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A client asked me recently, "What do you believe are the most common reasons that mothers are overwhelmed?" I thought about this great question and decided to share with you my response. I'm giving you my top three here. Enjoy!

Mothers are overwhelmed and over scheduled due to the variety of extra-curricular activities that they find themselves in this time of the school year as well as the regular obligations of work, home and volunteer commitments. Today, mothers are no longer multitasking but instead mega tasking.

If we follow the pattern backwards, it often points directly to the fact that moms never learn how to stop the "Mom-Me" rollercoaster. Here are some common mistakes made by mothers and another course of action they could be taking.

1. Mothers accept unrealistic workloads and allow guilt to drive them to create schedules that don't work. They fail to delegate family chores effectively and find themselves exhausted by trying to do it all, and then blame themselves when it doesn't work out.

Action: Mothers need to learn to delegate properly. The reason for delegating work is to get the family to help with the needs of the family. Delegated projects should always be appropriate to the ability of the child to whom it is given. If the mom is washing dishes after dinner, she has to learn to ask her spouse for help with other nighttime tasks such as bath, bed time or planning for the next day.

2. Mothers fail to create a family culture of support. Children often have chores and have no idea of the value their task has on family living. As a result, family members don't come to understand that everyone has a vital role of supporting the family. This teaches children that if one family member forgets their important family role then it impacts the entire family community.

Action: Mothers need to make sure that children understand not only what they are doing but why they are doing it. This builds the esteem of children and teaches them the importance of accountability. Parents need to explain to their children that active families need active family members to lighten the responsibilities to make time for these extra-curricular responsibilities. Often children have no idea of the "cost" of baseball practice on the family's schedule.

3. Mothers can be very picky, and rigid in family expectations, and seem to focus on wanting things done in one specific manner. This makes family members feel unappreciated, that nothing they do is right, that they can never please their mom, and hence, the desire to help dies.

Action: Mothers must be open to having things approached differently if they want help from the family. The process of involving the family to help is a process of give and take. Having a family meeting to discuss weekly task and allowing each family member to share their best alternatives for helping. Mothers must remember to praise those family members who are consistently helping out. Husbands and children love to hear that their contributions are making a difference.

In a nutshell, the happiest mothers are those who learn how to articulate their needs clearly, get help when needed and set realistic boundaries of what they can and can not do.

As a "coached mom ", the "Mother" has a deep understanding of the five essential strategies for personal self-care and these replace the old methods of "Mommy Martyrdom": In my book, Time for mom-Me: 5 Essential Strategies for A Mother's Self-Care, I discuss the following five tenets of self-care for moms. They are:

Finding Time
Creating a personal schedule that honors the mother's values, allowing the mother to set realistic boundaries and allow her to fully enjoy what she commits too.

Finding Meaning
In order for a mother to truly help someone else she must begin by helping herself. In order to truly be a wonderful contributor, you must help yourself first. Mothers who commit to a reduced life load find that they get more enjoyment out of life.

Finding Connection
Motherhood does not completely define us but enhances what already is. This involves understanding that while mothers create the lives of our children they must remember that it is their life too. When mothers establish viable supportive networks to assist them they recognize that they become stronger at parenting.

Finding Solutions
Anytime a mother wants to make a change in your life she must begin by raising her standards. She has to decide that she wants more out of her life. Next, a mother must understand she must change what she believes is possible and be willing to try new strategies. She must be open to learning from non-judgmental sources like "mom-coaches" about techniques, solutions and real strategies on creating ways to incorporate what she wants into her life.

Personal Growth
This strategy is aimed at helping mothers make shifts in their lives that leave them changed for the better. Personal growth is recognizing that mothers have the capacity to be more of who they are.

In short, mothers have to find time for the "Me" in Mom and learn the Five Essential Strategies for a Mother's Self-care.

Live fully,


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The care of the person with a thyroid disorder in today's healthcare environment is inefficient at best and is worthy of malpractice at its worst.

Let me explain.

The vast majority of thyroid problems are underproduction of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland.

It is estimated that approximately 1 in 10 people you meet has a low functioning thyroid gland which is called hypothyroidism. The symptoms of a low thyroid output can be global as the thyroid hormones determine the basal metabolic rate of all cells in the body.

What does that mean?

It means that the rate at which your cells respire, take in nutrients, pump out waste products is determined by how much thyroid hormones you have any any one time in your body.

Low thyroid hormone amount in your bloodstream= slowed down ability to function.

This affects everything: speed of digestion, speed of cognition, speed of recovery, etc, etc. This is why hypothyroidism can have symptoms like brain fog, depression, constipation, unexplained weight gain and coldness.

There are 2 predominant models in today's healthcare environment: medical and alternative.

In the medical model, no thought is given to why a persons thyroid is not functioning well, the only treatment is to give thyroid replacement hormones until the message from the brain to the thyroid which is called thyroid stimulation hormone or TSH, is normalized usually at a value of about 2-3.

The alternative model for hypothyroidism is not about thyroid hormone replacement, it is instead fixated on iodine and tyrosine supplementation to allow the thyroid to make more thyroid hormones.

Additionally, thyroid glandulars and co factors are added to insure no nutrient deficiency exists for thyroid production.

Here is the problem.

Over 80% of all hyothyroid patients do not have a nutrient deficiency of iodine or tyrosine as their mechanism for low thyroid production. And, just giving thyroid hormones does nothing to counteract the basic mechanism that is in play for about 80% of all hypothyroid patients.

What is the mechanism?

It is an auto immune attack by your own immune system on your thyroid! This means that a gene in your body got switched on that tells your immune system to tag the thyroid gland for destruction.

When the immune system ramps up for for an auto immune attack, certain cell messengers called "cytokines" are released. These cell proteins or" cytokines" completely interfere with many aspects of thyroid physiology.

So, lets see how this information fits into the alternative and medical model.

The alternative model will try to get the thyroid to make more hormones by using nutrient combinations. The medical model will not care about the mechanism, just replacement hormones.

It is known that if you introduce iodine wholesale into a community, 2 things happen:

goiters go down and auto immune thyroids go up. So, iodine supplementation in the alternative model may precipitate an autoimmune disease of your thyroid! Or, fire up an auto immunity that was already present. This is definitely not the intended result.

In addition, if the mechanism for the low thyroid is autoimmune, giving iodine does not do anything to dampen the levels of cytokines in the body.

In the medical model, since the thyroid gland is being destroyed by the immune attack, thyroid hormones are prescribed. And while this may help a bit in the short term, it doesn't address the way the thyroid hormones are interfered with by the autoimmune messengers called cytokines. Therefore, you can have a person whose thyroid blood test looks normal but are experiencing many of the symptoms of a low thyroid person because the expression of the thyroid hormones is compromised by cytokines.

Neither approaches come close to helping the person resolve the symptoms associated with hypothyroidism.

Here is what does help.

Dampen the autoimmunity!

When you reduce the auto immune expression, you dampen the amount of cytokines, you improve thyroid physiology.

It's that simple.

Or, at least in concept it is simple. The real work in all of this, for me is to figure out the person's autoimmune triggers, and discover which sides of their T helper system to support. And if person needs thyroid hormone replacement, so be it. By the way one of the most profound triggers for flaring up autoimmunity is eating gluten and all of the other foods that cross react with it.

This approach has a profound effect on the quality of a hypothyroid person's life.

Now they have a way to decrease brain fog and weight, increase energy and motivation, have normal temperature, skin, hair and digestion.

Here is the final kicker: If a person had antibodies to the thyroid, there is over a 50% chance of them demonstrating antibodies to other tissues. These tissues can include nerve (MS), organs (lupus), joints (rheumatoid arthritis) and even brain tissue. Even hormones themselves can have an antibody reaction.

If the immune system flares up to tag the thyroid for destruction, what is happening to these other antibodies? You're right. They cause their own destruction of those tissues.

So, the key to most hypothyroid patients (about 80%) is to dampen their autoimmunity, not just give thyroid replacement hormones or a single nutrient to resolve their symptoms.

So, how do you do that? I will address that in a future e-mail.

Recognizing and treating the neuro-endocrine-immune system in about 80% of all hypothyroid patients is is the most efficient model for hypothyroidism today.

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You know you need to hire a confinement nanny to take care of you and your new baby after birth, but actually selecting a nanny or nanny service can be a difficult task. If you don't know how to go about selecting and hiring your confinement nanny, the following tips will give you some food for thought.

Determine Hours

How often do you want your confinement nanny to be in your home? Would you like to have someone live in with you for a short period of time, or would you prefer someone be there for given hours during the day when your spouse is away and you are will be alone? The time requirements for every home are different, so give some thought to how demanding you will be of your nanny's time. This will determine which nanny's are suitable for your home.

If you want a nanny that can be around for most of the day and night or want someone who can spend the night or live in for a short period, make sure this is clear when you are discussing your needs with confinement nanny services.

Determine Expectations

There are some things that are just expected from a nanny. They will help care for the baby and will allow you to get adequate rest to feel your best and recover from delivery. Yet, there are some negotiable terms that may vary from one nanny to another.

For instance, will you expect your nanny to cook meals for you? Will they be required to help clean your home? It's a question of how much help you will expect from your confinement nanny. You have to state these things clearly and ask what services and duties a nanny typically does when you talk with different confinement nanny services.

Be very specific in this area when talking with a potential nanny service. If they don't know what you expect they can't deliver everything expected!

Meet Your Nanny Early

Don't wait until you bring your baby home to meet your nanny. You want to find someone who you feel very comfortable with and who you trust with your baby. You will be spending a lot of time with them, so you don't want to find yourself in an uncomfortable situation or without a confinement nanny after the baby is born due to disagreements or personality clashes.

Ask to meet the nanny who will be in your home before you actually hire them. This will increase your comfort when you come home from the hospital and find them in your home ready to assist you.

Be Reasonable

Finally, be reasonable when hiring and working with a confinement nanny. They are there to help you and make your transition into motherhood smooth and as stress-free as possible. The kinder you are to them, the kinder they are likely to be to you and your newborn baby.

Be reasonable with what you expect from your confinement nanny and resist adding to their workload after you bring the baby home. If you have some needs you could not have foreseen prior to having the baby, discuss it with your nanny and workout an agreement on taking care of the extra duties.
A confinement nanny can become a confidant and friend if you treat them as such.

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Your hospital stay for the delivery of your baby will require a well planned out packing list. There are essential items you will need for labor and delivery and the few days following birth while you are at the hospital. There are things that your partner will need as well as your baby. Most of your baby's needs should be taken care of by the hospital, but it never hurts to call and ask.

For labor and delivery, there are some essential items to pack and some items that are optional depending on your birthing plan. If you are planning on giving birth vaginally and without pain medicine, you will need some items to help your labor pains.

A couple things that you may want to consider are: a Pilates ball, a rolling-pin, hard candy, music and movies, and pillows. These things could help with your labor pains, but you must keep in mind that everyone is different. Something that worked for your friend may or may not work for you.

Now if you are planning on accepting some pain management drugs, you will need much less of that gear. You may still want to bring your own pillows, or body pillow or nursing pillow. Whatever helps you get into a more comfortable position at home, you should make sure you have at the hospital during your labor.

After giving birth you will need some specialty items to make your postpartum stay more comfortable for you while you heal. You will need some oversized full underwear. The pads that the hospital will give you are quite large and you will want them to be able to go into a pair of panties easily. In addition to the pad you may also have an oversized ice pack to place in your panties.

Pants will be quite uncomfortable for these first few days. You will need a good nursing gown for this time. Nursing Gowns can be used during delivery and after. This will be loose and open for fitting your ice pack and pad into your panties, and it will also be very useful for nursing your newborn.

Your toiletries and basics such as toothbrush, hairbrush, and face wash are a must and should be packed ahead of time. These are things that are inexpensive and it will be worth it when the time comes to not have to start thinking about whether or not you are forgetting something. Just have a whole second set of this stuff packed and ready to go a couple weeks ahead of time.

As far as your clothing goes, you should pack any nursing clothing, socks and slippers, and a very loose- fitting, comfortable outfit to go home in. You may just want to buy a nicer pair of nursing pajamas that double as loungewear for that day. These are all things that you can pack ahead of time as well. It will save you stress and time to do as much ahead of time as possible, if not all. You will be much more at ease that you are ready when the time comes to go to the hospital to deliver your baby.

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If you are a woman who has 'Female Hormone Imbalance Symptoms' its likely that your ovaries have not simply decided to turn against you, but that the underlying cause of your hormonal problems lies somewhere entirely different. The adrenal glands are the 'master glands' that control whether you make stress hormones or you make female hormones. Under normal circumstances, women are able to make adequate amounts of both sex hormones AND stress hormones, but so many women are under such constant stress, or at least PERCEIVE that they are under constant stress, that they are continually in a 'fight or flight' response that leads to Adrenal Gland Fatigue.

And whenever we perceive that we under a stressful situation, our adrenal glands produce stress hormones such as cortisol. But cortisol and ALL other hormones, including thyroid hormones, male hormones and female hormones, share a precursor hormone called pregnenolone that is the 'limiting factor' for production of these hormones.

But because stress hormones are designed to be released in the event of an EMERGENCY, cortisol ALWAYS take precedence over thyroid and sex hormone production. So, in the case of women who constantly perceive themselves to be under stress, a condition called 'Pregnenolone Steal' will occur. When cortisol takes the lion's share of precursor hormones, then all other hormones take the back seat, leading to hormone imbalance symptoms.

In true emergency conditions, this condition lasts for minutes to hours at the most, but when people today are in CONSTANT states of perceived stress, it's no wonder that there is an epidemic of female hormone imbalance symptoms and thyroid hormone imbalances that cause so many women to be fatigued, have PMS, infertility, fatigue and other hormonal disorders.

Yet, if balance is restored by easing the stress on the adrenal glands through the reduction of emotional stress, inflammatory stress and dietary stress, then the excessive load can be taken off of the adrenal glands and diverted back to their rightful place in the hormone lineup and the epidemic of hormonal imbalance symptoms can be corrected.

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Most people routinely lose between 70 and 150 hairs from their scalp each day, mainly through washing, brushing, and combing. But there is tremendous variation in the number of hairs that people shed each day, depending on the number of scalp hairs and the length of the growth cycle. As people age, their rate of new hair growth slows down, resulting in a gradual thinning.

Scalp hair starts to thin when more hairs are lost through normal shedding than the scalp is able to renew. About 40% of the density of scalp hair has to be lost before thinning of the hair becomes noticeable.

Hair loss can be caused by:

o Heredity issues. Most balding is caused by a genetic predisposition - in other words, it's part of a person's genetic makeup. This is called male pattern baldness, or hereditary balding or thinning. It is the most common cause of thinning hair.

o Illness, certain physical conditions, or their treatments. This can include high fever, thyroid disease, childbirth, inadequate protein in the diet, iron deficiency, cancer treatments, the use of certain medications, and other causes.

Hair may be lost in two ways:

o In patchy hair loss, well-defined areas of hair are lost while the remaining scalp retains a good covering of hair.

o In generalized hair loss, there is a uniform thinning over the entire scalp with no areas of normal hair growth.

The medical term for hair loss is alopecia. There are different classifications of alopecia:

o Alopecia areata is a disease in which well-defined bald patches occur. It usually clears completely within 6 to 12 months without treatment.

o Alopecia totalis is an uncommon condition in which all hair on the scalp is lost. The cause is unknown, and the baldness is usually permanent.

o Alopecia universalis is a total loss of hair on all parts of the body.

o Androgenetic alopecia is balding caused by heredity. It can affect both men and women, although women with this inherited tendency do not become totally bald. The condition can start in a person's teens, twenties, or thirties.

If you notice you are shedding hair excessively after combing or brushing, or if your hair is becoming thinner, you should consult with your primary care provider or a dermatologist (a physician who specializes in treating skin and hair problems). A doctor can determine if disease is present and whether or not the hair loss will respond to medical treatment.

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Today, 1 in 3 deliveries will end in a c-section. With statistics like this, there is a good chance that your delivery will end on the operating table as well. C-section rates are skyrocketing and it is concerning that there is so little information out there on how to recover. Oftentimes, having a c-section can mean a more difficult postpartum period, especially when you are unprepared. You will have limited mobility, low energy levels, and a painful incision to deal with. By having an assortment of recovery products on hand, you can enhance your level of comfort and lessen the time it takes you to heal. Here are a few products that you should consider buying ahead of time in order to facilitate a smooth and comfortable recovery.

Abdominal Compression Binder: Abdominal binding is a centuries old technique. Wearing a binder helps to reposition the womb, reduce uterine swelling, decrease bloating, flatten the belly, speed up weight loss, tone the muscles of the abdomen, promote good posture during breastfeeding, dispel the lochia and eliminate post-pregnancy stretch marks. A binder also helps to support your incision while you are moving about.

Reacher Tool: Bending over while you are healing from your c-section can be a difficult and painful task. Stay upright and grab all of those hard to reach items with this clever tool.

Ace Bandages: Post-surgical swelling is not uncommon after a c-section. Avoid uncomfortable leg and ankle swelling by wrapping your legs in ace bandages to help minimize swelling.

C-Section Underwear: Once you move past the initial healing stage, ditch those ugly hospital mesh panties and slip on a pair of chic, boy-short cut underwear with an ultra soft waistband that won't irritate your still-tender incision.

Surgical Scar Reducer: If you have a c-section, you will have a scar, but there is no need for a large, pronounced scar that can leave you feeling self-conscious or unattractive. Help decrease the appearance of a c-section incision with a healing cream or salve.

Guided Relaxation CD: Gentle guided relaxation techniques focused on c-section healing can increase energy levels, decrease perceived incision pain, and help get you back on your feet more quickly.

Postpartum Tea: Jump-start your healing immediately after your surgery. Herbal teas can help to shrink the uterus and have the added benefit of nourishing, calming, and balancing a new mom.

Essential Oils: The combination of ginger and citrus essential oils as well as ylang ylang flower essence can help a new mom battle the 'baby blues'. A gentle spritz and a deep inhale can leave you feeling uplifted.

Aromatherapy Eye Pillow: Aromatherapy eye pillows can offer gentle therapeutic benefits. According to ancient Eastern healing tradition, the subtle pressure of an herb filled pillow laid across the eyes helps alleviate tension and headaches, reduces eyestrain and promote relaxation. Look for one filled with lavender, chamomile, peppermint, rose petals, and/or flax seed.

So now you have a new baby and a major surgery to recover from. Don't kid yourself a c-section is MAJOR surgery. Don't push yourself too soon, accept help when it is offered, and don't underestimate the healing power of relaxation. You must invest time in taking care of yourself so that you are better able to care for your baby. Just a few simple products can make your journey back to well being that much easier.

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If you have type 2 diabetes, you should receive a screening for thyroid abnormalities, according to researchers at the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) 20th Annual Meeting and Clinical Congress. The recommendation came after a new study involving over 5,000 people found the prevalence of hypothyroidism to be nearly 6 percent among people with type 2 diabetes, compared to just under 2 percent in those without.

Hypothyroidism is a well-recognized risk of type 1 diabetes, but this has generally not been extended to type 2 diabetes as well -- until now.

What Does Your Thyroid Function Have to do With Diabetes?

Both thyroid disorders and diabetes involve a dysfunction of the endocrine system. Type 1 diabetes and the most common cause of hypothyroidism -- Hashimoto's disease -- are both autoimmune diseases, and having one autoimmune disease increases your risk of developing another.

With type 2 diabetes, coexisting hypothyroidism may increase your risk of heart problems, and the researchers noted that early identification of both conditions could improve heart function, blood pressure and lipid profile. [1]

Thyroid hormones also influence glucose homeostasis, including impacting circulating insulin levels, intestinal absorption and uptake of glucose into fat and muscle tissues. [2]

Even Subclinical Thyroid Disorder May be Associated With Diabetes

People with hypothyroidism often struggle with insulin resistance. This is true even at the sub-clinical level. How do you know if your thyroid is functioning at a sub-clinical level?

Oftentimes, you don't.

This condition is typically diagnosed when levels of your thyroid hormones are normal but your thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is increased. This is generally a sign that your pituitary gland is working extra hard to keep your thyroid hormone levels up in the normal range. In time, and if left untreated, your TSH levels may continue to increase until your thyroid gland stops responding, and your sub-clinical hypothyroidism turns into full-blown hypothyroidism.

It's a tricky situation because sub-clinical hypothyroidism may cause no symptoms at all, or it may lead to fatigue, memory problems, weight gain, dry skin, constipation and a range of other various problems that may seem completely unconnected. Again, this often undiagnosed and misdiagnosed condition is also associated with insulin resistance, which typically occurs prior to type 2 diabetes.

As researchers wrote in Clinical Diabetes: [3]

"Thyroid dysfunction is common in diabetic patients and can produce significant metabolic disturbances. Therefore, regular screening for thyroid abnormalities in all diabetic patients will allow early treatment of sub-clinical thyroid dysfunction."

Like sub-clinical hypothyroidism, you can be insulin resistant for years before developing full-blown disease, and often a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is a person's first sign that they are in fact insulin resistant.

Because cases of sub-clinical thyroid disease are often overlooked but may increase health risks for a number of people with co-existing diabetes or insulin resistance (as well as those without), researchers in the British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease recommended "individualization of therapy" as the best solution.

What's the Bottom Line?

If you currently have type 2 diabetes, you should be aware of the connection to thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism and sub-clinical hypothyroidism. At the sub-clinical level, many have no symptoms at all, and others are unaware that their fatigue, memory problems and other seemingly unrelated symptoms are due to a thyroid issue.

You may need to ask your physician to have this checked, as it is not yet part of the standard of care typically provided for people with type 2 diabetes. But, even if you've had your thyroid levels tested and the lab results came back normal, it's still possible to have a low-functioning thyroid. In fact, the condition is often completely missed due to inadequate testing and a general lack of understanding of the complexities of thyroid function in the conventional medical community.

There is some debate over whether or not sub-clinical hypothyroidism needs to be treated at all, and to this I would stress absolutely. At the very least, sub-clinical hypothyroidism can contribute to insulin resistance as well as increase your risk of cardiovascular events if you have type 2 diabetes.

Further, many in this early stage of thyroid imbalance will go on to develop full-blown hypothyroidism if action is not taken... and will miss out on the vitality and energy they deserve in life.

At least 15 million Americans are thought to suffer from sub-clinical hypothyroidism that may or may not be related to diabetes. Fortunately, dietary approaches and other lifestyle changes can help bring your thyroid function back into the normal ranges, as well as help you to prevent, control and even reverse type 2 diabetes. The guidance of a holistic health care practitioner familiar with both thyroid disorders and diabetes is highly recommended to help you formulate an effective lifestyle plan and stick with it.


1. DocGuide.com April 18, 2011

2. British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease. 2010;10(4):172-177.

3. Clinical Diabetes VOL. 18 NO. 1 Winter 2000

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Anytime health problems are prolonged before being diagnosed, it can be very harmful to you. We have all heard that early diagnosis can save your life, especially when it comes to cancer. Early diagnosis of hypothyroidism is also important. When the symptoms of hypothyroidism go untreated your quality of life is greatly diminished.

The starting signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism can be so gradual that it's tricky to diagnosis. Consequently many of the symptoms are therefore easy to consider that something additional is the cause, therefore you and/or your physician may point the fault elsewhere. Misdiagnosing hypothyroidism could bring on a negative effect on your total well-being, because the longer the symptoms are neglected the worse they will become.

One of the first low thyroid symptoms you will probably notice is that you are not sleeping as restful at night. Waking up tired is very common, your body can't rejuvenate its self. It is not hard to understand how this isn't thought of as anything unusual, after all who doesn't have this happen occasionally.

Another problem that will surely happen is becoming lethargic. Lethargy is an additional familiar symptom of a hypothyroidism gland disorder that is easily blamed on a lot things. With all you have to do in a day, who wouldn't feel tired, right? You feel rushed from day to day with all that needs to be done. Sure your tired, however, you may be more exhausted than you should be.

Are you putting on extra weight? Sudden weight gain when you really haven't been eating any differently than you normally do? These hypothyroidism symptoms are frequently accepted by a lot of people to merely be a natural part of getting older. Unfortunately, when excessive weight gain is due to hypothyroidism symptoms, the extra weight won't go away until you treat the underlying problem of your thyroid gland.

It's absolutely essential to start taking care of your thyroid gland immediately or your symptoms are sure to worsen.

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Fertility vitamins should always be part of your pregnancy preparation list. Start preparing your body and mind for the demands of pregnancy. Stop any bad habits that may endanger your baby. Start taking fertility vitamins four months before trying to conceive. The earlier you optimize your nutrient intake, the significantly you minimize the risks of birth defects. Preparing a healthy meal everyday can be a challenge, but think about the good it can do for you and your baby. If you are just too busy, taking prenatal vitamins can provide a safety net of the nutrients it needs.

Fertility vitamins beneficial for preconception include:

Folic Acid

Folic acid is essential for proper cell division and development of the fetus. Studies have shown women who take supplements with folic acid prior to conception have significantly lower risks of giving birth to babies with severe heart problems, neural tube problems and low birth weights. These women are also less likely to deliver a baby prematurely. Other researches have shown almost 50% of all neural tube problems in babies can be avoided by taking folic acid supplements during the early stages of pregnancy.


Zinc is another mineral you should take prior to conception. Studies have shown women with high levels of Zinc had lower risks of delivering neurally defective babies. The risk was reduced to as low as 35%! Zinc is essential for fetal development, fetal immunity and health.


Start taking Iron supplements four months before trying to conceive and throughout the pregnancy. Iron helps in transporting oxygen throughout the body. It can also help regulate cell growth and development. Iron is essential for the development of the fetus and the placenta. Deficiency in iron can lead to anemia. Remember when you get pregnant, your blood volume will increase by 50%. You will need more Iron than usual. Keep a healthy supply of Iron to prevent you and your baby from developing anemia.


Choline is a vital nutrient for the development of the fetus. Women with high levels of choline in their body starting three months prior to conception have significantly lower risks of delivering a neurally defective baby.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid helps in tissue repair, bone growth, bone repair, wound healing and healthy skin. It helps your body fight diseases. It can also act as an antioxidant, protecting your cells from free radical damage.

Vitamin C is essential for collagen production. Collagen is a structural protein you can find in cartilage, skin, tendons and bones. Vitamin C can also help your body absorb Iron. If you are pregnant, you need adequate supply of vitamin C to support your immune system, strengthen the capillary wall and strong placenta.

Fertility vitamins are important for prenatal care. But, you should not rely on supplements alone. You should remember to have healthy meals everyday and only take vitamins to boost your healthy diet and nutrient intake. A healthy diet is mainly composed of organic, green, leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds and fresh fruits and whole grains. Also, don't forget to exercise regularly and keep a positive outlook in life. Preparing for pregnancy will put your mind at ease as well as prepare your body for a healthy and joyful pregnancy. Healthy pregnancy not only lead to a healthy baby but also to an easier birth and lower risk of postpartum depression and other complications. Many women worry about excess weight post pregnancy. One of the easiest ways to lose baby weight is to breastfeed. In order to breastfeed you need adequate nutrient supply during pregnancy. Being adequately prepared for pregnancy will reward you many times over.

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So what's the big deal if my kids are eating sugar? The big deal is that we are predisposing their bodies to suppressed immunity, chronic disease, childhood obesity and potential early diagnosis of Type II Diabetes simply by the kinds of foods/sugars we serve them or give them permission to eat. Individually we now consume as much as 4 pounds of sugar in one week than we would have in the entire year 1700. Sugar shows up in almost all processed foods and is many times masked as High Fructose Corn Syrup. When it's in nearly everything we eat, no wonder our children are born addicted...even infant formula contains sugar. This is a recipe for doom in regards to the health of our children, this next generation being the first who will not outlive their parents. The question now is, are you going to continue to educate yourself on healthier choices for the whole family or continue on the downward spiral toward ill health and costly medical expenses?

Getting our kids off their daily sugar intake may feel like a daunting task, yet I bet you are the one most concerned about this transition. In my experience, kids can experience lethargy, headaches, gut aches, constipation and dehydration due to their sugar intake. What is happening here is a blood sugar crash (lethargy/headaches), a bacterial imbalance (gut ache/constipation), and dehydration (hello soda, "power" and fruit drinks). The quick list of substitutes for sugar laden foods/products below to use for both yourself and your children will help you navigate new or forgotten about options.

These substitutes will just get you started and are based upon basic food habits of someone eating the SAD (Standard American Diet).

Instead of: Fruit Snacks

Try this: Real dried fruit, such as apricots, prunes, dates, and currants. These are all very sweet and can be purchased in bulk for packing into lunches or for individual snacks.

Instead of: Kettle Corn Microwave Popcorn

Try this: Air popped fresh popcorn with sea salt, real butter (NOT margarine) and 2 T. maple syrup.

Instead of: Soda

Try this: 100% real fruit juice (3/4 c) with mineral/seltzer water (1/4 c) for a refreshing homemade spritzer

Instead of: Pop-Tarts

Try this: Whole grain toast spread with cream cheese and 1 T of your favorite jam

Instead of: Chocolate Chips

Try this: Carob chips (use as you would chocolate chips), can be purchased at natural foods store, Whole Foods or a co-op.

Instead of: Cinnamon & sugar on white toast

Try this: Whole wheat toast spread with honey and sprinkled with cinnamon

Instead of: Sugared cereal for breakfast

Try this: Whole grain cheerios with a smoothie made with 1c. whole milk plain yogurt, 6-7 frozen strawberries, 1 banana, 翹 cup orange juice

Instead of: Cookies

Try this: Thinly sliced apples with thinly sliced cheese...a nice blend of sweet and salty.

Instead of: Handi-snacks (those cracker and block of fake cheese combo things)

Try this: a handful of whole grain crackers next to a handful of freshly sliced real cheese.

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As women, it is important for us to be in touch with our own bodies. The way we feel and the way our body reacts to things and situations actually reveal something about the state of our hormones. Hormonal imbalance is the cause of many women's health problems. Being able to spot the changes in our body, therefore, is of the utmost importance so that we can seek the necessary treatment or medical help.

Hence, these are the top 3 signs that indicate something is wrong with your hormone system:

You're Always Under the Weather

Depression is one of the most common symptoms of a woman's hormone imbalance. If you are always feeling tired and lethargic even after getting the required hours of sleep, or feeling particularly anxious or down for no particular reason, you may be suffering from depression.

Sleep Does Not Come Easy

A sudden onslaught of insomnia is a sure sign that something is wrong with your hormone system. If you have never had problems with sleeping and then all of sudden you are staying awake till the wee hours of the morning, it's time to seek your doctor's advice.

You're Losing Hair

Combing your hair and noticing strands and strands stuck between the teeth of the comb, or clumps that have fallen onto the floor is not a good sign. The two female hormones, i.e. estrogen and progesterone may be out of sync with each other, thereby causing this hair loss condition.

Ignorance is bliss, but it's going to cause you a lot of unnecessary discomfort and anxiety if you do not recognize these top three symptoms of hormone imbalance and find the appropriate help and treatment for the problem.

There are actually many more signs and symptoms that indicate this pervasive health problem in women. And thanks to the efforts of women's health care professionals, these type of information have been compiled and made easily accessible to every discerning woman.

So, in conclusion, these three signs indicating a possible hormone imbalance should be what all women ought to be on the lookout for: depression; sleeping difficulty; and hair loss.

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For some women, the first days of breastfeeding are easy and effortless. For others, it's a time of learning, practice, patience, communication, and experimentation. Every woman, every breast, and every baby is different. One thing, however, remains constant; creating a healthy feeding relationship promotes physical and emotional well-being for you and your little one.

Your babe has a physical need for milk, of course, and breast-milk contributes to the health of almost every physical system that your little one has. On an emotional level, creating a healthy feeding relationship will help you meet your baby's needs of love, safety, and nurturing. Whether or not these emotional needs are met will have a huge impact on your little one's emotional well-being throughout his or her life.

By consciously creating a healthy and loving feeding relationship, you are providing your baby with their first experience of a healthy intimate relationship. This gives your little angel the feelings of safety, security, and nurturance that will impact all of their future relationships.

Breastfeeding allows you to read you baby's cues and to develop trust in your mothering instincts. This one act is responsible for a plethora of physical processes that help your post-baby body recover. In addition, breastfeeding also releases the hormone oxytocin (a.k.a. the love hormone), which is responsible for feelings of contentment, pleasure, and love. All of these wonderful feelings will contribute to your well-being and postpartum recovery.

Breastfeeding, and feeding in general, plays an important role in bonding. Bonding is the intense attachment that develops between a mom and her little one. It's what makes her want to shower her baby with love and affection, and it's what drives her to protect and nourish her little one. We psychologists are still learning a lot about the bonding process, but one thing is certain: breastfeeding (and feeding in general) is an important component in the bonding process.

If you're unable to breastfeed, not to worry, you will still be able to bond with your little one and create a loving and healthy feeding relationship. Here are some tips that can help you create a great feeding relationship with your baby no matter what the experience is like for you.

Be Flexible

If you're anything like I was as a new mother, you probably have an expectation about what successful breastfeeding should be like. From my experience, "shouldering" on yourself is never a good thing. Being flexible in your expectations about what breastfeeding will be like for you is critical when it comes to creating a great feeding relationship. Various unexpected circumstances often present themselves in breastfeeding (and in life). How we handle these circumstances can mean the difference between a great feeding relationship and a difficult one. If we're not flexible when unexpected things happen, we can end up feeling regret, blame, grief, and guilt. We can be hard on ourselves, and that negative self-talk can destroy our self-esteem and potentially harm our relationship with our infants.

Release the To-Do List

When feeding, put your to-do list on hold. I know it can be really difficult to sit down and relax when you have a hundred things that need to be done. Our overscheduled busy lives often create unhealthy amounts of stress, thus causing us to feel anxiety, tension, and irritation. Babies have the ability to sense these emotions, which can interfere with the feeding and bonding process. As a new mom, it is imperative for the well-being of you and your baby that you take this time to relax. In addition, when you release the to-do list, it's much easier to feed without schedules or restrictions. When your little one is permitted to feed without a schedule, it provides her with an opportunity to absorb all of the nourishment and love that she needs.

Get Naked (well, sort of)

Providing your little one with as much skin-to-skin contact as possible has huge emotional and physical benefits. Skin-to-skin contact helps to regulate a baby's breathing and heart rate, increases oxygen levels in the blood, stabilizes body temperature, keeps blood sugars higher, improves sleep, and improves brain development. Skin-to-skin contact also contributes to improved postpartum recovery for you, so it's a win-win situation. Find a favorite warm fuzzy blanket, strip down your little guy, and let him snuggle in close while you wrap the two of you in a cocoon of warmth.

Get Comfortable

When you settle in for feeding time, make sure that you are comfortable and supported. It's helpful to learn about different nursing positions so that you can find the one that makes you and your baby feel most comfortable. Also, take the time to make yourself a Zen-like space that promotes feelings of relaxation, calmness, and peace. Make sure everything you need is at your fingertips. I personally liked having a glass of water and lip chap nearby with a nursing pillow supporting my little guy and a blanket on my feet.

Ask For Help

Getting support from family, friends, older children, and professionals is the key to creating a great feeding relationship with your baby. Help the people around you to understand that you and your little one need a calm and quiet environment while breastfeeding. If you have older children, you may ask for their help (e.g., "can you please bring me a glass of water?"). This is an excellent way to help them feel needed and involved. If you feel like something isn't quite right, then seek assistance from a professional. For example, if you feel emotional distress, talk to your physician or psychologist. If you're feeling pain or are having a hard time getting comfortable, La Leche League is a great resource for breastfeeding support and education.

Be Present

Once you've released your to-do list, you'll find it much easier to be present with your little one. Focus on making eye contact, humming, singing, talking softly, or rocking your babe gently. Your voice is soothing to your little munchkin, and your loving attention provides her with feelings of love, safety, and nurturing. In the long run, this will have a positive impact on her self-esteem and confidence.

One final thought. When approaching these strategies, focus on one at a time in the order presented. Once you feel like you've mastered one, move on to the next one. Trying to do everything all at once is a trap that many women fall into, causing stress, anxiety, and feelings of not being good enough. Here's a bonus strategy for you.

Be gentle with yourself, and approach feeding with an open heart. Set your intention to do the best that you can, be flexible as unexpected circumstances arise, love yourself and your body, and all will turn out just fine. This approach will benefit you and your little one more than any other strategy.

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Being lonely is a normal part of our everyday lives. We get sad when we fail in our exams, when we're rejected by the person we love, or when someone very close to us passes away. Depression, however, could be more fatal than just plain loneliness. It could render life-long consequences that could ruin your self-esteem, health, and well-being.

Here are some superb tips to conquer the melancholy mood and get the most bliss out of your daily activities.

1) Get Enough Light and Sunshine.

Lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which could trigger a dispirited mood and a lethargic condition.

Melatonin is only produced in the dark. It lowers the body temperature and makes you feel sluggish. If you are always cooped up in your room (with the curtains closed), it would be difficult to restrain yourself from staying in bed.

This is the reason why many people are suffering from depression much more often in winter than in the other seasons. It's because the nights are longer.

If you can't afford to get some sunshine, you can always lighten up your room with brighter lights. Have lunch outside the office. Take frequent walks instead of driving your car over short distances.

2) Get Busy. Get Inspired.

You'll be more likely to overcome any feeling of depression if you are too busy to notice it. Live a life full of inspired activities.

Do the things you love. If you're a little short on cash, you could engage in simple stuffs like taking a leisurely stroll in the park, playing sports, reading books, or engaging in any activity that you have passion for and would love to pursue.

Set a goal - a meaningful purpose in life. No matter how difficult or discouraging life can be, remain firm and have an unshakable belief that you are capable of doing anything you desire. With this kind of positive attitude, you will attain a cheerful disposition to beat the blues.

3) Take a Break.

I mean it.

Listen to soothing music. Soak in a nice warm bath. Ask one of your close friends to massage you. Take a break from your stressful workload and spend the day just goofing around. In other words, have fun.

4) Eat Right and Stay Fit.

Avoid foods with lots of sugar, caffeine, or alcohol. Sugar and caffeine may give you a brief moment of energy; but they would later bring about anxiety , tension, and internal problems. Alcohol is a depressant. Many people would drink alcohol to "forget their problems." They're just aggravating their conditions in the process.

Exercising regularly is a vital depression buster because it allows your body to produce more endorphins than usual. Endorphins are sometimes called "the happy chemicals" because of their stress-reducing and happiness-inducing properties.

5) Get a Social Life.

No man is an island. Your circle of friends are there to give you moral support. Spending time and engaging in worthwhile activities with them could give you a very satisfying feeling. Nothing feels better than having group support.

Never underestimate the power of touch. Doesn't it feel so good when someone pats you on the back and gives you words of encouragement during your most challenging times? Hug or embrace someone today. You'll never know when you have saved another life.

Get intimate. Establish close ties with your family and friends. The love and care expressed by others could tremendously boost your immune system and fend off illnesses. Best of all, you'll live a more secured and happy life.

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After three to five days or more of watchful nurses and occasional doctor's visits, you are probably more than ready to be alone with your new family. Your partner, family or friend will excitedly arrive with the car seat and that special going home outfit that you selected so carefully. You both get dressed with a mixture of glee and a wee bit of fear. This new little person is all your responsibility now. That part is common to all mothers...no matter the type of birth she had.

But as you get in the car or taxi you may discover the first difference: seat belts that buckle low can irritate your caesarean incision. Usually your doctor will have removed your staples just before you leave the hospital, so that area is probably tender anyway. One trick that might work for the next week or so while that area is still very sensitive is to fold one of the baby's extra blankets and cushion it between the area and the seat belt.

If you live upstairs, you will soon discover another small difference: negotiating stairs can be tiring. Don't do it more often than you have to: plan trips up and down carefully. Rest once you are downstairs before attempting your return journey. For the first few days have someone else carry the baby up and down the stairs for you. If you have hand rails, now is a good time to use them.

That first shower after your birth was probably heaven, but at home you may find getting into the tub more challenging. Most hospital rooms are equipped with walk-in shower stalls, while most homes have tub/shower combinations. Stepping up and over into the tub may require some help for the first few attempts. Of course, it may be a couple more weeks before you incision is healed enough for an actual bath.

Of course, common household chores such as laundry, sweeping, mopping, hoovering and even cooking present difficulties as well. The general advice given after a caesarean is not to lift anything heavier than your baby for six to eight weeks, which means carrying laundry baskets is a definite no-no. Sweeping, mopping and hoovering may likewise be impossible for several weeks as the bending required puts pressure on your incision. Cooking although easier may be difficult for the first couple of weeks if you must stand for extended periods of time.

If like me, you have a perfectionist streak, you may wonder how you can possibly survive. One thing to remember is that although your situation may be a bit different, all new mothers require six to eight weeks of recovery. Some cultures even prescribe that period in traditions that sequester women and their babies from public view. After a caesarean birth, your recovery might be a bit slower than some vaginal births but each person and each birth is different. I have gone home from surgery and cooked dinner. Some women with traumatic vaginal births may recover even more slowly than you will.

This is especially important time for the breastfeeding couple (a term that infers the close connection between mother and infant). Breastfeeding after a caesarean may be challenging. Sad to say, but the number of mums breastfeeding six weeks after birth is significantly lower following a caesarean delivery. Delays in first feedings, separations from the baby for special care and difficulty finding a comfortable position for feeding means that caesarean mums may have more problems such as sore nipples, delayed coming in of the milk and lower milk supply. The good news is that with help and persistence in these first few days at home those difficulties can be overcome. One key is taking that time to just sit or lie undisturbed and feed your baby...on demand...without clock watching.

So if you have high standards, how can you relax and just enjoy your baby? In addition to focusing on your baby instead of that dirty dish, one option is to get help. Of course, your partner is one source of that help. In the UK, men have the right to paternity leave. In the US, men too can take time off following a birth through the Family Leave Act. But it is important too that your partner have time to bond with the new baby instead of just cooking, cleaning and doing laundry.

One absolutely fabulous way of managing this transition time is to hire a postpartum doula. Doula may be a term you are unfamiliar with. The term taken from Greek means woman who serves. Today it is a term that refers to trained women, most of whom are mothers or grandmothers themselves, who can help you during this time. Not only are they capable of handling all those tasks such as cleaning, cooking, laundry and errands, but many also have special training in breastfeeding and birth trauma that you may find critical at this time.

Where do you find a doula? What kind of training do doulas have? How do you know if she is right for your family?

A good place to begin your search is the Internet. A keyword search for doula will probably bring up several options, which of course leads to finding the right person for your family. As with any domestic position that will bring a virtual stranger into your home, a thorough interview is essential. It is a good idea to ask for references as well as police checks.

Ask her too about her training. There are no laws in the US or UK that mandate specific training for doulas. Anyone can call themselves a doula. Some doulas are former midwives or nursery nurses. Others are experienced mothers who want to help others by sharing their experience. But doula training is valuable. There are many different training options available: two or three day intensive workshops, self-study courses as well as longer term trainings that may combine self-study and workshops. But training should cover a few basics such as communication, physiology and the role of a doula. The key is that the doula has the knowledge and skills to handle the special needs of caesarean mums and babies.

But equally or perhaps more importantly is your intuition. Unlike a housekeeper who is responsible for things, this person is responsible for the care of you and your baby. Ask about her experience with caesarean births, her training in breastfeeding and her philosophy of bonding. Listen carefully to her answers and choose someone that matches your beliefs as closely as possible. Ask too about her experience with caesareans. How many families has she helped after a caesarean birth? Has she herself ever had a caesarean birth? Although personal experience is not necessary, a doula should understand the special needs of new mums and babies after a caesarean.

Remember while a doula is a paid staff member the role is similar to that once filled by extended family such as grandmothers, aunts and sisters. For this reason, the most important thing is that you feel completely comfortable with this person. She will be someone that you will rely upon extensively for physical and emotional support during the first weeks of your baby's birth when you are still recovering. She should share the same philosophy of parenting that you wish to follow. If breastfeeding and snuggling are important to you then she should be someone that will facilitate that. Likewise if having a strict schedule is what you want to achieve then she should have experience with that.

While having a doula may seem like a luxury expense that your new family can ill afford, for a caesarean mum and baby their help can prove a vital tool for bonding and breastfeeding. If your caesarean is planned, one way of budgeting for this expense may be to ask friends and family to contribute to the cost in lieu of other baby gifts. Also some doulas, mindful of the need for their services by working class families, will offer reduced rates or barter. Another way to look at it is that with the help of a doula to establish breastfeeding you will likely more than cover the costs you by not buying formula.

If you want to find out more about the Special Start that a doula can provide your family after a caesarean birth, visit the link below.

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The very first thing new mothers need to decide upon is whether to breastfeed or not. Although experts still continue to stress and emphasize the importance of breast milk in newborn baby feeding, the battle between breast milk versus formula continue to prevail as the latter still provide a convenient alternative for busy moms.

Breastfeeding is highly beneficial not only for your baby, but also for you. Aside from getting the assurance that you'll be able to protect your child from illnesses and infections that can be fatal for such young kids, you can also keep yourself healthy. By nursing, you can avoid breast engorgement, getting pregnant again, and also help you shed some pounds off.

However, although enjoyable, newborn baby feeding is still quite a task. As a young child requires extra care, you would really have to need to do some additional measures to make sure that your child is getting the best care he needs. With breastfeeding, there are still a couple of other things you need to keep in mind to assure your baby's health and wellbeing.

One of the very important things you would have to pay close attention to is your little angel's "baby talk". As kids in their postpartum period are not exactly capable of talking just yet and telling you what he needs, you must be more sharp and observant with how he acts to catch what is happening to him, especially during feeding.

If you know how your baby reacts while nursing, you can easily get a hint if there is a problem. Luckily, there are now studies that can help you understand your child's language. With the following cues, you can easily determine the developments during newborn baby feeding.

Cue set #1: Long pauses instead of gulps, worried look, falling asleep while still latched on, aggressiveness, pulling away and then re-latching, and wanting suck again after nursing. These signs usually indicate slow milk flow. Since newborns need to feed up to a dozen times daily, you will need to really be aware if your child is getting the milk he needs. You may be able to produce enough breast milk, but for some reason, your veins may clog and cause slow milk flow.

Cue set #2: Continuous gulping without any pauses, appearing startled and pulls off often, or resisting the second breast even if he still appears to be hungry are signs that your milk flow is too fast. Usually caused by the letdown reflex, having a fast milk flow may overwhelm your infant. This, although will cause weight gain, will also be bad for your child's feeding pattern because it can cause undersupply and apathetic feeding.

Cue set #3: Twisting or wriggling of the baby's upper body. This means that your child needs to burp. Sometimes, some children just burp even while they're still feeding, so there's really not too much problem with this. However, some babies feel uncomfortable, so if this happens, interrupt the feeding for a while and give your child some relief by helping him burp.

Cue set #4: Shorter suck intervals, quieter swallows, and more relaxed body. These signs will tell you that your newborn baby feeding was successful and that your child is now content with the nursing.

Once you've learned these cues, you'll surely have an easier time in feeding your child.

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It's no secret that pregnancy can wreak havoc on a woman's body, particularly in form of loose muscles in the abdomen, excess skin, stretch marks and drooping breasts. Some women get back into their pre-baby body shape with a bit of exercise, but others are not so lucky and continue to struggle with returning their bodies and slipping back into those tight fit denims.

Unfortunately, it's not always easy to get rid of unwanted physical effects of childbearing and get the post-body body back to the way it was before pregnancy.

This is where mommy makeover comes and does wonder. A mommy makeover procedure is performed on a postpartum body part in order to reshape it to give it a more pleasing aesthetic look and enhance the new mom's sense of self-confidence.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy Makeover is a surgical package that consists of various cosmetic and plastic procedures especially designed to rejuvenate the post-pregnancy body parts and give new mommies back their pre-pregnancy body figure.

The plastic surgery procedures most often chosen by new moms are breast surgeries-augmentation and uplift of breasts; tummy tuck, liposuction and Brazilian butt lifts. These procedures are customized based on individual needs of a woman patient.

The ASPS 2011 statistics show that at least 307,180 breast augmentations and 90,679 breast lifts and 115,902 tummy tuck surgeries were performed last year in the United States.

Following are explained some most common procedures new moms often choose to recover their post-pregnancy body to its original shape.

Breast Augmentation: This procedure helps to enlarge a breast that has become small after child-birth. A silicone gel or saline-filled implant is placed under the breast muscle to add more volume to the breasts and enhance perkiness of the breast.

Breast Lift: This surgery is done to tighten the drooping and sagging breasts. The peri areolar lift, circumareolar lift, vertical lift, wise mastopexy are the breast lift surgery techniques a surgeon can choose in order to help you achieve the best possible results.

Abdominoplasty: More commonly known as a tummy tuck it helps a new mom achieve a flatter and toned abdomen after pregnancy. This kind of surgery also removes all stretch marks below the belly button.

Liposuction: This surgery is helpful for women who after having children accumulate unwanted fat in thighs, hips, the waist, on the sides of their breasts, under their armpits and abdomen. Liposuction removes fatty deposits and brings improvement in the contour of the body. This makeover surgery can be done in conjunction with a tummy tuck or breast reduction to get the better results.

Vaginal Rejuvenation: Child birth affects the genital area of a woman in many ways. Many women desire a vaginal rejuvenation to enhance the genital aesthetics and sexual function. Vaginal tightening, labioplasty, fat grafting of labia majora and pubic lift are some popular options in vaginal rejuvenation.

Face Lift: The sleepless nights and parenting stress may have taken a toll on your facial appearance. Face lift surgery may diminish the lines and wrinkles around your eyes and across the forehead. This operation is done to rejuvenate your face by removing the excess of loose, sagging skin of the cheeks and neck.

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We are physical beings and healthy sexual desire presupposes a health body. For most of us, good sex occurs when our minds and bodies are working well and in harmony. Low sexual desire, just as falling out of love or losing interest in your work is not considered a disease. The majority of low sexual desires are not due to one identifiable cause. There are many physical problems as well as emotional and stress related factors that can affect your libido.

Sex, with its physical and emotional release, the boding and release of endorphins can be a great stress reliever. Yet the effects of stress will lower our libido thus causing sex to go by the wayside.

Here are five ways that stress causes decline in the sex drive.

1. Adrenal Glands are constantly on high alert. In other words, every challenge to the mind and body creates a demand upon these glands. Adrenal dysfunction is caused by emotional, environmental, and physical stress. When chronically overworked, the glands will strain to maintain high Cortisol levels and lose the ability to produce DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) in healthy, normal amounts. Cortisol enhances your body's natural resistance and endurance. In excess it will suppress the sex hormones and can lead to osteoporosis. DHEA mediates many of the unfavorable causes of excessive cortisol. It is a precursor for testosterone. DHEA improves energy, vitality, and mental clarity and helps the body recover from acute stress. When your adrenals are depleted, your cortisol and DHEA levels are out of balance. Adrenal functioning can be restored by diet and lifestyle change and addressing the extra stress occurring in your life.

2. Depression can cause insomnia, changes in appetite, and a feeling of worthlessness. Constantly feeling out of control, powerless and worthless can cause a decrease in libido. If you only treat the symptoms of depression and do not address the underlying cause, there will be no improvement in sexual desire.

Some antidepressants make it more difficult for men and women to reach orgasm. This common side effect can also affect the libido. If your antidepressant interferes with your sexual pleasure you may need to consult with your health care provider or make some changes in your sexual behavior.

3. Appetite, either through weight gain and a combined feeling of helplessness and worthlessness can affect libido. This can lead to a negative body image, or even through weight loss due to restricted eating. Research shows that the brain chemical Neuropeptide Y, which kicks into high gear in response to food deprivation, also undermines sex drive.

4. Hormones can be affected by stress thus reducing levels of testosterone, and sex drive. Hormonal fluctuations are a natural part of life such as changes due to menopause, menstrual cycle fluctuations, pregnancy, and the postpartum period. Hormonal changes within the male body can affect the quantity and quality of sperm. Excess stress during these times will compound the symptoms and can result in a lowered sex drive.

5. Sleep deprivation causes excess wear and strain on your body and brain often leaving you feeling slow, soft, and sick.

Men who experience breathing difficulties during normal sleep tend to experience low sex drive. "Sleep deprivation can increase your risk of erectile dysfunction," says Jon L. Pryor, a professor of urologic surgery at the University of Minnesota. That's because testosterone levels plummet when you don't get enough sleep, making it much tougher to get and sustain an erection. But you may be too tired to care, since low testosterone also triggers a drop in men's desire for sex.

Sleep deprivation will cause a decline in testosterone levels in women, which has a big impact on her desire for sex. If you are unable to sleep you may want to consult with you health care provider.

Although stress can not be avoided, it can be managed by exercise, healthy eating habits, and making a few changes in your lifestyle. If the symptoms of lowered sex drive continue after making lifestyle changes, please consult your healtcare provider for further help.

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We live in a stressful environment, we don't eat as healthy a diet as we should, and even though we are always rushing to and fro, we get very little beneficial exercise. No wonder so many people are on anti-depressants these days. While anti-depressants often alleviate symptoms, there are many people who can't take them. Is there another option other than taking prescription drugs for treating depression? I recommend holistic therapies combined with fish oil supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids to alleviate depression.

A mother of two was pregnant and feeling very down. Her physician recommended anti-depressants but this mother had a sensitivity to many medications and the side-effects often made her condition worse. She also feared what the consequences might be to her fetus if she took an anti-depressant medication while pregnant. Yet, her emotions and feelings were taking a toll on her, her husband, and her children. She was caught in a terrible bind. A friend recommended this expectant mom to me for holistic care.

She had heard that fish oil supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids may alleviate depression. Scientists now believe that these healthy fats are beneficial to the brain development of a healthy baby while in the womb. But, there was one problem. This mom had an allergy to fish! She believed that by eliminating the allergy and supplementing with the vitamin fish oil, she could have her sense of well being back again.

I have holistically treated patients with depression many times, and have seen their serotonin levels improve while their symptoms diminished or were totally alleviated. Approximately 70 percent of the body's serotonin comes from the gut or small intestines. If the brain isn't getting its fair share of serotonin, people will feel depressed. By reprogramming the message in the brain regarding serotonin, we can re-establish normal serotonin levels naturally and regain a sense of wellness. However, caring for this particular patient was my first experience treating the blues without attempting to balance serotonin levels.

It took a few sessions to naturally eliminate the fish allergy. There were no shots or medication involved. The patient's body was " reset " to not react - to fish. And it took the patient ten weeks of supplementing 1000 mg. of fish oil daily to disperse the overwhelming feelings of despondency.

Now the mom comes to our facility with her new baby as happy as can be. No postpartum depression or anxiety. And, she can eat grilled fish without any symptom.

Yes, there is a way to treat depression without drugs. Seeing a holistic practitioner may help you overcome underlying emotional connections, re-establish hormonal balance, and eliminate any nutritional allergy.
It is interesting that in the February 8th issue of Newsweek, it was reported that antidepressants are no more effective than placebos. That after 10 years of scientific research, it has been concluded that; taking a sugar pill or tic tac works as well as antidepressants.

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Giving birth is one of the most joyous events in a woman's lifetime. They say that childbirth is a rite of passage into womanhood. Nothing compares to the feeling of holding your newborn in your hands for the first time... that same newborn that you nurtured in your tummy for nine grueling yet well worth it months. With that said, every upside comes with a downside, and that is the unwanted body fat.

This is the number one concern women have after pregnancy. The alteration that was caused to their bodies brings them distress. More so after several pregnancies as it gets worse every single time. To cope with this problem, most mommies resort to liposuction after childbirth. It is a procedure that removes fat through a cannula which is a hollow tube and an aspirator which is a suction device. So basically it sucks the fat out of you! Depending on which part of the body you want to sexify.

Liposuction procedure is often preferred to over tummy tuck by post partum women since there's no removal of skin, just fat. Liposuction has fewer risks involved and less physical discomfort afterwards. Scars are less evident and it is way safer over tummy tuck. Recovery period is also shorter which is ideal for the new mommy since she will have her hands full with her newborn.

Exercise is no longer an option as well since taking care of the baby or maintaining a home or career is already a full time job to the nth power in itself. Let's face it, exercise takes time. Toning that post-pregnancy body takes dedication. Metabolism comes into play as well and some fats are just too stubborn to get rid of.

Liposuction is a tried and tested safe procedure, but be sure to take some precautionary measures before going through with the operation. For sure you have heard about what happened to popular R&B singer Usher's soon to be ex-wife, Tameka. She suffered cardiac arrest shortly after the general anaesthesia. The procedure was never performed and she was put into induced coma after being revived.

Probably this makes you think twice about going through with the procedure. Don't be. Anaesthesia is the culprit, not liposuction. The cardinal mistake that Tameka committed was that it had only been two months since she gave birth. Although there is no written rule about this but I heard from a Philadelphia plastic surgery expert that there should be at least a good three to six months before you go through with any plastic surgery operations.

So ladies make sure that you check with your physician first before you go through liposuction or any procedure for that matter. Just to be on the safe side and avoid any complications that may arise. Philadelphia liposuction is a solution, let's keep it that way.

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