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Are you suffering from hair loss? Have you ever wanted to have a healthier and fuller hair? Your misery is over! Nettle shampoo is specifically made to fulfill that dream of yours.

Having a bad hair day is what we are really trying to avoid, let alone to experience hair loss. Your hair is your crown. For women, it is the most important part of their body. For men, it represents their masculinity. Hair problem is a severe predicament. As much as possible, you engage in almost anything and everything you lay your hands on to keep your hair strong, healthy and shiny. Women who love their hair so much go to salons to treat their hair right. Even men who are very conscious about their hair see hair experts to make them look good. It is very evident that a person who has a beautiful hair, also looks beautiful and surely they also feel beautiful. Several shampoos are formulated to satisfy people's passion for hair care. But there is one recommended shampoo ingredient that a person should take a closer look before purchasing it. This ingredient is called nettle.

Nettle is a herbaceous plant that has serrated leaves covered with stinging hairs. It has several species; Eurasian stinging nettle is one of its families. There are several things that you need to know about nettle and its benefits for you as it is included in your daily hair care. Nettle can be found in most moderate regions of the world. It grows in brooks, streams and other water bodies. Nettle is somehow dangerous since it can burn one's skin when a contact is made, thus it is coined Urtico which has a Latin root uro, which means "I burn". Nettle has been used in treating several health conditions such as Hyperplasia, osteoarthritis, hay fever, pregnancy and postpartum support, rheumatoid arthritis and urinary tract infection. Nettle was considered as herbal plant since ancient Greece and it is popular in stimulating hair growth, and restoring natural color and luster.

Nettle in shampoo is very useful. This is specifically made for people who are suffering from hair loss and for people who wanted to have a beautiful and healthy hair. Applying shampoo that contains nettle increases hair blood flow to your scalp. It also oxygenates your hair follicles which strengthens your hair fibers resulting to healthier, shinier and fuller hair. Since results won't happen automatically, continued use is needed to reach the dream hair you ever wanted.

Suffering from hair loss and bad hair day won't happen to you anymore. A continued use of nettle shampoo is the only action plan you need to achieve healthier, fuller and shinier hair. With the right understanding of how nettle can work for you, I bet you will search for the particular shampoo that has nettle content. Don't be blinded by wonderful commercials, be wise and pick the right choice when it comes to hair care.

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Your day has finally arrived as you bring home your newborn baby from the hospital. As all other parents do, you must have prepared for that moment the last nine months. You may already have prepared a baby room full of many things your newborn baby could possibly want. You may also already have read many books on broad topics from what name to be chosen for your baby to when you can expect your baby deliver its first words.

Now that moment has finally arrived. There in the crib lies your sleeping baby and one of the most exciting adventures of your life is about to begin. The first one week home from the hospital is just as important to you as it is to your baby. Being new parents, you will have gone through an exciting birth that will have made you breathless and exhilarated.

During your first days at home you will likely have many visitors to come, especially if you are from a big family. However, it would be wise if you limit the amount of visitors that you welcome into your home. You will need time to recuperate and settle into the routine that a sleeping, feeding, and often bathing baby brings into your life.

As a new mother you will need to really pay specific attention to the way that you are feeling. This is to prevent those "baby blues" feeling from making you creep up and surprising you unexpectedly. However it is understandable to feel a bit out of sorts and sad for the first couple of weeks after giving birth. Just don't get drowned into it.

From physical point, your body is going through some major physical changes after the birth of your baby. Changes will be made to your hormones and you likely will be feeling a lack of sleep. You need to be more patient towards yourself and understand that all these feelings are normal. If you do, in a couple of weeks things will feel better for you.

But if you find that your feeling gets more and more depressed and you find it difficult to care for yourself and your family then you should consult your doctor. He/she can judge if you are suffering from a condition called postpartum depression. Though not serious, postpartum depression can cause a new mother to be despondent, tired, and subject to emotional swings and loss of appetite.

During the first week at home, your whole family will be adjusting to a presence of additional member of your family. And if you have other child/children at home, you may be dealing with feelings of jealousy from your new baby's sibling(s) as the new baby takes center attention.

Just make sure that you involve your other child/children in the day-to-day activities that are part of the new baby's routine. Let older sibling(s) help you with diaper changing, feeding, or just sitting and holding the new baby if possible.

Now is your time to adjust to the changes in your life (though you might have experienced it before with your older child/children) and settle into an enjoyable routine.

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A fit and well proportioned body is considered a symbol of health and vitality. Body contouring is cosmetic surgery that reshapes or changes the physical appearance of the body. It is designed to bring better proportion to the body. Body contouring encompasses:

1. Liposuction to remove excess fat
2. Tummy tuck/Abdominoplasty to improve the abdominal shape
3. Treatment of excess male breast tissue(gynecomastia)
4. Body lifts to reduce excess skin, tissues, and fat of the body
5. Augmentation which uses implants or fat to increase the curves and contours.

Disproportionate contour is due to localized stubborn fat deposits which don't go of even with work outs. Liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing localized or regional excess fat deposits, improving your body contours and proportions and ultimately enhancing your self-image. Liposuction is used to reduce localized fat deposits of chin, neck, upper arms, breast, chest, abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks, thighs and calves. Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or a substitute for proper diet and exercise. Liposuction is a safe and immensely satisfying procedure.

Some individuals especially females have an abdomen that protrudes in the lower part or is loose and sagging. The most common causes of this include heredity, multiple pregnancies, prior surgery and significant fluctuations in weight.
A tummy tuck removes excess fat and skin and in some cases restores weakened or separated abdominal muscles. This creates an abdominal profile that is smoother and firmer.

Gynecomastia refers to "woman like breasts" in a male. Correction involves mainly liposuction, but in some cases reduction of the gland is required surgically. It reduces the curve and volume of the male breast and brings masculine form to the male breast contours. The excellent results have prompted plastic surgeons to offer liposuction for big breasted females to reduce the size with minimal scars on the breasts.

With advancing age or after massive weight loss, there is a tendency for the skin to become very loose and hang down esp. over the breast, medial thighs, upper arms and face. These can be taken care of by excising excess skin and elevating the remaining skin.

Areas which are deficient in projection can be augmented by putting in implants or by injecting fat. Most common areas treated with implants are: breast, buttocks, calf, male chest and chin.

The latest craze: SIX PACK ABS. It's for guys who want to look great at the gym or the beach. Also called "the abdominal etching technique", it tries to simulate the washboard or six-pack abdomen. It is a kind of precision liposuction.

CONCLUSION: Don't be "santusht" with your disproportionate body. "Zidd karo" and get your body contoured.

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Hernias are a few of the several medical troubles that can come about when we least expect it. They do not always pose a risk and in certain cases they are nothing but an infliction to people. They are induced when items in the stomach are being pressed out through a weakened region in the abdominal wall.

It can create an uncomfortable feeling and through out time a bulge will might come out when the individual is sitting or standing in a certain position for long periods of time. But it ordinarily causes almost no pain - which makes it simple for the person to treat. There are operations that have the ability to be utilized - which will serve to remove them or you will be able to use something that is easier and more low-priced.

The hernia belt is a unique garment that was made to put on force to the abdominal hernia. For various people it can aid to reduce pain and to force the bulge back where it belongs. When put on every day it can assist to trim the risk that it might become complicated. Remember that only surgery is able to care for it. This is only fashioned to control it.

The belt has been constructed to push the tissue that is falling out and push it back iin the belly. Physicians can urge the patient to put it on in order to control it till they have the surgery repair or even to avoid a surgery. It will allow the individual to feel more comfy and to do regular things.

You will have the ability to purchase a few of these hernia belts at a drug store or you may acquire one through your doctor's office. They will assist to recommend a brand and the type that you should be utilizing. There are a few that come available with removable padding that will increase or decrease the pressure utilized to force it back inside.

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Several studies suggest that drinking alcoholic beverages, even in moderate amounts, may increase breast cancer risk. Regardless of the type of drink - beer, wine and hard liquor, all of these drinks contribute to breast cancer risk and as consumption rises, so does the risk. Women under 55 years of age with no other risk factors who have more than 9 drinks a week have a more dramatic increase than those over 55: they have a 2.5 increase - two and a half times the susceptibility to breast cancer of non-drinkers with no risk factors. Studies in France and Italy, where wine is consumed on a regular basis by almost everyone, have supported this connection. Women in these countries do have a higher incidence of breast cancer than do women in the U.S., though it is a fairly slight increase - only 1.2 to 1.9 times.

As with fat consumption, the main effect of alcohol in increasing breast cancer risk may be during the vulnerable stage of youth. More accurate information as to when and how the effect manifests itself is needed before any concrete recommendations can be made. Whether to stop drinking or not is unfortunately one of the many decisions we all must make based on inadequate information. The risk increase isn't that high, but it definitely exists. Although it may be wise for a number of reasons to discourage children from drinking, it is an area, like many in parenting, where you may not have a lot of control.

Another known risk factor for breast cancer is radiation. At least three major studies have confirmed that there is indeed a link between radiation and increased risk of breast cancer. The first study came out of one of the major tragedies of the 20th century - the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II. The residents in the immediate area of the bombings died instantly. But it has become evident that those within a 10-kilometer radius of the bomb site developed far more cancer than others in comparable populations and researches began studying these survivors to learn more about the dangers of radiation. Another study composed of Canadian patients looked at women who had been treated for lung tuberculosis with fluoroscopy. This is a common method for treating the disease during the 1930s and 1940s. When the women were studied in the 1970s, they were found to have an increased incidence of breast cancer. A study in New York examined a group of 606 women who had suffered postpartum mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands within the breast) - and had been having radiation therapy averaging 50 and 450 radiation doses to alleviate their pain. They too had a rate pf breast cancer higher than that of the general population and the risk is radiation dose-related.

Radiation to treat cancer places us at the other end of the spectrum: very high levels of radiation are used, on the order of 8,000 rads. In these cases, however, the risk of radiation is far outweighed by the risk of cancer. For example, radiation is used to treat Hodgkin's lymphoma, a type of cancer affecting the lymph nodes. By itself and in conjunction with chemotherapy it has been responsible for many cures. However, some women who had this treatment many years ago are now showing up with breast cancer. It seems that radiation to the chests, which saved their lives, is now responsible for their second cancers.

It won't be surprising if some if the children treated today for cancer with radiation in the chest region will also eventually have an increase in breast cancers. It is unfortunate, but since radiation is probably responsible for their being around long enough to get a second cancer, a few of these patients are likely to have regrets.

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Many women look forward to pregnancy but the real fun begins once the baby has arrived and chaos has ensued. All of a sudden you have a new life to take care of and things get a bit more hectic and then you look at yourself in the mirror and wonder what has happened to your body.

While pregnancy does create a number of changes in a woman's body there is no unwritten rule that says we need to keep the weight on that we've gained and not get back into shape.

A post pregnancy girdle can give you the head start you need to get your body back to its old self, or maybe even an improved version.

  1. Comfort. A good post pregnancy girdle will be comfortable so you can wear it as often as you'd like. For best results they should be worn as soon as possible after pregnancy and they should be worn for most of the day as well. The velcro versions are both comfortable and easily adjustable to fit any shape. They will come in different sizes depending upon your waist so be sure you purchase a size that is comfortable for you. You don't want it to be too tight or too loose or it won't give the desired effects.

  2. Provides back support. A post pregnancy girdle can help alleviate back pain that so many women experience after carrying and delivering a child. You will soon learn that carrying around a small infant will work muscles you probably didn't even know you had. A girdle can provide you with good back support to minimize any discomfort that you may experience.

  3. Help restore your pre-pregnancy figure. Having children does a number of things to our bodies with the most noticeable being the drastic changes we see on our midsection after delivering a child. The stomach muscles and skin will have been stretched to the limit and it'll show. It's completely normal for the belly to sag but wearing a post pregnancy girdle can speed up the time it takes for your internal organs and muscles to align themselves normally again, making your stomach flatter like it once was.

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A parent cannot understand a newborn or infant unless that parent is willing to see what his or her baby is going through emotionally and interact with them realistically and accordingly.

Jimmy is one of the newborn babies I clairvoyantly studied. I hope that this account may give some insights to mothers and fathers of newborns and infants.

Jimmy's mother was caring about her baby's physical health and well-being during the pregnancy. She wanted to do everything right, which greatly helped in her son's birth experience. He was relaxed during his birth and seemed to have little discomfort.

He felt good to be here, and was warm and cozy in the hospital nursery. That translated into a sense of well-being. Because of his mother's caring and his healthy body, he was passive and enjoying a sense of pleasure in his body.

I observed good thoughts and feelings coming toward him from both his parents and grandparents. Caring and loving feelings were keeping this baby stabilized and feeling safe. Jimmy, compared to most newborns I have clairvoyantly observed, was a peaceful baby and having an unusually good experience early on.

Ten days old

When Jimmy was brought home, he felt afraid of unfamiliar psychological energies. His mother was leaving Jimmy with his grandmother for long periods. Unlike being in the hospital, this newborn began having a difficult time adjusting to his home environment. He was uncomfortable, uneasy, and, at times, afraid.

I sensed a feeling a sense of being "disgraced" in him. Jimmy's grandmother gave him affection for her own pleasure, not in a perverse way, nevertheless, he was feeling "used."

Newborns and infants are extremely sensitive to psychological energies; truly positive or negative psychological energies. They do know the difference. Jimmy felt his grandmother's selfish intentions toward him. He experienced those as her using him. That was the feeling of it.

She believed that she had pride and joy in being Jimmy's grandmother. She had many ideas and illusions about him and was dumping an excessive amount of "pseudo positive" feeling energies onto him. Her thoughts and feelings were not matching his experience, and they actually were not appropriate. Jimmy felt her overwhelming lack of realness. This was confusing him and making him afraid.

Jimmy was not getting direct contact and this is where the feeling of disgrace came in. When a person does not feel respected as a human being, most often that person will react with anger and indignation. My sense is that we use anger and indignation as a cover for a deeper feeling of disgrace.

When I clairvoyantly observe infants, I see that an infant essentially feels and responds in all of the basic ways that adults do. A baby from his or her first awakenings in the womb has an experience of being an "I" and, essentially, will respond from that place.

Babies in the womb and infants send and receive telepathic messages long before they can talk. They have an ability to psychically and energetically (clairvoyantly) see the whole picture or the actual truth of a person or situation and will respond to that psychological reality.

Jimmy's parents and grandparents had many ideas about what it meant to have a child and grandchild. They were not seeing Jimmy; they were seeing their ideas about him.

Jimmy was clairvoyantly perceiving and feeling their ideas and attitudes and was confused because of the lack of real communication. This is why he was afraid, insecure, and disoriented. His parents and grandparents were stuck in their ideas about him, so their energies were going into their ideas instead of connecting with this baby.

The good feelings toward Jimmy when he was in the hospital were no longer present. Jimmy's mother was depressed. She had hoped this baby would change her life and make her happy. There were many times during her pregnancy that she did feel happy and this gave her a sense of emotionally stability. She was missing that experience now and was expecting Jimmy to give those feelings to her, but that was not happening.

One month old

At four weeks, Jimmy had become a burden to his mother. She believed that he was demanding and required much attention that she did not want to give.

Jimmy's mother did not want to exercise her "giving muscle." She did not consciously know exactly why, but she was withdrawing from her son and seeing him as an "obligation." This left Jimmy confused and feeling alone in his present situation.

This was a point in time and there will probably be many "ups and downs" in Jimmy's experiences with his parents and grandparents.

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With Summer just around the corner, it is not too early to begin shopping for the perfect maternity swimsuit. This season has some sizzling hot styles and patterns that will make you feel like one hot mama when you hit the pool or beach this summer. Here's a breakdown of some of the best maternity swimsuit styles today:

Tankinis are a great style for most any women who is expecting. The 2 piece gives you the feel of a bikini while the belly skimming style gives you a flirty look combined with a bit of modesty for those of us who do not want to show all their expecting tummy at the pool. The tank style usually comes with adjustable straps and better support for larger busted women. Usually the wider the strap and the higher the back, the better the bust support in the suit. Belabumbum's nursing/maternity tankini is a personal favorite in hot pink. This suit is designed for both maternity and postpartum with discreet nursing access. Very cute and sassy! This suit also comes in solid black.

Halterkinis are another stylish alternative to a one piece or bikini. The halterkini styles typically have an adjustable tie around the neck which always gives a flattering, slimming and feminine silhouette look. Many women like to wear the halter tops separately with jeans or shorts. Look for halter tops that have some padding and good support so that they continue to support well when wet and don't show through. Prego Maternity has a number of super cute patterned halterkinis out this season. The Hippie Chic Sweetheart is especially well designed with wider straps than previous year's Sweetheart styles and fun festive paisley pattern that is sure to flatter.

If you are looking for more coverage and maximum support, then the babydoll style is a good option. Prego Maternity makes both a halter babydoll and the tank style in the plus babydoll which runs in sizes large-2X. The babydoll is an empire style top with a longer skirt which fully covers the hips and bottom in a mini-dress style. The bottoms fully cover the belly for maximum coverage if the skirt floats up in the water. This style has wide straps and is slightly bigger in the bust.

If you prefer strapless, but still looking for some hip and bottom coverage, then the strapless mini is a good choice. Prego Maternity's strapless mini comes in a variety of patterns and solids including a new First Bloom pattern with tapestry of hot pink and black flower blooms and swirling leafs interlaced with white. The strapless has a removable halter string for extra protection when swimming. The snug fitting style provides a beautiful silhouette on your blooming curves and shapes while allowing you to get a nice tan line across the shoulders.

If you are real swimmer, then there is not substitute for well fitting one piece suit to allow you to glide across the water with no extra fabrics and skirts floating in your mist. Prego Maternity's Empire Tank is the best suit out there for lap swimming. This suit provides superior bust support and stretches to perfectly encapsulate your growing curves and belly. It is very comfortable for lap swimming and very flattering on.

Maternal America's 1 Piece Keyhole swimsuit gives you a little more zing and sex appeal to your classic one piece suit. The beautiful ruched keyhole design just below the bust and above the tummy creates a slimming and flattering style which de-emphasizes the belly while showing off your pregnant shape. Halter straps add to the over all sexy and fabulous silhouette of this suit on your pregnancy figure. This suit comes in beautiful solid sky and fruit punch colors this season as well as classic black.

For those of you who love bikinis, Maternal America has some to die for styles out this season. The Jill Boy Bikini is simply adorable. This style maternity bikini has a securely fitting ruched top with a halter string that can also be worn strapless. The matching bikini boy short bottoms are just enough leg to cover your bottom with no ride up and comfortably fitting under the belly for a great fit and sassy look. This style looks especially great in this season's hot Fruit Punch solid color and Flower Power pattern.

As for maternity cover-ups, check out Maternal America's new strapless cover-up in Carnival print. This cover-up is light, breezy and easy to wear. You can also wear it as a regular tube top. Also Maternal America's new Strapless Flower maternity dress, which is also a smocked tube style but longer dress, doubles fabulously as a swimsuit cover-up. As for classic white and black, there is Maternal America's bestselling tunic swimsuit cover up with deep V neck and adjustable ties in the back. This style can also be layered over a fitted top or tank for a casual everyday top with jeans, capris or shorts.

Whether you opt for full coverage with a babydoll or a skimpy sexy boyshort bikini, there are plenty of styles to choose from with cover-ups to match this swimsuit season.

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I'm Pregnant - Should I Exercise?

When new participants showed up in my fitness classes and saw me, the instructor, bearing a round, pregnant figure, their faces took on a look of either admiration, condemnation, or worry. All expressions I easily understood, for when I discovered I was pregnant, I too felt a range of feelings toward my part-time career in the fitness industry. Could I still workout? Could exercise harm me or the baby? What types of exercises could I continue, and which should I quit?

Despite what many well-meaning grandmothers will advise, and despite the old wives tales, (such as if a woman raises her arm over her head, the cord can strangle the baby), most exercises can be continued safely during pregnancy if certain precautions are taken.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has summarized their stand on the issue by stating that unless there are certain medical or obstetrical conditions, (such as hypertension, preterm labor or rupture of membranes, incompetent cervix, persistent bleeding, or IUGR), "women who have achieved cardiovascular fitness prior to pregnancy should be able to safely maintain that level of fitness throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period." The following guidelines are geared to women who are experienced exercisers and have been working out for at least six months prior to pregnancy.

The First Trimester

The most important rule of thumb: listen to your body! A woman's body is keenly intelligent. Just as hunger tells you when to eat, fatigue tells you when to rest. During the first trimester, when fatigue is often at its worst for pregnant women, you may want to shorten the duration of your workouts or lessen the number of times a week you workout, but at this stage, your usual routine is still very safe.

At this time, you can still safely do abdominal toning in a supine position (lying on your back). As a matter of fact, you should focus on this area, as it helps so much with pushing during labor. Having strong abdominal muscles also helps alleviate backache and improves posture. Women whose abs are strong before and during pregnancy usually return to their pre-pregnant figures faster after delivery.

For women who suffer from morning sickness, you'll want to workout at the time of day you feel your best. If you just don't feel up to it, it's OK to take a break from your usual workouts and store up on much needed rest. On the other hand, your workout may give you the energy-boost you need to get through the day.

The Second & Third Trimesters

During the second and third trimesters, important changes occur in your body that require some alterations to your workout. First, your blood volume, cardiac output, and resting pulse increases. Lung capacity decreases as internal organs shift upward. This means that cardio workouts will become more challenging. It is advised that a pregnant woman not exceed a heart rate of 144 beats per minute, or 24 beats in 10 seconds. This general guideline has been given by AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America) simply to be on the safe side, since not much research has been done concerning the maximum heart rate a pregnant woman can safely achieve.

Physically, your center of gravity shifts and balance becomes more difficult. Most pregnant women aren't attempting to perfect their balance beam routines at this time, but you should recognize which exercises require some element of balance and adapt your movements appropriately.

Also at this time in your pregnancy, the hormone relaxin helps to loosen your joints. Some women don't notice any changes at all while others may be very aware of loose joints. During my first pregnancy, I didn't notice any change in my joint mobility, but during my second pregnancy, my knee was very loose, sometimes even popping out of place. Take care when exercising, especially if you notice loose knee joints. AFAA advises that you avoid propulsion movements, rapid twisting, and abrupt directional changes because of the instability of the joints.

Now is also the time when you should begin to avoid the supine position because it puts pressure on the interior vena cava, obstructing blood flow to the uterus. This is the same reason why you shouldn't sleep on your back after the first trimester. To keep your abdominal muscles toned without lying on your back can be challenging, but you can substitute standing crunches and pelvic tilts.

Because your back is working hard to support your growing uterus, you want to avoid exercises that strain the back muscles, such as double leg lifts, planks, and regular push-ups (from a plank position). You can do push-ups lady-style (using your knees rather than feet for support) or against a wall rather than on the floor.

Important Reminders

If you are an experienced exerciser, you're aware of the importance of an adequate warm-up and cool-down. These elements of your workout increase in importance when you are pregnant but also require some changes. Obviously, it will become harder to perform stretches that require you to bend over your tummy. Alter these stretches to make yourself more comfortable.

Again, you want to avoid stretching while lying on your back. My favorite stretches during pregnancy include the cat stretch (rounding your back while on your hands and knees) and the child's pose or prayer position (arms extended overhead flat on the floor, body in a kneeling position. Let the knees fall apart to allow your tummy room to rest.) These stretches help alleviate backache, a major complaint of pregnancy. Another good stretch to perform is a calf stretch, especially is you are prone to leg cramps.

Stay hydrated. I noticed that leg cramps haunted my sleep when I didn't drink enough water during the day. It's recommended that you drink 8 oz. of water before, during, and after working out, a total of 24 oz. to compensate for lost fluids. That seems like a lot, especially if you already have to empty your bladder every ten minutes, but it really helps prevent leg cramps, overheating, and swelling.

Use Common Sense

As your pregnancy comes to an end, modify your workouts to get progressively easier on your body. If your routine was jogging, you should slow down to walking. If you worked out using a step bench, take away the risers. If you're accustomed to aerobics, slow down the music tempo and eliminate jumpy moves. If you were kickboxing, lower your kick height. If you make appropriate changes, you need not eliminate your workout altogether.

Women who have not exercised prior to pregnancy should discuss an exercise program with their physician. Pregnancy is not the time to begin something extremely new to your body or to set world records in your area of fitness.

Dangerous sports, of course, should be completely avoided. A labor and delivery nurse reported a young woman coming to the hospital with a fetal demise at eight months gestation. The girl wondered if the cliff diving she had done that weekend had any effect. Clearly, there are physical activities that cannot be safely continued during pregnancy.

You should use common sense when deciding which activities are safe. Above all, listen to your own body, and if you're still worried, discuss your concerns with your doctor. Die-hard exercisers may disagree, but it's not the end of the world if you have to cut out your workout routine for a short period of time. The most important outcome of your pregnancy, after all, is a healthy baby and mother.

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1. Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a very common condition affecting many men. For the average male, the time from insertion to ejaculation is less than three minutes. The definition of PE is ejaculation that occurs prior to when a man wishes or occurs too quickly during intercourse to satisfy his partner.

It's thought that PE at least partially originates during the late adolescent to late teenage years, when young men often experiment with masturbation. During those younger years, they essentially need to please only themselves. As a result, they learn to do it quickly. Additionally, they often had to "speed things up" in the bathroom while masturbating because they surely did not want to be busted by the home police (a.k.a. mom or sister).

This learned behavior is often very difficult for men to change and can lead to sexually dissatisfied partners. A sexually dissatisfied spouse is vulnerable to temptations outside of the marriage, which can lead to very complex and often irreversible problems. An adage states that "bad sex" has a much greater impact on ruining a relationship (up to 70%) than "good sex" has on improving it (15%).

Thankfully, there is help for men with this condition. Essentially, men must learn to control their pubo-coccygeal (PC) muscles, which originate from the pubic bone, go under the genitals, and attach to the tailbone. A man can discover these muscles by attempting to stop his urine flow midstream. Men with this condition need to go to reputable websites and talk to a doctor or other qualified health professional about how to gain more control over these muscles to stop PE.

2. Chronic, loud snoring

Chronic, loud snoring is often due to a condition called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is caused by a collapsing of the upper air passages during sleep, causing a blockage of air to the lungs, which results in low blood oxygen and disrupted sleep.

People who leave this condition untreated can suffer from many complications including depression, loss of sex drive, hyperactive behavior, leg swelling (if severe), heart arrhythmia, heart failure, high blood pressure, and stroke.

In addition to all the above serious personal health problems, the spouse of someone with OSA suffers a great deal too. The non-snoring spouse may be forced to sleep in a different room or may endure many sleepless nights in the room with a snoring spouse. Either way, OSA may be the source of lots of stress in a marriage and can potentially lead to many serious marital problems.

Thankfully, there is a solution to this common health problem. The fix for most people is to get a doctor-prescribed sleep study and likely wear a CPAP device (a small machine attached to a facial mask that blows air through the nose and/or mouth while you are asleep). Be sure to talk to your doctor or your spouse's doctor about this condition so you can both sleep happily ever after in the same bed!

3. Untreated depression or other mental illness

The time has come for all of us to start recognizing mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder as true medical conditions - just as we recognize high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease. As a physician, I can tell you that some people are just born prone to depression or to some other mental illness.

Most common mental illnesses have a biological basis, not just an emotional or spiritual basis. Most are due to either overproduction or underproduction of certain neuro-hormones in the brain. For example if your brain is significantly under-producing serotonin (the cause of clinical depression), there is nothing you can do about it other than seek treatment. Think of it like this: If your blood pressure were too high and you tried different self-treatments without success, it would be time to start formal treatment options.

When someone has an untreated mental illness, essentially this person is not himself or herself. It is very difficult to maintain any relationship, let alone a marriage, if you are not "yourself." People with untreated mental illness often come back to themselves after starting treatment and realize how many past relationships they inadvertently destroyed while they were just not themselves.

4. Obesity/letting yourself go

Obese, how dare someone call you that! For many people, being told they are overweight or obese seems downright insulting. But it is important for people to know that the term obesity is not a social judgment; it is a medical term that health care providers use to define how much fat is in a person's body.

Obesity and being overweight can make a person sick in many ways, including serious conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. In addition to the obvious potential health problems, letting yourself go physically may lead to your spouse finding you less attractive, and you may have less energy for the things that you used to love to do with your spouse.

Keeping your temple/body as fit as you can will not only make you more attractive to your spouse, but will also help you avoid the obvious health problems that can easily derail whatever ambitions you may have for yourself, your spouse, and your family. To stay fit:

  • Get 30 to 40 minutes of physical activity three to five times a week. Start out by walking (walk like you're running late).

  • Never try to lose more than one to two pounds a week. Lose more than this and you will likely gain all the weight back plus extra because you have tricked your brain into thinking there is a "famine" in the land (a reflex from our ancient past).

  • To lose one pound in a week, you'll need to burn an extra 3,500 calories a week, or 500 calories a day.

Remember, being fit is not just about being thin; it is and should be about being healthy!

5. Female sexual dysfunction (FSD)

FSD involves several female sexual symptoms, including pain during sexual intercourse, not finding sex pleasurable, lack of desire for sexual activity, an inability to orgasm, and/or a lack of vaginal lubrication (arousal). It's been estimated that 43 percent of women complain of some type of sexual dysfunction.

While the causes of FSD are not fully known, they likely involve complex interactions between women's emotions, hormones, stress levels, certain medication side effects, and certain diseases. A number of health problems can interfere with a woman's ability to enjoy sex and feel pleasure, including:

  • Chronic health conditions (e.g., depression, diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol) can affect sexual function in a variety of ways.

  • Pelvic surgeries (e.g., hysterectomy) can damage and narrow blood vessels and prevent the flow of blood to genital tissues, thus reducing arousal.

  • An underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroid) can reduce a woman's sex drive.

  • Genital and urinary tract infections can cause discomfort and sometimes painful sex.

  • Vulvovaginal atrophy is common due to the loss of estrogen production associated with menopause and other conditions (e.g., postpartum), which leads to atrophy of the vulva, vagina, and urinary tract.

Although researchers have yet to determine the exact causes of FSD, many symptomatic treatments exist, so it's important for a woman suffering from any sexual dysfunction to bring it up to her primary care provider or ob-gyn. Women should enjoy sex just as much as men do!

by Jeffrey B. Brown, MD

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Female Alopecia

2.-Growth cycles
3.-Main Causes
4.-Secondary Causes
5.-Topical treatments
6.-Oral treatments
7.-Cosmetic treatments


With different colors, styles and variations, young or mature, male or female, the hair has an important role in a person's image.

While advertising for products that "strengthen the hair" are almost always male-oriented, it may seem that women do not suffer from alopecia. The reality is that over two thirds of women face the challenges of hair-loss at some point in their lives.

Many women find this very disturbing, perhaps more than men. In addition, the female physiology is unique, and factors such as menstrual cycles, pregnancy and menopause are particularly important.

For some women, hair loss can be genetic; however, many of the causes of female hair loss are treatable.

Without a doubt, the physical appearance of women depends greatly on their hair. For many women, their hair is a sign of youth and vitality.

Hair structure:

The external portion of the hair, called the stem, is the part of the hair that we see and style. In reality it is dead tissue produced by hair follicles, small bag-shaped structures located deep in the scalp. Each hair is enclosed within a follicle.

The average head has 100,000 hairs. At the base of the follicle is the oval shaped root, which is responsible for the growth of hair. In the lower portion of this is the papilla, which contains blood capillaries that provide blood to each hair.

As hair grows, the cells move towards the surface of the skin and become a protein called keratin, being replaced by new cells. Keratin is the same protein found in the nails.

The stem is composed of 3 layers: the cuticle, the cortex and medulla. The cuticle, or outer layer, consists of small cells known as scales. The cuticle serves as a case for the cortex, the thickest portion of the stem, composed of cells arranged in the form of tobacco leaves. The cortex holds the pigment that gives hair its color. The medulla is composed of cells with the form of a case and is located in the center. The spaces between cells in the medulla influence the refraction of light in tone and hair.

Glands and muscles

The hair is lubricated by oily secretions from the sebaceous glands, located on the sides of most follicles. Surrounding these glands and the rest of the follicle, there are groups of muscles (arrector pili) that allow the hair to stand up when a person is cold or afraid.

Cycles of growth

The average head has 100,000 hairs. Hair grows and is renewed regularly. Normally, 50 to 100 hairs fall out every day. If there are no problems, this loss will most likely go un-noticed.

Hair grows about 1 cm per month, although this growth declines as we age. Every hair on your head remains there for about two to six years, and during most of this time it is growing. When the hair is older it enters a resting stage in which it remains on the head, but stops growing. At the end of this phase the hair falls out. Typically, the follicle replaces the hair in about six months, but many factors can disrupt this cycle. The result may be that the hair falls out soon or is not replaced. Normally 90% of hair is in continuous growth (anagen phase) that lasts 2 to 6 years. 10% of hair is in a resting phase, which lasts about 2-3 months. At the end of this stage it is normal for the hair to fall out (telogen phase).

As the hair falls out is replaced by a new hair from the hair follicle, located under the skin. Throughout a person's life span no new hair follicles are formed. Blonds have the most hair (140,000 hairs) followed by dark hair (105,000) and red hair (90,000). As we age the rate of hair growth diminishes, leading to a progressive thinning of hair. Since the hair is composed of protein (keratin), and this material is also in the nails, it is essential that all people ingest or eat an abundant amount of protein to maintain the healthy hair production. Protein is found in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, cereals, nuts and soy.

Main causes

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss. It is mainly determined by 3 factors: aging, hormones, and heredity.

Most people experience some hair loss as they age. The result may be a partial or total baldness. Men are much more likely than women to experience baldness and hair loss when they get older, but "female baldness" can also be inherited, which can cause modest or significant hair loss in women as they age. Hair loss is apparent initially between 25 and 30 years of age. In female hair loss, hair is replaced by increasingly thinner and shorter hair. Hair may even become transparent.

Usually, hair loss in women is less obvious than in men. Also, the pattern in which the hair falls out is different. It is most noticeable in the hair part, as well as the crown of the head, additionally the frontal hair line is retained. It is inherited from both father and mother.

About 50% of women who experience hair loss have "female baldness". In these cases there is an abundance of dihydrotestosterone (male hormone) in the hair follicle. The conversion of testosterone to DHT is regulated by the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme in the scalp. Over time, the action of DHT degrades, and shortens the growth phase of the follicle (Anagen). Although the follicle is technically alive, it grows less and less each time. Some follicles just die, but most become smaller and thinner. As the Anagenic Phase remains very short, hair gradually thins and falls out until it becomes so fine that it can no longer sustain daily hair combing. Baldness turns a long, thick pigmented hair into thin, clear and light hair. Nevertheless, the sebaceous glands attached to the follicle remain the same size and continue to produce the same amount of sebum. When a medical treatment (flutamide, cyproterone or spironolactone) is able to reduce the male hormones, the sebaceous glands become smaller, and reduce their production of this hormone in the sebum causing less damage.

There also seems to be an immune factor in baldness. Basically, the immune system begins to target hair follicles in the areas of alopecia. The rise in male hormones (DHT) during puberty starts this process.

Secondary causes

A wide variety of factors can cause hair loss, often temporary, in women:

Birth Control Pills

The pills contain two ingredients, a synthetic estrogen and progestin. Women who experience hair loss while taking oral contraceptives are predisposed to a hereditary progressive hair thinning. This can be accelerated by the effects of the male hormone possessing some progestagens. If this happens, it is advisable to change to another type of oral contraceptive. Also, when a woman stops using certain oral contraceptives, she can be notice hair loss 2-3 months later. This lasts about 6 months and usually ceases. It would be similar to hair loss experienced after giving birth.

Iron deficiency anemia

Lack of iron causes hair loss in men as well as women. However, in women the problem is more prevalent, particularly in those with long or heavy menstrual cycles. The lack of iron can be detected easily with analysis, and corrected with medical treatment.


A diet low in protein can also cause hair loss, as can low iron intake. Vegetarians, people with diets low in protein, and patients with anorexia nervosa may be a protein deficient. When this occurs the body helps to conserve protein by shifting hair growth to the resting stage. This can lead to heavy hair loss about 3 months after the hair growth enters the resting stage. When the hair is pulled, it comes out easily at the root. This process is reversible with medical treatment, which requires an adequate intake of protein.


Some women lose large amounts of hair 2-3 months after giving birth. When a woman gives birth, too many hairs enter the resting phase. 2-3 months after she may notice a large number of hairs in the comb or brush after combing her hair. The hair loss can last about 6 months. The problem, in most cases, is resolved after appropriate medical treatment. Not all new mothers will suffer from this experience, and not all women will notice hair loss with each pregnancy.

Stress and illness

You may start to lose hair 1-3 months after a stressful situation, such as major surgery. High fevers, infections, severe or chronic diseases can also result in hair loss.

Thyroid Disease

An underactive or hyperactive thyroid can cause hair loss. These diseases are diagnosed by clinical symptoms and laboratory tests. These cases require special handling.


Some drugs used in cancer chemotherapy cause hair cells to stop their division, resulting in thinner more fragile hair that easily breaks as it emerges from the scalp. This phenomenon occurs 1-3 weeks after the start of anticancer treatment. The patient can lose 90% of their hair. In most patients, hair grows back when anticancer treatment ends.

Also, many popular medications can cause hair loss.

Drugs that reduce cholesterol: clofibrate (Atromis-S) and gemfibrozil (Lopid).
rugs for Parkinson's: levodopa (Dopar, Larodopa).
Anti-ulcer drugs: cimetidine (Tagamet), ranetidina (Zantac) and famotidine (Pepcid).
Anticoagulants: Coumarina and Heparin.
Anti gotoso agents: Allopurinol (Loporin, Zyloprim, Zyloric).
Anti-arthritic: penicillamina, auranofin (Ridaura), indomethacin (Inacid), naproxen (Naprosyn), Sulindac (Clinoril) and methotrexate (Folex).
erivatives of Vitamin-A: isotretinoin (Accutane, Roacutan) and etretinato (Tegison, Tigason).
Anti-convulsants / antiepileptics: trimethadione (Tridion).
Anti-depressants: tricyclics, amphetamines.
Beta blockers for hypertension: atenolol (Tenormin), metoprolol (Lopressor), nadolol (Corgard), propranolol (Inderal) and timolol (Blocadren).
Anti-thyroid: carbimazole, iodine, thiocianato, thiouracilo.
Other anticoagulants, male hormones (anabolic steroids).

Alopecia Areata

A common disease that causes patches of hair loss on the scalp and other body parts. It affects men and women of all ages, but more commonly youth. The affected follicles significantly diminish their production of hair. They become very small and produce hair that is hardly noticeable. These follicles are in a resting state, and at any time can resume their normal activities after receiving a signal. Some people develop only a few bald spots that return to normal in about a year. Some people loose all of the hair on their head (alopecia totalis). In other people all body hair is lost (alopecia universal). It is believed that alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease in which the body mistakenly produces antibodies against the hair follicle (autoallergic). Anxiety and nervousness may trigger the disease or prevent it from healing. Treatment includes injecting cortisone, or by applying Minoxidil, cyclosporine, steroid creams or Anthralin to the affected area. In selected cases, UVA treatment, or the application of dibenciprona on the lesions is used in order to produce an allergic eczema to stimulate the resting follicle.


A fungal infection on the scalp. Small patches can cause flaking and some hair loss.

Inappropriate hair care

Many women use chemical treatments on their scalp, such as dyes, highlights, and perms. Chemical treatments can damage the hair if done incorrectly. The hair becomes weak and breaks when these substances are applied too often, left on too long, bleaching previously bleached hair, or when two or more procedures are performed in the same day. If the hair becomes too porous and dull by excessive exposure to chemical treatments, it is advisable to suspend these treatments until the hair has recovered. Shampoo, brushing and combing are necessary for proper care of the hair, but if done excessively or inappropriately can damage hair, causing it to break at the stalk, or produce split ends. You can use a conditioner or hair repair product after shampoo to reduce the force required to comb the hair and make it more manageable. When there are split ends, and hair that is difficult to comb, it is advisable to use hair repair products with silicone serums. Excess water should not be dried and rubbed vigorously with a towel. When the hair is wet its structure is more fragile, and vigorous combing or brushing should be avoided. Forget the old recommendation of combing or brushing in excess as well, because it damages hair. Use combs with widely spaced teeth and thin bristle brushes, preferably natural (wild boar bristle brushes for example). The hairstyles that require tension on the hair like curls and braids should be alternated with loose hair styles to avoid the constant "pull" that can produce hair loss, especially on the sides of the scalp.

Topical Treatments

1. Minoxidil. Is a vasodilator agent that has been used orally in the treatment of hypertension and is now widely used in treating various types of alopecia. In general, 1 ml of lotion is applied twice a day (every 12 hours) to dry hair, as humidity increases the penetration of the product several times. Works better in young men than in women (20 years), especially in those with mild hair loss (thinning) on the crown, or a small bald patch 3-4 cm, but also is functional for a receding hairline. The response to Minoxidil varies from individual to individual. Treatment should be 2 to 5 years. The scalp will recover beginning to grow more hair from the small thin hairs. Minoxidil causes hair becomes thicker and healthier. The outcome is better for people suffering from hair loss for less than 2 years. Most see fuzz growing in the first few months. Some experience more hair loss after the first applications. This is because the old hair should fall out in order for new hair to grow. Positive results can be seen in 4-8 months, although the maximum effects of Minoxidil are reached between 12-14 months.

2. Pyrimidine N-oxides. A generic class of hair tonics similar to Minoxidil (2.4-Diaminopyrimidine Aminexil-3-oxide). The results in more than 250 men and women include an 8% increase in hair growth after 6 weeks of treatment, compared to a decrease in the rate of hair growth with a placebo.

3. Tretinoin. Has been used for years in the treatment of acne. It is also a hair tonic in appropriate doses, particularly in combination with Minoxidil. If implemented together, first apply the Minoxidil, wait for it to dry (usually 15-30 minutes) and then apply Tretinoin. Tretinoin should be applied only at night. A slight irritation to the skin of the scalp is expected, especially at the beginning of the treatment.

4. Topical estrogen. Solutions of dienestrol or progesterone may be applied daily for 6-12 months.

5. Natural treatments. There are many treatments with vitamins, sulfur amino acids (cysteine, methionine, tiazolidín carboxylic acid), minerals (zinc) and plant extracts (Indian horse chestnut, calendula) that are useful as dietary supplements and promote healthier hair. Sulfur favours the formation of keratin, the protein that gives structure to the hair. The plant extracts act to stimulate the circulation and revitalize the hair follicle. Zinc gluconate is an astringent and reduces sebaceous secretion by inhibiting the production of DHT when applied topically. Amniotic fluid and tricosacarides hydrate and stimulate the follicle.

6. Others. Lately, lotions containing superoxide dismutase (copper peptide ligands) are being used to strengthen and activate the growth of hair. This is based on the fact that there are chemical messengers in the body that send signals to hair follicles to start the Anagen and telogen phases. In this sense, focused more towards the telogen phase (resting phase), while nitric oxide causes the hair to enter the anagen (growth) phase. Obviously, the treatments should stimulate the levels of nitric oxide and reduce the levels of superoxide radicals used in superoxide dismutase and antioxidant agents.

Oral treatments

" Dietary supplements (vitamins, sulfur amino aids). Although androgenetic alopecia is not due to lack of vitamins, it is suggested that certain sulfur amino acid supplements (arginine, cysteine), vitamins and minerals (biotin, iron, folic acid) favor capillary nutrition, reduce fat, and promote the synthesis of the protein that gives structure to the hair (keratin). Many of these compounds have an antioxidant action.

" Antiandrogens. Reduce the male hormone (DHT) that causes baldness. DHT is an androgen (male hormone) competing for a place in the hair follicle receptors. If follicle receptors are occupied by other agents, DHT cannot enter the hair follicle and therefore does not induce its aggressive action. The problem is that by blocking DHT in other parts of the body signs of feminization may show in men. In contrast, for women this block is less problematic.

" Zinc. Affects hormone levels when taken orally and inhibits the production of DHT when applied topically.

" Espirolactona. Habitually used as a diuretic. It is one of the most powerful antiandrogens. Reduces DHT, the hormone that causes hair loss. Can also be applied topically, which is not absorbed and does not produce internal effects. It is used in doses of 50 to 100 mg per day. It can alter the menstrual cycle and increase bleeding in some patients, but is generally well tolerated.

" CPA (cyproterone acetate). Is a derivative of an anti-progesterone with antiandrogenic effects. It is used for the control of androgenetic alopecia in women only. It can not be used in men. Used in combination with ethinylestradiol. The treatment must be at least 12 months and often requires 2 years for improvement. The result is more favourable if treatment is started within the first two years of the onset of alopecia. The treatment stops hair loss and improves hair quality. Treatment lasts 1-2 years.

" flutamide. Another antiandrogic indicated for women. The treatment lasts 1-2 years.

" Other antiandrogens. Ketoconazole is an antifungal agent that has antiandrogenic properties. In men the treatment can be very effective with Finasteride, a drug normally used to treat hypertrophy of the prostate.

Cosmetic treatments

Cosmetic treatments include creative hairstyles, wigs, and hair transplants. To reduce the visual effect of the thinning hair, camouflage methods can be used.

Keeping the hair short, will make it appear less patched. This will also make it easier to maintain. Longer hair produces bunches and locks of hair that are separated, showing large areas of the scalp.

A skilled hairdresser can disguise thin hair in certain areas. If the hair is thin at the hair line, the hair line and extends to the temples, ask your hairdresser to cut your hair short in front, and leave it longer at the temples.

If your hair is thinner on the crown of your head, keep hair short, about neck length. Long hair is heavier, and this pulls hair, separating it at the crown and showing more of the bald area. If you still have a reasonably thick hair on the roof of the head, leave it long and cover the bald patches.

If the hair is very thin is more difficult to cover up alopecia areas. You can try a gentile perm to increase the hairs volume.

If you have dark hair, you can try to lighten it a bit to reduce the contrast between the remaining hair and scalp, thus making the skin less noticeable.

A cosmetic trick that may work in women is to apply a bit of hair coloured eye shadow, on the scalp over the areas of thin hair. This is harmless and can make fine hair less noticeable.

Finally, do not use products that make tuffs or locks of hair stick together. This allows empty spaces on the scalp to be more easily seen.

Appropriate Shampoos

Maintaining clean hair helps preserve the health and beauty of hair. The frequency of washing and shampooing for each individual are important factors and should be recommended by a dermatologist. In the case of oily hair accompanied by thinning hair, frequent washing is advised because this reduces the fat on the surface of the scalp. It is important to have hair that is clean and non oily, as sebum contains elevated levels of dihydrotestosterone and testosterone (male hormones) that can be absorbed into the skin and affect hair follicles. In cases of dandruff and greasy hair that is washed frequently if it is best to switch to a treatment shampoo for frequent use. With these shampoos, you should wash your hair twice, and the second time leave it in for 2 -3 minutes without rubbing. The comb teeth should be wide and separated. Avoid metal brushes. If the hair has split ends (tricoptilosis) these can be repaired with a silicone polymer based repair serums, which acts as a patch on the split ends.


Hereditary hair loss is not curable, but it is controllable, and the sooner be treated the better. Currently there is not a perfect treatment for androgenetic alopecia, but there are drugs that stop hair loss and prolong the life of hair follicles.

We must consider the present and future hair treatments because hair needs living hair follicles. With baldness follicles are miniaturized and die after 5-10 years. With any treatment you will get better results with more follicles that remain alive. Many other hair problems are temporary and can be treated by dietary measures and other measures. In these cases, good dietary habits as well as eating supplements of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants help to stop hair loss and regain normal growth after a few months. For more information about hair loss, consult your dermatologist, because skin diseases include diseases of the hair and nails. Do not be influenced by advertisements for "hair tonic" or by hairdressing specialists.

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In any group of women aged 80 years, 55% will be suffering from significant scalp hair loss.

Thinning hair

Female pattern hair loss is often first noticed when the amount of hair falling out each day increases and this results in hair thinning all over the scalp.

The normal amount of hair shed in the course of a day is 50 - 100 hairs. Therefore, women over 50 who experience more than 100 hairs per day may be seeing the effects of FPHL.

What are the causes of 50+ female hair loss?

Scientists believe the causes of hair loss and alopecia in mature women may be linked to the genes we inherit from our parents. Most women with FPHL do not have a hormonal imbalance as the hair loss cause.

How long does it take for female hair loss to progress?

Most commonly it starts happening after the menopause and progresses in 'fits and starts'. A noticeable increase may last for 3 - 6 months and then the amount may stabilize for between 6 - 18 months - until the hair growth cycle begins again. Without the best treatment,it usually progresses towards alopecia (baldness).

Chemical treatments for hair loss

FPHL cannot be cured. However, there are some very useful products on the market. By altering the balance of hormones produced in the body, they are able to prevent it from getting any worse, by slowing down or stopping the hair falling out.

Hormone blockers

Some treatments for mature women are based on drugs that block the production of certain hormones. These can be taken as tablets and combined with a hormone solution which is massaged into the scalp.

Hormone blocking treatments need to be followed for at least 6 months before they can start having any effect.This sort of treatment varies from country to country as per regulations. Long term medication is usually necessary to continue preventing hair loss. No products can guarantee to make hair grow faster or create thicker hair, but it has been clinically proved that some women do experience hair re-growth.

All hormonal treatments must be prescribed and supervised by a medical doctor.

Natural treatments

LA BIOSTHETIQUE has been treating female hair loss for the last 50 years with pure and natural ingredients - so it seems clear these experts know how to prevent hair loss from increasing.

Shampoo - Biofanelan Shampoo from LA BIOSTHETIQUE is a gentle cleansing treatment to prepare the hair for subsequent treatment.

Ampoules - Biofanelan Regenerant Premium Ampoules provide your hair with an intensive treatment.

Vitamin Ampoules - Ergines Plus Vital is a splendid treatment for damaged hair shafts - like a course of 'vitamin shots' for your hair - with visible improvement.

Aromatherapy - Visarome Dynamique R supports hair growth and prevents nutritional deficits in the scalp's cells and hair roots. This delicious blend of essential oils including rosemary, sage, geranium, lavender and thyme has a beneficial and invigorating effect!

LA BIOSTHETIQUE products soothe with healing, natural extracts of fruits and flowers while they protect and nourish with important vitamins, minerals and lipo-amino acids.

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Proper nutrition is essential for good health and disease prevention. During pregnancy it is particularly important that women ensure adequate intake of nutrients to support the growing baby and their own health. Yet, according to some research 20 to 30 percent of pregnant women have a vitamin and mineral deficiency, and without supplementation, roughly 75 percent of pregnant women would be deficient in at least one vitamin. Thus, taking a prenatal supplement makes good sense for both mother and baby.

Prenatal supplements are specially formulated with increased levels of certain nutrients that are required to support a healthy pregnancy and reduce the risk of deficiency syndromes in both mother and baby. These nutrients include folic acid, calcium, iron and zinc. Folic acid is particularly critical as studies show that it can reduce the risk of neural tube defects, including spina bifida by 70 percent.

Health care providers recommend women take a prenatal supplement with folic acid even before they conceive because neural tube defects originate within the first 28 days of conception, and many pregnancies are unplanned. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) and the Motherisk Program jointly released updated clinical guidelines in December 2007, based on new research about the benefits of folic acid supplementation for women planning to have children. Specifically, the clinical guidelines recommend that:

"Women with no personal health risks, planned pregnancy, and good compliance require a good diet of folate-rich foods and daily supplementation with a multivitamin with folic acid (0.4-1.0 mg) for at least two to three months before conception and throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period (4-6 weeks and as long as breastfeeding continues)."

Researchers at The Hospital for Sick Children have also found that taking prenatal multivitamins fortified with folic acid can reduce the risk of three common childhood cancers: leukemia, brain tumours and neuroblastoma and can reduce the risk of a wide range of serious birth defects, including cardiovascular and limb defects, cleft palate, oral cleft, congenital hydrocephalus and urinary tract anomalies.

A prenatal supplement can also provide a big nutritional boost for women who suffer from nausea and vomiting due to morning sickness. Just recently femMED introduced Pregnancy + Ginger, the first prenatal supplement to contain a therapeutic amount of ginger root powder to help ease nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy. In clinical research, ginger has been shown to be effective in reducing nausea without causing drowsiness. femMED Pregnancy + Ginger also contains slightly less iron than other prenatal supplements since iron can contribute to nausea.

According to Dr. Fay Weisberg who is an assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Toronto.

"I am thrilled to finally see the inclusion of a safe anti-nauseate like ginger in a high quality prenatal," says Dr. Fay Weisberg, gynecology and infertility specialist. "Up to 80 percent of pregnant women experience some level of nausea and vomiting particularly in their first trimester; this natural remedy will be well received and a welcome relief to many."

Although a quality prenatal supplement will provide all the essential vitamins and minerals, they are not a substitute for a healthy diet. Pregnancy is a time when you need to take extra care in ensuring that are meeting your and your baby's nutritional demands.

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Holding your new born baby in your hands is an experience truly unexplainable with words. The next step to taking care of your fragile little baby is to know the diseases related to a new born baby and the necessary steps to be taken to avoid further problems.


Most common disease seen in a new born is jaundice. Almost all the babies are born with mild levels of jaundice. But there is nothing to worry. If the disease seems to extend to more than 2 or 3 weeks, call your doctor. Jaundice in new born is common because, the baby's body as accumulated waste products. Normally, mother's body would have removed it, but now the baby's own body has to do this. So it takes time. That period is reflected as jaundice.

Erythroblastosis fetalis (Hemolytic disease of the new born)

If the mother has Rh negative blood and the baby has Rh positive blood, the mother's body assumes the Rh positive blood of the baby as a foreign particle. The immediate result would be to produce antibodies to fight this Rh positive blood. This doesn't however affect the first conceived child. The second conceived child which is Rh positive will be born blue due to lack of oxygen.

For this new born baby disease there are injections which will neutralize these antibodies and save the child from being born blue.

Viral infections

Chicken pox, polio, HIV and the list goes on. To prevent such viral infections, hygiene is the key. Nowadays vaccines have come up to save the diseases from affecting the new born. These vaccinations should be provided as soon as possible and the booster doses should be provided as well.

In case the mother is suffering from Herpes or any other STD, the baby has a chance of being infected by the virus while travelling out of the birth canal. Eyes are prone to infection this way.


Flu is one of the common diseases that attack neonates. Coughing, sneezing and breathing troubles are some of the common symptoms. This is sometimes accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting and fever. Many safe and tested drugs are there to control flu.


A deadly and severely extremities deforming disease, polio attacks babies through contaminated water and food. Polio vaccine is an absolute essential and probably the only way to prevent the disease form affecting your baby. Not once, but the vaccine has to be administered twice an year within a gap of 3 or 6 months, depending on the age, till the age of 5.

Diseases of premature babies

Heart diseases are the most common premature baby diseases. Blood vessels closure (requires drugs and sometime surgery), brain damage, infections due to compromised immune system, eye problems, respiratory problems, etc.

All these are curable to give the baby a healthy and normal life.

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It won't be long now until you meet your little boy or girl. Only eight weeks to go until your baby is considered "full term" and less than eleven weeks until his/her estimated due date. At pregnancy week 29, your baby weighs 2.5 pounds and he/she is probably over 15 inches long from head to heel.

  • Your baby's head is growing larger this week to make room for his/her developing brain - which is busy forming billions of neurons every day.

  • From week 29 and onward, your baby continues to pack on the body fat. The more fat your baby has on his/her body, lanugo (fine, downy hair that insulates and regulates your little one's body temperature in the womb) starts to shed.

  • The bones in your baby's body are full developed now, but they continue to be soft and pliable. Your baby's skull will be flexible until the very end so that your baby can easily go through the birth canal during delivery.

  • You may have noticed that your baby has a regular sleep-wake cycle now. Did you know that he/she has started to develop REM (rapid-eye-movement) sleep - aka, the dreaming stage of sleep?

Fun Fact:

If your baby were born premature this week, he/she would have a 90 percent chance of survival, thanks to the advances in neonatal intensive care.


At 29 weeks pregnant, you definitely look and feel pregnant. Your uterus may be 3 or 4 inches above your belly button, and your pregnancy weight gain may be anywhere between 15 and 20 pounds, possibly more. You should expect to gain at least a pound or two with each week that passes until you deliver.

Now that you are in the third trimester, it's more important than ever that you continue to eat a healthy and nutritious diet. To meet your baby's increasing nutritional demands, you need to eat plenty of quality proteins (such as lean meats, fish, cheese, legumes, grains, and eggs), vitamin C, folic acid, and iron. You also should be drinking plenty of milk or enriched orange juice, because your baby's bones need a good supply of calcium to make them strong. (With every day that passes, about 250 milligrams of calcium is being deposited into your baby's skeleton. This process is called "ossification.")

If you're battling constipation, you may want to boost your intake of fiber-containing foods. This includes fruits, berries, legumes, and beans. You should also drink plenty of water and keep well hydrated. This may lessen your constipation and possibly prevent hemorrhoids (which are also quite common during pregnancy).

By pregnancy week 29, you may have noticed that your baby is rather active now. You may want to start paying attention to your baby's movements every day. Your doctor may even recommend that you spend some time counting kicks. You should contact your healthcare provider immediately if you notice any abnormal movement patterns or a substantial reduction in your little one's movements.

Get some much needed rest this week and in your third trimester. Whenever you sit down or lay in bed, be sure to keep your legs and feet elevated. This may help reduce your edema (or swelling during pregnancy). Walking or light exercise may also help with swelling. If your partner is willing, ask him to join you on a short walk around the neighborhood. This will also give the two of you some time alone.

Helpful Tip:

If you have other children, you may consider hiring a babysitter for a few hours and going out on a romantic date with your significant other. It's important for you to spend as much time with your partner as you can before baby comes.


Benefits of Breastfeeding

At week 29 of pregnancy, you still have some time to decide whether or not you are going to breastfeed your baby, but this is a great week to start thinking about it. The decision is up to you, though most doctors do recommend that you breastfeed instead of bottle feed. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that moms exclusively breastfeed their babies for the first six months of life (though any amount of breast milk is beneficial for baby).

Breast milk is nature's perfect baby food, since it contains all of the vitamins and nutrients that your baby needs. Breast milk is also packed with antibodies (disease-fighting substances) that protect your baby from illness. Many studies from all over the world have proven that breast milk reduces your baby's risk of getting stomach viruses, lower respiratory diseases, ear infections, and meningitis. And when your baby does get sick, their illness is less severe than in babies who are bottle fed.

It's also interesting to note that a large study by the National Institute of Environmental Health Services showed that breastfed babies have a 20 percent lower risk of dying between 28 days of life and one year old, compared to babies who are bottle fed.

Interestingly, research has also shown that breastfeeding's benefits don't stop. They last for the rest of your child's life. Breastfeeding can reduce your child's risk of developing certain childhood cancers, as well as lowering his/her risk of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

How does breastfeeding protect your child from so much? Well, breast milk contains a substance called "secretory immunoglobulin A," which guards against disease by forming a protective layer on the mucous membranes of your baby's nose, throat, and intestines.

Breast milk is also individual to each baby, which formula just can't compete with. It's not only more easily digested by your baby, which may reduce colic and spitting up, but breast milk constantly changes and adapts to your baby's needs.

Researchers have also found a link between breastfeeding and intelligence. Babies who were exclusively breastfeed tend to have higher IQs and perform better on tests than babies who were bottle fed.

Fun Fact:

Breastfeeding helps contract your uterus after you deliver, reducing your risk of postpartum hemorrhage and it helps you lose that pregnancy weight faster!

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I am a real mom with a 3 year old daughter and a 20 month old son. Losing the baby belly was a struggle until I finally took control to make it happen. I stopped trying to find the "perfect" formula and started doing what was right for me. I learned a lot along the way and I would like to share it with you.

1st Tip: Understand what must happen to lose baby belly fat. All body fat, including baby belly fat, is lost by burning more calories than you intake. The whole weight loss industry is built around this basic fact with an enormous number of ways to reduce caloric intake (diet) or increase caloric burn (exercise) or both.

Doing a ton of stomach crunches a day but eating more calories than you burn will still not get rid of the baby belly. Instead, you will have some fantastic abdominal muscles and you may even lose an inch or two around your waist due to your tightened muscles but they will still be buried under baby belly fat. Whatever path you choose to lose the baby weight must amount to taking in less calories than you burn whether it be through diet, exercise, or a combination of the two.

2nd Tip: Choose a realistic path for YOUR success. Every mother has a different personality and is in a different position in her life. Some of us find exercising easier than dieting and others feel the opposite. Some moms are incredibly busy with child care while others are starting to feel some flexibility as their children get older. Our lives as well as our children are always changing so thus can our diet/exercise routines.

You will have a much better chance of success if you are realistic about what you can fit in your life right now. Can you fit a simple diet into your day? Can you squeeze in some exercise while your kids are napping if you stay home or during your lunch break if you work?

For example: For me, I was not able to concentrate on any serious dieting or exercise until sometime after my son turned 1 year old. Before that I was just too overwhelmed with caring for my babies to focus on myself. When I was ready to lose the baby belly my choice was to introduce an easy diet then slowly start adding exercise back into my schedule. This worked for me. Your success will come much sooner if you consider what is realistic for your personality and situation.

3rd Tip: Dieting Tips. For a diet to be successful it must be what you like. Think about whether or not you like to cook/eat fancier gourmet type meals? If so, then choose a diet that is built on fancy recipes/meals, otherwise stick with a diet that consists of super simple foods if time-saving is your priority. Consider if you want the flexibility to plan your meals or do you like a meal plan that is already created for you?

Most of the dieting industry will try to sell us diets by claiming that theirs is the best. The truth is that as long as it is a healthy diet, they will all work to some degree and true success is going to come from you picking the diet that is best for you rather than the diet picking you.

4th Tip: Exercise Tips. The same goes for exercise as for diets. There are tons of different exercises that are beneficial to losing the baby belly, some more than others. The truth is that you will benefit from any exercise you can get so start moving as soon as you can. Here are some ideas for busy moms. If you work, look at your lunch hour. Is there somewhere you can walk? Is there a YMCA close by? If not, you can consider some early morning exercise before the kids get up or maybe an "exercise session" in the evenings that involves your kids in some way. Stay-at-home moms have the same options except that instead of lunch hours, maybe you have some time during your kid(s) nap.

You will be most successful at sticking to it if you enjoy it. Think about the different options. You can do various sports in the backyard with the kids, bike riding, gyms (my local YMCA has childcare), DVD workouts, free weights at home. I even used a free exercise video I played from the internet for a while. The perfect exercise is doing what you enjoy and what you can manage. That will give you the best chance of success.

Good Luck! Take control and make diet and exercise work for you rather than you work for it.

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There are few things as joyful as the birth of a baby. Nine months of preparation, anticipation and planning for the future. During this time, the mothers body has gone through several changes, both physically and hormonally. Although these changes are perfectly normal, over half of all women experience mood-related symptoms following childbirth which usually disappears in a few weeks. In approximately one our of eight, the symptoms can last for several weeks or months.

Having a baby is a great responsibility that requires a commitment of 24/7. From the moment a child is born, your life completely changes. No longer can your needs come first. The needs of the child will always take precedent. This drastic lifestyle change, coupled with great responsibility and further enhanced by hormones, can be devastating. The strain may occasionally become overwhelming.

In 10% to 20% of births, the mother may experience what is termed as postpartum depression. In these cases, the birth is not considered a joyful event. The mother suffers feelings ranging from extreme melancholy to anger and fear. Postpartum depression stems from a condition known as perinatal mood disorder, which can manifest during the pregnancy or after the birth. This form of depression has several possible symptoms.

1. You may stop eating altogether or have an insatiable appetite.
2. Sleeping constantly or suffering from insomnia.
3. Anxiety or inability to function.
4. Feelings of shame or guilt.
5. Little or no concern for the baby.
6. Negative feelings toward the baby.
7. Inability to feel happiness with anything you do.
8. Thoughts of hurting your baby.
9. Thoughts of hurting yourself.
10. Thoughts of death or suicide.

Postpartum depression makes it difficult to function well, which includes bonding with your baby. It can cause the baby to have slower in behavior, language, and mental development, which makes it important to get treatment early. The earlier you are treated, the quicker your recovery, the lower your chances of repeat depression, and the less your baby's development will be affected by your condition.

In rare cases dangerous postpartum psychosis symptoms may occur. This includes hallucinations, feeling detached and having urges to hurt oneself or others. These symptoms tend to affect women who have bipolar disorder or have had postpartum psychosis in the past.

Postpartum depression may also cause a strain on the parents relationship. Having a baby can be isolating and self absorbing for the mother. Many couples do not survive the effects of postpartum depression, and the divorce statistics are high within the first years following birth.

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There is no such thing as a baby crying to "exercise its lungs" or because of it temper or naughtiness. These are the convenient issues raised for dodging the reason as to why your baby is crying, but they don't do anything to comfort your child to stop him or her from crying.

There are very few mothers out there who can calmly sit back and listen to their baby "exercising its lungs". You may even end up in tears yourself having tried everything you can think of to comfort your baby yet she still remains distressed. You end up wondering desperately if your baby is ill, or hungry, or even dying... You may feel so inadequate that you cannot sooth your own baby that you unavoidably become angry and resentful. This is a natural reaction and there is no need to feel like you are a failure or a bad mother because of it.

Keep in mind that some babies are more naturally distressed than others, and they would more than likely carry on crying even if your baby was in other hands. If you become tense you can and more than likely will transmit the feeling to your baby, making matters worse. You may have heard that over time you get used to your babies cries and will be able to recognize exactly what it is looking for, but in actual fact, spectrogram studies have shown that while there is a difference in pattern in cries made by babies with down syndrome or serious illnesses or brain damage, the sound pattern of normal babies however does not vary at all. Therefore, although your bay may cry loudly when in pain and niggle when hungry, they sound wave pattern remains the same.

The fact is, parents have to decipher what their baby is trying to tell them from obscure information. What happens over time with experience is that the possible reasons for the baby crying are gone through quickly by the mother and she is more likely to make a correct, educated guess as to what is wrong and were to comfort the baby as needed. While all babies are different, it helps to know the immediate background, as well as the experience before the crying started. Therefore, the more intimately involved you are with your child, the better you are able to read his or her distress signals.

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The precious time of pregnancy in a woman's life brings along tremendous excitement but some first time concerns. Suddenly, navigating daily life and common tasks that were once taken for granted can become a challenge. Especially while pregnant there are additional safety considerations that are crucial for the well-being of you and your unborn baby while on the road.

There's no reason not to drive as usual, but sensibility and simply taking it easy are essential. Here are a few considerations and precautions from Women-drivers.com to assist those driving during their first pregnancy:

  • Wear your seatbelt lap belt across your hip bones or upper thighs; not across your belly. Adapt your sitting position so the belt crosses your shoulder without cutting into your neck and position the shoulder harness between your breasts.

  • Ensure the car you drive has airbags, and it's recommended that expectant mothers keep at least 12 inches of clearance between the front airbag and their belly. Pillows or cushions should be not used to shorten this clearing distance.

  • Adjust the steering wheel, or consider installing an adjustable one to extend the steering wheel out or push it further in as needed.

  • For higher vehicles that are difficult to get in and out of, keep a wide step stool handy.

  • When possible, drive at quieter times of day with less traffic on the roads. Because of the need for more bathroom breaks and the possible sudden onset of nausea, if you have the luxury of choice try to avoid higher congested times such as rush hour.

  • Plan your route ahead of time. Avoid getting caught in construction zones with significant delays, or storm fronts sweeping in. Keep updated with local weather and traffic construction sites or satellite stations before venturing off on unfamiliar or longer routes.

  • Avoid dehydration and low blood sugar while on the road. Take water or juice and keep high protein snacks or fruit in the car.

  • Invest in a GPS navigation system. You'll be glad you did!

  • It's a smart idea, pregnant or not, to keep a 'Survival Kit' and blankets in the car. Flares, a flashlight and a HELP sign are recommended.

  • Always take your cell phone and battery charger, especially when driving alone.

  • Take frequent breaks to stretch your legs and back during longer trips.

  • Avoid driving through places where medical care is not available, or where altitude could cause a problem.

  • Play relaxing music to keep your nerves soothed and anxiety levels lower. There are even CD's made for expectant mothers with music by Mozart and Beethoven.

  • Consult your physician if you do plan to travel during your third trimester, especially if you have a high risk pregnancy.

Driving should never be taken for granted, and while pregnant some simple precautions are recommended to be safe behind the wheel!

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Pregnancy complications in women over thirty are several as age plays an important role in pregnancy. There has been a growing tendency to have children well over the age of thirty as nowadays in many families both partners are busy with their professional lives. This is also because many couples are unaware that the risks during pregnancy are higher in a women aged 30 and above. In fact these days it is not unusual for women above 40 and even 50 planning a pregnancy! It is a fact that many older women have successfully given birth to healthy babies and have had no complications, but there are a few risk factors associated with the advancing age of the expectant mother.

Factors That Affect Pregnancy In Older Women

The foremost pregnancy problem in women above 30 is getting pregnant itself! This is because fertility of women starts to decrease with age and in cases where women are over 30 they may even need fertility treatment which has the increased risk of inducing multiple pregnancies in some cases.

A few of the most common pregnancy complications in women over thirty are hypertension, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, placental abruption or placental pervia and bleeding or spotting. Women older than 35 years also have a greater risk of carrying pre-term babies, low birth weight babies and in many cases the babies may be in need of neonatal care. Older expectant women also have an increased chance of having multiple pregnancies. The incidence of fetal death during the last trimester is also high in women older than 35.

Other pregnancy complications in women over thirty include the risks of giving birth to a baby with Down's syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. Medical tests such as amniocentesis are done to determine risks to the unborn child.

One other risk during pregnancy in older women is the effect that disease conditions of the heart, kidney, or diabetes and hypertension have on the health of the pregnant women. The chances of still birth also increase with age as does the need for a C-section.

These are just a few of the pregnancy complications in women over thirty. It gives you a general idea of some of the risk factors associated with the advancing age of the expectant mother. Remember that women from all age brackets do have their set of pregnancy complications and that despite the high risk and complications involved, many of them have ensured that they have a safe and healthy pregnancy by following the advice of their consultants and by adopting proper pregnancy planning techniques.

Most pregnancy complications in women over thirty can be prevented and the chances of a health pregnancy and birth increased by following a regime of regular nutritious meals, recommended exercise, prescribed increased intake of folic acid and other supplements and by having a positive outlook and attitude.

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