
Heartburn in pregnancy occurs when progesterone is released into a woman's system when she becomes pregnant and many women are finding it difficult to find effective antacids that work for longer than 2 weeks. Some causes of heartburn in pregnancy include alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, chocolate, citrus, tomato, peppermint, fried and fatty foods, over-eating, stress, some medications, and being overweight. However, there are simple and natural remedies you can use at home to combat heartburn during pregnancy.

1. Eating smaller meals more frequently helps your stomach digest the food easily and will help stop your heartburn. Make sure to chew thoroughly and don't rush through meals, take your time as much as possible.

2. The most important thing is to drink lots of water during the day especially after any meal or snack that you eat. However, it is not advisable to drink water with meals as this adds to the pressure on the diaphragm.

3. Another simple remedy for heartburn in pregnancy is to eat some yogurt or thin butter-milk mixed with 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper powder.

4. Mixing a tablespoon of honey with a glass of warm milk is another simple, effective remedy.

5. Another simple way is to drink herbal tea e.g ginger which you can drink hot or cold. It has a very good effect on your digestion and cleans the stomach acids.

6. Half a glass of fresh pineapple juice taken after a meal helps in treating and preventing acidity.

7. Bananas, watermelon and cucumber have protective action against the acidity and heart burn in pregnancy.

8. Juice of one lemon mixed in half glass of water and 翻 teaspoon sugar if consumed before meals helps to relieve acidity.

9. Eating a cup of vanilla ice cream and drinking aloe vera juice is another way to fight heartburn in pregnancy.

10. Avoid pressure on your stomach as much as possible by wearing loose, comfortable clothing. This gives your stomach room to breathe, and is a great and simple change that could help your heartburn during pregnancy.

These few remedies will help stop heartburn and give u comfort throughout your pregnancy.


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