely and in considerable amounts nowadays. Pregnant women have to know that most of these substances have not been profoundly tested and their effects on themselves and their unborn baby are yet to be determined. There is a serious need for control and studies of the so-called natural products in pregnancy. While awaiting for serious studies proving that these substances are completely safe to use during pregnancy, one should ask her pharmacist and doctor and in doubt, refrain from using them.

Some people might argue that these substances are 'natural' and per se can be used freely. One small example that this is far from the truth is that researchers have found substances sold as Chinese remedies without any prescriptions that were way more potent than morphine. In doubt, pregnant women should stick with eating healthy foods and living a healthy lifestyle.

Although many pregnant women may feel a boosted sense of energy during their pregnancy, others will feel like they need more rest or sleep. Again, good common sense dictates to listen to one's feeling and rest appropriately.

Upon getting ready for the delivery, the expectant couple has to know that the proper preparation will help them live the birth they are aspiring to.

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